XCP-NG Lab - Part 2 - Xen Orchestra Install

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well greetings the people of the internet anki joe here on ki joe's playhouse today another xcp ng another video in this series about xc png so yeah let's get it started right now now today's video is all about getting zen orchestra the community edition mind you set up and running on our xcp servers and how we then join those servers into that uh zen orchestra uh it's very similar to a vmware's uh vcenter uh it's just an open source version of it now there is a paid version of zen orchestra we're not going to be dealing with that today we're going to actually compile from source so there's going to be quite a few steps involved in getting this up and running i'll document it as clearly as i can in the video and then afterwards we'll put it down in the notes i'll i'll send you a link uh there's a combination of uh some software you'll need to download there's a github repository you'll have to go download the script from and then once you you know you do that it's it's trivial to get it set up so let's uh have a little less talk a little more action as they say and get the video started right now so we're inside of xc png center pardon me as you can see i've got both of my servers up and running i've got the dell low powered dell which is not low powered anymore it's actually the one that i upgraded the cpus on and uh then i have the other dell which also has some high-end cpus or power sucking cpus as i like to call them the x5670s now it's interesting my first video got on xcp got a lot of attention and i appreciate it and on this second video uh in this series today we're going to talk about shared storage we're going to talk about local storage we're going to talk about creating a link to an iso folder and then what we're going to do is install we're going to create a virtual machine to install zen orchestra on so that sounds like something you'd be interested in stick around for the rest of the video now the next thing we need to do is get our storage repositories set up so i'm only going to do it on one of the servers because i don't i'm not quite sure if zen orchestra will allow me to share those resources among servers i believe it will so i'm only going to do this on my primary xcpng server which is the dell 710 that we upgraded the cpus in so the first thing we need to do is set up an iso share so you're either going to need to set up an nfs or smb share on your synology or your windows machine or your your uh your nas whatever you're using you need to know how to set up a share and what you have to use a shared folder for the iso files unless you're going to boot off of something like a windows deployment server something like that so keep that in mind so i'm going to go out and create a i've already created an iso share but i'm going to show you how to connect it to your xcpng so basically on your primary server we're going to come out here under storage we're going to do a new storage repository and we're going to do uh an iso library windows file sharing so we'll call this uh iso share how's that sound it's a hell of a name now you need to know the fully qualified domain name or the ip address of the server you're going to connect to and it gives you an example right here of how to enter that fully qualified domain name so double backslash and then the name of the server or in my case the ip address and then another slash the name of the share now since i'll be connecting to a domain controller i need to also enter my domain name and a user with a domain that has the permissions to log into that server and to access that share then enter your super secret password down here click on finish and hopefully if all is correct you'll see the iso share there if we come here the iso share and go to storage you'll see that i've already got some iso files uh under here and so that's good so now the next thing we want to do is if we just use local storage you'll see here we're going to quickly run out of space uh let's see what's the status on it we'll go back up here you'll see we're quickly going to run out of space we've only got 191 gig free and once we start creating virtual machines it's not going to it's going to fill up rather quickly and uh the whole idea behind this is a lot is a windows you know we're going to be running lab units on here lab machines i should say so we want to take advantage of shared storage uh i have an nfs share set up on my synology nas so that's what we're going to set up next so what we're going to do is come here to storage to a new storage repository and this time we're going to do file based storage but we're going to do nfs i just find that nfs shares work really really well with things like vmware and xc png we could also do an smb but i just prefer to use nfs it's it's pretty simple and straightforward i've shown you how to create an nfs share on my synology nas so if you haven't seen that go back and go back to my channel and do a search for uh synology and nfs and see what comes up i can't remember the video off top of my head we're going to click on next and then we'll call this the this is on the fs 1018 so i'll call it fs1018 ssd store that's an original name isn't it click on next now in order to connect with this the same way as we did with smb but a little different syntax so we're going to enter the ip of our server here which in my case is 17 and then a colon and then a forward slash and then the name of the share in my case it's volume one and i think it's volume one nfs lab dash esxi i'm not going to change anything else it's at nfs version 3. hopefully if i've done this correctly if i click on finish bing bang boom now you'll also notice that it has put a black check mark next to it and that means this is my default storage repository so that was easy we just created an iso share we created a shared storage for our virtual machines and i guess the next thing to do is create a virtual machine huh all right so let's talk briefly about zen orchestra because there's a lot of confusion on this on this uh program when it comes to xcp there's zen orchestra which is a paid supported web gui for uh xcpng it is separate from xc png and it's not free well it is free a lot of people get this free version confused with the community edition so the community edition has got pretty much all of the stuff that the uh that zen orchestra the the uh for lack of a better word the non-community version or the paid version the community version has all the features of the paid version really what you're paying for was an orchestra when you're paying for it per se is there support and as you can see even the starter pack is 77 a month so um keep that in mind now the operating system i'm going to install zen orchestra on is debian linux i prefer it over ubuntu's installer because it's just so much more clean and easy to use it's got a it's got a nice graphical interface that kind of thing so if you want to use ubuntu and you're happy with it go for it do it um there are guides out there and basically you know once you get the virtual machine installed for the operating system you're you're golden make a snapshot of it or something so you have it for the future uh but you know ubuntu and debian the ins the only difference is the installers on them uh i like the graphical installer on debbie and so that's what we're going to use i'm not a big fan of the debian installer so that being said what we need to do is and you are going to need xcpng center in order to set up your first vm and then after we get the zen orchestra on its feet we can use that to then set up things like short shared storage and virtual machines and it gives us a lot more features and functionality which you will see as we move forward so all i'm going to do is come up here and create a new vm and the the really nice thing i like about xcp is the interface is really polished uh you know it's not like proxmox which you gotta you know some people find the proxmox interface appealing even on the setup i'm not one of those people so i'm gonna put uh i'm gonna do debbie in 10 which is buster so i'm just going to choose debian buster 10 click on next and i'm just going to call it uh debian 10 okay i'm gonna click on next and we're going to install from the debian 10.11 and you notice now that i have my iso library available yay that's good so we're going to install from the iso we're going to do this in bios mode just to make our lives kind of easy next uh where are we going to put it which v which server are we going to do well i'm only going to place it on this primary server up here for now next and i'm gonna go ahead and give it four cpus one socket with four cores and i'm gonna give it four gig of ram i got lots of ram on this server so there's no reason i can't spare some of it for zen orchestra click on next no gpu to share click on next now where am i going to store this and you see now that i have the fs1018 ssd now i could click here and choose the local storage but i'm i'm not going to do well should i do that [Music] i wonder if i should i'm gonna put it on local storage what do you think should i you dare me you double dog dare me i'm gonna do a 30 gig disk and i'm going to do it on local storage because i don't want to have to depend on my on my shared storage to be up to bring up zen orchestra i can spare 30 gig on that ssd and that way it'll be fast as well so that's why i'm installing on local storage click on next okay we're only going to use gigabit 1 as my ethernet adapter and we need to come back here in a minute before once i create the virtual machine and we're going to talk about how i have things labeled because it's a it's a part i skipped a minute ago so i'm going to use auto-generated mac it's just i'm basically telling it to use the network adapter called gigabit 1-1 click on next and i'm going to take the check mark off on start the new vm automatically and i'm going to go ahead and create now and then you'll you'll get notifications down here with a progress bar and then you can also come in here under your notifications i'm gonna go ahead and dismiss all mine but basically you see here where it created our uh virtual machine debian 10 right it was successfully created i've got some other errors down here because i've been playing around with things but there you go now our debian 10 virtual machine has been created now one of the things i forgot to talk about is is actually doing the base configuration so before we get before we spin up spin up our debian 10 machine and start installing it let's go over some of the settings here that that you need to be aware of under networking now i have a unique situation where my dell r710 has a bunch of nicks in it it has a four port uh gigabit net card in there and a a 10 gig melanox so one of the really nice things i like about xcp is it allows you to rename those interfaces so you're not just like windows does so you're not stuck with some cryptic what the hell does this mean what ethernet adapter is this referring to it still calls it nik zero through uh through four but it allows you to give it a common name so that you can figure out what the hell what the hell you you're uh dealing with the other nice thing this interface does is it shows you whether the link status is connected or disconnected and it gives you the mac address and the mtu right here on the side so it's very very simple you just come here to properties and you give it a common name now the other thing you need to be aware of is once you name this thing if you come here to network settings you have a little check box here to automatically add this network to new virtual machines i'm going to cancel here so what i've done though just so you know so gigabit 1.1 is my primary connection to this machine but i also have a 10 gig connection here as well so if you don't manually go through and go to properties and come here and take this check mark off it's going to add every one of these nic cards gigabit 1-2 windows 3 windows 4 and gigabit 10 to every virtual machine you create so keep that in mind you do need to manually come down here to properties go to network settings and make sure you click off the tick box there now i've also created vlan 20 because i got ahead of myself i'm just going to show you how easy it is to remove something like that boom okay so now i've labeled all my network adapters so they're clean and understandable and you can see they all belong together because they've got basically the same mac address except for the melanox down here so i could even call this melanox if i wanted to now and then we won't worry about our ip address configuration this is what we created when we initially installed xcp so it's fine but if you there's also another tab called nics okay this is where it can get a little confusing so if you click on nix now you'll get to see a little more information like who makes the who the vendor of the card is what the speed of the card is what the device name is of the device and looking there the pci bus path so if you wanted to isolate one of these network cards in theory you could do that you could also bond the network cards together that kind of thing so it's very important before you start setting up your virtual machines come out here to networking get all your knit cards set up if you've got multiple net cards something that makes it easier for easy for you to understand now on the gpu tab i have nothing we don't have a gpu in here and on the usb you can also enable pass through on the usb in this in here if you need to the other nice thing about this is it's got a console so not only do the virtual machines have a console connection here but the root of the server does what as well so if you need to run some commands on xcp you can do that now you can still log in via ssh which is the way a lot of people perform prefer to do it and you can just do it by clicking here open ssh but uh it doesn't know where putty is so you would have to fix that but that's built in that's kind of cool huh and then you have the option to send control delete on the on the console window undock it go to full screen scale it etc it's pretty powerful go to performance tab and this basically tells you the cpu memory and network performance of the server you're on if you're on the virtual machine it gives you the stats of the virtual machine and you can see we don't have any stats right now because the virtual machine is dark so now that we've got everything set up for the vm and we got our networking squared away let's go ahead and get this vm installed hopefully the screen is big enough for you all to see so basically i'm going to come over here to the debian machine that we created right left click over here and i'm going to click there to start it and there you go there's my debian install i'm going to do a graphical install hit enter now be patient because even after you hit enter it can take a minute for this to load and you get very little to no indication that anything is going on on the screen so just be patient all right so we're going to do an english install now the mouse and keyboard can be a little bit squirrely under here so just keep that in mind i'm going to choose english i'm gonna do continue united states continue american english continue and it should mount our cd-rom drive now i like a gui i don't care whether it's a server operating system or works i like a gui so we're going to install a gui on this version of debian oh i can hear oh you hear that the screams the screams of linux people out there going you never install a gui on a server pish taw bull corn you do whatever you want this is linux we do what we want now i need to give this machine a name so i'm going to do xo dash ce for zen orchestra community edition i think it'll allow me to choose that name yes click on continue now the domain name is ujp.local because we are on an active directory domain click on continue now you notice it's skipped right over the configure network and this is one of the reasons i'm installing a gui on here i'm going to put a gui on the front end of it because if i go back there's no way to set there's no way to configure the network see look if i click on that and click on continue if it can get a dhcp address it considers itself configured right i want to manually put an ip address in there but we can do that after we install so let's continue on where we left off now i need to enter a password for the root account right let's see root password and root password so enter your super secret password and i'm just tabbing between the fields don't be don't be an enter person don't hit enter on everything and then i'm going to click on continue now they want a full name for the new user so i like bill adama continue the login name however is going to be a dom and i just use that current i use the same login name for my admin accounts for both my windows network and my my other devices it just makes it so much easier to authenticate on the network but make sure you create a super secure password and don't share that with anybody and then anyone that you've had to share that with make sure you eliminate them click on i'm not calling for somebody's no just shut up central time zone continue then it should go out and detect your hard drive you see why i like debbie's installer it's just so simple simple simple continue it sees the virtual disk continue i'm gonna do all files in one partition last femur i can hear i can i can hear the linux people screaming at me from behind the monitor okay uh for to finish partitioning write changes to disk continue yes continue and now we'll get to do a little once it installs the base system we'll get to do a little customization and that's where we can install a gui now i'm going to use uh i'm going to install a couple simple guise i'm not going to use something like i don't know like gnome or anything like that that's way too that's way too heavy for what we need okay uh do we if we wish to enter another cd we can enter it now i'm gonna tell it no i would do continue so it's united states uh deb debian.org is fine we'll choose that for the repository click on continue all right uh no we're not gonna do the popularity contest i don't even know what the hell it is couldn't care less okay so we are going to install a debian desktop environment and what i'm going to do is i'm going to do xfce and mate we don't need a print server we do need an ssh server and i'm going to leave the standard system utility so that i get everything i need on there click on continue and we'll let it install now this process will take some time so we're at the end of our installation so and it tells you it seems that this new installation is the only operating system on this computer if so it should be safe to install the grub bootloader so we're going to tell it yes to install the grub bootloader continue however we're going to select the device xvda just to make sure and we're going to click on continue now there it goes and we should be done so says it is now time to boot into your new system make sure you remove the installation media so that you boot into the new system rather than restarting the installation so we're going to go ahead click on continue and then we're going to quickly eject the dvd and hopefully it'll reboot and boot into debian wouldn't that it isn't that a nice clean installer for linux wasn't that simple you even it's so simple even a like myself could figure it out all right so now let's see if it boots and then let's see if we can log in now what i want to do i just want to boot and then see if i can log in oh my that was quick so i'm going to go ahead and log in with the dhamma and my super secret password and this is a very light uh gui that i put on top of this operating system so log in and bam there you go man nice so i've got a bunch of applications and system controls i can go into preferences look internet and network uh advanced network configuration oh my goodness say it so i don't have to edit a damn network file cool but before we do that now that we know it's working let's see if we can actually shut this bad boy down okay it looks like that worked as well and uh can we make a copy of it let's see what our options are let's come over here to debian and right click so we have an option to copy it to export it and that's about it so let's if we copy it what options do we have here so let's copy oh within pool make a copy of the same pool cross pool uh make it into a different so if we do next um copy of debian 10 let's see dude crossbow ah then i can select the other server okay so that's how that works what i probably want to do then is take a snapshot right what do you think should i take a snapshot okay yeah let's take a snapshot what the hell uh let's do after install okay and take a snapshot all right so i probably don't want to mess with this anymore then right what i probably want to do is export it and then create my new debian machine and play with that one so let's export this so we have a copy of it so right click and let's do an export uh now it's telling me it's going to call it debian 10 and it's going to do c users j struck now that's not where i want it so i want to browse and i've created a place on my network drive to let's see called zen or xcp exports we'll choose that it's going to put it into a format ovf ova okay next we're going to do debian 10 and it's disk next no euler files um wow i do have the ability to create an ova package single ova you know what let's not temp fate okay let's just leave it at the defaults um it's going to use those network settings that already in there next and then i want to do i want to verify the export on completion that's probably going to take some time folks i'm going to go ahead and tell it yes what the hell oh wow five hours per terabyte i think we'll pass on that well that's five hours per terabyte so now we're i'm not going to attempt fate okay let's click on finish and then you'll see now now it says connecting virtual disk you'll see a little progress bar down here well you don't see the progress bar because my big head is in the way there's the progress bar and if you come here to notifications you can get in your events you click on the down arrow it'll tell you what it's doing okay so we're gonna let this run have some faith that it's gonna work and uh we'll come back when something changes all right so i'm back from lunch and yeah it looks like we may have had some success it said export package and we got a green check mark it took seven minutes and 48 seconds it says all right so here i am on my uh synology nas of the xcp exports folder and you see i've got some xva other xva and pva files out here but anyway there's the debian 10 and there is the virtual hard drive and there is the ovf file the open virtualization file so yeah it took about eight minutes to export that machine that's six gig in size that's that's not too bad not to be sneezed at it's nice to know that works uh we'll come back and we'll cover these machines later because i've done i've now exported in a couple of different formats just doing some experiments so i got a couple of choices i could delete this machine and and try to re-import or i can just rename this machine and continue on all right so first things first let's see if we can right-click and we can rename that machine i don't see a rename but i see a properties oh there it is so let's call this zen orchestra there's an oh an orchestra not an e dash c e is that orchestra uh we'll even type it here zen orchestra oh shoot i forgot to capitalize you orchestra community now two m's i never said i could spell okay and while we're out here let's just look around and make sure everything's right for virtual cpus boot option no high availability no gpu no usb and optimize for general use okay so let's tell it okay and there we go it's an orchestra ce so let's go ahead and we know it'll boot let's go ahead and let's start it up because the next thing i want to do is i want to change the ip address that this machine is going to use i have a specific ip in mind and i find it easiest to do that that's why we installed the gui is at the gui for you command line people out there i tip my hat to you i don't want to edit that file although nano is not a bad editor i like nano alright so login enter our super secret password and uh good i'm glad it's glad to know we're wired so let's go to uh system uh preferences internet network uh advanced network we're gonna choose the wired ethernet and we're gonna go to ipv4 and change that to manual and then we're gonna come here to add so we're gonna enter 192. [Music] it'll choose the net mask for us automatically 168 5254 is our gateway and then our dns server is going to be and uh we could put our search domain in there but i'm not going to and let's just click on save and then close that and then good uh now the next thing to do is see if we can putty into this thing so we know it's going to be 192.168 and we might as well save this as zen orchestra ce so let's save it uh oh appearance we want to change our font i like the city console and i like it at about 14. now we've rebooted let's try it again and there we go okay so i'm going to go ahead and log in as a dhamma so yeah evidently when i hit control c um i activated some odd keyboard sequence and um that's why my keyboard was not responding because i noticed it quit working out at uh the dos prompt as well i was like what is going on so i went back in and repeated uh repeated the uh what you would call it the keyboard sequence that i had screwed up and uh hopefully now it'll work yes i'm a sometimes well let's just face it i'm a most of the times okay so there we are so now we're logged in so i'm logged in as a dhamma but i need to be really need to be root for what i'm about to do so i'm going to uh s u log login i'm going to switch my user to the root and i believe this is the command that'll do it yep there it is so now i have root access now the next command i'm going to run is apt update just want to make sure that uh i don't have anything i don't need to learn how to spell just going to make sure okay it says all packages are up to date that's a good sign now we're going to be running a script to install this i know i've told you don't just trust random strangers on the internet but these folks are pretty reputable so we need to install git uh apt it was it app install git let's see if i can remember it yay so we need to have the github software installed so that's what we're doing now through ssh and uh good now we're ready for the next step so the next thing to do is i'm going to type in git clone because that's what i'm going to do i'm going to clone or copy the repository the script then i'm going to paste and i'll put this link down in the show notes so don't don't worry your pretty little heads you'll get to see all this let me scratch that out and then hit enter so what that's going to do is it's going to go out and it's going to clone the installer the software that we need to install so what we need to do is run this command which is copy sample.xo dash install.cfg.xo dash install.cfg and that will copy create a copy of that file right there in the same directory so we'll hit enter and then just to verify we can type in ls let me clear the screen and then we'll do ls so you can see a little bit clearer so there is our xo dash install dot cfg file we're going to need that later all right so still a little bit more work to do now the next thing we need to do is create an ssl a self-signed certificate for this uh system we're getting ready to install so let's get that go ahead and get that done so we're going to cd space forward slash etsy uh let's see where are we gonna go with this um uh and let's go into the ssl directory and let's see if there's anything in here yeah there's a couple things so let's make a directory and we'll call that exo for zen orchestra let's go into that directory there should be nothing in there right and then let's enter a command and i'll have this in the notes as well or any instructions down below let me copy it from my instructions and paste it there you go uh hit enter and so what's going to do is generate a new ssl key so we need to fill this out with information that's relevant i'm in the us so i'm going to enter that i'm in texas enter that and i'm just going to tell it i live in seguin even though i i do technically and ujp frankie joe's playhouse and uh we'll just call this lab and common name server uh is gonna be uh xo dash ce right exo community edition enter email address is some someone at somewhere.com enter and boom now we have an ssl certificate so now we need to go out and we need to update that configuration file that we created does that make sense okay it shows you how little i know linux for some reason i had to log out log back in in order to find my directory where i'm going to make all the magic happen i gotta edit the magic files so uh now that i'm in that directory this is the one where we copied uh the sample xo to exo install and now we need to edit that so i'm just going to type in the following command and we're going to use nano to make some edits on this file the first one we need to do is come down here and change our port from 80 to 443 wanted to use a ssl port or i'm sorry a secure port and then at the end of our at the end of this file there should be a couple of paths and we're going to we're going to unremark those and we need to i'm going to copy and paste here to make my life easy so everything after the equals is gone and we're gonna change that to where we created our ssl files same way with this one i'll delete it and we'll copy this part over here i could type it in manually but why okay so now we should be able to control x on that save it yes install config and um sorry wrong keys boom so that should be registered now so now you know what let's just uh let's check that file one more time 443 i want to make sure i didn't delete anything i shouldn't have okay uh etsy ssl xoxo cert and xo key okay so we should be good because now i'm gonna clear the screen and now we're actually gonna compile uh we're gonna run the installation script and um it's gonna do some compilation so that's another reason why i put four cpus on here is let me check obs and make sure i'm still recording here and i am so here is the command to run the install and uh hit enter and uh so there we go so it sees our base directory sees our user sees our port uh everything will be installed and uh root yep there we go it looks good so we're gonna do one hit enter and uh then we're going to let this run uh this could take some time i don't exactly know how long it's going to take as you see it's going to build some dependencies etc so again we'll let this run and uh when something exciting happens i'll come back and show it to you okay it's been a couple of minutes but i just want to share with you what's on the screen xo server and xo web build takes quite a while grab a cup of coffee and lay back you don't know me that well all right well that took an incredibly less amount of time than i thought it would so i'm glad i gave it four cores and lots of ram uh and it tells me so the web interface it's installed and the web ui is installed and started on port 443 make sure you make a note of that default username and password and i so i guess the next thing to do is go log into that uh to that web interface and see if we actually have a functional copy of zen orchestra so let's do that next well i hope this is a good sign so we're going to the ip address 5.19 it says it's not secure let's go to advanced and let's go ahead and continue in lo and behold there it is there's our zen orchestra uh admin and what was it i told you to write it down not forget it so it's uh let's see yeah admin at admin.net okay here we go admin at admin.net then our super secret password which is admin okay so let's log in all right cool we're logged in first thing we want to do is go over to settings and users and we want to create a new user called adama and this user is going to be an admin and he's going to have a super secretive password we're going to create it and then we're going to reply going to log out and log back in as adama and um then we're going to go right back to settings and users again so a lot of people tell you to disable this admin admin net account you can do that if you want to delete it i mean and what i like to do is just simply go out there and edit the password and give it a super secret password and um boom let's click on home there we go we don't have any servers or anything but it looks like we were we have a successful install so let's go back to xcpng here real quick and uh let's just go look at our uh yeah our machine is running we're probably not going to get well we are getting no we're not getting uh memory uh data for this vm we'll need to install the xcpng tools uh to keep track of ram but we'll we'll deal with that later but so the zen orchestra community edition is up and running uh we were able to log into it i guess what we can do now is actually uh add a server so this is going to be xcp dash 710 dash lp and the address is uh seven and enter our super secret password now very important click that otherwise it won't work connect and looks like we've done it so let's go home yeah let's go to our host yep there it is 24 if we click on it we go right to stats network there's all our network devices our storage devices very nice patches logs and advanced and we'll come back and talk about so there we go there we go so we have to come over to advanced come down to hardware and then we have a a list of all the hardware in it i'm just it's like i said it's a war like putting on a warm coat i just love xc png it really works well and as you can see uh as we'll be learning his time oh i named it wrong said or orchestra or orchestra it's an angry orchestra so as we go through and learn new stuff i'll you'll learn it right along with me but i guess the other thing we could do is add another host right so let's go to settings servers see it's really weird because they call it hosts up here and they call them servers here where you can add them not intuitive this one is going to be xcp dell 710 hp for high power and this one i have no idea the ip is going to be let's see here that would be uh i know i'm looking right at it uh 5.9 okay 5.9 and my username and my super secret password and flip the switch on unauthorized certificates click on connect and there we go so so now that we have zen orchestra installed i want to uh i actually want to go ahead and shut it down so i'm going to come over here to the console and i'm going to shut it down see why i like it gooey okay so it's powered off so now what i want to do is go to general memory storage snapshots and i want to take a snapshot post xoce install and knit config okay and i'm going to take a snapshot so i can go back to any of those point in time backups or to the base so it's just a habit i've gotten into now i could also go ahead and i could also go ahead and export that but before i do anything like that i want to learn a little bit more about zen orchestra i'd rather teach you how to do it well i guess i could teach you both but i certainly don't want to reinvent the wheel so to speak so alright so now that that's done i'm going to go ahead and start it and there we go so let's just go make sure i can log in enter our super secret password and no i'm not going to save it so there we go it just i came right into it it worked just great so let's go to that virtual machine zen orchestra virtual machine and let's go over to the uh oh look there's my snapshots so if that's working i can do the console through here as well just like i can with the xc png center but even better i can come over here to advanced and i can do some things that need to be done here one is i want this to power on every time this server gets powered back up i also want to protect it from accidental deletion and from accidental shutdown and i can also give it an affinity host there's all kinds of other stuff i can change in here i can even change the the virtual machine limits the ram uh et cetera et cetera but i ain't going to break it if it ain't broken i mean i'm not going to fix it if it ain't broken so these are the settings i want to keep so i'm going to go ahead and click on save so now it'll power on every time this server powers up and boots into xcp it will boot into this vm i protected it from from accidental deletion so i can't come over here to for example xcpng right click you notice i can't delete it now i can't come up to vm and choose delete it's grayed out so that gives you some protection there so good thing i like that and then of course the last one is prevent from accidental shutdown just in case you hit it or you know forced it to power tried to force it to power off it wouldn't let you do that so well to my knowledge so i'm assuming um yeah there you go so back to the dashboard so so yeah it appears our installation is uh up and running and uh not getting any statistics yet but see if we go to one of the hosts i'm sure we can get some stats here yeah there you go so that'll give you an idea of the power and memory usage cpu usage on uh xcp on the the machine running zen orchestra so there you go zen orchestra installed and uh the baseline configuration is set up so um yeah you you you could get away without using zen orchestra you could just use xcpng center but zen orchestra gives you a little more a few more features you can uh utilize without having to go to the command line so i don't think we're ever going to get to the point where xcm xc png center goes away there are still some things that i don't know how to do as well under zen orchestra as i do under xcpng center and it's a learning process so we'll learn together as we as we move forward in this so just want to give out a shout out to captain radar he's been uh playing along with me with xcp i've kind of converted him over i guess from vmware he's a big vmware fan as a as am i but right tool for the right job right so i put the bug in his ear and got him uh got him to install xcp and g uh in his home lab and he's been uh enjoying the heck out of it so uh kudos to him for trying first he didn't like it the first day he was using xcp he was what is this hot pile of garbage and now it's his new best friend so i'm glad to see that at least one of you out there uh has taken a shine to xcp i love it uh i really like it uh compared to uh you know the the problem i have with vmware is the cost so for home lab and for you know people on a tighter budget i think xcp could be a better way for you to go and as we move forward in these series of xcp videos you'll see how i when i learn how to do new things i'll teach them to you and you notice there was uh some linux command line shenanigans going on out here to where i had to actually go out to the command line and and type in the old ancient codes from the old keyboards uh into the command line but uh that's i'm actually enjoying it it's kind of fun so uh anyway there you go well i sincerely hope that you found this video entertaining and informative listen the whole reason i make these videos is to share what i learned with you guys so i want you to know how much i appreciate your patronage uh and you're coming back and you're giving me hints and tips along the way as well because it is a learning process so so if you enjoyed the video give us a thumbs up down below leave your comments down in the comments section subscribe if you're not already a subscriber and click the little notification bell to be notified of new videos when they come out donate if you're so inclined we can use your contributions uh paypal patreon and the youtube join function and after the first of the year i think we're going to start using a subscribe star as well and maybe even gab pay we'll see we'll see how that goes so thanks again for coming to see us please don't forget to come back and don't forget we'll see all of you on the other side [Music] you
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xen orchestra, xcp-ng, xen server, unkyjoes playhouse, virtualization, hypervisor, xen orchestra community edition, xcp-ng xen orchestra, xen orchestra tutorial, open source
Id: UYEW-QwaY0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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