Kyle Cease - Judgement, Your Only Real Issue.

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day 93 I went to the barber at the salon today and I said do you have a hairdo called explosion so they said yeah so they put this together most of that on the top is extensions I had a total crew cut until I went to the salon today and had them extend my hair into a giant pouf this extension is called rooster so I'm really excited about it I've been meditating now for 93 days today's I did really late so it was half falling asleep during it but I did it and boy do I like doing it better in the morning at night because because I'm just there more that just made me more tired too but boy did these meditations add up and you start out so much more advanced and so much more ready to go each one you do and the amount of change that has happened inside me in the last 93 days has been so big that I can't see it I can't I mean I can but I just feel life being really amazing and really easy now and when people say it's easy for you it's it's really because of this it's not like things don't happen to me it's not like there's not problems it's not like there aren't challenges but when you do this you learn that your connection is to yourself and that almost all of your pain is inside you almost everything that sucks everything that's annoying is inside you that's a really weird revelation that almost all pain is your lack of connection to yourself or your judgement of what is and really all meditation is is a practice of the removal of judgment that's what it is the removal of judgment meaning your judgement of your thoughts like so many people when they start meditating their thoughts come up and they go yeah that's not working I'm doing this wrong that's all judgment and you'll no matter what you do you'll just be like oh it's not working or I'm stunned I'm not good at this I'm not a good meditator it's just not me whatever and you suddenly judge yourself you judge how you're doing you judge what you should be doing you judge other people and really what meditation is is the removal of judgment and this is so important because when you remove judgment from your life or at least a little bit more and more every day what happens is your portal your space gets bigger where you just are so much more here now and when emotions come up they aren't judged when an emotion is coming up feeling pain and you judge it you're actually saying this shouldn't be happening that's what judgement is is just saying this shouldn't be happening it's basically arguing with God or the universe or whatever you want to call it or just life it's arguing with life you could be an atheist and still hear this it's just arguing with what is and nothing will make you more stress than arguing with what is and it's there's nothing more insane than it and it's nothing more common everyone just judges what is most people's pain is just saying that this person you know whatever bothers them this person said this about me no the problem is your judgment that they shouldn't have you've decided that they shouldn't have done it this is my past no that's not the problem your problem is you're judging that this is your past and you're at war with it so all we do is we just judge we just judge judge judge or judge and when you meditate you start practicing undoing judgment by having judgment show up and still staying with it watching it fall away so you'll judge you'll judge I'm not doing this right this is stupid and you'll notice that that voice is now separate from you and then you let it go and you go wow that worked I'm doing great that's a judgment even positive things are a judgment so you're I'm doing great because you're implying to yourself that if you didn't do that exact thing that you would be doing horribly so this right or wrong mentality is a judgment this black or white or one way or another it's all judgment so what meditation is is the removal of judgment so when someone tells me a problem now I don't go well you shouldn't be feeling that way or you should feel this way instead or when I'm making a video I remove judgment so there's much higher level ideas that come through because I'm not at war with myself I'm not and that's what we're doing we're all at war with ourselves and we're all judging all the time so every day for two hours I identify a little more judgment that's deeper rooted in me and then let it go and that judgment is basically saying that life should be how it was when I was a little kid because you know you have a blueprint of how life works based on what you ended up having to do to get through your childhood so you start to think that's how the world works right so you know if you form a connection with your mom as a kid and think a certain food is good or whatever then you think that everyone thinks that and if anyone doesn't they're stupid you judge it and you go way deeper you know some people you know there's kids that learn from their dad that hunting is a way to bond and a way to connect in the way to love so they see life that way and I just think it's totally fine to be a hunter and then there's other people that learn to you know love all of life in a different way and both sides have judgment for each other because they end up developing a blueprint and then thinking this is how life works and then and then anything that's not within that life they judge it the more that you meditate the longer you do it the more all of those old patterns show up you can identify them you don't judge them and then they leave if you judge them if you have a judgment pattern and you judge that you're judging it with the same part of you that's judging that is in this so when you're realize I'm judging there and I shouldn't be judging actually that's the same voice that's right here so it can't let go of itself because it's judging it and it's in an argument with itself so one of the biggest things we're here to learn to do through practice and patience and being is to remove judgment now judgment in some places is really good you can move towards what you want you can judge things and go I want this in my life and not this but that's a different judgment where your soul talks and your mind your mind says what it doesn't so your soul is saying I want that I want to move towards that and it's just based on a really good feeling most of us move from avoiding the worst feeling that's really interesting right which means that that's what they're judging the most so often for instance to give you a great example if you really miss an X and you're in a massive amount of pain because you miss your ex okay you're feeling pain right there and if you're in a lot a lot of pain you it might not be your highest calling to be with the person but sometimes we let the pain of losing them make us go back to them it's not that we want to be with them it's that we don't want to lose them there's a big difference and a lot of people move from I don't want to lose this so you're judging what is and you're saying this thing that is happening shouldn't be happening like I'm letting go of this person or whatever so that's a judgment versus just letting yourself feel the pain and getting to a place where you're moving towards what you want not avoiding what you don't want because you're gonna have to lose things in life but your resistance to it your judgement that you shouldn't be losing those things is what keeps you keeping those heavy things back in your life so as you remove the judgment in your life you clear out the stuff and you can make moves from what you want not judgment of what you don't want so that's the difference I don't know if that made sense but you know if you really want something in your life what not miss there's a difference what because it's the next step towards your growth what because it's it's a higher thing what the other one is miss and your miss sometimes we miss people that were horrible to us so really our mind is making the decision not our heart and we think it's our heart but pain and fear should not be running our decisions or doesn't I shouldn't say shouldn't that's a judgement doesn't have to run our decisions so when pain and fear is running your decision like you're I'm scared I won't make any money I'm scared I'm gonna lose this person I'm scared there won't be anyone else for me okay that's fear keeping you the same because you're scared of loss but when you remove judgment you finally make room in your body for excitement so when you hit excitement go calling this is my next step this is my calling so we we can move from something towards what we do want but when we're in judgment we don't even know about what we do want well we're in judgment we we don't even know that there's a calling beyond that because we're so busy judging all the pain that we're feeling and then reacting to it so this is about not reacting but moving towards what you do want and that happens with the slow process of the dissolving of judgment and that's what the meditation is the removal of judgment the gentle calling out of judgment in order for it to leave and then you can finally see what's under it your power your access your excitement your heart so day 93 the removal of judgment you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 17,093
Rating: 4.9840322 out of 5
Id: uhIRTU6ywwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2016
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