Ghost Ashfur's REVENGE Plan (Warrior Cats Theory)

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[Music] all right darkness within spoilers ahead if you haven't read it consider yourself warned when i first started reading i was a little afraid this was going to be a filler book with clan rejecting shadow sight and the bristle root romance being the main focus but towards the end we definitely got our fair share of big reveals so overall there was a bit of padding in the bristle root quest but the ending to this book was intense we got much to talk about so let's get into it first up i'm gonna say that my spire site theory was wrong well not completely wrong but wrong in the sense that spirocyte is not the one pulling the strings like i claimed 1. the warriors website featured my theory on one of their articles and i doubt they do that if that was the big reveal for the story arc and 2 darkness within just disproves it there is a scene towards the end where ashford throws the spirits of spire sight and bramblestar around his body like puppets i just don't think spirocyte could be the one in charge if he was under ash for his control i do think spirit sites still helped him get to where he is in veil shadows he said spire site told him he could bend any cat to his will and now here he is bending cats too as well so it seems spider-site made a big mistake in giving ash for certain information because now ashford is bending spider-site too as well and when he animates spider-site and bramble star spirits i definitely don't think bramblestar or spirocyte are in total control because neither of them reveal anything groundbreaking i think both spirits are still in good condition they are just under total submission to ashfur let's talk the sister scene the most intense moment of the book in my opinion we have a vision of a massive group of ghost cats who are under ass first control they are all brainwashed to the point of being zombie-like except for spirocyte who is said to almost be willing rootspring to understand and bramblestar who asked for later reveals he purposely kept from the gathering so we have two categories of ghost cats under ask for his control the zombies who are completely corrupted and have lost their sense of self and the slaves who do still appear to think for themselves but can't act out possibly due to the threat of them being turned into zombies i think an evil ghost battle is pretty much inevitable at this point especially since the sisters say when the spirits are angry enough they can take physical form in a way similar to what the dark forest cats did now looking at the zombie cats who are under his control we have clan cats who died but also cats root spring doesn't recognize i believe these cats range anywhere from random wandering ghosts who are in the wrong place at the wrong time poor cheddar and maybe some dark forest cats are among them i mean the dark forest is empty but those cats had to go somewhere maybe some of the remaining spirits are now under asked first command ashford has picked up some pretty intense powers and he's been pretty open about what those powers are one he can travel between worlds and two he could ban cats to his will especially spirit cats i don't think ashford is special in any way he's not exactly the type of cat who'll be blessed by the stars so i'm going to say the source of his power is knowledge any cat could perform as dark magic provided they had access to the same secrets in the same locations and i think these secrets are simply the secrets of starclan that he picked up both from the time he spent there and from discussions he had with spire site traveling between spirit worlds and living worlds that's stuff we've seen starclan do before heck we've even seen possession before if you count cinderheart so here's a random detail i thought was strange when squirrelflight and tyga started discussing ashfur they are randomly interrupted by the call of a blackbird it just seems weird for this random detail to be thrown in without meaning completely interrupting their conversation i tried looking into it with some web searches and i found a lot of different things but it seems the blackbird symbolizes intelligence mystery and magic so if this isn't a total coincidence i think it might be a nod to the fact that ashfur has a plan he is holding plenty of secrets and he has taken on extraordinary power so yeah back to the source of ashford's power being knowledge asper has taken hold of some very powerful secrets that only star clan cats know of and only two living cats can replicate which i'll get to later for the sake of giving it a name i'm calling this power the secret power and the basis of the secret power is essentially being able to bend spirits themselves and the spirit worlds such as starclan and the dark forest you wonder why starclan is so selective of who they let in even having a judgment system revealed in squirrelflight's hope well i think starclan are the guardians of the secret power when squirrelflight visits they teach her about watching living cats through the moon pool and this is the most pure form of the secret power using it to watch over and guide the living from another world now compare that to the sisters for the sisters to watch over the living they have to actually be in the living world in spirit form if they move on to another world they disappear but starclan could do so from their world because they have the secret power they have the ability to see into other worlds and travel between them the dark forest cats likely had a weaker form of the power they could still travel between their world and the living world but they couldn't access starclan and they fell in the battle against starclan cats and they have since been completely wiped out but as a former star clan cat ashfur has access to the secret power in fact spider-site does too he's just not as evil so he never made an army of ghost zombies and that's why blocking off star clan was so critical to ask first plan the only thing more powerful than the secret power is well more secret power so once he blocked off starclan there was no cat who could oppose him so how can ashford be defeated well i think the answer lies in two living cats that i believe have some form of the secret power root spring might be pretty cool with his earth sensing powers but i'm not referring to him i'm talking about squirrel flight and shadow sight i believe they are by far the most powerful of the living cats squirrel flight because she picked up the ability to travel between worlds during her visit to starclan and shadowside did when he ate deathberries in their temporary desks they were able to pick up some skills that normally only the dead would have i do think in this situation squirrel flight's secret power is stronger because she made it all the way to starclan okay so why does ashford care so much about squirrel flight to the point he kidnaps her at the end of darkness with n well in ashford's pursuit for total domination he didn't properly take into account the fact that it could be lonely sitting on the top with no one else so he looked for answers in squirrel flight not only did he still love her she was also a former star clan cat like himself so it wouldn't be too difficult to teach her to world travel and bend spirits the same way he did it is mentioned that ashford needs squirrel flight for his plan to be complete and i think this is both an emotional statement as he needs a mate to be truly happy and a power statement as squirrel flight is his most powerful opposition so getting her on his side will remove the opposition and double his power and he is also doing his best to keep shadow sight close we see him act oddly friendly to him throughout darkness within it makes sense shadow sight is powerful he wouldn't want to fight this cat and i also see this as another example of his loneliness kicking in while he initially tries to kill shadow sight to stop him from messing with his plans later on he takes a different approach of willing the tom to join his side after all as aspher says shadowsight is like him they both have a form of the secret power because they can both travel between worlds so given everything we have this is the timeline as i see it one ashford has growing resentment in star clan two spider site arrives in star clan but chooses to leave to wander the living world this ignites ash vs curiosity three squirrel flight arrives in star clan but chooses to return to the living to be with bramblestar this infuriates ashfur and seeing squirrelflight use the pool to travel gives him the idea to do some exploring himself 4. ask for meets parasite in the living world inspiresight shares with ask for the knowledge he has gained about spirits and world traveling ashford sees that he can use his power to bang cats to his will 5. aspher spends time in the now abandoned dark forest perfecting his craft making his plans and building the barrier to starclan 6. the starclan cats noticed the barrier forming and ashford volunteers to investigate and he promptly finishes building his barrier locking star clan out 7. ashford sees a path to total power and domination through controlling spirit cats who can't make it to starclan but he also comes to the realization that he could attempt to get squirrelflight back and he gives into that temptation and creates his impostor plan effectively getting him closer to squirrel flight while also giving him an outlet to kill cats to build his ghost army number eight lost stars through veil of shadows happens and now ashford has a group of zombie ghost cats at his disposal he uses the zombies to threaten spirocyte and bramble star spirits into submission nine having an entire army aspher only needs squirrel flight to complete his plan not only is she the most powerful force that could stop him she also just flat out is still a temptation to him squirrel flight does not respond well so he uses his powers to transport her to the dark forest where he will attempt to force her into submission the same way he did with bramble star inspire sight and part of the reason he was so desperate to keep his body and darkness within is so he can shove squirrelflight's body into the moon pool as we see him do at the end of the book finally 10. with starclan gone and spirocyte bramblestar and squirrelflight out of the way there is simply no cat powerful enough to stop him as he creates his empire with squirrel flight by his side well except shadow sight but ashford is absolutely keeping a close watch on the guy so now it's up to our protagonists to save the day root spring has a connection to the earth and can summon spirits which can be used to keep watch for ashfur's activity and shadowsight has the knowledge needed to travel between worlds so he's the cat most stable to stand toe-to-toe with ashfur well what about bristlefrost does she have any powers well no but she has passion she has loyalty a clan to fight for she's the opposite of ashfur and i think that alone won't stop ashfur but i do think it represents ashfur's key weakness that he doesn't have cats he is fighting for he is trying to fight in the name of squirrelflight but there are flaws in his connection to her and as more of that is exposed he is slowly going to crumble under the emptiness of his desires the loneliness that comes from crushing others and being in total control where every cat listens to him but no cat likes him he will lose not out of a lack of intelligence or strength he will lose simply because he doesn't have enough reason to fight back he's too insecure he feels too indifferent to the outcome of the final battle because he will end up suffering no matter how it ends alright that's a lot thanks to everyone for watching all the way through be sure to subscribe if you haven't already i'll post more theories as books release and goodbye
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 46,564
Rating: 4.9663105 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, animation, theory, analysis, erin hunter, books, ashfur
Id: RLFtreB0EMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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