Surviving 3 Terrifying Hotels in 50 Hours.. | Full Movie

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what's up guys it's Sam and Colby we are going to be spending the next two days at America's Most Haunted Hotel starting with the clown Motel this place has over 2 500 of the freakiest clowns which is why it's named scariest motel in the United States then we're going back to the mizpah voted the most haunted hotel by USA Today and finally ending on the darkest and scariest of them all a spot that launched the Ghost Adventures career because of its negative energies the Goldfield Hotel today we are with very special guests Dakota and Chelsea Layton of destination fears [Applause] know a thing or two about ghost hunting that's it yeah I'm dabbled how long have you got Ben ghost hunting all dang freaking life if you're having a haunted house bro we've been doing it for real for like five six years not gonna lie these clown motel's been on the bucket list for a long time I always wanted to come here does that mean you're more professionals than we are about this we don't need to get this who's better let the audience decide nothing could possibly go wrong it's been featured all over the world the clown Motel he woke up and there was a large life-sized clown standing in front of his bed [Music] I'm here I'm here oh my God we've been here before but it's still freaking me out what is this worse than the same okay right is anyone like really craving like a Big Mac right now what if you just came to life I don't want to go in there yeah who's going in first so people are traveling all over the world to donate clowns here wow he told me yesterday that he got a donation of more clowns oh my God he's got more clowns more clowns a lot of these figurines these vessels move specifically one notable one which is the main clown in the lobby Ghost Adventures caught on camera this Clown's hand moving multiple times and the current owner says he's been seeing hands move all the time as well have you seen that hand move since Zack Biggins right hand and the left hand oh back to bed doing one of these so the clown is dancing a little bit oh [Music] I didn't know that I like had a fear of clowns but standing in this room I think I do it just freaks me out a little bit like dude nice no it's scary because it's a baby it looks like it's the Pillsbury Doughboy Cabbage Patch Kid clown scary baby all these eyes dishonest it's really unsettling just wait till you get to the rooms all right guys we got three rooms for tonight one for you oh my god thank you one for you what one for me sorry Sam you got to sleep in the car what the [ __ ] guys I gotta sleep with Ronald over there oh yeah we could just film The Ground yeah 100 yes yes anyways it's my friend Dakota [ __ ] you there's a Ouija board on the top no wait no oh wait I know which this one is the freaking Exorcist is this actually that is the Exorcist oh even scarier it's a clown Exorcist oh it is a Ouija board I'm not comfortable cinnamon Kobe Sam remember when you got a key oh yeah this is mine right oh God it was not me I didn't do it okay stop oh my God look at the back yes no way dude um how could you even sleep on that bed do you feel like this can you turn over um this is not cool I don't like this I do not like the sheets or the quilts I kind of love it yeah oh it's trembling oh sorry oh God does it actually smell Jason oh my God it's Michael Myers guys this is way better though look it's a nice wooden floor I think it's better than the other quilt I have dare you to smell oh dude you can put your nose in that [ __ ] can you get syphilis from a quilt oh my god dude that picture is terrifying oh my God it looks like a horse and a clown all mixed together where do you see the horse it's a horse is that not look like you're getting a horse you got the little flip at the top there that's not a horse it's not a horse I think that's a horse that's Patrick Star how do people even come and stay here though dude we've slept here before have you seen any scary things around here like have you been here before I work here any creepy stories okay so what's been going on another tree inside yeah yeah he moves okay everyone we've talked to everything we've heard it's like movement things moving like what is it it's trying to scare you you know what a cemetery right yeah dude that's it yeah so do you think the people at the cemetery hot here a little bit of everything we've seen Shadows off the building on the outside knocking on the walls the painting the scratching and then like I said just things move yeah wow and then while they're sleeping you know I'll send their arms start moving curves open and close what their arms something else is moving their arms for them yeah they wake them up sounds like yeah over there me and the store owner are really close and he gave us an extra key this one has never been filmed by anybody it's a new themed room he said was created last week he said you will be the first people to film this dang dude do you feel special oh my God it's so warm in here oh yeah do you see this see this definitely stayed in here wait yeah we definitely did because this was this was the painting that we woke up next to it two years ago yes so not exclusive [Music] me and Colby decided that screw that bed we both slept on this one looking at that painting and it was terrifying why did you say screw this that was where all the like equipment was it was like yeah are those Tick Tock toilet sheets no no oh just completely roasted them please she's actually innocent like the lady they're painting she's here oh that's the car Motel this is the cemetery and he said that that was just as or more haunted in this place should go check that out first yeah you guys got come on we can't stay in this room guys so um the Goldfield mizpah and clown Motel are all within a few miles of each other in these mining towns that were established in the early 1900s because these mining towns Were Striking at Ridge everyone from all over was coming into town peaking the population over 50 000 people there's a town filled with gamblers prostitutes miners you can imagine all the crazy stuff that went down in a town like this it was like the wild west those movies that you see where everybody just kills each other and drinks and gambles that was this town which leads to a lot of trauma so the mizpah hotel and the clown Motel specifically are in an area called Tonopah where a lot of people were striking it rich but then there was also a lot of tragedy as well so you just gave me this EMF as we walked into the cemetery and it's straight at yellow wait why put your phone away yes not my phone I mean it's actually so weird see if that goes throughout that would be so bizarre literally it hasn't moved once wait what the [ __ ] was there a giant piece of electrical equipment somewhere at the Whaley House right next to the Whaley House as well as the cemetery convenient and this would not go off at all and it's locked down the middle setting like it's not even moving that's like if it was up against I don't know like a computer or something it's kind of sad to think that we're walking around a lot of people that died like in this town early 1900s and for tragedies that they couldn't even control the moon died from pneumonia oh dude yeah there's a giant plague that happened that's the plague they turned their livers like black and solid in 1905 there was something called the Tonopah plague where miners would feel chest pain and then a few hours later drop dead and then their autopsy report would say that their livers were all black and rock hard people were so terrified of this Tonopah plague as they should be that they were all leaving town as fast as possible and the unfortunate ones that didn't survive were buried in a cemetery right next to the clown Motel now that now the K2 or the EMF is completely dying died only in that one section 8 what what is happening when I face it this way towards me it's spiky it's yellow and now it's not it's I swear to God is spiking right now spiking and no nothing that's so bizarre I've never seen it like that that's never happened no [Music] in 1911 there was the Belmont mining disaster where there were dozens of other miners died in a fire tragedies all around oh my God Belmont disaster this guy probably passed away in Belmont mine fire yeah it's crazy because so many of the people that died in the fire are the ones that are said to haunt not only the clown motel but the mizpah hotel that we're going to later this spot is like the epicenter of where all the hauntings started February 23rd is when the fire was like February 20th right now oh my God 19. 11. so 112. that was some good quick math really thank you dude many of those that died in that fire were also buried in the Tonopah Cemetery including one specific guy named Big Bill so the fire initially started at 4 30 a.m because somebody left a match burning down there the superintendent figured that the fire was probably out and sent a bunch of people down the next day only to realize that the tunnels were getting filled up with smoke and a lot of people just couldn't even Escape they only had one way up to the surface through this rickety elevator so not many people could go anywhere they were trapped but there was a hero of the town called Big Bill who went down not once but three times to save these Miners and was successful the first two times saving a handful of people each time but unfortunately on the third time he went to go save the miners he never made it back big Bell this is Big Boy Bill again the entire mine shaft was filled with smoke and so while he was trying to get out he actually got crushed by the elevator thing that pulls you back up and he was only 28 years old and then unfortunately passed away [Music] what's even crazier is there was a second Belmont fire disaster in 1942 and that one officially ended the town and that is where the clown Motel originates the father of the original owners the clown Motel died in that Belmont fire and because his one love was clowns they decided to make the clown Motel creepy crazy it's all the miners that are buried in the Tonopah Cemetery are the ones that are said to haunt not only the clown motel but also the mizbah hotel they're mostly seen as shadow figures or in the form of vessels of the clowns in the clown Motel how terrifying is that the theory is that these Spirits trap themselves into these dolls that's horrible just like Robert the dog biggest like paranormal thing you see around here is a bunch of shadow figures and they come in these gray forms and just walk around and they're known to be the miners that are under us right now all three hotels we're going to they possibly have had access to in their lifetime so they're all connected it's all connected in some weird way but I would say if we're here and most of these miners were nice regular people especially Big Bill maybe we invite some miners to help us tonight [Music] and if you want to like scare one of us we do have my sister here today and she likes getting scared she thinks it's funny yeah just you know that's around that's around there us this is our first of three different locations but why not throw you guys in the deep end first oh God we've watched your show and it seems like you guys have never tried the Estus method no we actually have why don't we give you a blindfold headphones turn off all the lights and night vision and have you guys what quality it's like you're becoming the ghost equipment you're becoming the vessel for these Spears to use for communication what a great place to do it at too where you have all these clowns that are said to be vessels for the miners oh right we want to do the SS method at the same time but we're gonna go to a different Hotel what we're leaving us yes our second location of the night is the mizpah hotel literally across the street what if we go to their most haunted room and this is the creepiest one we have and do the Estus method at the same time and see if we get similar answers calm hotel is said to be infested with shadow figures Down The Long corridors as well as having this trickster spirit that stands at the end of people's beds and stares at them while they're sleeping in the form of a clown literally everybody's worst nightmare what like it's scary enough if it's just like a random human but a clown at the foot of your bed no guys before we start I just noticed something that's a footprint that's something standing on the edge of the bed dude I can touch the ceiling someone had they had to be little and that's big feet freaking out right now but no tracer that seems like it would be like a child that would be if he was standing right there and there was a kid sleeping [ __ ] dude that is creepy I don't remember seeing that one in here earlier we definitely did not stand there too it wasn't us well that's a good sign don't leave us except for like right now [Music] but not our friends always hate us but we have to prank them man we have to they're at the club Motel dude [Music] wow not fair I literally thought you were some [ __ ] like pranksters we had to we actually forgot a battery so we needed lucky usually when I get scared I like oh yeah is that what it's usually like there it is oh my God it's like we never left this brings back memories because I think we were actually here with Amanda and Mackie about a year ago here we go back at the mizpah hotel dude I love this hotel this brings back so many memories God wait is that room open hello oh my God that could be like somebody's actual room now hello bathroom lights on this is all messed up that's out somebody came in here like messed some stuff up and then left weird well now I'm creeped up yeah perfect timing this place was definitely living up to the name of like the most hot habitat so last here I don't know if you guys remember but I had this kind of intimate conversation with the lady had read in room 503 right here you could say we're practically dating so the lady in red was a prostitute way back in the day and she worked this town during the 19 Roaring 20s is when this was the most pop in she had this favorite clan that she would see literally all the time and he was very jealous he only wanted to be hooking up with her and that's it he left one day on a business trip forgot something came back here only to find the lady in red with another client basically cheating on him so he was so angry that he chased her out into this hallway and killed him supposedly killed her right here outside of these two rooms which at one point all three of these rooms right there was one Suite it was just a massive Suite people got shot there's some people that say she got beat up strangled and now she's seeing the course in young men still on this floor today Ms pavoda the number one haunted hotel in America like in 2018 too so it's a recent rating it feels like we haven't left the spot a hundred percent it feels like we were here last night and I was just in this bed having this conversation I remember the flashlight was there there's any Spirits in here that recognize us or lady in red herself if you remember me we talked about a year ago back or if there was any miners that followed us from the Tonopah Cemetery I would also love to talk to you right now as well that's called Dakota and Chelsea and make sure they start at the same time so right now this is with night vision this is without night vision it is dark in here I'm just gonna throw the headphones on now anything I hear I'm just gonna say out loud here we go is there anyone here with us right now he let's use this let's use this yes we want to use this as a communication method do you recognize this method we try to talk to you about a year ago is there anyone here taken last time the lady in red wanted to be taken she was looking for a connection maybe she found a connection okay I just heard something coming from the bathroom here is there somebody here with us right now so what I'm getting is there's a male that that is here to the bath to the back did you work here at the hotel can you tell me your job entertain oh my God entertainment us entertainment maybe it like was an Entertainer this could definitely be like a prostitute can you tell me your name oh pain jeez you scared me in pain 20 minutes okay I'm freaking out right now this is a whole lot scarier I feel like we're on the same bed and we're right next to each other but I feel like I'm definitely alone because we're in two different worlds right now we think we've been talking to people that worked in the mines today oh my God I'm sorry to stop this I've actually never heard that this before that's just method what happened what happened a high like witch laugh like a movie like oh my god I've never heard that before in my life what do you think that would be I don't know it's like an old lady scary as hell geez what cool what what I what the [ __ ] what did you say I'm ready to play no I have a feeling I know exactly what this is all about who is that that just laughed in Colby's ear are you someone that has the hotel one of us huh why are you laughing at us you think it's funny that we returned my name is Chloe what the [ __ ] okay so it's a lady in red her name is Rose so if this was another prostitute that worked in this building maybe Chloe we will be going to three different locations all within 30 minutes of each other is this a bad idea are you from the mine incident are you from the fire who are you under dirt dude the cemetery so this hotel is connected directly next to the cemetery so you are somebody who is buried in the cemetery forever Chloe are you able to travel between locations are you just here at the mizpah go okay so maybe she can go between the two far she can't go son did you know Rose the Lady in Red this floor this is all worked on some ways maybe Chloe worked on this floor too are you able to go to and from the clown Motel do you know what that is you know already in a girl voice yeah I mean you said that you could travel and you could go far I was just wondering how far have you ever heard of the Goldfield Hotel NADA oh my god dude again the laugh happened I just heard so much like laughing we will be traveling to two other hotels will you be able to follow us trapped have you ever what what holy [ __ ] it sounded like a clown literally [ __ ] laughing I thought I heard you say dude that's why I took my headphones off and then we started laughing okay that's like mocking what the [ __ ] you said you don't know where the gold field hotel is but you know the clown Motel is that true the thing is about movement is it really hard for you to move from place to place power oh it takes a lot of power okay so she can move from place to place she can go far but it takes a lot of energy probably but isn't this place very energized is it energized by the amount of spirits one of them one of them you leader when I think of leader I do think of Big Bill Big Bill are you here with us still here so big Bill have you been with us the whole time living we think very highly of you cannot believe that you saved so many people and sacrificed your own life one of the greatest it almost sounds like big bill is here and there's someone else here who's like giving him praise are you intimidated or scared bad if you what should we not do it might be bad if we do something you save it on you what we're trying to do is we're trying to go through three hotels in two days are you saying that's a bad idea good luck it's almost like laughing at us that's so weird hold me are there more than one people here 20 20. this is so wild to me I almost feel like big bill is here and he's with a bunch of people and they might have been the people who he saved we're scared this is very like being the first time disaster disaster are you still scared from the disaster if you are still feeling that fear I just encourage you not to feel that anymore because it's happened and it's done and it's over can I ask you about the spirits here are there some negative Spirits here rescue more survivors from the what the [ __ ] I swear to God what the [ __ ] rescue more survivors literally the story of Big Bill should we be scared of something should we be worried nobody knows are we in danger that is not the answer I'm looking for everywhere everywhere are you can you be everywhere the tunnels am I talking to a miner choose where does it matter are the mines the reason why Tonopah is so haunted suffer one last time is it safe for us to go any time dude we got so much let's go back to the call motel and tell them what's up your phone what the [ __ ] [Music] hey guys what's going on you guys this was uh I don't know I was just gonna tell him what we got [Music] twice Kobe heard this like cackling dude [Music] I did the same thing dude it was almost like this group of people were really scared and I said is there anything that we should be scared about basically nobody knows what it is he knows what this thing is whatever it is there is so much going on here yeah like so many different things yeah [Music] real quick guys we are on the road to 10 million subscribers we decided that we are gonna spend a week at The Conjuring house once we hit it so go subscribe it takes two seconds and it's free and then we'll get home this was established like the early 1900s right yeah it's like 1906. it's had to be the coolest place in the country for a brief moment of time it was called The Jewel of the desert manually Curtis was here no [ __ ] way she was my favorite God damn all right James wait is that oh that's actually Jamie you know Michael Myers wait Sam get the go over here all right tag us on Instagram subscribe and stuff oh my gosh is this like a giant Vault oh this is a drone oh my God the worst claustrophobia fear of my life what is that the lady in red that's the lady in bronze [Music] wait I don't think we came to this side last year oh is this the original yeah that's the original I think oh my gosh I remember reading about this guy yo Sam check this out George Wingfield remember that name so George Wingfield this guy going back and forth town to town just drinking gambling doing this thing he finds his true calling man ended up being a genius he was able to work the Town and he knew everybody around him he would have a little dabble in with the miners I have a little dabble in with the prostitutes he would have these prostitutes calling sleep with the miners and kind of figure out oh what is the next best Gold Rush where is the money coming from after he get that information back from the prostitutes he would go invest into the mines and get a return on all the gold over just a few short years he was able to get what is in today's money of a billion dollars after acquiring all this money and power he became the Talk of the Town this guy owned this entire area in 1907 he noticed that these towns were missing these big luxurious hotels and since a lot of people were coming in he built the mizpah hotel and a year later 1908 he built the Goldfield Hotel these two became some of the most luxurious hotels of this time period attracting all of the elite people even though George Wingfield was this rich and Powerful guy he did have some dark secrets which made for a lot of areas he owned Goldfield and misfa hotel oh both of them if both of those were like the number one luxurious hotels in the entire area so this dude oh [ __ ] oh this looks so scary oh we'll see you later should we get the [ __ ] out of here okay [Music] that's really scary that you said that because the higher you go the more paranormal manifestations happen really yeah fifth floor is the worst it's so weird let's keep what was that did you hear that or wait was that you wait what did you hear I heard like knocking yes where was that was behind us right yeah no that was like right there like Kung Fu Panda user I don't do bad dude you punched me I want you she had a crazy conversation Colby really last time that's weird she's been saying something to me and I'm curious if it's similar she's been saying things to you yeah I'm just curious if it's the same what is she saying dude she told me that she wanted me to be her next client oh that hurts what is this room two okay just creepy dudes oh my God it's George walked up to that guy randomly in a story yes I'm hoping there's not someone right there but dude this is literally George Wingfield he's also known to haunt the mizpah and the Goldfield so we might be able to talk to Georgie too there's a we'll get into this guy later but there's a lot of weird conspiracy about him he could be a really bad guy thank you I was like all right let's go see if there's anybody up there right now if there's nobody in this hallway [Music] who would be drinking coffee at 11 p.m okay wait no we were standing right here that's just most strong and gross this is both directly above wait wait wait you wanna know it's weird my [ __ ] this room is just open it's a person's room and last time we were here before we started any investigations doors on the fifth floor jiggling yes there's clearly no one on this floor yeah no one it doesn't sound like anybody's here like kids running through the hallway yeah I thought we were gonna come up here and see a whole group of people just like hanging out but that room is unlocked oh my God what the [ __ ] wait why are multiple rooms open right now on this floor only the fifth floor is the most haunted floor you can feel like every layer we get like deeper into this place it just feels heavy it feels weird think about it this was like Roaring 20s crazy luxurious town where a bunch of celebrities were fifth floor where all the prostitutes would be this would be the party area so like maybe it wasn't just random footsteps yeah obviously did not see this but our footage just got deleted what was scary is you were just like we are the only ones that have access to the basement and they gave us a key we won't have any guide with us at all so let's go to the basement and it died right after that we just tried to find the footage and we lost like 15-20 minutes there and it was right after you said time to go to the basement something killed the camera it's still a 35 battery brand new batteries don't die like that is that a good sign that we should hit the basement right now that sounds like some okay I mean that sounds literally it sounds like somebody's just kind of like no [ __ ] you break the camera we got access to the basement it smells like a cigar in here yeah as soon as we came in here cigar dude wait isn't it George Wingfield yes he just keeps coming up randomly this whole elevator weeks of tobacco yeah as we're going down to the basement that I hate basements oh my gosh [Music] there's the bank vault oh I look at this guys oh [ __ ] wait this is like where the bank vault is they like talk about like a haunted attraction I was gonna say it's like a full-on haunted house oh God there's so many mirrors this is the Vault right here we just walked directly to it which was the fault it was kind of a dumb architectural move on their part to make the floor dirt in this town full of miners there was three miners one night that ended up digging McDonald coming through the floor and stealing all this money in the vault once they got to the surface one of them betrayed the other two shot them in the back took all the money oh my God it's a giant thing of theft and betrayal the two miners I got to trade still hot here today out of Vengeance okay I would too when we were here last time the guy that we're with and Amanda both got their hair pulled remember last time yeah I had to give a donation I had to bring another one this time as well see obviously they're bank robbers talking about like bringing money especially 100 bucks today would be you're like a thousand or something back then yeah are you gonna give him a hundred bucks oh my God holy [ __ ] brov what the [ __ ] oh yeah how much do you think they want oh my God wait is this a real money look at it through the light tell me if it's real I don't [ __ ] around with my Ben Franklin's man Jesus Christ brother that's a real one this is what to three thousand dollars I was staying here by myself should we go investigate over there real quick crazy if they actually murdered us right now it would be like the whole thing over again don't give them any ideas if one of those bills moves then I get to keep it all oh my God what the [ __ ] was that dude [Music] all right what happened it felt like I just went down like two inches I like your equilibrium just one like shot yes 100 seriously why well the hole that they dug was literally right there we cut for a second and Chelsea literally was one of these when she like was stalled I'm gonna put a red pod right in here and put a flashlight on either side these guys are just regular flashlights but if you tap them they'll go on and off so we can maybe see the trigger object and if especially if you're feeling weird over there flashlight all right let's see we've never done the flashlight thing whoa a media to Chelsea dude I'm telling you this that's what happened last time over here I'm telling you if you're in here with us can you make that beep what the [ __ ] green light is indicating where it's coming from towards you yeah if it was over there it would be the purple or whatever and you're telling me this is where the hole was dug right there right you and the rim pod and now it's done if you're still here with us just to show that you're intelligent can you make it go off again now that now that it's been off for a while if it's a female can you touch it once if it's the mail there we go twice one two it's way more than one so definitely mayor you've been having so many interactions regarding people who've worked in the mind that is what's connecting the call Motel to this hotel Goldfield was also another mine Talent wow I saw everything around this area is mining town do you remember seeing like underground like what was that what did you say something dirt Coby said tunnels and something like that well I just assumed it was Cemetery but what if it's like this I'm just saying and this could all be way more connected than we think yeah no it's true we have two flashlights set up right here by the trigger object over here by Chelsea so again if there's any people that worked in the mine or other people that worked here at this hotel specifically can you give us a sign dude I have Goosebumps I swear to God everything and that would be like any sort of Breeze this is not the Vault because it's turning on and off again oh my God what the [ __ ] this has been indicating something's been there over here and you felt that is there something over here by Chelsea only can you turn that off one oh my God yeah that's what assistant dude what the hell yeah okay if you enjoy our company can you turn on one of these flashlights again oh yeah that's a yes you guys there's someone in something right here and do you find it weird that like women here were mostly associated with prostitution oh yeah I hope I'm not being targeted looked at in that capacity or the prostitutes are just jealous of you it could be as well we don't know who we're talking to yet okay maybe it is the month dude okay it is that's a yes that's a yes can you confirm that this is the Minersville that works in the mine can you go tap this flashlight one time with a count of three one two oh that was on three that was on three amazing you were a millisecond noise I'm saying three yeah it was like on three oh or the miners from the calm hotel and here connected yes yeah did you follow us from the clown Motel we asked you in the cemetery to follow us [Music] now let's talk to Big Bill right is it him to like a bunch of miners there like this is crazy okay if this is Big Bill specifically can you go up to this brim pod just like you have been before and tap it [Music] don't kill us anymore hmm okay if this is not big Bill but it's just another Miner or someone that worked here at the hotel oh my God that's it right it was answering that yeah yeah so it's not big Bill but it is someone that works here or a minor oh because we weren't done in a Big Bill we were talking to people that knew him yeah if you're a robber who got killed can you confirm you want to talk to us you want to hear your story time I think I got that only barely tapping every like few minutes it's a bank robber is it is that what you just asked if it's a bank robber who got shot who got killed I'm Talent yes yes dude and I guess it would make sense that they knew Big Bill too just because he was a hero of the Town yes if you're stuck here you can turn on the flashlight but if you can move freely can you hit this red light on the floor for us oh they were communicating with me that they're trapped and I don't know if they're trapped in a parameter or if they're trapped in a specific area I don't know how how far the parameters are so the flashlight was for if they can move around the flashlight is trapped so maybe but like she said maybe just trapped in this arcadius of the mines yes and or if we're talking specifically to the bank vault robbers maybe they're trapped here but all the other biters can go in yeah probably yes what the [ __ ] dude what is happening I don't like that if you know some of the other miners from the gold field mine can you let us know by yes instantly oh my God all right if we should be scared of the gold field because of its power can you turn off both these flashlights to let us know yeah what the hell there we go it took a second but you should be scared of the Goldfield I wonder why though I don't want to go to the Goldfield now because we've done some research that the gold field is known to just be super negative like yeah so clown tunnel oh my gosh yes clown Motel just has like tricksters yeah whatever this pot for the most part has good spirits the whole field it's pretty much known exclusively for this negative energy is why is it so scary at the Goldfield hotel if you're able to follow us upstairs or to other locations throughout the next two days can you give us a clear and obvious sign one last time was it that was it before our next investigation because we just came out with brand new merch we're going to be giving you guys three bundles all you got to do is go to the explore Instagram give us a follow and you could win also if you guys want to see the behind the scenes of all these videos plus more exclusive content go to you do not want to miss all this extra content click below we just got up to the fifth floor and it smells like super sweet it's definitely different than the first of them yeah there's coffee up here yeah but now it smells like a nice perfume yeah 10 seconds of Silence three two one the last time that we were in 502 the camera died so what the [ __ ] are those what's going on with these shoes last time if you guys watched our video we dressed up Mackie and all red apparently red is a big trigger object for the lady in red go figure go figure so what the [ __ ] is Kansas we got the red slippers oh my God take us back home yo these look crazy that is hot you're so sparkly if that doesn't conjug the lady in red I don't know well that's what I'm saying this will get everyone's attention the entire world I don't know you walk into a bar like that you got people staring all right guys final investigation for day one are you ready I feel like we've already been through so much yeah and we're not exactly sure who we've been talking to obviously the bank robbers Down Below in the basement but we also have miners that have been talking to us Chloe the trickster possibly so maybe we figure out who exactly we're talking to and then why is Goldfield so scary for the viewers at home that don't know what this is motion sensor that's it and then this is our red trigger object with the rocking chair as well this is something called the envoy it's a new piece of equipment it's actually one of our favorites so this is the yes or no feature basically something has to come up and physically tap this thing whether it's yes or no if we put that like into the bathroom like right here yeah uh reset it [Music] uh that's not supposed to [ __ ] happen yeah wait is it this black thing over here it doesn't pick up like obviously yeah we should only pick a motion like something standing in front of it okay let's try again wow that should not actually happen it's like there's someone's standing or moving in the bath wait let me see if it's the door wasn't even moving though what the [ __ ] is going on we said it one last time just for the viewers no dust on there right no Dusty there's nothing there boom what the [ __ ] let's say if it's like here no oh I thought it would actually be the tile what could possibly be in there if it's like this I've made to kind of move a little bit nothing [ __ ] nothing right there and then boom reset it into the bathroom and it's on crazy crazy makes no sense okay last test put on the bed oh my God yo everything towards the bathroom what's going on in the back can we just debunked that like 10 times it's not like a malfunction at all that is three different ways only into the bath that's crazy that doesn't make sense okay we got a rem pot in the bathroom is there someone there in the bathroom with us foreign yes and then that went off immediately at the same time all right what is this you don't want to figure it out why wait is this the same person we've been talking to oh yes you've been following us oh yeah we want a yes or no can you give us a yes or no if this is the same person that's been following us throughout the entire night this has not gone off the whole time and it just went off when the REM pod went off it was very intelligent leaving the music box thing doesn't make sense because it's not broken it's like it's only a certain place [Music] the girl should we open it or no yeah another hotel yes dude there's nobody there there's nobody there hey guys if there's someone still here with us can you go and tap that little red light well now you're here can you oh my God that worked perfect what do you think this is right now I think do you think the trigger object's working and this is the lady in Reddit I think this is like one of the miners again I don't know if we've even contacted the lady in red tonight yeah so I would say it was probably a minor if they said they followed us from the cemetery to the bank vault and we just invited them well that just went off so that's a yes right yeah should we try asking again about whoa what I said yes yes about Goldfield was what I was going to say is there a certain reason why you don't want to talk about the gold field [ __ ] dude so is there something that you're scared of specifically at the Gold field yes yes only just started going off randomly not a single no so far and we should be afraid of this too yes yes do you believe that there's a spirit there that's darker yes immediately okay do you believe this Spirit to be a human still is someone who's very negative very angry or no for something more no yes yes okay so it's just like a negative guy negative human yes again [Music] it's a lot of potential with what we're dealing with it almost is going to take us having to freaking go to the gold field wait wait wait wait wait remember we were in the elevator we'd smell the cigar yes George Wingfield that was his that's his like that's how he chose himself and then I was just like he's a bad guy remember the research we did about George Wingfield just being like an angry dude oh my God you heard me holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening that was like a triple confirmation George Winfield George Winfield that's it it's a negative person that we've been talking about tonight George can you give us one final sign an elevator just opened first yeah for sure the way that just went off like that whoever was over there and was scared of the Goldfield for some reason is also like you ding ding ding you got a winner because it's George Wingfield since we have 24 hours like tomorrow we need to do some research on George Winfield and why he's such a bad person we got a big day tomorrow right that sounds like a little more terrifying than these two we won't be striking gold at Goldfield we will cut that out [Music] day two guys it's gold field day we woke up pretty confident but as we were leaving we talked to the front desk lady and she told us some horrifying news about Goldfield yeah she was like oh all the places here in Tonopah are great it's mostly benevolent spirits but Goldfield I would never step foot in there because I have negative it is every single person that goes in there has a story this is a lady that works at a haunted hotel she's been around ghosts before she knows the stories of tonopod and she will not step foot in the Goldfield Hotel because of how scary it is it's already midday and what we didn't tell you is that Goldfield is a literal Ghost Town there's hardly any electricity there zero bathrooms so we're gonna have to stock up in this little town and then hit the road [Music] thank you we were just talking and Sam said he had a dream last night do we want to hear this dream now don't this might just be because I'm psyching myself out but on our Channel we've had people have dreams come true the next day anyway so we were all in the Goldfield which is crazy I mean we're reading up on it but for some reason we just kept getting more split up not like a conscious decision oh it split up it was like we were one guy would get lost and then we kind of go off and then one person would get lost again but the entire time there is somebody always watching us but we didn't know [Music] what's up for sure yeah this is gonna be a whole different there you go guys this is it this is the spot everything's led to this man we've been hearing about Goldfield for years yeah it's been on the bucket list for ever it's almost like Bigger Than The Miz pie I mean if you do like a circle of this place it's like three times as big as the baseball Chelsea what'd you think oh my gosh [Music] right outside of Tonopah is the Goldfield hotel which is just as luxurious as the Minnesota hotel and has just as much tragedy or even more Goldfield was very similar to Tonopah we got gambling we got people making riches and losing riches overnight and that might lead to the goldfield's reputation of being super negative and now since it's one of the most legendary locations in the world of Investigation caretakers claim this is one of the most haunted hotels in the world and psychics have said that this is a gate to hell itself Ghost Adventures even began here at the Gold field capturing one of the greatest pieces of evidence of their career Zach Bagan says that this specific Hotel just keeps getting darker and darker each year wow oh my God finally here wow [Music] or the ghost this is the top did we make it yeah this building was finished in 1908 was a hotel with 150 rooms at that time this place was designed to be high-end it was very fancy in the 80s there was a man purchasing the building and he had got had crews in here working one day they said you know what we're not going back in that building we quit what so then the next time he had crews in here working a man forgot something and he said oh let me just run back in and grab that and when he did he claims there was a full bar the smoke drinks people and they looked at him he ran back out he says I'm never going back in there and his crew said we're with you bro this building is in a u-shape it does feel like you walk in a circle but this floor does have the Gunslinger they usually call him he said he was a man who had been playing cards earlier in the day and they had a shootout up here I think both were killed but he wasn't always the nicest guy George Wingfield was one of the owners and he supposedly walks the halls and he'll smell his cigar I think that's who the footsteps are and um that's the guy I usually smell do you know if George Wingfield would have hunted also The Miz Paul because later last night we had a crazy gust of cigar smell George Wingfield was involved with a lot of different things especially mining though he owned the Goldfield Consolidated mining company and he was a multi-millionaire before he turned 30. he was well to do and he had his fingers in a lot of different little he's one of the main reasons the state of Nevada didn't completely crumble during the Great Depression he thought about the politics he was very involved in our state but he wasn't always a great guy yeah but when he wanders around here I think that he's just checking out his place you know my honest feelings about the building is there's nothing of joy in this building really I try to be happy about being here but there's not a lot of joyfulness there's no joyful feelings about it everything here seems to be sad oh my God I mean the front desk lady even today at the mizpah when we were talking to her about goldfields that it could be possibly demonic I have had some mediums people like that that feel that there's an energy in the building that might not have ever been human um and it is here and I don't know why or how I love my life growing up I always heard there was a portal to the other world in the hotel in this specific Hotel we've spent time at two other hotels and we genuinely feel like there's a connection between all three of them do you know why they all would be connected silver and gold and mining bring a lot of good bad and indifferent energies of every kind you know what I mean and so a lot of times because the influence of this hotel and the mizpah there was always a lot of connections of people that were involved with both this was built in 1908 correct yeah and then mizpah I believe was built in 1907 and the miners that worked in Tonopah could have worked at Goldfield as well all the time yeah that's so weird every connection are you kidding me yeah already it makes total sense everything's making sense it makes perfect sense this is the hallway where the gunfight took place in the gunslinger's hallway oh this is the counseling is home they say that he either looks around this corner here or this corner here to see if somebody's about to shoot at him and so he'll duck back in you know right about here where I'm standing is supposedly a man who sits in a chair and has a wife beat her and watches the hotel then they say that he isn't nice or friendly on this floor there's a lot of things that keep the eye out to up here they definitely are protective up here I was doing an investigation and I was like I can't breathe I can't breathe and I couldn't say anything I just couldn't breathe like somebody stopped my ability to breathe completely I couldn't do anything finally I stopped just kind of embrace myself against the wall and I and the other guy says well are you okay and I oh my God and uh and so my eyes were really big by then because I was starting to kind of panic you know because I can't hold my breath very long yeah so being unable to breathe for several seconds was terrifying to me and so I finally stopped and when I could breathe it was kind of like you know and I just first thing I said was no no no get away from me no no whatever is doing that no and so since then we've had a little agreement I think up here with him he's not to hurt people anymore I'm not the first person who's choked so multiple people have had that experience I have other people that have had that experience and people that I know and trust and I did an investigation shortly after that the voice box that they had said we'll see oh no oh my God it depends on how he feels I think maybe I wouldn't be surprised if he shows me that time to be so severe because he thought I was a weaker person because I was a female and I came here all the time so he thought that he could get it to me you know so just prayer warning Chelsea's got this yeah she was saying that this is the room that some people say is the portal room may or may not be true but you're supposed to stand in the middle close your eyes and open yourself up to whatever that can't be a good idea we're gonna do it anyway Dakota's gonna try all right sure do anything once so gentlemen we're expected to go to the saloon socialize a gentleman proper women were not allowed in a saloon so we would have had to enter then to the restaurant down another hallway but as a proper woman you would have had to go come down here stop at this window and knock on it and ask for your drink and when the bartender had time he'd ask you what you'd like but if your husband said she doesn't need it right now you didn't get one oh what I would not have lasted no I just wouldn't I would have been like Clowney Jane I'd have had a pair of boots and pants and gotten could be a drink yeah seriously dude imagining this place with like Furniture like all furnished in the early 1900s was the coolest place around and Miss pot like both these places were popping this is a was also a saloon where the ladies of the evening could socialize a gentleman so uh this one here is the hallway where the ladies of the evening were located okay this is where the magic happens honestly this is one of my least favorite places on the whole planet really it's pretty much as creepy as the top part anytime I look up or see anything about the gold-filled hotel the one thing you do always run into is Miss Elizabeth in room 109. oh welcome to room 109 in Miss Elizabeth's room remember when we said George Wingfield had some dark secrets it all started here in room 109. The Story Goes The George Wingfield messed around with a lot of different prostitutes but he fancied one specific one named Elizabeth now he worked with her so much that she ended up getting pregnant to her eyes that was just this most amazing thing oh my God this almost billionaire rich guy who owns multiple hotels just chose me and now I'm going to be his wife but George Wingfield did not want to be seen with this prostitute it wouldn't go well with his other Elite group and so he tried to pay her to leave town now that didn't work so when he realized she wasn't to leave he tied her to a radiator in 109 so that she would never show her face to the town keep in mind that she's pregnant and up until then George and her Baseline had an exclusive relationship Legend has it that once the baby was born George took the baby and threw it down a mine shaft then also had Elizabeth killed he threw the baby down the mountain not the baby down the windshield and now in room 109 there's a woman often seen in a white gown with long black hair crying and screaming for her baby it wasn't uncommon for people who had a business like a hotel or a bar or what have you to send flyers and information back East for come out and be in a player come be famous or come sing or dance for us and they would get out here and be slaved into the brothel business George became enamored with Miss Elizabeth but then she came became pregnant and he was Furious he had her chain to the radiator heater located here right here yes and um she was chained there until she gave birth to the baby and then they took the baby from her and disposed of it some say in a mine shaft some say under the stairwell we know for sure she bled to death within three days oh my God she was left here most likely unfed uncared for in any way but they didn't care I mean they just most likely exposed to her in the similar process of just dumping her somewhere there is a dark shadow that goes by the doorway out here in the hallway that's right it's like it's dark in here and then it'll get even darker when this dark shadow kind of goes by yeah and I've seen it from standing down the other end of the hallway as well I've seen it from in here it Paces but down here like standing guard jeez less people watching us here I don't know like nobody's business what's this we locked in no more Heather We're Alone the fact that she said nothing is happy here that's everything is negative or sad is just what I just hope your dream doesn't come true [Applause] the main thing is everything just [Music] there's the two main things she said throughout the tour I want you to let me know every time I'm in your dreams ever again wouldn't I be calling quite often going on we're here in the lobby one of the main things to know is the ghosts here are said to ring like a desk bell what are those called front desk front desk bell goes here are supposed to bring the front desk phone it's like the ding ding and the ding ding I'll link in description hopefully we don't hear already that's that's a thing I didn't want to hear that oh if we hear that the door's locked I had to put the glow stick down man 109. this is apparently the most haunted room most famous ghosts just to see if we do capture anything let's leave a camera here yeah as well as we have a trigger object so it's known that Elizabeth loves flowers she has said that on the tour that her wallpaper I think you can see it right there even used to be flowers it said that investigators that give her flowers as a trigger object get more activities so why not set those down leave this camera let her do her thing all right Elizabeth or anybody over here in this Wing the Goldfield hotel if you'd like to talk to us tonight we want to offer this it's a sign that we come with respect we just want to communicate to show your stories of the world we're really sorry what happened to you we would love to talk to you directly or if there's anybody else in here that can hear us we would love to hear her story oh yeah what was that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that dude where are you recording yeah are you recording right now yes right here right here what does it sound like you're talking what but no no right there there's something here what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that did you hear the same thing or no no someone just got thrown back wait what did you hear it like clear as it yeah like it was a legit woman I looked at you woman or little girl I can't tell but honestly probably the 16 19 yes what the [ __ ] and you guys were just got done saying we want to hear from you we want to talk to you we just sat down the flowers too between us that's never happened before and now I've never heard something like that happened in there and then she walked this way something [Music] just like yesterday we decided the first investigation we just went up I was thinking you and I Chelsea could go deal with the top floor oh man perfect Sam Dakota take the basement with the SLS she was saying the SLS gets a lot and if we hear one of these bells going on no it can't be either of us yeah it'll be too far away be back in 2030 yeah 20 30. all right that's a year like 20 30 minutes oh okay yeah that makes more sense uh yeah okay okay so second floor that was where the portal room was right I think something like that [Music] yeah oh no it's hot it's getting colder as we go higher too Chelsea and Colby went all the way to the first floor while we were setting up this SLS camera it's the camera that detects like humanoid figures I don't know it sounded like someone was in the lobby with us literally like we've already heard so much activity and we haven't even tried to investigate yet should we go set up that camera in the room yeah yeah so guys we haven't set up the 109 camera what the [ __ ] well yeah I just saw it die on my camera this just like almost like shut down because what the [ __ ] it just shut down yeah what this literally just shut down it has 75 Battery right now you just saw that happen I could see it because it gives off an IR light and it was like flickering what the [ __ ] wait guys that has never happened we just wait [Music] okay okay so I'm gonna turn on EMF let's start this way because I think she said this hallway was where the young Slinger was the Gunslinger is down this hallway and our guide got choked like right there oh yeah there was the dude sitting right here as well with the what white beater on wife beater oh what's it called oh my gosh you see there are like flashlights in the window over there okay well starting it off here um if there's anything up here it's just us two for a little bit we'd love to see if you can make some sort of obvious sign for us we think we might have heard you downstairs actually so if you followed us up here you maybe make like another tap or a footstep maybe walk down this hallway towards us thank you I'm gonna put this back because it obviously seems like they don't want to be seen yeah this we come here with the utmost respect we don't mean to be rude to you at all we're just trying to share your story oh wait did that just blink I might I might be tripping but I think I just saw the EMF go up maybe I don't know I don't know I think look at Brick okay so if I scream really freaking sorry oh you're fine you're fine off like the fingerprints and stuff on the Windows nothing from office is crazy [Music] truth truth about what [Music] dude this respect to rent what twice right as we were leaving the room this is the same area we heard a voice earlier the tour guide was saying that down this specific hallway security guards are the people that are protecting Elizabeth I don't know where to First [Music] [Applause] if there's anyone in here [Music] who wants to talk to us you make yourself known you've heard a lot tonight you thought we just heard you in here moving can you do that again for us now that we're in here we heard that you don't like people in here if you want us to go we just need to sign [Music] with us and if you are with us who are you go downstairs yes like like it's gonna rain in a minute or like no no I swear to God if we hear that I'm like I might start running Where Are You Gonna Run I don't know to run past the Bell we're gonna jump out the window and sit back evil evil this did not go off the entire time right here I don't know where we even are we're right in the middle of the hallway what's evil is there something up here that's evil that's a scary question to ask I don't know if I want the answer to that this is notoriously one of the most haunted spots yeah is there anybody down here but this was the main like big breakthrough right here I think so yeah let's go check that out I can't see in front of my face holy [ __ ] yeah it's so dark I don't know what I'm looking at [Music] that's what we're seeing right literally nothing can you even see me no it wasn't here to see the the meter that's about it literally it it's not actually the spray according to the guide right there is where the famous Ghost Adventures clip of the brick was thrown I don't know if that's 100 true but might as well try maybe maybe we do the Spirit box right there yeah what about down this hallway is there anybody over here we'll probably not ever come back up here so it's your chance to show yourself it's so quiet you can like hear every breath too it's so scary remember how crazy the EMF was going off yesterday in the cemetery and now nothing is the same thing did you know George Wingfield and if you did what do you have to say about him and we heard George Wingfield wasn't a very nice person is that true did you know him [Music] is there anything here with us down in the basement of the gold field says a girl is this the girl that we heard upstairs I think I think that was clear as day what do you know about the misfa hotel money are you the same person that talked to us yesterday [Music] are you following us [Applause] what is the negativity here that so many people talk about do you know is if George Wingfield is still here boys does he go back and forth between this location and the mizpah whoa maybe they don't know him but they saw him yeah are you scared of George Wingfield [Music] yeah screaming yeah yeah oh my gosh I swear to God in this window right there I thought I saw like maybe is it us moving okay it might be might have been like us moving but like I saw us walking like this way you can see it yeah you see that oh my God then I'm gonna do something kind of wild I'm gonna walk down the hallway just to see if maybe as a alone female oh my God I might not take one for the team here wow okay thanks Chelsea what okay well I'm gonna have to be a little too [ __ ] yeah David David within well it could be someone who just stayed at this hotel you're right or a miner yeah that's a sign okay what the [ __ ] that was like perfect I got like six feet away from you weird assault and used she got assault or Dave got assaulted and used well maybe David assaulted and used somebody [Music] yeah so apparently you had to either be an elite male or invited in to be into the cigar room so a lot of people say that George Wingfield would invite people that he was working with and as business partners in here for a cigar which were asked to be invited in yeah cigar room is it okay with [Music] it yeah oh God hey we just want to talk to George Wingfield if he's here can you invite us in yes we're not welcome back they don't want us going in there [Music] whoa it sounds like struggling the girl's struggling David who were you I'm sorry cause [Music] caused Alice caused Alice use an assault like David assaulted and used Alice whoa David you make a noise for us Chelsea there was a noise down this hallway I swear to God I swear to God no the camera definitely got that there was like two not thought me like what you thought was me it was that you that just knocked David and you do it again I heard it [Music] I hate that this is the isn't that the staircase that goes on here we go sneak up on coffee Chelsea yeah just a dress Alice talking like they're almost like saying some things about females it's like there was a girl named Alice in a dress who was assaulted and used by a name and David pass dress what maybe it wasn't a minor but just a guy that used the ladies of the evening yeah totally could be did you hear something yeah Maybe looks like music oh I still hear it yeah yeah wait that's like old music too I was like the old dial ones where you had to spin it to try to find the radius yes yes you heard that and we're in such a tiny town but everything's closed right now what the [ __ ] was that is that voice can you hear voices like is that same or Dakota I don't know they're aren't they in the basement are they oh my gosh I can hear a voice yes yes no the stairwell's right here let's see if we can hear them from here abort talking about the basement aboard [Music] wait I can't hear any voices standing here either Unholy no [ __ ] way okay heard voices music it sounded like it was coming down here like from the base it sounds like Dakota's divorce or something yeah but he's in the face in the basement super far away notice how we have a heart like right at the beginning you heard like screams and then nothing yeah I hope they're okay you just said power and Ida power I said power in the Estus method yesterday with Sam something needed power you hear that what was that wait is that nothing bro said the bell I think it was like a high high-pitched noise right from inside the building I can clearly hear a man's voice right now like just mumbling you can hear the Mumble of it all right [Music] so scary let's keep going there's no way that salmon Dakota there is no there's no way I hope the camera's hearing this so they don't think we're crazy right now feel the vibration like below it feels like guys it feels like there's a speaker in the ground yeah that's just like like doing like low voices yes yes I'm standing right here oh [ __ ] that's where she gasped for air right yeah all right maybe we do like one more session like down this hallway or just like one more round of questions and then we go find Dakota and Sam it's almost five minutes until I still can't believe we heard those voices but we're so clear and now like I can't hear anything right now guys there was something talking up here there was like we've already we heard your voice up here but at the very very beginning we heard like you guys's voice never yelled you guys weren't yelling either right no no we were Whispering the entire time there's old time music playing up here like early 1900s no joke and a low voice [Music] that's maybe what it was it was like a man like grunting like right [ __ ] here dude oh my God or is it saying that we yelled we were yelling or something either way what the [ __ ] right here there's someone down there and I heard it loud as they okay I don't want to go down there what the [ __ ] so there was a murmuring man's voice and then a cough it was like a cough but it was almost like he was like clearing his throat like like it was like not like a but like a clean throw it sounded like a man grunting what's that can you right here something's dying yeah an animal died David are you down here if you want to talk to us can you give us one obvious sign can you knock Shuffle cough again we just want to know you're here this goes back to the game of being watched but not being like directly communicated yes downstairs we're like everything is almost just a little too far away yeah that's going off right as we were saying that it is on you only what the [ __ ] is right there there's nothing wrong yeah what we're just saying is like everything seems like it's around the corner it's like what red can you make that go off consistently oh David is that you that's weird it was spiking for like crazy for a second maybe that means it kept going I want to see what that camera captured is yeah oh wait Chelsea and I thought we heard the Bell you heard the Bell then that's a high-pitched something coming from far below us so okay it could have been the Bell it's so creepy by the way the office didn't go as soon as we turn the corner again you stepped foot on the second floor oh my God this room at the end of the hall is the one that mediums come in and say is the portal to hell this is where maybe a lot of the negative energy is coming from in the portal room a lot of people say that if you stand in the very center you're gonna get the most activity so if we make a circle right here I just want to do a quick clear box session to see if anything David is it someone named Alice hi is this considered the portal room [Applause] [Music] is this some sort of Gateway secret oh my God secret Gateway [Applause] that's so much the secret that you're keeping here a Gateway is this the portal you're right holy [ __ ] is that bad should we not be standing standing here Sam we were not trying at all and then you're standing right here in the center and it's going off oh my God this is making too much sense what guys this aligns almost too well I just went in to go check that camera right 109 I went in and the camera's off and it only recorded for one minute so just like this the [ __ ] SLS I just told you about that it was only one minute it turned it off almost immediately so we would remember what the office right it's going to ring the bell in a minute turn off SLS in one minute and that in one minute not bullshitting anybody full battery and 30 minutes plus of memory there's no reason why that would turn off at all why is everything being like no we don't want you to see us who would do that who would be following us the whole entire time George that's all dude in research that's literally what people say he like like coughs we were all separated so it's probably hard for him we all like meet up and then on top of meeting up we like scare you guys and we're all laughing and he's like like he's like pissed excuse me yeah come on don't yell here everything makes sense I'm not sure who exactly we're talking to but maybe this next investigation we'll find out let's do it [Music] thank you [Music] footsteps or was that somebody's no no yeah above us here we have this place for one more hour so last investigation bring back the Estes let's do it all the time best forward communication we don't even know who we're talking to right now it's true but we do know if you sit right in the middle you might be in a Vortex to [ __ ] hell yeah so Colby so cool man what nobody nobody sure send them we didn't get anything on the Spirit Box earlier and now it's like gone off yeah there are multiple people in here with us right now is there a connection between this hotel and the mizpah who's that one the four four people maybe multiple from there oh from from okay they followed us is your name David we're in wait eyeballs okay we're calm by we're in does that mean this why have you been following us warning warning oh my God they're warning us of something remember when we were warned about coming here yes everybody not even just the people in real life but also now the spirits might be warning us understand this morning like followed everyone here I think but I think it's a form of protection like I think whoever followed us here came here for a reason like it knows are you trying to protect us what is hello why are the guests so negative here all the spirits here at the Gold field is that because why why is there absolutely no joy here it happened what happened make it seem like there was no joy just pure sadness and negativity [Music] I said it you said it already hell lightweight you remember you oh my God is George the negativity or is it some something else right over there so music box can you make the music box wait have you guys noticed the Ripple number stop going off as soon as we started talking you slam something or move something no why can't you show us other than just your voice who are you but that doesn't make any sense George and then I thought we were talking something insanely negative wait so George is the negative energy three of them three of them there's three negative energies and George is one of them yes or no are we talking to George Wingfield experience likes boats big boots that's what I was saying earlier like you'll hear on this floor which is why we're up here right now The Stomping that we heard downstairs is George the cigar smoke like I don't I'm sorry this is really adding up George I'm telling you that makes sense we felt like someone was watching us everything she's been saying if someone's watching us it is George cough it was like a man's behind us what was listening and watching to us right now in this room in this room so George is in this room watching I got [ __ ] chills on my entire body my back is cold do you not like us here on it hi friends what was wait so are you also a dark and fourth back and forth oh my God that could I mean mizpah and here or back and forth between the two worlds he's also like yes we are in the portal room [ __ ] dude I have to give response now too oh my God hurts gas oh my God what you got holy [ __ ] here wait are you trying to hurt people here do you not like people here in this in this hotel world you don't like people in this world at all right I think dude maybe a George is just negative because he doesn't like anybody at his hotel what the [ __ ] what do you mean what the [ __ ] I'm like full on body chills dude so much is going on right now what's happening holy [ __ ] we think we're actually talking to George and he's watching us right this second he doesn't like anybody in this world he wants to hurt and it's the same person that was talking to us yesterday yeah oh go back and forth the reason why the gold field is so negative is because George himself he doesn't like people he is making people feel unwelcomed and pushing people away think about this when he owned this he was the show runner now we come in here with our flashlights and cameras he probably doesn't like us here he's also probably just above the law ah here here's almost what today would be a billionaire calling all the shots killing prostitutes when he doesn't want them anymore I mean if he did murder Elizabeth and then every day like Ghost Hunters are coming here and being like did you murder her yeah like of course he's not gonna like people yeah specifically the gold field just doesn't want people here is that why George hangs out here instead of misbot he can go back he can go back and forth but he hangs up here no one can stay the night here the Mitzvah is a functional Hotel everyone's deterred from this hotel so did we figure out everything we needed to figure out then I don't know but I'm freaking nervous dude like this last hour has been really freaky this entire area is surrounded by like minerals and I think specifically courts yeah they can use that for power which I said yo somebody's washing us from afar oh my God you're right you're awesome if you watch this entire time Who's down there [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Sam and Colby
Views: 9,768,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and colby, exploring, abandoned, overnight, sam&colby, sam & colby, sam golbach, colby brock, colby and sam, ghost, haunted, paranormal, 3am, the conjuring, the stanley, colby & sam, top 10, top 5, top 10 scary, scary, horror movie, mystery, ghost stories, ghost adventures, caught on camera, ghost hunting, clown motel, mizpah hotel, sam and colby prank, sam and colby clowns, goldfield hotel, destination fear, dakota laden, 3 hotels in 50 hours, 3 haunted hotels, xplr
Id: imk0uPg6A-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 2sec (5702 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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