School Assemblies! | British VS American | Evan Edinger & Dodie Clark

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hi there but he said today I'm here at my friend duty I don't know why are you here hey everybody so today I'm here with my good friend Dodie and today I want to talk about something that I just found out recently which is that assemblies or do you have different word for assemblies in the UK assemblies in like primary school in a bunch of school in the UK in the u.s. are really different in a really fun way and the first thing when I talk about is just the fact that in England they sing hymns Christian hymns what and you didn't oh you're the Christian country until what age did you sing Christian hymns but it was like primary school it was like from when you went to school you're just like what I'm sorry prime is good let me break it out and when you're six no yeah from when you're like six years old to when you're like eleven you can actually go and sit out there will always like two people who were like guess why religion so they'd like sit out know that they were like a horrible in America we had the same thing except it was when you stand up to pledge allegiance to the flag every morning he would you would sit you would leave out under God if it was against really yeah which is worse sing singing Christian hymns every morning or standing up to give the pledge of allegiance to a flag I know I was such a chef in school I just want to sing all the time I didn't really like doing the Pledge of Allegiance but if you didn't stand up to do it you you had to like it's kind of like one of those things where you cannot be the odd one out or you will be hated by your teacher and sent it yet a lot of times you get sent to detention because you're being unpatriotic oh my god it's scary bad KJ here we go it just happened Romo tophi da da da da da ba da da de los Estados Unidos jana Republica que representa una sola naciĆ³n Pahadi i had to do it in spanish as well they wanted to indoctrinate us in both languages right can you do that as quick as you can Marciano publishizer upset also Valachi adios I pledge to the flag and I see to America to the robber stands one nation under all OH one nation under God indivisible with a reinterpret I'm curious because I had to do some songs in school as well weren't necessarily Christian but I want to know what your Christian songs were could you could you give me a little taste do you - I know Oh things but I'm beaut Owl City album is it I genuinely just know it because it's the name of analysis it II albums the one with the hill and the tree there's no internet like wait for the doors of durin to open at least I have internet my flat Tracy it's never just the Sun it is someone so you sign this without music my background you just the Lord God made them all did you have music behind this I think probably like the music teacher would play on piano Oh in what class was this assembly and your assemblies you'd gather round and sing Christian hymns no you don't sit so basically he's like you get ready to go to assembly and then you lineups outside the door and you be three sitting cross-legged and ferns and your fours your thighs and then your sixes will probably stand on chairs because they're too old to sit on the floor cross-legged do you get those little mats no we just had to sell them flow Oh cuz we had these we get to bring a little mat with us to assembly when we were in like first grade Wow like imagine if he ripped a piece of carpet off the floor enough for your but you got to take one of those of us yeah and you also get a little milk with it oh we never go free milk chocolate mocha strawberry what wasn't free I think it cost like 30 P by P I mean well yeah we don't sit cross-legged and then like everyone be quiet and teach we'll come on with the like we're gonna start Stace assembly by saying all things wife is beautiful and then the music would start and then we go all things better but everyone joins in more than Oh kitties would sing along I remember one song I had to sing which was the Dare song dare which is D I won't do drugs a won't have an attitude or I will respect myself e I will educate me now I'm not gonna do drugs I won't give up I won't give in I'm gonna give a fight and I don't remember the rest of the words but I rap okay and rap about drug awareness when you our like eight eight to ten you will not do drugs by your own kids imagine like an eight-year-old girl I'm sorry I'm watching my grade sorry I dare I guess so you just have any drug resistent ripping up like that we has no it was like talk to Frank but that was when you were in I remember talk to Frank I'm sorry we just talked to Frank oh here comes Frank hey is he like a dog in a in a drug suit cuz ours wasn't lying why are you sure if it's a yeah Frank is just like a awareness thing doesn't matter exists just talked to Frank who's Frank just he's an awareness thing don't worry about it it's not ready that you're not just a primary school thing in the secondary school look Frank I don't know who Frank is crying friendly confidential drugs know that sugar work F CD hey free is it polish did you ever do um give me Diane my hug amazing and cami died am i huh something something did it I never heard that in church I guess I just go to church every Sunday I sing hymns but none of these so there's this course right that goes sing Hosanna sing Hosanna sing highest at the King of Kings single Tana Singh was Anna saying Hosanna to the king but every time you say that last line that would always be like a cluster of people who'd go off kings but me wrong and you'd be like no you have to stop it in and drive me mad as like a musical pin I was like no you have to cut off your line there you don't think of kids the second time it was oh no also I think it was of Kin's not all Kings I don't know I thought there would be a hymn that at least I would be able to sing with you with but I haven't recognized these two yeah he's got the whole well and his hands got all I was and his hand I didn't yet again that was some Ballard in Sunday school huh Sunday's when I was a kid but not at school school racing that we also had little action to do as well would be like Oh world in his hands and if he did he'd be crushing multiple humans at the same time dan yellow and pink and green pebble and Joseph's coat I can sing a rainbow sing a rainbow sing a rainbow too that's not very religious and with your eyes listening with my eyes oh right oh not made for this video I see with your ears smell with your but I can see your rainbow this doesn't sound religious this is fine it's not religious it was just like one unless it was about Joseph's multi-coloured coat I think it was his rainbow there's no pink in a rainbow that aizen I thought you were singing the song from b-movie at first it was just black and yellow and black and yo and black the best assemblies I remember we had were the really cool magic shows and the ones where people got up and started dancing in yeah trick I know it's like you can always like apply to be in it like an assembly thing and then you should do dance with your friends leave Britney or something and you'd always start but you can go up and do an assembly yeah if you like us to teach to you like we've been working on a dancer break time really it'll be like okay fine you can do a chess but then what you'd always have to start it like didn't it oh babe I know you threw your glasses off the face and bump the camera or assemblies we weren't allowed to join in on at least where I'm from now you say about Jesus we sang about America imagine that Washington's hat what Washington pat melton what is ass whoopee haha Martin isn't crossing the delaware river holding it imagine that imagine that and i had this song always a mad and then he's slightly more problematic Sacagawea sorry do you know who Sacagawea is I don't you never had a lot about her via song but I did okay so strong Cozart whoa Julia Indian girl and brave so it's teaching you American history but it's like really whitewash just a little bit I mean yeah the song is about an Native American Indian girl which I guess nowadays you couldn't really say but I just remember singing along to this and yet now I'm like that's annoying because it's kind of catch it yeah it is like I'm now 25 and sometimes I'll be walking or I'll be going underground I in my head I go sorry Julia Indian girl and then someone might look at me go problematic faith I have one more song by the way this was my all-time favorite song it's called the tropical rainforest song and I used to sing this with my friends like genuinely we would like pop behind desks would be like the rain forest this is the coolest 90s Dane evidences to teach kids the rain forest is important we can't kill the rain forest through songs they taught us patriotism conservatism and environmentalism and also uh don't do drugs whereas you guys just were like we love Jesus Frank he doesn't all the beauty the rain the tropical rain forests chocolate again spongebob chocolate chocolate by the year 2000 though I'll disappear now gone so we had to rap along to this but we wanted to maybe I guess you wanted to sing the hymns but I I'd loved this song I don't really care this was the best assembly it was like every other year don't sing all the time well you are a singer I am not all of us are meant to lap you what are their assemblies do you guys have like actually showy people come in and like teach us a lesson like we have like a science one and I remember those like this theatre group that came in and taught us about heat energy and stuff like that and they talk about particles like run around being pumped of bullets and it be well fun what's really cool yeah and I was like the boffin like little teacher's pet child silent yeah buffin pufn pufn gents a mobile told it is something a Pokemon I was a boffin what is the boffin boffin is like a geek like a nerd like a you know too much like a little a little boffin they're actors yeah we didn't get any cool science stuff I don't remember beside the rainforest song but typical made we'd have the priest come in now you have to do of the guy that came in that was like ex-convict that had like chains on him and he like said how infinitely no witnessed his friend jump out of a three-story window thinking he was Superman high on acid and killed himself and they'd sure like graphic images on the screen and there'd be people that would have to leave because they were crying because they knew someone that yeah drug education in America is kind of know you didn't do that no good okay you're gonna how long that was in sixth and seventh and eighth grade right that was like year six sound like they're saying like you do drugs you gonna die and it's like did you do this thing this is like the main thing in SEM blaze good morning everyone good morning mrs. Claus good morning everyone I went to the North Pole go back to primary school for one day just to witness yeah that's like oh me too that'd be weird I actually went back to my elementary school when I was like 20 and the the ceilings were like so low I was used to being like this everything was so big and then now that I'm a giant and I used to be like what a little four-foot boy yeah it was like whoa everything is so small yes I strange did you have like I remember when I broke my arm in primary school I was allowed to sit on a chair I don't know why you're just allowed to like if you break your leg you have to sit and chat rolls around oh yeah I remember that yeah so like when I broke my arm I was like ha ha ha have love sitting on this chair like okay pity me husband I would not want to be in the chair because that means you're different and that means you can be made fun of our school was rough hey guys did you have music playing in when you walked in what like the final countdown only if it was like a cool like magician or something oh my god I just had memories you'd be on like music GT when you came in so like you get you get to go to this and music do it yeah you got to go a little bit earlier so you can be in charge of the music so you can choose what to play when everyone walked in that's really cool yeah and then you have to like slowly wind it down when the teacher was came to the front was like good morning everyone what and then you could be in charge of the OAP as well oh wait OHP no all right all right you in totally oh I don't know what OSHA is what is them what is OHP I said oh ap which says the old-age pensioner but a man who could be in charge of all the old people OHP is Anatole OHP it's overhead projector all those things yeah yeah you guys like pantomimes and stuff those are very British I don't think we'd ever have a pantomime you know if someone is constantly making fun of you because you're but would you call them an assembly so you guys didn't have milk didn't have carpets had Christian hymns but we had rain forests and American America patriotism yeah I'm very sad do you guys didn't have to go I pledge allegiance to the flag of you know that's a you kicked out so if you guys aren't from the UK or America actually interested in knowing like what your assemblies were like in school only because I don't know that was like the best part of school that is the best part of anything maybe you guys didn't have as many cool magic shows or patriotism or drug awareness stuff Frank maybe I don't wanna Europe had Christian hymns I don't actually know so please tell us if you haven't has some similar experiences below all of that I mean you you know this person so if you want to do something with her channel unsubscribe from it or something wow you can do that below uh also you can subscribe to my channel I do videos every Sunday or something I'm in Australia or New Zealand or somewhere right now so I'm not right now but I am right now thanks for watching I'll see you guys next week good bye good bye just because I have giant meaty claws big what did you see me too close hold on hello there hello hello oh it's Felix a house go ha ha ha ha I thought you were a recruiter so I was pretending to be someone else alright so today I'm here with my friend Evan hi everybody welcome to my dick mmm
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 1,249,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: school assemblies, british vs american, evan edinger, dodie clark, school, assemblies, british, vs, american, american vs british, uk, us, evan, dodie, evan and dodie, dovan, hymns, pledge of allegiance
Id: 32aIb8vEw4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2016
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