We're LOSING Bramblestar? | Warrior Cats Theory

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[Music] hello everyone now I've already made a theory video on squirrel flights hope and I've already made a theory video on the broken code story arc but I also want to make this video to elaborate on all my theories because we just had some book descriptions drop for both the silent thaw and squirrel flights hope and let's just say I'm super excited some of my theories were actually right for once please forgive me if I brag a little or a lot anyways let's start with the whole reason you click this video let's talk about whether or not I think bramble Starr is going to die now I've had this theory that bramble Starr's death was impending ever since the squirrel flights hope super edition was announced here were my thoughts from July of last year these three most recent super editions are all about deputies that are either now leader or are very likely to become leader I feel like the writing team is setting up some sort of all-star team of well-developed leader characters that will likely take bull shape by the end of the broken code story arc so I originally thought that bramble Starr's storm was part of this pattern but squirrel flight just got her own super edition announced for 2019 so does this confirm that squirrel flight will become leader after a bramble Starr yeah I think it was a pretty safe prediction for the time I mean the whole super audition pattern was super suspicious for sure and as time progressed we only got more evidence that bramble Starr was in trouble the description of lost stars says that a beloved clan leader was threatened in tears what I said about that in November it is mentioned that a darkness is spreading within this winter that threatens a beloved clan leader now this is a big statement but I believe it has an obvious meaning darkness that spreads in winter is probably sickness and the only leader I would call beloved is bramble Starr so at that point Rambow star being in danger of dying was a reasonable however the evidence is really starting to add up in the new description that was recently released for the silent thaw is what I want to talk about the description for lost stars was admittedly quite vague but with the silent thaw we get some really specific information about Brandel star he behaves oddly after losing one of his nine lives now there is a really good theory surrounding this but I cannot take credit for I saw moon kitty dragon ater and some others discussing this on Twitter anyways I believe this theory 100% the theory is that bramble stark has rabies first of all as I already mentioned back in November Rambo's star was going to get sick he is the beloved clan leader that fell victim to darkness spreading in winter this new description sort of confirms my theory pointing out that he lost the life in that book with rabies being the sickness that he received the very specific thing highlighted in the description is that bramble star changes his behavior rabies is without a doubt the most well known disease out there that is known to change behavior in cats in fact I'm going to guess the writing team just took a simple web search and use the first result of pets WebMD to decide how rabies will be implemented in the book WebMD has an article on rabies and cats and their description of symptoms lines up exactly with what I expect to happen with bramble star when he gets the disease animals will not show signs immediately following exposure to a rabid animal symptoms can be varied and can take months to develop classic signs of rabies and cats are changes in behavior including aggression restlessness and lethargy increased vocalization loss of appetite weakness disorientation paralysis seizures and even sudden death yes you heard me I'm calling it right now brambles star is literally going to drop dead in front of everyone squirrels star confirmed there's actually a really good chance that the writing team is using the information from this exact paragraph first we have that animals will not show signs immediately after exposure to a rabid animal so brambles star is probably going to encounter some boxer raccoon with rabies and lost stars and get bitten he's going to act perfectly fine at first but towards the end of the book he will lose a life and start to act funny next we have a change of behavior the sylenth oz description says bramble star will behave oddly so we can check this one off as confirmed then we have increased vocalization I'm pretty sure we'll see this too the description mentions suspicion of bramble star spreading across clan borders I can guess that bramble star will probably yell a lot and say some stupid and aggressive things that other clans here finally we have a bunch of stuff that is going to mess up bramble star and I can totally see all these symptoms happening as the book progresses there will likely be a theme of what's wrong with Rambo star this time going on and then we have death with the whole super edition theory I feel this has been planned for quite some time now it's crazy but crazy is what sells these books and bramble Starr's death would cause the drama that Warriors fans live for so yes there's a good chance that I was right about Bram Bost are getting sick and squirrel flight becoming leader but that's not all I have in terms of correct predictions back in November I said this the Ark is literally called broken code as in the clans are going to doubt the warrior code and stray from it the first book lost stars is definitely referring to some sort of disconnect from star clan in the description for this book backs this up completely there is going to be some harsh winter event that happens during the book the clans are definitely going to be losing a little faith in star clan because star clan will be unable to help the clans through this furthermore the clans will likely start to break the code once they get desperate enough for prey we've already seen Juniper claw break the code and go against the will of star clan during the raging storm when shadow clan wanted territory from sky clan this is very likely an introduction to a concept that will be explored further in upcoming books yeah the whole warrior code vs. clan loyalty thing and the raging storm that I predicted was going to be expanded upon in the broken code story arc is actually being expanded upon the silent thaw description literally says each warrior must decide where their allegiances lie with their clan or the warrior code itself I got that exactly correct and not just that roll another clip and cats are going to start losing faith in star clan and straying from the warrior code as an attempt to survive the winter I imagine that shadow clan and sky clan specifically will be the first to get into conflict due to lasting tensions from the raging storm yeah guess what else is in the sylenth oz description a strange apparition causes unrest in sky plan and shadow clan shadow clan and sky clan are the first to get into conflict I literally said that three months ago also a really important detail the word apparition it means a ghost or ghost-like image of a person which in this context I'm assuming means cat now let me just say this ghost is probably not a star clan guy a star clan cat would not throw shadow clan and sky clan into conflict I am pretty sure that we are going to see this ghost because of tree he has the power to see ghost cats we've established this it's going to happen but who is this ghost Dirk tail maybe but what about soul yes yes another theory I had back in November I know I'm getting way too full of myself now but come on we know what controversial villain is returning this ghost has to be sold either soul is dead or maybe he shows up in a weird way like when holy Lee first met him okay let's calm down a bit I also want to talk about the description we got for squirrel flights ho which is admittedly very underwhelming in comparison we have a threat from rogue cats something we've seen many times before and we have squirrel flight questioning Authority a concept that goes back to fire heart questioning blue star this is the most generic and disappointing plot description possible this book is very likely going to be filler and that makes me so sad however the presence of rogues does mean that sleek whisker has a chance of returning and I'm totally down for that if sleek whisker can't be part of the broken code I'd love to see her make her last stand in this book anyways that concludes all of my crazy theories and Wow the broken code story arc is going to be quite the ride squirrel flights hope not so much but whatever as always I'm super excited for what's next and time will tell if any more of my theories come true [Music] you
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 90,091
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, theory, analysis, animation, bramblestar, books, reading, erin hunter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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