Our First SNOW BALL Dance In Minecraft!

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it was so cool and it re minds me of cinderella a little bit

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sarahroxy1234567 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watched it and I loved it Jesson for life ❤️

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pasileigh4life 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
me and my friends go to the greatest event on our minecraft server the snow dance this dance is not like any you've ever seen as these minecraft players compete in amazing events in order to become king and queen of the snow dance and some players will go to crazy lengths in order to win over the crown can i win the crown and become queen of the snow dance and who will be king let's find out also be sure to like and subscribe thanks that's the place where they're having the snow dance the greatest dance on our minecraft server i've never been able to go oh it's not fair all the popular players get to go because they have beautiful clothes i wish someone would come and sweep me off my feet just go to the snow dance huh what who's that let me go see who that is hello there sup what are you doing here ian well uh can't you see i'm popular so i'm going to the snow dance i mean look how nice i dressed i mean but you're here too i'm here to show off i'm gonna go to the dance now bye [Music] he's so lucky he gets to go i just need i just need a beautiful dress and then i could go to the ball or or something just uh what am i gonna do i oh what what was that what's happening what's happening someone there hello oh my god i can't believe someone tried to forget how do you do that oh my god are you who are you even supposed to be you you broke into my head no no okay i look you don't shoot me that's what you do why would you shoot your fairy godmother my fairy godmother should not try to break into my wait you said fairy godmother yes what else do i look like ah you think i wear this moomoo for fun i i mean i mean real talk though it looks really comfortable like you know it really does i know right i know anyway i'm here because you want to go to the snow dance right oh my gosh yes it's it's any more than anything it's my dream to go well i'm here to help you like this are you oh my god fairy godmother it's beautiful oh glad you love it i mean obviously i have great taste because i only pick god children who have good taste oh here you go take your lamborghini and get to the dance i get a lamborghini [Applause] thank you so much i can't believe i'm going oh my gosh look it's so beautiful oh my god this is going to be awesome and here we go okay no one saw that right all right good good good guys oh my god ah fba's that's a nice red dress you know what else is red your tie it's not it's not supposed to be red i'm the one wearing a red tie today but over this i was supposed to wear the red tie you were supposed to wear the not red tie yeah well that's too bad because i got my red tie and it looks classy one of us is gonna have to change fl help us decide this would you [Music] um you know what i'm okay with this i guess okay are you guys excited yeah we're excited we all look great okay all right let's go oh the snow dance oh my gosh come on let's go no dance snow hey guys well you all look stunning thank you thank you drop your code off with uh our code check cat and okay let's get this party started that's it for you sir okay yeah there you go hold on there you go thank you just take that there you go yeah there you go i don't think those are cute [Applause] yeah i got it oh my gosh yeah there we go all set here you go mister he's a painting welcome principal piggington are you guys ready for this oh yeah yes oh look at this [Applause] oh [Music] okay that's photo number 27. i think that's enough oh my god 28 hey ian pierce good thing you guys changed look at how many red ties there oh my gosh yeah so many hotties how why am i seated alone at the table in the back all right ladies and gentlemen welcome everyone to our first annual snow dance we're gonna be doing our snowball king and queen contest if you win each event you get a golden snowfall [Applause] the most at the end of the dance wins king and queen and you'll get all these diamonds whoa oh wow oh my god that's a lot of diamonds okay sir so you ready to get started yes yeah yeah i'm ready what are we gonna do what we gotta do is just this winter dance started okay so everyone make it to the end first and you'll get a golden sword oh my gosh good luck okay and huh i'm going to make it i'm going to make it i'm going to make it i'm not going to make it all right you guys are oh you guys are back awesome come on let's go yeah okay ian you can do it again less than dress shoes [Music] what mysterious mouth stranger what are you what is he what was that wait what happened oh yeah who was that i don't know he was really hot oh my god how could you even tell uh i mean the hands didn't kind of look hot yeah the hands yeah well he cheated and threw me off because i was over there and i don't appreciate that this is mine well well well congratulations everyone i see a few golden snowflakes and marks it's time round two so for this one you're gonna need ish [Music] you're gonna catch some kitties in winter sweaters the first two people to catch a kitty gets a golden snowflake okay all right all right i feel this i can catch kitties easy peasy you ready yeah yeah whoa oh hi kitties oh my gosh i'm not looking at him i'm not looking at him i can't believe this come here little kitty what if it scratches your face a whole bunch does it mean that you got it uh we'll count there's a half kitty i'll take it oh guys they're all in the corner over here [Applause] oh my god congratulations one golden snowflake for wrath now come on what what happened wait did he just walk what happened it's him again i was this close come on so this is mine thank you i guess oh this is healthy this is my thing i don't even like fish yeah are you guys having fun yet i don't know something smells pretty fishy about all this well well well everyone so looks like we're having a fun time aren't we it's okay one more challenge before use it's the most wonderful thing in the world and you're gonna need lots of energy if you want to dance tonight so we are going to have a competition to eat hey i love it i love it i want it not that i love it not just one cake you need to eat all your cake all the cakes oh this is gonna be bad there's a lot of cakes i picked this one i picked no wait you you gave us all that free sushi in the last one i i don't know oh no yeah all right but i know you guys are hungry for competition so you want that golden snowflake don't you touch it yeah i want the diamonds all right everyone work up your appetites three two one go okay i can eat a little bit oh i finished one cake already we got another cake it hurts [Applause] [Music] yeah it's okay it's okay take a break take a break who got second place [Applause] completely subject myself to that lie down for a sec now who's ready to dance no [Applause] no all right i'm on my way we'll meet you there all right sure thing let's go champ let's go is that cake no let's go champ all right everyone who's having fun yeah yeah you know i just ran it off a little bit you know get that cardio look good either way anyway it's time for the next golden snowflake comments this one's gonna be mine you guys oh my god you all have to decorate see these trees around you yeah yeah they're very nice and great get look festive okay i'm gonna [Music] thank you thank you and it glows okay just extra things more things all the things you're almost done already yeah it's easy peasy you guys are just taking way too long but you're just going too fast how about that ever thought about that taking a little too long there here's your tree's a little naked on the back it's very self-conscious about that naked face uh hey out mouth ass now uh do you want to come take a look at my tree really quick hold on one second one second i gotta get some decorations on my real quick uh no no no you really should come take a look at my tree and do it yeah oh my god from one side you should take a look at my tree and uh not be near your tree right now hold on one second hold on let oh we got a cheeto on your tree nice yeah keep looking at my tree you know keep looking at my trees okay i can't take anyone watching the trees get chopped down okay let's just call it mac goliath you win nice dreams looks good i'm sorry that i'm chasing my trees thanks to somebody else i'm gonna chop you don't want to do this you don't want to do it yes i do yeah all right all right now it's time for our next event of the evening oh yeah y'all have been having a fun time getting the golden snowflakes yeah what are your thoughts about binding down whoa okay and that one oh yeah yeah yeah that's right oh we're gonna have to punch a scavenger hunt i'm oh good at scavenger hunts yeah let's do it all right look closely and it's about time for the next event to start so three two one okay guys we got to work together and get out of here um maybe there's something up here that i can snowflakes wait what's this is this a is this a rose another rose oh my gosh maybe they're leading to the snowflake i there's a present here what's this what is this wait a snowflake and uh what is this from mysterious mystery hottie what does that mean oh my gosh are these for me but but i didn't do anything oh my god the mystery hottie gave me a snowflake i can't okay i got one oh i found one guys guys i just really got in the hole hey come on welcome back something congratulations thank you i can't believe i got hang on hang on i just wanted to say that uh i we just got out of here and uh yeah there's still some people stuck down there i'm back and i didn't find anything well it's okay ah what a wonderful night it's been you all have done so well in all of our games tonight yeah most of us i got i got one yeah this is really awesome so now that you all have finished up the games we're going to tally up the golden snowflakes [Music] it's like golf right lowest score wins first ever snow dance queen is [Applause] and now the moment you've been waiting for our snow dance kings that guy wait what i did a lot sir yeah i hit you out of the parkour remember yeah you got the second most golden snowflakes i can't believe you made it anything is possible for the holidays pretty cute yeah okay okay i'm satisfied with this conclusion well then let's end this snow dance with a bed [Applause] now that is a good idea
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,114,517
Rating: 4.8671947 out of 5
Keywords: aphmau minecraft, minecraft snow dance, minecraft snow, aphmau dance, aphmau minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft prank, aphmau friends prank dance, Minecraft winter ball, we had a snow ball in minecraft, minecraft snowball pranks, pranks to play on your friend during a snowball, stealing from friends in minecraft, minecraft roleplay, minecraft snowball roleplay aphmau, minecraft secret rooms mod, minecraft challenges, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments aphmau
Id: ElhcovQFqKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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