Windows Lab Series - Keeping the lab updated - Installing Windows 11

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well greetings people of the internet unki joe here anki joe's playhouse today we're gonna do a little maintenance [Music] yeah today is all about maintenance and what it takes to maintain a lab so for the example we're going to use today is our windows lab so i'm running a couple of uh dell r7 720 and a dell r620 server one of these servers has a video card in it and i'm running windows server 2019 on it and hyper-v and i have some virtual machines some of the lab machines that we've created together or on that very machine i have the dell r720 which i believe is running windows server 2022 it's my test server one of the lab servers and i believe that unit has a video card and speaking of video cards i have recently acquired a couple of these little gems well you know they depend on your definition of gem it's not a very powerful card it's an nvidia quadro k620 but it has its own built-in cooling it's a small design i'm sure you get a smaller or shorter bracket for it so it'll fit in a shorter slot height wise but this will work fine hopefully should work fine in i think it's my dell 620 that doesn't have a video card and not only do i have one but i have two of these cards that were donated to the channel so thank you out there uh the person that donated these or the client that donated these you know who you are thank you very much so the plan is to put those into those uh servers as well but we're not going to do that today that's a bit of a teaser what we're going to do today is maintenance on these servers so we're going to go out and we're going to i like to bring them up and get them up and running on their feet about once a week and run all the updates on it so that's what this is about in the process that i'm going to go through and then we're also going to talk a little bit about windows 11 because i've got some i've got two windows 11 virtual machines on on those hyper-v servers and so how are they going to respond uh to the updates because as of the day of this video that i started making it was on the 5th of october which was the day windows 11 was released so uh how about a little side by side comparison with that version the new version and the old version the beta version so again i could ramble on about it all day let's get the footage rolling right now and you can see for yourself what i found so one of the things that people tend to forget about in a lab environment is if you're not going to have these lab servers up and running 24 hours a day seven days a week then you need to do updates on them manually well as manually as you can so what i'm going to do is show you so first of all the uh let me just show you on the monitor here this is a trial version of windows server 2022 and um so let's go see if there are any updates out here for this bleeding edge operating system so we'll just just like we do on windows 10 go to update and security uh and there is an update available so i'm going to go ahead and download and install it and then let's go over to the other server and this one is running windows server 2019 so let's see if there's any updates for this server and no updates so now that's one of the things about a you know an evaluation license that hasn't been released or evaluation software that hasn't been released to the you know general public you need to make sure you're keeping it updated uh same way with windows 11 which is what part and parcel what these videos are about today about once a week as i turn my servers on and i do i do the updates on the core of the server and then i bring up all the vms that i have running on there and i do updates to those so that's what this video is about today so all right so as you can see we're all up to date here so i'm going to go ahead and spin up the virtual machines here i've got a domain controller running on here for the lab and then i have a domain controller running on the r620 so we're gonna go over there as well and we're going to start up the virtual machine the virtual domain controller over here so i'll just right click and choose start i like to have the task manager up so i can see what's going on on the server there we go and then once the two domain controllers come up and i and i've uh i can assure myself that they're speaking to one another and working properly then we'll uh remote into those machines and we will run the updates on those as well because i believe they're both going to have some updates to do all right so let's see if we can uh log on to this domain controller and see if it's working properly and see if there are any updates that need to be done uh but for right now we'll just go ahead and go to windows update and let those run it's probably been about a week since i had these virtual machines up and running and then let's come over to the the other dell this is domain controller 2 but let's see if it pops up and says there are updates to do now it says there aren't any but we'll go ahead and check just to be sure now i have a feeling they're going to be yeah there's going to be there's updates so we'll let those run and i have a feeling there's going to be updates for windows 11 because today is the they officially released windows 11 today my manager for my discord server posted it earlier today the link so i downloaded it and i thought well what better time than to go ahead and get this installed and this one says it's fine so i'm going to go ahead and log out sign out of this virtual uh domain controller just let it sit there in the background and do its work and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to come here to the windows 11 vm 2 and i'm going to go ahead and fire that up and then we're going to go out and take a look see but i'll be curious to know if there's any updates that need to be done on this windows 11 insider actually it's not on the inside or it's on the beta so this is an actual windows 11 beta and a virtual machine let's just see if it uh if it's wanting any updates after it boots up here there we go well where's the rest of my desktop that'll be nice if it shows me the rest of the desktop ah there it goes just took a while patience patience joe all right still you can see it's still running about 10 cpu usage so let's go out and see if there are any updates to the up something popped up in the background let's go to settings and let's go to go to windows update it says it checked it a minute ago updates failed alright so i've let it calm down now so let's see if there's actually any more updates available this is attention needed so we'll go out to windows update it's downloading and it's installing and so let's check for updates again let that install now what i'd like to do though is get prepared to do a new windows 11 install i have downloaded the current version of windows 11 and there it is windows 11 english x84 i'm sorry x64 so i'm going to copy that over here to the iso directory so i have a copy of it there's some of my lovely 10 gigabit network speeds not quite 10 gig but close enough not bad for spinning rust okay uh and let's do a new virtual machine and we'll do w11 p dash zero zero one we're gonna click on next it's gonna be gen two next we're gonna do got lots of ram so we're going to give it lots and lots of ram connected to the 10 gig virtual networking card and we're going to put the hard drive on the i drive so the iscsi 127 gig will install an operating system later click on finish this is how i like to set up my virtual machines your mileage might vary now i'm going to come back to that virtual machine and go to settings and i want to give it 4 cpus but i want to make sure secure boot is enabled and tpm is enabled and i think that's all i need to do there i do need to add a dvd drive and point that to the windows 11 iso that i put on here so we'll tell it to open that let's apply so when it boots i want it to boot off of that and we'll leave these alone and i'm going to enable secure boot what i don't want to do is create a virtual machine that is configuration version 10 and have it not be able to work on windows server 2019 so i'm trying to think ahead and i think i just yeah i leave secure boot enabled and that should do it so let's connect to it power it on hit the uh hit the space bar okay it looks like it's booting off the iso file okay so this version of windows 11 is fine so i'm just going to go ahead and log out of this one actually i'll just disconnect from it leave it running we come back here and let's install the new windows 11. now hopefully it'll allow me to select pro or home or something here i don't have a product key should be able to use my windows 10 product key so yeah i've got home home and home single language home education home pro pro and pro education pro education in pro for workstations and pro and for workstations i'm just going to do pro so it looks like uh we'll have to test this it looks like i'll be actually installing this over on the bench unit or the win raid beast as i call it because i want to see if they've fixed drive bender working with windows 11. um because i think that ryzen 5 over there would make a good candidate all right so i'm not going to have you sit here and watch an install uh we'll come back after our first reboot all right so the initial load it took probably about 10 minutes so recall this windows 11p 001 click on next i want to give you an idea what it's like on a running on a virtual machine so it looks like it's rebooting again i didn't have any trouble with tpm or with secure boot i enabled them both i guess i could have tried it without tpm but i figure the good test of that will be that workstation over on the bench when i put it on physical hardware so all right so now it's set now we're getting it set up so i want to i want everybody to see these setup screens so i'm going to set mine up for a work or school account and uh we're looking for the cop out domain join button instead let's see sign in options domain join instead good so that's one way around it the other way is to and i'm going to go ahead and log in with my normal adama account please tell me they've turned a lot of this stuff off by default all right uh i'm gonna i'm gonna turn all of this off just like i do on windows 10 and i can always come back and turn it back on later but so i want my use case scenario to be specific to me because this is how i do it on windows 10. so i want to i want to do that on windows 11 as well and see what the consequences are hopefully they're mild not real severe i doubt that they would be severe consequences but then again you never know with microsoft all right so i've got the machine installed so now i'm going to go into the settings of the virtual machine i'm going to remove the iso file from the dvd drive don't need that there everything else looks good let's fire this machine back up so i've got all the other virtual machines on here updated i've got the core operating system re uh all the updates done on it as well if i could remember how to speak go ahead and log in just make sure one last time this is taking care of all right so there we go it's up and running let's see if we uh we go out here check the settings and make sure all the updates are done because believe it or not it did have updates i'm really liking what they did probably the only one liking what they did with the uh the dock i wish it was more um os 10 like though a little more flexibility but i'll get over it but i like the fact that everything is kind of easy to get here just by right clicking on this start menu i really like that oh and yet another update so we've got everything updated now that our domain controllers our uh hyper-v servers are all updated our windows machines are updated and our windows 11 virtual machines are updated so it's good to do that once every one or two weeks it just depends on how often you use your your virtual machines but there you go there's a good example of how we do those updates so there you go uh not the most entertaining video watching updates is a boring as a boring a process live as it is filming it for you so but you got to take the pain with the pla to get the pleasure out of a stable running operating system well this is microsoft we're talking about so we are hoping that we get a stable operating system after all these updates sometimes that's not the case but for the most part it is and that's why it's important to keep them the machines up to date with the latest updates they're not only our bug fixes and software but they also could be important to security fixes so but just like anything else with updates you need to keep read the release notes make sure you understand what it is you're fixing with this update before you actually apply it to your servers uh but i just wanted to see how the sausage is made about the behind the scenes because that's the that's sometimes the most important part that gets left out of a lot of these videos things you don't see me doing in the background like maintaining servers and making sure they can still boot you know because these units are designed to be turned on 24 hours a day seven days a week and run at a constant temperature right they're not made to be turned on and off every day like i do here but i'm not going to spend the electricity to keep them running 24 7. that would just be foolish so these servers may begin to start aging the components may begin to start to wear especially capacitors and those kind of things and sometimes they'll go bad on you and you'll start noticing little flaky behavioral quirks on these servers as they get older so you have to be aware that you know these are just lab units and someday they're going to die so those are some signs to look for on these older servers as well so yeah in an upcoming video i will like i say we'll pop one of these quadro k620 cards in there it's not a real powerful it's like a first gen quadro card i believe somebody will yell at me and chat if i'm wrong but anyway we'll put that into that server and do some other fun stuff with it and uh the windows 7 army the windows 11 answer what's different between the version that was released on october 5th and the beta version you'll have to watch the live stream on saturday find out at 11 a.m central time so make sure you uh join us at the live stream or you'll have to wait for the live stream to be available for replay in order to watch that and find out but yeah i think you find it interesting i know i did hopefully you found the video interesting and informative as always if you did please give us a thumbs up down below leave your comments down in the comments section subscribe if you're not already a subscriber and click that notification bell to be notified of new videos when they come out thanks for coming to see us donate if you're so inclined paypal patreon youtube join function you know the drill thanks for coming to see us and don't forget we'll see you on the other side [Music] you
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows server, active directory, windows server 2019, windows 11, windows 11 update, windows 11 release, how to upgrade to windows 11, windows 11 install, tpm 2.0
Id: r55v1RIXavI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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