Escaping My BOYFRIEND'S Prison In Minecraft!

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my boyfriend has locked me up inside this Minecraft prison but I have my own ways to break out now I accept his challenge to find a way out of this impossible prison let me out of here you're quiet I'm trying to think of a way to break out okay you know you could just use this pickaxe here to dig out oh thank you you know that's actually really there you go really sweet of you what did you do it doesn't matter how many pickaxes you have this Blaze is in case an obsidian and water hey I'll take that back now you should know me better by now I'm just gonna let you break out of here that easily you wanted a challenge right what about me hey good luck smell you later I'm falling for fake tears oh they're not fake I'm just upset because you look so good in uniform yeah I knew it wait what you look really handsome you know and it's just a shame I can't be close to you because this bar is in the way stop you're making me blush but it's true well you know I did kind of work on this skin for a bit I got I I worked on mine too right quiet let me let me let me tell you a secret let me tell you a little secret wait what it's not fair I like you and I think your prison is so good that you know what I'm not even gonna bother I'm not even about to escape it I'm just gonna you know sit here and probably log off you know yep wait maybe if I helped you out you might survive to escape my prison I would I mean I mean I could give it a try I guess here it's okay let's see if you can break out you and your stupid little friends too huh I'll be waiting whoa wait don't don't I get one hello forgot he's really good with redstone okay you know what that's fine all right Ian let's see what we got here um I could just you still have that key oh okay you know I could just punch this out but I'm going to figure out this puzzle there's obviously something going on here okay all right just hold on Ian I got you all right get me out of it's fine don't worry let's do three two one give me a um it's leaking out it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm just gonna plug this up being here okay it's okay I just want to that I can do this okay let's see um combination I don't know if you have that much time uh two three one okay okay just breathe breathe breathe come on two one three does that work huh Ian get out get out get out dude I can't get this out of the way okay oh all right let's push the button and get out of here it's stacking it's tacking we gotta go we gotta go go go go go go go go go okay all right you know what I almost died in it in there come on let's go see whoa oh oh hey hey you two yeah um I guess Aaron has his own ways around this place remember it's just lava it's fine we're safe up here be careful okay um you know what uh I don't want a ladies that's what I thought so the way to get past oh you're so crazy is like literally like this look like in in watch Crouch uh it's the best trick in the book okay but I can't move forward no no no no you have to go around everything is working no Ian no I think I figured head out just gotta jump over the holes jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump as long as you jump everything is just fine and where'd you go bad could ever happen yeah okay okay good job for you you're safe all right Kim you're free thanks wow your boyfriend yeah I know but you know what that's why we're gonna outsmart him We're not gonna do any of this we're just gonna dig outside the prison because it's all in case an obsidian so we're actually going to solve the problems okay huh [Music] wow [Music] um so let me let me see whoa someone's up on the other one step on the other one okie dokie hey next is yellow okay um [Music] should we hop off and jump on that or uh no because I think if I do this [Music] you know what what if I make an armor stand we can probably make one using the stuff here give it a shot um oh there we go I got one I don't think so obsidian hot what clever girl let me go yeah yeah nope that's cheating oh so what you're telling me that I can't be smart in your prison maybe you're too smart for your own good ah you guys uh head into that room instead wait what room fine all right all right fine Aaron you know what I'll solve this puzzle I don't need to cheat in the game yeah we can figure this out oh look okay okay we're gonna need a lot more people for this one yeah we could control this ourselves oh look at these loversy uh push the button oh the key and then let's see uh oh yeah oh one so we just gotta make a path for the key okay so now the key is there two does that work uh I think it's stuck yeah how do we get it oh okay good job good job good job good job okay all right no push okay send it over here all right good then I think we'll do um um try I don't I don't I don't think this is right let's try this one now [Music] so we need more this one that one that one that one oh no no no no no no no no no stop idiot stop I'm trying that should work wait oh do we have a fourth person come here anyone here hello um okay I think riddle number one I burn in the Sun and growl when I speak when the village B comes overrun use this to cure Meek I just wanted to rhyme it okay it's all I wanted to do that's cute [Music] [Music] all right we got stuff in here there's stuff in the chest so do we just uh all right let's see so put it in the dropper here and then okay oh okay gold we might need that for a riddle we have to read the rest of them okay the first one was golden apples let's not doubt him just yet rule number two tall is a tree you'll have to look away but with this gift you can run as far as you say it's a c um yeah gold is a gift gift you can run as far as you can see yeah you know what I'm I'm just gonna go golden golden look at him there we go hit the button it liked it right um watch out no I didn't okay all right it didn't like the answer [Music] um okay uh is it still here it disappeared disappeared it's gone one Enderman is whenever I'm keeping the gold next time I don't see any in the chest is there anyone in there oh do it do it do it look at all the players here guys oh great it's this guy hey I mean I can help you if you just get me out of here I mean I'm one of the best players after all um excuse me I have can we undo the riddle no no no no we can't we gotta get out of here so let's see um riddle number three Fallen me you die but if I die I'm stronger what wait what I don't get it but if I die I'm stronger it sounds like loud but I'm not sure it was such a simple answer it's lava [Laughter] totally okay I'm just gonna put a lava bucket in here and we're just gonna whoa we got Zayn uh kinda jump stupid thing kind of there's still a door oh yep oh thank goodness yeah you're welcome come on okay you don't understand we're stuck in Aaron's prison and with that being said we gotta get out of here okay all right so here ready all right we're gonna do one at a time all right yeah try to keep up here we go I'm going on this one which opens the red and then I go on the orange to open up the orange I go on yellow because it looks like gold fair enough that leaves me with green then standing on the fifth color I see things there but I didn't choose it come on let's go before it closes okay um oh look now you got Zayn to even help you out yes they do you know we've been doing pretty great on our own Zayn that's right thing just let that professionals handle this no no I'll go ahead and I will protect you from whatever neat um well guess we didn't need an afterwards okay all right you know we're back Zane well that was unpleasant um maybe uh maybe you should go first EXO sound huh oh well then of course I'm gonna go for the gold one am I am I still here am I still here what happened it gave me another Goldie it did give me more give me more more ghosts yeah I mean I'm getting them but you know it's fine okay all right I'm gonna step on there oh I'm cool okay don't hold I'm gold let's keep going look oh Kim died oh no okay you know what forget the pressure plate maybe there's more gold underneath it yeah where did you get the pickaxe from uh from the riddle room that's not gonna work I don't care about getting out with this obsidian here I know it's here I just want more gold you know what right above you is a gold puzzle solve it and maybe I'll let you escape with that goal yeah yeah yeah oh [Music] [Applause] little lizards um I think you guys are in the positive on this one probably [Applause] got it okay oh Diamond go straight this way jump jump just go for it this way okay okay you know what it still works a sword I'll take that all right come on come on let's wait we're outside come on we gotta get out of here yeah exactly hey I just got that and we're good oh are you are you well we're not free but that was totally Priceless yeah I forget how many layers oh so fast um I wasn't gonna make it that easy what wait Aaron how's he didn't do it on his puzzle this is terribly actually can't read but listen uh you guys have bigger problems as it turns to night you're gonna hit you up bit of an infestation better start fortifying your house if you guys can survive the night maybe I don't know I don't know I was gonna get him but I guess not okay well I don't know about silverfish but I think he means something else I think we got to use the materials here to set up come on get to work okay we don't have much we have potions and we have these uh dispensers really cool we have arrows to fight with oh here they come get them starting already are they moving weird what's going on look at that some weird modded zombies this so that's cool oh oh they broke in half wait what okay all right let's see I need The High Ground I need The High Ground okay you need another splash potion uh yes I should be okay for right now just give me a moment yeah I got another one wait guys I think the sun's Rising oh nice nice it is we're burning up well I got The High Ground so I should be good um this one is not burning because there's a lot of them and they're on fire um somehow made it worse come here yeah you know I got it come on maybe not Tim whoo all right we got rid of them yeah yeah we're gonna let us out yeah are we gonna be able to has the door opened nice Let's Escape come on come on let's get out of here and oh all right let's go let's go um not sure hey already done with the zombie invasion yeah it was pretty easy you know you're presenting all that yeah taking this game seriously huh if it's been that easy then we can add an extra challenge oh timer yeah um just hurry up and tell us what the game is craft all these items Before Time runs out oh oh and uh if you mess up the time goes down faster oh no all right I'm picking the map you're moving now you gotta learn how to craft craft it's a cake I haven't seen this is just a cake make a cake well this isn't a normal cake I know how to make a normal cake I made a mess I'm not in the Casey's Bait for you come on you guys got this Craft um how do you craft Zayn craft there craft y okay I got a normal cake is that good I don't think so did you make it come on man what did you make I am trying bake bake a cake it's easy don't be lazy just make the cake come on just don't be crazy you'll be okay everything will be good dude we'll be fine without him um I guess so that just makes it the two of us oh but hey at least we get to advance come on yeah let's get out of here whoa what is oh fascinating impressive now oh what do we do huh well I figured I'd go out for the grand finale where are you I'm up here oh so this is the last room there you are we're almost well if you can defeat my monster then I guess you could be free oh and here's this we'll see about him later you're just upset because I am good at this and I'm gonna Escape your impossible prison oh we'll see about that good luck oh yeah oh my gosh golden piggy that is insane oh my okay a sploosh with a sploosh do we have anything else do you have anything else oh my gosh works we almost got it oh that was close we got it it was really close yeah anybody got any food or anything I'm literally a half a heart here take it give me that give me the bread thank you Kim all right no problem guys oh are we friends ah [Music] you actually did it well most of you hold on hey what's that for you know Aaron I just do this yeah what it's a big word oh treasure Aaron I want fun treasure yeah come on reserve treasure now that we know that I'm better than you at your prison thing um you have to do something for me right considerate but you did cheat you know hey
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 17,189,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: 9weIzC8aogI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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