Ghost Cats are Taking Over | Warrior Cats Theory

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a new warriors book release means a new dive into ash per theory and wow this dude is confusing I've talked on and on about why I think ash fur is the cat who possessed rainbows star and the silent thaw so I won't repeat myself but I will say that this book makes it even more obvious his squirrel flight obsession simply does not fit with any other cat and the part where he says it's good to see you haven't lost your flat your squirrel flight he mutes ugly it reminds me of the old days you used to stand up to me then - that's a hundred percent of fire scene reference you can't convince me otherwise so ya asked for being the evil cat isn't formally confirmed but for the sake of my theory he is the cat there's just so much evidence pointing towards the cat being from star clan and there is no other evil star clan cat who fits the part so what I really want to talk about in this video are the questions left behind at the end of the salmon thaw what our ash first motives does ask for have other cats on a side why isn't star clan coming back and who the heck attacked shadow sight so what is going on with ash first plan because one thing's for certain protecting the warrior code is the least of his concerns he breaks the code himself time and time again rejecting the elders right to eat first giving the ThunderClan cat's cruel punishments and so on the book has a list of seven cats mentioned as code breakers dev wink wrote by their squirrel flight Jake without twig branch lion blazing mouth wing just to note lost stars originally included tree and this list as well but it appears the writing team decided against including him going forward one thing that's important to know is that not all code breakers are captured here Tigers star being specifically pointed out as an example of this put this together with the fact that Ashford doesn't care about the code and it's obvious my best guess is that Ashford points out these cats specifically because they are the ones who pose the biggest threat to him he is desperate to come up with an excuse to get them exiled sending squirrel flight away and being moments from sending J line and twig off as well why are they such a big threat well we don't know but they do all have a history of being disloyal to leaders in the name of the greater good squirrel flight set up against bramble and her super audition crow further fought a lot with one star in his story Jay Lyon and of went behind Peyer stars back when investigating their powers and doubling abandoned ThunderClan for the safety of her kids twig branch went behind everyone's back to find sky clan mouths wing fought misty stars backlash when it was revealed that she didn't believe in star clan Oscar is out to take down the cats who are brave enough to fight for their beliefs and most likely oppose him cobra ker accusations are only an excuse but where he falls short is that there are several more brave cats out there than he hoped for sure we still have good old Barry knows and bumble stripe being their stinky cells but stem leaf and bristle frost and Olaf shadow plan they're figuring out what's up so what is up exactly so far we know that bramble star was possessed he's interested in stirring up conflict he has an agenda against cats who oppose him and Cobra King and star clan are the least of his concerns so I have a prediction on what the next phase of his plan is killing why else would he be so concerned with exile Aang he wants to put them in vulnerable positions where they can be picked off sparked potent line blaze got roughed up and could have very easily died spark belt in particular had an actual trap set up for her as fur is not sending them out expecting them to be safe that's for sure that's why he made a big deal about wanting squirrel flights exiled to put her outside of clan territory because if she's in shadow clan she's safe and I think it's not just Dash for her he might be getting clever with support from idiot spies but there were events in this book that just can't be explained by a single cat we know that Ashford comes from Stark clan and he somehow the entirety of connection squirrel flight scope revealed that Starck plan has a little pool thingy that acts as a bridge so Ashford could have fiddled with that but what's much more likely is that there was a full-on rebellion and Starck plan that shoved all the existing goodies into total submission and when we assumed that a spur has a whole team behind him everything comes together perfectly ask for his killing cat so that his buddies have bodies to take control of and he doesn't just want any old bodies he wants the bodies of young and strong clan cats ash fur also makes the very vague statement of hearing rumors that squirrel flight hadn't left clan territory which could be explained if he had a ghost squad because in theory they could look over the clans because their star clan cats with star clan powers and they can constantly be reporting back to him also you may have noticed in the book that shadow clan has an awful lot of problems with their trees branches falling cats falling out of trees maybe the branches were tampered with to put them in danger which has the initial goal of getting shadow sight to spill is false vision but it also ended up freeing ampers body I mean they did bury it but maybe some cat dug it up maybe he got so delusional because a cat was messing with his mind and once he was dead said cat took over which leads into my theory on shadow sights attacker it will be super lame if after waiting for five months it was just ramble star attacking or berry knows or something we know they're evil that's not a cool surprise we need a huge reveal to come out of this some very interesting details are dropped during this quick scene including the stench of mint hitting the back of shadow sights throat and the cat dropping on him like a hog mint is an herb used by medicine cats so maybe we're talking about our first evil medicine cat here could hawk be referring to hawk heart the old wing clan medicine cat his Hawk heart and antlers body Hawk heart wanted to be a fierce warrior but he was forced the life of a medicine guy perhaps he has some resentment towards StarClan perhaps a lot of cats have resentment towards StarClan feeling they died before they really lived out their purpose which was a concept that was explored in squirrel flights ho mud cloth Winkle and would also be a good example for this type of cat as he was ejected right when he was about to be leader maybe croak mother's body is on his wish list so we can finally live out that life these stark land rebels are in deep desire for a second chance at life where they can live out their ambitions Hawk art can be a warrior Ashford can be in power and so on if shadow sight dies I think it would be safe to say that we would get a new star plant rebel possessing his body and then shadow sight would have to use root pot to communicate with living cats more death bolos and the result is a huge war between possessed cats with those stupid supporters and the opposition to save cats by picking off the living cats and replacing them they are effectively building their team and adding a huge element of deception where the good cats can't tell who is or isn't on their side in fact they might already be well on their way lion blaze sparked howl and of way we don't know what happened while they were exiled that said I did look through the scenes after they returned and didn't find any obvious hence if they were possessed they are amazing actors but I just wanted to point out the possibility maybe they're falsely accused of being possessed later on Dublin getting possessed would be amazing for us fur because that gives him control over the opposition and I guess that could be another reason Ashford chose the codebreakers that he did they're all pretty respected cats in their respective clans the only clan that he's missing out on a Skye clan which he could have breached if he got the tree like he said in his initial vision but I guess shadow site was forgetful and there's only so much he can do oh and the conflict mentioned with the cats being unsure about killing bramble Starr's body is so rich and that can be yet another reason for these specific possessions clan cats will be reluctant to kill because the bodies of their loved ones are at stake all the cats in the seventh aw keep fearing this all-out war against Ashe fur and his supporters and at this point it's just a matter of time the book series is called warriors after all okay that's all I got for now it's just a total mess of ideas warriors is more open to theories than it has ever been I'm sure I got a lot of things wrong and hopefully a few things right and I do want to make it clear that this is usually my intention whenever I make Theory videos on current books I try to get a good grasp on what's going on but in the end some things just can't be predicted and I try to make my predictions a little out there just because it's way more fun that way I guess I'll have a lot more to talk about when veil of shadows I only drops an April or maybe the book for description will drop early and spoil the whole thing but either way I'm really looking forward to seeing where this plot goes next [Music] you you
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 47,414
Rating: 4.964118 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, theory, analysis, animation, erin hunter, books, ashfur, silent thaw, broken code
Id: Uwn0CPQidjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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