Winning Chili Cookoff Recipe Revealed

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welcome back folks the back with gourmet today it's raining again we want to do duck jumping video so we had to bring it in here on the porch and put it on the old propane burner again want to show you today are just a nice day for it art our recipe we've been working on for a couple years now for the perfect chili we get on to that it's gonna be a complicated kind of a recipe a lot of steps involved with it so you might want to keep track of it as we go I'll try to put the whole thing up at the end of the video but you need to keep track of the process because it's made quite differently than some other chilies you might be of maintenance we actually make the three separate parts of it to make the meat part we make the the beans and we make the tomatoes we make that all separately and then combine them at the end so pay attention to come go fast gonna be longer you actually develop this recipe for competition we went up against a hundred teams and placed third with this take the recipe and cooking today all right guys our first step is going to be doing the beans they take the longest I want to start them first let's go ahead and fire up our Dutch oven we've already preheated to they're a little bit what I have this on low to medium flame I'm gonna get crazy with it you know these dutch ovens do hold their heat very well so we're just going to start out pots already given warm there's a lot of ingredient engine wheels like say we'll try to write it down just need to know which order they go in first off we go start with a small diced onion in there okay we have here is dice British fresh red chili peppers I tested these testes before your very awesome all they don't put about half those in there for now you can always bring them back in that later we need to bump it up and then we got up three cloves of minced garlic sort out our page here and we're going to give this do have a little bit of oil in the bottom reason those fumes often those feelings they're pretty pretty aromatic okay now our beings we've already does these a fascist method we hold them to a boil I'm set for one hour we did um marinate these with some cilantro and cumin during the soaking process we've also put in about one cup of beef stock you know while this gurney nice beefy chili it's got about a beat of cup of these boxes going for we may have to adjust the water level program as well now the spices that go in here now this is a tablespoon of salt the teaspoon of cumin and a teaspoon of ground ginger that goes in what we're doing here is building layers of flavor in each one of the three main components of the chili some of you are wondering probably well we've made all the three different ingredients and then we're gonna try to combine them at the end well the main reason is is you can control the doneness of your beans the doneness of your meat and the consistency of your tomato base then combine them all at the end so all your three ingredients of your Chile's perfect at our next step here we're going to go ahead and marinate our meat daughter beans going they're already smelling great by the way this is a ground brisket that we ground ourselves and you can use you can use regular hamburger you just want to not try to skimp on the battle if you want to make this great rich dish need that rendered fat okay so in the end of this we got salt pepper garlic about tablespoon of each and a good tablespoon of fresh mexican culantro or cilantro whatever you want to call it we're just gonna dump all that in there it's also we've got a little cumin we're just gonna mix it all thoroughly through through the meat they're all broken up mixed in there and it's just to help the flavor and to help the spices dissolve I'm gonna give it a couple of three dashes four dashes or whatever just Worcestershire sauce mix all that up together and those spices and salt and pepper where I'll start to permeate that meat we're only got about a pound here and I found over load this so it's about a pound of fresh ground beef I'm just going to cover that up with cellophane put it back in the fridge and just leave us it due already for we've got the day to do it do it early and let it sit for a couple hours after it's done you'll be amazed at how well it comes out it's been at our batter water one time fogging up the lens there smell awesome just tested one the perfect doneness these are small red beans they cook a little faster than the big red kidney beans and you can see that most of the water has been absorbed that's what we want so we're gonna go ahead and cut these off take them out and they'll start to eat step okay we took the beans out of the pot I think I want to show you no need to clean this a little bit more oil back in there just keep the meat better meat here this has been marinating in the fridge so I'm just gonna go ahead and just put that in there and then brown it off like you would do with any other types of chili dress you're going to break it up let it simmer in brown so after this starts to brown you see it's starting to brown up there nicely starting to render the fat we're gonna go ahead and put another about a half a cup of well I wouldn't call it minced more of just roughly diced onion in that there's no stir that around and let that oh yes I'm the oil from the from the ground beef you know cook those onions tillers translucent okay folks it's been a few minutes we have this on a medium heat easy it's starting to brown down to the bottom starting to get this little brown bits you know what I kind of stop it at that point just enough to get a little fawn going on the bottom of your pot kept it on medium heat you know don't try to do this too quick so we're gonna go ahead and take this out and that's why we call it perfect chili because your beans are not overdone your meats not greasy you know if you have a if you have some beef that's really fatty you can any want to cut down on the amount although you can drain that off ahead of time if you just throw it in a pot that you've got what you got okay now that we've taken our meat out and pots back up the temp we're gonna about but a half cup of beef stock we're just gonna use that to deglaze it always good fit floating around the bar over here we're stuck to the bottom we're raising the pond up I'm just gonna go ahead and pour that right back over our meat I'm gonna go ahead and start with the tomato based or tomato part of the recipe and since we took most of our oil out by deglazing the pan we're gonna add just put a little bit olive oil in it just has a little higher temperature range and then this is something you may have seen before this regular tomato paste is a small can of tomato paste all right go ahead and try to get that in there it's easy thing in the world to get out of the container to get it into what you're cooking put that in we're gonna just Brown this we want that to do is caramelize the sugars in that tomato paste and it'll really really bring out the flavor of moving this around and what has happened here is you know depends on for two minutes and you can smell the tomatoes kind of caramelize and you're getting this spot in the bottom of the pot the font is what we want and we're going to bring it up now just going ahead for some another a couple of small onions or one large onion in there we're just gonna start stirring that in there and as these onions start to sweat and release their moisture they're gonna bring up the Fond off the bottom of the pot with them this is something you may not have seen before done on give us a lot in Cajun cooking kind of like doing a gumbo base kind of a deal we brought this over to our chili now you got to keep your temperature way down on the pot when you're doing this or this tomato just barn period you know here initially add to the Fond and then they'll start to bring it up we're gonna watch it make sure it doesn't get too dark it's starting to form there now you see I sticks on the back of the batch Allah get scrape it up a little but that good dark carmelization from the onions and you see how the liquid is starting to come out so the tomato paste is starting to break up a little and what's going to let that go a couple of minute out.they we left a lot of spice out of it if I make it too spicy here nobody will eat it just have your good ol sriracha sauce here at the end just it as you like it and it's you know saltiness all that kind of thing is easy to adjust at the end long as you got some salt in it while you're doing in here oh you know you're three parts and just keep it moving you know let's sit around too long is it the can burning I got to have flame down just about as low as I can get it on this bish cooker I'll open fire I'd be easier you could just either raise the pot up you know raise the pot a little higher above the fire to make it easier to control the heat that way actually easier than this wish we could do that today but whether it's not permitting all right so let's look at pretty good now so here we have about a 24 ounce can of diced tomatoes and we're just going to use a little bit of this tomato juice to go ahead and release the pause there's some pour the juice off of it at this point here we're just unused just using that to get this pond oh yeah everything that we want to put in this pot where I build a flavor you know probably the last thing you want to put in here the water you can see how that that song just pretty much released that got really rich of water from the tomatoes evaporates very quickly so at this point we're just gonna go ahead and put now that we got the Fond upper he's gonna hit put the rest of them in and this is star guard tomato face just incorporate that all right now we have a tablespoon of brown sugar a tablespoon of commercial chili powder no salt we're going to use some you see some of that fond there on there on the edge of the spatula that's what's gonna bring the richness of this we're gonna put the brown sugar is going to cut a little bit the acid or tomato and of course the chili powder is gonna give you that traditional chili flavor a little bit you can make this without the chili powder a lot of people like that flavor so we're gonna go ahead and get that stirred around in there and get a go on and you can see this it's free dry right now for taking this I'm a penalty which you may the same way depend on how water you you know your tomatoes are so on and so forth you can control it each of those three ingredients much better by doing them three separate and it combine them at the end so we're gonna go ahead and give it just about a cup of beef stock again adding the flavor every time we had something we want now to add flavor not take away part of it we might want to bring that up just a little bit more let's check your consistency those tomatoes are gonna cook and you know a lot of the moisture will come out of them at that point so don't go crazy with the consistency right now we'll give it a few minutes and we'll come back and check on it it's been about an hour with our tomato base here let's go let the lid on take a look at it the consistency is just about perfect it look like thin gravy so we can uh we can adjust this when we put our other ingredients in but that's now ready for the other parts the lid aside we have our meat here go ahead put our meat in and then we have our beans they're all ready to go and they're already perfectly cooked give her a stir what kind of check to see what our final consistency is and you know your consistency may differ to me that's about perfect right there it's not too thin not too thick now's the time you want to you check your seasoning just your salt your hotness is you want and turn it off just let it sit everything's done so now what it just needs is time okay as usual here's how we're gonna we're gonna plate this up I'm trying to make it true backwards gourmet style and I put a little dot of olive oil in the bottom of the bowl the bowl in the plate I'm just going to take our finger and we're going to swirl that up out of the bowl a couple different directions then we're going to sprinkle it with a little chili powder and you can see what happens you can see what happens with the bowl there is a little chili powder will design the bottoms okay now we're going to take a terrine of this is a Mexican culantro infuse rice with garlic we just press it into a terrine and hopefully this will come out we did coat the terrine with olive oil perfect I just want to Center that in the bottom of our Bowl you guys can see that now we're gonna take our chili that we worked so hard on today and we're going to spoon that just around the terrine of rice let me keep it off the top as we covered mustard bark pattern up there but all right now for garnish we have a fresh baby spinach leaf and then poke that down in the ball into the tree and we have these are fire roasted red chili peppers cut into julienne strips these are pretty damn hot and this will kick it up a notch I just lay those on there and kind of a pattern and then we have also some fire roasted sweet onion strips a hard time handling those guys I'll just lay a few of those on there and maybe a few of those on top of the chili around the edges yeah and then the final times got just a little bit of sour cream I'm just gonna try to take a nice little dollop we're gonna put that right on top and get a little peak little little Bob there and then just right on top just sprinkle just a little bit of chili powder then we're gonna take our towel clean up our plate pretty hard to do without the I didn't quite get our pattern on our Bowl up high enough but you is enough to show you the idea you clean up the bowl there you have it perfect chilly son backwards gourmet style with a beautiful presentation
Channel: Backwoods Gourmet Channel
Views: 67,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chile, chili, competition chili, dutch oven cooking, ducth oven recipe, camp cooking, outdoor cooking, backwood gourmet, dutch oven chili, dutch oven recipes, how to make chili, how to make the best chili, how to make chili on a dutch oven, how to make chili from scratch, chili cookoff recipe, winning chili cookoff recipe, award winning chili cookoff recipe, award winning chili recipe, award winning chili, making award winning chili
Id: 7FT-tyL-JMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 08 2014
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