Wednesday's FIRST KISS in Minecraft!

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Wednesday dreams of Darkness shadows and kissing Love is in the air at Nevermore Academy and these guys want to be Wednesday's first kiss but Wednesday's Vision show her more and that in the shadows something might be looking to hurt her forever uh-huh what the oh that a thing I just wanted five more minutes can you allow me that what's that noise huh oh great she's got the Zoomies again these are these are fascinating [Music] oh your first kiss what no we have you already had yours you haven't I've never kissed anyone I mean no not good because um but good because because of what um the thing would be the first to know actually and besides who even said I wanted a kiss huh well I guess that's fine if you don't want to be kissed we're not talking about this right now are we for real unless what's that I'm lying what I'm not gonna get kissed what maybe it'll happen in the camping trip oh you know what I I just need to get out of here I'm just going to don't forget jump over here what the oh no no no no no um you know what I am yep no kiss for me thanks bye what you were right thing I just need to be alone uh you know by myself and yes I know you're here too I understand so nice to be in a graveyard everything is super dark super beautiful you know wait a minute this isn't my style needs to be a little darker [Music] this whole place could use a little bit more Darkness you know but why do I still feel bad what are you thinking my vision right do we actually want to be kissed leave me alone no you stopped yourself hey stop using your powers on him no you're better than this no I'm not well you should be better than this now leave Noy alone oh yeah why should I oh will you give me a kiss for it what nothing can you believe this guy no I'm not oh she is yeah she must like me what no I'm just thinking about kisses that makes my face hurt yeah my book it was interesting anyway who's ready for a field trip field trip that means going into town right yep we'll have to get supplies for our camping trip in the Normie town that also means all of you especially you two must be on your best behavior hey I'm the poster child of a good student more like poster child for a horror movie hey you think are you gonna be okay if oh all right have fun see you later all right we made it all in one piece now everybody knows what they need to pick up for the supply stores right yeah wait remember behave yourselves in the Darby town and have fun hey what are you daydreaming about dreaming about that kids no shh Casey don't have to bring that up right now okay okay you really do have your mind somewhere else today only in the darkest of Shadows sure sure I bet the darkest thing you can think about is hot chocolate well you know what I've never gotcha should have seen the look on your faces take care of you right here three what am I saying about getting into trouble what what no what Missy I don't want to hear it now you three split up Aaron you go get the food Ian you go get the wood and you go get the tent fine I'll buy the stupid tents at least I get to pick the color then it's going to be very dark very nice this must be the shop all right let's see um hello and welcome [Laughter] to the black parade aren't you just the guy all of my nightmares here to pick up the tanks for the school trip oh right right right right you never more free to go in camping right you gotta go tell spooky stories oh tents please all right huh wait oh no huh hey Google what [Music] that's cool if you just wanted to get closer all you have to do with that you know it's just leave me alone okay all right guess you don't want the tents then hey wait I need those all right all right here you go you know if you want to hang out some more uh maybe save me from another falling shelf or you know whatever whatever let's just get back to my bus trip I mean bus bus yes that's what I'm that's what I mean to think about the bus okay all right I don't need no stupid kiss hey uh quick question for you hey what are you doing what I you know I was just wondering about it no no no no no me first wait first me first go away weirdo good night hey that's so nice well too bad what if you just um I can hang out with us specifically me yeah no thanks you'd rather I come with you on your little trip or whatever huh come back don't answer those questions sorry that you like me oh hey I knew you'd be back uh what oh you know I've just been uh alone oh yeah why don't you just leave all of us alone fine freaks anyway oh there you are no dates wait yeah yes let's go I've got the tents hmm Sunset very nice okay wonderful job everyone the campsite is all set so let's turn in early tonight so we can get some fun activities bright and early uh okay let's go [Music] yes ma'am get a look at this little goody two shoes you what are you doing here oh happy to see me I knew you would oh you're that Normie boy did you even get here uh I followed you guys also on the Goths plus one wait wait I I never know hey don't you know how dangerous these Woods are Mister first thing in the morning you are going right back to town young man you hear me yeah we'll see about that just leave him alone hey guys girl wanna share a tent uh can you take a hint leave me alone ah come on can you hear she said take a hike well I don't think I heard her say those words you a liar then freak uh I'm just going to sleep good night hmm Casey it's too early to have the Zoomies wait those aren't happy oh no the monster t-shirt oh no get away from her City it's okay I got you wait he's what do you mean you've got me but but it's okay we gotta help no it's okay I'll just take care of you go get away it's fine we gotta go back they landed on the bridge hey are you okay you saved me I I'm I'm fine actually everything okay down there yes I don't need you to save me I'm good yeah cause I was already saving her thank you very much I can save myself I don't need any help goodbye but thank you you're welcome whatever oh come on huh why is everyone here I told you all to stick together okay okay what happened here uh we were attacked by a monster and this is why no body here yeah but the rest of us were in danger too yeah which is why we're going right back to the Soul prompt help now everyone on the bus now oh man um looks like we're gonna have to take the long way back to school oh yeah yeah but you know what I think I could jump it and a one and a two yeah [Music] okay it looks like we're gonna take the long way around come on let's walk back together yes ma'am I think we're lost you know it's actually kind of romantic in the dark Forest oh is it I guess cool ready for our date yet [Music] fine I'll see you later wait um nice time for us to be alone go away Ian I want to be on my own I'm going this way wait where did the path go this place is less romantic when it's just me who's there come out wherever you are who a thing no get away and stay out how did it you sure got a bit of it easy probably because I'm super powerful stick with me I'll keep you safe well you did save me I guess thanks a lot we gotta get moving come on moving together just you and me now um come on we've got to really make sure that we're okay huh she'll bother us anymore did you see that uh see what is it a anyway what let's just keep moving that was a little suspicious I think we found the path huh are you okay ah I made it back uh let's just keep moving come on okay let's see ah glad you could join us in this weird ominous Cabin in the Woods yeah the perfect place to stay for tonight yep uh is it really better than the spooky Forest though absolutely very gloomy very nice hey Miss Kim why do you think that height is after us it's lurking in the forest well it's hard to say really but the thing about hides is someone is usually controlling them really so there might be someone else behind this yeah but let's not worry about that let's just go just go to sleep you can't be serious it's like literally right outside oh okay um maybe enough for this so I guess I'll find a bed yep right over here [Music] come on Casey over here end up bye naughty everyone let's go to sleep [Music] okay I can't sleep this long I need to go find out what's going on I need to investigate hmm if the height is being controlled maybe someone here is controlling on who hmm what if I sneak into the boys room Maybe got wanna sleep two asleep three asleep Erin he's gone hmm where'd he go uh oh um should have knocked um maybe out here hmm guess not maybe there's another one another place that he could have hided get it because if he's controlling The Hive then that's that's the joke hey whoa oh watch where you're going uh I was literally you saw me um what are you doing out here looking into some of that hide again and get us all while we're sleeping yeah that makes perfect sense what are you talking about fine then what were you doing out here do you really want to know yes of course I wouldn't know I couldn't sleep someone has to stay awake to protect the pack wait you mean us no not the random wolves in the forest oh really of course I mean you guys um It's actually kind of sweet you know just don't go telling anyone okay I don't want anyone else to know you know I couldn't sleep either ever since my friend talked about this first kid [Music] don't worry about it actually um okay but since we are here uh uh you got something on your face uh I do huh yeah oh wait what what was that what's that was that you no I I didn't make that sound wait what's going on let's go look no it's back so you aren't are you no that was Will's trying to tell you [Music] that's the only reason you are the one who stopped him before meaning that you're the one who control him don't get back I'm the strong yeah I mean [Applause] watch out Ian thank you oh no my first kiss is huh well what do you think about what well I stopped the dagging so you like owe me a kiss or whatever I don't understand what's going on and wait where are you going uh get back here wait it's not safe to go off on your own stop Ian you can't run from us forever couldn't you have just let everything go according to plan like come on Glenn seriously what did you do this is gonna happen after using the hide yeah well you know I I just wanted to use the high to make everyone so do the oh I hate you wait what I didn't want to happen hey but now you're all under Mike wait a minute let's not sorry noise I oh this will help us what happened like I lost control of myself you guys out of it ow tell us what your plan was the first kiss are you serious uh yeah you know I thought if I looked cool saving you then you'd want to date me but then stupid Jane had a crush and stupid Aaron was there too wait so Gene was what stupid stupid teens Miss Kim yeah forget a thousand years I don't want to go to detention listen will you visit me in detention I don't think so get out of here I'd rather visit the graveyard than I'd sleep in the graveyard and then I go are amazing [Laughter] let's go back everyone ran ahead oh the school oh yeah look at that we're almost back I see it up ahead excuse me what are you doing there oh Casey wait thing oh there you are he missed you so that was your first kiss huh what uh I mean of course oh no not really but sorry thing oh um so uh thanks again I know it was uh pretty awesome that you saved everyone back there you weren't so bad yourself yeah so listen I know the guys are pressuring you about a date but uh I was wondering you know if you might maybe you could say no but uh that's my first kiss and I guess you know not bad for a second kiss thing thumbs up way way up um but if you tell anybody about it especially the pink girl yeah you're dead yep we're taken oh sorry run thing run thing run run run run yeah then run down let's get going
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,976,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: bmegn22XTus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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