Driving! British VS American | Evan Edinger & Luke Cutforth & Kim

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hi everyone so I've been getting your mother oh okay probably not nice I'm proud welcome to another episode British versus American today I have with me not an English person where are you from Kim Wales Wales representation also an English person I'm not God - oh my god are you okay I register Simoes right now anybody pirate I'm just American but all Americans are basically Irish they were me talking about rising and driving laws what in the UK man 1 come on oh one of the wars in this land put your hands on the wheel do you load 10 o'clock 2 o'clock no 10 - - yeah you hold up a turn - ten o'clock and 2 o'clock that I switch tonight of 3 because air bag impact an island 9 and 3 not as an official thing but so that you have more like like room - like unit you know not miss questions yes in it so you know if you like feed it through oh no I'm sorry I have red noodles for hands at the end of my turn where are you guys people to start driving UK 776 Wow three yeah my parents a drunk driving home six ones otherwise 70 Wednesday unless you ever were able to like sit by wheel if your dad like was like yes no but my private I know privately well we just went to the middle of a wood the wood I just drive like 12 yeah but there's no like there's no official law and it is not melting yes you know my drive I was terribly if it's private land then you've got mission yeah I win that permission but I don't think so my first time I drove was in the car park at Thorpe Park okay I was a cop I was basically really ill and my pet my sister and dad went on to talk part to go on the ride I know yeah my mom always used to try and teach me the stick shift wasn't good at it though and just look like why why it exists I had a realization the other day because we drive on the right hmm you drive on the left Oh Americans my marginal wrong side the road on that cause now they do it's the Jasmine side for us and no we never met because it used to be horses I have your right hand free to just perfect so much yes well the reason I made a new job while driving is where I just asked the North Korean yeah we're just literally have you not see me when I Drive you somewhere I just got like my jousting yeah I think Americans drove on the wrong side row because we drive on the left right which means our seats are on the right which means that our gear stick is with our left hand meaning our strongest hand for the majority of the population right-handed he's on the wheel so the majority of people have their stronger hand controlling the cart direction I think that does make a lot of sense if you're still have your really elevated manual car shape even if you're changing into another leg I have both hands on the wheel at all times you know they've got like a weird either think of a kitchen sink on the steering wheel yeah I changed my mind about flat yeah cuz you got put your cup holders again yeah no I'm good I think why do you have an automatic okay everyone this country driving it is an electric car and they don't do electric cars in the past in nightclubs yeah I had to rent the car once in Europe and my friend actually rented me a manual I don't know how to drive it I never had to learn it it was very difficult I I know that gets like mess of your left foot pushed something down and then like on the ball the left foots down you moving leadership and then you have to let go of the left foot but then if you're going up again you it's not right no like not the own seriously self but it does make sense so this week Sam is going you want to change here so you disengage the going to engender select your beer and reengage at the right speed to be ended that's it it's not that complicated it's really not you know it's all over the car right so I first drove it like 15 that's when I got my permit to draw it and I remember like taking the driving test I got an 82 and you have to have an aid to pass with never getting a car with you ever again you're 2 percent over the past limit I've also 80 I got to set a hundred percent on my driving test on the theory and on the main bit I also got one percent on the driving bit but our driving test is really easy in New Jersey you go to a very specific that everyone knows is really bad at driving tests because it's easier they're like they go to Salem Salem County is like farmland so you go there and the test is literally because everyone black he could drive while he's a witch nobody literally people just have to do it to drive tractors my driving test was about five minutes long yeah I had to back out of a parking spot take a left turn catid intersection take another left turn do a K turn and then do a right turn and a right turn back in and parallel park okay locations like this you go forward you know forward to the right and then back like that and then that it's a way to turn around one guy oh yeah it looks like tail Assam now three-point got it okay without the lower kick them own okay look okay just a push good once you have your valid license original you can drive but being insured on a car as a provisional driver it's so expensive oh my god Rania I know a couple of people who got taught by the parents or someones but most people just as how its said to ensure the car to learn and most people do get a legitimate like check it out you've got a passion theory you can start driving and around on a provisional clutter theory with the person about yeah with them yeah I have to have someone in the car that is 0.5 yeah over 25 pajamas three years or something and so your theory set is like a bunch of questions like you see it looks like a suicide of the road do you this is my neighbor once you give him a cigarette you come down it's like is that the answer look not very trying to teach you like anything I'm close to pro cyclist don't take it tell me off because doesn't kind of necklace final injury but they also be like from a cigarette the comment this one over the students we had one where your face is like very close to a computer screen and you have your right foot on the accelerator of the machine and as soon as it goes in a circle eight o'clock and then it will make a loud loud noise and you have to switch from the explora to the brink and I always kill the person they always done oh animate a dad yes no not given my teaching on Evan are you kidding you kills another person on one house service that Louis action took and eventually after the first time I saved little boy wait so you failed four times and passed once and they gave you a driving with I finally got a physical one by a passionate that's on a ribbon 10th grade driver's ed if you learn it in high school you do it not as the mandatory I'm pretty sure in America 10th grade or not necessary tenth but in high school you take to representative course and then once you pass you literally get your certification it's more difficult in other areas of America I just went to a very easy part of you guys definitely know some Americans who the mistakes we have to have like six hours of an official instructor before your lesson oh I did that because that lessons might insurance let us best be like learn in the snow and the rain Wales rain fine no it was just like okay if it snows breaking collar I think everything rotors I got like straight A's my money and my insurance was much cheaper wah Tommy Wow yeah so it's like an honor roll discount for insurance because obviously smart kids isn't gonna drive dangerously so A's and B's makes a lot less fool people I know but I got better with the bug in the petrol costs here oh my gosh you guys there's no reason to drive in this country like rental cars are so expensive and the gas gear so expensive yeah I've checked what it would cost just my petrol is um since breakfast that you can quit at the time and it's like a little Ford Fiesta I used to blend it a road trip like two months ago to Yosemite I filled up twice and each time is about 25 bucks yeah which is about 15 quid yeah just driving is so much more fun in the u.s. is two more I was in an accident Oh like an hour after I was born Oh an hour ago I was born my dad you should know better i big fish like you have any merging laws in terms of like are you allowed to pass someone if they're going the speed limit you're not allowed to legally bible does no cuz this is the thing that i say in the right way you know I saw a video on Facebook today by this guy who is like so you were only seeing people complaining about someone being in the fast lane and you have to go around them and the guy was like the guy since Americans you made a video he did not know that there's a system on freeways for houses pass and like you say in the slow lane unless I mean there is like a your signs for it yeah people still don't know yes but apparently that's really common very I had no idea I'll Drive but about five minute driving test you guys are John handles what John handles on my joke yet I like to handle it's like if you want to take a left turn you have to take a right turn what she just grabbed my boob ninety that jug o jug handle I'm want so like if you want to take a left in intersection yeah there's no left turn allowance because it's too big of a road so you have to go past the intersection a bit and take a jug handle which is like a little parable and I drag a little droopy penis now you've already lost it yet you want you want to turn left but you're not allowed I'm already compute a lot well that's in America or like the you have to pass trap imagine you're turning right away and you can't because there's imagine it's a three lane like on the other side yeah like you can't just drive through that and so what they do is they set up drug handles in my seat where you just pass the intersection and then there's like a life I know what they should I see it because you guys have roundabouts Yeah right we have come off the road you're on a roundabout governor bridge we're good I have a jug handle yeah like we call them circle like does this weird thing my people can't get to the left what do we do let's make a closing system when I go we're like oh well just go around it so actual every night I mean we do have a couple circles like I used to live right next to one it was like Oh meet you as a circle is a Wawa you know so Walter that's Rams rule the road here yes like if you hit a man with so far in America kiss you know get out of the way see if someone's your card here they can it's not my comic book yeah it's not like a legal thing in the sense that like like it does not matter what the pedestrian was doing in this country if you hit someone because they don't only let down you like yours and that's because you doesn't matter why know whether you could kill them yeah you have like the jaywalking rule which means if someone crosses the road and you hit them it's their fault it has a general confusion and are they shouldn't be crossing there they shouldn't yeah but you should other danger not hit this one drives SUV you know I got hit by a car once in LA while crossing a road with the Green Man I'm you know I encroach on honey translate ah look it says I can walk so I started to walk and then someone just came out and hit me and I was and I looked she was like that weird but half the sites have wet when time you know go oh yeah it's the red hot guys but it depends I don't worry about it it took me about five minutes at an intersection when I was like small to realize every time it's the Green Man said to walk people would still drive up like oh I guess I just have to wait for the note cards to come no that's not possible it's just they both can go to think times it's just if there's a green man you can walk and just be wary that cars may still want to go and you know how we solves that problem roundabout that's really on the right way in a manual car right if you just press the brake stop the car this is not a break it doesn't work oh I thought using your hand like you just like get underneath press to the right actually lied I didn't get a hundred percent I got one minor guy my charlie and my minor was going too slowly over speed bump is an actual thing that is like slow down are you followed that rule too well yeah driven on the opposite side of the road how many times because I've driven in England once and then it Australia New Zealand like a couple times yeah I Drive in France throw me on the wrong side of the road no like whatever anyway so when you're driving in France you're driving a British car which means you're on the website a car and then the rest of the day that's amusing on your headlights yeah oh yeah because every time I've driven man in New Zealand it was freaky for the first like our Wells like I don't get it I'm on the wrong side the road I'm taking a left turn but it's easy and then after an hour I got a cluster I was in when I was in Turkey I drove a car I went the wrong way around around but it was like it was like I was around about I'd like the back of a village and there's no time I saw around about in UK was the first time I was driving UK someone's far I went over the realm devote let me do that okay it was a it was it was like planned about things that I didn't stop when I'm in posting I was great and I was like okay I'm just we're going to jump yeah if I wanted yeah I do understand roundabouts they do make a lot more sense now as opposed to intersections which are like stop stop I'm so used to intersections though but roundabouts make sense that's the thing stop signs yeah I really I think I may be someone some advanced options in Scotland we did not junctions and you just oh yeah we have a road it just has no line double yeah it's like that's a junction there's like an open junction on the close junction America that I trusted run over like da do you know what to do a flashing red light oh yeah you manic you don't go what about a flashing yellow light same as here it's like any other light you check if there are people there and check assets then you can go actually false what are they blinking yellow light you just keep going Oh which is really it's an annoying light in my area I used to live right next to it a flashing yellow it means they were huh yeah like it's two lights hanging from the straw in America so UK you check hazards in the US that just means you can keep going but it's the intersection and what the issue is is that people that don't know how to drive and don't know what that means they'll stop at a yellow which is annoying because it's it you're not supposed to stop there it's like stopping the lower why have the light because it's telling you that there are people possibly coming out from a blinking red at the other side and so those people have to stop and check for the other people whereas we have free rein it's like a stop sign yeah we've right away but just look for people yeah the system of right it does kind of sound like it kind of sounds like a lot of the issues that you're raising as trouble driving in America it's because you're not teaching people how to drive and you know I'm right about this is its people and they don't know how to you know many people don't how to drive make successful in five minutes and teach people how to overtake on a motorway what are you doing the danger and take the exit and you come on specifically and we prove what what are the ends of the slip road when you do you merge in the traffic or two stop signs around it out no never around is a good system you like I'm on the motorway I wanna come up now I go up onto the run back another question what do you think about water bombs oh my Garmin a very cool no speedling yeah driving it's fun drives me crazy boom aha I caught about a lot there you go sorry I automatically job sign hey are you with someone last night you got to be Hickey seasick no it's really a skin thing that's always on my neck but you don't always I don't see anything I see your phone oh I got a bad infection driving what have you done in a car nothing nothing there's not beautiful in America you guys will get cars younger which is why it's really common for people to like and then like make out in kind and yeah howdy nice in the car because it this space for teenagers house it's only six weeks yeah wait am i health or her health I mean yeah but like that's cuz you guys can drive from like 16 and it's really common to get a car because one you need it America's big enough are the coolest person at school you can talk Annis Genia it's so expensive and you can't do it till you're older so by the time you get a car most people already have their own flat I've been like is why that's X that's why colleges are all right don't have enough drivers for anything yeah I'm used to drive through banks I'm used to drive through like Starbucks and right yeah you literally you go up to the drive-through and there's like these vacuum tubes and GG eyeing you take out the tube you put it you write one what ends up driving you put your money and yes it is like that you put it in closer to work and it go ahead and it shoots up and it goes into there like checking areas she goes as an editor yes hopefully if it's me and then she says deposit us yep have a nice day and you know drug onto something like 30% of all Americans meal by Ethernet card that's depressing and forget it did everything far away and everyone including loved ones whoa what was your first car I 1993 Buick Regal custom was great older than you yeah hit on me yeah mine was a run for Mini Cooper yes do you guys ever flash people with your hiding yeah is that like mmm like it for instance is how you say thank you I only flash if I pass a cop and I want to reply tell everyone that I mean like watch out there's a cop on the way you guys don't have cops that just hide out in there wait how are you but why would you be scared of a compass you know been anything wrong no because cops are diet what America meant by the NSA yeah I'd be careful like literally I've had it where I've been tailgated for a bit and so I like how to speed up and then a cop was just sitting there waiting and then he got me but like I said I'm awaiting his group please don't do this and he gave me notes okay oh it's difficult sighs Distronic country yeah all they're doing is sitting and waiting people that slightly pleading and I don't give you a ticket for a horsey people they hold this had dry things go till hydrolyzing yeah the seasons begin yeah so what you do is if you're passing a cop that's kind of just waiting for people to mess up as soon as you pass him you alert every other driver on the way for at least a mile just by flashing our high beams that tell someone there's a cop on the way oh that's not we don't do that no we don't really hardly drive it well we do can't we don't have to yeah all right all right behind you you put your little habit don't have to say thank you I'll do it that's gonna let you in you like bbm yeah answer that it's like basic illegals of beef unless you're in an immersive situation that you'd get someone's attention will you notice the people you have is illegal no technically you know unless you need to get their attention it's illegal I can never take the time to get my hands off the wheel to be because I'm like oh shoot so happening I don't want to beep right now but do you think it's better driven us CBS UK and you kept the safe to us for cheap if I don't worry I don't want to like save money if I'm gonna die I'd rather be dead and have money another between time driving very very if you didn't find me I mean also yeah drive throughs I like the u.s. the only thing I'd like is more roundabouts maybe I get intersections though but they're slow anyway thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed the video if you want to check out Luke or Kim's channel please do so in description below also you can check out my last video which I made over there subscribe to stuff anyway so you guys next time you plug into my home can't believe it there's only one whole system and it does listen you told me you wouldn't say anything about
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 1,253,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: driving, british vs american, driving laws, roads, laws, british, american, uk, us, evan edinger, luke cutforth, kim, evan, edinger, cars, trip, travel, culture, comparison, test, puns, lessons, school, luke
Id: Hvfi_soEklE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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