Southern Style Potato Salad | Easy Recipe

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[Music] what's good with everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with meat AV they look I got a smile on my face right cuz listen this has been another one of those most requested videos everybody even asked me you know just show them you know my potato salad listen I'm not gonna reinvent the wheel this is just a southern style potato salad but I got something that's gonna send it over the top and what's gonna send it over the top you guys is check this out right here that's just Creole kick I use this for my seasoning and this has leveled up my my potato salad just like 100% made it better hey so with that being said look we're just going to go over these ingredients I'm even gonna do my eggs I'm gonna show you the way my granny showed me how to do it and then you could do them that way or you can do your eggs you know the traditional way put them on a board and cut them hey what's that being said let's get right into these ingredients okay so I'm gonna start out by showing you the relish right so what I did was I want to show you this right here I want you guys to look at the size of these cubes now the reason you see on that big like that is because what I did was I took some regular sweet pickles and I diced them down myself and then what I did was I took some regular sweet relish and I added that to that just so we can get some of the liquid you know the sweet juice in there along with that hand just to give it a little bit more filler but you guys can use that or you can get a mount Halla make some also call it sounded cubes those are good all so now I'm gonna show you look this is just like a teaspoon about a teaspoon of paprika this is what you're gonna need cuz listen you can't say you know a southern style potato salad without having some type of red garnish on there and I'm gonna tell you the truth that right there that's that smoked paprika right there now moving on there this right here this is the celery if you guys look at the size and if this really is up to you the reason I say that is it's up to you it depends on it depends on how you want to you know like the size you want you know I mean how much crunchy crunchiness that you like me you saw the size that I like and that's what I go wait right there now this right here I just diced up some onions right just gave me like any other type of dice but I like mine to have it like little bike this is a half this is a little bit over a half of a large onion oh and let me just say this this is a yellow onion now what sends it over the top boom I put two teaspoons of a Creole kick you guys been following me for a while you know what I do this right here I live by and swear by that right there is what's gonna separate you know your potato salad against somebody else's potato salad that and that smoked paprika on the top I promise you that's gonna be right now I got six eggs right here and I reason I'm gonna put emphasis on this and say six eggs that's because normally it's one egg per potato that's the way I like to do it but I'm gonna just say let me just say this it's not the way I'd like to do it that's just a normal way of everybody doing it I had an extra egg because I like a lot of egg in mind also and then so me saying that I'll transition into these right here this right here was just six excuse me this was five potatoes already peeled I'm got them in water right now there's no need we all know how to peel potatoes so I just want to you know cut down on some of the time and then I'm using best foods mayonnaise right I know some of you guys are gonna hit me down in the comments and start talking about Dukes and everything else listen they all good I want to say best food and Dukes is the same company folks do your research hey but anyway this is what we got right here on the west coast hey we gonna use about to cover this and then listen you got to have the yellow right so I got the French's uh yellow mustard yeah we probably put like a teaspoon maybe two teaspoons in something like that so you see this so what I want to do is oh let's go back to the UH hey let me just go back to this right here now I've already cut these right so you can see the size because we're gonna boil these potatoes so just showing you that I live just one hole right here just to see all you see is right here where I just you know peeled it and got it sitting in the water so it doesn't brown but I want all of these like that I'll put it in a pot and then we're gonna boil it and then we're gonna check to make sure we don't over do it we're gonna check it with either toothpick or we know check it with the fork and then we gonna go from there now here look what I want to show you is look we gonna I'm gonna cut them in half the long way right once I got them like that then listen I cut them into thirds reason being you want to alter the size to be about the same size right each one of your cut that way some won't be too mushy and then some won't be too hard okay so I just put the water in you could just see right here you want to just like cover it maybe that's covering it maybe you're like maybe about an inch and a half over I'm gonna put it on the stove once I get this hot you know I mean it starts to boil we'll start checking to make sure you know how you know how soft they are and I tender okay so these are soft but not too soft what I want to show you is let me get a fork and why are you looking inside of here I want you to just see if I can get it to show just you want a little resistance but you don't want them too soft look when I put it inside I'll just do a fresh one it'll come up but then the weight from it pulls it down that's about how soft you wanted with this softness and the size then you'll notice they'll get a little smaller so imma go ahead and take this I'm gonna put this into my strainer [Music] okay so look we got the potatoes then the scene then the colander listen is drying right we give nose to drip onto the water what I'm gonna do is I do it this way and I think this is the best way specially if you never made it before because it can't be a chore just like turning it and making sure that you have your dressing and your potatoes you know thirdly mix right so get yourself a bowl and it's gonna be right here is key now don't forget to look down at the description box below you'll see the full ingredient list just right here this is one cup look one cup of mayo I know some of you guys gonna look at that and be like man that's not enough but we're gonna start here and then we're gonna figure out what we want to do moving forward if you want to put more mail you can do that now we got that I'm gonna add a little Creole kick just a little bit right now I know what we put in here but just a little bit of that and then right here I'm gonna go ahead use my mustard that we say I sit in the recipe one teaspoon I'm just gonna hit it like this and say ah that's about right we can always add later right so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to use the same you know it's faster and I'm gonna just start mixing it up like this the main thing is we want to get it and get it mixed up good and then when we taste it we can always add more and I want you guys to let me know down in the comments section below you know how much do you start with and how many people really when it comes to making you know your address and you know for your potato salad how many people actually measure anyway now sorry and so now I'm ahead look just about half of my relish just about there huh yeah that's about right we'll just add half right we'll just get us a mix having his rubber especially you can get all of that off of the sides you know I mean make sure everything is turned and done nice now I'm gonna go ahead and grab my salt and my pepper just a little small pinch you know I mean maybe just two there you go and then I'm gonna go ahead and add a little pepper and then what imma do here's after I got this mix I'm gonna taste it now remember you always want to just add a little bit of the ingredients just so that you can taste it because you can always add but you can never take out so far we right in the game I'm just gonna set this off to the side like this I got a large enough bowl that's gonna be key so now let's get our potatoes here they are we're four DS inside what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and add my dressing to it now I'm gonna go with my onions first I'm just gonna get myself about a handful of onion right and I'm just gonna sprinkle that in there and let's go with a two handfuls and we'll just leave it like that right now for the celery two-hand pools are here this is where we gonna get our texture and our crunch from okay so this is what we look like right take a look having done no folding over and no mixing no nothing like that right so now I'm gonna take one of my hard-boiled eggs you see that right there and I'm gonna show you guys how my grandmama showed me how to do it a lot of you guys probably do it the same way and then I must give you another option for those of the you guys are our beginners and those that don't feel comfortable by having a sharp knife cutting their hand so I'm a ticket like this I'm just gonna cut it down this way you know of course I'm careful I cut it down like that and cut it down maybe just on this side right here and then I just cut it cut it down like that I don't know I know this might not be the best practice you know for everybody but I'm gonna go ahead and repeat that I'm gonna show you this way I don't want you guys let me go down to the conversations below how many people remember you know Big Momma doing it like this then we just drop it in here like that right now listen if you a beginner and you want to go ahead and do it you can go ahead and just cut it down like this keep a little pressure on it because you want to keep it together like that right and then what you want to do is just cut like this and that's it then just go ahead and drop it in I like a I like to taste it you know I mean so now you guys are seeing my texture so let me finish up these other three eggs and then we'll start mixing now that I have it all done right this is everything everything is in here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna using my rubber spatula and we're gonna start folding it over you want to kind of like be you know be careful with it because as you bringing it over like this some of those potatoes are gonna start to you know break and get smaller but you guys can see it now everybody just about knows how to make a good potato cellar right what I'm going to tell you is listen I gave you the base to just get it started you just want to keep it kind of like fold it over it's up to you guys if you want it to be like you know like super creamy or whatever I tasted it now that we add in potato to it you can see the egg you can see all of that in there I'm going to just keep bringing this over I'm gonna go ahead and taste it again but I'm gonna make mine the way I like to make it and you saw that I had a little onion left a little relish I'm gonna probably end up adding all of this that's the way I like it for myself but I want you guys to just try it this way once you taste it and decide to yourself you know what else is more did you want to do but the game changer and what makes it just like it sends it over the top is this right here it's really in your season and you guys know that I love this because just for the fact that it has a low so it has low sodium right so it allows me to add what I need to add it as far as my my my salt intake right so that's how I do it it allows me to add a little bit and not be too salted now you can look at this right here right now I gotta tell you your mouth should be water and if it's not something is wrong I'm gonna go ahead and just taste it and see where I'm at and this right here you guys is like a great base [Music] let me go ahead and just oh yeah here we go look at that right there remember this the base we finna doctored up but I'm gonna test it right here [Music] mmm now to my liking we finna get down now I'm gonna show you how I like mine I know you guys can hear that crunch you know me noting that celery but we find I had a little bit more to it so we asked some more I'm gonna be real with you I'm finna dump the onion not so much I'm gonna get myself another handful alright and a half and go like that we'll set this off to the side now you remember the rest of that Creole kid now we're going to add that oh yeah damn for the relish I'm I had this and I want it to be a little bit more sweeter so I might have that now I'm gonna open up my sweet brother's here and have a little bit to this too here we go we'll set that off and now we'll get this spatula again and we'll start rolling it over oh and I got to say this I might add a little bit more you know mustard that's probably like a lute might have been like maybe another teaspoon so we'll start rolling it over like this it's just like making a cake you guys we just gonna fold it and you'll see it's just starting to come together right now all of the bigger pieces that you saw look at that right there this is how I supposed to look right here let me go ahead and just the best part you know what I mean hey the chef's always get to eat eat first so here we go y'all see yours again my folks know me ma'am just right here it's fine only thing I'm going to do it hit me with a generous pinch of salt [Music] and that there I'm a Duany a little bit more - they're a little bit more pepper oh now and then for the final test and then what I want to do is I want to put it in a refrigerator and we want to get it sealed I'm gonna say put it in there for at least one to two hours at least an hour you know - is good overnight is even better hey this is it but we ain't done yet let me put it in the refrigerator let me get a chill we won't come out I'm up go ahead and dress it up real nice and don't forget we got that smoked paprika y'all excuse money go ahead and say it right cuz everybody be hitting me in the comments thank you says uh Pappa Rica I know it's paprika I got it so let's get it in there let's get it chilled I'm gonna come back then we gonna wrap this video up no-hitter it is after being refrigerated for about four hours right that sweet smoky Jose that Creole kick that smoked paprika on the top hey listen that smoked paprika gives it a little taste to you guys a hit it with a little green onions and there you have it chill southern style potato salad so tell me what you guys think about this one you know what it's really super easy you know fully customizable you know you guys put whatever you you know want to put in there to like make it you know to your you know your palate but you see I'm just giving you the base I know a lot of us already know how to make you know potato salad hey listen I feel like I'm starting to ramble I'm about to get right in here here it is again I'll just show it like this you know what this serves about I'm gonna say listen you can get six to eight servings out of this but I'm gonna go ahead and just say you gonna get six I'm gonna say you just get six huge servings you know so I'm gonna go ahead here it is this is cheers for about the fourth or fifth time mm-hmm this right here is like just yeah I can't say enough about it I'm gonna tell you what it just makes just like 100% the best thing on the planet that will be have some barbecue baked beans right next to that I like to hit the potato salad and get a little bit of that barbecue baked bean and put it in my mouth and that right there hey look that's a little pro tip for you guys try it out and let me know what you think down in the comment section below now listen if you're new to my channel let me just say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like this video and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here they're simplifying these recipes and taking this mystery out of cooking and for those of you guys has been here for a minute you know how often they got here folks I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin' wit AB
Views: 916,334
Rating: 4.9329495 out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Southern Style Potato Salad, potato salad, potato salad recipe easy, how to make potato salad, potato salad recipe, best potato salad, food, easy potato salad, homemade potato salad, easy recipes, recipe for potato salad, make potato salad, southern potato salad, potato salad recipes, soul food, potato salad with egg, classic potato salad, classic potato salad recipe, recipe, potato, egg, salad recipes, eggs, salad, potatoes, recipes
Id: Pb3NXVq1Kog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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