Was Graystripe a BAD FRIEND? | Warrior Cats

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[Music] firestar and grace type the original and most iconic friendship an olive warrior cats of course their friendship wasn't always happy in Carefree there were definitely some bumps along the way but they did make up in the end and they became better friends than ever man I wish I had a way of connecting with people as easily as those two away I do how could I forget about the amino app yes this video is sponsored by amino amino is an app that has several communities surrounding their many interests and fandoms including the Warriors community you can chat share art roleplay and more all with people who love warriors as much as you and I and I use the app all the time in fact I have a challenge for you right now since we're talking about gray step in this video the challenge is to draw him my favorite submissions will be shown in a warrior cats challenge video on this channel and if you're number one you can request a video for me to make be sure to submit your art before December 25th anyways to get to this challenge you need to click the link in the description or pin comment to download the free amino app for iOS or Android or you can just search Amino on your App Store once you're in the amino app you can search for warriors and once you join the warriors community find the place that says all members and search for bright guardian Akira I look forward to seeing you there back to Grace right now as much as I love grace right I must admit he has made several decisions that are questionable namely completely abandoning ThunderClan Firestar ended up forgiving him and grace sure did end up getting better afterwards but big grace don't deserve this plus gray start confused and vulnerable or was he selfish and reckless that is the question that I aim to answer and the reason this question exists to begin with is Silverstream the time that Gracie I fell in love with silver stream really wasn't ideal it was a tense time for all four clans and with broken star out of Power River clan was quickly developing into thunder clans number one enemy even if the tension surrounding the possession of setting rocks wasn't enough Graystripe carelessly kills white claw in a battle with River clan by the gorge so naturally there is a large building anger between the two plans a potential raid on River clan territory receives near unanimous support but gray strike has a completely different state of mind he fell in love with silver stream and not out of a serious connection it is emphasized again and again the silver stream is simply ridiculously beautiful grace types lustful desires give him a soft spot for the river clan cat's empire art is reasonably concerned by the change of attitude within his friend but gracious type decides to get all offended when fire hurts shows his concern grey steppe is so caught up in the fantasy world of his love that he refuses to see that allowing a cat from an enemy clan to make advances upon him is a questionable practice not only does it the stalked him from training Bracken paw it sort of puts Thunder clan in a weak spot gray stripes clan mates are actually at risk of going hungry if they don't bite River clan for setting rocks this is never addressed in the books directly but I believe that silver stream deliberately took advantage of gray snips infatuation with earth to help River clan again silver stream is described to be incredibly beautiful but gray straight well we never really learned what silver stream seas if silver streams plan really was to take advantage of gray strike I would say she definitely succeeded gray stripe really started to care about River clan when fire heart deliberately volunteered to join the raid on River clan as an attempt to keep gray start from having his disloyalty exposed gray stripe actually attacks his own friend out of anger later on in the battle to protect twin clan gray stripe is seen looking up her silver stream even though he is supposed to be fighting her I would say that silver stream got exactly what she wanted she carved her own invaluable little circle of disloyalty within ThunderClan there were definitely times when silver stream and river clan were very lucky to have graced a gray stripe ends up feeling so bad for River clan during their poison fish crisis the he commits to spire art to hunt with him for River clan I mean you could make the argument that gray stripe is being kind but let's face it he's only doing this for silver stream and if gray shirt wasn't making a big enough mess already he has kits with silver stream and then silver stream dies giving birth because she's meeting up with gray strike rather than staying river clan camp where she would have had a better chance of being saved then when River clan decides to claim the motherless kits for their clan gray stripe has given two reasonable options one give up the kits and move on with his life or to make thunder clam fight for the kids both options would have effectively saved gray starts reputation if grace type shows option 1 he would be proving his loyalty by showing that he valued his clan more than his kids if he chose option 2 well ThunderClan can't be mad about a couple of cute kits to train but instead Graystripe decides the clan that raised and deserves neither is loyalty nor his kids and he surprises everyone with option 3 join River clan with this kit even if you forget about how much a trader grace type is to his own clan you still have him being a garbage friend to fire horror he refused to listen when fire hurt was concerned about his relationship and Graystripe only made up with fire are when fire heart accepted that grace shite love Silverstream then after fire court supported grace type through all of his disloyal ventures into River clan grace start just decides to abandon fire heart because he was too much of a coward to fight River clan to keep his kids and apparently being disloyal to ThunderClan wasn't enough because once grace shot gets to River clan he does nothing but be disloyal to them grace type is rightfully exiled from River clan and then he just goes back to being fire heart's friend in ThunderClan no silver stream no kits no distraction fire heart is a very forgiving cat and you know maybe he was right to do so yeah grace - I became a jerk when he was distracted by silver stream but silver stream was no more in once grace type stop being distracted he just became grace trade also I can't really say it's bad that he was worried about his kits when tiger start took over River clan grace type ended up leading the charge that saved their lives and misty footed grace type was as good of a warrior in the battle against blood clan as any other warrior at the time and he just becomes better and better as time passes so while grace types choices weren't the best all the time he turned out fine and you know what I think race type ended up having a bigger impact on the clans as a whole than we give them credit or the main difference between the modern clams and the clans of the first story arc is the fact that biting among the clans is becoming more and more unacceptable and a huge part of that is just how much the clans are starting to see into each other's lives with a great journey in the great battle and dark tale and some other conflicts cats are spending more and more time being caught up in the business of rivaling clans and there was a growing sense of mutual empathy and firestar was the cat who really set the standard at first he was made fun out for always going out of his way to help other clans but now he is seen as a hero in this attitude that fire stars known for can be traced back to his adventures with grace trade whether it is driving broken star out of shadow clan or bringing wing clan back from two leg plays Firestar and Gracie I faced it together in the whole feeding River clan thing that I said grace type only did to please silver stream well it was still a really nice thing to do regardless of the reason why and it was an experience that really built the empathy and firestar that clan cats came to know him for so yes grace jet was a bad friend at certain times but in the end he helped shaped by her star into the hero he became he's not perfect he never was however he worked as hard as and he managed to get past the aggressive and disloyal behavior of his past
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 135,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, firestar, graystripe, silverstream, analysis, animation, reading, books, erin hunter
Id: HbdJhn9NGVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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