British Reacts to American Childhood Ads

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hi everyone and welcome back to the day's video today we're going to be watching some old-school American ads so I brought back Noah and the quarry where I'm car it's a very experienced with commercials I think last time when you guys were showing me some of your ads I was quickly able to realize there's a lot of similarities there's some commercials that you guys basically every branded or maybe we've rebranded and so without further ado let's jump into the Coulee one you guys know what Chef Boyardee is I know him from this this is gonna be it throughout the video I don't there's give me a lot of Simpsons yeah commercials that I have in here in terms of things that are referenced in the same chef Chef Boyardee as soon as you recognize what this is basically the same ad as in the UK you can just say something baby bad it's just the baby Bella except it works a lot better with baby Bell if are you sure no this just drops off the shelf it's not even a circle and stupid it's but it's sentient see they just like Toy Story 2 but but whether they can a product placement its it's like chef where DS like lose a different pasta but it's processed and put into a can so instead of cooking spaghetti you just plant the Gators yes so it finally makes it I have that fly to their house undersized there we go I don't know what that face is supposed to be but like mom like did you steal so uncomfortable no it's great boy this stuff is good boy Rd Italian no II don't think is pretending to be but it's a chef Neil oh he looks older than I thought you would but I remember this ad as a kid it's a pop in one they didn't say boy this stuff is good no I think that's in other ads but that's like the general general that's like baby God without ba ba ba ba baby Bo who is this for I guess our kids well it's mostly for kids because kids want this kid clearly having this every single night so her parents are living it up I know kids that were like that they were the worst kind of kids I was not working let's give me other food ads there's a lot of commercials like I said that I think Corey's gonna pick up on because The Simpsons has either taken them the jingle or has referenced it so I'll see how fast and so you can get where's the beat what this is from is mr. pop it's literally the roto-rooter theme and so whenever I saw that I wasn't I was always like but that's roto-rooter that's the name yeah and that's what but as a kid why do I care so much about a plumbing company because it's got a cool gene there's a pony company well it's a company that does water and plumbing what does wrote I don't need to roto-rooter so like they go in and fix your pipes like Super Mario Lisson I just know no jungle I genuinely never call them I never it's just as a kid it was a catchy jingle and you want to sing along to it so but the Simpsons took that as well I can't believe they stole mr. plod my war with his chain yeah mr. plow is not an original also as a kid clearly you're gonna remember a lot of jingles and songs and animals and so if they put them together in this adorable ant which also taken from show you all my new tricks why do they always use like those gravely kids voices for animals like there's never just a normal voice is like horrible it's the same voice that they use in like paw patrol and all those new ones right but why like Erebus it works I love this as a kid literally as soon as this song came on I would just immediately start singing it what is it for is it like a doll stamp well it's no it's for dog scratching stuff so if dogs have ticks or bites or anything from outdoors you just spray them with k9 Advantix I did not pick that up at all I thought like it's summer time like they're not biting I'm not itching you know I'm saying it's in a song lyrics okay all set a couple adds that as a kid you remember a lot because they're funny sounding in terms of an appropriateness but yet they're not that inappropriate but they're they do it [Music] that's right so yeah as you know as a kid you just like oh what is it with mascots like marketed to women being bald yo is a beefy bald man yeah Mike spree is pre he gets it I'd sleep in a mattress from him you know I don't like that at all now you can see his abs under his shirt that's it's so like that was an ad where as a kid I don't remember anything at the beginning but I always as soon as I hear it was like I'm ready for just gonna say real loud I'm comfortable in America we had cars for kids this was the worst add in the world [Music] why is it 80 yards so bad what is this donate your car today to Kars for kids cuz you used to date your car and then the kids run up the kids get something I don't know I actually have no clue but if you're ever listening to any radio station you will just hear this horrible jingle at all times of the day and it's just yeah I think I know this from SNL okay Dave Duncan's it's just such an annoying thing that it's part of our pop culture now this is the newer version there's obviously older ones but yes none of them we're actually singing is that all of these ads I just thought they were weird jokes from shows yeah no we just have there's no any of these so you guys are just laughing I'm like what did they love I don't know it's funny well it's just so obviously you're a vegan you don't drink milk milk is incredibly advertised in the u.s. like we're always making got milk don't pass so this is one of the ones that is a bit scary as a kid and you can understand why we drink so much made for by the dairy cows kids want milk looks for babies oh yeah well I happen to know that milk helps build strong bones so drink up mr. Miller told we never drinks milk oh my god why does milk need to be advertised I saw that's one of the like basics you needed yeah well this is a milk brand it's just milk no it's it's paid for by like the dairy lobbies to make sure that you're drinking more milk milk with meals was promoted most emeritus horribly if you go bad I feel like that mother looks like a young Elizabeth Warren oh my god so does this make you want to drink milk no no I don't want to touch milk again no because you don't wanna lose your arms it's like Arrested Development guy basis so for this one I want you to please tell me what this is oh my god head on apply directly to the head how do you know to the forehead head on Oh what is head on it's just that's the whole commercial by the way well that's what they want that's what they want you to believe it's like it just Natalie it doesn't do anything how and that's why they legally can't say it helps headaches so they would be sued for false advertising so what they do say is head on apply directly to the forehead and you have to assume that it's for headaches which it doesn't actually do anything for it's like snake away it does say that on the packaging apply directly to the forehead they're not legally allowed to say that it helps with headaches I'm pretty sure this is what I was talking up and that's why they can't say anything it has like 0.1 percent of this chapstick is like a menthol that's supposed to help that's if you were watching The Weather Channel this ad would be on and then it would just be on again and again and then have it three times you'd like head on apply directly to put it you loved it I think it goes on too long it's it's like a fever dream but I remember it because of this you know that's the whole purpose you guys yum yum yum yum you how do you know all of the story this is it's like two Americans here [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's amazing I'm loving actually seeing these ads I don't know I guess you just had too much American pop culture here okay you did show me a frosty commercial so I've now got the one that I was telling you about which is baseball related and I find better than you only one person blew their team oh there we go Brandon young Taylor Lautner okay bars was High School Musical one this is house musical - okay I think that that's fine without the gay undertone / - you guys had a lot of board games I'm assuming in the UK okay well no we had a board game so I don't know the concept of this next game is essentially if you wake your father he'll beat you so Oh don't wake him this is like buckaroo in operation yeah game I guess but that was a game that I was wanted as a kid cuz the commercial was so fun I'm sure we had a game like that that was what your family that was just literally don't like daddy don't wake now I really genuinely had a game of that it didn't have those awful undertones of your dad's gonna be here it was more relatable to me as a child oh I love the game cuz it was baby ballpark [Music] instructions we really like know when they when they took it and they let girls like it's like the same is it juicy drop pulp and stuff it's all yeah 90s just it I always wanted it but just here's the commercial but they weren't the victory I prefer to push pops but they always when I get a push pop your finger became disgusting because it was covered in like juices no it just drips through man you suck the pop it's gonna be like Woody's move on older plates where you make you gonna eat when you clean your plate and you see their face [Music] the whole concept but then at the Toy Story 4 crossover walking this ad was just one was on every day so even if you hated it you were like mom you'd like written a good song at the end that did not I still have never used them but I always one of them my mom would never buy into these terrible commercials sadly you shouldn't need to convince a kid to clean their plate I suppose you were saying you really wanted that cereal ad because it was super cool and you wanted to do that to kid or whatever yeah that's basically the Capri Sun Hat but Capri Sun he genuinely doesn't he misses the basketball term Anita ruined that for me he's I thought it's more like Alex Mac I think it was a TV show knows a kid called that in which the girl would turn into like mercury here Capri Sun ads they weren't that cool yeah yeah it's because like sometimes it was stuff that was like you would you would drink your cat piss on him sucker and then something else would have it juice sucked up like a building remember those today that's it what [Music] it doesn't even say there's a common theme with these adverts but they don't say what they are for no but it's for flooring I know that number in my head yeah be you don't know what to call it for no but all we need to get my floors done today totally I knew I wanted the same way about one 1/8 woman a they yes I think you should ask them a question oh yeah you know like the standard sunday sunday sunday it's time some day some day some day so some company decided that would be a good theme for their this is like the American DFS oh my god yes I never even thought about yeah their ads just scream it to you so as a kid you just before but this was made when Twitter and Facebook were a thing yeah lol Mills this is something that I think I've quoted too many times and I feel like most Americans that have seen this ad annoyingly have it in the back of their brains here we go [Music] now too much texting is NBD brings you on I like that I hate me idk my BFF Jill that was just a thing someone says idk you like your beer boop doop really dumb but also singular doesn't exist anymore as a company who is it for well it's for the company Cingular Wireless which is like a cell phone who are they advertising - that's not for adults or kids Lou it's supposed to be a joke you know all those kids are always texting with these things you don't understand you don't have to worry about it you just Cingular Wireless and now I hope you haven't seen any of these Corey because I have you've seen the Geico commercial of the Geico commercial I'm here all right now let's find out what you think here Geico they decided have a campaign about a caveman and then it's they have an entire story line of like probably 20 different ads where things currently happen to this poor guy so that's just the first one what happened to the guy he spills like like too accurate to like America today yeah it's true historically you guys have struggled to adapt yeah right walking upright discovering fire inventing the wheel laying the foundation for all mankind you're right good point sorry we couldn't get that to you sooner Connie your reaction sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the rock yeah how are they allowed to do that Oh make people want to buy but the great thing is that we'll just like people who haven't seen the beginning ones will do seem hot and Billy I don't wait one oh you're gonna talk I didn't realize it was a caveman there's the caveman series there's the gecko sit they have like GEICO's like in my opinion the winner of all the US ads for that one the last one of course one more Geico ad this one is I think one of my favorites of all time it's so dumb but that so those are all the ads I got today what we are favorites Cory head on apply directly to the forehead again stop that's enough I like me I'm a meow Mix is a lovely song Wow I think yeah meow Mix is one that I think even my mom would quote all the time so it doesn't just affect the kids it's a really good song I'm like in-between the canines Advantix song and idk my BFF Jill I guess in terms of songs I had the one that stick with me were it's so dumb but roto-rooter that's the name [Music] is mr. plow anyway if you guys enjoyed this video that thumbs up button that's inappropriate but I'd love it if you did it ask for consent I could set to you subscribing thanks for watching these videos if you want you can click some other videos over there or check these guys as links in the description thanks for watching I'll see you guys in the next one good bye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 318,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british react, british reacts, american childhood ads, american childhood commercials, american ads, american commercials, british vs american, american vs british, ads, commercials, best commercials, most american commercials, evan edinger, noahfinnce, notcorry, notcorry and noah, 2019, british, american, advertisements, jingles, best jingles, childhood ads, childhood commercials, zoopals, caprisun, empire today, geico, geico commercial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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