A Ghost Encounter We Will Never Forget.

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do did natalie and todd break up officially? at 38:11 Todd asks, "will i ever find a girlfriend". I didnt see anything else about it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flodflida8998 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
five minutes ago you're like I don't know if I believe and then boom a door opened are you sure she's like targeting you yeah oh my God here we go dude we're in like a rainforest with a bunch of mosquitoes in Mississippi and then this is just here I can't lose you didn't really feel like a weird energy right now what's up guys it's Sam and Colby and welcome to hell week let's go let's go we are here with Todd and Brett have you guys ever done anything haunted before no nothing like this besides my my dreams and nightmares are you terrified you know I wasn't nervous today but I'm getting pretty pretty nervous I've had like past life experiences when I was a kid I don't even remember them but years later I've had experiences where like these Spirits have tried to come back to me so I'm like really nervous walking through this situation to see like what say my might break something out tonight so why is the mcraven house considered one of the most haunted places in Mississippi it's because all the history that's happened over the past 230 years it's like a time capsule for three different periods of history there has been ghost sightings and paranormal encounters since 1864. that's 150 years of paranormal history in this house the Craven house was around the center of The Siege of Vicksburg we were a part of something called The Siege of Vicksburg where the Union Army would take the town under siege for 47 days straight they completely cut down meaning people starved to death they couldn't get food or water throughout the cities they were basically trapped in here disease spread people were eating rats their shoe leather they were going insane even after the war they were buried bodies on this ground the gentleman who builds this front section of the house was a guy named John H Bob John allowed this area in the courtyards to be field hospitals for the Confederate Army we EST made around 300 men are going to be buried here well mostly in this area in some spots of it is actually the ground's spongy this is so settling from the graves oh yeah people are there they still pop up from time to time the soil around the house erodes like you would not believe so every now and then those guys pop out of the mud from time to time random bone a random femur uh kick it back in there real quick that is like a zombie movie just like imagine a hand coming out of the ground like oh my favorite zombies the horror movie I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry sorry yo uh what what type of phone is this that's the thing we're still trying to piece it together I personally think it might be a clavicle but it seems a little like right here that's like a confederate soldier that's 200 years old in your hand it's this side right here there we go yeah there we go is that the first time you guys have actually held real human bones wait so probably it's human bones yeah definitely the first time I ever went to like a random backyard and was like oh here's a human body let me hold this you're saying you don't want to hold this human bone right I'm done let's do it yeah we're all doing this respectfully yeah you're right right right with reference yo that is gnarly the gravity of that is so overwhelming it is insane wait wait are you talking about some [ __ ] that already going on I really don't want to sound crazy when we were in the field I could almost like hear like Confederate so it was like screaming in my head I'm feeling something right now I was out hearing screams or something but I don't know what was going on it was so weird I've had like weird experiences like that in the past but never like that I don't know if I was just like nervous but like I got like it felt felt something I mean like energy yeah like a wave over you I've never experienced anything like that before this is not just like some random like haunted hotel this is a 200 year old house that has 300 bodies buried around it rumored to be the most haunted in the state of Mississippi [Applause] [Music] yeah this is all original brick and plaster this is the oldest standing building in Vicksburg built in 1797. WoW wow originally This was meant to be a hideout for a man named Andrew Glass now let's talk about the most negative Spirit here A Man by the name of Andrew Glass Legend has it that Mr glass Was a Highwayman who would often Rob and beat people and was just a terrible person in general dude not just that like he murdered people so Andrew Glass would intercept Travelers going past this area attack them then he would take their loot back to this place he created this Mansion as a hideaway but one day you got now he gets shot during a robbery he manages to make it back here to his house where he tries to patch himself up for pests out that's when his wife Mary finds him Mary had caught win that Andrew had been cheating on her so when she finds him incapacitated she takes one of his razor blades and oh my God the funny thing about Andrew is he's a bit of a creep we have three women who work here at the mcraven house none of them come up here by themselves because Andrew freaks them out too bad we've also had people with things being stolen because he's of course A Highway of robber a big thing in this room that gives me the creeps is that little personal nightmare of mine that we have in the Rocky bed oh my God wait what is that so that's a corn husk doll we like to call her Little Debbie oh my how old is Cornell Debbie that's the thing we don't know we don't even know where she comes from or who owned her originally but the big thing we know about Debbie is she likes to move around we've come up here and found her in the bed here in this chair in the corner she likes to really sit in this high chair that we have wait just get up out of here and move all over there in the middle of the night to herself [Music] she should never have a heat signature but you'll find that sometimes she does one night I was given an 8 30 tour and I had about 12 people and I was standing there it was a college age couple and as I was telling Andrew's story you know I was looking at the girl and she just looked terrified like she looked like she was gonna faint finally I stopped and said can I ask her are you okay is something touching you because that happens here in this room and she just pointed at the cradle and the doll had been lying just like she's lying down but during the tour she he got up and stood up leaned against the back of the bed so when I looked down at her she's looking back at me right in the middle of a tour wait wait she moved like while you guys were looking in the middle of a tour oh my god do you think it's like Andrew Glass doing this I don't I think there's something attached to her God tiger detachment's not good dude Andrew would have any reason to be affiliated with the corn husk dog Rim pods really work well in this room insulting himself is that okay say whatever crafts words you want to say oh that's not good I've never had somebody say that we could do that I don't think I don't think whoa oh my god dude the camera's freaking out why do you see all the weird [ __ ] going on that's never happened to this camera everything around you is like fuzzy well I'm gonna make sure that I'm gonna shut this off [Music] there's a lot of negative things that have happened during this house including one of the most violent paranormal manifestations we've ever heard about the previous owner Leyland French had some horrible encounters with ghosts here he would have some invisible force shove him down these stairs those ones right there these ones right here he actually had that door slam shot on him and break his thumbs there's a little yellow house four doors up the street Leyland owned that house too he bought it so that he could have a safe place to sleep when he can't be here but in 2008 he abandoned this property moved out in the middle of the night didn't tell anyone where he's going and he did this because his final night here in the house he's coming up behind the final tour and while he makes it right about what you're saying right here when something squishes under his shoe and he finds that I guess it's been a piece of chewing gum onto his carpet he gets on his hands and knees and starts cleaning it up and then something pushes his head into the floor it's so hard that it broke his nose oh my God he had glass shards all over his face he had to have removed it parked for you later that night if he finds out he's talking on the phone with someone from the mcraven house he hangs up his phone wow no way what get him on the phone tonight you don't you don't have like physical things that are that bad shoving your face in the ground breaking your fingers in a drawer you push down the stairs like that's like Paranormal Activity [ __ ] it reminds me a lot of like the Sally house why would you say that we figured it out to realize that the switch from autofocus to manual focus was on but we never did that we've been filming on this camera for two years I've never switched it to manual focus ever you actually need to put Force like if my hand was just sitting there there's no way it would happen would it happen in the middle of the story about Andrew Glass this is a negative Spirit but he literally could have just been messing with you and switched it exactly first ever day I had in this house all to myself all this fine china started to Rattle and Shake I thought something was going to fall off and crash into a million pieces and I let out a little four-letter word [ __ ] or [ __ ] uh right after that happened I'm saying it again right around where you are and dude okay I know it but I hear this craggly old lady voice and right in my ear and go excuse me hi she's really what you've actually heard is like in your ear yelling oh yeah I'm Kayla bowler I'm a freeloader at least you're honest about it Uma air maid on have uh made a very dirty joke and as soon as I finish my sentence we hear a loud bang coming from in here I've got around the table and there is a candle on the carpet silver one on the left fell out of that candle holder onto the carpet the next night and I were arguing in the foyer all of a sudden we hear a loud bang come in here and it's the candle on the right no way ever since then I've learned not to use my dirty words in this house we wanted to introduce you guys to the most active Spirit named Mary of course her name is Mary every place on the goddamn Mary in 1836 Mary and Stephen Howard moved into this house they made a lot of Renovations made it so much bigger and wanted to start a family sadly two weeks after the birth of her first daughter Mary died from childbirth like we said she is the most active Spirit of the house she is very friendly she loves making herself known by making noises and touching people however because Mary died at such a young age a lot of people theorized that she's sad because her life felt incomplete that might be why she is so active in trying to participate in other people's investigations she just wants to be heard here's Mary's room whoa the staircase is not even attached to anything yeah it's okay Mary's room this is the nice ghost this is the nice ghost dude this is like Casper but girl version yeah this is gonna be the most active Spirit of the night apparently yeah well this is Mary she's the one who acts up a whole lot whoa whoa whoa is like AC over there no why is that shaking wait it's open she's opening just opened he's opened up yeah no photo I just saw I just saw that dude wait did you just see that I walked in it and it just like slowly opened up we didn't touch anything does that does that thing open on its own yeah that's marin oh my god dude you just saw that foreign like that direction I definitely saw the ending because I was like wait is that a light thing because it was flapping open you were like this is the most active part of the house boom like right now it was almost like hello hi I'm here yeah well this is Mary she's the one who acts up a whole lot whoa oh there's no wind here yeah wait it's kind of stranger in the police okay no mirrors yeah it's so creepy the same year they move in this house Mary finds out that she's pregnant with her and Steven's first child later that year she would deliver their beautiful healthy baby girl named Karen but unfortunately she's going to pass away in childbirth okay right here right in this room all this stuff that we have on display those are some of her books her jewelry box her glove all original whoa all original from 1830s is this her actual bed yes there it is dude can I ask you a question yeah what's up is she like a show-off not so much a show-off she just likes letting people know she's here so she plays around with them she has a real soft spot for babies no toddlers she likes to play with their hair and uh tickle their ribs she'll also likes to close that wait did you hear that too yeah yeah there was footsteps out in there is someone here does she follow us up hello we've also found out that Mary really likes moving things around her room we had all of our guests downstairs in the dining room and we all heard furniture moving up here so I came bursting up into the room in that chair that we have in the corner so it's in the entryway blocking off the entrance to the room I come in here and there's no one in this back end of the house I also find this trundle bed that belonged to the Murray sisters that's been pulled all the way out too bro again right about where you're standing all right we're good at this but uh this has gotten so bad that you're lately oh my God yo was that you just dropping it or did that come out of your pocket it came out of my pocket no way hey no way so weird wait actually where was it I didn't touch it no no way are you kidding me yeah I was just standing there and you were messing with it I wasn't even touching it no way have you ever seen anything like that just drive um like taking phones out of your pocket that's the first one that's a new one oh my God it likes you all right that's crazy Jackie pocket it was like in here like this and fell out of your pocket randomly fell out oh my God yo Mary is like active active I think she likes you guys that's good we like you too man that was weird it honestly felt like something like pulled on me I was just standing there my heart's racing three to five minutes ago you're like I don't know if I believe but I want to and then boom door opens and your phone gets taken out of your pocket she's like tired oh my God she was like let me show you wait wait what happened he said there's somebody walking in the yard it's a whole crew of people just walking right through there what that's what's known it's like when you're up on the balcony you can see like Confederate groups of soldiers walking around he literally just said he saw a group of kids or something he just came and asked me like do you have anybody else in your groups no yeah each room has its different like smelling Vibe I don't feel too bad in this one I felt like kind of anxious in Andrew glasses yeah yeah I feel the most calm in here holy [ __ ] I thought I just saw something out there but I guarantee you that was the reflection you don't want to keep an eye on that that might be John oh my God wait what do you mean yeah he gets sighted staying on the front balcony that's where he likes to go out maybe but he was also walking in so I'm gonna blame it on that our final Haunting of the night takes place in 1849 with a man named John Bob this place actually used to be called the Bob house yeah that's really not scary at all so for 1849 to 1863 nothing really happened he lived a nice quiet life then the war happened like we said earlier this was on the grounds of the Civil War specifically at The Siege of Vicksburg so like we said before this place turned into a field Hospital during the war and a lot of people died here from disease it also went through a bunch of weird operations that weren't exactly safe they know this because they found bullets with teeth marks in it because they would put the bullet in a soldier's mouth so they had something to bite down on when they were screaming it's the term bite the bullet they also uncovered a lot of Bones around the yards of this place now we're literally sawed in half meaning that they got their limbs amputated one year after The Siege of Vicksburg the Union Soldiers had taken occupancy right around the house picking flowers They're apparently drunk causing some Havoc John Bob was like hey get off my property ends up having to throw a brick at them in order to get them off their property he ends up throwing a brick at one of these guys trying to scare them off but it clocked him right in the snog and then knocks him out now apparently John Bob had the throwing capacity of an MLB player John Bob had the throwing capacity of a modern day MLB player because the bricks smack to one of the Union guys sprained the Noggin and knocked him out so the soldier is about to come back and arrest him which they did they'll return later that night with 25 friends hear him a few yards past his train tracks out here and John tries to make a break for his life they shoot him in the back while he's trying to run away when this doesn't kill John they get up right in front of him and shoot him directly in his face [Music] that would make John the first civilian casualty of The Siege of Vicksburg so John Bob is seen all over the house specifically on the balcony smoking cigars maybe you know yelling at the soldiers that are around the yard that was crazy oh my God all right guys so we're about to start the investigation stay till the end of this video because we're gonna make do some crazy hockey [ __ ] we're gonna throw them in the deep and they said they're willing to do some crazy stuff so we're gonna put them to the test maybe make them do they us to spend it it's about to get real guys we're going to the scariest guy first Andrew Glass wait yeah why are we doing that yes gotta start with the best first man we always start with the worst things it feels heavy dude yeah like I don't know if it's just like the humidity it is stickier in here almost feels like you're walking through like thick air right better 1700s it's like one of the oldest places you've been to yes in America for sure dude dude I can't believe he was just like yeah you should um provoke them too everyone always tells us not to do that I was like oh God Lucy has a [ __ ] he's not coming at us right now oh let's go Fred Tommy [ __ ] you know he just look over he's levitating with the haunted doll stranger thing [ __ ] women wise they said that this thing which is called The Rim pod works the best in here anything comes near this antenna it will like light up just like that that's not his chair that's his chair what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah what does that mean I've never seen to do the just the red one it's it's it's moving around he's in here right now maybe that means like something's like going by that well yes it will light up where it's at so the fact that it was on this side and then that side something's moving in that corner oh my God and now he left oh what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay if this is Andrew Glass can you right after yourself he doesn't like that and your glass oh my God wait what's going on it's going off and on as if he's walking back and forth it makes no sense could you could you swim bud reset it can you step away from that right now come over with us [Music] he might have broken our equipment with no light looking into the other room it is so weird oh my god dude what's going on with this thing dude dude what it's broken it's actually broken did he break it it was working two days ago yes literally like on our trip it was working it didn't go off all night [Music] what the [ __ ] I said butt plugs these all right yeah some butt plugs turn around they just flash [Music] turn them on and off like that but it's just a regular flashlight simple as that guys it's not ghost equipment it's hot up here it feels a little more dense yes definitely humid or something wait what speaking of what's that mean that the high-pitched sound that's heat it's it's like getting more hot in here I just said it was getting hot in here which maybe it's just because four Dudes are in here not hotter than usual and we're just sexy yeah yeah she's super hot dudes around here you hear something what did the light just go up is that on yeah when you set that up there it was on okay okay that one just turned off that one just turned on that was that one was on this one was off for sure and your glass if that is you or if there's a spirit in here can you turn that flashlight off that was almost on time maybe give him a countdown wait you try it I'm not I'm not like I don't know how that works do it try it do what just say hey Andrew Glass if you're here just tap one of these flashlights yeah or something again oh my goodness turn the flashlight off if you like when girls are in this room oh holy [ __ ] that one turned on it made it that was not even a second Andrew class do you like them we're here turn off this blue flashlight it's still getting hotter oh my gosh I guess he likes us that's good did that one just go on too yeah it's going back and forth like yeah almost like perfectly didn't we just say that earlier yeah back and forth [ __ ] this guy oh I dare you to say like [ __ ] you Andrew Glass Andrew do you prefer whoa both at the same time wow blondes and brunettes yo that's crazy and these aren't trick flashlights no yeah you mess with them right literally normal flashlights oh that one's gonna turn off too boom Andrew Glass we want to make sure you're actually here can you go over there did you just point towards the rim Pond can you go sit over there thank you can you walk away from that [Music] what the [ __ ] was that at the same time it's weird things are usually not that active what did you hear something wait what is that what is that what is that what is that is that a bug can you hear something yeah oh [ __ ] Andrew Glass I don't believe you're real and I don't want to use any of the equipment I want you to actually touch me move the doll something that we can see that we could hear isn't the equipment can you do that for us I want to know if you're actually real because I don't believe so the flashlight went on maybe what actually what wait for real touch my head actually like just like right here that it was that's exactly what we just said we wanted we asked for that like wait didn't you just say the the hair thing yeah yeah glass is known for playing with hair spray like felt like a pull on my hair like that you're also the only one that said like a mean thing towards him you just like asked him but you said like [ __ ] you dude that's crazy you wanna try it again I'm too nervous when I say like touch me touch me you're trying to make fun of them see what happens I don't really want to make fun of them just like too real oh God that's the temperature still going up and dude the flashlights are just chilling now I just think it's a little embarrassing that the more haunted thing in this room is a little dull it's not even you and you're too scared to mess with dudes up here but you mess with women instead oh me with my hair he's like a girl I think everyone needs a little touch yeah I want you guys are not just like that light just went off but I want you guys to experience the touch too because right now I'm the only one who has had the phone and that's hair post now I'm like well remember when you were coming up to the house you were the only one too that was like I don't really know if I believe in this this stuff but also you said you get a weird feeling as well right I've always had a complicated relationship with with Spirits because my mom is a huge believer in medium she thinks I'm like it I have empath in me where I can have experience kind of speak through me and it's going out again it's crazy what the [ __ ] it's like super dim but I've always been like really resistant to it and like not sure what to believe but then the second we got into the field I heard like screams men screaming 200 years ago 300 years ago like that's what I like a war scream or something yeah but but we didn't even tell you until we got onto the tour that it was like a field Hospital what was that said outside yeah so I'll just come in that's right below us are you trapped in this time period in this part of the house whoa there we go there we go you can't leave just like the the tour guide said which makes sense because again he doesn't even know this room exists because it wasn't a part of his stuff maybe is that this used to be a balcony well then I wonder if we go forward in time if Mary can still come in here whoa because this was Andrew maybe like you can't go forward but you could see backward oh maybe let's find out oh my God that's so terrifying yo you're not gonna [ __ ] believe it you're not gonna [ __ ] believe it [Music] we started this whole thing no before we get into Mary's investigation guys it is hell week that means we are making Explorer Club only one dollar to join that means you get all our exclusive content even from past months just for one dollar guys it's gonna be the cheapest that it has been all year so do not miss this opportunity use this code right here to get it for one dollar and guys we are on the road to 10 million subscribers guys just take five seconds maybe in three seconds go subscribe right now just go do it it's easy which brings me to our next experiment we are here in Mary's room this is technically a different time period we have two hourglasses both said to be three minutes we want to have one hourglass in this room one hour West in Andrew glasses room see if the time is different for two reasons one if it actually is a different time which may or may not that's kind of some stranger things thing or two they're both magnetic and so it's believed his Spirit energy is electromagnetic energy all the magnetic stuff inside could be affected by that so who wants to take Andrew glasses realm alone foreign [Music] it's more than like two seconds off five ten seconds off that's super weird it could just be the same it could be the same we don't know but let's ask both Spirits try and change this if you can hear ballsy the first time they're on our Channel we're just like yeah just go alone and literally principle has touched in that room his phone went out of his pocket everything oh my God it is scary in here this is crazy oh my God Mary if you can affect this hourglass please do so and we'll know you're here and if you want to mess with this time throw it off however you can do it all right you guys ready yep we'll flip it and then click at the same time flipping click three two come on [Music] that was like literally the same time Andrew if you can alter the timepiece Mary are you here come on Andrew Andrew are you in here we heard you're the most active spirit in here prove it to us you look so cool Andrew if you're in here can you can you alter The Hourglass please can you open up that door one more time that cabinet come on I know you want to dude really good done we got ours done we're so done we're still going we have a lot left what what where yes what we got we're still going it's about to finish yeah what's up finished what the shirt 228. that is 20 seconds off 20 seconds difference 20 seconds difference what the hell wait that makes no sense okay I was gonna say like if it was five seconds off if it was 10 seconds off even but 20 seconds difference that's a lot yeah when you guys said you were done we saw like a [ __ ] ton of 210 and 228 these are 228 models 210. we did this experiment because we're like let's just have some new stuff happen like we had no intention of that actually working what wait does that mean Andrew was a stronger spirit and messed with it like from like magnetic yeah magnetic magnetic little set yeah from going down either that or is it like the way it was positioned I don't know dude that's the exact same model and they're supposed to be exactly they came in the same package The Hourglass let's try it all right foreign this is my favorite thing to use it's called The Spirit Box scans through radio frequencies and will just spit out words so Spears can just come in here and talk this is what it sounds like yeah but we did that just open it was that on camera was that did we just we're literally just sitting here talking so you're just listening for words is there anybody in here with us any spirit foreign [Laughter] we heard this is your room can you confirm that see what you're up to Mary can you say your name into this device I'm holding right now hello Mary can you say your name who's the spirit in this room [Applause] mates or man what is the name of this house [Music] soldiers did you hear that soldiers are we talking to a soldier right now heart attack in a room in a room someone have a heart attack in a room here what'd you say I'm sorry to interrupt I really am you remember Harry Murray he had a heart attack in the room right underneath y'all whoa I heard heart attack in a room was he a soldier he was drafted into the last two months of World War One wait it's okay so it says Soldier heart attack in a room are we talking to a man named Harry who was a soldier probably did you fight in the war wait how did you die in this house is there anybody else here with you or is it just you me Soldier maybe we do the Obelisk because it'll be clear curse some Satan so this is like the same thing as a spirit box but it just enunciates the ones that it can pick up for us captain and vote it would be like what they would cost them in a war we think we were talking to a soldier someone that was in the war can you confirm that is your name James [Music] what what do you say like the cave drag who was James [Music] what's up do you know of a guy named Andrew Glass [Music] do you know of a girl named scare stairs horse you know who's in this room can you tell us who you are maybe not your name but your job or what you're like or anything Oracle what's that isn't that like a empath personally she we're on the Mississippi River did you come down tragic are you here during The Siege of Vicksburg both times both in Andrew Glass and here it's like a lot's going on but it's not intelligent there's one ghost story I didn't tell you guys all right this is the first documented case of a ghost popping up at the mcraven house after John Bob was killed the house has turned into a Union headquarters now there was one man named Colonel j h Wilson who slept in this room who's real good buddies with Captain James McPherson disappeared one night he reappeared as a ghost to tell him that while he was going to attend a bonfire here in town he'd been killed by one of the citizens in Vicksburg dumped in the Mississippi River McPherson was dumped in the Mississippi River came back as a ghost and told told his buddy Colonel Wilson this was the very first ghost story ever recorded in like 1860s 1864. before the Civil War was over same years the union occupation of the town in this room wow we thought we had nothing it was so confusing that makes so much sense now dude that's nuts I was ever recorded wow this room like man I want to believe if I wasn't here for it that was cool that was trippy that gave me chills yeah man because we thought it was like we were like there's no like there's not Mary it's like it doesn't add up to any of the stories that we already know he stayed here after Mary after John Bob died the house is Union County headquarters that's when they're staying here wow maybe we should go and search for John Bob and some more soldiers yeah good idea what are you guys thinking it's getting real the skin real [ __ ] connection to the dots I can't wait for you guys to watch it back too and see like what other words know what the story is there's probably so many more things that we didn't know same with the spear box good money and he's in the guy that killed him came from well he was a real wealthy prominent man of high social standing here thanks bird whoa all right guys if you're enjoying this video so far with Todd and Brett leave a like if this gets 300 000 likes we'll do a part two with them go show some love leave a like spank that subscribe and have a great day we're doing all new hell week merch that's only going to be available during hell week so we'll get it now before it's over Link in description shop explorer.com all right here we go guys this thing is called a music box it's [ __ ] terrifying oh my God anything that steps in front of it that's the sound it makes it's gonna make that sound [ __ ] scrutiny sandwich should we introduce the Estus method to them oh yes all right so Estes e-s-t-e-s because it was founded in Estes Park which is where the Stanley Hotel is you know The Shining have you ever seen it oh yeah I found it there yeah yes yeah yeah remember the Spirit Box thing yeah so basically it's using one of those except you put headphones in there and then you put blindfolds on so you can basically like sensory deprived and you're only listening to what you're hearing those words and you know that theory that like when you cut off other senses your one sense becomes stronger that's basically the theory there I'm ready all right he's just gonna become a conduit this is the best way we could get real answers feel free to ask any questions no stupid questions will I find a girlfriend is there anybody here with us are you in the room with us right now here I'm following following wait were you a spirit that's following us from another room over over from another room is it Jam 18 over used to be like in the war when they're in Milwaukee the radio yes you're speaking through a radio are you someone that lived here in the house me this is John Bob can you tell us your name or if you died here here wow by the water this could be James McPherson or or John Bob leave are you not happy we're here more together with I bet this is Mcpherson he'd be the only ghost in the house that was here at the time period of this part of the house did you die in the river by the river over there oh my God over there did it hurt did you come back to this house do you haunt this house often normal it's normal for him to be here maybe do you know the name John Bob [Music] how long does it take do you know who killed you no good no oh no don't you just don't do it oh yeah don't go on respect it's like don't talk about that [ __ ] captain one two three four five he's the fifth person can you see the other Spirits here oh no try one one does that mean he's by himself or there's one more if you were murdered over by the river why'd my Craven house distant are you trapped here can you move around freely Rock yes maybe you can't move from freely we ran right how many spirits are we talking to right now [Music] why do that foreign [Music] did you see somebody here exactly you [ __ ] freaked me out the whole time all right final question if you are James can you give us a sign how long is it yeah yeah there's a sign what's that yeah a lot of it made sense right yeah like a lot but dude the piece is connected I think we figured it out it like aligned a lot with James McPherson and stuff like that you said River I killed you came back here they were seeing as a weird shadow of stuff and both of those over there there's like Reflections off the window look at the window right there windows and stuff [ __ ] oh yeah it's like [ __ ] spooky it is outside huh you guys don't try yeah you will see how crazy it is you can't hear anything foreign have been saying you're more empathic and you've been feeling the most so it might make the most sense flashlight right here as well and he's under is there any uh spirit here with us here in this room help us holy [ __ ] help you from what make me cry what the [ __ ] why would we make you cry are you afraid sometimes sometimes rain's going off is so creepy I know it's really creepy all we need is just like the rain yeah honestly oh my God what do you need help from Mary are you here with us oh no maybe he was born were you trying to warn Us in the last room about something negative yeah whoa oh my god did ask what should we be afraid of burn burn me through help me through what where do you need to go are you trapped here oh [ __ ] yeah he said burn is getting hotter are you trapped here home who are we talking to can you give us a name are we talking to James are we talking to a soldier it's me it's me just to confirm this is James McPherson hey holy [ __ ] why do you stay here are you saying you're scared because you're trapped I don't don't stay don't stay here yeah maybe he does wander around maybe some people are trapped in somewhere so why are you trying to warn us I've tried trying to warn us of bad things is there a negative energy here at the house yeah bro do you think it's Andrew glass yeah be gone no closing it's hot can you show us in any other way that you're here you move something or turn on one of these flashlights I'm about to holy [ __ ] dude chills you open this door a few times before can you do it right now oh my God money you say money earlier so this is James why were you murdered you know we got that you were a traitor maybe you're right holy [ __ ] she looks down my neck dude oh [ __ ] why is this whole thing I've got like seven chills right we just want to know can you see the other Spirits are you free to see all the different time periods here can holy [ __ ] now you die here so maybe he came here yeah the people that died are trapped here are trapped you're right people that died are trapped in their own time period yeah people that are coming in maybe from the portal can see everything holy [ __ ] for what for what what's about to happen dude I'm freaking out cause he died in the river right yeah so we can come back here whatever cry it's time to cry there you go baby Mary I'm screaming he heard screaming too [Music] what the [ __ ] does that mean what is that the heat let's have that like like that baby baby died here in this room or no wait she died from I die from childbirth maybe it's Mary as well Mary Ann James believe why do you want us to leave so badly what's gonna happen why do we need to know that what are you trying to figure out right now is what I'm asking oh my God Danny really wants us to lose Supreme wait Night Dream Terrors that's when he saw James who fear said the guy the guy saw his room right like he woke up from a dream and saw this guy as a ghost so he's saying that's what's gonna happen don't do it okay wait tell him holy [ __ ] oh dude everything just no sense yeah about him dying and telling the guy coming back is a ghost and telling me yeah what happened in his room right yo like basically we were talking to James for sure James original ghost story and when one of the soldiers was asleep dreaming woke up he saw James McPherson you basically were saying get out like now it's gonna happen the night dreams serious McPherson he was threatening to do the same to us as he used to back in the day well that's crazy what's the last thing he said you got it you got the story you got the stories oh my God that thing and that thing was going off and on like the entire time at one point I said something that I heard you guys scream and but I was like so lightheaded by the end I was do you did you get like like yeah you're not supposed to do it for that long I was like losing it and I was like I don't know what I'm saying and then I was like I was like lightheaded yeah oh yeah I literally get in this trance State you know like as you become like an empath the spirits in these time periods were trapped in the time periods but if you came from somewhere else you could see everything I think we figured out that most of these Spears that died in the house are trapped here in their respective like rooms or if you died later than the time period Then you can see everything before foreign [Music] right as you walked away dude it didn't do that at all in the other room why does it keep happening it was quiet the entire time and only it was freaking out there I just turned on oh my God that's Andrew turn off the flashlight there's some weird like residual style energy here it's not like intelligent I feel like all of our equipment always works in here or [ __ ] up or [ __ ] up in the camera too even like yeah the camera [ __ ] up here at first this is weird energy in here okay I'm gonna put it on the bed instead all right let's do it all right let me see that oh wait now it's doing the weird one what what does that mean was it filming yes yes yes no that's completely different than what it was doing something in this room he's like making that Rim pod completely malfunction every time it's in here very bizarre and the red flashlight didn't go on at all last Estus method and now it went on twice let's get to this who are you negative negative Spirit negative energy do you not want us to be here is there anyone in here oh synchronicity synchronicity wait all the time periods synchronizing [Music] yo that's kind of frustrating how the [ __ ] should make this out you might actually not be hearing things clear because it makes sense nothing's clear you said negative that was like the clearest thing you said [Music] holy [ __ ] he said that that happened No One's Gonna believe that but she happened yo Colby come down here right now I thought you bumped yours fast we were so far away from this yo we we were just talking about the outro and like just like about to go do that and look what [ __ ] just dropped right now wait in front of you guys in front of us the cam the candle just dropped in front of us like we were this far away we did not move I just turned on the camera have you seen that candle fall off yet not that one we just got that it was about a week ago oh my God people are gonna think you like touched it I know and that's that's why I I'm just saying No One's Gonna believe us but like we were this far we did not move like swear on my life you guys have an issue with candles following me right oh yeah yes like that that was over there what the [ __ ] going on oh that's a spear box that's a Spirit Box getting colder not warmer that that's great I hate that no one's gonna believe that because we weren't recording I mean don't believe them because they're like yeah that actually yeah they have no reason to lie would you ever do it again [ __ ] yes do you have a son again and if this gets 15 likes make sure to go check out the good boys podcast we're on there subscribe for More Hell Week videos with that being said we'll see you next time adios foreign
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 5,840,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, mcraven mansion, sam and colby haunted, sam colby toddy smith, toddy smith, brett bassock, toddy smith haunted, sam colby toddy brett, ghost encounter, haunted mississippi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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