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[Music] okay hello and welcome back to the channel it's a special day because you're getting something you've been asking for a lot lately kristen what's the christmas gift you guys are gonna be seeing today all of our friends and family's reactions to us telling them that we're pregnant and we don't have everybody of course on camera but this is just a few of our friends and closest family members a lot of these clips you're going to see cody and lexi who is my brother and sister-in-law they're also having a baby at the same exact time so we're telling our friends and family at the same time because it's all happening at the same time so you're going to see them a lot in this video but you're not going to see the reaction of us telling them because we're going to do a special video with them in the coming days so watch out for that as of now it's just going to be our parents our close friends that are in la and a couple people via facetime some of the video clips we didn't catch ran out of storage other things like that but you'll see kind of a nice smorgasbord of different reactions so i think we're going to start out this video with kristen's parents reaction wow we're starting off with a bang yes so when we went home to florida for christmas that's when we told my parents that we were having a baby and so our idea was to get a tiny little stocking put the ultrasound photo in there and then give it to them as an early christmas present so the way i kind of wanted to trick my mom was to give her a little bag of like makeup goodies because i always bring her makeup and skincare from home and then i gave my dad the stocking with ultrasound so here it is you know this is my favorite i don't know what happens in here oh turtle i need this total actually that's great stuff skin suit i use this every night pre-cleansed pretty good right real oh body oil [Music] 10 renew overnight wake up 30. i'm in [Music] this is the cutest little stocking i've ever seen in my life what is it i'm serious show mom shower baby show the freaking thing to me baby are you for real i swear can you believe i'm literally pregnant come here can you baby there's a baby in my baby nine weeks i am i have nothing to say that's the most beautiful baby i've ever seen in my life it's perfect christian what an awesome christmas this is you believe i'm raising this baby it's your baby it's my bed no [Music] okay so next is my parents um my mom ended up not coming out for thanksgiving but my dad did she was visiting with her family who was basically all in town so they weren't together at the same time even though we were telling my mom mom you gotta come out you gotta come out she we couldn't tell her like we gotta tell you we're having a baby so it is what it is she was home but we decided to tell her first via facetime so she was really happy about that and then my dad was there in person once my parents both found out my mom flew out the next day so we could all be together but you're going to see like they're not together in this video it's kind of random but that's why they're not together hey ma happy thanks happy thanksgiving wait let me get a screenshot of you guys we made something special this year me and lexie did you want to see lexi and chris they made us special this year wait what wait wait wait is that a joke no happy thanksgiving because you're both of us at the same time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] yo mom listen mom listen [Music] dad doesn't know so don't tell him anything we're gonna tell him [Applause] and listen i know you know what i mean and listen we're gonna we might have to go as soon as he gets back because he's going out to get ice no more jumping all right no more jumping [Applause] for a minute but here let me you're good you're good he's not here wait i'm gonna debrief for a second [Music] look thanks my god oh man what do you think you're carrying your grandchildren that's incredible she told us that they were pregnant and then i found out i was pregnant five days later literally isn't that insane family grandpa game yeah [Music] oh my gosh you guys made me cry call your mom a double header i can't believe it i am stunned i'm like they're getting into business last night about us all right so the next clips are us telling our sisters who both live overseas kristen's sister lives in copenhagen denmark and my sister lives over in new zealand so both of those are going to be facetime videos and here they are nice dunder and the flint shirt oh you like it i uh i got some other merch too much yeah for you we got you another one are you guys jigging with me right now no no we're also pregnant i swear i swear you're jigging with me right now all my life i'm seven weeks pregnant i just found out two days ago yeah no you're not yes i am this is either the biggest fake joke that you've ever pulled on me or the weirdest ever happened in my whole life you're lying to me are you lying to me you don't understand you can't take me off another emotional rollercoaster you did not when did you find it what like two days ago i'm a week behind lexi have you told lexi yet yes did she lose her shiz yes tell me look how many pregnancy tests i've taken i'm gonna get off this call and i'm gonna sit in silence and probably cry for like three hours because this is so overwhelming where were you we're trying to connect where's austin i want a show here okay ready yeah can you read no are you being dead serious are you being serious oh my god congratulations oh my gosh what the heck can you believe on purpose no okay and then the rest of the video is just gonna be us telling a bunch of our friends and getting their reactions so here they are oh seven weeks pregnant i don't know if i got that on camera sadly i don't care though my heart is racing yeah [Music] i know also dude um what's weird is that uh kristen's pregnant you're lying you're freaking out no she is but i'm not having this this is not making a cut but are you serious yeah i found out three days ago we're having a baby no way dude congrats that's sick you're kidding no i'm not you're serious yeah yeah yeah in july we're having a kid oh my god we need to do the cross-country trip bro we should do it in january you know why we really need to do it it's because i'm having a kid in july no you're not yeah you're funked you're lying me and kristen are pregnant bro july 9th yeah we're having a kid oh not three months ago two months ago we found out a week and a half ago i wanted to tell you in person [Laughter] [Music] yeah thank you so much for our friends god and i just want to pray for the two little babies lord the one inside christian's belly and lexi's amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was adorable who's this from um but these aren't for you both of our babies yeah [Laughter] [Applause] hold on [Music] you're joking [Music] oh my gosh i literally today for sure well i am i'm real pregnant oh my god i did it i think that telling friends and family is one of the most exciting things about getting pregnant and it's just really funny because as a lot of you guys know me and marcus weren't really trying to have a baby so i think our pregnancy really caught a lot of people by total surprise i remember i was even talking to my sister a few days before telling her i was pregnant saying yeah we probably won't have kids for a few more years so just so many people were just utterly shocked just like we were and it was just really funny to see how different people reacted totally i think the thing that was the common thread for everyone was you're joking you have to be joking and it's because both of us me and cody and lexi and you all of us having babies at the same exact time was just like this seems like a joke it didn't seem real a lot of the times lexi and cody had already told certain people that they were having a baby so then when we would tell them they were like come on you're joking yeah so that's why you're gonna see a lot of people saying like are you joking are you joking we hope you liked the video if you did please give it a thumbs up we have a lot more videos coming very soon for you guys that are gonna be fun videos nice but we love you don't forget to subscribe to our channel and we will see you very soon bye
Channel: Marcus&Kristin
Views: 558,073
Rating: 4.9894381 out of 5
Id: kI8MHpl3zU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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