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[Music] we do kind of like christmas with our red and green today's video is the one you guys have been asking about the most probably since we've announced that it's all about him and his reaction when i told him that we were having a baby and i already posted on my channel the video i took when i found out i was pregnant which you guys really enjoyed and thought was very funny do you want to talk about the day before what happened yeah because she knew a full 15 hours before i did she had to hold that secret so the day before i had the pregnancy test in my bathroom drawer but again i'd have been for like a week and i was like i'm not taking these it's a waste of pregnancy test and then one night i was home alone you were filming for fake book marcus place your igtv thing and i was like you know what i'm about to start cooking dinner and i'm just going to take this pregnancy test and then i of course found out it was positive and i had already invited cody and lexi over for dinner that night i remember i was making chicken pot pie and marcus and his like camera crew and cody and lexi were basically all getting to the house at the same time so i came home it was late at night we had just bought these snowmobiles it was like the last episode of fake with marcus place and my two friends were over and we have her reaction on camera being like oh my gosh the snowmobiles but really the whole time she was just thinking about how she's pregnant and she couldn't say because my friends were over and cody and lexi were coming over okay are you uh are you cooking yes are you cooking up something good yes you always do all right i have a big surprise for the family you do so i wanted to obviously wait for marx and i to be alone and i of course wanted to film his reaction when i told him for the first time that we're having a baby so i just had to wait all night until the next morning i remember the night that i found out you were laying in bed you were looking at old pictures of you and your dad and do you remember what you said that night you you showed me a picture of you and your dad waterskiing when you were little you're like this is what i'm gonna be like when i'm a dad and right when you said that i was like oh my gosh you are a dad right now yeah i think i have the picture it was a it was like me or maybe my sister knee boarding and my dad was like holding on to the rope and like holding like a baby and i just remember my heart was racing so much and i was like how do i not tell him right now it took like all the willpower in the world so then the next morning i was like marcus i'm filming a video and i want you to react this dress so just set up the camera and i'm gonna walk in because i've done like try on hauls where he's reacted to the clothes so i thought that was my best bet because marcus knows when i'm filming him like i can never sneakily prank him and like him not know that i'm videoing so i knew i had to make it blatant that i was filming him but something like still sneaky so yeah i go in the room i set up the camera and then here this is oh my gosh i'm shaking um so i've known since last night around five that i'm pregnant and i have not told marcus yet and it has been the hardest thing to keep from him but i knew i wanted to tell him during the day so i could film it because i know we want this memory forever so um i came up with this idea it was the first idea that came to my head and i'm just going with it but i told him that i want him to react to a dress that i'm trying on for a clothing haul that i'm doing for youtube and um i'm just gonna tell him i'm i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna do but he's awake i'm gonna um go set up the camera i'm so nervous okay okay okay should i put it here okay [Music] let me okay your eyes okay ready yes isn't this a pretty dress wouldn't it be perfect if i was pregnant in this dress like a perfectly stretches huh well looks like you're going to a fancy dinner shut up shut up shut up no no no no no are you serious i'm pregnant i don't know how to react right now i found out last night oh dude and i took like five tests [Laughter] good job dude i'm proud of you it's gonna be fun can you believe it no it's been so hard to not tell you like this last night i'm just like my heart's been beating so yeah whoa i i almost don't even feel like it's real right now i know well that's the thing i'm just like it's not real but then i took another test this morning and it was also real so can you believe it oh shoot okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on i know it's like really unexpected so i'm almost two months pregnant [Music] and i haven't had any symptoms like i don't feel nauseous tired anything you're the exact same pregnancy as cody lexi yeah so she's three weeks ahead of me that's it three weeks that's another that is the reason why i'm just like okay cool let's roll if i if they hadn't had been pregnant i would be taking out even more i'd be freaking out but now since i've already accepted like okay our lives are changing they're having a kid like cool like let's do it and let's have like three more because now it's easy do you want to see the other pregnancy tests and how many i'll show you and i took this weird one that i found that's pregnant and this is the second one i took but it had like an error on it because i didn't pee enough on it i don't know dude okay so look i'm pregnant right doesn't that mean i'm pregnant i mean it can't malfunction four times in a row i know hey man so are you an uncle or a broder you don't even know okay i have a couple things to say about just reacting to this video i couldn't believe it at first and i was like no no no you're joking because two days before two maybe three days before we had found out that my brother is pregnant with the baby and lexi is pregnant it's like what the heck like so the fact that she's telling me that we're pregnant and there's just too much pregnancy going on at once i couldn't imagine that it was real i thought she was pranking me because sometimes she does that but but when she started you know sometimes but but when you started crying i was like oh my gosh okay all right let's go and then i just was then i was just really happy i was like all right but i had to get over the whole idea that like cody and lexi were just pregnant and i'm still feeling weird that like my brother is about to have a baby and it just it's just a lot of information to take in and then once i could kind of get that out of the way of the reality of the situation i was very excited about like being a dad i was like all right let's go i'm excited and then camper and honey are such a distraction the whole time just like running around helping each other but they could tell that they can really feel our energy and they knew that some good news had just happened they were just so excited so it was it was a lot of fun that me and you both said no no no no no no no no no no no no and it wasn't like no no no we don't want this it was like this cannot be real yeah like we both felt that way and i just remember i was i had so many pent up emotions because i had found out and not told anyone so i just immediately started crying when i told you because i was just like finally i can tell you it felt like so long that i had to wait but yeah i was just excited i was like all right cool let's roll you know and i also think that kristen sometimes like like if you if you think that i'm like oh i don't know where i'm you will start to feel weird so i want to just be like okay we got this you know what i mean yeah because i don't think you're ever ready to find out you're having a baby if you're not actively planning and trying to have a baby so i was like all right like you either you either go no what in in or you just say okay we're doing this and you kind of just have to like when you're on top of a huge ramp you got to just drop in fully and stomp that foot down and just send it or else you you'll just you'll eat it at the bottom of the ramp and so that's that was kind of my my thought process was like all right we're having a baby i'm going to be excited about it and and i am but you have to like make that conscious decision of being like all right let's do it and now i feel like we're both at a place where it's just like feels so much more real we've gotten to see the baby and ultrasound and i'm 16 weeks now really we got to hang out with stevie and cezanne's newborn baby and like that was really you know visualize like what it's actually going to be like and then that made me so excited because i was like wow marcus loves little babies like you just love just holding her and i never did before i wasn't ever really like i wasn't like oh an infant me neither i've never really been like that but now like that i have one on the way i fully get it i've always been a kid person though i've always loved like playing with with kids and goofing around with kids but like an infant you can't really talk to or communicate with so i just had a disconnect but now i fully understand like how special they are and how vulnerable they are and why they're cool because they're vulnerable well i hope you guys enjoyed watching that video i'm honestly so happy i was thinking about it last night that we even like filmed our reactions because normally i wouldn't even like think about filming this kind of stuff but it's like these are the most like the realest moments that we get to go back and look at and it's just really special so i'm happy that we got to share with you guys and we'll probably do one more video of the reactions of all of our friends and families and stuff and like one big compilation yeah and then just keep talking about the journey of having a kid yeah and moving and moving and all this stuff that's going to take place very soon very exciting stuff we're in a real season of change but there's no one i'd rather do it with than you yeah so if you guys like this video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and we will see you guys very soon bye
Channel: Marcus&Kristin
Views: 761,543
Rating: 4.9888597 out of 5
Id: SXRqddN827U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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