Oct 16th Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] greetings people of the internet hunky joe here on kitchen's playhouse hope everybody is doing well today and if i get a 5x5 out of the chat uh i apologize we're still learning how to use uh well me i'm still learning how to use stream elements and get all this set up so pardon me if i don't know why it's creating two different streams but this is the one you want to be in let me uh jiggle some stuff around here and uh we'll get started and uh good five by five i see all the usual people in the chat so we'll get to you here shortly also we've got a new microphone set we're going to talk about this today as well hopefully the voice quality is a little bit better let me know if i'm clipping and i can bring the uh level down um but i got to finally get the microphone off the desk i'm so happy and i've got it on a little i got a little mic arm here so i can look like a pro even though i'm just a normal everyday idiot like the rest of us okay so let's get started with the weather report so let me show you what it's like here in um sunny south texas and let's hit our transition button on our stream deck there we go so currently it's 65 hazy actually it's not hazy at all it is a beautiful wonderful beautiful day outside and you can see what the rest of the week is going to bring this is the time of the year i really like the weather this in the spring it's not too hot it's not too chilly at night you can get outside and do things and it's just kind of lovely uh lovely weather hang on a second i'll just show you i'll show you what it looks like outside and hit that button there and there you go so there's the pool see we got bright sunny skies let's talk about the pool the pool is officially shut down and as you can see it's a little full right now as i zoom in on it you can see it's a little full uh unfortunately the electricity going to my pump when i put that outlet in it uh got a little water in there or from our last rain and um i can't get the pump to come on because the gfci outlet is wet so i've had to take that all apart and let it dry in the warm sunshine and hopefully that will uh give us give us a little bit better use of that the spouse has been busy out decorating the front yard all of these are halloween decorations as you can see my spouse really gets into the spirit of halloween so i just thought i'd share that with you as well let's come back over here to me boom so there we go there's the weather there's the pool status uh we're gonna be getting a cover for the pool hopefully to keep some of the leaves out of it this year so i won't have such a big cleanup program problem next year and so let's go out and say hello to everybody in the chat so we got david grishko william wilkinson andy is here uh from mind stone hosting brian frober uh let's see let's see edward krueger practical i.t with jeremy good to see you here uh stephen moore hello from atlantic canada wow greetings to you sir um yeah apologies stephen for that other stream uh stephen says it's wet there today david grishko gives us a five by five stephen more loud and clear let's see uh see uh david grimsky writes it's better to use the youtube event scheduler plus stream key rather than use stream elements to create the event if that's even a thing yeah i'm learning that slowly but surely but there is a problem with if you try to create the stream ahead of time and then try to use stream elements to connect to it because stream elements wants to control everything it wants to be in control of absolutely everything um so i don't know if it's a bug in stream elements but uh this is how we this is what we had to do to get it to work so uh you gotta go with what you know right uh let's see here so brian frebber writes it sounds fine there uh let's see william wilkinson writes no word on the job yet i mailed called and text the man about the job that's unfortunate eric alexie welcome to the live stream in the chat you appear to be new here good to see you um i don't know where our moderator is today uh i haven't seen bob i saw him earlier uh on uh willie's live stream but i haven't seen him here today so uh if he shows up fine but if not um and we need a moderator all i'll take uh volunteers so let's see uh john's touchpad hello to you frederick uh linder greetings from germany greetings uh to you sir uh oh i'm like captain radar good to see you man oh you're live uh john is working hard here okay well good we've said hello to everybody so uh let's go down so just to let you know what i've decided to do you know i have all this wonderful equipment here i have uh a couple of dell well i have a couple of dell r710s i have a a 620 r620 an r720 and um i've decided to go ahead and put vmware back on my dell 710s and the reason i did that is because i want to play around and create just like i'm doing with my windows lab series where i create um an entire network from scratch using windows servers and hyper-v i want to do the same thing with vmware because vmware gives me some features a few that hyper-v doesn't and it seems to work well at least 6.7 works well with the dell r710s it just seems like a good match for them so what i've done is i've started and i'm documenting all this so i can share uh the video with you showing you how to install vmware um these versions are the version 6.7 is still supported on the dell r710 in fact the image i'm using comes from dell to install this so i've already filmed a couple of videos and got them i just need to edit them put them together and post them up there that are going to cover my uh foray back into vmware because i know a lot of you out there uh use vmware uh in your labs and uh so i want i just wanted to be part of that and and be able to do my own lab and vmware so it's a good mix and hopefully you'll find those uh videos to your liking so um let's see here i'm also going to be putting vcenter on there as well in fact uh as a matter of fact i have uh in the dell back in the day when i got the dell the first lr710 it had some high powered uh xeon processors in there the x series uh 5670s i believe and i didn't want the server the the goal of the whole thing was that server was going to be my one server to rule them all kind of thing and so i pulled those x5670s out there and put in l series i think i ended up going with the 5640 so they would consume less power because it wasn't really about the raw power that i needed it was about you know being able to run multiple virtual machines on there under hyper-v well i've since changed my mind and i have i ordered a couple of new while new used x-5670 cpus and they came in the other day i get paid 20 for two of them including shipping and i got them from a local company here in texas on ebay those processors are in so i'll do a video about upgrading the processors on that dell r710 and so that will mean both of those dell r710s will have the x 5670 series of processors so we can really kind of put those uh servers to work hopefully running lots and lots of stuff on them um so anyway yeah going back to vmware i really like vmware uh i could have done proxmox i could have done xcp but i've done those before uh and i really want to get my skills set up on on vmware and learn about their virtual switching and uh how to set up iscsi shares so i'll i'll be showing you all that i'll be showing you how to set it up with synology with an nfs share and hopefully you guys will find some value in that when we do that um real quick i'm going to switch over here and i'm going to show you what i got the other day well i got it back in i got it on the six so i got it 10 days ago and here it is take a look see this is the elgato wave xlr now initially i bought a external mixer that had a usb interface in it but to be honest with you it was not a good fit for me so i decided uh from the advice of captain radar who's been kind of helping me with the stream stream labs and are with the stream elements and getting obs set up and and kind of improving my live streaming and my my audio and video video will be next but uh for right now i wanted to focus on audio my big deal was to get the microphone off the desk the blue yeti now the blue yeti is going to go on the unit behind me that we will be talking about here shortly i've got some plans for that unit so i'm using an an xlr condenser mic here i'll raise it up here so you can see it there you go this microphone is one i inherited from a client that gave it to me and then i paired that with oh sorry you couldn't see it let me transition back over there there there's the microphone i'm using and a little stand and um there we go so this is what i purchased off of the amazons it's a little pricey you know it's a little more than i would have paid for the mixer but uh it gives me i don't use a lot of external analog devices that need to be mixed up the only really analog device i use is this microphone so all of my needs are digital so the main reason i got this elgato wave xlr is because of the software that comes with it of course it's got it's got a microphone dial you can adjust the gain you just press the center button and the little lights down here let's see the little lights right here will change depending on what so what mode you're selected on and then you can adjust the gain it's got a headphone jack let me move that mouse got a headphone jack on the back a usb type-c connector and an xlr input and it also provides phantom power because this microphone i'm using requires phantom power um but the big deal for this is the software that comes with it which is the uh wavelength uh craters mixer and uh so i've got a bit of a learning curve on this but it'll allow me to to do a little more creative live streaming and have some effects and whatnot so um this is one of those purchases you know my pain threshold or my threshold for spending money is anything under 100 bucks is fine but once i go over a hundred dollars i really really have to justify spending that kind of money and i was really concerned about spending that kind of money on something like this but i'm glad i did because i freaking love it i mean it's simple it sits here on my desk it's out of the way it was fairly simple to to configure and get it to working i don't have that big bolty bulky mixer that i would have and i can do everything i need to do through the computer interface so if you're ever thinking of upping your audio game i know i'm only 10 days into it but i would highly recommend that you consider something like the wavelength they also sell one that has a microphone built into it it's called the elgato wave three let me show you what that looks like and now they're not paying me they're not a sponsor nothing like that i could have gone with something like this this will get you the the microphone as well but this microphone was not that highly rated um so i decided i just and i know it's a little bit less so you think it would have been attractive to me uh but i went ahead and went with the wave xlr and i'm i'm actually quite happy with that uh with that decision i made so all right so let's come back to the chat boy oh boy the chat has jumped okay now i'm just so you know i want to show y'all real quick what i'm getting here on my screen so if anybody knows anything about this error that i'm seeing uh let me know uh and if everybody can hit that like we got 20 concurrent viewers let's uh hit the like button if you don't mind if you've forgotten but if anybody knows what that error message how i can get around that let me know i don't want to mess with the stream right now so so let's come back here oh i probably shouldn't do that uh john writes any suggestions on what to do with my old synology ds1512 plus well that was made in 2015 or 2012. i forget how they do their their numbering let me let's go look it up ds1512 okay so that is a uh five bay disk station and it has a boy they don't want us to read this do they lucky here let me try to zoom in oh it's because it's a pdf let me find a little bit better okay so that is a i'm looking for the cpu specs so is this a 2012 model that supports up to 15 drives yeah that's how their number works so the 15 is the number of drives that'll support with expanders and whatnot and the 12 is the year it was made uh is my understanding so um i'm trying to see what the specifications are let's look here the only problem is that's a pdf and let's zoom in on the pdf oh let's see cpu is a dual core i would get rid of it that's what i would do i would buy a new synology uh multi-core unit um like the 1621 or 1621 plus uh that one is quite outdated so let's see uh the chat has jumped there we go let me find my place here yeah others may have the same opinion or a different opinion but i would think it's time to upgrade that synology and you know you could probably put it out on ebay and get a decent price for that old one uh john's touchpad writes you could uh you could use that as a backup for another nas that would be a great idea uh brian trevor writes i have old netgears i'd like to switch to synology practicality writes i used esxi for a class i taught years ago i'm a proxmox ve guy now since it's built on debian it will even run on a consumer machine i've even set up optiplex machines for a pve cluster cool i i i use proxmox i've used it uh before i'm not a big fan of the interface but uh i'm also not a big fan of vmware's fluff that they add to their to their system so you know take that for what it's worth let's see set keyframes to two in obs inferred not to be dynamic okay i will look at that uh after the live stream tvj has joined his greetings sir uh john writes why the wave xlr versus another usb interface like the focusrite offers uh because i wanted to go i have a stream deck and i wanted to go with and i was very happy with that and so i wanted to go with another elgato product because i know they work well and i really like the uh the audio mixer that comes with it that's to be honest it's the main reason i bought it so thank you captain radar he says we will look at it we'll figure it out oh thank you david you should absolutely do this if you don't and the key frames go crazy in obs your stream will get corrupted all right well we'll captain radar and i will put that on our to-do list and get that taken care of uh let's see uh just screwing around rights uh you only need one of those circular pop filters for the mic is a clip due to breath earlier other than it sounds great well thank you and they have clip guard on this as well uh if i turn it on i haven't turned it on yet yeah john rides that ds that ds will not run dsm-7 cajoling tech has joined us i am doing fine sir uh everything's faster than a readiness brian frapper i'm just kidding uh you could put it to work john i think it's still you like you could you could use it as a slave machine and just send all of your synology backups to it you know that's that's another that's another option i would personally throw it on ebay and if you get a good price even if you don't get a good price you've had you know this is 2021 soon to be 2022 so you've had nearly 10 years of use out of it i would say you got your money's worth my friend oh let's see so david grishker writes your chat on the video feed is from the other stream really um wow yeah we're really gonna have to fix that i apologize we'll get this figured out eventually i'm not real pleased with stream elements so far it's seems a little convoluted but i i notice that on here that that you notice the chat is not appearing so but we'll we'll get with my technician we'll get that figured out so apologies but i'm reading i'm reading the comments as we go along so um my windows lab okay so my windows lab is running hyper-v and it's on the uh the dell 620 and the dell 720 and in fact on the dell 720 i've loaded if you've been following along with the videos i loaded windows server 2022 i've had zero trouble with it so if ooh hit the microphone had zero trouble with it so far and i hope that will continue i have been doing the updates on it but that's working great um right now i'm experimenting with some different firewalls and running them under hyper-v so that i can play around with them and do some do some comparison videos on them so i'll have some videos coming out on that uh i have my first synology video in a while almost ready to go and it's we're going to be talking about synology drive and how i'm replacing my goal is to replace my office 365 subscription with synology's built-in software so that people that run a home office or a small to medium business can get an idea of the power of the synology software that's built onto these nas units um so uh that video is ready i've done all the b-roll footage and i just need to film the intros and the outros and edit it all together and i hopefully will have that out uh first of next week uh you know barring any client emergencies and that kind of thing um and then we're going to be doing the next video after that synology video will be on um replacing uh office 365 including email so i've had a lot of requests for people to tell ask me how to set up an email server on synology and how difficult is it and it's frankly very simple once you have a few basic steps once you know a few basic steps so i'll be doing that as well let's see let's go back to the chat yeah john's touchpad writes to john the synology likely uses less power than your readiness i would i would probably tend to agree with that there's a way to find out plug it into a a watt meter um stephen moore i am i am writes i am running omv with extended for x ext4 formatted disc no you're going to have to format them and you want to because you either want to put them in synology hybrid raid which is what i would recommend that just allows you a lot more flexibility and i i don't know of anybody that's lost data on synology hybrid raid it's not a backup just keep that in mind but i would back up all your data put it into the synology reformat it with an shr and butter fs file system and start from scratch in a clean install diy in the ghetto has joined us good to see you i hope you're i hope you're doing better sir i won't go into detail here but diy in the ghetto has had some rough times lately so i hope hopefully things are looking better for you sir yeah joe joe cajoling writes oh man don't don't remind me in another year has passed almost 20 22. uh uncle mike's retro and gaming good to see you sir i am thoroughly enjoying your uh pentium video where you're building that unit from scratch and you know how i feel about shorts because i don't watch them no offense i watch your long videos i i like those and uh i love watching people put that old equipment back to work it's just it's so nostalgic for me it just uh makes me warm and fuzzy inside feed me donuts is here greetings to you sir ah let's see oh let's see here so edward krueger writes my old western digital my cloud nas has been running for eight years strong now got an email yesterday that western digital are discontinuing support in march 2022 looking to get a synology ds-220 let's go look at a ds-220 together and let's see if we can help you make an informed decision because i think what you're going to find on that ds220 let's see it's got a 2 core 2 gigahertz it's got two one gig uh lan ports it only supports two hard drives so i don't think you're going to you're not going to be able to run virtualization on here if you want to virtualize any machines um let's see yeah so if all you're wanting the unit for is for file storage and and to get an entry level feel for synology nas you should be fine it'll support synology hybrid raid which you're probably not going to need because you're either going to run it in raid 0 or raid 1. um let me uh let you all see the specs i'm looking at what i'm looking for is for uh virtualization i don't think you can do it on these lower end units i'm i always recommend that people if you're doing a for if this is your first synology nas i recommend people look at the ds920 or the 920 plus and the reason i say that is because you get a four core two gigahertz cpu you've got four bays you can you can expand it up to nine drives uh you get a beef here celeron 64-bit um you can upgrade the ram to eight gig actually you can do it a little bit higher if you know what you're doing um and you can run virtual machines on here if you need to um let's see it only consumes about 32 watts at full bore yeah so uh the yeah the the 220 is fine uh if you know for entry level but i don't know that i'd want to run it you know i don't know that you'd get the full experience of what synology has to offer so that's just my opinion of course so let's see uh me go back here marquez has joined us marquez it's good to see you hey marquez you know i know you liked uh you used to enjoy that chat in the evening over there uh at cajoling tech that uh but you can join us over on our discord server and my apologies are i don't know what happened to our mod today um but he would be posting all the links but our discord link is in the about section under the youtube page marquez if you want to go over and join our discord server we uh we have quite the the lively conversations over there we have a really good time yeah john's touchpad writes john on ebay the ds 1511 plus are running about 300 plus with no drives yeah sell it sell it and buy a newer one phillip saunders greetings to you sir good to see you here yoka lover has joined us i got a shout out to you i love her yokai lover um let's let's talk about that and then we'll come back to the chat so my bench machine here behind me right there is running windows 11 that was that was a clean install of windows 11 i did a video on it and basically that unit is relegated to running handbrake and i'm taking all my blu-ray rips and putting them through handbrake and converting them to h.265. i'm not bothering with the dvd videos but yokai lover this is why discord is so helpful yokai lover posted some uh specs uh over on uh over on the discord chat uh with uh a way to uh configuration file for a handbrake if i could spit it out i have yet to try it but i am going to try it and see what kind of uh see what kind of performance we get out of there uh if it does a better job the problem i was having was my dvd when i rip them i use a program called make mkv which does all it does is rips it in its native format and puts it in an mkv container so dvds are compressed at mpeg-2 and blu-rays are using h.264 some of them use the abc codec some use a different one there's a couple of different codecs out there the problem i was experiencing is when when i would try to convert dvds to h.265 i'd get a 1.6 gigabyte dvd that would be converted into a 5 gigabyte h.265 so uh yokai lover sent me over some links in the discord to try different settings and i want so i just wanted to thank him for that uh and let him know i am going to give them a try so let's see diy on the ghetto rights what about running an email server from windows server itself or just normal windows 10 how hard is that i have no idea first of all you'd have to find software an email server the one built into the synology nas is easy peasy and just works great so uh joe at cajoling tech writes mission willie's stream this morning yeah that good old youtube it i saw the announcement i saw that he scheduled the stream but it said it was at 1 30 p.m so i was like oh okay he was busy in the morning and he had to do his stream later in the day and then i saw i saw that i missed the stream he actually did i think about 9 30 my time so i watched it but i couldn't watch the end of it it was the video was breaking up and the audio was was horrible so i didn't get to see all of it but i tried uh yeah i agree with that feed me down it says never run email server from windows docker container is easier and more secure at least a linux distro well i wouldn't say it's more secure yeah you know security is in uh securities and how you set it up um the mail server and most of them are are pretty locked down uh my i wouldn't you you have to run exchange from from windows server but i wouldn't run exchange it's way too complicated but like i say if you have a synology nas talk look into their mail plus server just it set it and forget it well prayers to you diy in the ghetto i'm good it's my wife it's hurting i'm sad uh i'm sad because for her but she's hanging in there well you'll be in our prayers man that's for sure uh and john raises a good point diy it's not really a pain in the ass um you know mail servers are not that complicated complicated they've been around forever but he raises a good point that most isps will block that mail port for email servers there are ways around that though i have a public ip my my isp doesn't block anything uh now if i started spamming yeah i'm sure they would but right now they don't let's see uh chat jumped okay i'm gonna go back over to my subject and we'll come back to the chat [Music] um captain radar who's uh one of the admins on our discord and he's a guy who helps me make all this stuff look beautiful um although not today captain radar i'm not blaming him uh he's a big mac fan and i'm you know i have a i have a mac mini here i'm just not going to invest in the new max until these new cpus have been out a while but i want to run big sur on the mac mini i have and i unfortunately have one of those video cards in there that even if you use the uh software to convert it over uh for an unsupported mac you know to run a big sur on it it doesn't work because the video card i have but he pointed me to a link to uh use a uh cloak to use i don't know whether it was clover or the newer blue bootloader on there that would uh fix that problem so that's on my list of things to do and i want to do a video on it because i know a lot of you are running uh os 10 and you know frankly i would run os 10 i would run uh macintosh's but or hackintosh's but um yeah they're just too they're just too pricey for me um and windows works well for my needs as you know i've been through the i've been through the linux thing and i've been through the mac os thing but windows you know even with all of it's telling to telemetry and reporting back home i mean it's it's stable and rock solid for me and it's frankly what my clients use but i am gonna make a video on how to how to uh do that because i know a lot of people have older mac mini user imacs and they may not know of this procedure i frankly didn't know about until captain radar brought it to my attention um so yeah we'll do a video on that for those of you that are interested reading the chat here feed me donuts 420 plus is kind of the minimum for synology yeah the plus is what you want to get the plus means you can run i believe it one it means it's a 64-bit cpu oil let me rephrase it i believe it means that you can run virtualization and some of the other advanced features like surveillance station on the synology if you're so inclined oh [Music] diy on the ghetto rides feed me donuts i've never run ran anything with docker or containers before i've never had to use one for uh one or even know how to run one um and that's the beauty of this synology they've got docker built into it and it works really well uh the new truenavs the trunas scale is that what it is i played around with it a bit ran it on one of my servers and again i'll wait for the release candidate to come out so i had some issues running it i'd i told you what those were in my last live stream but um it looks promising now that they've gone over to a linux base uh for their os uh and if they get everything working like they say well it'll be a good it'll be a good contender to synology um you know the big thing that truenaz offers that synology doesn't is zfs uh file system but you know proxmox offers that as well with their uh with their install you can set up a zfs array under proxmox fairly easily but anyway yeah i i love docker containers and unread does docker containers really well as well so so brian forever writes i've been dealing with id fraud oh i'm sorry to hear that man let's see thank you john's touchpad he wrote in there about the power meter model p 4460. john centes uh yeah john sent us a whole bunch of uh you know adapter cords and power meters uh years ago when i first started my channel and uh i i use them i have two of them over on my bench i have one in my server room so thanks again john for that i use those all the time you're welcome edward you know and my advice is just my advice just my personal opinion uh let's see chat jumped let's see marquez williams trying to be seen we'll check that out yep do if you have any trouble marquez just let me know i'll make sure we get you we get you on there let's talk about my my discord chat my discord is open to everybody uh till the end of the year and then we're going to be limiting it to patreon paypal subscribers and to youtube uh members so if you want to get into discord and see if it's something you might find useful you know we've got a lot of we got a lot of sub discords well i don't know what even what they call them you know i'm from the old school where we had uh forum software so that's how i refer to everything uh but we got a lot of different channels in there thanks to jamie who's been really keeping up with that really well jamie's over in the uk oh there's bob carpenter yay good to see you bob now i feel you complete me bob we're going to talk about bob here in a minute as well so i gotta i've got i want to talk to bob about something so um but anyway um the uh what was i talking about oh yeah so discord so it's gonna be wide open to everybody until the end of the year and then we're gonna for the for the new year we're gonna lock it down to patreon to supporters only because it does take a lot of effort to run this thing but in there we will have the ability marquez to we have voice chats in fact i get in there with a couple of the guys in voice chat every day and it's just a fun way to kick ideas around and so forth so and by the end of the stream today i'll i'll let you know that we're going to have a little we're going to have a little fun this weekend and you're welcome to join us and come come watch us because i've got captain radar is trying to convince me to get onto twitch so we're gonna do some stuff on there uh let's see uh david no they did not fix the amd 15 performance hit on windows 11. um in fact i covered that on my video that i released about upgrading to windows 11 from windows 10 on that machine and man oh man i had people coming out in the comments section just seemed really upset that i had upgraded that machine to windows 11. i don't know why um i i actually think it's faster than windows 10 just from my and i did it it's funny i did that video while i was on discord in the in the voice chat with a couple of the guys so they got to see how behind the scenes how the sausage was made so that's another benefit of being on discord uh if you go in there and check it periodically occasionally i'll just do uh hey why don't we build something together today and then i'll film it while i'm doing it and make a video out of it later but it's a good way to see uh what's what i've got planned moving forward so um but i knew this going into it so i've got windows 11 on that bench unit which is just a clean install but i wanted to know what the experience was going to be like to to upgrade from windows 10 to windows 11 on a machine with a lot of software on it especially software that i you know i rip my dvds with and and sort their file names so and then i want to see how synology is going to perform their software on windows 11 and this this machine behind me is going to be my uh game server as well it's a ryzen 5 2600 with an rx 580 video card in it so it should be fine for gaming and then we'll see if they've actually fixed the the problems i'm no gamer by any stretch of the imagination uh and if you join us this sunday on twitch i'll make an announcement we're gonna we're gonna do uh a gaming live stream probably tomorrow around 1pm central time somewhere right around there and we're going to do it on captain radar's twitch channel so if we decide to do that i'll put notifications out on social media i'll put it on my facebook page i'll put it on twitter and i will make an announcement here on youtube as well and on discord so check all of those places and that way you'll be kept informed pardon me you'll be kept informed as to what's going on it ought to be fun to watch we so i haven't even decided what game we're going to play yet uh but we'll get there now one of the things brian says is amd sent microsoft a patch amd also has a new updated chipset driver for windows 11 and that was one of the first things i did after i got windows 11 installed was when and installed that new amd chipset driver i did not install the new amd video drivers yet i'm going to wait on those because they're not the optimal drivers so i'm just going to wait on that uh john's touchpad writes at hunky joe have you tested windows 11 pro if it can do link aggregation no i have not john because uh i only have i have a 10 gig network card in my windows 11 unit over here um so yeah link aggregation is kind of wasted on that it's a melanox connect x2 with a fiber link coming over to my 10 gig switch so no i haven't and i don't know that i will uh cajoling tech bob i'm sorry i just i should have told you man we're having some issues with this uh stream element software um and it it's i have to create my live streams within it so it didn't announce it i thought i'd put a notification down in the community notices that i'd be doing a live stream every saturday at 11 a.m unless something else changes so that'll be the that'll be what we're doing moving forward is we'll always unless i announce something different we will have a live stream every saturday at 11 but it's good to see you here my friend uh feed me donuts uh okay i guess is that not for me what happened to spouse i think that's for i think that's for uh diy in the ghetto but you're here now bob and that's what matters let me see here uh john's touchpad right synology mail server the user limit is five and then you have to buy licenses for for any number over five drink yes drink oh cool diy and the getter rights i'm back i have a public static ip you know i had public static ips with at t and i still on a business account still had to call them and tell them to quit blocking port 25 and there's a litany of questions they have for you are you going to be doing this are you going to be sending out more than x number of emails a day no we're not you know we just need it because we have some we have some old antiquated equipment that uses port 25 so bob carpenter writes at john's touchpad i'm waiting for my helm on back order due to supply issues so is helm a piece of software let's find out bob is such a wealth of information so it looks like helm is a kubernetes package manager bob you'll have to fill me in i don't want to i don't want to talk out of turn um tell us what helm is uh let's see here captain radar open core yes open court thank you captain radar mac is attorney word the worst computer in an enterprise environment i'll agree with that marquez they're not they're not uh my clients that used to use them for video editing and photo editing they don't use them anymore they're using pcs i think it's also a generational thing you get a generation that they they like the mac ecosphere and then that generation goes away and another one comes up and they're more pc you know it fluctuates practical it writes i got a mac mini m1 in august has been great edition had a client get a new imac earlier in the year and needed an m1 machine to better support them yeah i toyed with that but then i ran into the monitor issue you know it didn't there was a clutchy thing they did i didn't they didn't plan on people use them ultima multiple monitors so that's why i waited i think captain radar has an m1 no maybe i'm wrong i don't know if he has an m1 mac as well or not he'll chime in here okay so let's go back to where we are so i've told you about we're going to do a twitch live stream on sunday and captain radar is trying to convince me to do a a weekly maybe even three times a week on twitch folks i've got to see if i have the time or the inclination to do such a thing i don't know if i could find subjects for three shows a week on twitch but we'll see we'll see how it goes i'm considering it okay jamie for those who don't know jamie is our administrator over on our discord server check it out he's made some he's making changes making it better all the time he also administrates uh morton's discord server so if you don't know who morton is look up um my playhouse on youtube and go over and check out morton he was the inspiration for this channel uh he has a discord server as well and i encourage all of you that are that are patreon supporters uh or that aren't to be a patreon supporter um it helps us keep our channels up and running and and do things and uh you so you can find morton over there i like i'm a member of his discord channel i enjoy being over there i'm also a member of victor bart's discord channel check that out as well um but anyway jamie we couldn't do this without you jamie and uh jamie and i spent some time in the chat the other day showing me how he does his java behind the scenes and i learned more about him showing me java in the 10 or 15 minutes that i've probably known about java in 50 years i've been on this earth well 50 plus years i've been on this earth and you know these younger guys they never cease to amaze me and cap mandy's the same way he knows he really knows his stuff and i'm so thankful these guys are helping me out uh getting me up into this all this modern technology and because uh i'm really enjoying it so kudos out to jamie i don't know that he's here he may be actually sleeping i don't know uh i know he is getting ready for a trip but uh thanks again jamie i couldn't we couldn't have done it without you let's go back to the chat so feed me donuts right stalker seems to be falling out of favor in recent months due to their starting to charge money for larger usages still free for smaller devs home users kubernetes is the vm de rigor it would seem yeah and you know i've i've you know it's whatever works for you right and there's nothing wrong with learning kubernetes i barely understand how docker containers work so uh let's see diy in the ghetto unki joe for people who don't own a synology because of cost is what most people cannot afford one might like myself what would be the next best thing windows server 2019. let you know hear me out on a good server a powerful server um with uh drive vendor software uh i think that would be a great alternative and the reason i recommend windows is because there's so much software out there that runs under windows you can run docker under windows you can do all kinds of things things under what is it it could even be a windows 10 machine there are ways to turn off the automatic updates to keep it from rebooting so i i'm a firm believer in roll my own unraid is good really good i don't like the way they do their raid but they have modified that now so you can actually do dry pools similar to how dry bender works and dry pooling software in general i always recommend people roll their own at first uh true nasp yeah that's fine if you want to go with zfs but keep in mind it requires a lot of ram just to run the file system now they claim you know that you're better protected with your data but even if you're running drive bender is the key is backups folks don't trust your your data to any a raid array it's not a backup system it's just you know prevents it can help prevent a catastrophic failure um but i would and the other thing i would recommend is save up your money and get get an entry level you're not going to get a good synology nas for under 600 dollars just the way it is but keep in mind you're not the hardware on the synologies is typically underpowered it's been one of my complaints about them but man the software they put on there is you can't find that software at that price anywhere hell just their backup application is worth the six hundred dollar fee that you pay for synology now so um no they don't sponsor any videos i've ever made nor have they offered in fact they had me strike they have had some video strikes on me uh on youtube but i don't care they they make a good product and that's why i stand behind it the one you want to avoid is qnap oh my god what a flaming hot piece of poo poo that is uh let's see so hopefully i answered that do yeah why in the ghetto john's touchpad need more coffee this is my third cup since 8 o'clock this morning brian forever writes i'm backing updated to set up true nascar on my tiny super micro server here good way to do it raymond van alphen hello from holland greetings to you my friend there you go diy together run true now's on an old pc i try unraid too unraid really is yeah and when he when you say true navs i would run trunas core the linux i think that's a linux based one correct me if i'm wrong let's see brian ferber writes i have a four-bay mini tower server that will have four six terabyte drives and an ssd cache well you know the one behind me on the bench here it's running windows 11. it has a four bay let me see if i can bring it up here um i don't know how good this picture is going to be bear with me there we go so this unit right here is my is my bench unit running windows 11 and it has four three and a half inch drive bays in the front now right now they're out of the machine because i want to be able to run drive bender and drive bender has a problem running under windows 11 they're going to have it fixed i've spoken with the folks at drive bender they're great people to deal with and they're going to have it fixed hopefully by the 22nd and then they'll have a new version out or a beta version out for windows 11 specifically and windows server 22 that will work so um yeah so that's an idea too so i'm just waiting on them to come out with the new version or the patch for the current version of drivebender and hopefully that will uh resolve the issues with with uh with windows 11 but uh yeah i love drivebender and drivebender allows you to basically pool your drives and then mirror folders instead of entire drives that are important to you and it does crc redundancy validity checks all kinds of neat stuff it's got a folder wall in there that can help prevent you from malware changing any files on your system bing bang boom yes please hit the like button thank you yokai lover uh diy to get it right thank you john restarting my old bbs server i hope after the holidays that would be cool i love bbs's i grew up on them started i had my own too marquez williams no twitch all right marquez start to show your age there my friend yeah thank you i forgot to advertise your services cap radar uh so if anyone needs help with obs streaming get a hold of him over on discord and uh you won't regret it regret it you won't regret it i hope oh let's see dj aware says don't think i would twitch right now to security dumpster fire yeah not worried about it everything's a security dumpster fire we're at the mercy of people who claim to be smarter than we are yet they keep getting hacked all the time so oh let's see here the chat jumped folks [Music] oh let's see where is it now so tvj writes my my 2009 mac pro just finally stopped working reliably i think it's time to let it go yes uh tvj writes to use the melanox card with hyper-v yes it works great under windows they quit supporting it under xcpng by the way that's one of the reasons i don't use that or proxmox because i i was damned if i was going to go out and buy new 10 gig networking cards now you could probably clutch it and put the old drivers back in it under xcp that'll probably work but i just decided look if you're not going to support it i just won't use it let's see that boy the chat is busy today thank y'all i enjoyed the chat so we got 29 viewers and 20 likes it's a pretty good ratio but please smash the like button uh hunky joe's playhouse lol there are lots of people on twitch that don't have an agenda either yeah right right uh let's see good to see you diy uh take care of yourself man and enjoy the rest your weekend thanks for joining us uh brian forever writes people flash those older macs to use the newer xeons oh don't don't put that bee in my bonnet cat radar goes i didn't say three times a week no but i'm just saying in order to meet their the twitch's eligibility requirements that's why i gotta look into it uh let's see good thank you bobby's putting the links to all the other youtubers out there and go check these guys out they're great bunch of guys marquez is stuck on open media vault for his home built dads and it is a good piece of software hey you know it's it's whatever works for your situation uh yeah the right tool for the right job not everyone needs cfs i certainly don't need cfs i have no need for it whatsoever uh yeah yeah bob carpenter writes nope if i need billions of iops per second i'd not be running on rain i'd go back to power sucking hardware uh you know everybody knows bob here is my moderator but bob is a uh works for a large computer company who's who will remain nameless and is quite the wealth of knowledge and uh i would love to have bob on a uh to do a video uh with me uh on a variety of different subjects because bob is very knowledgeable when it comes to a lot of this stuff so i'm gonna make an offer to bob here uh to perhaps come on hunky joe's playhouse and do do a video or two with me we may we can't get together in a little tech tech group and and talk about uh what he because he's got his pull he's got his finger on the pulse of what's coming as well bob if you want to tell people who you work for that's fine i just didn't want to do it without without your permission but um i think it would be great to have you on here and and maybe do some videos so uh if you're interested um i'm going to reach out to you with the details and uh see if that might be something you'd be interested in uh do diy on the ghetto right so i'm testing nexcloud right now and that's the other beauty of uh synology it's all built in there not next cloud but they have a much better program than next cloud to do their file sharing uh let's see john just moved from synology to qnap i'll i'll pray for you john i really am sorry to hear that evidently you didn't see my qnap video i i guess if you know i shouldn't slam on them too bad i did not have a good experience with qnap but you know your mileage might vary brian forever writes i want raid but i lost five thousand have to go cheap for a bit uh marquez writes i'm a king of overkill with my dell r 720 xd yes three at least you got the right one you got someone with three and a half inch drives and 192 gig of ram truenas core is bsdcs so it's the new true navs is the the one i would recommend uh the one that's still in beta uh let's see okay there already is the effect well i guess officially it's already there you can add cfs to underrate you have been able to for quite a while writes i want to log in the two synology let's see yeah i would build i would start out building my own navs i agree with that marquez all right so let me go back to the comments because we're coming up against we're running a little bit long today uh our minecraft server has been now moved over i'm not doing it locally anymore i am uh doing it on a company called mind stone hosting and um we're going to be doing an interview next week with the owner operator of that company of mine stone hosting and he's going to tell us what he has to offer and and uh like i say i use their hosting now exclusively for for my minecraft game and uh we've got quite a few people over there that are helping to you know build stuff on there w is one of the people i don't see him here in the chat today but he's probably working uh w has really built some quite interesting structures under uh under our minecraft server and uh yeah i'm really quite i love to go on minecraft it's quite relaxing for me to build stuff and to see what the other guys in there have have put together so uh you be looking for that it's andy over at mind stone uh the uh he has a discord link as well bob i don't know if you know what his discord link is uh but his uh his website is https mine stone tech dot tech so go check it out you'll learn some more information and then the last thing i had is a studio reorganization i'm my studio is a mess right now i've ordered some shelving units i've got them in what i'm looking for now are bins to keep things organized in because i have a i have a whole area over here that just needs to be cleaned up and made to look nicer and it's getting disorganized and i'm yeah i got to go through all this old equipment i have and get rid of some of it because it's just too just too much stuff okay so let me go back to the chat walks that joined us and left us so good to see you here walks it let's see oh nate w good thank you bob yeah w's a sweet guy he's a real nice guy oh okay so that looks like it's it so dg aware writes i have a small form factor arm server from about farm of about 18 services doing the job for me so far yeah and that's the other thing you'll see is uh great people here uh with great ideas so all right folks well that's gonna be it for today it is my lunch time in fact i'm a little bit late i want to thank all of you for joining us today go over and check out our discord the usual leave your comments in the comment section um donate if you're so inclined paypal patreon youtube join function whatever floats your boat and come over and check us out on discord and keep an eye out for the notifications of whether we're going to stream on twitch this weekend or not you're welcome to come visit us and watch unki joe get destroyed in whatever video game we can decide to play and hopefully i'll have that machine up and running uh that'll that'll be a good test for windows 11 to see if it's working well so everybody have a great weekend don't forget i appreciate each and every one of you thanks for coming here to see us thanks again to bob captain radar jamie uh all the others that have contributed it is greatly appreciated you'll have a great weekend bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y7X5C8K3XFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 52sec (4672 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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