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and don't forget to like And subscribe aphmau who are you talking to uh them uh the other wonderful people in the Box there's people in this box oh don't worry I'll get you out [Music] outside my boyfriend's mom and I'm stuck inside now I take control in order to get out but when I find out he's lying to me my goal becomes to find out what his secret really is ah look at him he's just so dreamy all right Aaron get ready to get exploded with you out of the way Atmos definitely gonna date me I'm so smart I know wait wait bye whatever yes he has such a way with Minecraft let's see you can't blame me he's my boyfriend now that's amazing right how much do you think he loves you like a bunch oh I bet oh I don't know Casey I mean I've never really asked so oh you've never asked him well I'm gonna go do it right now no no don't change it no no no no no no no no you have to no Noah it's fine I can wait I I just wanna but you have to know um look it will come with time okay and what is that oh if you don't let me find out then you what huh wait why are you big bigger I mean you should go try it [Music] is huh oh hey what's up whoa huh wait wait am I inside Aaron's mind but you know did you just spitball me what no oh did she just hit him very smooth Casey wow this must be what Aaron sees Hmm this is super weird how to get washed up oh no okay maybe like a peek there we go oh he's brushing his teeth okay that was weird all right I gotta figure out a way to get out of here much better I don't want to see what he sees right yeah oh Amanda oh I almost forgot about her tonight [Music] is there something about the server name Amanda maybe it's just a friend of his uh he's going to bed I can probably huh oh there's an exit button all right okay gotta get out of here gotta get out of here I gotta make my way outside okay all right let me go to k uh Casey hey I also does Aaron love you um I mean I'm not sure but he got a message from someone named Amanda and uh what else wait what wait seeing someone else um wait let's check the server tab wait there is someone else on the server someone we don't know [Music] you have to get to the bottom I'm sure true love will prevail it's probably just a misunderstanding okay just don't cry no let me go find out what's going on Casey I don't think we should go back inside Aaron's head maybe maybe we should just talk to him normally we can't go back inside of his head right of course we can the only way you're gonna find out the truth and you have to control his every no um isn't that kind of bad do you want to find out the truth or not they're not I mean I do but I just ask him like a normal person come on let's just go talk to him see what happens and I'm sure he'll tell me the truth come on let's go we're probably just overreacting okay we just gotta go to his house and uh oh hey oh [Music] uh yeah um I was just wondering like do you have any other friends or anything like that do you think that's a little weird yeah okay I'm okay uh you have absolutely nothing good to worry about um anyways uh yeah I'm a little busy I gotta go Aaron hey wait okay come on oh um I guess he is acting a little weird I mean weird but suspicious yeah I guess I mean maybe we're just jump into conclusions all right fine fine but can we still go inside his head and see what's up clearly he didn't want to answer so it's up to you to find out the truth I mean maybe you're right um look we already went once right we just gotta see what he's up to from meeting with this secret date uh I don't think it's a date I'm just gonna help him you know that's it yeah we'll go inside his mind and help him out right come on you sit here huh so let's see if we can get any skeletons to spawn why is he looking for skeletons and how do we get back in his head like this huh it's it's earl now hit Aaron with it oh hit Aaron with it um do it okay [Music] we gotta help him fight uh here let's just control his arms like this what what did you throw in oh you'll see whoa wait wait one shot with fire breath did you throw it something hot lava the bones though why was he hunting skeletons maybe he had like a farm right yeah he's gonna craft into bone meal and stuff you know oh yeah maybe he's gonna use them to grow food and flowers for his date oh Casey no Casey I don't think all right just gotta put these away here and I'll take care of them later let's try to lead him to the farm maybe maybe he can use his stuff there wait a minute he's in his house though oh it's time to find out what do you know what no that's wrong Casey Casey stop pressing buttons looks like even big strong guy Aaron gets the old gold feet sometimes it's when you spend too long Counting gold and it makes all your feet all wobbly obviously what I think you need to get that checked out oh yeah I got things to do get him out here some other girl okay sister don't think about it Casey oh all right look look wait wait why am I walking this way all right here we go three let's try let's try this go up and Casey what are you doing what is going on oh what wait a second this is the lake has fish oh he's going fishing nice well he's got underwater whoa this looks weird okay all right all right let's give it give me that fish give me that fish okay all right gotta fishing now wait I don't actually need this weird that's cool you can see him from like behind him oh I gotta make dinner for Amanda too no dinner for Amanda what maybe you're right now are you okay it's all right they're there we're gonna get the two-timey jerk what okay girl I'm awake we didn't find the truth about anything well we're just gonna we shouldn't be doing this I should be front with him okay I'm just gonna ask him just like a normal person right but that's not exciting what yeah yeah with Casey okay uh Aaron oh hey hey um are you gonna go make some dinner uh yep dinner uh just for me oh it's good for you good yeah anyway my hover is really low so I should uh go get to that oh bye all right you know it's okay don't worry we're gonna figure things out I've got this potion that's gonna get us back in look at that all right we're done we're done you know what fine let's give it a shot all right we're back in he really wasn't gonna talk to me to me what the wait where are they where are they it is what are they making a big dinner for him um food wow so specific wait you're just making food you're making meals all right maybe if I were to help him make his meal oh you put your sugar on your meat over there hang on what's making uh what's this interesting recipe oh protein nice is that like a cake stick cake this isn't working so you're gonna eat that yourself I just wait a minute a brain oh nice brain oh you might not like what you find I just gotta find out what don't know okay and I just want to find out one thing is Amanda does she really mean is she really cute like what's going on here okay wolf room what is what is what is that they're a bunch of oh puppies and puppies okay you know what let's get this get out of here I'm overreacting I need to cool down there's an app room a what really I'm afraid to look Casey what if it's not me I guess I'll go in myself oh fine all right let's find out oh so cute oh he has so many memories of us oh okay I am overreacting I'm letting my jealousy get the better of Me Maybe we should leave like uh I don't know I mean he's hiding something secret room secret room I can't get in the secret room it is closed Casey I gotta know I wait maybe let me in okay okay girl I'm acting I'm acting all types of crazy okay I just ask there's no way we're gonna find out okay I just need a religious exit come on Casey where'd you go oh wait hey oh hey there laugh Mal you get it because everyone laughs at you for being bad at Minecraft you know I get hang on hang on what's wrong I I think Aaron's seeing someone else really uh nice I mean uh oh man that sucks you should probably date someone else to get back at him right now no I think I have some time in my calendar if you wanna I mean if it's not Daddy's got a big secret I wish he would tell me okay you know what I know just what to do leave it to me aphmau you really don't have to into the rescue oh no great great now I got him involved oh okay stay can't get any worse he ends on the loose I just need to talk to Aaron and oh hey Aaron well look who it is something wrong you tell me unless you're too stupid what actually I came here to tell you that I I hate you and you should totally date in because he's handsome and he likes gold what anyways I got stuff to do and I like mining so bye uh-huh right bye Aaron okay I see what Ian did Aaron doesn't talk like that and he's Ian I know for a fact Ian is probably inside Aaron's mind all right here somewhere he made Aaron just blue way to make it up where could I go to get here hey Aaron hey hey wait I thought you were supposed to go to an idiot oh I know and he's so handsome but I just couldn't find him anywhere super weird I was so ready to date him [Music] are you okay I don't know anything you can't make me I am getting out of here yeah what stop being mean to Aaron I mean why can't I hit you down inside [Music] let's go oh my you who are in here for like five minutes welcome to Aaron's brains mess it up I made him cool cool yeah he's on he's all cool that's opposite playing a game okay I'm not getting it wait what just the whoops Aaron's mine is mine now can't believe adorable puppies Ian it's no yes I can always call more from the Wolf Den why are you so strong come on it's cool right here come on who's that cute boys there's bones everywhere that'd be cute today let's get out of here get him get it yeah it is let's talk about this it's fine no no no no listen I'll put Aaron back to normal just stop hitting here oh yeah how can I trust that are you gonna bring Aaron back to normal no no no no okay I promise if you stop trying to hit me with the sword oh I'll put Aaron back to normal that's what I wanted to hear and you guys should have been the answer from the moment we got it all right so what do you want me to do what you said you were gonna do but start cleaning up first okay come on come on we gotta get his mind back to tip top shape the Ian room yeah you take over my room give me give me to come here oh my gosh oh wow great everyone's bowing I wasn't making Aaron's mind beautiful because you interrupted me beautiful right that's not beautiful yes it is look we got gold we got another friends look even you're there bowing to you of course he's setting the screen I am so done with this I had a lot of work conclusions anymore it's not wrong to be jealous but I have to control my jealousy ah yeah yeah I'm gonna take forever to fix this reset button wait what does exit button on the reset button why didn't we just do that in the first place instead of making me clean all the fire oh you know what what is going on I'm done with this uh yes you can oh yeah shut up look after what's going on no it's fine it's my fault if you want to date Amanda and she makes you happy then you know what I want that for you and I'm glad you found someone that makes you feel happy Amanda no literally look I'll show you just follow me up me wait oh Mommy is this is Amanda I've been taking care of her and her puppies I just I was gonna give you one of them as a gift it was supposed to be you know a surprise [Music] but wait the tech those were alerts I had set up on my camera you know to alert me if they needed anything oh vacations oh I'm sorry Aaron I'm sorry I didn't trust you I just and then also that Ian rampaged around your brain you know I was kind of thinking about this I think we should name the puppies gold and TNT Ian I'm kidding I'm kidding no you can still get Ian if you want oh okay I gotta go oh it was true love after all get out of here
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,686,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: jHBnXgSBkTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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