American Reacts to REAL British High School Curriculum

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we don't have a diploma hello everybody and welcome back to the american british show my name is evan edinger and today i'm joined again with who are you corey hello and geez where are you from i just can't remember i'm from scotland oh man that's like in the uk i went back and i'm back down again can't believe it thank you for coming all the way we are talking about curriculums curriculum part two of our curriculum video last time we talked about the us curriculum and how the high school is there today you're gonna tell me how does it freaking work here i actually don't know much better i think genuinely i might disagree okay no really okay because this is the thing when you talk about a curriculum in the u.s you're not talking you don't have a national curriculum pretty much every every state has its own thing well yeah so you've got a general sort of nationalist curriculum that yeah you can opt into and new jersey hasn't opted into it only about 35 states have opted in only about yeah that's a lot yeah it's most of them but it's not all awareness in the uk there's a national curriculum for england there's a national curriculum for scotland and then i didn't look into wales and northern ireland because you're racist yeah justice for ways i really wanted to show you but i forgot on that one website you can see that we have eight to nine courses in a day and it's like 47 minutes per course because i remember you and luke freaking out being 47 minutes that's two hours our periods were 40 minutes but it varies some can be 40 some can be an hour it depends what school you think what you guys have is each school says oh you need to do zed to p to pass high school yeah to get your pass certain classes yeah you don't really get a diploma for passing high school here you don't get you can take kind of whatever courses at whatever sort of level you want really there are different levels set out by the fqa the scottish qualifications authority sure national one two five and then higher than advanced higher and it's kind of similar in england with your so it's like a gcse different level of diploma it's not no it's not it's not even a deployment so you leave school with your sort of gcses and your a levels yeah uh and in scotland obviously you're higher and advanced higher than your investors and you're not fine but it's not like a high school diploma it's just whatever subjects you did you have it's so instead of just one piece of paper saying i graduated high school you have your three tests they'll be like i passed these greatly yeah so i got a sheet from my high school that just said hey you went to this school and you didn't fail you you left it and good job for you so i've got that it's in it's rolled up in my room yeah but it doesn't mean anything you can't really use that no i mean most all jobs in the u.s you need a high school diploma we don't have a diploma we've got individual qualifications you get sent this by the sqa you do your exams and they then send you basically a letter that says here are all your exam results and this is this is what you've got so that way it's standardized yeah that makes more sense especially because a high school degree in one part of the state is going to vastly different differ than a different area yeah so that's the thing no matter what your results are standardized across the entire country but the level of teaching may not be yeah you've got the same kind of things that you've got to cover in each course because obviously you've got to take the same example but then what does your curriculum look like i'm just so confused on how you standardize if you guys aren't teaching courses it's just kind of like all over the place just going to class but i wonder what i'm going to learn today you don't even get to choose i'm embarrassed to show you this so how your curriculum says here are all of the things you need to do to pass high school yeah this is from the scottish government these are the four things that the curriculum for excellence wants to teach young young people okay so number one foster them to be successful learners two okay confident individuals three responsible citizens and four effective contributors this sounds like the boy scout like it doesn't mean anything as long as you are a good citizen you can graduate like that i guess that's fair like that's their goal but that's not a curriculum you do your exams and you graduate with your exam but there's no strict sort of this is what the curriculum is it is there is for each subject but then we'd have to spend a full video going through each individual subject that is offered by because it's not a country as easy yeah so you've got to do certain numbers for math classes yeah yeah we don't need to do that in the same way so i think in my school you had to do maths and english up until third or fourth year of any choice of classes oh okay okay so the first two years those are basically the same they're not really tested in the same way i think that's not one and two so you basically you're nine and you're ten years second year and third year and harry potter cool makes more sense to me now so you do that and you can you have to take all the subjects basically all right you don't get tested on them in a sort of national standardized test i think the school you're just learning yeah you're basically just like you will get exams at the end of the year but they're not important exams they don't mean anything you don't get any real qualifications you don't get any credits i mean you'll get credits it doesn't really mean anything and then you go into the third year and you can start to choose subjects i chose eight i think is eight is about the standard amount when you go to third year per day no eight for the whole year oh okay cause i was like that makes that's how we do it no eight subjects for the entire year but then on top of that i think you've also got to do sort of some kind of sports like you have to do a sport no no no you've got to do a gym like yeah yeah yeah well not like phys ed like jim like you go exercise for an hour that's what our phys ed is really oh phys ed for us is j on top of that you've got like you've got pse and sometimes i think uh religious studies yeah they those don't really fall into traditional crit but yeah like pse is like social education so that's like things like don't be drinking alcohol children this is what sex is children health yeah yeah you don't get a you don't get a qualification for that but you've got to do that all the way through oh really because you have to pass health in order to graduate really we don't need to pass anything really to graduate because you guys don't hold anyone back either yeah no as soon as you're 16 you can leave school oh we can do that i think you've got to go into a job though or you've got to go to college but we're allowed to drop out just i mean but that's not it's not dropping out for us because we can still have qualifications wow yeah for us it's literally get that diploma that's it that's you guys are all or nothing we're kind of in in gradations so in third year you've got eight subjects basically and then uh you do that for two years third and fourth year and then in fifth year you do your hires that's usually about five hires and then you do advanced tires in sick which you don't have to do you don't have to do mass highers no they're like the a levels in the last video i said that in scotland you can actually qualify for university in your second to last year and that's because you've done the hierarchy yeah if you do you could you could potentially get into university just by doing higher sort of higher universities you do need a couple of advantages so you could do up to about three there were two people in my city and i actually knew both of them but both of them did five advanced hires and i think got five a's they were on the news that's how big that was but say isn't it true that like most students in the uk well in england don't they take like three usually i think it's three well they start with four and they give up and do three yeah probably i think the max that you can really do is three just because of timetable things but this person was just going wild with the five yeah we did the ap exams and you can take multiple ap courses but i was advised like more than two probably not i genuinely couldn't because i did three if you were gonna do three sciences let's say sciences you take about ten periods a week and they're very intense and yeah and you've only got about 40 periods in a week whoa okay hold on wait 40 periods because you have eight periods a day for five days a week yeah ah all your periods ours were about 40 minutes i think oh yeah i think most of ours are like three days long for women i don't know it was a bad joke that was a bad one i was so confused this kind of changed recently i say recently when when i was in school i was the last year to do the old system of standard grade but when the curriculum for excellence came in at about i think about 2011 they ended up changing the qualifications a few years later again like our sort of curriculum isn't you need to do this to pass high school it's these are the qualifications that you can get and i build up nice year after year it's like if our sat actually mattered outside of congress like imagine going to pizza hut get a job be like i got an 800 on my english they're like i don't can you cut peach when i was looking for jobs a lot of them will ask for basically gcses or national funds a minimum for some things but um others will maybe ask for hires but realistically if you do those and you want to go into sort of work straight away you can do that if you want to go to university you've got to do higher and advanced higher again you can also go ahead and do college which is also i think run by the sq college for us is not college for you no no it's just like senior year of high school basically where you're just gearing up to pre-university you can go to college to do a course and then get into a university but you can go to college to do sort of more vocational courses i didn't even go into vocationals in our curriculum because i never did that but you can choose to just do a vocation like welding or something well yeah i think my brother is doing half of his time at school and half of his time at college okay so he's doing plumbing or he's being a sparky you really get to learn a lot of really important skills that then you get a job right off the bat yeah exactly like you go straight to a job and then you can earn like a ton of money fairly quickly annoyingly i think in at least where i'm from it was uh looked down upon obviously because you know the whole culture of everyone has to go to university and do this whereas it's like you need these types of jobs there's nothing wrong with doing these jobs but i think we have a negative connotation with it yeah the school i went to was assumed that you would go to university just it was an assumption william wallace did it you know yeah william wallace definitely well did he go to universe no i don't think he would have done that he was too busy in the english woot and also repping for scotland and singing his favorite scotland north dakota the highlanders yes repping for scotland north dakota scotland is my city i'm still annoyed about that weeks later i'm still annoyed about that so what's your music curriculum look like you said that was mostly clubs and stuff so music is a subject that we can do basically if you do music you can actually get your music lessons i think to be a part of the course that you do but okay and this is the thing music for us you usually do music in extracurriculars outside of school unless you choose music after second year okay that's the thing because you you end up dropping a lot of stuff so in first and second year you get a kind of taste of everything you get home eq you get tech you get computing you get everything and then you drop stuff and then you drop almost you drop everything apart from eight things when you're about what i think 14 years old i like that as an option as well because you get to try out everything and then you get to choose the stuff you have to do the issue is you're 12 13 and you're choosing the pool of eight subjects that you're then going to choose from you're narrowing down each time let's say you choose only one science and a few other things if you want to do another science the following year you can't really do that because you have to have the priest because you don't yeah because you don't have the basis for it sometimes you can do a crash higher which is when i think in your last year crash into a yeah yeah you do you do the higher qualification without having done the previous stuff i did that with drama with advanced tire which was ridiculous and you managed it because you're a good actor okay the drama teacher was my reggie teacher like my homeroom teacher and she forced me to she she said you're not you're not doing drama unless you do the highest qualifications wow they had to do it so you that's that's kind of how music works you either do it as an extracurricular or you do it as a subject but you only do that if you want to do music well we had to do one year i mean one semester of music but yeah it's we math is taught in a way that i didn't know what algebra was when i when i was taught it we don't i don't really get taught the names of what we're learning it's just a general subject of maths this huge area yeah you've got maths and you go into different topics each year and sometimes into more and more depth i mean it makes sense because like you do need a lot of algebra to do some geometry and geometry is 100 imperative if you want to do calculus so like it makes sense to do it that way and not just do it like this and that but it worked for me yeah fair enough i mean you we get top maths kind of the same way that you get top physics or chemistry where that's a whole subject and we'll teach you we'll build on each thing year after year okay that makes sense which i think is a really good way of learning it rather than splitting it into individual sort of chunks because then you've got people that maybe learn a bunch of algebra and then nothing else yeah and you're guaranteed that if you do math you know enough maths for us it makes sense that like geometry is the first one you learn and then you learn algebra two because you can't do pre-calc without geometry and you can't do algebra 2 without geometry so we probably do that as well it's just we well no you just don't have it structured into different colors so you showed me a curriculum from a school in the us scotland so i thought i would show you a curriculum from scotland the real one the real sky the real scotland this one is paris academy i didn't go to it i know people that did but uh yeah it's one in scotland and i just want to show you the complete difference between scotland in the us their curriculum and the curriculum in actual scotland so justice for real scotland and south dakota so for this school right this is the handbook i'm looking at and we've got like section one welcome and vision section two ethos and then all the way down section six is curriculum yeah yeah so let's see how many pages that actually is yo ours was full of things like no drugs at school the police can come and search your locker like there was we skipped over that in mine yeah that was the handbook i was reading oh no i mean this handbook is like very short don't bring guns of course you're not going to bring guns listen we just got to lay out the rules why would you bring guns someone's starting to fight that's you finish the fight no not forever the curriculum for yours was how many pages were on page 32 when we finally got to scotland like that was by the way not just a high school because it's such a small town it was k to 12. okay from kindergarten yeah some schools actually do that some some schools but not not many schools and no not many of them so this one is just a high school but that's different from high school in the us if you're from the us it it's like six years oh so that's like our middle school and high school combined yes in school and we're just like yeah it's all high school bro it's fine that's just let's just do the curriculum here that's page one uh page two page three and then it's over there's three pages of pages what do you mean i don't even see any courses it doesn't it can't show you the courses because there's so many courses that the sql will offer did you see how many courses we had we taught you engineering okay so the thing is that the courses that the sqa offers basically it's the courses that they'll examine but it it's kind of downtown because it's nationalized it's national the only thing is that your school might not teach a certain subject because they don't have a teacher for it for example most schools probably won't teach ancient greek okay but some schools will teach ancient greeks some schools will teach latin they have to have obviously like maths english science yes and all of that but but the kind of weird little ones yeah like for us it's foreign languages or the farming ones i feel like most schools i think like most schools in the uk will have your full set foreign language this curriculum it doesn't actually say anything worthwhile it's just young people will learn they'll build up qualifications they'll do a lot of stuff we'll get it right for every child there are some sensitive issues religious or observance yeah well like you know respect to religion and then there's assessment yeah then there's assessment they just track people's progress but ultimately most of this has to be done through the standardized tests that we've got do you guys have any permanent record not only that exists it's all over in the us media because it's a thing you know you get to know yes it is as then if you get good if you go to the principal's office they'll be like one more detention this goes on your permanent record which means that wherever you go schoolway schoolwise they'll see like he was bad really and then as soon as you graduate who though no one cares about it is real is it real it's a real thing no and it goes from school to school but then when you graduate it doesn't really matter that's just like that's just like a memo then isn't it yeah like this kid is bad it yeah it's like a report card that's on your file that says like evan talks too much that's about it at my school when kids were really bad they would be asked to leave they wouldn't be expelled first they spend it no they would be asked to leave they would say hey we are going to expel you unless you leave so you don't have to be expelled you can just decide to leave the school and go to another school yeah i'm done with this school you have to change schools because we need expelled for us that's just for like a week or two no suspension is for a short period of time expelled is you cannot come back to the school anymore oh for us suspension is a short period of time but then expelled i thought was like a longer period of time oh no expelled is like you're gone bro you're not going wow okay then it goes on to say assessment report to parents and then leaving school and then it's over it is standardized across um all of scotland but also it's not because you can kind of pick and choose and make it your own in a way that i don't really think that you can in the us i think that ours is basically like college and you can and university though yeah and we get to choose credits and things like that just like universities it's like university in your country because it's not like university here we just like that freedom of choice you see you like big on the freedom you like broad and not deep we like broads oh and not deep i like that you can choose broad and then you can choose deep you you start with the broad and then you can you go deep into the bra and i deepened in math yeah i like going deep into broads wow hey i'm a man what can i say what can i say do you have read that all right so i've learned that the uk specifically scotland is very different than the us when it comes to curriculums if you'd like to tell me in the comments which you would prefer if you had to choose again us or uk which type of curriculum love to hear about it other than that thank you corey for stopping on the show and i hope to see you guys next time see you guys later i don't know why i called it a show goodbye you
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 427,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british high school, english high school, scottish high school, evan edinger, high school, american high school, what's school like in Scotland, what's school like in England, the UK, UK, british, british vs american, evan, edinger, 2020, notcorry, evan and corry, notcorry and evan, school, american living in london, american living in the UK, american youtuber living in england
Id: U91tTaN3YhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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