Food! British VS American | Evan Edinger & Dodie Clark & Savannah Brown

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Good job us Hi there everyone So today I'm here with my good friend Dodie and my good friend Savannah Hello. One of them is American, one of them is British. Which one? Who is it? You'll never know! So, Savannah, how long have you been living in the UK now? I have been living in the UK since last August, so a little more than a year. So you've got enough knowledge. Oh yeah, I've gotten the general About food. Yes. Lots of gripes. Now, originally this video was just going to be me and Savannah just having a little rant, but I figured we needed to throw Dodie in as the British person to, hopefully, stand up for some of the things we're going to complain about, Yeah! Cause, as me and Savannah have lived in both countries I feel like we definitely have a lot more right to complain about the state of affairs in England. Just to start off, I guess, with just eating etiquette It's a bit strange that British people eat with their forks upside down Yeah they do It's like using a shovel upside-down to dig a hole. What are you doing? I'm sorry but whenever I see you like eat things you kind of carve it out with your fork cause you don't have a knife in your other hand. Evan doesn't know how to use a knife. No you dont That's not an American thing cause Evan doesn't know how to use a knife. You don't need a knife. A fork is nice enough. Knife enough. You literally... oh jeez One thing that did strike me though is that people eat french fries with forks I've seen people eating their pizza here, with a fork, which is just against my religion. Yeah it's bizzare maybe it's just because the pizza here is so bad. I have not had I've had very very few good pizzas in England. Shut up! In England, Domino's is considered a good place to eat It is though I do like them. Papa Johns It's like the worst pizza place you could eat in America is Domino's Papa Johns is also just a bad chain Shut up it is so good! They make it right in front of your eyes! Ugh. It's not like, I don't know, I come from an area where there's pizza every single bock there's 8 different John's ,Mom's, and Dad's. Every single block Every single block. It's a block It's block I think that the pizza is so bad here because they cut it with scissors as well that's just one of the annoying things. No it's not. It literally, Imagine taking a pair of scissors and cutting some paper and then going you know what? This pizza could use that. Just let me lift up my thin flap. would you rather hack it away No! You use a pizza roller! Yeah you have to hack! Rather than just It's not a hack it's a roll! Do you know how wheels are? Yeah but you have to go back and forth like No! She's trying Curry is not a thing in America. It's not, yeah, and that's what i was going to say I had curry for the first time when I came here Same! And I was like "Oh this is nice." You don't get, like, take away curry? There's no such- no, like when I told my mom I was having curry she was like "Oh that's so like, is it just like-" -Foreign. "Liquid and spices?" and I just went "No, it's rice." I went to one Indian place in Philly and it was just a place where you had to eat with your hands, like you weren't allowed to use forks and knifes And curry is like the national staple food of England now Yeah it's bizzare I have to say, British people do do cheese a bit better than us thank you Dodie loves cheese I love cheese, and I tried American cheese and it's like weird. It's melty but not. Do you have cheese in a can? I love cheese in a can. Cheez Whiz! But you like spray it in your mouth and it's like *smack smack smack smack* *SMACK* I think breakfast in both countries have their own appeal whereas – Sure. I – Oh come on I love a good English breakfast Thank you Yeah, but… Like, it's all savory, but Let's bring in the but(t) Bring in the butts. You guys do not – Your pancakes are big ol' flat pieces of paper. Oh come on! And they're like, "let's fill them with stuff because we're so vile" You roll them up and then eat them That's not a pancake Dodes. No 'cause that's a crepe. (x3) Crayp?? Crehp!! It's a crayp Crehp We call them crayps *whispers* crehhhp Have you had an American pancake? Yeah. They're alright. Bit thick, bit stodgy. That's how I feel about you! Just like our people! Wow uh… we're getting a bit violent make out OH NO If you missed that nothing happened Cider I love cider I miss apple cider like that's such an autumn/fall thing I thought you meant alcoholic No and then also in England cider is alcoholic No I agree but that is the one thing when I go back home to the states that I miss. I do miss cider. Yeah, you don't have like (??) I miss apple cider when I'm here and I miss alcoholic cider when I'm in America Yes I agree They're both beautiful. Why can't I live in a place that has both? What's your apple cider? It's like apple juice, but yet… Nice… spicy Spices (x4) It's called spiced apple cider sometimes. Spice. Yeah, it is it's like cinnamon-y…kinda It's autumn Oh that sounds so nice It is really nice I want that but also alcoholic. Well, in Ohio at least we had like little autumn fairs Yep Where you go and like go on hay rides Hay rides And like, pick your pumpkins and have some soda And you can also pick apples 'cause it's that time of season Bacon is a bit weird here. It looks sort of like Canadian bacon. It's just ham Yeah. I don't like our bacon. I much prefer your bacon, 'cause it's like thin and there's no fat on it and it's not stringy it's like CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP Beans for breakfast I've come to accept as a thing. I can put beans on I don't like beans my toast now that I've lived here for three years Beans on toast and cheese is like the best. But But when I still think beans, I immediately think barbecue. Barbecue baked beans. Yeah, yeah With hot dogs yeah What? What's that? It's dinner. For dinner – Yeah, it's not like a breakfast food Yeah you like put some hot dogs on the grill and like have some beans. And burgers And you get some barbecue baked beans You can have beans for any meal. Like beans, baked beans are like everything What is the number one food that you miss? I was talking to Dodie about this. I really like…have you had a fluffernutter? *GASP* fluffernutter I didn't know what that was. I found out. It's fluff and peanut butter Oh, they have fluff here! They do Yeah, in Asda you can find it In my Tesco they have the strawberry fluff, but not like the normal fluff Just so everyone knows, fluff is literally a marshmallow spread I don't like it So imagine if you took marshmallows and made it into a spread So you have What a fluffernutter is, is take two pieces of bread peanut butter, marshmallow fluff *slap* *aggressive slurping* Put peanuts in it if you get like no yeah I don't like that what you just did We can talk about this later but peanut butter's not really a thing here and It doesn't taste that good either. You have to find it No Yes it is! Everyone keeps telling me that it's an American thing like peanut butter's an American thing It is. You guys like don't have it as much because we have peanut butter and jelly every day at school. Oh yeah I like peanut butter and jelly That's a staple for American school, but you guys Yeah peanut butter and marmalade as well is really nice Marmalade is so British. It's like Paddington Bear over here Sorry?! Sandwiches I feel like you guys are severely lacking on. You guys just Shut up! You throw them all in the blender and you're like let's just have a two-pound sandwich at Tesco What?! But I'm used to delis, giving me fresh cut meat and cheeses and having a big ol' sammich. Yeah I feel that "Sammich" You guys don't have those At the McDonald's back home, they do these really nice salads We're good at salads! No, we are excellent at salad! And that's Excellent! the thing like at McDonald's, for like four dollars, you can get like a giant like nice salad with like peppers in it, and like chicken, and like all these nice things I hear they have doughnuts at McDonald's isn't that freaking weird? I always went, you're – Yeah Like, the McDonald's in America kinda pretends it's not unhealthy And like, the apple pies And here they're just like *unintelligible noises* Yeah yeah yeah yeah Ok but like when I went to America and you get like the drinks things Okay Okay, the bloody drinks things are like SO sweet. They are SO sweet. A small is this big as well Yeah and like it's like you can feel everything in your head rotting because it's so sweet. It's like drinking cancer. It's so… Oh my gods I love sweet tea, that's not a thing here like when people say tea here
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 1,531,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, british vs american, evan edinger, american vs british, dodie clark, savannah brown, evan, dodie, savannah, british food, american food, american, british, uk, usa, uk vs usa, accent, vloggers, english, british vs american food, british vs american english, comedy, humour, humor, accents, challenge, ohio, new jersey, wawa, America, Funny
Id: FNvujF9BEZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2015
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