When God Writes Your Love Story | Nate and Sutton

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so mine and Nathaniel's love story I don't even know where to start so I'm just gonna start from the very beginning I'm gonna start before I even met him where do I begin when I think of mine Sutton's loves to worry I think of just curious fun amazing things that I have ever experienced and just straight up a gift from God it's really the best way I can put it before I met him I noticed that it was a lot of like I just like guys didn't notice thing like guys didn't like me hardly ever so every time like I was out somewhere with a friend or with my sister it was like it was always them like it was always them that the guys want to talk to and come up to and like it was never me a few years before I met sudden I was what I would call kind of lost and confused and just really desperate I'm kind of embarrassed to say that literally every day it was on my mind when am I gonna find my wife is today gonna be the day that I find my wife and at the time it was like kind of like dang why can't why like is it not me that anyone wants to talk to but then later on in life like looking back I'm like I'm so thankful because I really feel like God was just protecting me and when I would go places when I would go to the gym go to the grocery store I would literally see girls and think is that my life is that my life it's kind of embarrassing before I met that they knew I was in a relationship and something about it didn't just it just didn't feel right like there was nothing wrong with this person it was just something in my heart was like not settled or not right and I talked to my dad about it and he was like why don't you write down a list of everything that you want in a husband and you know even if it's silly things like just write everything down if you're creating the perfect person for yourself like okay this silly of all do it that is where I was and I'm not proud of it but I know it was a such a strong desire of my heart to find a woman that I could love and be loved by and eventually God brought her to me but I didn't know that was gonna happen one day I'm in class and I just like start making this list and I wrote down I mean it was like the most random things like that I wanted I would want someone who knows I play the drums because my dad knows how to play the drums I've never even met anyone who knows how to play the drums but I just thought that might be kind of cool like if I'm creating the perfect person and obviously like someone that's a Christian and someone that has the same values as me and someone that I'm attracted to someone that's funny every day I'd wake up and I was scared that I would never find someone that I could love and be loved by because I was very picky as very picky person I wanted a virgin girl I wanted a Christian virgin woman to marry and as you can imagine there's not many of them out there and I made this list and after making it it just became clear to me that the guy was with I shouldn't with you with him and then I went a year of being single before meeting that they know and I was not really intentional and not to say that all the women out there aren't good enough if they weren't a virgin that I would have looked down on them or anything like that but that was just my desire of my heart and I felt like God placed that in my heart because he eventually brought me that woman and that was sudden at the time I was where am I ever gonna meet someone and how am I ever gonna run into anyone like Church school gym that was it that was my only chance of meeting someone I just had a lot of doubt like I'm never going to meet someone how would I ever meet someone I mean there were literally nights that I would cry out of frustration because I was so frustrated with relationships I had tried to make work girls that I had been dating and it just seemed like no matter what I did or what I didn't do that it just didn't work out even though in my mind I thought they would be like the perfect match for me and it was just really it was such a frustrating journey I had dating girls before on that side and so when I meant sudden it was like so leading up to the night before Sutton came into my life I had reached an all-time low but then one day just out of the blue my younger sister was on tinder in the past she wasn't currently on it what she was telling me and at the time she had a boyfriend I had been single for a year and she was like why don't you get on tinder you know you can meet someone on tinder and I was like no I don't want to do that like from what I knew about tinder and I could have been wrong I don't know I thought it was like a hook-up app so I was like I'm not gonna be interested in anyone who wants to be on tinder I said god I am so done trying to make things work with girls so done being on the hunt trying to search and find the one that you have for me that I just give it all to you I give it all to you God and if you wanted to come into my life I believe it will happen and if not then hey that's totally fine too you know I I was preparing myself to potentially be single for the rest of my life she's like well let me just download the app I'll show you some people I've matched with you can see there's like on there I'm like okay so we're like sitting in the car and she's she downloads the app again and it saved her matches so she's flipping through people and I'm looking at them thinking like you know just kind of giving her the time of day but I'm thinking I'm not gonna beat you in any of these people but I'll just look just to amuse her so I'm looking and then the thing don't stick your pops up and he's the only one I said anything about and I was like okay now that guy's cute and she's like really you think so okay I'm gonna message him and I'm gonna tell him to mess with you I was like oh my gosh don't do that that's so weird cuz like he matched with you you know he's probably interested in you and she was like no I'm doing I don't care what you say I'm doing it I was crying and I was so frustrated I was praying to God and literally the next morning I woke up with a notification on my phone from the dating app tinder funny enough that Sutton's sister sudden sister has messaged me on tinder because we were a match and she said hey I know this is gonna be the strangest message you ever receive on theatre but you need to message my sister I immediately thought it was a scam or that it was just I was like whatever anyway she Sydney's a link to his facebook profile and I clicked on it and right away the picture I saw was like wow this girl is gorgeous and not only is she gorgeous there was something in her that I felt like I just immediately recognized so we started talking and he ended up asking me to hang out with him pretty quickly which I was surprised but I was also happy about because I was just like in this age of my life where I'm not wanting to like play games and mess around I'm just wanting to kind of get to the point and to me it you can't really get to notice it wanted to you see them in person so it was like messaging it's fun and all but I can only get you so far so I wasn't really about doing that for very long the first words that popped up into my mind when I saw Sutton was pure and I I felt like I just knew I was like I know this girl is a virgin I just know she just I could see it in her so I was looking through pictures and I was thinking man this girl is just so gorgeous and so I messaged her and sure enough that first conversation that we had on Facebook I found out that she was indeed a virgin and I found out that she was a Christian loves God loves Jesus and that was that just got me so exciting it was like hey do you want to hang out like I was trying to hang out so I was like sure I had obviously looked at his pictures on Facebook I'm pulling in but I see him sitting on a bench and I had to drive past him and I got in my car and I mean after looking at his pictures online I knew who I was meeting up with but pictures did not do him justice I remember when I first saw her I felt like I was looking at an angel when I saw him I just like I mean he was not only the best person I had ever liked talked to or met up with but he was like the best looking person I had ever seen in my life so I was really nervous and walked up to him and hugged it had good conversation I was actually really surprised how comfortable Sutton seen in her own skin being around me because when you see someone like her that looks so pure and innocent my first judgments were my oh she's like no setup floor everything flowed really smooth and easy and I just felt right like everything felt right whose really easy to talk to after that we he was not a big texter and I was like I like to text people because I feel like that was show he was interested in me so this whole time I get the whole beginning of our relationship I'm wondering is he interested in me or not like I didn't know you know he would ask me to hang out but would only hang out like once a week and so it was very slow-paced getting to know each other because we weren't texting they weren't talking on the phone it was just like one day a week we would get to have a conversation it was a couple dates in she asked me a question that was really kind of just shook me up a little bit she said to me she said hey I think curiosity I just feel like I wanted to ask you this question are you dating anyone else or are you seeing anyone else and he was like well I did hang out with another girl like after meeting you and like nothing happening and hold hands or kiss or anything but they did hang out so i was like man like that just really hurt my feelings so like man I thought he likes me you know I thought that we had something looking back on I regret and don't think was the right thing to do but Sutton being you know the color palette or she holds the standard says high standard she was like calling me out on it and I think she even told me that she didn't want to continue dating if I was gonna be singing that a girl so I was like alright you gotta go I'm gonna cut this other one out because I see a real future with you so I think that really like hit him and he was like yeah you're right you know you know you don't deserve that and no one deserves that I don't know why I did that and it was all I really she was not holding back at all no she was not playing any games and it was one of the things that really attracted me to her was one of the things that she said to me was she said I never want you to have to worry about our relationship when she said that I was like this is my girl right because all the girls I had dated in the past I felt like it was just a constant game man our third date I think was like the date for me that was like the most special we met up I went to the lakes out on a dock and just talked then we went to see a movie and that was the first time we held hands one of my intentions with dating hers I wanted to take things really slow I didn't want to kiss her for a while I didn't want to hold hands that quickly because I just wanted to set that I wanted that to be the pace of our relationship that hey I don't want this to be super physical relationship I even told her that if we go anything beyond kissing or if we go beyond the boundaries that we set physically for our relationship that I'm not I can't be with you and I think that really set up a strong foundation for our relationship and knowing that we were going to honor God at first with all of our decisions there was something about it I mean something about being around him and like even just holding his hand it was just so different than anything I'd ever felt so exciting and I mean when people say the fireworks and stuff it was like that but it felt more intense than that it was just like so special and it sounds so funny with the same just like that hand hold to the what do you guys watch it might sound like this but that hand hold was so magical something that I think was special about our relationship and unique from the beginning was that we prayed together from the start I mean praying over me lit spraying up a random things in the middle of the day just random stuff we would pray together and I really liked that because we never had an awkward moment of praying we decided that we wanted to go take a trip together and I thought this was a great idea I still do believe that one of the best ways to get to know someone is taking a road trip with them so we decided to take a road trip across the entire country from Georgia to California it was a two-week trip and it was such a blast I mean we were together every minute for two weeks straight and along with that definitely came some challenges we got into our first fight it was so amazing it was so fun when we went and drove and his little Prius all the way to California all the way back to Georgia and had a lot of stops along the way he planned the whole thing out it was by far the nicest thing anyone and the nicest thing he I think even to this day has ever done for me I think all my favorite moments looking back with him are like when we're traveling because it's just so much fun cuz I thought I was like hey we can make it through this trip together and we can probably make it through life together and it wasn't too long after that trip that one night I was in my room and I was praying God he just revealed to me that Sutton was the one she was going to be my future wife and I just broke down in tears I was crying because God had just given me this revelation that Sutton was gonna be my wife and it was just such a beautiful moment the end up asking me to be his girlfriend after three months he asked me to be his wife after a little over a year one prayer that really stood out to me that I used to ask God for I would say god I pray that he would give me a woman that is so beautiful that it hurts and that that was like one of my big prayers over my future relationship that moment really came true on our wedding day when Sutton was walking down the aisle it was just like it was like such a beautiful sight that I was literally hurting from the inside out and you can see it you can see when she's walking down the aisle but look on my face it's not only because I just bawled and controlling so with so much gratitude and thankfulness to God for this moment that I had waited so long for but it was like painful it was like she was so beaming light of beauty coming at me and I felt like I was smiling down on it on me since you asked for it it was a day I mean I prayed that day I hold light for my husband I prayed for him my whole life and it was just so awesome to see that unfold do you know that that they know was my husband and you know God chose him for me like he's the one that he intended for me to marry my whole life and I still think you know and I look at him like wow God really outdid himself with this cuz I mean that list I was talking about that I wrote he is everything on that list it is a little scary how to a tee he is my perfect person it's like I wrote down a perfect person and God's just like here is one thing that I want to say is that you know while watching this video and hearing about love stories and watching movies on love stories it can be so easy to get caught in the trap of thinking that when you find that person your life is going to be complete when you find that person all your dreams are going to come true there's gonna be so filled with happiness and joy for the rest of your life and nothing else matter as well I just want to say that that's not true and especially as a Christian it is so important to not idolize your boyfriend girlfriend's future spouse overall looking back it's clear to me that God wrote our story and to encourage those of you out there who are waiting for someone looking for someone like God right the story you know I had said before that I felt like where am I going to meet someone and I wasn't even gonna but but it was enough to leave you know I didn't have to make anything happen God just brought it together for me it's so important to put God at the top and then when you guys come together you meet you meet each other at the top with God trust in him lean on him even though you may not see it you that you believe it and even if he doesn't bring you the person that you've always hoped for and you're single for the rest of your life well trust in him with that and see what amazing plans he has for you in that journey in that story and that that might be your love story you and God it might not involve another person but whatever your love story is let God be the author of it and he will write it better than you ever could [Music] you
Channel: Nate and Sutton
Views: 919,492
Rating: 4.9443293 out of 5
Keywords: When God Writes Your Love Story | Nate and Sutton, when god writes your love story, nate and sutton, ronnie and mel, how we met, ronnie and melissa faisst, christianity, christian couples, our love story, story time, christian dating advice, christian, jesus, jesus christ, christian youtuber, christian couple, our christian love story, bible, love story, christian marriage, prayer, faith, ronnie faisst, love, marriage, christian dating, christian youtubers, God
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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