We're Never Coming Back to This Haunted Plantation.

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say the Myrtles Plantation in Saint Francisville is one of the most haunted places in America somebody just touched me years later Chloe station it's like right after you say Chloe definitely being alone in this place is really creepy what's up guys welcome to Halloween today we are here with Native and Amanda the medium what is a medium it's like the size right in between small and large perfect sounds good a medium if you guys don't know is somebody who can connect the spirit realm to the realm that we live on oh yeah Myrtle's plantation is known to be one of the most haunted houses in the world world are you excited dude I just like every time you guys bring me on one of these oh my God what are the odds that they get a cat without an ear what if what is this that's like a ghost yeah Chloe Chloe [Music] it has a smell to it some kind of smelly smell yeah smelly smelly smells smell smelly but we said the spiritual smell sometimes are we smelling the spirits I think this is the most famous haunted object in the Myrtles Plantation right here at the front door and right next to the steps which is also extremely famous we'll get to that later she's closer to you now but she's like she's right over here and I don't see her anymore but she was there yeah yeah she's probably like your height I just like Madam is like all I keep getting got him like Madam and I'm sweating she's like The Madam of the house like the one in the house second Spirit already seen here at the house it's been 15 minutes dude oh my God this is beautiful oh my God the thing is about to fall off we're gonna add one more ghost to the plantation right there Jesus you're too many chandeliers did we just walked past the 17th step do you know what I mean yes was that right here too I think so okay we're gonna get to all of this later but holy [ __ ] this might be the most haunted area I just jumped into the deep end what's that hello did you not hear that we should have the entire thing to ourselves but yeah there was definitely a footstep over there is this one of our rooms this looks beautiful I hope not oh God here we go holy [ __ ] oh my God that's the scariest thing ever oh my God oh my God and this one has blacked out eyes oh my God okay so they're trying to make this place scary yo but these look like normal dolls that were just like tampered these belong in Zach bams these belong in Zack Biggins Museum yes God they're gonna have nightmares about that though I actually think this might be scarier it has like the blood seeping out of its eyes wait wait just like the yellow fever like the coagulated blood yes oh well I'm missing something shortly after the plantation was built that was when yellow fever swept across Louisiana and killed off like a tenth of the population one out of every 10 people you knew would have died of yellow fever and a lot of them were children and like some of the symptoms would have been like intense fever stomach pains and you know just casual throwing up coagulated blood that's gnarly a lot of people on this property had to watch their children die gruesome gruesome deaths even like this doll shows bleeding from the eyes yellow fever was probably one of the most gruesome deaths and a lot of it happened here by the way guys we have to sleep here so someone's getting the [ __ ] bed right next to that creepy doll staring at you oh my God you guys are gonna walk in on me I'll be asleep like this WOW yo fully ready ready to go oh this one's beautiful this has a different smell in it the perfume Ruby Ruby literally said sometimes you would be overwhelmed with like a strong like perfume it's gonna be suffocating you would smell this heavy perfume just laughing in your nose and it won't go away it was the high priestess who died or who was murdered what Cleo so we're saying a lot of these names you guys don't know there's a lot of different haunted rooms and as you can see this place is Giant what was that we're gonna go take a tour and tell you a little bit more about the history of this place all right it's gonna be super spooky right usually we have a lot of prankster Spirits here on the products they're my favorites tonight we are investigating one of the most haunted places in America so it's about 250 years of History this place has every story in the book however because most of the time it was a slave plantation a lot of this stuff is not documented or recorded in the late 1700s there was a man named whiskey Dave who came down here from Pennsylvania and built this house but the legend goes that he built this on a Native American burial ground which then cursed the land they lived here until 1808 when Bradford passed away from natural causes here on the property a few years into it his wife her Widow took over the property running this place by herself until 1817 when her daughter got married to the gentleman in the portrait in the back corner there is that Clark that's judge Clark oh yeah it was so scary look at those mutton jobs the shower real quick hey there yep so he wound up buying and immediately making changes increasing the original Anchorage that Bradford had purchased which was about 650 Acres all the way up to 2000. whoa the entire grounds have activity on them at all times even the newest buildings on the property still get visits from Spirits the Myrtle's been considered haunted for over 100 years it is also home to one of the most famous ghost pictures ever to be recorded in the world in 1992 the current owner took a picture of the side of the house and caught one of the clearest images ever of a shadow figure and just for further proof they sent this picture off to National Geographic to get it authenticated and this proved that the photo had not been tampered with the original picture she caught is this one right up here you can clearly see the figure that stands right here which is the walkway we stand beside now oh it's right there right there you guys believe it's Chloe we think so so let's talk about the most famous ghost here Chloe now she was a slave here on the property they didn't really keep records of the slaves so a lot of this is Legend a man named Clark Woodruff who was the owner of the plantation at the time was having sexual relationships with a slave named Chloe now Chloe worked in the house with the owner as a nanny so she worked very close with his kids Chloe really was the perfect choice honestly she got along with the children amazingly well so well that the children wanted to spend more time with her than their own mom working in the homes one of the more comfortable positions to have so Chloe was willing to do anything to try to keep her spot here he didn't want to lose this position she didn't want to be sent outside into the fields now in order to keep her job stay ahead of the game she would eavesdrop to gather information the more information you had the easier it was to keep her position one day Woodruff was having a very important business meeting back in our gentleman's parlor and to separate our two parlors there are sliding pocket doors which slide out of the wall closed little keyhole in the middle so Chloe saw this as the perfect opportunity she'd be able to hide behind the door nobody would see her listen in get some good information right so she knelt down against the doors and she placed her left ear up against that Keyhole and listened in until one of the men inside stood up opened those doors and Chloe tumbled into the gentleman's party and Chloe she dropped a [ __ ] ball yeah come on this time Woodruff was Furious he had Chloe dragged out through the parlors and out to our Courtyard where he had her left ear cut off [Music] so that people couldn't see her ear got cut off that is why people think that the 1992 picture is Chloe along with getting her ear chopped off she was also demoted to the kitchen which in Louisiana being extremely hot during the Summers working in a hot kitchen was one of the worst jobs you could have as a slave so I was trying to find her way back out preferably back here into the home and an opportunity for that presented itself right to her she was going to bake the cake for the children's party that year because that would allow her to add in her own special ingredients since she worked in the kitchen on one of the kids birthdays she decided to put just a little bit of poison in a cake that she was making so that they would get a bit sick and she could nurse them back to hell so it looked good on her part two of the owner's kids and his wife ended up dying due to the poison do you happen to know what this plant is called you're right did you just study for a lot of people don't know they are 48 48 known toxins inside of the seeds The Roots the leaves the plants and everything because if these leaves enough to kill a full-grown horse in about an hour so we shouldn't touched that I just don't lick it if I just popped on those leaves in my mouth it would make you extremely ill immediately the owner was out of town at the time so Chloe went over to the other slaves and said oh my gosh this plan did not work what do we do now all the other slaves didn't want to be blamed so they all decided collectively to hang Chloe and throw her into the Mississippi River the slaves held their own official trial for her found her guilty of three counts of murder marched two down to the Mississippi River and hungry from a tree for her crime so now Chloe resigns here back at the plantation and is one of the most active ghosts here she's known to do a lot of different things but the main thing is stealing things from people specifically earrings go with my friend wait your friend what do you mean oh when I worked there me and Chloe used to feel earrings out all the time what steals people's earrings because she only has one so you only get one when I was doing two or three if someone would lose an earring and I would always go back in the house and have to find it randomly puffed in the chandelier or under the piano and there's a display case in there that I used to take all the earrings and I would collect them and put them in a display case wipe out a haunted mirror and people could see the earrings that she sold at their time oh my God wait all these are just earrings yep so I like to call this Chloe's treasure chest and a lot of people report waking up in the middle of the night to Chloe standing at the foot of the bed with a candle looking down at them imagine how creepy that is if tonight we wake up like that I do I just don't think she has as active of a role as some of the other ladies of the house I think that's who I saw so she would have been lady at the house here during that time frame Lady of the house is that who I thought she was she was like The Madam of the house is what I said well she was telling the story about like the poisoning I don't know if you guys got extremely hot also but the entire temperature of this building changed to me and I got like Furious oh my God but I know it's not like my feeling she was like here and she was so mad and I don't know if it's because of her being poisoned and her and her children being murdered maybe she's mad because it's not true I don't know but she's like what's crazy Sarah Matilda girl is known to be one of the spirits trapped in that haunted mirror right here wait she's trapped in it yeah like there's three Spirits two kids that died and then the wife so if you were to see Sarah Matilda it would be right here it was right here wow that's crazy in itself because you didn't even know that there was a belief that it's a spirit saw its own reflection and a mirror or anything like that that it could become trapped inside that reflection forever so whenever somebody died they would lay thick black cloths over every year so that no Spirit could see its own reflection dude that's like wallisca ax Murder House in a nutshell this particular mirror is actually original to the home that was finished in 1796. wait this is original original which means it's been here for every tragedy too that's ever struck you oh nice right here you can see the profile of a woman her neck chin and lips her nose and the hat on her head oh wow yeah that's actually kind of like beautiful where is this marks from that's just it we're not sure if you take a look on the other side too you'll see fingerprints and toe prints that are embedded in the right over here oh my God yeah the top toe one two three four hand sludge right there yeah and then all the drips that come down which sometimes show up with a red Hue oh my God this mirror has actually been re-silvered pulled back into place 10 times and every time within a year and a half these markings show up in their exact same places that they're in now what what like how could that even happen that's just it we don't know another name for this room is the Lady of the houses room and with how much Chloe knew how close she was with the kids started to kind of see herself like that behind the scenes and to be honest she kind of was oh I just got shoes that's a freaky role to play yeah there was a belief that Spirits would hide in the corners of rooms and come out to play at night so these were installed to watch the corners and keep the spirits at Bay but there's a problem there are three cherubs on the base of that chandelier typically more than three corners in a room there's always one corner that's unwashed now I personally have watched the chandelier spin so I'm pretty sure Chloe just chooses so if it's facing her Corner she moves it which one's her quarter right back there oh oh we'll feel the cold spot in that corner people have been pushed out of that corner and if you look underneath it on the hardwood floors which are original to the home by the way you'll see scratch marks and scuff marks directly beneath the chair all of that scratching back and forth from just the chair moving oh my God is there anything Chloe gets you know triggered by or something that we can do to like maybe entice her to want to talk to us most of the time the responses that we get from somebody who seems like her are in response to pop culture funny enough I'm pretty sure she's just pretty up with the times at this point one of our tour guys was doing a history tour in here about a year ago and she was talking about the chandelier but she noticed that all 30 people on her tour were watching the sleigh bed behind her and saw that the Sheets Were unfolding themselves in the middle of her tour oh my God for making the dollar mantelpiece smile what wait that one sometimes she'll blink both features are painted on imaginative blinks right now could you blink the clock that the high priest of voodoo was telling us about that dinged 13 times yeah isn't that it on The Mantel of the fireplace that's probably it it's an antique clock it's not a reason for the house and it sits on the top of the fireplace in the ladies parlor and I was given a tour there and I placed my hand on top of the fireplace and it started training and I'll never forget if something said count the challenge when it got to 12 I was like okay [Music] ding 13 times she said there's 13 Spirits it's 13 like a bad luck number two it is oh you didn't have to we got dinner serve for us let's freaking go I just say don't try the cake personally and this room is visited by a lot of the different spirits but it's primarily visited by the children's Spirits here now one of our current owners here first purchased this place they actually lived inside the home for a little while and they had two little boys and at one point one of the little boys had actually approached their mother saying can I swing on the chandelier I really wish I could have seen his mom's face want to ask that question but of course she said no and she asked why he said the little blonde haired girl's doing it oh chills dude oh my God there's a lot of spiritual energy in the Next Room and if you are sensitive to it you're going to feel it now it usually shows up as lightheadedness or dizziness sometimes nausea I will ask that if you do start to feel this way please do crossover because I've already had three people pass out and one person have a seizure on my tours this year alone no and I'd like to not increase it Nate you want to go first this is it right here he's going first oh oh [ __ ] it's not funny in it great no feet pictures oh sorry sorry I'll blur it why does it look like this is like a guy named Seance room like what you know it's funny you say that oh God the reason that we consider this the psychic center of the home goes back to one of our previous owners she was known as the town's crazy because she said her house was haunted and she was desperate to prove it so she started holding seances in this room and we're pretty sure she opened something she didn't know how to close oh my God and it's only Amplified by the two mirrors between the ladies parlors and gentleman's parlors facing each other oh God so there you standing at Vortex right now a Vortex Amanda how do you feel in here um I like can't breathe it feels like somebody is hugging me so tight that like I can't open my lungs I can't believe they actually held seances in this goddamn house so like we said there are probably dozens of murders that happen on this Plantation however the one documented murder was of William Winters William Winter was an owner of the plantation for many years but the reason he haunts this house is because of this specific story in 1871 he was teaching a class Sunday school downstairs when he heard outside somebody saying I need an attorney which you happen to be William wasn't expecting anybody any kind of client for anything but this sounded more like an emergency man sounded desperate so William stood up and he went through the French doors that are right back there to stop him so he walks up to his front porch and he says hey I'm an attorney in a mysterious voice asks are you William Winters to which he replies yes that's me and before he could do anything else he was shot in the chest point blank with a shotgun the rider reached into his saddlebag pulled out a shotgun and shot William Winter twice in chest blowing him back in through the doors doors doors now luckily he did not die there on the spot but he knew he did not have much time so the one thing he wanted was to go see his wife so after hearing all the commotion William Winter's son and guided him through the house and up the stairs where his wife was now his wife met him on the 17th step and at that moment they held each other and he died in her arms it was on that stuff that William collapsed into the arms of his wife and Drew his final breath the 17th Step Up 17 Step Up third down from the top it's a very very sad story but that's why we wanted to mention it because the staircase right behind us is where it happened and to make this sad story even more sad Sarah Winters the wife was rumored to die of a broken heart just a few years later so it said that specifically that staircase the 17th step is very active for parallel investigation people figured those footsteps all the way up to the 17th and then he allowed in the assignment uh oh someone cheated in a game of poker well that's just it so the death of William Winter is still an unsolved murder to this day there's a lot of theories out there and one of them is that he was a really bad cheater cards and had racked up a lot of debt and somebody came forward for it it gets even worse a few years before his death the winters family had a daughter her name was Kate Winters she came down with yellow fever and as we said earlier that is a very gruesome death she was very very ill they had brought in help doctors from everywhere that they could think of to try to make her better and nothing's working if you look at the side of her face she still looks pretty healthy right her hair is Curly very tight curls cheek is Rosy but then you switch the side you see oh god oh yeah completely different even her arm is shrinking from the rigor mortis Legend has it then their final attempts to save their daughter they brought out a voodoo priestess now she did everything in her power and the Priestess said yeah no Kate is saved she should be good and she went about her way the next day Kate Winters died so obviously they were very upset so as punishment for her failure it went out to find this Priestess and hang her now this voodoo priestess is named Cleo and is still rumored to haunt this place to this day so there's a Chloe and a clamp and a clear on the Chloe Cleon Chloe how are we supposed to know a cleaner people have reported seeing an older lady that would have been dressed the way that Cleo was around the property from time to time all the spirits here can go wherever they want in the plantation but Kate died in William Winter's room so allegedly a lot of people have gotten activity specifically in that room which we gotta try later tonight Kate is known for her hijinks like jumping on people's beds in the middle of the night running up and down hallways giggling at 3am all the creepy kid stuff yeah that's pretty much Kate in a nutshell God we out dude us and little girl ghosts are just not compatible here so have fun with that oh my God but this is actually one of her favorite rooms probably because her portrait's here and she loves her story being told and if we don't tell it fast enough she starts rattling the grates on that door which is just a closet oh perfect he's been tapping like the entire time we've been in here I know oh God that is clean oh my God that is actually terrifying it's just like her you literally just like her the hair everything she has a lot of hair for a two-year-old [Music] you guys ready no is that a baby shut up baby knowing that there's a lot of sightings of the ghost Chloe here I decided let's grab some earrings just in case during this investigation she also no pluck went off Amanda maybe you should do the Hoops she said you just want me to get touched by Chloe why don't you wear the who oh I'm just saying oh my God look at that you look like you're gonna get laid by because what the [ __ ] tickle your neck when you shake them so what the [ __ ] let's see yours wow [Music] yeah dude I would really enjoy balls hitting me in the face tonight we're gonna do a very serious paranormal investigation oh my God so much creep oh I'm just got scared I cannot believe she said this chandelier was like going in circles it's real cold in here though it got way colder it's like real cold I think you need to tongue like this just a little chilly in here just so you guys are aware I'm just taking into character this room is apparently Chloe's favorite room and she spotted oftentimes in that corner Amanda you said you had some new techniques yeah I've just been taking time trying to learn different techniques to bring Spirits forward to us in a safe ways and I feel like I've got some good ones Colby wait I get one especially for me no those are for them oh this is a crystal it's called angelite they say that it helps open your third eye helps you open to like communication with the other side so I just thought well you're trying to work on your empathic skills right now that's a great crystal that's perfect for you in case Colby gets possessed oh what what the hell from zero to 60. I brought both of you guys their little bracelets these are anti anti-possessions these are evil eyes those are just because I felt bad getting something for Colby and not for you guys she has a favorite wow that's okay I'm gonna need this more than Colby will need this true it's to protect you from evil energies it's basically like a Return to Sender kind of Crystal yeah you need that for the little girls in your ass little girls have exited my ass in there in the first place so that's what I brought for here oh thank you yeah no thank you so much of course hopefully it helps us so with all that being said let's start this investigation balls in the face it's getting stronger too on the floor too with nothing around it right underneath the chandelier so this is the floors from the original house like the floors are the same then back on the floor goes back up to Orange there's no electricity right there why would anything be electrical in a chair is there anything in here possibly no dude that is a chair like an antique chair there's no way yeah that thing's like 200 years old wow where is it the strongest like at her head can you see anything right there um it feels super heavy over here I don't see anything don't see anything over here it felt so heavy just ever since we came in so I just wanted to bring it over and see if there was anything over here most of the time the responses that we get are in response to plot culture who's your favorite artist right now in pop culture I don't know man I uh do you like Justin Bieber easily Harry Styles dude it's on on the bed literally constantly Chloe if you walk past this we'll know the music will go off yeah we heard your uh with the times somehow and we would love to know your thoughts on the pop culture stuff going on we also have plenty of new fashionable earrings uh so if you'd like to take one for yourself feel free yeah it's cold there wait did you guys just hold right here you want to see what I wrote down because I heard this behind you like behind me behind you like I've been faced this way for a long time and I just heard something Creak right there that's so crazy wait why didn't what where is there oh it's that [ __ ] okay I'm like there's literally cold air blowing on my face right now there's a bin right there dude not the poisonous plant oh my God that doesn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense please someone debunked that for me Chloe if you were sitting on this couch could you tap the flashlight right next to you and just let us know you're here Chloe Chloe Chloe of this house we want to talk to you right now if you're here and you're open and willing to communicate now's your chance or guests in your home we don't live here this is your place and we understand and respect that we want to talk to you we don't just want you to listen to us that's something that you're open and not afraid of doing can you turn on that blue flashlight it's right here on the couch stream I don't know what a flashlight is now that I'm saying it out loud you can go up and tap it sit down next to the couch do anything like that everybody here has also said that there's not like a most haunted room she might just not be in here too [Music] all right I touched that I think you think I think I touched it you would know if you touched it it hit my hand are you holding the camera though no I I was reaching up it hit my hand but I don't know I might have hit it off dude forget that literally Shauna told us an hour ago that some woman was like reaching up touch it with their left hand dropped it caught it with the right and then said oh hell no and tossed it and oh my God that is exactly the story I forgot about that keep it wait should we all leave one yeah what the [ __ ] was that it was like a voice [Music] guys real quick we want to say stay till the end because we are trying a new experiment that we've never done before because of how famously active this place is scared the hell out of Nate so this is what they call the Seance firm because of the vortex in here the psychic center of the house I keep seeing things behind me oh in between its wall and this set of candles there's somebody oh what I just saw a child what what Street between here and here one that was higher up that like literally I know it was a kid but it was too tall to be a kid and then the third one was in between Colby and I oh my God just all through this mirror right now should I turn this off caught my attention that's crazy like when you do that are you feeling no I'm watching that but I can feel it like I have full Goosebumps right now the energy in here is so insane and I feel that if we did like a seance the Seance table it could be [ __ ] gnarly can you Spirit us here with us you can talk through this device right here hello was that an immediate hello that was a girl I'm over here is there any sign you can give us who we're talking to a name or an occupation I wrote Kate right before it said that is it true that this room is a portal [Music] what can you tell us how many spirits are in here with us right now [Music] wait was that Chloe me look Chloe die candle just got so bright on the far end oh my extremely it's flickering out when we were in Chloe's room and we thought we were talking to Chloe I heard light Chloe light over and over again I kept hearing light so I've underlined it written it twice I heard it more than that in the room and when we thought it was Chloe and you said look we could look I looked into the mirror and that's when I saw the light flickering way brighter so much brighter it's almost like confirming like what you're saying thank you I'm so I I know like they're not gonna believe it but that just went off and we what was that that happened when I turned off the camera look you remember how she said they were like prankster spirits too yeah it could have just seen that I stopped recording too and then that's when it was like all right now I'm gonna do it because it was like a kid it was immediately I just only stopped for like two seconds that just like makes me confused though because it could be Chloe or we set that out specifically for Kate and that was the only thing that I mean any Spirit could be walking around here any Spirit could be here because of this Vortex I think the reason that we're kind of confused is because like we're right Kate's definitely here Chloe's definitely here William is definitely here so I think that there are so many spirits coming through right now that it's really hard to keep a conversation with just one of them yeah we just asked them how many spirits are here and it's a three yeah immediately after William William William we're looking to talk to you right now and only you are you here with us William and Kate we are to move to another spot in the house when you continue talking with us tonight that gave me chills if we know now because he literally said I'm with Kate and that we are talking to William in order to like I don't know get him to show himself more what if we just do like one of those trigger events where we remind him what happened to him yes it's rumored that if you like reenact how he died he'll show himself more time to reenact a murder [Music] foreign Lord invented double stuffed Oreos and said it is good William Winter I'm in need of an attorney well yeah I'm an attorney is it true are you William Winter he is that oh [ __ ] yeah foreign [Applause] [Music] Winter's room where Kate his daughter died in this bed [ __ ] in the closet Nate oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hey just two guys in a closet you guys I got my finger in this hole I see your little finger William Winter is open the door what's the password Jesus Cleo that's that's the capital we are so far away from you we're recording again again not recording dude it's these trickster Spirits man I mean yes and they just keep doing this too it wasn't a cake oh okay good boom boom boom what the heck does that is Kate in there oh my God wait it's hard wait okay so no one move if that is the Winter's family can you turn that on one more time one two three Devil's Advocate Kate wouldn't know her last name [Music] upstairs that we were talking to dude on your face that's what it said I'm here with me wait yo have you guys ever seen the same like we are 20 feet away because this is Will and Kate will you go ahead and snap that light up oh my Lord Kate Hunters would have been sitting in this bed while the voodoo priestess sat over her treated her on her last day Cleo if you're here you please make yourself known or hit any of our equipment besides the cat ball whoa Kate are you still here dude it was going off every second I stopped as soon as we all got close I feel like my like fight or flight is totally kicked in some anxiety yeah where I'm super anxious I'm waiting for something to like to me this cat ball not going off now just solidifies that evidence so much more other people could be like oh maybe it's like you know janky or something like that and now obvious [Music] dude this cat has been hanging out at exactly where Chloe was like the entire time we've been here the fact that we actually are the only ones at this place all the workers are gone and it's like a different five now like a horror movie speaking of we're gonna split up like everything horror movie Let's Do It guys setting timers now let's get started hell yeah guys because it is hell week we are doing something super special and making explore Club only one dollar to join that means you can get all of our exclusive videos more investigations and daily feed posts for literally one dollar so what are you waiting for use code hell week also we are on the road to 10 million subscribers so go subscribe it's free on your end so why not foreign just walked inside and I heard a full-on creak from that door definitely being alone in this place is really creamy the 17th step and then this haunted mirror all in the same area literally on Manda this morning saw somebody standing next to this grandfather clock and we heard so much commotion from Chloe's room right here all right guys so I get to be in William's room by myself in the complete darkness come over here I've got some information no way right off the bat we're already just immediately talking what type of information do you have let's go Chloe is it you that I'm talking to Chloe did you put yourself at risk to get that information turning it off [ __ ] oh my god dude oh [ __ ] I hate this staring into a hot and mirror you know how earlier she was like multiple times this mirror has been re-silvered meaning like refaced however all the markings reappeared in the exact same locations either they're trapped inside the actual mirror and the mirror is haunted or what if this mirror behind it is actually just a portal and that is why coming through makes the same markings side on four kills what the [ __ ] hello and then we haven't used this yet oh are you kidding me oh my God oh my God it's going off I don't can you even see that yo you can see that it went off again I don't know was it because I kicked that I don't think this is even connected over there yeah it's not connected I cannot make it go off Chloe was it you that they photographed in this alley right here you didn't intend to be in the photo touch me just like we did at Zach Bagans Museum because like we did in Casa Loma earlier this year I'm gonna try the scrying method I see myself put a sadder version it actually looks like I'm crying the right side of my face is like drooping Sarah Matilda James Cornelia or even Chloe if you want to show yourself Now's the Time assault oh my God jumped did anybody who got assaulted and jumped could that be talking about Chloe was she jumped and assaulted after she told the other slaves what she did to the kids so [Music] there's a spirit here that is with me show yourself through this mirror one two three [Music] Chloe does guilt keep you here I knew it was wrong oh my goodness I think that we should use an inciting object I think [Music] yes ma'am William Winter it's just me now it's else sign are you gonna give me another sign that somebody else like it's someone else touch oh my God I want to keep the camera right here I'm gonna turn on two flashlights one on the stairs in case something comes down and then one right here next to the mirror if anything is here with me right now you can touch these flashlights it'll turn on and let me know that you're here with me [Music] oh my God the cracks in this mirror holy [ __ ] right after that I was about to say this makes me look like I'm about to cry this is a family member that's trapped next to this mirror can you come up next to this red flashlight and turn it off wait what what did you hear what did you hear say it again Woodruff did you did you just hear Woodruff are you trying to tell us about the Woodruff family it just went silent like dead completely silent for a full Mississippi and then started again oh my gosh it's like dude the minute you put the object in place it becomes intense after doing a bunch of research on this place we heard that most of the spirits that reside here are benevolent spirits but if there's a portal if there's a Vortex downstairs could anything enter here whatever it wanted to if I'm talking to somebody else besides William you said you would give me a Sign by touch I'm here by myself why don't you come like tap my shoulder tap my leg let me know that you're here with me if you're a child Spirit those here a family member is trapped here can you turn on one of these flashlights one more time just turn it on and I'll know that you're one of the two children oh my god dude okay my main question oh this one too double flashlights there might be more people joining okay please I really want to know are you actually trapped here if you are trapped and you cannot leave this mirror please turn off one of these flashlights immediately immediately on that one too back to back it was in the house are you tired oh my gosh I'm excited yeah I'm exhausted Chloe I hope you don't mind we've got coriander in Amanda's hand uh I you know what was the death an accident or was it an act of Revenge I think we talked downstairs reveals Wheels Gateway he revealed himself at the Gateway step step guys that makes so much sense to me or maybe that wasn't William and that was somebody else trying to give me a sign of where the Gateway is feel this right here supposedly is going to make me feel more see more become more empathic just like all of season two that's what I was trying to really like learn how to do each time I go into investigation the feelings get stronger so is what I'm holding right now going to help me feel I have them with me right now so I have this theory that the mirror is actually representative of a portal if that is true can you turn off both of these flashlights both of them there's one holy [ __ ] that was instant so if this is important oh my God two flashlights so this is a portal that I I might have been right maybe they just confirmed that I'm right it's time to wrap up it's time to wrap up I swear to God what it's time to wrap up [Music] I'm thinking what they're trying to say is the danger here is the portal you don't know who you're actually talking to or what is inside just like they said there could be other spirits that it was just opened from from a portal and we have no idea boom lights on if that is correct turn that off gone do you want us gone tell us what you want back do you want back inside you went back inside the house Chloe what happened to you fight fight there was a fight between you and some other people on this Plantation is that true River it's just Chloe do you know what river that you were thrown into [Music] we're so sorry that this happened to you they all but why do you stay here foreign [Music] [Music] winter himself but I did put the cat ball and it went off like immediately just one time it sounded like it was a spirit that was maybe just like telling me what he knew like it said that somebody was like assaulted by getting jumped which I assume they could have been talking about Chloe and then I was just like am I talking to William and it said it's us like it's someone else let me show you a sign sign touch and then I was like maybe one of them felt like they got touched touched out there like swear yelled jumped through my arm out it was like something just about protection and then try to just like get back into it like we just ignored it I was talking about where he died specifically and it said Gateway at the step yeah that that aligns perfectly with me I I asked I presented that theory instead of this mirror being the haunted object it is a representation of the portal that was started on the other side of this wall if you guys are liking this video please give it an actual like go down there and like it because you guys get this to 300 000 likes you're going to go in one of the most haunted houses in the world while you're down there check out these guys subscribe to them we literally bring them through the most hottest spots ever thank you guys so much for doing this time to get to the experiment we're gonna need one of you guys to sit in the chair and open up her mouth foreign [Music] energy together specifically electromagnetic energy which is what is detected on these meters and as you guys know in this episode specifically in Chloe's favorite room this meter was going off crazily so asking for Chloe we want a conjure up for lack of a better word than most electromagnetic energy we have decided what if we connect all of our energy through copper wire we wrap all of us together then do the Estus method as a group what we don't know if this works what but we're saying if our energy is connected would we get better answers especially if Chloe is showing herself as electromagnetic energy have you thought about what if you give them much energy oh isn't that what we want for answers we never think about the possible bad things that happen and it ends up working out Sandy you got a demon in your ass not anymore is that hurt your leg oh she might be under already wait no she didn't yes dude look it's going off now so it's underneath her leg and it's wrapped around us a lot somebody debunked the fact how is their electromagnetic energy there isn't anything electrical here at all that's [ __ ] scary what is the circle that a man is drawing to represent something portal oh my God that was perfect isn't that how what perfect your answers though we're outside they were similar but with more ambiguity that's acid on quieter just in case she can hear us I thought that was not like wasn't too loud but could you say it okay something at 12 o'clock what is that Circle you're drawing is there a name who is this I'm up top oh up there you're up there Step Gateway are we speaking are you ready call them Chloe kids Chloe the kids anybody here at the myrtles please show yourself I am oh my God water dude that could be Cleo or Chloe bullet got dumped in the river this is fight it's spiked or right after you said Chloe it went to red and just the messenger no the messenger the person that maybe was talking to me you didn't know who it was but it was telling you about the house exactly dude this is making me like feel kind of sick being like chained to her is there some sort of portal leading in and out of this house at the Myrtle that just spiked yeah yeah you support it this house this house the entire house is that a portal one moment yeah take your time are you targeting me because I have this because Amanda gave me this maybe they know I can feel more because I can Stone yeah dude hmm sounds like a man that sounded like Latin my name is John John who did you live here at the house I just want what do you want cash William Winter season upstairs when I was talking about the death of William Winters I said oh he wants cash he owes me John tell us clearly well I assume she was it because of the debt the cash is there something keeping you here this the circle of the portal the portal are you talking about the portal is it what Amanda's drawing out the portal is that what's keeping you here John Chloe whoever was speaking to is there a portal in the house here is here it is here it is and she just went like on this floor oh my God wait so the portal is forcing you to stay we need help they don't get trapped in the mirrors something this way how can we help you I'm so cold oh my God is there something I just heard a Belding this is [ __ ] terrifying look at me if we can't even run if we wanted to yeah On Five Oh [ __ ] one two three four five [Music] Amanda's ear here it's like a fear of the portal I guess I don't know say do you want us to stay or is the portal forcing you to stay yes that's it that's coming and then they need help but how do we help is there any way she she is she is Chloe's trying to help is it Chloe they're talking about maybe um [Music] [Music] so we know there's a portal basically one way because it traps them here and they need help that's probably why this whole place is so haunted it's literally a one-way portal that traps people using we're here to help you what can we do did you did oh [ __ ] I hate that well they're literally laughing it's probably because we're wrapped up in copper wire in the middle of their house what the hell are you doing should we take this off dude yeah you know what that just made me think of though is the scratches that keep showing up on the mirror even every single time they get take a new one no I think we gotta do there's nothing they keep talking about money we got the person who might have killed William Winters we got Chloe to come through we got proof there's a portal and a proof that they need help because they can't leave that's impossible they can walk around the plantation but they can't leave is that correct it always I thought in my spot uh indeed literally chills again yo why you're like you can feel yourself doing that right yeah yeah no no I do that to like help myself focus in getting like a trance yeah but it's never been a hollow in the middle but it's always a black Vlog we asked what you were drawing in a sub portal like it was like using that to represent portals why did you write colby colby was the first thing I heard what was interesting is you also said you were talking to a messenger at one point and I think I was talking to somebody that was some sort of messenger figure that was telling me about the story here but I think we talked to multiple spirits that we're all talking about just the same portal that they're trapped in they can't get out of I think we figured it out but it's impossible for us to help them so they are trapped here so with that I think we can definitely say that Myrtles Plantation is one of the most haunted places in America hope you guys are enjoying hell week please subscribe and turn on notifications for the next video ayos naked baby child is actually an armadillo armadillo me scared the [ __ ] out oh my God that was crazy that's a naked baby armadillo
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 9,543,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, myrtles plantation, mrytles plantation
Id: _hZ8_VGaC1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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