Exchange Server 2016 - Install & Config - Part 2 - EP-165

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[Music] how do you to bunky Joe here Uncle Joe's playhouses promised part 2 of the Microsoft Exchange 2016 server installation and configuration today we're going to get we're gonna do some of the more intricate setup steps for exchange that you will need to follow in order to get mail flowing in coming in and out going and then we'll show you our results at the end of the video by actually testing and making sure the mail is flowing one thing I do want to communicate with people is pay very close attention when I start covering the DNS information because that is the key to making all of this work so pay very close attention when DNS comes up and of course if you have any questions leave them down in the comment section or send me an email to Uncle Joe's Playhouse at and I'll help you as best I can get through this now look this setup is by no means the end all be all set up a value set up an exchange server this is how I got it to work for me so there's gonna be I'm sure people that disagree with my setup or who set it up affordance I know you do it this way this is the way I got it to work and it's working well so that speaks for itself now some of you have asked why I used Microsoft Server 2012 just because I have a license for it and I wanted to make use of that license and really I don't think the underlying operating system really matters very much with exchange 2016 the instructions I followed and the the tutorials I went through were all installed on Server 2012 r2 so if you want to install it on Server 2016 that's fine as well but I'm at the limit for my license usage on server 2016 so I just wanted to put it on a 2012 server well enough rambling about let's get let's get started with the video right now so now that we have exchanged up and running the first thing you're going to need to do to make all this other magic happen is get into the exchange administrator panel now in theory you can do this with Google Chrome but I'm gonna do it with Internet Explorer 11 just so I don't have any issues and what you want to do is you want to go to a secure website so it's HTTP colon forward slash forward slash and then I'm gonna go in through the IP address of my mail server which is 5.10 and then I'm going to use /e is an Edward C as in cat P as in Paul and what that does is it brings you up to this the side does not secure window just click on more information and go on to the web page and you'll see that brings you into the exchange admin Center and this is where we will be doing the majority of the rest of our work I'm gonna go ahead and enter my password here now I am just going to say this exchange 2016 is a pig and by pig I mean I have set aside four processors for it an 8 gig of ram and ideally I should have between 10 to 16 gig of ram in an organization but the minimum requirements are 8 gigs so that's what I'm giving exchange right now to use so I want to go ahead and take this to the order that I like to set things up and so the first thing I like to do is go to the mail flow and then I need to go to a send connector because the first thing we need to be able to do is set this thing up to be able to send mail so I'm going to click on the little plus sign here and that'll bring up another one and this is going to be from gonna choose internet for example to send internet mail it kind of tells you right here on the screen what you need to do and then on the name I'm going to be SMTP send connector and next and this is going to use a MX record associated with the recipient domain next and now we need to set up the address space so we're going to click on a little plus sign here and this is going to be an smtp and we're gonna enter an asterisk here which means it will be the send connector for all the domains on this 2016 Exchange Server I'm gonna save that click on next so on the send connector we need to associate a server click on plus choose your exchange server until it ok and then click on finish so there's our second Ector you can come over here it tells you when it was modified connector status logging whether it's offer on the Maxum send message size etc now if you need to come back up here and you can edit the parameters of it as you can see it's enabled no protocol logging level I've just accepted the defaults here delivery is an MX record scoping it's going to be for all domains that's why the little asterisk is there and this is the source server that it will respond to that will handle those and that would come back in here and put an fqdn for the response for hello or a hello I don't use those so at this point now we should just cancel here and now we've created our send connector alright so by default exchange is going to create a accepted domain for you based upon the Active Directory domain you installed in my case this is mcs topp local but my actual male domain is mcs TX net so I had to create an accepted domain for MCS TX n so basically I'm going to show you the settings on this I'm gonna go to edit and you just give it a common name this is just a display name then your actual fully qualified domain name goes in here the MC STX net and then you want to make sure this the accepted domain is authoritative that means email is delivered only two valid recipients in this exchange organization all email for unknown recipients is rejected and then what you want to do is make that your default domain and it tells you over to the right the default accepted domain is used in the external postmaster address and in encapsulated non SMTP email address you can delete the default accepted domain only after you make another accepted domain the default so we're gonna make that the default save on that and you'll see now that it is the authoritative and the default domain so if I had other domains I could add them here and I do but I'm not going to add them at this point I just want to get through this initial configuration and any advanced configuration will come and do it another part so that's how you set up your default domain so if yours was Joe Blow net or Kingdom Come comm or whatever it was that's what you would fill in that area there alright so the next thing we need to do is create an email address policy and I've already done that as you can see over here blah blah blah all the stuff is down here I'm gonna go ahead and edit this and show you what entries I made so this is the default policy it has the lowest policy in there that was sent down automatically and the email address policy is alias at MC STX dotnet so if we're to edit that you can tell it what domain and we using a custom domain MC STM's dotnet or we could have we could have just like clicked up here and we're going to use alias at contoso comm so it'll be alias at MC STX net and make this format the reply email address so I'm gonna save that you can see now that it is in uppercase letters the lowercase one here is not going to be used this one is is going to apply to all recipient types click on save ok after you save this test the detail default our details page shows not applied click apply so we can tell it ok and apply and yes and it will apply the default policy all right so now the fun part dns settings now this is not a dns tutorial this is just showing you how I set it up now my domain registrar is i use them because they're cheap and they have a very simple interface very easy to use the only complaint I have about hover is they have no way to export these settings so if you wanted to wipe these out start over from scratch I recommend you take some screenshots and save them somewhere but basically I have an a record with an @ sign in here that's my public IP public facing IP address given to me by my ISP and my internet service provider then I've created an MX record a type is MX and it's at and then the value is this is the priority 10 and the name is male MC STM's net then I created a cname or an alias for the autodiscover and that points to male MC STX dotnet then I have another a record for my mail server this one will change for example this is the IP I use for my mail server because I only host email on my public IP I don't host my website on my public IP so this IP address will be changing later to the IP address of my web hosting provider that makes sense that's why we have another a record or host record here for the mail server so it knows it's at a different IP than the default host record which is what those @ signs are hope that makes sense to you and then I created a couple more cname records or aliases one for Outlook Web Access to point to mail dot MC STX net and what I could do is create another cname in here called called UCP that way I can just type eCPM see STX dotnet and it would take me to that administration panel but this is the basic settings you're going to need for your email now if you're using dynamic DNS you're gonna need to set that up differently I don't use dynamic DNS there are a ton of tutorials out there on the internet about setting up dynamic DNS and so I would defer to one of those setup videos so you know my channel is kind of a learn as you go kind of thing I don't profess to know everything but I can learn and I'm quick on my feet anyway so this is my first time setting up exchange 2016 and you may have seen in some of the previous cuts I have a page I'm referring to for instructions but as is the case with any other product you set up from scratch and it never touched before there are always little things that everybody doesn't cover and so even though I'm following a tutorial and going through step-by-step I ran into some problems namely I couldn't I went out and changed my dns settings as you saw I've got them all right but and I could send mail but I couldn't receive mail so these are the additional steps I needed to take in order to be able to send mail out through my server and then I rented some other problems as well which we'll come to as we get things up and running as I start showing you how to get I've been running so let's look real quick at what I had to do on that exchange server the big thing I had to do and I'll show you I'm just gonna go ahead and connect to this virtual machine through this hyper-v console just to show you one of the things I had to do out at the C Drive is going to the C windows let's see here system 32 drivers Etsy directory and in there is a host file okay now you need to make sure you edit this file as an administrator so you have to open it with notepad but you have to open notepad as an administrator so I would do that first and then come to this directory I'm just gonna show you what I ended up doing so you need to put a couple of host entries in your host file this was in fact this was recommended by Microsoft I'd you know I found this in an article browsing the net so there's my IP address of this server and then there's my internal domain name or my internal name for this machine machine name and then my machine name plus MCS dot local I had to do that save it and then reboot the server in order for the for everything to work together and that's how I overcame my problem with receiving mail and I'm going to show you what I used to test that with so I came over here to Wormley comm test SMTP server and I'm going to enter my I'm going to use a different mail server mail dot MCs TX duck that's my company domain and let's just you do helpdesk MC STX doesn't and then the sender email is going to be test at tools not warmly calm so the problem I was gonna use anytime I would run this test it would fail on the received connector and so the the fix to that's to that situation was to go out and edit that host files I just showed you so this will this will give you a lot of information it gives you an idea of the name of the mail server and what version of exchange it's running but the big one you're looking for is down here that it was successful message completed successfully now before I made those two hosts entry changes it gave me an error code and then I was able to take the information from that error code look that up on the net and find a solution and amazingly it was on a Microsoft forum and it was what Microsoft recommended as a workaround with the problem but I think some of the other changes I made may have fixed this as well and you'll see what I'm talking about when we get to those changes now one of the other problems I ran into and it's a very laid back video tonight because I'm just very laid back I'm tired it's Friday night I've been working all day I'm a little tired the other problem I ran into I used to in order to use office 365 then we start at the beginning part of my partner agreement is I get a 5 user version of office 365 which means I can run an exchange server in the cloud if I wanted to so that's what I did I signed up for that had it up and running had my domain hosted there and then I copied everything I went into my Outlook and I backed everything up to a PST file for both my main user account and my helpdesk account saved them to a PST got the new server up and running everything was working fine went through Outlook Web Access which you will see here in a minute and then I said okay well now I need to set up Outlook so I'm running out what 2016 is part of office 2016 not office 365 the problem is is that I had the connector for the online office 365 so every time I Outlook would come up even though it let me create a new profile it would keep popping up that screen where at once you log into Microsoft services and I couldn't get it to go away no matter what I did I mean I've tried I tried 20 different suggestions from articles I found out there on the web then I had the forethought to say well since I backed everything up and since I don't need that Exchange Online account I would go out and log into that account delete the domain out there to lead the users and and you know terminate the account I did that and then in addition to that I came in and I uninstalled office 2016 took about five minutes it's very fast machine and then I reinstalled it that took about I rebooted after I uninstalled it then I reinstalled it and made sure that it took about 10 minutes like I said but then I reinstalled office 2016 and then I rebooted again now that in itself fixed that problem with that login that Microsoft login it didn't prompt me for that anymore I don't know which one fixed the fact that I'm not using the online office 365 or whether when I did that made that change reinstalling off if something was probably reinstalling office that took care of that problem for me isn't learning fun because the other thing I learned is that Outlook 2016 must have an auto discover location in order to set itself up in office 20 and I'm sorry in exchange 2013 and below I'm sorry in Outlook 2013 and below you had an option to connect to an exchange server this time you don't you only have an option to connect to office 365 or a couple other different connections but an Exchange ActiveSync but exchange itself is not in there anymore it depends on the auto discover address to go out to your exchange server and to find the auto discover information so it can configure itself for your mail server and that's great that's a wonderful thing I mean you know what a time-saver that is all I got to do is just log on to the user start out looking it sets it up automatically unless I can't find your are discover an address and this is where things get complicated because I'm I'm adding through a firewall so I've opened a couple of ports on a firewall to allow traffic in and out but in addition to that I'm also using that domain locally in fact I'm using MCS not local as my internal domain name so when when you run outlook and it goes out and finds it to find that autodiscover it goes out to the internet it doesn't know to go back to my server here internally and get the auto discover and setup information so it works ok outside of the network because it knows what my internet ad address is but it doesn't work internally so the way you overcome that is with something called split DNS so what you notice when I put my DNS entries in my in my tcp/ip connections I always list my Active Directory DNS server first and then Google as a secondary server and the reason I do that is because I want my machines to all go out to my local DNS server first before they go out to the internet and that's where split DNS comes in handy because I can create a pseudo MCS TX net domain within my internal MCS local domain via the DNS so I'm going to show you that how I did that right now and I ran across a great article it taught me how to do that I always knew how to do it in theory but I'd never applied it so all I did was as you see here's MCS not local and here's the name of all my machines and their IP addresses so what I had to do was created a domain called MCS TX net which is just a which just means that if I try to go out to MCS TX dotnet and do a DNS query it's gonna it's going to query these records first and then if it doesn't find what else it's looking for it's going to query the DNS records out on the internet so all I did was I created a what is called a cname an alias and I put in the name mail and the fully qualified domain name was male MC STX net because it gets it from this right here from this right here and then I browsed and pointed it to my internal email server MCS under sir - exchange 16 dot MCS not local so in effect what I've told it is is that male dot MCS TX net is actually this server here in Turley so that's that gives you an idea of how split DNS works and you can imagine that can come in very handy for example if you're doing some development testing and you want to you wanted your WWE to point to an internal server instead of one out on the net you can set up in terms this is how powerful DNS is so DNS gets hacked I mean it is the core of the internet without DNS it doesn't work so you can imagine if your DNS gets hacked all kinds of wonderful little games you can play on people I mean you could have go to a porn site on your local network and really get somebody in trouble if you do it here do it I would never do that no honestly I would but it's just a it's an example of how powerful DNS it is it it translates IP addresses into names which are much easier to deal with than numbers people memorize names or phrases a little bit better than they do than they do IP addresses and that's why it's there and we're using it to our advantage so now when outlook comes up it knows if it goes to mail dot MCS TX dot yet it knows ago that internal server for its auto-discovery information and then if I were setting up Outlook on a computer outside my local network on the internet it would know to go to the autodiscover at my DNS provider which would in turn point internally to my server here but it's just a way to get get around that limitation when you have an internal domain with a different name than your external domain then the next thing I needed to do in order to complete this puzzle was to come into my exchange admin panel or admin Center login and then come over to let's see where is it where is it whereas public folders servers yeah come over to servers and then a period of virtual directories now these are your without I don't want to get too complicated go down the rabbit hole this is basically the location of all your websites like this website right here is called the ECP website okay and normally what happens is is if I were to right-click on the one of the or I'm if I were to edit one of these normally this is the URL that's in there and that is your look MCS not local you see how its MCS dot local pay no attention to this down here but this is my MCS dot local domain and that was the only URL that was filled in now I could have gone down each one of these websites and manually entered that external URL but there's an easier way to do it so I'm going to cancel on there so these are all the websites that are supposed to be accessible like for example Outlook Web Access and OAB and ActiveSync and mappy and EWS and ECP and then the all-important autodiscover which is if you notice in here doesn't have a web site to go to because it is a web site that's a default web site and it's it's in bold well I mean it is the default web site what I did instead was if you simply come up here to this wrench icon you can configure your external access domain so what you would do is click on the plus here choose your server and then enter the domain name you will use with your external servers for example mail contoso com in my case I entered male MC STX dotnet because that's my domain so once I did that it went out here and it changed all of these to have the proper external URL so what that did in effect was tell exchange okay these are the these are the external addresses and what that did is it told autodiscover where all those locations were so that when autodiscover think of autodiscover like a DHCP request it's very similar you know in a DHCP request it sends out a MAC address and requests an address and it gets the lycée yada yada same way with auto discovered Auto discover your mail client or whatever that's set to use it comes out loops at the auto discover record and then the auto discover record tells it where the where to look on the web what IP address or DNS name or wherever to look and then it reports it back to the application and then it populates that information if you've got the correct password automatically and so in essence what that did was it created a connection to my exchange server via Outlook 2016 and I'm not going to show you that but it's you know just basically go through the Outlook set up it'll automatically detect what user you're logged in as it'll create an account oh create the PST file etc etc the OST file and you're set up being Bank move and ready to go that's why it's very important to follow those steps that I just showed you make sure you do that or it's not gonna work and you're gonna be bang bang banging your head against the wall trying to figure out what's wrong because this is from over probably ten or fifteen different articles now I've bookmarked all those articles of my web browser but I'm probably not gonna put them down in the notes because you guys need to do a little bit of work and I'm pretty much told you what you need to do so those articles if you watch this video that they don't matter if you follow my video and pause it at the right places and do what I've told you to do should be good so now the next thing I want to do is I want to go create a I'm going to go create a new male user and show you the process of doing that and you can do all that now through the exchange admin Center it used to be on exchange 2010 2013 it was a little more convoluted to do this process but I'm just going to log in as the administrator and that's one detail I left out you may want to make sure that you always log in as the domain administrator Enterprise administrator so that you have the proper rights so the first thing it brings me up to is my recipients page and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to add a new user mailbox and I'm gonna call this let's see let's just call it monkey Joe's plate house this is not going to be an existing user it's gonna be a new user now you remember when we set up Active Directory in the first video we tied Active Directory with exchange so that now we have the ability not only to create an exchange user but also an Active Directory user at the same time so I'll just Center hunky Joe I'm just gonna enter some initials and just in your Playhouse this really doesn't matter what you put in here this will be the the name of the account and the display name and then this is the all-important one so I'm just going to do UNK II Joe's Playhouse as the login name and that's going to be at MCS local okay and I'm going to give it a password and I'm not going to require a password change at the next logon and then I'm gonna click on save okay so you notice now it is created this new user right here it's a user it's also created the email address funky Jose play house at MC STX net so now what we want to do is see if that actually works and we can send and receive email on that account so let's let's try that next now one thing I didn't show you about split D in asses and one thing I didn't discuss so let me want to make sure I explain this clearly I've got split D and F setup and I created that MC STX net internal domain name so I do that mainly for my internal clients so that they know how to get get to things okay but it's an all-or-nothing deal with split leonesse because I've made that server the authoritative domain name server that anytime I want to go out to MC STX net I have to have entries in that DNS server that tell me how to get to those places and I don't like having to type in the IP address and all that crap and for Outlook Web Access because that's what we're gonna use to test the email so one additional thing you may need to do on your split DNS that's coming to DNS and I'll show you what I'm talking about so there's that MC STX net so anytime you type anything in an internet browser or whatever it's gonna go to this name server for for its resolution and you notice now I have an own W a in there so what I can do is type in OWA MC STX net and it should take me to the Outlook Web Access interface I only have to do this internally well I've also set this OWA on my dns settings so that if I'm outside of my MCS TX dot local domain it'll know how to get to the internal one now the problems gonna come in later when I go to create my web hosting I'm gonna need to make sure that I create proper a records and cname records that will point to that new IP that I'm going to be getting from my web student providers so what I did here and let me bring up the screen and show you is I simply created in a cname aliens called OWA that points to my internal server so that when I go out and use a web browser I can get to Outlook Web Access internally so now what I need to do is come up here and type in HTTP colon forward slash forward slash OWA dot MC STX dotnet and that should take me to my Outlook Web Access now I need to change my login name here so it needs to be domain back slash user name so you nky joe's playhouse and then my chosen password and then click on sign it and the first time I sign-in it's gonna take a minute we need to tell her what time zone we're in we do Central Time and now my Outlook Web Access is up and running now we'll do a separate video on how to configure OWA Outlook Web Access because frankly most people will be using this to connect up to exchange you can use Outlook 2016 if you want to but most people prefer the web interface so I'm just going to create a new email here and I'm going to send it to Uncle Joe's play house at and this is going to be a test and then we'll click on send and it should temporarily be in the drafts folder and then it'll disappear and it'll end up being in the sent items folder so now if I go to to my gmail account I should see that email in here right there yes it is okay so Uncle Joe's Playhouse at MC STX dotnet if I click on reply tell myself I got it and then we come back to Uncle Joe's Playhouse you'll notice right here we got the email so there you go the email is up and running it has been tested and it is working and don't forget we got part 3 coming up here real soon where we start getting into configuring the mail clients like Outlook Web Access and Outlook 2016 we're gonna walk through how to do that and then we're going to go in and we're going to start tweaking our nails to written showing you some of the other settings do and how they affect the mail server so don't forget to be looking for that video as well so there you go we've got it set up we got mail flowing etc etc etc so that's gonna that's gonna do it for this portion of the video and as promised I want to be able to edit this and get it up today but you know we're exchange 2016 is an advanced topic it's an advanced piece of software and it's a good piece of software but you've got to have some prerequisite learning before you can figure out how to set it up even with my vast experience in all the years an IT I still have to be shown how to do it and you have to dig and be able to do research and so forth and so on now they're all are there are alternatives out there to exchange as a mail server there's free Linux servers etc in fact cario makes a excellent or used to make an excellent exchange like email server but you know Microsoft just seems to do exchange very well and it's it's not an expensive product you know when you when you think most hosted exchange servers on the cloud or six dollars per user per month and you've got 30 users that's a hundred and eighty dollars a month or a little you know a little over 2000 dollars a year for email when you can buy a five years version of exchange for five or six hundred bucks and then the user licenses are you know 20 or 30 dollars a piece and you have them in perpetuity I mean I still have clients I know that are running exchange 2003 so it's gonna be around a long time so if you really want a really solid mail server and you don't want to host your stuff in the cloud this is the way to go just just in my opinion so we hope you found the video entertaining and informative as always give us a thumbs up down below smash that like button if you liked it please subscribe if you're not already a subscriber we'd like to see you again don't forget to hit the little bells so you're notified when we have new videos or live streams and if you are so inclined to donate to the cause we take patreon up patreon we take paypal and patreon in fact we have stopped taking donations for the hard drives got all our drivers we need now but we are gonna be putting up mini-split heat pump and air conditioner in my office to help alleviate some of that noise for that window air conditioner and it got a little chilly in here this winter so I want to make sure I have a heat pump in here instead of this space heater to keep this room warm and cut down on the noise so if the cost is about 600 bucks so if you want to contribute to the cause that's where the money that your that your obscenity is going to go to and we're gonna help defray the cost of that that heat pump unit we're gonna put in here so donations are greatly appreciated but don't feel compelled and if you can only give 50 cents a quarter a dollar whatever anything is helpful so thanks again for watching and don't forget we'll see you on the other side you [Music]
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 4,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exchange, exchange server, exchange 2016, exchange server 2016, split dns, hover, dns settings, outlook web access, owa, outlook 2016, e-mail, e-mail server, email, email server
Id: w3xR5C8Pk0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 3sec (2343 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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