The American Slang Quiz! Can it Guess Where We're From?

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hey I like to edit a lot of things unnecessarily but if you did that for every word that you said it back to my channel so last week I did a British dialect slang quiz with my British friends to find out where they're from and also where I'm from in the UK it didn't really work out that well so today I brought my friend from America over and were you from exactly Missouri I'm from Jersey and then Lou queef were you from I am from Hartford and Sheffield a real place and today we're going to be doing an American slang quiz to find out if it can pinpoint where Jamie and I are from and maybe where Luke should be in the US based on his accent or slang okay so this is an official New York Times when you can do it the link is in the description today the first question is which ones of these would you select I do say you all I also say use I'd say you guys use yeah hey you know you'd say use or use guys yes so oh it does oh no okay I honestly I think you always want to use the most yeah you say y'all to us I say y'all a lot what do you use you guys hey guys I see you guys but I say y'all more if you can win make one though what would it be you guys okay so I'm the yaller here what do you call the small gray bug that curls up into a ball when it's touched this is from the last one as well Oh woodlouse roly poly Ya roly poly all the millipede we just call me the wrong bug we just called that a bee I call it I have no idea what this is I have no idea do you call the sweet spread that is put on cake frosting or icing I think there are different Oh frosting is different than icing yes I say one goes on a cupcake do you know frosting and icing refer to different things I didn't but that's not that's not where you are from in the US that's just whether you're a cake nerd would you how do you pronounce caramel yes I say caramels sometimes I'm talk about the sauce but if it's like popcorn it's like with three syllables you know how it's written it's not there's not too hard here but camera camera ma'am you could use some both interchangeable there's an option yeah but you could just say car ml car ignore the letter a Melvin is a car car say caramel caramel what do you call a big road on which you drive relatively fast motorway I wish I could pick different ones here I think I honestly say highway for a lot of roads away but I also ever since going to California started saying freeway a couple times hang on but I honestly say Turnpike well there's no there's no motor oil or a carriageway what there's no motorway oh I'm sorry he was he couldn't Germans like me you that you that's a train you're thinking of the Audubon Audubon yes just means motorway which is not an option well turnpike business so is highway I'd say highway and Turnpike her my number number one and two how do you pronounce crayon crayon and you say crown you got crown I honestly say it like man I say crayon like on the Cray on the Cray he's on the crane well I know people that say crown from Jersey so you were like I feel represented right now this is what I needed a medium what would you call the sale of unwanted items on your porch or in your yard I hate that this is a different word in the UK a car boot sale no yes it's on that copper sale why is that after years of living UK though I say courage do you rip it up your past yeah it could be yard sale yeah oh she's having a yard sale he's having a garage yard sell way more that's a garage sale whoa I think we go to a place to do our sale from our Karl Marx yeah yeah yeahs having random as walk up and down your street because already happen well we do have that but it's called a flea market Oh like an animal crossing sure on a Saturday in a certain month everyone on streets have a yard sale and you just have all your stuff out in your yard I put my cards away next up what do you call something that is across both streets from you at an intersection so diagonally across in general what I've never heard of any of these what is this so like if I'm at this party intersection and I need to cross diagonally what's the other side call diagonal I would also say dyeing it out oh sorry Kitty Wampus I get a game the kitty Wampus morning I honestly would only use diagonal with us yeah that's beautiful that you have a word for that I've generally never known that so what do you call the rubber soled shoes worn in gym class for athletic activities sneakers and sneakers alone traders I'm surprised that you don't say sneakers really those are converse to me I learned the word sleep I don't know I learned the word sneakers from The Simpsons when he goes and he was wearing sneakers for sneaking so long sneaky shoes is what you call the insect that flies around in the summer and glows in the dark these are interchangeable lightning bugs and Firefly interchangeably we don't cover them in the UK no oh you mean the peeny Wally you've got something going on if you call it P me Wally tell me do that oh you're like I like anyone is on my skin what are you gonna go with interchangeable uh I'd like to make myself believe so what do you call a sweetened carbon beverage soda fizzy drink it's on that I call it don't okay what do you call the area of grass between the sidewalk and the road what that has a name yeah I have no word for this parking I just call it where I party oh my tree lon honestly I would just call that the I think curb strip is close enough to what I would say I've heard it called the verb I've never used the word enough so I'm gonna go with I have no word for a Seberg what do you call the long sandwich that contains cold cuts lettuce and so on a hoagie oh boy really yeah what do you call this I would say a baguette if I had to watch give it a name I would have known as well as some because of subway but I wouldn't call it a self outside of going to Subway really I just got so if you've got a long thing you would just say up again like a crusty sandwich do not know food I thought the guests were only the hardened ones you get it like Sainsbury's no sub is soft fresh bread roll like it's a long soft fresh it would have a crusty outside right no it's not crusty hoagies are not crusty they're very soft all right yes oh yes okay no no you don't need some cheeses in it I wouldn't have meats and cheeses in it so you'd have to say because the only time you have that is a subway I'm assuming I'd say I'd say a baguette that's also a pejorative for dick no Harry Pulham no it is in German they say like he showed him how do you announce the second syllable of pajamas pajamas or pajamas pajamas pajamas they're both the same to me palm pajama Jemma banana banana pajama to marry Fujio what do you call the thing that you might drink water from in a school what a fountain what if I don't change really I've heard some people say drink foam but it's just a water problem all right you buy that's cool stop by a ratio a fountain do you pronounce cut and caught the same clearly not cut yes what you're surprising me way more than I thought different you just said pen and pen I don't know what pen and pen pen is what panda that you keep animals it opine and pain I don't know she I thought you were saying just the word pen toys what do you call the area of grass in the middle of some streets I call that the traffic islands or just the island neutral ground the magical four-lane highway where in between there's a bit of land so you can like master crossing the road you can stand there and wait and I hope you go i father's driving I feel like the thing there's a thing they need to move across the thing you're going an option so so you've never used it I don't think I'm the medium is using the UK sometimes I heard that I don't think I have a specific word for it Oh how do you guys live without the word for island call the large wild cat native to the Americas I don't know what all of these right Mountain screamer Catamount I say mountain lion mountain lion that do you call a traffic situation in which several roads meet in a circle a circle it makes sense we call it a circle yes you say roundabouts yes is that because you've moved here we call a large motor vehicle used to carry Freight atop this is embarrassing but I just call it a big truck and that's not much there's no there's big rig I don't call it a big rig so it's a small truck to you what do you mean if you caught truck oh oh a pickup Oh like a pickup just pickup trucks and then there's big trucks which are the ones that have tractor trailers I'd also say tractor trailer oh that's an option tractor trailer what do you call it ah Oh like a semi how do you pronounce oh I say I say aunt an aunt I use ah when referring to the general concept of an aunt but I use aunt when I'm referring to a specific person oh my gosh yes oh so I might say like oh she's an aunt or aunt Mickey or yeah aunt Jamie but I'll say like oh she's my aunt oh my god I didn't notice a thing until this quiz I would say with the vowel in what do you call easy high school or college class not only your problems are birds way to say bird we just call it bird ID cool I'd call it a subject um but that's because it's what my mom calls it what's a like a DOS subject it's like a subject that that you do if you don't really want to do anything particularly on an academic I would just call it an easy a or a GPA booster gut or magic German oh it's good good and blow-off I think that's a different type of class to get an A in I'm with other because I honestly don't have anything that I'd call that what if you took a course about birds and it was easy a bird bag you're feeding two birds next what do you call the small road parallel to the highway uh-huh so like when you've a huge highway and usually there's a very small road that's like not a highway that's right next to it that runs alongside so if you want to go to houses in the area another Road [Music] come off the main road yes that's gonna slip road no no cuz that one eventually diverges this one literally just goes along side I honestly say service road a lot of times I have never heard of this concept what do you call the night before Halloween easy the night before Halloween cabbage night I'm easy night it's very clearly mischief what kind of mischief were you up to in that before baby my parents wouldn't let me out on mischief night no because you TP houses and like maybe the purge yes in New Jersey we have the purge it's just called mischief night Devil's night I think is Michigan if I correct me if I'm wrong maybe they have a very similar mist of nights I think trick night night what do you call small freshwater Lobster often found in lakes and streams yeah they have crawled out I say crawfish or crayfish both of them interchangeable for me I'm gonna say crayfish I have new wood for this what a zebra is called us might not eating him we call it a crayfish that is correct Jamie and Luke have been doing this separately this whole time and they got a question I didn't get we called it rubber necking I wouldn't call a me what I've got so far it manages to put me yeah very squarely in South Jersey Philadelphia so it did a pretty darn good job I'm definitely northeast coast as you can tell there's some slight slang coming out of Missouri actually I've got but most of mine is incredibly red at Philadelphia I'm pretty sure that was the hoagie that did that sneakers I know she knew she was just in with these beans what did you guys get that a where's your most def con I'm kind of wait you'll frighten oh look yeah it looks like it's the most in the Northeast but also on this tiny island that's whether that's Hawaii it says you're from Hawaii yeah you have the most read in Hawaii yes I guess it's cuz you're foreign we love the idea of Hawaii like it's really populous but you didn't know what it was on the map put there did you yeah okay it's like over here somewhere isn't it yes no it's actually right there this app of sexism so guys you know it got you in between Omaha Lincoln and Wichita would you still Midwest oh I thought those Ramos I think my pajamas like splits the u.s. in half yeah it really does between south and north oh yeah look how about Missouri's pajama what was announced pajamas oh that was fun I'm glad I was able to pinpoint exactly where I'm from and I think you should get place in Hawaii I would love to he blended it'd be fun by saying motorway motorway and also it's an island and you know what it is so hope you guys enjoyed this video tell me what your results are below if I was able to get where you're from especially from the US then be fun and otherwise check out Jamie Jones channel and Luke's channel description there'll be a fun time thank you guys for watching I have another video covering Jamie's face sorry about that but some days in the past it's been fun I'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 319,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american slang quiz, can it guess where we're from, american slang, slang, american, american quiz, evan edinger, evan, edinger, jamie jo, bananajamana, luke cutforth, funny, 2019, dialect, where you're from, quiz, british vs american, english, usa, american accent, midwestern, new jersey
Id: cCRNyK0UxwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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