Weird Strict Jeffy! THE MOVIE

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wait daddy a [Music] daddy daddy why aren't you listening to me was just a dream oh I guess I've been playing a little bit too much a weird streck dad that's it I'm never taking a nap again okay it done Daddy Daddy I got to tell you about this really scary dream I had last night listen I need to take out this trash you haven't been doing any chores around the house all right Dad but in this dream you're being really weird and strict and I guess are really doing that right now and it was so weird I please take out the trash you can tell me about your dream after but but Jeffy and don't forget I've been placing this traps all around the house randomly so don't miss [Music] any okay and now they're on the counter okay now this is just stupid don't do all right d I took out all the trash oh thank you Jeffy now D got to tell you about that really bad dream I had last night so when I was sleeping I woke up and then you were standing in my room and I was calling your name and you weren't answering but then when you turned around you were weird strick dad Jeffy who the freak is weird strick dad well D it's from this game in Roblox it was really scary that's what I'm talking about you've been playing way too many video games it's all get into your head no no dad really I love playing this game but it was just too real I didn't understand who Could That Be oh I hope it's not the possessed guy that turns you into weird Street dad Jeff you had a bad dream I'm not playing these stupid games besides I ordered that butt massager I mean I mean back massager and they probably want me to sign for it a this isn't good a this doesn't look like the delivery guy Hey listen man I have no time to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ what the heck's going on I'm going to go see Oh Daddy who are you talking to who's out there daddy oh my God you wait why are you shortless uh just cuz sometimes in the bathroom just just I like to give me a second why you in the bathroom with me I mean not that you're not allowed to be but now it's not a good time oh Junior because my daddy's a weird stri dad I mean he is a little weird but he's definitely not strict no no Junior like literally like the Roblox game he was out talking to someone at the door and then and I was like what are you doing then he turned around and he was possessed all right Jeffy that's the silliest thing I've ever heard no no Junior you got to believe me I'm serious okay I'll believe you once I go out the door and check no Junior you can't get caught you're going to be done for oh I'm going to check oh one thing okay now I'm going to check all right let's just take a window [Music] peek yes that's what I'm talking about we going to hide from him we're going to die you better be a there by 10:00 or else and it's 959 all right we got to prend to be asleep don't makeing a noise Jeffy is he gone oh yeah I think he just came and checked so we should be good for a couple minutes oh what are we going to do I don't know Junior we're done for this is a nightmare in real life there got to be something we could do well in the game there's a potion that'll fix him and turn him back to normal but we don't have that wait then you said there was a guy who came and possessed your dad uh yeah he left the potion I mean there's got to be a way to fix it a well that probably be our best shot but I don't know I Jeffy go check the doorstep no Junior you're coming with me oh no okay let's be really quick then let's go all [Music] right uh Jeffy I'm not seeing anything what about you oh yeah me neither Jeffy what is this um it doesn't look like a potion to me Junior well I know but like what do you think it is uh looks like a book uh I know it's a book Jeffy come on let's just take it inside quick all right let go should we open it up what the heck ingredients oh my gosh what the this must be for the potion Junior no way we have to brew a potion yeah what do we need first hey Roku TV remote Roku T Jeffy I know just the place all right enough of this where's my remote what I always leave my remote right here in the middle of my right side Billow it's past 10 p.m. why are you not B Marvin first of all why do you look like a goth emo girl second of all you're not my daddy you can't tell me what to do and third you told me I'm not in bed I am in bed you're not asleep so what like I said you're not my daddy Jeffy what do you think happened in there no how long was that in your mouth for um a couple of minutes Jeffy what the freak okay whatever what's next H white creamy liquid what the freak Jeffy where do we get that from I didn't going know a place or a guy or a peee chef peee we got to get wet creamy liquid from Chef peei all right let's be careful but let's go let's go all right time to make a toaster strle in the dark because everyone decided to go to bed at 10:00 p.m. tonight like lamos whatever time to out the white stuff here it is Jeff you got this a bro I'm just trying to bust this open come on D what the heck he just ate my white stuff oh no where's Jeffy aty Jeffy Jeffy why do you keep putting everything in your mouth uh I don't even know all right whatever whatever we got two things now let's go let's go oh yeah what's next uh juice uh juice that shouldn't be hard yeah I'll just get some Jeffy juice this is going to be easy peasy all right let's go okay there it is Junior then Jeffy juice oh perfect B the bed right now okay Jeffy wait for me wait for me Jeffy hi the book got the [Applause] book oh my God that was a close one Jeffy yeah I think he's gone again I think we have a couple minutes oh my God Jeffy I never know you die could be so scary well listen he's weird strick dad and that's how he is now oh but Jeffy we didn't even get the Jeffy juice I know I got to get the juice but Junior you should get the other thing we got to work as a team but Jeffy where am I supposed to find black hair fromy where am I supposed to find black hair oh my gosh where am I supposed to find black hair from what's that oh Lord have mercy it's been a long time since I shaved my hair down there well that was a lot it feels good to be clean now's my chance e oh my God there's so much here how am I going to carry it I I need to get a bag or something all right Junior I got The Jeffy Joe's and I I got the peee hair wait where'd you get that I found it hey that's my line I'm sorry Jeffy but it doesn't matter we got four things there only one thing left yeah which last oh clam chowder oh my God not clam chowder where are we supposed to get that from I know that's so weird who would have that why would anyone have clam Cher I know where to get it wait where inside the couch Jeffy yeah what the heck what are we going to do let's move okay that was not a safe place to talk Junior yeah now that we're in a safe place to talk why the clam chowder in the red couch I don't know Junior it's where to keep it we could have kept it anywhere else anywhere else in the house but you chose the red couch all right Junior well listen we got to come up with a plan well yeah we need a plan cuz your dad's on that red couch I know don't hear me out it's what we're going to do we're going to lure him out lure him out he's going to chase us yeah but listen since you're the faster runner you're going to run up run into the bed you're going to put a decoy in so it looks like I'm there too then when he checks it's going to look like I'm actually there and he's never gone now then while he's gone what I'm going to do is run in grab the clam chowder run out and hide wait till he's back and then I'll meet you up in the bedroom Jimmy that's a crazy idea it's our only shot Junior I guess you're right all right well let's do this let's do it Jeffy how we supposed to lure him in Jeffy where did you get that I found it oh my God je it's going to be way too loud you can't do this well you better get ready to run Junior I'm not ready I'm not ready Jo oh no [Music] no okay I need a dick Qui I need to find a dick quick what do I [Music] [Applause] [Music] do I wonder if it worked Junior I got the clam oh my God I got the clam chower Junior what is this oh that's your decoy Jeffy um what the heck yep best part he pretends to be asleep to okay Junior whatever we got to get back to the point I got the clam right here we got to get all the items and we got to get them together we got everything let's go all right let's get everything let's get them together wow look at everything Jeffy we got it all Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck check Jeffy you missed a spot oops all right there we go okay Jeffy we got everything let's go all right well now we're going to have to figure out something to do with this well don't we have to mix it a shoot yeah it doesn't say what to do though oh but if we said to mix it how are we supposed to mix of TV remote with Clan chatter I got an idea wait what what the heck J be where to get a blender from I don't even know oh my gosh well let's get everything in there come on let's go to the floor all right all right are you you ready for this Jeffy all right here we go okay the clam chowder oh boy oh disgusting all right TV remote okay all right white creamy liquid oh yeah Jeffy juice oh The Jeffy juice oh my God Jeffy this looks diabolical ew but we got to get this PE PE here and there oh no it oh it's going to explode all right let's get the lid on it well Jeffy everything in there yep I'm only going to have about 15 seconds to do this before he comes up here Jeffy what are you talking about Junior this is going to be loud as freak oh no we're only got 15 seconds to blend this and then toss it on them exactly got to toss it on them and hopefully it GES them okay this is going to be crazy all right here go do the oh my gosh look at that go go go okay you got it ready JY ready I got it got got it give's he's coming chy [Applause] now so you're telling me you don't remember anything I told you all I remember is going to get my package and then this like weird guy at the doorstep and then after that all I remember was waking up in this gooey stinky disgusting liquid and I don't know you guys were just looking at me yeah Daddy that was the potion to cure you you were weird strict Dad yeah you should be thanking us wait so I actually became this character you're talking about yeah dadd you made us go to bed strictly at 1 p.m. and then you were running around all night trying to kill us yeah I'm a witness I saw everything oh my gosh guys I feel stupid I should have listened to you guys I what I don't know crap I'm just an adult yeah well next time you better I'm not answering that me either wait what the hello sure I can come wait is that oh no this can't be happening oh my God I cannot believe she's weird strict mom no no no no no I can't do this again not after what happened with you last time daddy me there you're not my daddy why creamy liquid e it's going to explode Jeffy just don't can't believe that I did all that Jeffy well you did die yep and I was there too wait what happened what are we supposed to have now we all got to get in bed together then we'll be safe what do you mean we all got to get in bed together whatever as long as it works come on we got to get up the steps let [Music] go [Music] what are you doing you going to act like you're sleeping day wait guys guys guys hun under this pillow she went over for sleeping or not [Music] okay guys do you think we're safe now oh yeah we should be good for a couple of minutes what the freak was that shh be quiet she's going to hear us yeah she's going to come up here okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry so what the freak do we do about this well we got to go try to find the ingredients to make the potion wait what ingred what what what po what are you guys talking about well that's how we fixed you last time D we went and we made a potion from this ingredient book that we got and uh we threw it on you and you were cured what you don't remember any of this wait no I don't know what are you guys talking about all right well we got to go down to the front door dad cuz that's where the book was that's all we know okay so we get the book and then what a then we put the ingredients together and then we make the potion and that'll turn Rose back to normal well that's how it worked last time okay this sounds like a plan but guys real fast can you guys go downstairs and fill the the the generator what the heck are you talking about D yeah in the basement there's a there's a generator um since when do we have a generator guys this needs to happen just just trust me on this you you got to do this then we get we can get back to the plan all right whatever we'll do it and then I guess we'll meet you back up here okay thanks guys all right Junior let's go uh okay Jeffy I didn't know there was a generator in this house yeah Junior me neither wait is this it uh that kind of just looks like the AC unit yeah that's that's what it looks like to me Jeffy this is so weird why are we doing this I don't know Jun I don't even know what we're supposed to hey guys dadd what are you doing here guys I'm just checking you're supposed to be filling the generator what are you doing well Dad this is just the AC unit uh no this here this is the generator okay uh you got to unscrew that and uh uh you're missing the fuel I'll get the fuel I'll be right back you guys stay here oh okay whatever Junior let's get to this what the freak that was so weird are you getting it Jeffy I don't know there's nothing toing screw here junior are you guys [Applause] finished Jeffy get in here com oh my God oh my goodness J Jeffy you're dead Lord is down there just so he can trick us and turn into that I know I thought we cured him I guess not I guess he Stills a demon inside of him who's controlling him yeah I know what are we going to do I don't know we need some type of plan we need a plan with the power of both of us we be the strictest parents in the world yes we will indeed okay Jeff here's the plan we're going to open the door we're going to run as fast as we can up the steps we're going to hide in bed and we'll be safe we can't just keep hiding in bed junior I guess you're right Jeffy oh I know we can make more potions and then we can change both of them back to normal no Junior that won't work either because if we change them back they're just going to keep changing back the Weir St parents every night you're right you're right then what do we do well here's an idea what we could do is we can open this door right here and then we can stand right in the middle of the door and then as soon as they come chasing us we will jump out of the way and trap him in the bathroom Jeffy that sounds super risky I know Junior it's a crazy idea but it's the only way okay fine Let's do let's do it let's do it okay Jeffy how are we going to get their attention now you already know Junior trusty metal pipe oh yeah all right here we go 3 2 no Junior get the Rope I just get the Rope okay all right there we go Junior get the boxes what boxes just get the boxes G do Jeffy that's a lot of boxes I know but we need them here junior well I think that'll hold them back for a while well now that we got them under control we should have some time to think okay let's go think let's go all right Jeffy we got to think what are we going to do about your parents uh should we call the FBI should we execute them should we leave them in there to die and R and disintegrate away well going to be doing this thing and I need to go get my chocolate cake Jeffy now it's not a time for chocolate cake why do you chocolate cake it helps my brain Junior I'll be right back no no no this looks so beepy oh I'm just going to bring this over to Junior oh oops never mind it is what it is Jackie chew what the let me get the door real quick freaking oh my God shut everything oh I I'll shut it off Jeff what are you doing here there someone in the neighborhood I'm trying to hide Jeff get really bad I know I know yeah yeah show up watch up uh follow me okay all right Junior I don't got the chocolate cake but uh Jackie chew's here wait what what up student what jaie two why are you here well I was going a nightly run around the neighborhood and then not to be rist but I saw somebody black and they're very mysterious and weird and they tried to do bad things to me yeah yeah yeah I know who you're talking about yeah that that guy possessed jeffy's parents yeah now my parents are really strict oh they're strict you say maybe then you guys won't be late for class all the time no no no I mean they're really weird and strict oh whatever whatever you need stri pairs cuz you guys are dumb a frak you fous you stupid oh well if you're so smart can you help us help this yeah yeah jeffy's parents are trying to kill us but we have them trapped in the bathroom and we don't know what to do with them you have any ideas well let me me think nice [Music] TR oh my God okay I come I come I come ja took on oh my all we got to hurry up we what going on what is going why what are you doing here why we back because this will save us we got to act like we're sleeping this makees no sense this make no sense hurry up back you're sleeping like this no no no like this yeah you need to get like under the pillow this M is so shush and weird don't do it oh I think we're safe what the freak is going on I told you they're really weird and strict yeah but why do they look like goth emo girls uh I don't know I just what the pissed ass guy turns him into and why they want to kill us I don't know yeah it's really bad oh my gosh this is so weird I'm so freaking scared what do we do oh I have no idea don't don't go look and check we can't go into that no no no don't go look it could be the black eyy I'm going to go look all right let's see if we can see him from up the window here it's the police we got to go get you hurry up hurry up the police are at the door they can help us I'm coming officer officer hey there kids maybe you can help us my parents are running around trying to kill us yeah and there's this mysterious man going around the neighborhood he's possessing people yeah don't worry we caught him and we have him under control really who is he yeah I want to know actually he's right here show show show show I'll show you take off this stupid Hood all right are you guys ready here we go hey there kiddo it's a wizard no way yep he was hired to go around making parents weird and strict that kind of makes sense we've been going around to all the houses in the neighborhood to change all the parents back to normal hurry up and come in you can fix my parents let's go okay okay there they are right there all right do your thing abadal am Ripple snortle turn these weird strict parents back to [Music] normal who whoa whoa who I feel like a whole new person oh my gosh what the freak what just happened another job well done hey put your hands where I can see him get on your knees oh freck you're under arrest what why you arresting Jackie CH what you even do we've been looking for this guy he's responsible for hiring the wizard and turning all the parents weird and strict no way to behind this all why you do that that's crazy why would you do this I will tell you why I did this hey anything you say can and will be used to guest you shut up you guest me anyway the reason why I did this every day I would go in front of C just wanting to teach you stupid dumb dumb idiots but when I try to teach all I see is stupid students falling asleep during my class every single day I got so sick of it so then I had a plan I would hire the wizard to make all the parents show strict and then the kids would actually go to bed on time and actually doing good in school and get the good grades that's all I wanted all right all right tell it to the judge W that's a psycho plan wait is he going to go to jail yeah he's going away for a long time time 95 Years to Life [Applause] sh something fam check out my weird stck Patrick ball that's so lit No Cap Jeffy that's the stupidest thing I've seen in my entire life shut up dang go back to watching TV you fat freak Jeffy where are your manners maybe I will go back to watching TV look it's breaking news breaking news Okay do due to increasing crime rates and people walking past my house at night I don't like that there will be a new law which is a 1 p.m. curfew so if you're not off the streets and in your house by 10 p.m. you are committing a crime what curfew at 10: p.m. that's so stupid yeah that's really silly it's so dumb I'm going out tonight dad what 10: p.m. no you're not Jeffy well you just said it was stupid well yeah it's stupid but I'm not paying you get out of jail yeah we don't want you getting in trouble Jeffy yeah so don't go out I'm going do it oh my God Jeffy hold on this is just so stupid no one's going to listen to this lot there's no way they can make people obey it bippity boppity skippity sloppity fre chickens be chicked make this family W all right it's time for Goodman to pay me oh my gosh got you're weing stret what no you're wearing Str wait mom is wearing strp oh we all wear Str yes excuse me sir but I have a question if you don't mind what is it chives well how do you expect everyone to follow this ridiculous curfew shut up chives and exactly 56 seconds it'll be 10 p.m. and you know what that means what uh my weird strict family who also happens to be Marvin's family cuz I thought it'd be funny will be activated and they will take care of anybody who was out past 10 p.m. but sir I play the game on Roblox and don't the weird strict people just attack anybody who's not sleeping past 10: p.m. if you think about it like that that would mean they would attack people in their homes just cuz they're not sleeping doesn't matter don't care but sir and now that I know you have a Roblox account I'm going to delete it no sir anything but that sir please not my now you're going to use pankake come here turn around I have so many Roblox all right S I shall we all split up and take care of business works for me let's go oh my gosh I just can't seem to fall asleep tonight oh come on fall asleep fall asleep ah freak it I'll go get a snack go in the [Music] toilet come on go down he's not going down go down oh my God I love watching this satisfying gameplay with this satisfying Family Guy clip oh it's so satisfying I'm So Satisfied [Music] a The Wheels on the box go scar Rose oh my gosh I see you did your makeup really nice for me you trying to spend the night in a real man's bed absolutely not what what okay has everyone in this house been accounted for heck yeah I got Junior and I got bron bron yes and I got shf I think it's time we take dish outside those are my exact thoughts let's go it feels so cool being at this park at night I know look at us just chilling on this slide it feels so naughty oh yeah I remember when I drew that oh I'm getting distracted uh Cody are they down there still uh yeah they're down there ah perfect now watch and learn all righty there's the ice in go yo we got her let's go I think we gave her a concussion this doesn't seem like the best idea but it's so fun hanging out with the cool kid k j why is my head hurt and why is this SL green I hate the color green oh my God I think something just happened to Cody not Cody I'll save you Cody oh my God put me down put me down oh my God Cody frozen solid he rock hard no Cody's dead I can go run hi the wood okay I can find a place to hide in here oh my gosh look at this I can hide in this tree oh thank goodness I can't to run can't to run I don't know where to go oh no oh no oh my God is that a cliff oh my God it's so tall it's so long it's so big oh my goodness no please don't do this please St back please no no it's so C it's so CIA have AIA what the actual freak is happening right now oh my God you're coming with me me what help me please please get me out of here I don't want to be a snowman please save me why you being so weird Jeffy please save me don't worry boy I'll put you out of your misery this house has lights on this is unacceptable they're still awake let's sneak in I like the way you think let's go oh my God I'm so excited for movie night oh my goodness I can't wait to watch this movies going to be so cool hey I want you guys all facing the front out attention for tonight's movie sure yes sir honey it's just a movie hey I will not be referred to as honey only sir okay sir okay great now I want you all drop and give me 20 but first repeat after me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand to go first this looks like fun justice for all well honey it doesn't seem like we're going to be having movie night get your hands out the drop it give [Music] [Music] 20 dude congratulations on the new house it's amazing yeah it's awesome where do you find this baddy well dude it looks so cozy I'm going go take a little nap beep targets acquired there's three of them and three of us that means one kill for each of us H oh there goes Joseph oh god oh and your new house [Music] me beep hey look at the bra side you still got this uh all it's public property it's nice Brown W BR why are you putting me here beep beep go down the SE train you worthless piece of garbage down down down what is so important you had to come to my house to tell me listen here G you're idea to implement these weird strict pees isn't really playing out the way you thought it would why might that be because they're killing people good they should be they're criminals but they're slaughtering these people is nasty well I guess that is an ideal but they're still criminals but if they keep killing everyone there's going to be no one let to follow this stupid law I guess so well I'll have the weird strict family stop going around killing people and then I'll come up with a different solution very well thank you Goodman I'll do that a bit later though I'm going to go get a bath CH Okay so the bath is already get out get out get out I'm naked idiot now where's my favorite soap h Huh oh what are you guys doing here why do you keep coming closer to me oh you can stop now oh you can stop I'm naked oh I'm in the bath I'm getting a bath oh no no stop stop it's past 10 p.m. [Music] sh
Channel: Jeffy's Life!
Views: 121,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SML, Parody, Jeffy, Marvin
Id: ed9GEH9epnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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