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you know they do this every time you start filming they know yeah like as soon as you start going stop it please hey i'm serious [Music] hi guys today we are going to be doing a very fun video we are going to be going through some old wives tales that share if you are going to be having a boy or girl obviously these things are just for fun but since we really don't know the gender i thought it would be a fun video to do and tally up all the things at the end and see yeah and we'll see which ones are accurate and which ones are not accurate yeah and if just all of them together will create one accurate consensus yeah and we have actually an envelope of what the baby is we had our anatomy scan today and so we will know soon enough at least not in this video you will find out not in this video but should we just begin i say we begin let's do it also we have a very special guest here to help us keep track of which tests to be a girl and which ones are boys it's john and you have to say hi with your thing it's john volk everyone and i'm from tennessee i'm in tennessee and he's moving here can you believe it guys oh no no no okay let's start with the first one okay the first one is what is your baby's heart rate they say that if the baby's heart rate heart rate if the baby's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute it will be a boy and if it's faster it'll be a girl so every time we've done it it's been faster than 140 so john think about 146. little girl little girl at 146 heartbeat i like it the next one is how you carry your belly so the wives tale is if you are carrying lower it's usually a boy and if you're carrying higher it's usually a girl so should i stand and show yeah i think it's slower-ish i think it's slow wait so low means girl low means boy oh low means boy that's what i'm talking about so i i would say this is lower so john give it a tick for a boy all right a tip for a boy and maybe the boy just has like you know a high heart rate maybe just like high strung like me moving around he's a little you he's like yeah okay the next one is craving so if you're craving sweets it's normally for a girl and then salty is for a boy i have been craving so much salt yeah that's right pickles instant ramen jalapeno chips hot sauce french fries burgers i could go on john's laughing on screen i'm glad that we have a third party to see how we actually do videos because it just i feel like it's going to validate everything so john give it a tick two ticks for a boy we need a john cam i feel like we're not getting to shop to the side right let me just get the john cam give it a take please i got it okay perfect thank you very much john kim okay the next one i've actually never heard of but it's smelling like garlic if you eat garlic and don't smell like after it's a girl and if you do afterward it's a boy i don't know actually would you say because i can't answer this obviously or else i will get in trouble but would you say that you are smellier than not smellier yes i don't know if that's a halfway no i've been smellier since i've been pregnant so but it's garlic yeah it's garlic so so we'll just say we don't know for that one no tick no tick no tick maybe a half tick little lean boy i hope it could that's true hold on john cam let's get a john cam real quick on kim what do we think in here no tech no tick okay no tick all right john says no tick okay the next one i definitely have an answer for this is morning sickness and if you have really awful morning sickness and nausea it's a girl and if you don't it's a boy i had horrible morning sickness give it a girl give it a girl what are we at john right now we're at a tick tick tie tick tick tie okay i like it the next one is if you look at yourself in the mirror and your pupils are dilating it means you're having a boy only if you look and hand me that mirror if they start to dilate when i look in the mirror i guess it's a boy no no they they weren't john kim girl take care all right tick tick okay your mood everyone can get moody and emotional i am not gonna say anything yes you and i will but if you're a little bit moodier then you're probably having a girl if you're more mellow you're probably having a boy i would say i've been a little moody look dude you say what you want i'm not gonna say anything but i've also been very chill and perfect i agree no one john do you mean i will say my moods have been a roller coaster but we're also going through a lot of changes so tick for moody oh my gosh girl i'd love to have john here because i don't have to get in trouble also oh this is a good one they said the last one would be to check the chinese gender chart and so i entered all my information on that and it said girl heavy girl girl yeah we are leaning heavy girls five to two five to tick tick yeah do you have pregnancy acne or other abnormal amount of skin blemishes or are you glowing and having perfect skin i'd definitely be having she'd be happy i've been definitely having more acne i've never seen kristen with acne ever when i first started dating her she had perfect skin i had horrible acne that was one of the things that i really loved about her because i was like she's got perfect skin i have horrible skin like an ogre and so i've never seen her with acne and it's weird and yeah i had to do action oh and on my back i know you just looked at my back well that's hard to say it's only really on your back but you have a little bit you know spots but it's just on your back yeah well that's okay i know it signifies a girl though well see there you go so john another tick for a girl jeez it's heavy girl g for girls g for girl g for girl geez are you having crazy pregnancy dreams rumor has it if you're dreaming of your baby's gender you're gonna be having the opposite of the gender that you're dreaming about and i have dreamed a lot that i've been having a girl so that would be a take for a boy oh my gosh good the boy needed some um oh this is one for you okay if your husband has also put on some baby weight the old wives tale says it's a girl are you serious oh he has oh i definitely have but that's kind of the accident oh and it's mostly because the accident not walking but yeah i've i've been the heaviest i've ever been in my whole life but i've been going to the gym as of recently and i've lost two pounds in the last week which is pretty good for me so another take for a girl no no yeah it says if he is gaining weight then the old wives tale says it's a girl all right it's a girl we'll see about it how about the wives tale of when i saw the image it just looked like a baby boy scrubbing around what about that that's not a live style sounds good how about have you been experiencing swollen ankles or legs i don't think so i think my legs are normal no so that means girl because if you are swollen your legs it means boy are you starting to feel like maybe it's a girl no i don't care about any of these wives tales yeah these wives tales aren't true get out of here right john right i don't really care i think it could be either or it's a 50 50. right now it's three boy eight girl wow john kim all right john cam can we get an update of what's going on right now we have uh eight to three girl boy baby john's nice beautiful boys with good handwriting jack yeah how many three million oh my gosh he's famous boys with good handwriting checks very special update you do not want to miss it also when it comes to your money it should be paper or plastic okay so i think that pretty much went through the list of all of the most famous wives tales but we just want to finish it off with the ring test the old good old ring test old good old lay it down okay if it swings back and forth in a straight line girl circle boy and you hold it above my belly button you lay it down on the belly button right yeah and then you lift it up okay you can see from there johnny wait should i film it on my phone i got it he's filming here you ready a circle dude that's a circle i'm not moving it definitely a circle definitely take for a boy oh that's a big time circle that's the girl wives tales outperformed two to one right john four to eight yeah wow okay wow so the wives tales got it with the girl but there were some significant boy ones i will say that a lot a lot of our friends and family are convinced it's a boy and then i do have a few people like lexi and my sister both like are die hard to say it's a girl so i'm just very confused because both me and marcus have flip-flopped back and forth a lot so we will see and this was actually really fun to film as well so what do you both think it is right now all right now i think it's a girl i think that it's a boy i just saw the imaging of it and i saw the way it was moving and i was like it kind of looks like me just like like get me out like that's what i kind of look like so so check so tick tick tick tick we'll see we'll see what happens well should we wrap it up wrap it up mommy okay i love you guys he loves you guys don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe to our channel for many more videos coming very soon we love you what are you doing i'm just gonna have you know john signing out john sign out just to john cam see you later see you later don't forget to subscribe to john follow him on instagram at john volk oh my gosh but we love you we will see you very soon bye
Channel: Marcus&Kristin
Views: 205,076
Rating: 4.9823542 out of 5
Id: d9qkum3nYdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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