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one two three we're pregnant she's pregnant but i had a little bit to do with it she had a little bit to do with it but we won't get too much into that well let's start from the beginning right now i am currently 14 weeks pregnant and a couple of days so officially out of the first trimester which was a little bit rough to say the least yes a little bit and we've known since we've known since november 16th that's right so we've been keeping a secret from you guys for a while a long secret so yesterday we announced officially on instagram so if you follow us over there you might have already heard the news but we of course wanted to make a video telling you guys more details because i know a lot of you guys probably have lots of questions we're so excited but also so surprised very surprised it was the biggest surprise of our lives i would say yeah four months after the accident we conceived a baby so let's just tell them a little bit about the story of how we found out i took a video when i took the pregnancy test that we'll show you guys in a later video we have marcus's reaction lexi and cody's reaction which if you guys don't know they are also having a baby that's the other thing is we're all having a baby within the same time frame exactly but it was completely unplanned so most people are like you guys plan this we didn't plan it zero planning they told us and then three days later we told them when lexi and cody told us that they were having a baby we were obviously so excited we were like okay we're gonna be aunt and an uncle and we were so excited but when she told me it made me think wait when was the last time i had my period and i was like no no i'm not gonna take a pregnancy test because there's no possible way that i'm pregnant because i've taken so many pregnancy tests just when i think maybe i'm a few days late and it's just never pregnant but then i was like 11 days late and i was like okay so i got a pregnancy test marcus wasn't home no one was home one night and i just decided to take it it was pregnant and i was so shocked okay so i have all my pregnancy tests right here so many pregnancy tests because i was like there's no way so i have all of these pregnancy tests look at these excuse me you're having a baby i took all of these pregnancy tests and they were all very positive like you know how sometimes the line is like kind of faint well my lines were like so pregnant i was just like oh my gosh i even had to google is it possible to get seven false positive pregnancy tests and i was like no you're pregnant then i told marcus and how did you feel i was ready to roll as soon as i found out i was like all right sick let's do it zero reservations i was shocked when i was like i think i was mostly shocked because cody and lexie had just told us so i thought maybe she's like playing a prank on me it was funny because i was so so shocked when i found out that i was almost like panicky because i was like we were not planning this am i like mentally prepared for this but then when i told marcus and he was just 100 happy 100 excited i was like okay everything's gonna be okay it's fine we are prepared to have babies and and he just like made me feel calm we have one boy name one girl name we still don't know what it's gonna be i feel like right when i found out like i saw the positive pregnancy test i don't know if something in my heart was just like it's a boy like that was my first like reaction but now i have no idea so yeah i think most people have said it's gonna be a boy most people think that lexi and cody are gonna have a girl we're gonna have a boy yeah but it would be fun if they were the same so they could just be like little best friend like twins kind of but honestly we'll be happy either i think it's it's for the opposite sex it's always like you don't you don't know how to yeah you don't know how to identify with them as much so like you know how to take care of like like i want the i want an infant a baby girl but then after it's a baby girl i'm starting to get older and teenage years i'm like all right that's a mom's territory you know so like i want to show it you know where i can throw the football but like i don't care what it's gonna be like when it's an infant once a baby at all it's just gonna be perfect should we talk a little bit about how the first trimester was like yeah cause i got a lot of people asking like if i was sick she threw up every single day uh okay she threw up five days a week for four weeks pretty much yeah yeah when i first found out i was actually five weeks pregnant i think and i didn't have any symptoms at all the only thing was that i was like craving salty things that happened like right away but then um at seven or eight weeks i started feeling the nausea and it was basically pretty much in the mornings i just like didn't even want to get out of bed because i knew if i got out of bed i'd be throwing up and it's funny because certain things will like trigger me to throw up like if i'm brushing my teeth oh yeah there's that brush in my teeth and in the mornings like if i open the trash can it's like full of like yesterday's trash then that smell will also make me throw up she hasn't been throwing up recently but she threw up one time yesterday for the first time like a week and camper's eating ice and um it was it was the worst throw up that i had seen her do like she was like bad she was like like nasty and it just like kept coming out usually nothing happened she just dried these but there was like a lot of goo that came out that time dude think about this kristen broke her dang hip in the accident and her femur but like imagine there could have been all types of complications but like praise god we're chilling dude there's nothing wrong with their hips they're gonna spread out just birth that baby like a wide canal no problem so everything's good medically with person i heard the heartbeat for the first time a few weeks back that was pretty cool it's kind of scary like your first appointment because you're like okay this is where you find out if everything's okay if the baby's in the right place it's like you're worried i don't know i was very anxious before the first appointment and then we heard the little heartbeat it was i think there were seven weeks when we heard the heartbeat and it was just so so fast so you're measuring seven weeks by the ultrasound oh wow can you hear them well i think maybe it makes sense to you guys more now why we're like we're moving that was the big reason so we're going to be finding a house having a baby figuring it's a lot but i feel like so at peace about our decision to move and i think it's gonna be really really nice to be closer to family i think we always said like we're here while we're young in l.a and it's fun but when it comes time to like raising a family i want my kids to be in like you know just a different place a different environment should i show them my belly show them your belly okay i feel like this last week it's gotten bigger here it is can you see it there's a grid lit in there there's a little griblet in there somehow grab that there this is the baby right now you know those abs that tell you how big your baby is right now our baby is the size of a navel orange wait we had to get the whole family in it to say our goodbye to you but one last thing also while the dogs are here i really think that camper and honey both sense that i'm pregnant camper always lays on my stomach and he usually follows me around the house but now it's like he will never not know where i am in the house follows me everywhere he definitely knows she knows also knows but she's kind of like slimy we're so excited that you guys finally know thank you for being so nice and also so excited on our announcement on instagram it just made us feel like so loved and so excited to continue to share this journey with you guys he doesn't want to be on the journey with us and that concludes this very short-ish update video they are camper's home right now so that's very appropriate for this video we caught him in the mood but we love you guys thank you for watching make sure to subscribe if you want to follow along on the journey give this video a thumbs up we will see you very soon baby loves you too baby bye
Channel: Marcus&Kristin
Views: 639,600
Rating: 4.9572153 out of 5
Id: PH63M0FueMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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