How to make Great Northern Beans

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hi everybody I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make great northern beans here's what you will need I have a ham steak okay that's what this is and the brand of the ham steak is sugar Dale and I have two pounds of great northern beans and these beans are sitting in cold water what you want to make sure you do when you purchase your beans you have to go through them just like this and look for because sometimes there's rocks in the beans sometimes there's a little bit of sand and sometimes there's some beans in there that are no good okay and normally the beans that are no good they'll float up to the top so you want to go through your beans go through them very well and look for rocks sand and rinse them maybe two or three times and just set them in the water okay you can soak your beans overnight if you would like to but I've been soaking these beans for about two hours in cold water all right now over here I have pork neck bones and and these are smoked this is what they look like and they have a lot of meat you hear me okay so what we're going to do over here I have a pan of water filled halfway up through the pan and I have a teaspoon of olive oil in my water we're going to go in and put those smoked neck bones in it's three of them and we'll put the ham in towards the end of the cooking process okay we're going to go ahead and put one bay leaf in all right and we're going to put two tablespoons of sofrito okay sofrito right in there all right and then we're gonna season up this water this right here is where we start to build our flavor our flavor that the beans will taste like once the beans get in here and cook so we put garlic powder in we're going to put some parsley flakes in if you don't make your sofrito feel free to go to the supermarket and buy a jar of sofrito okay we're gonna put some Maggi poyo mint okay and we're going to season this again because we're cooking quite a bit of beans you want to have enough seasoning in there to taste it I'm gonna bring my seasonings closer to me and then we'll cut up our bell pepper and our onion and our garlic but let's go ahead and get this meat starting to come to a boil so that we can extract flavor from the pork I'm gonna put some onion powder in there and put a nice amount of seasoning only seasoning you have to worry about is that salt okay everything else season it nice and well we want to taste flavor absolutely we do I'm gonna put just a little bit of red pepper flakes those of you that don't like red pepper flakes you don't have to put that in there okay and that's just a little bit we're gonna put some salt in and like I said during the cooking process we'll take the beans and see if it needs more seasoning later so I've turned this up onto a high heat until it comes to a boil once this comes up to a boil I'm gonna turn it on to medium-high all right so let's come over here I'm gonna move my ham steak out of the way all right and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pour this oil off of our great northern beans in this same recipe that I'm doing today you can do this recipe with any bean that you would like to to make if you want to make Navy beats if you want to make pinto beans if you want to make any kind of bean you can use the same recipe you're going to go in and put our beans in this recipe is so so so so easy so easy and we're going to just let our beans cook and remember we have that bay leaf in there so we'll take that bay leaf out towards the end of the cooking process okay we've got a lot of flavor going on in here and we're gonna put even more flavor in because we're getting ready to chop up our bell pepper let's let's go ahead and do our garlic clove foot first here's what I like to do you just take that garlic clove put it under your knife just give it a good whack and what does that do that takes the skin off of the garlic for you and you're left with the garlic clove I do an extra smack I do it extra hard because I like to smash my garlic okay see that it comes off perfectly otherwise if you don't do it that way to peel the skin off of the garlic so what I like to do give it another whack and just go at that let me take that skin off and just go at that bad boy and you chop it okay and we're gonna throw this in right now all right I'm so excited for nice pot of beans guys I am so excited for beans and I'm gonna make some white rice so we can put the beans over top of the rice I have I believe I have jasmine rice today so we have our garlic come towards me this way and let's put this right down in there and you can see that our beans haven't started to do anything yet it's going to take a few minutes before all of this water starts to boil okay get that garlic down in me all right let's come over here and we're going to chop up our bell pepper we're gonna put half of the bell pepper in now and we're gonna put the other half in later because what we put in now is basically going to kind of disintegrate into flavor land because it's gonna cook so long but it's gonna give off so much flavor and then when I put the other pieces of peppers and onions in later it's give us some texture and you'll be able to taste the pieces in the beans okay if you don't understand I'll still show you and it'll make a lot of sense once we start okay so what you're gonna do is we're gonna cut some up you're gonna put half in and save half to put in towards the end of the cooking process okay so and you can just cut it medium if you like yours to be cut small we'll feel free to cut it smaller okay just like so everything that I make in this kitchen is so easy a lot of fun and so much flavor trust me when I tell you all this absolutely I love cooking cooking is my passion this is the gift that God has given me and I appreciate being able to share my gift with you all I have so much fun reading you all's messages sharing my recipes with you all in cooking I mean I'm just having so much fun in this kitchen guys every single day I am so today I did the video I did the breakfast video this morning and then I just did the video for the chicken blue soup and now I'm doing the beans and tonight if not tonight it'll be tomorrow I'm gonna be doing a banana boat small okay it's a desert is very interesting a lot of fun and like I believe everyone would love this desert absolutely okay here's that okay so we're just gonna continue the chop these up I love green bell pepper green bell peppers my favorite pepper there's so many peppers out there and each one even though they have different colors they all have a different taste also if I had to choose which taste I like better oh I would definitely say the green bell pepper anytime I get a chance to use it I do yes I do so there's our green peppers here's what we'll do let's put half of the green peppers in now okay and like I said the rest will go in later for texture and for taste these right here are gonna cook so long I know I said it earlier they're gonna cook so long they're just gonna kind of disintegrate all right so let's cut this beautiful yellow onion that I have all right let's cut that sticker off come on off for me know that you need to be patient when you're making beans how come the reason why is your beans could take up to three hours to cook or even longer or even longer depending on how your stove works a lot of times my beans take about three three-and-a-half hours and one thing that you don't want to do you don't want to cook these up on high you cook you cook these up on high what'll happen as they bill turn mushy I've done that in my younger years and I was so disappointed and I never did so I cook mine's a little bit above low just a little bit above low okay um in that way they turn out perfect like I said it is definitely a slow process but I don't mind waiting on some good food you hear me I don't I don't mind waiting at all for some good food okay we're just gonna gonna chop these in the same manner as we did the green bell pepper same size nothing too small nothing too big just a medium chop okay we're going to get this right into our broth that we're making and that other half of the onion that'll go in at the end of the cooking process also I'm gonna turn my camera so we can put these beautiful onions in can you all imagine the flavor that we put into this we put the Maggi poyo we put the crushed red pepper salt and pepper garlic powder onion powder parsley flakes oh yeah if you don't have Maggi poyo feel free to use too chicken bouillon cubes absolutely you can and if you want it to you could also use a beef Boyan cube okay once my water starts to cook down and this water will definitely start to cook down because a lot of your water will evaporate during the cooking process and when that happens what I'm gonna do is I'm not going to replace it with what with water I'm gonna replace it with chicken broth okay but that'll be a couple hours from now so if we've mixed everything in I'm gonna get a lid on this we're gonna wait for this to come up to a boil when it comes up to a boil like I said I'm gonna put this on to a medium-high heat and we're just gonna let it go okay and then eventually I'll turn it down from medium-high to a little bit above low okay everyone so we'll just gonna let that simmer we'll come to a boil simmer and I'll be back everyone okay everybody I just want to show you a quick peek in at what your being should look like you should start to see your spices coming up to the top and your meat just start to your meat will start getting nice and tender right now it's not tender yet okay like I said this might be a three hour process but the benefits after it's done guys it's amazing you hear me and this is so much this is two pounds of beans two pounds of beans will let us eat these beans for two days all right look at this so your beans are starting to get nice and soft just want to give it a nice stir around and like I said towards the end of the cooking process I've chopped up my ham if you can see I've chopped up my ham steak I have my chicken broth over there and then we have our onion and our bell pepper but that all will go in at the last minute when everything is almost done and what will happen with these pork neck bones these pork neck bones the meat will start to fall off and this broth is so flavorful already and it gets even more flavorful as this meat cooks down all right so we're just gonna give it a stir and I'm gonna turn this a little bit above low almost to medium but not quite alright I like to put the lid on and just let it go so we'll be back when this is almost done guys okay everybody let's take a nice look in at our beans now you can see the difference see how they've got bigger let's zoom in a little bit they've got a lot bigger all right and you can see this neck bone right here look at this that meat is just you see that and piece of meat just came off of there so those neck bones are starting to get nice and tender and that meat is just pulling away okay but they're not done we're gonna be patient and we're gonna wait on them okay beautiful what I am gonna do is I'm gonna put a little bit of my ham steak in just have okay to get some of that salty flavor that ham flavor in there sorry about the noise everyone and put some of that in there just like so and there's a ham bone here now go ahead and put that hand bone in also that's the bone right there put that down in there for flavor guys I'll put this little on it and let it go just let it go you patient get your housework done do whatever you need to do around the house and these beans are still gonna hang out for a little while now what I'd like to do let's go ahead and grab our chicken broth because you can see how our broth has evaporated we're gonna go ahead and put this 32 ounce chicken broth in boy is this letting off some flavor you hear me well it's putting in even more flavor it's not letting Offaly next time we come back and we look at this I want to give this broth the taste and see if it needs to be Reese's n''d okay and we'll see what our beans are looking like great northern beans guys if you never made these before you better make you some absolutely make these and when they actually where'd you get that recipe from you let them know Jeanie Young showed you how to make it up lutely okay we're just gonna put the lid on and I'll be back everyone okay everybody as you can see these beans have tripled in size see how much bigger they are much bigger because they were small bean when we started out so what we're gonna do let me show you something these neck bones are starting to fall apart here we'll start with this one just look at this if you've all never had neck bones it's like the most beautiful hand look at this I'm just gonna kind of pick at it a little bit look at this hand guys look at that beautiful hand you see that and it falls right off the bone okay so our neck bones are just falling apart in there and here's what we're gonna do since our beans are almost ready go ahead and put the rest of your ham in alright and boy does my house smell good my house smells so good right now and then we're gonna put our peppers and onions in remember we saved half because the other peppers and onions like I told you all in the beginning of the video the other peppers and onions they just kind of disintegrate right into the flavor of the beans but these right here will still be able to see them and we'll be able to taste them that's why I always like to do it this way oh boy look at this look at this meat just falling apart in there guys that's what you're wanting oh absolutely and if you want to like you have a few bones come up this way as you see them just take them out no problem there okay I'm just gonna leave mines in and then like I said as I see them like I see one here just get ready to just fall right off look at that and all that meat just fell right into the this wok these beans are to die for you all hear me and I made some white rice on the side we're going to let this go for maybe another 35 minutes and these beans are completely done excuse me how long did they cook Gina they cooked for three hours exactly and that's okay with me I'm happy with that these things are good you hear me look at this and look at that beautiful broth guys right here we have developed so much flavor those of you that have never tasted great northern beans or any type of B give them a try give them a try make you some corn bread on the side the other day I made the hot water cornbread that would be great to go with this I didn't make any cornbread today because I've been cooking my little butt off you hear me I made the homemade chicken noodle soup today and I got up this morning and I made the Sunday breakfast all right so I didn't get to make any cornbread today I want to taste this broth let me get another spoon upload this video so this video will upload late tonight or early in the morning so what has to happen is I have to save the video I have to edit the video and then I have to upload it and upload it sometimes takes an hour and a half or longer all depending on how the internet is acting that day all right let's taste this broth taste that broth right there two-step broth guys oh just beautiful we don't even have to season that anymore I'd like to go in and taste some of the beans and make sure they're nice and soft and what I'm looking for because all I need to do with these peppers and onions is let them cook for about a half an hour 35 minutes and then just let that ham warm up let's taste these beans guys twos right there mmm oh boy are they good my goodness half an hour and we're done great northern beans let me show you all my rice I'm gonna come over here let me show you I have some jasmine rice here that I've cooked that's what we're gonna put underneath our beans as soon as our beans are ready we'll give this a taste we'll let you all know what it tastes like okay everyone be back in a half an hour okay everybody a half an hour is went by our onions and bell peppers are nice and cooked down the way I want them and our ham is nice and warmed up I have some jasmine rice here we're going to go ahead and make us a little plate here let's go ahead and make us a little bit of something-something wait my goodness I'm not gonna make a huge bowl okay cuz it is 1156 p.m. yes it is but I was wanting to get three videos in tonight and I did just that and then tomorrow we'll start all over again absolutely we will okay let me get a little bit more juice and I want you all to taste this and let me know what you think okay those of you that know me you know I love parsley I got I put some parsley in here to make it beautiful absolutely okay here's our bowl that we're going to taste-test a little bit of parsley on there mix it so pretty god bless you all thank you Lord Jesus for feeding me a meal today thank you Lord for all your blessings taking care of us and keeping us safe send your angels down to surround us day and night and your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions and let peace be still over our mind Lord we thank you for this food that we are going to receive please forgive us for our sins thank you for all your love time your mercy and understanding Jesus we love you so much and we thank you for this food let's dig in guys amen alright first thing let's taste some of this rice because I know these beans are so hot right now let's taste some of this rice with a little bit of this broth open-air guys taste right there everybody oh yeah you talk about some good flavor guys mmm I feel like I feel like I've been eating all day all right let me get a piece of this this is a piece of that neck bone Mary doesn't want you all to taste that taste right there and let me know what you think and that's got some rice on there some beans [Music] beautiful well if you want a knight if you want a nice bean recipe follow this recipe for any beans you decide to make and you will be happy look at this guy's taste right there oh look how beautiful oh boy is that beautiful tasty guys right before the video started I let my husband taste it and he's like oh my word he's like that is so good I'm like I know so delectable so tasty so easy and you don't have to sit over the stove and watch it you can go get housework done you can run to the store you can do everything you need to do and those beans will still be cooking you don't have to watch them you keep them on the right temperature and they're gonna turn out perfect look at this guy's taste that okay I've turned my beans off I'm gonna push this big pot right over here on the counter until it cools down once it cools down some I'll get it nicely put away look at this guys take this last bite if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up and if you all haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a great night taste this look at what is so good I whisper when I get excited look it's perfect it matches perfectly with this rice mmm god bless good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 223,059
Rating: 4.8879957 out of 5
Id: UsBF1M8zfZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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