Exchange Server 2016 - Install & Config - Part 1 EP-163

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[Music] how do you to bunky Joe here Uncle Joe's Playhouse today we have we're starting a new series and it's pretty much unannounced but I'm announcing it now we are going to do a Microsoft Exchange server installation and configuration from beginning to end I don't know how many parts this video will be but it'll be at least two or three I would imagine so let me explain you what I'm trying to do here Synology has a mail server built into it but it's limited to five licenses and it's kind of I've been playing around with it getting used to it and I am gonna do a video on setting up a Synology mail server but it is really designed for a very smaller environment and a less demanding environment than Microsoft Exchange Microsoft Exchange is an expensive mail package but you can actually download the trial and I think it's a hundred and eighty day trial so they give you a half a year to play around with it six months and I think you can extend that one out to a full year as well the reason I'm using it is because I have multiple domains I have you know my MC STX net I have Monkey Joe's Playhouse com I have quite a few others and then I have a hosting company that I do shared hosting on so it's very important to me that I have some of the features that are available under exchange that are not available under the Synology mail server so that being said when I what I'm doing is I've rolled up a Windows Server 2012 r2 I've done all the updates on it and set up a virtual machine and I'm going to walk you through the steps of preparing the active directory installing exchange and then configuring exchange and then configuring your DNS settings so that your mail server will work all that stuff in one video now I'm going to prepare you this is each one of these videos is going to be long half an hour or 45 minutes because I've got a lot of information to convey and I'm also going to include some stuff I would normally edit out there are gonna be some rants in there there's gonna be some information while we're waiting for the install to complete that I'm going to discuss with you because I want it to be as informative as possible and I want you to see the actual process I have to go through I can cut it to pieces and make it look all neat and tidy but I want you to see it warts and all and I want you to see me rant so I did this video last night this part you're about to see now and because I was in the mood to do a video and wanted to get it done so let's get started with part 1 of this installation and we'll we'll begin at the beginning as they say all right so we have created a Windows 2012 server if you want to know why ask in a comment section and I may answer you but we just survives it to stay say we're going with Windows Server 2012 r2 standard we have two processors for Giga RAM and two hard drives one is a 120 gig for the operating system the other one is an 80 gig for the exchange server and I have given it a hard-coded IP address of 5.10 turn off the Windows Firewall for the domain and enabled remote desktop so we're ready to go there and let's go inclosed server my dream now what we need to do is go down load net framework 4.5.2 so let's go type in dotnet or dot dot - and we'll take the first link that comes up here and now we don't want to surf as probable download the dot framework I'm gonna go ahead and save it and then I'll open the folder I close Internet Explorer and then I read it from the Downloads folder now this is dotnet framework you're gonna need this it's one of the prerequisites to installing exchange 2016 and then we have another package or another installer we'll need to install the for this and then we'll have some prerequisite files that need to be added and then we can actually run the exchange install program now in addition to this we need to go over to our domain controller and we need to mount the exchange 2016 install image the ISO file and we're going to need to get Active Directory ready for exchange 2016 if you don't do that beforehand the installation will fail you have to extend you have to add fields to the database for the for the users database so that it knows to happen how to handle the additional mail information and we have to do all that before we can even install so but we'll go over that step-by-step anyway this takes a bit of time to run well go ahead and let that run I'll come back when it's done so our installation is complete of the dotnet framework so I'm going to go ahead and click finish and then I will need to restart that computer so I'll go ahead and restart that we'll come back when it gets back up and we're back we rebooted and now we have come to the Microsoft Download Center and we are going to download and install the Unified Communication Manager managed API 4.0 runtime so we click on download and we will save it shouldn't take very long in this connection it's fairly speedy connection also pardon the noise and the horrible lighting I'm doing this in the evening and it's hot and having the lights to it these are incandescent light bulbs behind us they're only 40 watts of peace but they put out they put out a good bit of heat I am so glad we got rid of cold light bulbs I mean they have their place I'm gonna go ahead and close Internet Explorer and I'm gonna run this program I never realized you know we mainly when I was growing up his kid had 100 watt light bulbs let's see it requires media foundation ok well that's funny so in order to overcome that error message that we had we need to go out to a command prompt are actually we need to go out to a PowerShell Somnath rather the powershell as administrator and we need to run this command here install - Windows Features server media foundation now hopefully once we do this and it is successful then we will be able to install the API framework so let's see what happens here this ought to be interesting now this is my first time installing Exchange Server 2016 I have never configured it before in my life okay and it's warning me I have to let's see automatic empties done enabled that's fine we have to reboot so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to do a couple of things here I'm gonna reboot the server and then I'm gonna run Windows updates on this as it's been a while since that's been run and I want to make sure I've got all my updates on there so I'll come back when and all of that is done we're back all the updates have been done so let's go to the downloads folder and we'll run this as administrator let's see if we're successful this time ah well we're getting further than we were before so this is the unified communications managed API for runtime setup click Next now I don't want to share data and we'll let it run so this is gonna run our install several components I should say and we'll let it run and I'll come back with something changes we're good we're golden it is installed I'm going to click on finish and then I think that's gonna be it for the exchange server so now we need to go over and visit our domain controller and extend the directory schema in order to prepare it for the exchange server installation that's the only hairy part there's gonna be but let's let's go over to that server and get that done alright we're over on DC 1mc SDC 0 1 and make sure you do a backup and I would do a bare metal backup and you know why I prefer bare metal backups of Windows servers rather than piecemeal backups do do yourself a favor and do a bare metal backup you'll be much happier if anything were to go awry I'm not I've already done that so I don't need to show that to you so I need to go out to a command prompt as an administrator and I need to run the following command this will prepare the schema now here's the problem I don't have exchange 2016 mounted so I need to do that so before I enter that command I'm gonna go out to the network because this is on oven as under the Applications folder partner downloads and I should have exchange 2016 do I not Wow I do not I have not downloaded that ever but just let me make sure Wow I can't believe I haven't downloaded down okay CS man's applications Microsoft Partner downloads exchange 2016 that's the one I want to mount if it'll let me okay it did and it assigned drive letter G so Microsoft now says in order to prepare the schema I need to go out and run this command so I need to run it from I guess G G : backslash okay let's try that all right we will let this run let's see how it does doo doo doo doo doo doo doo I'm always nervous when I'm going to change the Active Directory schema all right so it's gonna do its thing now the next step that we have to do is run another Active Directory preparation tool sound-alike preparation-h tool didn't know but server doesn't ahead of hemorrhoids I might know I don't I don't either it's way too personal okay so let's see if it's gonna do its thing I don't know how long this is gonna take five seconds five minutes okay so approving a reboot from a previous installation is pending please restart the system entered ok didn't complete oh I see I see I see I see so there's the command and let's hit the enter key and let's see if we have any success on this I I was doing a little experimenting and I mounted the exchange server ISO and I started running through the GUI setup just to see if there was a part in there that you can run on the server and that would prepare the active directory and there didn't appear to be one so I exited the install told her yes I wanted to I wanted to stop and and then I tried to run this command and it said that there was a previous installation pending and I needed to reboot so hopefully I haven't screwed anything up I did reboot now and remounted the ISO and I'm attempting to run the command again now I run this as a administrator under a command prompt and this is where it was bombing before so we'll see if it gets past this and as the pre-wet okay did that now it's configuring okay it's extending it so this is the moment fingers cross you wouldn't want the power to fail or anything else because it's actually expanding the Active Directory schema and adding additional that Active Directory scheme is just a glorified database that's all it is and this is extending fields within the database to hold more data ie the mail server so I can keep babbling on while this runs it doesn't look like it's going to take that long but I hate it when you're doing a previous you know like previously I was installing this and I had a train of thought I was going on and now of course I've forgotten it as I moved on to this next cutscene as they say so we'll hope this will be successful oh yeah I know what I was talking about on the second command that I run I have to give the organization a name so remember I registered a domain called MCS - or whatever months ago when I set up my my domain my cPanel and and registered that domain so that's what I'm going to use here I'm just gonna call it MCS hosting because this mail server is not only going to be hosting email for my my corporate my business domain but it's also gonna be hosting it for a couple of a few other domains that I have that I have mail on and I need to keep mail on so that was the train of thought I was having on the last install so now you're understanding the method of my madness I have tried the mail server within within Synology it's okay it'll get it'll get the job done but it limits you to five users and it's not Microsoft Exchange but it's nowhere near as complicated to setup as Microsoft Exchange will be well I've never installed one of these before I've last one I installed was exchange 2010 that's the one I'm familiar with I have been putting off learning a new version of exchange because it is such a complex setup but hopefully I'll simplify it here and then I'll always have this video to go back to and look upon you know for hints and tips because I forget too so now only does YouTube archive my videos but I our archive of all my videos I put on YouTube that's why I mean all that storage space on the Synology nas is because and I have no plans to do 4k video I'm not that advanced but 1080p still takes up a lot of space so how's that for rambling on for 4 minutes I'm for drinking coffee the nice thing is you can always edit this out in post-processing nobody gives a damn what ends on the cutting floor like for example I'm in 93% but I gotta go to the bathroom so hi I'm I'm still here I'm down here in the little corner here the right-hand corner lower right in you know it's like Microsoft time it's always the last 3 to 4% that takes forever you know they say with age comes wisdom I grew that but it doesn't include patience I wish it did I was not patient as a child I'm as impulsive as an adult as I was as a child sometimes I have to correct myself I'm sure you all have dealt with that before yay so that was successful yay that took all of about five minutes all right so that last part was successful so now we need to do this part I have the command in there but I need to change some stuff now it's probably not case-sensitive but I'm gonna do MCS hosting and enter well we shall see see how long this one takes so that was that organization name I was talking about earlier right here that was that organization name I was talking about earlier I should have put a hyphen in there but I just could call it MCS hosting it has absolutely no effect on exchange it is just the organization name oh the CMC is hosting because it contains invalid characters okay well maybe what that means is is that I need to go type that command in properly and remove the these little chinga maderos should only be in quotes if you've ever programmed before you know the importance of correct syntax also we'll try this again but I like to put my mistakes out there because it'll give people an idea the trouble you can run into if you're not absolute on typing and that may still be wrong I'm assuming that you have to take those ampersand signs out whatever the hell they call those bracket signs out and let's see all right performing the check at least we're getting further didn't we than we did last time so hopefully I'll can see this okay so it's doing it and it's telling me it hasn't found any exchange 2013 rolls I will not be able to install any of those rolls so if I already had a 2013 server it would detect it and added a court added of 2016 accordingly so it's only gonna do it for 2016 so no 2010 rolls have been detected either so I won't be able to install exchange 2010 at all and it's good to know that my recent Windows Defender summary no threats were found I guess that's good I am always leery when I make changes to Active Directory but it's got to be done if you're gonna run if you're gonna run an exchange server you've got to you've got to go whole hog on Microsoft you gotta have a domain controller you've gotta have your DNS set up your deep so all that's going to be done completely and properly so we were successful that's a good sign all right so according to Microsoft now this is the last step I have to do on the domain controller prepare all domains so we're gonna hit the enter key we're gonna cross our fingers legs arms eyes toes oh no don't crush toes in my cuz your foot grant but anyway we're gonna cross everything we can and hopefully this install will go well I'm hoping I'm hoping but I'm not gonna make you sit here and listen to me babble so we'll come back when it's complete or there has been some sort of change and cut oh no I won't cut a-ha lookie here there's a pending reboot and interesting yeah alright so that was a miserable failure and you saw it tell me that I needed to reboot it home before I could run this command so now I've rebooted I'm going to reissue the command and we're gonna see what happens hmm a little coughing fit there that's what coffee sport and like I was said in earlier videos I've been listening through the headset the audio quality and I promise you I'm gonna get a directional mic so that you're not picking up all this quite as much of this background noise because it's gonna cost me a thousand bucks to put a heat pump in here and I'm not ready to spend a thousand dollars I've got other issues that need to be fixed on this house before way before I need to get a heat pump put in my office so we're just going to deal with it for the time being now I've gotten this far up nope it's moving on now so it's funny if you look at the Microsoft install documents they don't mention a reboot between these phases well we're at 0% so I'm not saying it was successful yet but written further than we did last time okay now it says it is completed so those are the three items that needed to be completed on the domain controller and we're gonna move over to the new exchange server now and we're going to continue on there but I'm gonna go ahead and reboot that exchange server as well so let me clean up some stuff here and then we'll come back in that video all right boys and girls ladies and gentlemen we are back at the exchange 2016 server or what's going to be the exchange 2016 server and now I need to install some roles on this server so I'm gonna go to Windows PowerShell and I'm gonna administrator and then I'm gonna paste that very long line there don't worry I will put it in become in the show notes okay don't worry about that what we're doing is we're installing a lot of prerequisites that are required before we can do the actual exchange 2016 install so we're gonna let those run it's going to take a little while there's a bunch of stuff to install but I will like I said I will put the command that you need to put into PowerShell to do that and then that way you all have it so we'll cut the video here and we'll come back when this when this part of the install is complete so if you were successful as I was you will see something like this and you see the long command and we're just installing Windows Features on it just like if we went into server manager and when ad remove roles we just did all of them at one time instead of having to flip the regional console sometimes the command line is faster than the GUI but that's a beauty of Windows now you know Windows has always been based on well it was earlier based on das and then they migrated it into an actual Windows kernel my point is you can use both and sometimes it just makes sense to use the command line and sometimes it makes sense to use the GUI and this is one of those cases and it's warning us we must restart we must must restart the server so that's what I'm gonna do now so I'm gonna go ahead and restart it will come back all right so we've rebooted we're on our exchange server now so now we can go and actually mount that ISO file on our network so we'll go to the NASS get our applications Microsoft Partner downloads strange 2016 and then we right-click and mount I love Server 2012 Server 2016 in Windows 10 region just mount and ISO file as it were a DVD or a hard drive that's pretty cool I think ok and now so what I want to do is actually run the exchange install I should be ready to go so that being said keep in mind this is not a tutorial per se this is simply how I installed exchange and what I went through and I'll combine as many of the notes as I can down below free all to read afterwards after the fact I will do that but that takes a lot of time to write all that out but I'll take care of it for you and I'll put you to the right in the right direction but you still have to be able to do some work for yourself so keep that in mind these these tutorials are not assigned to get you up and running if you happen to follow my example and it works for you great if not go back and check your work because you screwed up somewhere so I'm just gonna go ahead and open this and then I'm gonna run the setup file well that was odd I don't know what happened I've gone ahead and copied the ISO to the C Drive here and not that it should make any difference but I'm gonna mount this image from here and we'll try running setup from here I'm gonna bring up task manager so I can see any processes that are running and I'll sort them by CPU and okay I'm gonna run this again and we tell it yes and you notice we had a black screen so I'll go ahead and bring you on along for the ride I'm gonna show you this command line that I did down here where it was install roll I tried to do an install without the GUI and it tells me I need net framework 4.5 or later I have net framework 4.5.2 installed you saw me install that but in another article I read it said to make sure you have dotnet framework 4.7 or better so I'm upgrading to dotnet 4.7 and I'm installing it now and then I'll go will have to reboot I'm sure and then I will try the install again so wish me luck and this brings me to a point this is the whole reason I'm going a little rant here this is the whole reason I do YouTube videos because if I were to go out in the community and tell people in fact let me bring up the webcam if I were to go out and public and tell people I had all this trouble with exchange getting it just to install while you didn't do it err sure dude well of course I didn't do that that's why I had problems but the more constructive answer would be hey did you check this did you check that check this try this try that so if you're gonna criticize people make sure you do it the not only do you criticize them but you give them constructive criticism and and give them a solution or help them along because it doesn't do anybody good to sit on the sidelines ago like you should have done that could have done this so that's the whole reason I do these YouTube videos because some of this stuff people people just aren't gonna believe me that I've run into these kind of problems and this is this is a part of the problem of the internet there's no you know I suppose I could dig for 2 or 3 or 400 pages of exchange 2016 installs where somebody has gone through this what happens is most of the guys that install this they don't document this process because they don't they're not teaching other people how to do it or showing you how to do it in the real world that's why I leave this kind of stuff in my videos that way you can see what happened to me when I'm installing it if it happens to you and go oh yeah well I remember Joe telling me this and it can save you a whole bunch of time and that's a whole reason for doing these videos so okay enough of the ran back to the install let's see how we progressed and it's installing I'm not gonna make you hang on any longer and listen to me rant rage so I will pause the video here and come back once we've installed and you know I'm gonna have to do a reboot after I after I do this install of dot framework so we should be lucky so dot net four point seven has been installed the server booted back up let's see if we have any errors when it boots up there's four services not started we'll see if they start here in a second let me tell you something this is the first time I've used a server 2012 virtual machine since I put those SSD drives into that Dell server and this thing is much faster oh just so much faster so so much faster now let's see if I can get these events to go away what services aren't starting bids diagnostic user access logging ok well they'll come up when they're ready and I imagine what's running in the background now is dotnet optimization service yep would I be right or would I be right this is why I use task manager so much it's really handy to see what's going on I'm gonna assume those services will start on their own when they're damn good and ready and I've got what am I gonna appear refresh your servers completed ok so we'll close server manager for now and we'll just let it run now what we need to do is we need to go out and we need to mount our exchange DVD again and let's see our ISO and let's run this as administrator and we don't get any further at all oh yes we do looky there in that funny how that works that's what it was it needed dotnet 4.7 and I would assume one of the instructions I was reading was on the original Exchange Server 2016 and not the cumulative update 8 ok I'm going to go ahead and have it connect to the internet and check for for updates if there aren't any click on next no updates found so we'll click on next and it will let it copy the files all right I put everybody to bed and now I can really focus on what I'm doing so welcome to exchange server bla bla bla bla bla bla ok the wizard will guide you through the installation we shall see let's see the optimization services still running so I'm gonna do next doo doo doo doo you did you do okay did I click Next there we go okay I accept the license agreement let's do next I'm gonna okay the exchange server will automatically check online for solutions okay I'm gonna use recommended settings what's the worst that could happen I don't mean someone who servers in their recorder it's okay I know I want the mailbox role and that's it and that'll include the management tools it's hard to see here it's grayed out but it is checked okay and I'm not gonna check this because I think I have everything I need well you know what let's check that just in case I missed any of those roles that's what we did that long command line that I've said I'm gonna put down in the notes section okay specify the path for the exchange server installation now I wonder if this means where it's gonna actually install the files the database file so I'm gonna change this too and we should have addy drive out here somewhere my goodness yeah we have an e Drive so let's put these files on the D Drive no I don't think I can change it I cannot I can browse but I cannot change it you know what I can move the databases later I'm not worried about this right now and we'll cover that if I decide to do that we'll cover that in a different video so so I'm going to do next and it says disable malware scanning I'm gonna say no and let's see how far we get now and you'll see our activity spiking gonna configure the prerequisite it's gonna analyze them now oh what fun we're having okay it I guess it's got to 100% so let's click install there we go and it's running so I'm not going to sit here and let you see all these steps unless something comes up on the screen that needs to be shared we'll just we'll try to get through it and come back when it's complete so all told let's see that took approximately 1/2 hour to install and you see my net optimization at run time optimization services running cracked quite heavily in the process or if that that continued to run through the install that may be why the uninstall took such a long time but it's finished it was successful can I launch the exchange admin ok I'll do that ok I'm going to finish and now let's see if the exchange administrator panel comes up and I imagine it's a peg oh it's a website ok good do-do-do-do-do-do [Music] so I should probably see iis server coming up yep and you see my memories pegged at 91% 92% I probably need to bump that ran up but we'll see it could be it could be that some of these things running you're just being piggish so bring it back up okay there it is so I'm gonna cut the video right here and well we'll cut it here you can see the IAS worker processes up what I'm gonna do is cut this video and I'm gonna watch shutdown and restart the computer let it come up clean let it stabilize and then I will go on from there and resume the video from that spot so there you go there is part one of the video on installing Microsoft Exchange 2016 and actually took me about three or four hours to make that that part of that video last night including editing so I hope you liked the video and hope you enjoy it and I was sorry to cut it off right it's a good part but I wanna we we got it up and running I know it's working I wanted to give the server a day to stabilize and make sure all the updates we're done so the next part part two will begin on the configuration of the mail server from my domain and then probably part 3 will be configuring DNS and your domain information all that good stuff so thanks again for watching we do appreciate your patronage hope you found the video entertaining and informative as always gives a thumbs up down below leave your comments down in the comment section and I'm putting a show notes down on the bottom as best I can so that you have the links to go to find the step-by-step install instructions if you are so inclined so again thanks for watching paypal patreon if you're so inclined to donate we take the on there thanks again for watching guys I really add ladies I really appreciate it and don't forget you will see you on the other side [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 9,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exchange, exchange server, exchange server 2016, exchange install, server 2012r2, install exchange on server 2012r2, microsoft exchange, ad forest, ad forest preparation, ad forest preparation exchange
Id: H5tZmSJrGus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 13sec (2293 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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