FreePBX 14 Install & configuration on HyperV - Part 1 - EP-161

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[Music] how do you to Bucky Joe here on key Joe's Playhouse today as promised we're gonna start our VoIP phone system and today we're gonna deal with installing free PBX 13 I believe is the one that's out right now so I'm gonna take you through that yeah I'm gonna install it on my hyper-v server as a virtual machine and I'm gonna show you from start to finish how I do that and then we'll of course we'll cut between the scenes that take a long time to do the install but the basis of the VoIP phone system is of course the Machine either physical or virtual that you set up to host your VoIP system so for this for this video we're gonna be using like I said free PBX 13 and then what we'll do is do the install in this video get it set up and configured and then we'll do separate videos for each part like extensions and VoIP providers and trunks etc so stay tuned we're gonna get this video started right now thanks for joining us now the first thing you want to do is head over to the free PBX website and free PBX org and you want to go to their download section and the one we're interested in is the SN g 7 - PBX - 64-bit - 1712 - to the release date on that is December of 2017 now that comes with free PBX 14 it comes with a Linux operating system you can choose between asterik 13 14 or 15 supports UEFI and legacy BIOS booting and the ISO can be written directly to a USB Drive and installed on a if you're on a physical Hardware we're going to be doing ours on a virtual hard work and what I've done is I've downloaded the full ISO all right so that's the first thing you need to do go out and get that ISO all right so we've switched over here to our virtual one of our Dell servers it's running the production that's where I run all my software so that's the server we're on right now and what I've done is I have created a folder on my where I store my virtual machines here called ISO and I have copied that free pbx ISO into that directory and that's what we use to to boot off of so we can do the install so the first thing we want to do is come over here to hyper-v manager and we're going to create a new virtual machine so we'll come up here we're gonna do a new virtual machine next we're gonna call this I'll call this free PBX and what should we call it 14 well we'll make it simple we'll just call it free PBX 14 how does that sound click on next here I'm gonna use this as a generation I suppose I could use generation 2 I'm gonna try a generation 2 machine let's see as you if I firmware the supported I don't know I don't know let's do Gen 1 let's just be safe we'll do it we'll do it as a Gen 1 machine and we're gonna give it I'm gonna give a 2gig of RAM and we'll give it a 1/3 an adapter on our subnet subnet 5 and let's see free PBX 14 virtual hard drive 127 gig that's fine and we're going to install the operating system later and then we'll click on now what that's done is that has created a virtual machine or the shell for the virtual machine but we still need to go out here and do some editing on this too so it can boot so we're gonna right-click and go to settings and down here where it says IDE controller and DVD drive we're gonna point this to that ISO that we downloaded right here and then apply now what's gonna happen I'm gonna double click on that machine of them will power it up so what's gonna happen now once we power up this machine it'll boot off of that ISO file and start the install all right so let's let's power on our virtual machine and if she should boot off the ISO file there it goes okay so we have several options here so we need to read the screen so we have our free PBX 14 install with a strip 13 which is what's recommended so if you try to use asterisk 14 or 15 you may have issues with the install then they have the advanced installer and then they have advanced and troubleshooting options and so I am going to select free PBX 14 installation with asterisk 13 and I'm going to hit enter and I'm gonna output to VGA because I'm on a virtual machine and so if we read here it's going to an automatic install of asterik 13 and free PBX 14 if there were two or more if there are more than two identically sized hard drives are detected a raid will be created and I would recommend that if you're gonna do that in production is to have let's just say for example two 500 gig hard drives in there that are identically and in size are identical in size and then freebie PBX will install them as a raid as a mirror so just keep that in mind when you're doing this but since we're doing it in a virtual machine it really doesn't matter so I'm gonna hit enter here and lefting install start and I'm going to periodically cut this video as new stuff comes up but we'll let this run up we should be able to move our screen here so we can see everything now I like to hard-code my IP address into my phone systems and there's a couple ways ways you can do this you can get the MAC address off of this virtual machine and go make a DHCP reservation or when you're installing the software here at this screen you can go through and you can set your IP address but if you notice something here it doesn't there is no way for me to do that there doesn't look like there's any way so if I come back here to root password we need to set a root password that's first thing we need to do so go ahead and pick your root password do not lose it make it secure etc etc and even though it says it's week I'm gonna press done and you notice down here the password you provided as week the password fails the dictionary check you have to press done twice to confirm it so we press once and then twice now let me see normally you can go back in the configuration and it will allow you to change the at least in the previous installation it would let me go back and change all those networking options it doesn't look like that's going to be the case in this instance so that what I need to be aware of so I need to come up here to file settings and I need to come down to my network adapter and I need to make note of this MAC address right here and we'll verify this after the install is done because in order for this to be assigned an IP address I guess we're gonna have to use a DHCP reservation so just be aware of that I'm gonna go ahead and let the install run and I'll come back when something something that needs our attention is up on the screen alright it appears that the installation is complete it's telling us it's now successfully installed and ready for you to use it go ahead and reboot start using it so let's reboot and let's see what happens and hopefully this time it'll boot off the hard drive of the virtual machine and not the cd-rom drive we shall see and then like doing it live no we need to go down and tell it to boot from the local hard drive but before I do that I'm gonna come up here to media and I'm going to eject and then I'm going to reset so I've ejected the cd-rom drive the ISO file and now I'm just booting off the internal hard drive now I will prepare you even though free PBX is free they embed a lot of advertising even in even in the Installer there was a inordinate amount of advertising for a sangoma how much longer is free PBX gonna be free I don't know I don't know companies these open source companies are getting bought out left and right and what they tend to do is leave you a free version with limited functionality and then the pay version has all the bells and whistles but we'll see I haven't played with free PBX 14 so this is gonna be new to me as well to you I'm gonna go ahead and login his route with that root password we created earlier just to make sure that this thing will come up and it does and if you notice right now here's the MAC address you need to make note of that if you're going to if you're going to reserve a IP address for your free PBX system like I'm going to do I'm gonna set it an IP address five dot 101 so I need to make a note of this MAC address write it down and then I need to go into my DHCP server and set a reservation so we'll do that next so make sure you make a note of your MAC address all right so I'm gonna go ahead and connect to my domain controller so I can make those changes I might as well take you along with me and remember this is my Windows Server 2016 domain controller we bring that over here and of course there's a bunch of updates that need to be but I'm not going to worry myself with those right now I'm going to come into the DHCP manager here I'm gonna expand that all right so what I want to do is I want to reserve 101 through my IP address so I'm gonna come over here to reservations and I'm going to do a new one I'm just gonna call it free PBX 14 now this will change once the Machine registers itself and I'm going to use IP address of 101 I'm gonna enter my MAC address and same thing down here free PBX 14 I'm going to go ahead and add and close and then we'll keep an eye here on our leases because right now you'll see that reservation is inactive alright so what I'm going to do is come back over here to free PBX and I'm going to I think the command is reboot yes it is so I'm going to reboot the free PBX virtual machine and it should get an IP address of 101 when it comes back up so we'll stick with this and watch it reboot and of course you gotta have a drink of coffee while you're waiting [Music] well I don't see you doing anything there it goes go ahead and hit the enter key there let it come up you know as I've been doing these videos I've real I've been starting to wear headphones as I edit them and I have I'm hard of hearing I'm an older guy my ears are getting old but when I have those headphones on man I can really hear the background noise that y'all hear and I have to apologize for that we're gonna work on getting better audio quality in here the problem is is that air conditioner that window air conditioners just loud as all get-out alright that was a little odd it did reboot but he didn't bring it did bring me up to this login screen for some reason I had to refresh the screen a couple of times so now let's log in and let's see what it reports as an IP address and there you go it's reporting 5.1 oh one is the IP address and if we come out here to the domain controller you'll see now that 101 the reservation is active alright so we've got the install done we've got an IP address assigned and I suppose now the proper thing to do is go out and start configuring this thing so it tells you even here please note most TAS should be handled through the GUI you can access the GUI by one of the IP addresses of above and but they don't tell you the user name and password so I'm assuming once we get into the IP address of that machine it'll give us it'll allow us to create a username and password I assume we'll use root so there there that's it that's basically how you install it and how you reserve an IP address for it I'm going to make a few notes on here so I'm going to come up to file settings and down here I'm gonna go just so I have a little mental reminder that it's at 5.1 oh one I'll go ahead and apply that and now I can in theory log out here because I don't need this I won't be needing to do anything else here so I'm gonna go ahead and log out and then I'm just gonna close this window and let the virtual machine run in the background all right so now we have the machine up and running now we need to go through the initial configuration so I'm going to use a dhama like I always do for my username my super-secret password and then my email address let's yeah and and then put in your email address and editor cut this out and we'll go ahead and choose create an account okay and then we should be able to come into either one of these operator panel get support user control panel what we're interested in is free PBX administration so let's verify that our user name worked and it has now your machine is almost ready to go before you get started would you like to activate your new server activation is optional but it's highly recommended activating your server is required to purchase commercial modules and paid support why not let's go ahead and activate and then I need to enter my email address [Music] all right this is the name you prefer to be referred to if we're ready to contact you we will use this name okay all right and then they want your your personal information which I'm not gonna give them right now I don't see any need for you to do that registering it should be good enough so I'm gonna go ahead and tell it create okay and then a location name you should now enter a location name for this machine this will be displayed so we'll call this MCS and I'm gonna go ahead and activate and it's complete and then you get a whole bunch of ads but so we'll go ahead and skip through this ad and we'll go ahead and skip through that ad and then there we are now our time zone it's selected English America Chicago that's fine we're on Central's time it's a it's installed the smart firewall okay we'll go ahead and continue after a completion of this was if the firewall will be automatically enabled I'm going to abort this right now because I don't want to use their firewall and I'm going to tell sip station not now as you can see there is a ton of advertising in this free PBX system now I'm going to go ahead and come up here and apply this configuration and it's going to give us an error on the system firewall and that's going to remain and that's fine but this is the basic install and configuration of three PBX so once you've gotten to this point now we can start getting into the meat and potatoes of the free PBX operating system and there you go so there you go it's installed it's up and running the virtual machines up and running now what we probably ought to do is find out if there are any updates to these this software now that we've installed it so I think we come over to let's see here updates right down here so go to admin and then go down to updates okay and this tells us our current PBX Version current system version the number of modules etc so if we go here to system updates it says it's never checked unknown they haven't run since last reboot so let's check online working [Music] so here's all our updates so it used to be the update was a tricky process and it was very you could really fubar a system if you did an update and were familiar with all the interdependencies between the modules because this is a Linux system where it's written on top of Linux so I'm going to take it choosers 82 rpms are available for upgrade and you could you can see the difference in versions I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna update the system and let it run so this is gonna take a little bit of time oh excuse me and we'll come back when that's completed all right so our updates have now completed as you can see right there it says complete go ahead and click on OK and let's come back to our summary let's see is it refreshed now let's refresh this this update screen it still shows its last online check was it doesn't say that's coming system updates none currently required let's refresh the page all right so it looks like our updates are complete I'm going to check one more time just to make sure we don't have any more updates out there that need to be done I really have to tell you I've used these open-source PBX systems before and that's probably the easiest I've ever been able to do updates so that's a good that's a plus that's a plus so I'm going to go back to the dashboard now alright so now we're all updated I don't know if I need to reboot it says 14 minutes ago it was rebooted but I'm going to go ahead and let's see I have a logout button do I have a reboot button pardon me I've got a I'm learning this as I go as well and I think what I'll do is go ahead and do a reboot on the virtual machine let me let me log out here and then we'll go back to our production machine and then I'm gonna tell this thing I'm gonna go ahead and restart it first thing I'm gonna do is shut it down now the beauty of modern Linux now is now it has the hyper-v integration tools integrated into most Linux distributions so you can see that the machine is actually doing a legitimate shutdown rather than just powering off the unit or having to go out and do a reboot command so we'll let this machine shutdown and then we'll restart it alright the machine's been powered off let's try to power it back on and see if it boots up hopefully we'll get lucky and you can see there's been an update now because now we have another we have another Linux kernel to load from I believe they're using sent OS 7 I believe is what they're using is the base okay so we're now at the login screen go ahead and shut that off and then we'll come back to free PBX and see if we can log in again now it says it cannot connect to asterisk it's probably cuz we haven't given it enough time to boot up okay still shows asterisk is down we'll give this few minutes and then we'll refresh it again alright so I gave it a few minutes and it looks like everything is back up and running we have a couple of errors one on the system firewall and one on the rest apps daemon will look into that as we go on but there we go so we have created a virtual machine we've installed free PBX 14 we've done the updates we've got it up and running and there it is that's the basic installation so that's gonna do it for this video we've got to use system installed we've got the updates done and our next series of videos will start actually configuring the phone system setting up some trunks setting up some incoming and outgoing routes will go over dial strings or connection strings extensions etc so we've got a lot more coming in this series of videos but I just want to walk you through the basic install a free PBX 14 they've really simplified the install procedure I've done some other versions of free PBX that were a kind of a real pain in the ass to install so that parts done now the real hard work begins and that's the configuration of the phone system so there you go we hope you found the video entertaining and informative as always if not a little bit short yeah I told you I'm gonna try and condense these video and videos into shorter blocks so I can get more videos up at a time and if I've left anything out leave your comments in the comment section if you have any questions it's best to send an email to Uncle Joe's Playhouse at try to keep your your questions to the point and you know if you've got five or six questions on there if I have time I'll answer them if not you're just gonna have to watch the next video but give us a like down below if you liked it thumbs up and please leave your comments in the comment section and we'll return again the next time we return we'll be doing some more some more in-depth video on this free PBX 14 so thanks again for watching appreciate your patronage and don't forget we'll see you the other side [Music]
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 7,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freepbx, freepbx 14, voip, voip phones, hyperv, freepbx hyperv, free pbx, free pbx 14
Id: aUyTK16AA30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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