Mean Aphmau SNAPPED In Minecraft!

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mean aphmau has snapped my friends ruined all of my hard work now to teach them a lesson I become the meanest player ever let's just see if they can even try to get me back to be good I will make sure they don't look them I have so many puppies where'd you go where'd you go are you here did you just teleport over dear you is all right you stay right there oh oh I gotta go get some dye for you guys all right I'll be right back don't worry I'm gonna go inside I'm gonna get some dye um I hope I have dye actually I don't know if I gathered some I should have really done this with uh nope I don't have to die but I got a lot of cool stuff there you know what that's fine it's fine um let's see all right so let me just go back and see how they're doing what's that noise wait what's that noise wait what what oh my God no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no you jerk if you're so focused on your walls then why don't you are you kidding me do you know how hard I worked on that it's fine it's fine you know what where where where's my stuff I'll take my diamonds where are my diamonds my stuff all the things that I had [Music] what's going on oh my stuff is gone my bones my dogs are some bones come on those are hard to get do you know how long it took me to tame all of those wolves oh is it actually all that hard I mean it's pretty easy to catch animals Pierce he's practically an expert these are sheep they are bravery those are wolves what all right she doesn't know she doesn't mean it she's just bad what's all the yelling about rain my wolves someone I knows who probably exploded them then go get more don't worry about it if you're overreacting oh yeah and you guys think yeah you're definitely overreacting yeah you're taking out your problems on my sheep I'm going home guys don't understand they want me to just get over it I'll show them getting over it no more nice aphmau this time I finally snapped okay so I didn't see exactly who exploded my dogs but Ian exploded me therefore Ian is the one who probably took my doggies away from me I'm I'm gonna go in and tell him what's what here's your door um so you know what it's fine I got this one right here oh Ian where are you going all right nowhere going hey what you got a crazy look in your eye oh do you have a Christmas home right now all right Ian you think that I was overreacting it's time for you to play a game of fetch fetching my sword from my hand if you can it was pierce what um you didn't explode my dogs yeah uh well um about that yes just go ask Piers all right but I've got my eye on you bibly you're supposed to be down there I know it's hard to get along with new folks but come on you just gotta work your best [Music] what's going on like the new look not so great to see my dogs though even though it's great to see me huh wait what are you so upset about you exploded my dogs well maybe my brainless apart exploded uh so maybe just your dogs are dumb do you think about that Bentley run for your life I got you get over here they don't no you don't dog rhymes what did I do okay baby baby I kind of sorta just died the whole house is coming down if you don't say that you're sorry okay okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry but sane put me up to it it was still his idea just leave it alone don't touch my sheep fine don't worry about it that's rude you could just use the oh thanks can't believe he called my dogs brainless especially after he thought it was easy to tame them which it's not scene really put him up to this I wouldn't doubt appears to fall for whatever Zayn says Zane you need to calm down what take this oh a potion what's he gonna do oh am I slow it will literally slow you down what oh there he is how could you they were just please what what how could I what how can I calm down you exploded them all well maybe I did maybe I didn't but if this is how you're going to act then clearly you didn't need a bunch of dangerous wolves around if people are gonna take my eyes let's see what he's got oh he's got a lot of really cool stuff interesting you know what since I am being mean right now and I mean serious business like this isn't over how about I play a few pranks on them now that I got this defense set up right in front of my house I feel powerful I got my aero defenses here I can protect everything what are you doing here I am here to fix you fix me what I didn't even I am just listen you have snapped you were so bad that I died and you you you died because I destroyed you Zayn get it right no no no no no no that's definitely not what happened there's no way you could defeat me but you know what don't worry I'm gonna fix you up and you are gonna be as good as new Good Luck okay I'm just you wait and see what I've got in store oh hey aphmau you're looking a little mean yeah thanks I can't I'm lying down I'm not paying attention to whatever you got in store well listen here you have gone a little too far so we are here to re-educate you stop that that's it stop a little missy come on get up all right fine I'll sit your little don't listen there we go now then aphmau I want you to take a look at all the nice little animals we have over here great that's not we're gonna teach you how to be a nice player by playing so which one do you have any of those so pick another soft cute creature like one of these untie me first and then maybe I'll be nice okay I think he's in I appreciate it it was life oh she said thank you that's a good start nothing uh here let me pick it up what adore you how about a chicken what do you do to be nice to a chicken we kill it and eat it come on think about what you gotta do fine we feed it seeds and get eggs yes yeah okay now what about the horsey we exploded no no no no to think about what you did with the first one give it apples yes very good it's working it's [Music] [Applause] we just learned get up get out of here hi hey OMG she's so I see a whole Army of people from this Hub here in defiance of tyranny you've come to fight as free men and women what do you do with that freedom question why do you sound like that yeah his voice sounds funny it's supposed to uh to help inspire you to make it more Majestic exactly but she will know hey wait where'd you go oh there she is die sorry gotcha no I didn't catch it oh I'm back okay I don't see where she went no good thing okay now we gotta find her yeah we're really really making me angry get this here Ian should have some stuff I can use as long as if your eyes failed I'm looking I'm looking okay not after my stuff he's just oh he's got a lot of stuff going for him okay you know what let me grab some of these things some of that hey guys I'm gonna get some supplies for my house okay okay sounds good what what is this it's mine are you right here in my house all I wanted was an apology for the destruction of my puppies but everyone said I was overreacting well you know what if you want to see overreacting I'll show you overreacting TNT IC doing this oh it's just Zane's house maybe we need to go somewhere else no Zayn it's fine it's only your house yeah now it's going to your house let's go to my house [Music] no more there this whole Hub is being ruined because of you oh um guys I can't break this Tower [Music] that's too tall oh no no fire you destroyed my heart so I destroy your server ah you little Menace precious house I think we gotta Retreat yeah I think so if they're gonna Retreat I'm going to follow them let's see if they can escape me when I mean hmm maybe I did go a little overboard it's their fault for pushing me they always do this anyone see her no be quiet trying to answer well I can't ambusher if I can't see her so that's the way that they're gonna play this game huh but she can't see us so we kids are here but then we can't see her then she can't see us oh oh I I don't see what you're saying I was about to say he had a point there but boys be quiet let's see over here my precious gold wait what you're going what about my seat foreign [Music] [Music] you know what why don't you guys just make your own Hub if you're so smart can you find everything you know what that's a good idea let's do that yeah we'll do it far away from you in fact fine guys don't follow us it's fine I can get out of here I can get out of here perfectly fine and I can make my own Hub somewhere maybe over huh yep jump oh I know but nobody could have survived that all right I didn't go too far my base looks pretty good it's very well hidden the door's on backwards that's bothering me but it's okay you know what because I I'm going to go back up there now that I got everything set up I'm gonna go sabotage them because that is what a mean person would do if that is me and I don't care because they destroyed all my doggies and I worked so hard and I was I didn't even get to name them all I should have found some more name tags it's okay all right let's see what they're up to oh they're building a hub up here what are you doing why does it look like I'm doing I build a new place for all my sheep no no your sheep can't go here this is where my third Gold Room is gonna be your third Gold group but I haven't even built my second sheet pen yet okay okay guys you know maybe we should pass up with aphmau we're kind of a wreck without her no no no no no no no we don't need aphmau she is the enemy now wow I mean she did develop a lot of stuff uh all right well can't forget that work on my sheep head so they really want to gang up against me and think I'm the enemy well you know what I'll show them who the real enemy is I gotta show them a mirror but that doesn't exist in Minecraft I'm gonna have to do something to take Zayn's new lab because I know how much he loves his labs there we go uh oh I gotta get a flint and steel uh do I have a clean steel yes I do it's right here sorry huh what's that noise [Music] my new lab said to leave something in the oven no I bet I know who did this [Music] enemy got the best of you this time good prank aphmau oh thank you you're being very bad break you need to deal with aphmau once and for all like the killer what what no of course it's not we need to turn aphmau good again but you know guys you know I kind of like this new bad aphmau not hearing it no oh let's get it no don't you dare not not attack again you'll never catch me she fell off the same place there's no ways to survive this time though we will have so much iron I can build another Fortress I can make it so all of this is mine up okay whoa hey how's it going what are you doing from the place above why are you down here with me a mean person well you know you were just uh well okay so cool to pranks and really digging the new outfit and oh bad like you oh so you're here to learn from the best correct I mean you're pretty good at what you what you do but fine you know what I want to learn from the best oh fine all right wait a minute what's that oh someone's responding oh my gosh what is it wait a minute what are they doing what oh they're being me oh I know what it's like wolves when the Sheep make fun of you and they don't want to be your friend anymore [Music] I think I think I'm beginning to understand now understand why you have to be mean like the wolves come here wolves that's how it works right wait a minute is that what I did wait did you guys hear that I mean kind of yeah you blew up our old Hub but I didn't realize it's not getting me to listen it's only oh man huh I don't understand did I do good or did I do bad you did bad but this means that we need to be even more mean we need to go make them apologize come on sorry yeah yeah are you sorry what no that wasn't the apology I'm asking what sorry for what for you guys were so mean to me before no no I don't think so no I just remember you being mean by sheep take her out I wouldn't apologize for your actions we don't have to apologize for anything that's right that's right oh let's go for the dark oh fine we were making such good progress stop okay fine if you want to apologize I understand why seeing Ian be mean made me realize that there's no point in being mean because it's not kidding me what I want huh so I wanted to say that I'm sorry for being mean I oh she's really not that mean is she no I guess not no she was having a really bad day we were being very nice huh that's right we all have bad days we all overreact I had fun with the explosions we're sorry yeah yeah oh I just don't get why you guys could have started with that I only did all this because no one listens to me when I'm only nice okay okay to be fair though no one really listens to when you're mean either so that's a really good point big big thing Pierce that's really that's really good yeah um but it's hard because I feel like you only listen when I mean and make me sad yeah we should have listened when you were upset about the Wolves it's okay I guess I freaked out too if someone exploded this about the Wolves I blew up what I mean oh everyone be nice aphmau it's a it's she's having a bad day she got it for yet
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,791,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: NtZiunzJxsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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