Aphmau and Aaron HAD A BABY in Minecraft!

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oh are they ready are they ready are they ready they gotta cool down first ah they're hot [Music] oh my gosh they're so I look so tasty don't you touch my treats the brand new sweet treat mystery mailboxes are now available on the door show collect all eight while they're hot and delicious disclaimer please don't eat them because they're mine just kidding thanks Mal and Aaron have a new baby by using pay from two players which means we have to raise this baby to gain survival points or it might just be game over okay it's ready the DNA machine is so good to go are you excited I'm so excited maybe not as quite as excited as you are but uh yeah okay all right so I tossed at you and we throw this at one another okay and okay all right perfect we got the DNA strand Now give me yours yeah uh here you go hey now we're going to use this put this in the crafting table put this and literally baby look it took our player data baby it's adorable oh and you can put it on your head too oh she's got your eyes yes she did look at this baby yeah isn't it why did everyone come running they're just happy about the Aaron oh let me be the Godfather I'll be the best to protect them I promise [Applause] [Music] look at the baby oh look you can actually put her down there you go take that oh pretty careful my goodness what that is a baby wait and a baby makes people give you free stuff no Ian no get away you dummy no fair that those two get a baby and not me I want a baby Ian leave the new parents alone get out of here [Music] oh you gotta feed them and love them and play with them this is a mod Casey so it's a little different but still it's adorable thank you guys for the gifts really appreciate it yeah of course we're gonna go home and get the babysitter then come on baby let's go yeah then let's uh head back now hey bye YouTube what was that about uh changing diapers again it'll be great trust me okay all right so disarm baby and if I remember correctly there is a bunch in this book this kind of goes over baby toy baby hey yeah do you think we're ready for this Casey made it seem like oh pretty difficult you know yeah yeah it's some Minecraft mod baby it's not like a real baby okay besides Casey's like super crazy about babies I don't know if I would trust her advice 100 all right so if you say so oh baby hungry oh okay um yeah she's really hungry ready yeah sure uh I got this food no no problem I'll just uh Aaron that's a baked potato we've got lots of baked potatoes we gotta make the baby food remember oh yeah all right um I got it yeah let me try it um let's see all right so I got some glass and then baked potatoes we're gonna make these into like some mashed potatoes I guess let's make that and mix a bottle bam baby food okay all right baby you want some potatoes coming here you go oh baby fed okay perfect oh now baby's tired sorry I guess we shouldn't oh put her down for a nap then yeah uh can you do that Aaron come on little one let's get you suppressed oh she follows a noise bar oh oh and I hope it doesn't use proximity chat because I cannot be quiet for the life of me no [Music] it's fine Zane is just oh look at that sorry so sorry hey have you baby proved your house yet Zane we don't have to right now okay we got a lot of things we gotta do first I was supposed to talk Aaron you are a father now you have to protect your family what how about you go uh research the best baby proofing stuff for us and then come back later like much later tell us about it yeah I can do that as the Godfather of the baby I made you a Godfather my sworn doody to protect this child okay I'll be back um okay bye do we really need all of those defenses I don't know I know that they must be helpful but why do we call mining for a bit the baby is asleep I think you and I can have some time to ourselves yeah I mean someone there's no one comes and bothers yeah come on let's go get some materials and stuff so we can help the house come on let's go let's go what what what well let's leave it here won't work no we can't the front door is probably it would set her off you know let's not combining with this oh this is okay to go out as a family right yeah there you are hey here have some presents oh what's this oh I'm so picky okay so uh what do we do with this oh there's so they're so mighty oh [Music] Casey so instead of using our iron pickaxes we can use these mm-hmm how far have fun okay don't know how that affects the baby but look there's a little extra ax maybe it's baby safe because it's a baby proof ax all right let's put these babies to the test grab that I'm gonna grab the coal things are not very easy to mine with I don't know quickly fine perfectly normal don't know what your problem is baby hey Aaron Aaron where is it Aaron where's the baby where'd the baby go I don't know dude um it's fine it's fine it's time we just need to remain calm remain calm um it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine we remain calm and we think we have a story book maybe if we like uh where is the baby uh I'm Gonna Keep clicking uh maybe maybe I am cool I'm clicking everywhere Aaron it's not working oh she's back okay mining was a little bit too intense uh especially that small losing the baby scare there yeah we'll just stay home home and uh do nothing so what oh we'll just learn how to ride a bike and driving stuff Aaron that's a lit that's not gonna happen for a long time huh but I'm hungry again okay Wow Let's feed the baby Aaron can you just set up the house for her oh let's see I guess I'll just set up some speed traps all right one's last I should just make a bunch of these at some point and then some fire over wait and I heard the spike trap what are you doing what I'm just talking about the fences for the baby no that's not what it means it means it means make the baby safe you know like barriers here like you know electrical sockets that kind of thing if you had those huh makes a lot of sense yeah yeah it's like baby proofing in real life okay let me let me finish making the food and then I'll come up are you sure you don't want any spike traps no spike traps that'd be fun but too big for babies there's my baby food come here baby all right here we go all right baby is fed please stay there okay just stay there forever until you grow up um we're gonna go put up some defenses okay oh look at the Patty patties wow the baby is gone are you kidding me baby okay it's fine it's fine we were so busy um baby baby please there's no food babies on the fridge she's upstairs it's fine it's fine we can't let anybody know about this baby baby you've got to think if you were a baby where would you be Tracy's house oh my gosh are you kidding me yeah that's a big brain and you thought the right thing sure and maybe she has the baby yeah maybe she did I would have put it past her at all actually okay pay attention we please have our baby back [Music] thanks wait okay what was that okay come on honey let's go back home come on baby I should mention we do have the DNA device on the server maybe you can ask Zayn so if you guys can get a baby yeah that's cool but I want a real cute baby like yours oh um oh that's a burn on Zayn all right bye all right bye all right let's not let her babysit because she just took the baby without even asking I'll take the first shift hey uh before we head back why don't we pick up some more wolf for the baby oh yeah that's good hmm what was that who's there [Music] what nothing Ian I don't even want to pick a fight with him right now we have a baby to worry about I can't be getting to fight anymore oh yeah well let's go oh look at the Sheep all right I've got some sheep over here cover your eyes kid a sheep mirror Hey Hey listen I did a bunch of research about what we talked about before remember remember what we said what research remember you told me to go to research oh yeah that yeah yeah I got something that'll really be good for you for the baby come on behold my latest invention oh wow just hold on hold on let me just turn it on real quick wow [Music] that's it where'd the baby go Aaron whoa okay is the baby upset why is the baby upset upset it's really efficient did you do that there's a baby that you just like murder this the Sheep I don't know if she's actually upset about that maybe she just needs a nap uh wait a minute oh nice baby good baby you're the one who did this in the first place I've got this I've got this I've got this there seems like you're doing a good job down there Papa allow me to stay up here look you want to play uh this is so cool it's so cute how about you take it take a ticket did that calmer down good working oh nice oh okay that settled good work I'm just gonna go ahead and get a few more pieces of wool Zane Zane you cannot kill the sheep in front of the baby okay do you wanna tantrum to start but you know what close enough um I think we should just go home and let her relax that sounds like a good point come on come on baby let's go let's get the baby back to the house congratulations a baby is born wait wait what is that what is another baby okay can I be this Baby's Godfather too okay what is happening here what sweet little meanie me Ian what this is your baby sure is chip off the old one and who's the mother yeah Ian yeah whose DNA did you use Ian dude [Music] beautiful way out of everyone's League except me tall and smart soup twice with like something that sounded oddly like the DNA extractor where is this person by the way we'd love to meet her yes of course we would uh-huh sure in Canada so aren't you all going to congratulate me on my new baby it's so cute he is cute and he looks just like f jatty and we know you took out Mouse DNA without permission what was her name again yeah I don't even remember she's not a real person you stole my mates all the free stuff that comes with the baby why shouldn't I get free stuff too because you're a jerk get back here you [Applause] on you all right look we've got two little babies here right and we need to play Minecraft and we need to show them how to behave like proper adults even though they're mods but look we gotta start acting like adults here okay huh oh yeah I guess you're right after I'm yeah I'm so aphmau and I forgive you Ian I didn't mean that Aaron whatever oh let's just leave Ian to take care of the babies on his own he did this without permission I mean maybe that's a good idea but but what about me this is your baby Ian you have the ticket responsibility you have to take responsibility for her okay yeah yeah come on kid I'll show you how to prank like a true professional why don't you oh [Music] cute I want to squeeze his little cheeks oh wait I'm sorry Aaron I have to take care of the baby I can't leave this baby with Ian imagine what she'll turn out to be with him horrible look at her face you're right ass baby can come with us too okay great we can set up a big baby area another friend it's like a big daycare we got like a big daycare we can build daycare that's not a bad idea I guess oh my God yeah daycare I could definitely help out with this I can set up a bunch of Automatic Farms to give the babies a bunch of supplies and then I could exactly but please don't let me like the Sheep thing yeah let's get to work this is gonna be great uh so uh we're gonna do so good together all three of us together racing kids all together you guys are gonna do all the work and I get all the free stuff you are not leaving these children behind I'm still about being a single mom for the new baby what do you say he doesn't do anything okay server is baby proofed and uh oh wow this is gonna be great I've got so many great farms we're gonna have so much wool and mutton and so many things to eat for them and there's just gonna miss all that thought yeah sure and maybe we should take the babies inside yeah let's get back home [Music] [Applause] no I need to be giving things for my baby like gold that's not how this works need gold Ian and we are taking care of the babies still her dad right yeah but you should be paying me because I'm doing all the work here you know whatever it's fine um come on let's go this way come on let's go this way hey Casey what you got huh oh hell yeah um can you get those guys off my back oh no no what not really what we want with Casey for babies no you don't hey wait uh let's just keep moving come on hey settle down come on guys let's go let's go this way you know I was just thinking about uh you know what else I need for the baby there you guys are treasure guys no just pipe down Ian listen I've got the best location for the next farm right next to your house you don't know what you're talking about oh yeah I don't know what I'm talking about oh hey baby just calm down I am your father oh perfect why do babies get so mad all right I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming watch out I didn't even doing advice I have little buddies right here see look at the bunnies aren't you calm here we go do not get one oh there we go okay that was close oh God that's over we all good I think so wait where did Casey go huh where are you guys time for babies to go to daycare excuse me Casey what are you doing we're the babies wait wait Oh I thought we were past losing them oh guys so we gotta find out where she went I I had you guys again Casey's perfect daycare um oh wow she put the coordinates in and everything never mind stay close to here I think it's straight that way is it all right about me wait what about us baby on your own Ian that's true nice I need my baby babies you can get your own kid just but I'm not ready I got him got it you've been trying to babysit the babies all day you're you're perfectly ready for this you got both of them no I don't Casey okay these babies are good you know baby this is right this is a little difficult yeah I'm uh kind of glad this is just the mod yeah it's been fun but I feel like maybe you know a lot of people aren't ready for it I'm not the perfect baby Casey Casey look it's all right listen I took a look at the mod while they were away and if you want to give it a shot with me maybe we could try it ah hi baby yeah my baby's back I missed you I made you're making the baby upset what give me the rabbit hey you're being naughty oh I guess we have a tantrum all right come on baby let's head home oh not it
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,389,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: Y6wNiB4ns9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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