Simone Biles wins HISTORIC SEVENTH national title in dominating fashion | NBC Sports

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she's going for her seventh national title here tonight but this is far greater than just being here at the national championships i mean she has just set herself so far apart from the rest of the field and not just on the competition floor here in texas but the entire universe here she goes [Applause] first combination right here three elements in a row and she was supposed to do those two leaps together with that pipe back somersault so she'll lose just a little bit of extra bonus but nobody in the world has ever done a dismount this well she can do an extra full twist she doesn't need to one down three to go great to have the fans back too at these events in all eyes during that entire routine certainly on simone biles kicking it off here night two leading the way after the opening night at the national championships so a lot of people don't like this skill but if you're going to do it you got to do it like simone biles look at the speed it's unreal i mean that's what she does just throughout the entire routine this combination three elements in a row by hand spring back layout back layout and you know she does every single skill so well and i think people don't realize actually how difficult some of these elements are including this dismount two back handsprings into a full twisting double back tim as you mentioned capable of doing a whole another full rotation which she actually performed last year at the world championships and she was the first to do it in the bible that is just a scary thought isn't it yeah adding that full twist is next level laurent and cecil landy her coach is now heading for another olympics won five medals in rio four of them gold and on beam it was lebron so one rotation down you still have floor to come uneven bars you got the vault to come tonight timmy thinks back to night one two she was the best on well three of the four fault beam and floor and she was solid on the fourth one on uneven bars as well you look at this opening tumbling pass two flips three twists never been done before it is called the biles wow [Applause] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the greatest of all time absolutely astonishing if you don't think that that's hard then you really don't understand gymnastics because how many people out there do you think actually don't think that's hard after watching i don't know i don't know it's i mean the pro this is the problem terry everything she does even the things that she's the only one in the world that does them she makes them look so darn easy it's not so speaking about speaking of looking easy this is that opening tumbling pass called the bios again was the first person in the world to do it at the world championship so that is why it is named after her look at the height that she gets it is just incredible the two flips and three twists and somehow just about as close to a perfect landing look there's the second one one more still flipping got the ground with her eyes oh it's got to be such a kick to have different things named after you to be the first to do it at a world championships you think she still gets a kick out of it i would say yes i mean whether it's name whether it's being named after her but i think just actually being able to perform those skills right it's a challenge it's a test and and she is already so far above the rest of the competition field that she has to only compete against herself simone miles the number for her floor exercise so now to a 24 year old about to go on fault first to two wow [Applause] ho-hum you know it's just absolutely incredible i think a lot of people think it's just truly just the power that she gets but it is the perfect technique that actually really sets her apart look at the height that she gets off of the table the full extension in her body spots the ground and by the way the distance as well you know it's exactly just a little bit of everything or a lot a lot of everything that camera angle we had and here it just shows you how far she travels i mean the vote's not even in frame there it is just spectacular you know and we we constantly talk about her power but and she's got as much as anyone has ever had but she also has unbelievable technique most gymnasts in the world that do that vault they start twisting while they're still on the table which is a deduction and makes it harder to get the height she gets she does everything right she's gonna plot even harder on this one i mean before she even lands it is just it's it's you can't compare her to anybody or anything the closest thing to that that has ever been was michaela moroney and she was state of the art in her own time michaela moroney of course part of a gold medal winning olympic team she's won a couple of world championships for the usa on vault but look she just keeps going up one other thing i forgot about michaela she was famous for not impressed the not impressed face yes look at this just once again just performs it with such ease everything she does is effortless there's the average 15 475 whether you play it in real time or slow it down you you appreciate different things the first time around you just shake your head and go what did i just see and then every position in the air you gain an appreciation for where she is in certain times she said she had a major goal to get a lot better on it and after she accomplished that she said it kind of wasn't as fun anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beautiful [Music] big dismount two flips two twists one piece of air there you go seven time national champion history books again these championships have seen so many legends over the years so many icons of the sport but with seven titles now to her name it's pretty safe to say that nobody has ever shined brighter on this stage well that's for sure she is something else i'll tell you can you imagine if there was actually somebody to push her i mean she pushes herself well she does she certainly does and has done a great job with that it is fascinating though because any athlete needs another athlete to push them and it seems like she doesn't she just takes it to a new level all the time jordan childs was very emotional from the moment she finished that bar routine for her halfway to her olympic dream simone's already had one the dream came true and she's gonna do it up even bigger this time here's that dismount tammy mentioned two flips two twists but again take a look at how high she gets just above the bar look at this spots the ground easy for her and we talk about the olympics all the time how about every year what she does at the world championships most decorated gymnast man or woman at in the history of the world championships 25 medals 19 of them gold that that is that's ridiculous come on simone an unprecedented seventh national title you've told us in the past that you don't really focus on the hardware but as you make history once again what are the emotions tied to this title yeah it's really emotional especially going into my second time doing um an olympic run it's really crazy and i appreciate everyone that's come out to watch and support us especially after the year we've had so somebody on twitter called the wcc squad the gymnastics power rangers it's kind of got a nice sound to it right yes but seriously though what has it meant to you to be able to share all of this with so many of your teammates and your good friends it's meant the world especially having the younger ones to kind of guide through the way i've been here for so long so to be a mentor for them has meant everything for me and to share these accomplishments and these goals you have often said that your best memories come from when you're having fun being able to be here again with all of those teammates how much fun is this and what will you remember most from these championships yeah it's it's been a lot of fun but it's been a lot of stress too because there is not only me there are six of us that we brought but it's we've just had so much fun so what did you say to jordan we saw you she was so emotional after her last routine what did you say to her yeah i told her that she had done it and she belongs to be here and we're going to go to trials and do the exact same thing because this is what we've trained for so i'm happy she got to go out there and show the world what she's capable of because she she deserves it well congratulations and on to trials thank you yes on to trials
Channel: NBC Sports
Views: 4,467,402
Rating: 4.9221749 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Sports, Olympics, simone biles, gymnastics, simone biles us championships 2021, simone biles double pike vault, simone biles triple double, simone biles double double, simone biles vault, simone biles beam, simone biles bars, simone biles floor, simone biles 2021, simone biles olympics 2016, simone biles interview, simone biles new move, simone biles highlights, simone biles olympic trials
Id: 3sZN4OfgSyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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