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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of purchases of American today with a Jay Foreman again hello a Jay Foreman a Jay Foreman a Jays one of the Jay look there is another Jay Foreman there's a guy that plays for NFL he looks absolutely nothing like I've heard about this guy yeah people keep tweeting me thinking is him and I keep patiently saying I don't know you you want the other day film I get there's one other evidentiary he's a doctor in Newfoundland of geology yeah and so he does speeches and people tag me and I'm like I must have been drunk I don't remember that so today we're gonna be talking about advertising in the US and the UK is a big difference this is one of those that I think people immediately realize when they switch country first of all do you know what percentage of the UK's like hour-long TV is ads well I do let's think so you've done your homework whereas I've got to just Intuit what percentage it is I would say in the UK I would hazard a guess at 10% 10 it's actually 20 20 20 % TT HSN there's an EU law that states that you cannot have more than 12 minutes per hour of advertising we're pushing quite close to it yeah whereas in the u.s. we're currently at somewhere around 16 to 17 minutes per thing it's basically every half hour show is a 22 minute episode with 8 minutes of ads that sounds about right it's yeah historically it's always been this way a great example that comes to mind is the Mafia show which looks ads during the Muppets well the Muppet Show was a half an hour show mm-hmm but in the u.s. it was 22 minutes long in the UK it was 25 minutes long and that's why every episode of The Muppet Show had a to 5 minute segment called the UK spot something that only we got to see what you guys didn't because you are watching an advert for some sort of medicine well I genuinely didn't oh yes for what what do we miss out on now macelli's missed out on some of the best bits of the muppet show because the rule for the I mean this has become an episode about the Muppets but the rule for the UK spot was you couldn't involve the guest star okay and it couldn't affect the plot of the show though she usually meant that the bit you missed like a filling it was a song usually oh and some of the funniest and weirdest songs were what we call the UK spot so check that out I'm gonna be going to search Muppets show UK spawn some of my favorite moments in the Muppet Show you guys never got to see well you guys didn't get to see her amazing ads true we're missing out on both the stereotype in the UK for what American ads are like is they tend to be very long drawn-out infomercials where the T's and C's go on as long as the infant's abilify is not for everyone call your doctor if your depression worsens or you have unusual changes in behavior with thoughts of suicide call me dr. fever stiff muscles and confusion Twitter's possible effort in condition or control muscle moments as these could become private in some cases extreme publisher could need to come out work that yes we do have such a big issue in the US with drug advertisement it's every ad is either a drug ad a car ad a local dealership ad were just some ad that's just screaming at you to buy something but the drug ads are always like happy woman holding the product and then she's talking about something she couldn't do she found the product and then it's just this might not be right for you ask your doctor if you need this if you have this this this this thirty seconds later she goes I'm so glad I know that's it something that I found particularly disturbing I visited the u.s. in 2014 Miller Mouse and the thing that I found quite disturbing watching these adverts for medical stuff is you got to remember that adverts show you what you want at the end of this product hmm so most of the others that we see over here is show someone really happy because they've got a new shampoo hair or a new perfume or a new car adverts for medicine they show someone feeling fine they're okay thank goodness not you don't have that we've got the NHS and so there's no point advertising the sort of thing that we should just expect yeah and if you think about it that way oh it's disturbing well it's weird because like you you're told basically get your doctor to prescribe you our drug as opposed to the rival drug yes our drug is the best drug and its which drives prices up and yes I mean we can make a video about the NHS another time but my god I'm tired that's the thing we don't have a baby yeah I mean when I was over in the US last month I literally saw an ad with a dancing colon and he was just I thought it was for some for local copies for a test actually - it was for a test to see if you had colon cancer you can now just do it your home with a dancing condom if your codons dancing see your doctor time to get your cancer Jess so here we have a Strongbow ad I'll put it up on screen as well in the UK your showing you know a bloke with reprints got to protect his seat you know he's got his mates are protecting the seat so he's buying it for everyone has a classic way of carrying three in the US this is the same company different market it's just women daintily holding their strong bows and the caption is which flavour goes best with your outfits lighter in the US is viewed as this bougie thing like cider I didn't choose beer today I'm classy and yet to me okay just wait yeah that's him he does a very good accent that to me looks like a difference not between the way they advertise but but who are advertising to hear exactly the words I was going to use yeah I'd say I agree with that but as well I genuinely don't see much cider ads in the US like that's just not really a thing there are some products that we both have in our respective countries but we use them in a different way and an example that comes to mind is crisps because you have potato chips but you don't tend to put them in your lunchboxes one packet at a time you have them a great big sharing bag I hated that about this country I got here you get like a giant bag of little frito-lay and you open it and there's just more bags yeah I just want to be able to go home and just eat all of them in one go you can eat the packaging I mean you fit me you can eat we can do whatever you want I guess it makes it less shareable I'm expecting like a big bag in this country you're not supposed to share your crisps furtively in the office they're all for you one thing that I think is genuinely gonna blow your mind you know it's a better blow mine this is gonna blow your mind you know Seinfeld the TV show yes well my favorites it's very American and don't really think it would work in the UK but when reruns are shown on our channel TBS they speed up the show by up to 10% to fit ads in that's not nice is it no I mean if you speed up a show by 10% you were seen you're ruining the timing the voices get higher pitched and everyone seems like they're in a bit of a rush yeah they think they've clocked it at most 9% when they're people have been checking this but just so they could fit an extra add break-in which doesn't break the clause of what the the company signed up for but I couldn't imagine making a TV show and just having people ruin the timing of everything it seems quite lazy I mean well yeah these issues have been fixed now but a big difference between the US and UK TV we used to have different TV broadcasting systems which meant that you would often have something from America playback faster on British TV because you guys have 29.97 a second 25 or is it 24 someone 24-point like five nine or something like that I know I think it's to do with the way our plugs work yeah this is yeah there's videos all over YouTube about exactly why this is but something that used to happen when we watched clips from American TV in the 80s and 90s disputa no worse than that you would be able to tell that it was originally from US TV because the screen looked a bit yellow and a bit washed out and a bit weird and blurry and that's because you tried to convert the frame rate for British TV it doesn't happen anymore but it used to be that American TV looked kind of weird and a bit what and that's why everyone didn't like it over here I guess he probably lied everything was the Simpsons you never know well genuinely programs that were shot on film mm-hmm have lasted longer and work better to be rerun than different programs that were shot on tape this is just something I noticed when I first moved here in the u.s. we love our car ads the car ads are very much like I'm driving this car and it's freaking awesome this is the best car you didn't buy this car come down to the dealership buy the car in the UK when I saw like car ads at the cinema it would just be b-roll shots of like a tunnel a guy driving just a little bit of a narration and then it doesn't tell you to buy the car at the end it's just like it's a cool car there was no call to action there was no buy buy buy buy buy it was just well this is the stereotype of American appetite yeah is that it is round down your throat and you've normally got a really friendly big boisterous boy boisterous voice of a guy in an American accent that I can't be bothered to do but we don't have that we don't want it I felt much more polite I guess I'm just so used to ads being like telling me I need this and the UK they're just like it'd be cool if you had this but yeah we we prefer to be nudged to do yeah but I think that's that's what I like more about UK ads is is that a bit of a less obtrusive miss feeling well I think probably one of the very biggest differences between us advertising and UK advertising is the blurriness between the I'm gonna use the c-word between the content mm-hmm and the adverts so something the example would happen in America you would watch for example the Flintstones hmm and then just before the end of the episode for a red Flintstone who turned to the camera and say by the way kids smoke Winston cigarettes because they taste good bubbling oh I've been brought to you by Winston American Life saying tasting builders we wouldn't do that over here you don't do that you've never done that no we are well this is where it gets interesting up until 1992 we used to have very very very strict rules on advertising possibly the strictest in the world where you had the stuff you have the show and then you hear the ads and then you have the ads and there would have to be a very very clear distinction between the two mm-hmm you would have the logo of the TV channel you were watching the screw you go black for a bit then the adverts start and there would be no blurring of the two they relaxed those laws a little bit so you will let you were from the mid-nineties allowed to say this particular program is brought to you by this particular brand yeah which you know we have that in the u.s. a lot you've had that for decades but when that first came along in the 90s I remember seeing and going what the hell it's very American and not welcome but it's very normal now and something else that we also were very strictly against until quite recently was product placement what we have in the UK over in the u.s. oh yeah well that's the thing that you guys are famous for we used to resist it quite vociferous Lee that's a lovely word quite vociferous vociferous Lee in the UK until recently but what you have now is if there is product placement in your show you have to have a little pee appear in the bottom corner before the show starts so that you know someone's young show is going to be advertised who's like a business brand-new iPhone available now from their local Apple Store mmm i phone delicious that's yeah I still feel like I mean that's how they're trying to do it in the UK with YouTube as well in terms of you have to say if there's promoted products but I think it's a good idea you should say you're promoting something but I never knew the P thing well this is an interesting thing about YouTube I not to plug my own stuff too much but basically as far as I know I'm one of the very very few youtubers that subscribes to the pre 1990 something model where the advertising and the content you came for are very separate that's why if you look at my channel you've got that hi guys you've cut the thing you go in the video the screen will then go black and then the advert I mean I like that but then again I guess so there's so many advertisers nowadays that are begging people to be like can you put the ad in the beginning and can you give a heartwarming story about our company and it's like no then oh yes and I love candy crush so much people know people watching they know full well the difference between what they came to see and what words that we are saying under duress so I think it's much better and more honest mm-hm so just declare this is an advert I am being forced to say this but what I do on my channel if you want to go and check it out is I make the adverts very silly and funny so it makes young worth watching the ad because it's more fun I think you and drew gooden who's an American leader he does the same thing like after he's done his video he makes a sketch of the ad that's very much still in the same style yeah but there is no black it's just usually he interrupts himself from the outro I've seen these oh yeah oh by the way if you know Nord VPN yeah something like that but I like that style because it's each other VPNs are available yeah I know how PBS advertises PBS as far as I know is the publicly funded educational network in the US and got marther you know we've got a lot of fun shows that are teaching kids stuff but yes is where Sesame Street started yeah yeah that's where it stood it's in the yesterday that's where it's arms do I know how its funded I assume from your question that it's not funded in the normal way and it's something you pay for no no PBS is one of the very few channels that just comes on every TV without cable so when you get a TV in the US you actually get you know PBS and then three news channels I think it's like channel 2 channel 4 and channel 3 maybe Channel 10 if you're lucky and so you get to have PBS which is you know kids channel for education funded by the government but at the end / in the middle of every episode of like Arthur whatever you're watching this episode of Arthur is brought to you by Juicy Juice and it's like the voice of Arthur saying it or say what families do that even yeah and I grew up like that like so I'm so used to it it's just its natural but now that I think about it I'm like I don't know if I really like that but well over here is something that we've always found to be a bit vulgar mm-hm and especially on kids TV you guys don't allow advertisements to kids that have sugar in it that's a very new thing I remember blows my mind we had all sorts of adverts for you know things that were disgustingly bad for you when I was a kid but it's something incredibly recently I think is just in the last five minutes they've introduced this legislation that you can't have sugary products on TV and it that is a good thing I think that's a brilliant thing because growing up I was just just shoveled all these different ads for like different cereals and different candies and try a baby bottle pop you know that type of thing whereas now I guess if I was a kid watching a kid show I expect sugary cereals to be promoted to me that's I don't know that's a good law I wish the US had that because that's protected your time welcome I think it will happen when I nest you've got sugar people lobbying the government which is what they're doing there any other type of thing that kids aren't allowed to be advertised to cocaine heroin burglary burglary a youtuber was under fire because I think they worked with a product that was mostly sugar and because their audience was malicious it was it was just a bag of sugar good do you remember any ad jingles are only a jingles let's go Coco Pops used to have the song we'd rather have a bowl of Coco Pops but he's a good sound oh here's the thing that's confusing though hmm they don't quite explain enough in their jingle you'd rather have a bowl of Coco Pops than what it depends I mean if someone says to me hey would you like this cucumbers been in the cupboard for several weeks I've gone off steam coming off it rather have a bowl of Coco Pops they even thought of Coco Puffs is better than that is that what they meant what's annoying is there were so many different ads with jingles in my area not all were just big companies they were localized ads like do this brings us to another discussion well now this is TV mm-hmm by and large is the same across the country the only time that you get regional variation usually nowadays is the news so at the end for example at the end of BBC news at half 6:00 they'll say and now you can join the news teams in your area and then you'll get a local news bulletin which is what I say local is regional it will normally be a big section of the country that's got no more than about three million people London is by far the most popular yeah all of the different regions it didn't used to be this way right up until the mid 90s mmm-hmm ITV was not a channel it was a network of regional channels and they would by coincidence usually played the same programs up and down the country but there'd be quite a lot of regional variation there'd be a lot of locally made programmes about local things but that's disappeared because TV is really expensive to make and so yeah everyone has the budget anymore to make local content and that is why nowadays the only time that you have local or regional TV is in the news or in the you know in the case of channels like London live TV which it has literally hundreds of viewers out of curiosity then do you not have local ads for each area like Liverpool has ad targeting Liverpudlians as far as I know and feel free to correct me on this because I might be wrong but I think no oh my my used to but you certainly don't know because where I'm from like ads are so incredibly specific I'll have an ad for a dealership Matt Blatz and car dealership in Glassboro New Jersey or they'll be an ad just for the mattress warehouse down the road that's specifically to our area no we have as far as I know we have one thing like that I always used to find it really strange on American film TV every time you see the news hmm being talked about in a film or TV show it's the very local news and they say yeah or in their little tiny city of little upper watch of problems sport whatever the name of the town is whether there has its own TV station and we don't have that there's something that we do have curiously we've stolen a phrase from you we keep on saying on national TV yeah believe this is happening on national TV and that's always annoyed me because in the UK everything's exactly on TV but we still use that term because it makes it sound more grandiose I wouldn't be surprised to find someone saying coast to coast when talking about British TV just because it sounds about right yeah it's because like we would watch the news and it would be the Philadelphia area news but sometimes you'd also be syndicated all across the rest of the US if it was a big big news story so I guess that makes sense but I was over here the vast vast vast majority of TV is coast to coast I just feel like if I lived in like Edinburgh I wouldn't give a crap what was going down in London you know exactly that's why you have at the end of the national news okay okay that makes way more sense so that way it's more like you said it's not as expensive because it's not a whole studio just for Edinburgh it'd be just at the end I think Scotland as far as the BBC is concerned Scotland counts as just one region Edinburgh does have I feel free to correct me about this it does have a local TV station okay but it has even fewer viewers in London live TV do you know what the Calgon song is Calgon is it the song about washing machines live longer with Calgon yeah yes I don't know that's just a British ad we always had who's that yeah that was it I asked people downstairs like what British ads were that they would know the jingles - oh the iconic British are they following watching 50 something years of advertising on British TV and that's the one thing we've come up with washing machines live longer with Calgon ours would just be jingles that had phone numbers in them I literally have like 800 582 300 Empire today oh you better wait 9 150 50 50 wait in the comment section tell him what that is oh my gosh wait do you guys have a we have a flight repair say fly trip place and you guys have a different version of this it's the same exact angle I lived in France 10 years ago and they have got bad press I love that that's my favorite part of this whole thing now is just a ferry boat no so over here guys kids and grown-ups love it so and a happier world of harrybo but if you look carefully on the packaging you've got a similar jingle that rhymes in lots of different languages around Europe oh did their research having boy levy público ad booty you can speak French we are gonna say no but I really like your expensing a pair I'm pretending to speak French that was all just gibberish as far as you're concerned it's French that about does it for this video only advertising the UK in the u.s. we missed out anything that you thought was interesting please be sure to leave a comment or correct us if we made a woman's downloads oh boy if you want you can click another video to watch here or please be sure to check a channel out in the description you please tell you please do that thank you very much oh so my channel is called Jay Foreman I make very very silly educational videos about geography politics and cities and town planning and so on and I've also got very silly adverts at the end of my videos and there's a current series called Mad Men well TVs Mark Cooper Jones so please do check that out thank you anyway thank you guys for watching I'll see you guys next week good bye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 847,098
Rating: 4.9346776 out of 5
Keywords: advertisements, commercials, british vs american, american vs british, uk vs usa, uk vs us, evan edinger, jay foreman, british, vs, american, uk, england, america, british vs american commercials, american adverts vs british adverts, adverts, 2019, evan, edinger, american commercials, american ads, british commercials, british ads
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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