Weekly Update 11-13-2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] well greetings people of the internet unki joe here on key joe's playhouse hope you were having a fine saturday afternoon i know i am it's been busy we've uh we've had our breakfast we've had some fun now it's time to get down to work well i can't very well call a live stream work uh but if i get a five by five out there that would be great let me get some stuff cued up here puts too much light on my face and then we'll say hello to the ch how out in the chat i should say all right so let's go see what the weather is like today so there you go 68 i'm a little chilly today that's why i've got on this uh i haven't i don't know if you've noticed but i've got on a rather warm long sleeve shirt today so and this is part of the reason why it got a little chilly last night down in the mid 40s so but it's supposed to be warming up next week and you see by wednesday we'll be back up to 84 degrees and then we get another cool front i guess comes through i don't really call that a cold front as much as i do a cool front and uh there's our uh there's manny mae getting into the shot here there's uh our temperatures for the uh for our folks over in europe yo okay well hang on a second we've got a visitor there we go hello just waiting for her mama to come home okay so let's go look at the chat i want to see if the chat is actually working today so uh w howdy howdy do you um yeah for some reason i don't see the the chats working today um and i don't know why that is bear with me just a second nope i've got it on right oh hang on a second i didn't have the right screen up there we go so now let's see if the uh let me uh do something here sorry i'm not a little bit better prepared i thought i was but i copied the link into the wrong location and let me get that again pardon me i'm just learning how to use this magic all right and now hopefully yes there we go see i know what i'm doing not really well greetings to uw good to see you here uh let's see hein christensen is here as well greetings to you sir and uh sakura is always here let me uh get some stuff set up over here uh art of servers joined us good to see you here as well thomas nielsen good to see you let's see sakura writes in the world of pokemon it's a jelly filled donut oh that's an oni that's it i guess i ought to give a little context to that that's in reply to art of servers message here so i'm kind of on the uptake uh so let's see here uh [Music] heard of side cfw greetings to you thanks for joining us uh trs trs-80 i just got done watching a video on a trs-80 so that's uh synchronicity there again let's see so sakura's been running on fumes there you go baby go with mama so skura says he's been running on fumes he's been up since yesterday i've been up since the day i was born but i've had a little sleep in between now and then okay yeah give it up joe let's see bob carpenter has joined us bob is our moderator thanks for making it today bob i greatly appreciate it and he's uh bob keeps up on all the little details i can't for the life of me figure out how to do things like giving you links to art of servers youtube page uncle mike has joined us good afternoon to you sir uh let's see tim d has joined us greetings james scouten let's see uh nw has had some snow where he is snowy south bend indiana um good to see you here w uh let's see edward krueger is here richard shergala or regalia i don't know if i'm pronouncing that correctly uh and there is a link to uncle mike's retro and gaming out in the chat thank you bob and w's uh youtube page so sakura writes art of server i work nights so i guess i am the neko david grishko has joined us good to see you david how is that house build coming jerry d fowler i haven't seen you in a while sir thanks so thanks for joining us today um so yeah we're back to our uh i'm gonna stop the chat right there for a minute so we can talk about some other stuff so we're back on our normal live streaming routine now that fall and winter are coming well fall's here but winter is coming up so we're going to go back to doing 1 p.m central daylight savings time my time chats live streams again uh it just works out better for me lets me get a bunch of stuff done in the morning and uh yeah so uh uh bob will familiarize everybody with the rules what happens when the chat jumps and how to get uh the monkey to perform for you if you're interested in throwing a little coinage our way it would be greatly appreciated and i'm sorry i don't mean to be rude but there's no way i'm letting a fresh cup of coffee go without a sip so let's go uh see what we're going to talk about today so the pool yeah nothing new i still haven't fixed the pool pump it's full of algae and that's the way it'll probably stay uh until uh until i'm ready to uh get it ready for the spring i do i am gonna drain some of the water out of it but i'm not going to worry about putting any more chlorine in it until the spring because it won't flourish in this cold weather let's see so last sunday we had a gaming live stream and that was over on cam radar's uh twitch channel uh w uh hosted it on his youtube channel thank you w and then jamie had it over there on his twitch channel so we're to do another one this sunday at 1 pm so that's tomorrow 1 p.m my time so if you want to join us just kind of hang out we'll have a chat going on on our d uh live it is it did no no wait a minute here what am i saying we'll have a chat on over on discord is what i meant to say i don't know why i said d live uh we have a voice chat under there called game stream so you can join us there bob will put our discord link in the notes or in the chat area and um yeah we're going to do another one tomorrow we had a lot of fun doing that what we basically done is create a minecraft a new minecraft world just random creation and uh everybody is in a difficult mode or hard mode and once you die you die well kind of sorta you know because it's no fun just sitting around but uh but if you die you die in that game so it's making it kind of interesting we've we had a ball last weekend playing it so we're all just big kids at heart so uh but yeah and so for those of you and we had a few people a fair few people in the live stream i was surprised we had as many people as we did so i know it's not a lot of y'all's thing but uh but i loved i loved having a good time and we had a lot of fun with that live stream so william wilkinson hello to you sir and thank you uh for joining us the chat just jumped so for those of you that are playing drink whatever your favorite beverage is about this time of day all right let me find out my so this is going to be another i'm sorry i don't mean to be rude or anything but the chat is getting to the point where it's hard for me to keep up as a matter of course so if i forget something or i skip over something please forgive me it's not intentional or it's in the interest of saving time if it's like an answer to someone else's chat so uh bob carpenter writes mr grishko i was a reticent in not saying hello earlier on willie's stream yeah i missed willy's stream um they uh here local i'm a big fan of the old warner brothers uh cartoons uh looney tunes and they they were on at eight o'clock this morning our time so i spent some good quality time with my first cup of coffee and the spouse this morning watching looney tunes and i'm a better man because of it thank you very much so uh yeah i had a blast but unfortunately i missed willy's stream but i will be walking uh watching it later there's speak of the devil there's jamie right there glad you could join us jamie uh let's see john's touchpad thank you yes hit the hit the like button there's uh 30 people here right now and 13 likes so not that that button's gonna matter much longer but you know hey jan langley hello to you terrell cockrum uh sakura writes it's before noon yeah but it's never too early to start that's my motto william wilkinson 5x5 bob carpenter 5x5c see how far behind i am in the chat it's kind of sad uh edward krueger john's touchpad 5x5 uh w just started uh remodeling homes as a winner gig i love to yeah i love building i love remodeling building it's one of my favorite things to do hine thank you john thank you mr crackers 5x5 thank you w all good okay good sakura writes eight by ten uh take it jamie writes if only it was one degree hotter uh yeah and if you've missed the channel let him know yeah we believe in sharing the wealth here uh the front yard metal flamingo is full of wasps and that's all i'm going to say about that mike grissom thank you for joining us oh cap radar 69 by 69 that's one of my favorite sayings we won't go into that stephen o'reilly good evening from south africa sakura a good day from my man cave david grishka the house is doing good insulation and drywall go in next week that is good news indeed i would love to send you to send me some pictures of that once you get it done uh john larson or ton larson good evening from sweden greetings to you thank you for joining us oh the chat jumped oh let's see david grishko writes or i'm sorry terrell writes to david did you run cat cable and rg-6 through uh throughout assuming he's talking about the uh the house all right so we'll let that sit there let's go back to my notes because we're also going to do something together today i got kind of an announcement we're going to uh we're going to have a little fun um well what i consider fun rather than just me sitting here blathering on i made an announcement with my previous video that i was going to stop my work on my vmware lab i just think i've done vmware to death i've got old videos that are still relevant today on 6.7 and unfortunately i don't have any equipment i i'm willing to sacrifice to run vmware 7 i'm just not i'm not interested in it it's also cost prohibitive for a lot of people that run home labs so i've fallen back on my own old friend uh citrix or xcpng server so uh i've already started working on some of the videos for that um i really yeah i i don't need uh i don't need what proxmox offers and i prefer the interface on xc png and you know you'll learn with me as we go i've got to relearn some stuff that i've it's been a year or so since i've put hands on xcp so i've got to relearn all the stuff i knew before but that'll be fun i'll take you with me uh on that journey but yeah for those of you that are disappointed that i've stopped the vmware videos i just think i've done it to death so i wanted to move forward onto uh onto another subject and i really like you know you always do better on videos that you like what you're reviewing rather than reviewing it because it's what people want to see or people want to see how to configure a certain thing so uh terrell cochran writes i'll bet there'll be some fiber in there too if you're smart yes i vote conduits even if you don't put fiber in put conduits in man it's such a time saver later rather and those conduit those plastic conduits are they're they print them for crying out loud so they're not expensive at all uh thank you bob for posting our discord link there and it's also a few seeds down in the very bottom right hand corner uh i can't point to it but yeah basically you can see where it is down there so secure rights and here i play interactive multiplayer notepad good one chat jumped cherry d fowler okay yes the crew writes tunes help the world go round no matter whether you're into anime or the old stuff like i am tunes are just for a healthier healthier mind it's good to laugh and especially but i can remember watching those cartoons with my father so it's kind of it's got a kind of a special place in my heart as well he loved the roadrunner he was just thought it was hilarious yeah w got a uh they got a kawasaki mule at his house and uh yeah i was impressed with that and w likes xcp as well yeah vmware is very well known and everyone's looking at the other new ones yeah uh and you know i did i've done xcp videos before but i've stopped with version seven um and just moved on to other things but it's perfect to run on my dell r710s as you'll see in the video i've got coming up and that was that was interesting that problem i ran into because uh like i said like i mentioned in the video those that dell had x5670 cpus in there and never complained about the power supply until i put the x5675s in there so uh but and it's in the bio so it will what it basically does is it it cuts your processor speed in half uh puts them in low power mode if you don't have the proper power supply in there so i got lucky that i have another had another power supply laying around and uh i'll keep those low powered uh 5640 xeon cpus around i you know the the ones that i took out of the dell originally the reason i had to order new ones is because i couldn't find the x5670s that i took out of my original dell r710 when i upgraded them or downgraded them to the l5640s if you're keeping track of all this i still haven't to the i'll find them when you absolutely don't need them and three years after you've put the server out to past or you know removed it from your lab that's when i'll find them you know that's just the that's just how things go but uh the new processors are doing fine and the uh the unit doesn't seem to overheat or anything now what we're going to get into this afternoon while i've got you in here as a captive audience is i've got my hp um uh what model is that that's the uh ml 370 gen 6 i think it is let me go over to that real quick there you go so yeah this is the hp with the x uh xeon x this is the one where i tried to do dual processors and kind of fubar things on one of the sockets so it's only got a single 5670 in there and uh it's 32 gig ram now this also has a video card in here but i have not uh loaded the drivers for it yet i believe it's an nvidia video card uh let's see let's see if device manager knows what it is i doubt it uh yeah it's coming up as a microsoft basic display adapter i don't remember what card it is i put in here oh i know which one it is it's a quadro card so i'll just load the nvidia drivers for it i don't need them right away um what i've done is put windows server 2019 on this on this hp and as you can see here i'm running a centos linux 7 the core in a virtual machine so i'm going to get that out of the way so what i'm going to do today well i have you all here in chat is i'm going to install centos 8 and if we have time i'm going to install rocky linux which is supposed to be the replacement for sento as or will be hopefully so i'm going to do it live and then you guys out there that are the linux experts are going to tell me after i do the initial installation of how i should best configure this uh out at the on a uh out of the putty uh ssh shell so that's what this video uh this live stream is gonna be about today and we've only got i don't want to go any longer than about 2 15 on the live stream today so i'm gonna jump around but i thought y'all would get a kick out of helping me get centos configured so let's get that started i will uh i'm going to get back over to the server and we're going to start a centos install now you're probably wondering why i'm attracted to cent os well i learned i learned linux uh i cut my teeth on red hat linux that was all the rage when i was when i was a wee lad so there you go there's our uh there's our hyper-v running on our hp unit so i'm just going to go up here and create a new virtual machine the wizard will come up i'll do a it'll be a centos 8 server uh always do a gen 1 unless you're dealing with you know microsoft or newer versions of linux that need a ufe bios just save yourself a whole lot of headache do gen 1. and i'm going to give it to i'm going to give it two gig of ram now one of the weaknesses of hyper veer one of the complaints i have with this little wizard is there's nowhere here to tell it how many processed processors to assign i'm only going to put in about a 30 gig hard drive and i'm going to you know what i messed up here i need to pay attention i want to store this in a different location i want to store it on my sas drive my it's a drive bender drive array let's put it that way everything else should be good 30 gig good now it's got the correct location you see the p drive for the uh for the hard drive and i'll install an os later so we'll go ahead and let it create the machine i'm going to right click go to settings i'm just going to give it two cpus and down here on the dvd i'm going to point it to the image file i have out on the these are a bunch of sas drives i just put them in a drive bender drive pool iso uh there's centos eight so we'll open that okay then i'm going to right click and connect and we're gonna get the install started so i'm gonna boot up the machine and we're gonna hit enter to install centos 8 and this is one of the things i like about centos sent os is they have a nice installer even for the server i'm not a big tech space fan now the other nice thing is you can escape this media check i would recommend you do it the first time you do it or if you're running off a cd but um i already verified the crc of the image so i know it's it's a good image just wait for the installer to start now also a friend of mine uses centos and um that would be art of server and hopefully art of server and i are going to uh try to get together on a video here and show maybe some deep dive linux stuff here so i'm going to go ahead and click on i've selected english i'm going to go ahead and click on continue now you notice i've already got a centos 7 server running okay and this is what i like about the installer now it could be a little overwhelming or confusing but first thing i want to do is come here to time and date and i want to change my time zone to chicago that was easy uh right now it's select a server with a gui i don't want that i just want a server and we'll click on done i don't need a gui i can add it later if i need to uh this is very important make sure you turn on your networking now you can also go in here and edit this by hitting the configure button if you want to use a custom ip i'm just going to let dhcp assign it the root password i'm going to enter a super secret password here don't worry once i get the install running i'll get back to the chats so those of you screaming at me i figured i didn't need a whole lot of help figuring out how to uh get it installed i'm gonna go ahead and create my administrative user good old bill adama he retired from uh the battle star galactica and uh he's he's our administrator for our network remember bill hates computer networks he doesn't trust them and rightly so but uh yeah i just thought that was kind of funny done okay and then the last thing i had i do is come here and i click on this and click done and then i come back again choose it again and i think now it's going to do everything automatically done bingo so i don't know why you have to do that with centos but that's the way i do it and it seems to work so i'm going to go ahead and begin the installation and then we can come back to me while that's running and then we can go back to the chat and uh chat jumped of course holy moly all right so david grishker writes yes he actually did run cat 6a throughout the house no rg6 yeah it's um yeah i find can repeat you know i would probably still run cat 6 though because i'm old school yeah mike grissom yeah that the uh yeah the zen orchestra uh interface and the z even the even their their little uh program that runs their windows program to manage it is not half bad it's a hell of a lot better looking i know it's not a beauty contest but man it helps to have a pretty inner interface just makes it much more appealing to get into and do things uh so david uh so at david terrell writes to david uh nice i tried to get the brother-in-law to run cat six when he did his house now he's kicking yeah exactly plan for the future there we go bob carpenter is getting a shout out where everybody is from so those that are from the u.s i'm going to ignore you because we all know you're from the u.s of course i will sakura i will find those cpus when i'm not looking for them and then i'll put them then i'll move them because i'll go i'll surely remember that i put them here yeah w i know how you feel i love my dell r710s i love them and they're not really that piggish on power i mean they could they consume for what i use them for i think the most i've ever gotten one of them up to is about 300 watts and that was when i was folding at home or something like that so oh a friend from the a friend from denmark thomas nielsen uh yes they are bob but not you know comparatively speaking to a a high-powered ryzen they're not they're not that piggish compared to the 12th gen intel they're not piggish at uh yeah it's hard to let go of old rack equipment yeah w when your power is that expensive i would say you only run them when you need them yeah and that's why i built that uh that 10th gen i5 to run my plex mb and my surveillance ooh 5690s be careful terrell because some of those those r710s if they're not second gen they won't run those ch that chip in them do a little research on that make i believe you need a second gen uh dell r710 in fact i did not know there was such a thing as a second gen r710 but apparently there is cat radar no don't do that uh david grishker writes alma linux rocky linux yeah i've i've been i've been playing with rocky linux i like it and that's why i chose it to today if we get time to install it we get time to install it let me see how the uh centos 8 is doing yeah it's doing fine uh sakura writes i have rocky linux virtual machines for uh virtual private servers hate setting up repos and all that move to ubuntu well that's debut well i thought rocky linux had all the repos built in but i guess if you have special needs i see what you're saying i just hate ubuntu debian the i hate the the installer so if i could get past the installer i'd be fine i've used debian linux you know we all have for years but um i just prefer centos uh david grisco writes i just switched see the synchronicity thing i'm telling you as soon as you tell people that you're interested in xcp or some other all these other people come out of the woodwork saying yeah by the way i just moved mine from uh to orchestra from proxmox but he also says so far i had a few crashes when using cloud dash and it i don't know what that is so i can't comment on that david okay he says the whole host crashed and needed to be rebooted if i feed uh zen orchestra and invalid cloud and it config the host appears to crash maybe it's a bug it could be it could be uh i call oh yeah i call it scent as in you know a scent a penny one red cent but that that's a good question that's a good poll question david grishker writes the the repo and network config see i find that to be just completely opposite i like the network config in centos i find it easy to uh understand i liked ubuntu when it was 1804 when it went no yeah was the 18 it went to that they changed the network configures 16 to 18. i don't remember now it's been so long but i think it's 18's network configuration i prefer oh w writes i just upgraded a client from amd e1 1200 apu to an intel i5 4590 cpu yes it is a monumental improvement over that amd and uh you know don't for chat jumped don't forget um uh i believe that i5 has a built-in uh video as well built-in video controller yeah david grishkaraj the anaconda installer for red hat is nice but it seems a lot slower yeah it's a gui instead of a text-based interface but it's easier to it's easier for me to get around in and then david also writes he does doesn't install he uses cloud images that is a way to do it yes thomas nowak hello from germany greetings jan is from the bristol is from bristol in the uk uh david writes he's also going to have a a few smart things not exclu not including the owners of the house right it's just a joke let's see how's our install going all right so let's go look here so now it says it's ready to reboot so we'll go ahead and click on i have to click it again oh there we go click on reboot and you're going to see one of the things i really like about hyper-v watch it prove me wrong but the linux kernel has got everything built into it now that i need to run these machines under hyper-v it knows it knows it's being virtualized so hopefully we should get no errors here now i have discovered a little quirk in the installer in rocky linux and you'll see that here in a moment okay so it's booted up and you notice um it tells you how to enable uh cockpit uh that's one of the things about centos that is built in to version eight and into rocky linux that they've got the cockpit kind of pre-installed you just need to enable it so we'll come back to that i want to do another machine and get rocky linux installed same thing gen 1 2 gig of ram oh i did not choose the location though did i i got to pay attention to that i need to go change the default and i don't even need to think about it after that okay now continuing on and we'll give it a 30 gig hard drive and we'll see if uh we'll see if the installer gives me the same error here as it did earlier and it's not an error it's a little glitch you have to pay close attention and the only way i've found around it is to reboot the installer so i want to click carefully oh yeah i haven't i haven't set up a dvd for it to boot from so let me fix that real quick there's rocky open apply and let's go ahead and reset there it goes so we're going to install rocky linux 8 and it's going to bring up that graphical installer again and we'll hit the escape key to skip the media check i'm baking fresh bread we're gonna have pasta primavera for dinner tonight homemade so it's basically pasta with lots of vegetables i'm gonna put chicken and ham in it and uh in fact there goes the bread right now letting me know it's done and i'm gonna uh create a uh alfredo sauce from scratch with butter and heavy cream and lots and lots of parmesan cheese for dinner and then we'll have homemade homemade bread with it all right come on installer now this is what i'm talking about so you've got to be careful where you click here i've had this thing jump on me and go down and click on south african english before so this installer is a little bit touchy okay and same thing here get our time and date you notice it's remarkably similar to centos eight i'm just going to do a server i'm not going to do a server with a gui go enter our root password and we'll do an ubuntu server too or a debian i just don't know that we'll do it in the live stream today hope y'all are having fun on your saturday i just thought this would be more interesting than seeing me sit around babbling about you know this that and the other let's see now this one same way so i'm going to deselect it do done and then i'm going to go back reselect it and do done and hopefully that'll work and then let's begin the install and there we go good all right let's come back to lovely old me and we'll go back to the chat so terrell writes mine is a second gen 710 then you should be fine uh let's see chat jumped let's see secure sticks to proxmox well good because if i ever need an expert in proxmox sakura you'll be the guy and i i did think of you when i made this decision i'm just like there are other people out there doing proxmox better than i can or want to so why not pick something i want to do but that's fine you can stick to proxmox sakura rides ubuntu 18.04 they switch to netplan network from the old school if up down its etsy network interface file so you can ofc ofc roll back to it as i just did for my mail server yeah that's what i think that's what i was talking about so thank you for that information uh cheers and coffee from thomas nielsen yes yes my my fellow brother love my coffee art of server writes if you want to have less views try out openstack i think i'll pass on that arcane jelly hd greetings uh you're new to the chat and the live stream great great to see you here and sakura smacks art of server thank you sakura good to know you got my back no just and then art of server zing david grishker writes cloud and it is a godsend you should check into it well only because you told me david i am making a note check into cloud init okay i've written a note to daddy so i'll take care of that secret squeak quit making us hungry yes and you know what homemade food is the best food no no no real cream real butter and real parmesan cheese go into my alfredo sauce i ain't sticking olive garden or anything but uh i make i make a pretty good italian pasta and auntie pasta as well that's my weakness is pasta and bread and wine a good wine to go with it or even a bad bourbon that'll work too uh yes bread especially homemade bread yes don't forget to r wine mr craggers i just said that yes yes perfect sudo yum install wine cheese minus y yes i agree with that let's see and john i think that's a good thing he writes it es6i version 8 is going to remove support for booting off sd card or usb stick yeah i think you need to have i mean there's no reason not to have a dedicated ssd to your to your os they've been i've been doing that since version 6.7 if you notice i don't install it onto usb keys i installed onto ssd drives because of the logging requirements is one of them so mr craiger's right i've stuck with procs too good see then i'll have more than one group of people to go to when i need help so bob writes he loves using netboot.xyz when he can't keep up with install images when i decide to install something make that a local iso you can boot from choose from dozens and dozens of os is good i'll i will check into that as well thanks a lot guys now i've got more notes to take so it's what net boot boot got x y z okay note made good i'm learning so many things from y'all uh thomas nelson writes i am doing esxi and i'm raid here in my little lab yeah i've got unraid as well not right now i'm using something else but i do play around with the underaid but space invader one again does such a good job of it it's not that there's that i can compete i want to compete with them but what i what i would prefer to do is do everything he does on unraid and see if i can do it under windows as easily or if easier if not easier so w writes he just virtualizes on unraid he doesn't need anything too crazy and i would agree with that okay rocky linux is still installing yes use real parmesan cheese yes it comes from a block and you shave it off and yes don't use that crap from in the in the bottle yeah we only eat real food except for my spouse who still eats that kraft macaroni and cheese with the powdered sauce but all right at least we put real butter and real milk into it so i guess so uh art um has been running proxmox on a lenovo m910 q mini pc unfortunately b pro seems to fall over dead about 10 minutes after boot that's not good stinky feet cheese you mean like bronze swiger or do you mean like um um well what's the other stinky cheese rogue fruit's pretty stinky blue cheese is pretty stinky but it's oh so tasty so w writes it's leading there well dude i would go light a very warm fire in a fireplace and make myself some hot cocoa and curl up and just watch the weather come in thomas nielsen writes he uses underage yeah we do some raid here too okay let's see and then bob uh writes he says uh um is your v pro nick static proxmox may be stealing the port it should say stay separate but i think you can also assign a separate ip address to internally when provisioning gorgonzola yes a stilton what's the one i'm looking for it's oh it smells like what is the cheese what is it called it's really stinky you hate blue cheese while you do not have a refined palette david that's all i can tell you maybe when you get a little bit older you'll appreciate the blue cheeses i love them let's see rocky is still doing its thing okay so we'll come back to that what else did i want to talk about um i don't know about y'all but i have quit spending money um i've got thanksgiving and christmas to get through and then i've got property taxes after that we just paid income taxes so yeah uh and with the current state of uh pretty much anything you order has gone up in price uh it hasn't got ridiculous to ridiculous prices yet but it's getting there so we just uh we've kind of quit spending any money and we're uh we are buying silver and i'm not a don't i'm not a financial advisor but we had a friend of ours advise us to buy some silver so what we try to do is buy a couple of one ounce coins every month and then keep them in a safety deposit box or you know wherever and just have them on hand just in case the dollar goes by by or or inflation gets worse then you'll you know it's kind of sometimes it's a better bet than an investment but you know to each their own but yeah we're just not spending we're spending money when stuff breaks i just had the plumber out here again we had a uh all right we thought our main sewer line had broken but it was only the line from the kitchen sink feta cheese is delicious uh it's not i don't find it stinky at all it's just delicious uh i love a uh i love a sharp cheddar taro especially with wine and you know we'll just cut up like a summer sausage and a couple of different cheeses and eat that for dinner some nights if we just want a light dinner it's quite yummy uh so art um writes to bob that proxmox gets a lease from dhp the v pro should be static in the bios he hasn't chased it down because it's otherwise stable thomas nielsen cheese with mold is not cheese it most certainly is how do you think they make cheese oh camembert yes rogueford is it rockford i was thinking of roguefort's a pretty stinky cheese our commander in sheep i guess you're referring to me hey i take that i'm honored our commander-in-chief is divulging important money-saving tips if i need this as i think i now spend more on amazon than some countries gdps that's a good one bob yeah what amazon is is too damn convenient in my day we had to get off of our asses to go get something from the store uh but keep in mind um we we have a hardware store that is about a 10 minute drive from us and it's a local hardware store and so we made the conscientious effort and conscious and conscientious effort to whenever we need home improvement stuff or home repair we go to the hardware store and usually the prices are within 10 15 cents to a dollar at what they charge at lowe's or home depot but that money goes back into our local community right now he doesn't sell lumber or anything like that but you know pipes and you know tools and he does lawnmower repairs so we're lucky we have a local guy that still does that he's doing so well this year i drove by his hardware store yesterday he managed to buy a new sign this year so and i thought that was kind of a sign of the times and you know put money back into your local community and it's nice when you see people and they're good people that run this hardware store it's nice to see when they achieve and when they're able to you know increase their business so and it makes you feel good you know it's like when you you know when you don't pollute and stuff like that i love a way to give back and especially to the local community and that hardware store has been there since the mid 50s maybe early 60s so it's been there a long time and it's been family owned and operated and uh they're great people and so nothing wrong with shopping at lowe's and home depot but if you have you know local places where you can spend your money that's the best thing you can do put money back in your own community oh so let's talk about the meaning of life the universe and everything yeah or not or not uh the only good thing about a cheese that has gone moldy is that you can scrape off the mold and still eat it yeah or you could just eat the bread with mold on it and you've got penicillin so if you're no i'm not giving out medical advice either let's be clear about that i'm making a joke sakura writes and here i am saving up for 10 terabyte drives well you're just crazy what does anybody need a 10 terabyte drive for we'll never need that much storage space space okay so it's complete so let's reboot and let's see if it comes back up and then i think we'll leave the installs there for now and you guys can leave comments down in the comments section as to what my next step should be i know do updates that's a given i'm going to do that first and then i'll uh i'll go ahead and get ubuntu installed as well i'm i'm i don't i think i'll probably end up doing 18 and 20 1804 and 2004 i think it is just to have them both and the beauty of these vms under uh hyper-v is i can move them anywhere but i just thought i'd put that uh that hp to work so there you go there's rocky linux it's up and running as well and it should have let me go to settings here and it it does it has the integration services that are running not the guest services but that's okay don't need them so there you go we installed linux during a live stream so w writes is saving up for an rtx 5090. you know it's funny you mentioned that i just wanted to say that what have i got in my machine here we were playing last sunday when we were playing minecraft i don't think i've ever had this computer be as loud as it was when i was playing minecraft and that's because i have a shader pack installed now on my minecraft that really takes advantage of my uh of my video card and uh one day i'll tell you what that video card is i think it's a gtx 1650 is what i've got in here let me check my device manager oh microsoft you love moving everything around on me so yeah it's an nvidia there you go it's a gtx 1650 so normally this card runs oh i don't know it runs anywhere from uh 30 to 40 degrees c let's go see what it's running at right now i don't know why just didn't go here the first time so there you go it's raining about 42 c it's not you know it's not doing a lot but man oh man oh man when i get uh that uh when i get minecraft running with that shader pack i was going up to 70 to 74 degrees centigrade which is it's fine for that for that uh gpu but i i think i'm going to put another fan in this unit to get rid of some of the heat i never had envisioned this thing to be a gaming machine but it it just happened to be that's what we did was game on it on sunday and i'm going to gain a game on it again it's just convenient for me well we're running minecraft so we'll uh maybe i'll pop another fan in here a little bit better fan so thomas nielsen writes i do like cheese though good strong cheese but not with mold yeah some you know that's fair enough sakura writes i use ebay more than amazon yes try to buy local if you can you know and it doesn't mean you're better than everybody else or you're superior or anything like it just means that you're doing your share you know uh sakura writes if i lived in the us i'd buy a ton more off of ebay or bob writes to sakura if i lived in the u.s i'd buy a 10 more off ebay many options i want won't ship to kanuka stand uh our um mcmaster carr can you uh can get me anything hardware like the next day it's a heck of a yes it is a heck of a drug that's a good point we get used to it and then you look around and realize i probably didn't need that i probably didn't need it in one day you know yeah and i know i'm using amazon less because they're begging me to come spend money with them i get ads from them all the time let's see uh yes secure writes the you can there are services you can use but they all add to the cost and you know the whole idea of getting on ebay is to save a little bit of money and all that gets eaten up in the taxes and shipping or so sakura writes i have yeah but you're you are the bleeding edge sakura who else here has 438 terabytes of usable storage i see a show of hands but no it makes perfect sense for your for your use case sakura i agree with you exactly bob you hit the nail on the proverbial freaking head what good god man what the heck are you storing state nuclear secrets i don't know feels like a twitch channel today hey careful what you wish for bob uh here we go so william wilkinson's jumping in on it 10 terabytes i have two four i have a plethora of drives here i just move stuff around you know let's say plex media vault what every movie on the planet sakura what do you enter nevermind i'm not going to say because i forget we're on youtube don't want to uh don't want to jinx that yeah graphics cards are coming down a little bit but still not enough for me still not enough for me let's see so let's talk about the intel intel's 12th gen chip and why it won't run on windows 10. did you know that i didn't know that i didn't know that that chip in order to run properly is going to need windows 11 because windows 10 doesn't know how to handle those little little bitty baby cpus that they're putting on with the oomph cpus and i'm over simplifying it um so what the 12 chin intels are not going to work with older versions of windows what about linux uh are they going to work with are they going to work with linux uh i mean they're still x86 chips so they can't be that big of a leap i don't know somebody smarter than i am educate me about these 12 chin chips in the chat if you want to uh yeah thomas writes to sakura don't now don't be judgey sakura damn that's a lot of storage i have six terabyte of mayan raid i have 64. i have about 18 terabyte and most of that is movies that i've ripped dvds and blu-rays which is why i want to find a way to uh not that hard drive space isn't still cheap even with the current economic situation but um but yeah i want to find a uh i want to find a better way to store my stuff or i want to compress it so james scott wrote writes i have a 2070 i bought about a year before the gpu apocalypse yes insecure if you join sakura's if you join our discord secure posts on there all the time and uh yeah you can see his server rack he's quite a prolific poster bob writes he's only had 80 terabyte wow you guys secure it's all in the terabyte storage let's see here chat jumped again y'all have been busy little beavers we're gonna uh we're gonna wrap up here we're gonna get the chat done let me queue up my end video so we're gonna get through the chat and then i think we're gonna go ahead and end the live stream here and i'm gonna encourage all of y'all to come uh visit us tomorrow at one when we do the the gaming live stream that's gonna be a lot of fun uh so alonzo smith greetings to you sir i i built a teresa's box i have no other no idea what a teresa's box is on an hp workstation z840 with os and an ssd and six four terabyte drives working great yes i almost bought one of those art of servers that's his go-to workstation as well and almost bought one of those not because i needed it just because i want to play with it but then i was given this uh hp this one right down here on the floor that's that's the one we're running all those linux vms on under hyper-v i just put windows on here because it was the easiest operating system to load on that hp yeah all the drivers were built in so i didn't have any any trouble there w writes computers are my drug of choice let's see james that's funny yeah maybe choke that's funny i have a rule in my house james we're not allowed to have mirrors unless they're facing the wall tech and anime are his drug or his uh thing of choice or his adult beverage of choice or not even i don't even say that word i shouldn't have said it do not like the auto correction on my phone yeah how long do i i skipped i skipped those comments because i didn't want him to pop up on here so uh sakura writes i smell morton has more than i do yeah i would believe that uh so here uh james writes sakura i have funimation and crunchyroll membership i think they're referring to uh anime again don't know andrew writes i only have 42 terabytes of space on truenas yeah bob writes morton has a ton of old drives he probably has one petabyte of 360 gigabyte sas drives right so bob carvin writes alder lake big core little corey yes yeah see uh i'll have to wait and see w i don't know enough about 12th i know i was told to skip the 11th generation that's why i went with uh the 10th chin when i built prometheus here on the rack it's running my surveillance and i'm and i'm glad i did the 10th gen is a is a wonderful cpu so james writes alder lake will run on windows 10 just not well and i wonder if microsoft's going to end up doing something with that code to to fix that problem i had heard it wasn't going to run on windows 10 at all that you had to have windows 11 or better so and we're going to hear a lot of this bs information as they get the details worked out on these chips uh linux has dealt with big little cpus for a while though arm aka android phones run a linux kernel okay so bob writes that uh alder lake has gone arm and they're processing they have regular cords that are hyper threaded right and then they have small lower power cores that are for background tasks yeah they referred to like for example if you're gaming on your main hyper-threaded cores you could be doing uh crunching video in the background on the small lower power cores that's the example i was given so we'll we'll see yeah bob carpenter that's the same thing i was talking about windows 10 doesn't yet yet as far as i know have any way to work with tasking to those cpus i am sure they're going to drink thank you i'm sure they're going to uh i would bet money that that's going to that's going to be taken care of thomas nielsen writes i think the intel 12th gen is an interesting new way of designing processors more efficient in theory and i'm interested interested to see what amd will do when they go into the big little designs and their their chip is much thinner than than the 11th gen as well is my understanding uh in fact some fan manufacturers have had to rethink their mounting because of the thinner top on these chips or the thinner last layer there's a they they cut it by half i think is what i read so secure rights uh the rumor mill states in a year for wind blows 10 and 12th gen could be i think they're going to do away with that uh tpm requirement too but that's just that's just a guess on my part uh i'm james i'm riding i'm waiting on them to get the massive storage increases on on ssds and then i'm not even going to buy spinning rust anymore it's great for archival but i hate i hate trying to load programs off of spinning rust anymore so david writes he can't wait uh to finish the house project non-stop work this summer and up to the point it's a current smacks and jerry jerry d fowler with an eight-inch floppiness with cpm on it god we're dating ourselves yeah yes bob has a lovely face for radio i'll agree bob you're not that bad looking for crying out loud if i get by on youtube holy moly uh see art of server is a bad bad man i'll continue to tempt you on a z840 in my future videos they are dedicated to tempting you to get a z840 i can't tell you the number of times and i you know in hindsight if i was going to buy it i should have bought it because the prices have gone up you know the price of everything had gone up so james that's it laugh at the old man oh let's see here wow jerry d fowler two five and a quarter floppy drives five mag hard drive 1200 bottom modem and a dot matrix printer all yours for 990 don't be the last on your block to get a computer in your home so bob writes rocket lake is pretty much overclocked comet lake more power and intel has yield problems in their production wow i watch youtube jd writes i watch youtube in text mode okay great ah here we go thanks a lot alonso pile on pile on alonso and that's good i'm glad they won't do it uh their chips are just fine the way they are right now for me rising fives thirty six hundred twenty six hundreds and let me tell you i edit video i i run i run uh i i what is it i render my videos on this machine while i'm browsing the web and playing minecraft and yeah it never misses a beat oh let's see yeah and that was the other thing bob was they are very very not efficient on power the 12th gen well considering all it's doing i guess we shouldn't be surprised that that chip is pulling in the neighborhood of 250 plus watts when it's running when it's being utilized so we shall see um sakura writes if you can afford 40 000 yeah i've got that in my wallet right now you can get 100 terabyte ssds wow i'm just saying put it all on five and a quarter inch floppy drives john's got a bunch of those you can borrow some from him uh sakura writes that bob carpenter perhaps the long-term jokes about amd running hot sucking power now it's intel yep the pendulum swings cap radar writes my main rig is a z600 and my streaming is a z440 yes they are and bob writes soon your cpu will suck more power than your gpu at this rate yeah but my gpu does actual work i'm just kidding it does do a lot of work all right folks well hey thanks to everybody that can join us uh hit the like button subscribe all that good stuff donate if you're so inclined uh we will be doing our live stream gaming tomorrow and i've posted the links uh in discord to the twitch channels we will be on i don't know if w is gonna stream this on youtube again or if he's gonna be able to make it maybe he can chime in in the chat if he is uh let's see i don't see him in there yet but we'll give him a minute because i know the chat is behind thanks to bob carpenter for being an excellent moderator again thanks for all your kind words and comments and suggestions and now you guys get to help me configure linux and yes please smash the like button so everybody have a great weekend and we'll uh we'll see you next time and uh yeah and don't forget we'll see all of you on the other side have a good one and w is going to be hosting uh on his youtube channel so join us there as well [Music] you
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: centos, centos 7, centos 8, rocky linux, linux install, linux server, linux server install, unkyjoes playhouse
Id: qI21D5xVBeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 30sec (4590 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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