Weird School Subjects and Clubs! | British VS American

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well I walked what a cool table hello everyone welcome to a new episode of burst versus American featuring someone from Sheffield and a special guest from Dundee Scotland Wow can't believe it representation on the British first American series this is I've made a lot of these videos in the past but I never want to make another one unless there's something significantly cool and interesting I found as a difference between the two cultures the US and the UK and recently I have found thus ok school schedules there's so much of a big difference between the UK and the US and that rigor so out of curiosity how many periods do you have in the day 5 I think Scott may have six eight well okay well that makes more sense because that's very similar to ours which is nine I like that that makes more sense because Sophie or five subjects what are they they're not five subjects it's just five periods a day you don't do every subject every day but but then how are you supposed to learn because you've got five days he did yes you do them every day you don't change your school schedule except maybe twice a year or marking periods four times a year but there are some subjects that are more important than others definitely why you which is why you have them every single day we have two lessons before mid-morning break then we'll have break then we'd have break and then we'd have one lesson what's break break is like fifteen minutes to like chat and maybe have a snack wait that's in high school it's like 11:00 a.m. yeah yeah that's not lunch know what it is gonna break okay morning you get in at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. you have 15 minutes of light register okay we meet with somebody chat about your issues tell them that you're in and not ill then you have two lessons okay which is one hour long okay sure then you have fifty minutes break but you have another lesson for an hour okay that's when it's 12:30 and you get an hour's lunch okay and then after lunch you have one hour and then you have another hour and then you go but some of the right classes because you don't have a right to class like you won't have math if they go home and every day you'll have maths maybe like two three times a week but they'll be for an hour each time whereas is yours it's a lot less isn't but ever rumors that in the UK the health teachers just any random person wants to that is possible so yes AG which is physical Soviet education okay and that would sometimes be a random person like a random teacher your head teacher who might teach you that and sometimes you'd have a specific teacher who would do just that which I had okay pretty sure I got a teacher had to have a degree in PE and or health or physio science that's what sorts PE this sport everything yes he is like second education and how to be nice to each other and don't drink alcohol and yeah that okay well we only have that for one year which is pressure so you know we have classes every single day right the structure is nine periods a day 43 minutes per class three minute breaks and three minutes yeah you know you got to make sure machine yeah every single day you do have PE / gym except half of the year you like to switch out two of those periods for health so like you either go to health or you go on the first year freshman year is sexist right but that is from a gym teacher who knows all that stuff so how long is your gym teacher taught you sex education once well yeah because he says a gym teacher needs to have a you know physiotherapy degree or something like that and also about the body so I had a joke if you teacher teach me sex education that makes no sense I believe I'm pretty sure everywhere here it is 43 minutes reason I feel like when you're scheduled lunch I don't know why this is the thing it's only a half hour yeah different there's like depending the size your school my school in New Jersey was with six different lunch periods where you always had yours at 12:30 right so some years I had lunch at literally like 10:50 a.m. and then sometimes I had it at like 1:30 so it really depended on your schedule so people would like some people would be in lesson whilst people were having their lunch yes because it's such a big school you can't have every single person out see we didn't have that big of a school I guess we had like a thousand students maybe you know just not many I mean I think that was my plastic schools is that it's Gatlin you don't have tons of people Oh so my senior year schedule actually had to swap lunch out Watson didn't get well for three times out of the week yes I actually had to swap it for AP Physics so I wanted ap physics and so I'd actually just eat my lunch while learning about the days off horrible message me sending you well you know I could choose to do that but the thing was if I didn't choose that should do it wouldn't enough people to not be a choice they wouldn t able to run the class so we had lain at lunch clubs you could you could choose to spend part of the lunch learning something if you wanted to it was like extra curricular it was more fun it wasn't generally like you know I'm like if you want to learn physics you have to give up eating Wow how kind also we used physics wants to make a hot dog cooker by making a parabola right about mylar sometimes we'd have a free period my senior year I had eighth period free because I took one of the courses AP and I didn't take the other one that goes with it so two days out of the weekend we just have a free period I would do homework I play runescape or something yeah we have in our last year but so it sounds like to me when you had lunch for this 43 minutes yeah 43 minutes you would you get a lot of time in that to like play or be playing well like do you get any chance to do anything other than eat yeah I would do all my homework usually for the class afterwards I'm one of those people that's like it going to lunch and just do all my homework I'm assuming it's registered a room where you could work or chat or hang out where why what what cool table okay no don't worry cool was for learning not open scotland's no yeah you have your free period you go to the you go to the common Griffin we did not have a common room anywhere in my school's to set sounds like when you cuz you one thing I found very interesting is you hiding school gym everyday yes which is the one thing out of this which i think is incredibly good the rest of your school system I think is psychopathic but it really does you're at a longer lunch period so we would play a sport in that lunch period just for fun or we'd walk into the local town again but you could be you yeah we even going to town no no I know you know school I went to I was allowed to leave during lunch yeah I heard in California that they do that a lot you can let walk around stuff if you're like a senior but not where I'm from homeroom is literally just our first period class so it's where the teacher like takes you know rolls sees who's there and then they just it just rolls into after the pledge and the announcements the first period class the plateau start at 9:00 9:00 to 9:15 yeah yeah I know you start like 4:00 in the morning different levels of classes so like could you take let's just say an algebra course where he could take a college prep algebra course and then I could take an honor you've had we were sorted into ability classes for some subjects so like if you were really good at math you go into upper maths okay upper have you some a bit shouldn't you be in math yeah I'm sorry to say of course you'd still never seen quite sure that you were young yeah you could you still have to sit the same exam you'd have to sit GCC what yeah yeah you could do as I did on a separate thing you could do higher maths which I did a course in higher math that was after school that was like a second you had to take maths after school yes you had to take physics during your lunch period during school during school this year we heard yeah college prep honours and an AP where you get college credit if you do well on it yes you have that college credit type thing is well no we could so we've got our highest level courses advanced higher you could skip the first year of uni if you do well it's advanced than Time advance that's a whole separate thing in Scotland I have this whole weird Justin where you either four years at uni but if you're really good you only do three like England or the first oh yeah the first year doesn't matter you don't need to get you it doesn't matter for any court at all yes I think it's to get drunk everything's really confusing yeah you can just drop English in maths oh you can never drop English a medicines day yes I didn't do in 'wish in English in my last two years that's true we we can choose once you get to a level which is like higher senior level you can just specialize in force see I chose to do fun courses my senior year so I had I took AP calc and physics and got written a lot of fun but small I'd like those that's your elastic besides those I then also took like a plants for pleasure and profit course which is in a greenhouse and like early childhood living and I took like in music or biology so you said you did a lot of stuff after school as well that was like extracurriculars yeah so I did like a robot Club are weird of Robotics Club yeah and I won a national award in robot club Wow oh we heard that I think it was for the ROTC ROTC like they're like you dress up in the like Navy uniform and yet the do like push-ups and stuff kind of go ours is linked to the army yeah the Navy or yeah okay oh sorry did you have to wear the uniform to school yes I got it oh that's really cool I did astronomy as well oh yeah I did knitting and further map and where any year is time for yearbook and the more clubs you're in the more photos you get in the yearbook and so I just joined every single possible Club what was your yearbook quote no but I was in knitting a Fellowship of Christian Athletes chess club Spanish club I was in drama club he helps you run faster he puts hell behind you no but seriously FCA you don't have to be an athlete it's basically just a Christian thing yeah it's called FCA I just don't know why it requires Christianity to be an athlete no you don't okay it's basically a Christian Club I don't know why it's still called FCA or fellowship group but you'd meet before school do some little prayers and then sometimes you do a little version of Christian computer coders today so you guys didn't do any type of pledge in the morning not in any regard no like oh god save the queen oh that's like North Korea oh yeah I started doing the pledge in kindergarten so like five they get you very young that's indoctrination yeah I had to do it in two different languages so in eighth grade when I have Spanish as homeroom I literally started the day with prometo feed le da da da ba da da de Estados Unidos the other public are to represent on her solo naciĆ³n videos so I know in trance let's sum it in your hands no no we didn't do it every day you're supposed to do every day it's like give us this day our daily bread and give us a Chavez the Lord's Prayer yeah we'd never ever ever ever would do that in school unless was FCA the Bell Christian ethics most schools are Christian yeah my mom is a primary school teacher and she has like lots of Muslim kids in her class and they don't they don't okay they just carry on with it like then they know that that's the what the country is founded on and they're like cool I'm gonna carry on doing my religion it doesn't undermine my religion but I'm also not been not join it well we would have morning announcements with like an inspiring quote over the intercom from a student so I'm just like make it a great day or not the choice is yours we also had one of the electives you could take is like a TV and broadcasting class yeah you actually worked every morning and in that class to make the morning announcements Amy yes exist so we would have two kids like sitting on camera being like stays the Morning News today and what's town there's a football game so come on after and donate to the raffle next to the weather today's weather and Woodstock and yeah we'd have that see what's really sad about that for me is that I had nothing because I wanted to make films I had known under one school and so what I did was I'd get homework set for me and I'd make a film about my homework and then coming in and everyone's waiting like an essay and I'd like here is my film and you got an intercom so your school was one building then you can happen to come across level ya know it's one yeah of course it's one building it's a school no my school was like several the ice yeah yeah no but every school I've ever been to is just one bigger school there's one big building yeah and then there's all the other buildings but no there's more every classroom has an intercom and a TV in the corner like hanging so you could watch the announcements just like in no career they don't have TVs there had one TV in the school oh yeah the rolling you guys have like band did a lot of people do bands via pipe bands don't tell me this is bagpipes yeah [Music] my left they played with us we play during marches Wow we just had like a school orchestra we did have a couple bomb scares at our school it's definitely two or three times my last year of high school would be like a certain day when the alarms would go off anybody oh crap everyone I believe the school I think we went to a church that was nearby and just kind of hung out there for three hours while the cops dealt with things I went know something called a bomb but was fine the most terrifying thing that ever happened in my school was when the dinner lady accidentally set fire to an oven and we all have to evacuate that was it no chemistry maybe these ways that might be a thing if you're changing rooms you change for June yes we had to a bus to our what Scarlett's how do you know you guys had buses what we have the big yellow school buses you guys don't got that no city bus we're gonna coach too you always have a gym coach what was the most interesting thing you've learned through this discourse America's terrifying it's not terrifying it's fun why just earlier I have American cousins and they will go to school 5:00 in the morning well yeah well I did school at 5:00 the morning as well you're talking about man or clap well the thing is you get out earlier and the system is in place so that when high school kids get outta to then middle school kids get out at around 2:30 and then Elementary School gets get out of three so that way you can take you can be there to babysit your younger brothers so nice so it's in place on purpose it's dumb we've got the youngest school getting at first the thing I've mostly learned is that probably all these systems work imagine because they're all perfectly capable human beings but I am scared of how much your school was like a boot camp right that's that's to me is like scary that's preparing you for Allah hears you deal with me hang out with all my friends mine are hanging out while learning you can also do like football and you know extracurriculars like I said that's the fun time but school is for learning for us also by the way other schools in the u.s. are different some do block scheduling like you guys a bit similar tell us in the comments if you like that because I don't want to speak for the entirety of you I am from a small town in Germany enjoyed this fun disc or something it was actually pretty interesting if you liked it you can give it a big ol like and subscribe because I make new persons American videos all the time new videos every Sunday if you want you can check out these two channels in the description box below or click somewhere to watch another video yep that's good thanks for watching hope you have a nice day enjoy Wow can you believe I made another video it's right here go click that good one mmm it's a pretty good one thanks for watching bye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 1,666,195
Rating: 4.9278121 out of 5
Keywords: british vs american, evan edinger, usa, uk, scotland, scottish, british, american, vs, evan, corrynorry, luke cutforth, 2018, american vs british, culture
Id: Ws4y1swxsPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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