Raised by my NINJA DAD in Minecraft!

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these kids bully this little player for having no family but when I'm in danger a ninja saves me who reveals himself to be my dad now my dad teaches me to be a ninja in Minecraft but first he must train to become a dad and learn to blend in with normal players oh Dad picnic and everyone gets to be on the server with their dads and and I don't have a dad you're so lame you don't even have a dad no then where is he huh here he hasn't been here in Forever all right kids why don't we go around and introduce our dads for the dead Picnic Day on the Hub the best dad I love you kiddo oh not aphmau's Dad [Laughter] [Music] 's not here so she mustn't have one oh where are you going or FNAF Mal yeah at least my Dad's here that's my little Minecraft potato huh [Music] what's going on what's up zombies get away from those things get away get away from here are you all right you're okay all right yeah um what wait a minute wasn't you right are you aphmau yes I am finally I found you my my daughter wait what wait a minute so you're her dad I guess is that coming the story is too long and painful I went to go get milk for you well that's not fair why does aphmau get the amazing dad I want him to be my new Dad hey uh well I'm not sure you were hiding like a baby hey did you see if they were big and scary okay okay everyone just calm down so Mr um Zach well oh aphmau's Dad it's nice to meet you but no you're right would you like to be invited to the dad picnic on the Hub I I uh of course all right let's get settled in well of course some more food on the grill oh it's been so long I've waited to see you all right for Dad picnic day we'll go ahead and start with me I'm Kim's dad and she was the cutest baby when she was born all the stories I could tell One Touch embarrassing uh right uh sorry uh who's next oh oh I'll go I'll go I'll go um yeah uh this is my dad hello yeah uh he doesn't get enough gold for me but at least he gives me food and stuff sure do you know sometimes I wish I had a cooler dad like that Dad what you're sneaking though why don't you show your dad off oh yeah yeah yeah yeah if he really is her dad he's too cool to be your dad look at my dad's pretty cool okay cool this is my dad and he's uh I I'm I'm a ninja you look like a super cool job you even got the boots and you got the masks [Music] I don't buy it he must be pretending because he feels bad for you yeah much cooler than me right right listen if I was your daughter what month is her birthday [Music] now I was there until uh she's lying dad and you don't I don't buy any of this you know if she's your daughter then she must be a pretty good ninja too you know you know that would make sense let's put that to the test then huh [Music] a demonstration on dead Picnic Day how wonderful excuse me okay um come on aphmau yeah yeah see how you do look um so this is the part where it's really hard um I'll show you I'll show you we'll see about that all right let's bring it so far I think she's gonna fall come on princess you got this do you get the second one okay here we go come on you can do it oh hurry up put those on es these are ninjas this is a ninja ball would you care to do the Honors that might be a little dangerous for children including me he's my daughter and she's definitely old enough how light it okay what every time hey bro this is unacceptable he is planned all right come on daughter let's get out of here this is no place for a half human half ninja let's get back here all right almost there go on you can do it I can't be a ninja oh nice work princess all right here we are home sweet home um it's just a cliff well I wouldn't be much of a ninja if my base wasn't as sneaky and didn't miss me you were so good at it for so long and watch here we are oh wow your face is so awesome it's so secret [Laughter] um do you have any food I'm hungry and I they gave me this poison potato to eat because I didn't have any parents or anything oh no no no no you know what let me get you some steak you need something better than that huh hold on I think it's important that I have friends right and and like being with everybody um maybe you should try to fit in a little bit more they were kind of scared because you really blew it I mean like you actually blew it up like you had blown up fire with everywhere remember okay so blending in like a ninja okay yeah yeah okay exactly all right and we gotta go to the house gonna be the coolest dad ever oh let's see um if I craft something like this for you maybe I can make you an actual outfit let's see um I'm not really good at crafting nobody told me but I learned on my own here's an outfit it's a dad outfit what's this A Deadly outfit well it's a bit different from my deadly ninja tire but look at you perfect okay I can't wait to show everyone I have a really cool normal dad he was a ninja at night come on let's go all right and here we go all right okay now is there anything else that I need to learn about you know being a dad um oh when you see another dad you gotta go like how's it going pal and pack him on back yeah and then and then yeah okay so uh how's it going pal yeah Pat them on the back yeah and and then and then also don't give any of the kids no puppy bombs okay none of that oh okay okay got it you sent me you can do that to me um oh that's not me hey there um I oh hey look it's little weird we know dead aphmau couldn't even keep that ninja not Dad that's my and you're not dad is that Dad and you know what that is my totally normal dad not blending in with your Dad what's over here you just say so uh hey how's it going Pals your dad just pushed my dad because it's so strong um you okay that's a strong hand there honey why do you look bro uh saying yes the game yeah the game wait these things again oh no not more of those things I try and do something this time oh come on put me down let's go with me here [Music] come on we all need to get somewhere safe safe sounds good kids come on come on Mac let's get out of here let me show you how to be a proud Runner yep running away dad oh yeah they're adults oh that was scary oh hi aphmau looks like you're without a dad again a son that isn't the very kind way to speak to someone what shut up Dad you stink I do no I'm sorry about your dad aphmau you seemed nice oh must have been hard for hard for Dad to stay with you but you but UK on your own no I'm not gonna be okay on my own because I'm gonna go rescue him I'm gonna do it he's going off by yourself and I'm the only one who knows where his secret base is is there anything in this uh if I can use anything where is the stuff that I gotta get um wait a minute this room headband and a sword I want this sword huh and I gotta get some shuriken right here okay I should have this I am a ninja all right I'm in nowhere to begin to look for my dad I mean I survived the water but wait a minute maybe this headband can help me maybe it'll show me where he is oh huh doesn't really do much it's showing me the way over there hi we're gonna jump up here like oh that scared me down let's see in here father okay let's see okay all right I gotta sneak past all those ninjas how do I do this um just maybe in here and then so many jump now how in the world did you what get away from her yeah wow that is so strong oh man I knew you could I gotta jump the high ground wait a minute hold on you're actually using all those techniques oh that means it's true then get over here you huh what do you what do you think well I had a daughter once but you know I went out for milk and I know anyway I was hunted I thought I was hunting milk but someone was looking for me the point is you are a ninja and you have half ninja blood whatever that means I'm half people half ninja yes and that means that deep down you are a ninja too don't worry princess I'll get us out of here okay one sec oh well that's my daughter zombies go away go away yep coming hang on here we go oh there we go how about we got some rest for now huh dad why are they chasing chasing but not any Kids Are we more vulnerable well I mean I don't know I I don't want any of you to be in danger but it is strange you're right speaking of things what's up princess attack someone else come on let's go don't worry about it you don't want to help me this time oh no I'll help you son remember I'm coming yes right behind you oh no oh yeah oh you're so strong oh look at him go his chicken chicken [Music] yeah she's doing a weird way of running away yeah she should do that better just like I'd call you here we go oh yeah ninja punch [Music] looks like we have the ninja and it started right where we wanted them I thought you were just a normal dad oh silly little ninja and silly little daughter I've been waiting to take you down for a long time that little dad picnic it was just a trap to lure you out and now Kim and now I'll be able to get rid of you ninjas once and for all [Laughter] wake up I'm awake what's going on it's morning the fire stuck here in this prison why did you tell me well you didn't ask this is why I had to leave you all those years ago but never again look being a ninja is more than just doing cool moves or cool weapons it's also about Stealth yeah what do you mean here take these oh what is this yes ma'am your very own ninja wristbands they'll give you stealth abilities you can turn invisible and even teleport all right come on princess you can do it not coming I'm coming princess let's show them a lesson when this is finished it'll be able to destroy those Ninjas for good [Music] yes all right hey ah that wasn't stealthy was it yeah we'll work on the stealth thing later you need to stop whatever you're doing you can't stop what I'm doing see what I see what I that's my little ninja oh so scary you can't take me down little girl I can easily pick you up like this see we've got this all right wait okay wait that wasn't ready now [Music] exploded like a true Ninja talking about thank you for Tigard wait what do you mean uh come at me bro wait yeah yeah I think she's a secret master right behind everything that's right I'll chopper get out of here Kim I'm right here oh really defeated another Village I got my Nemesis and his daughter good going aphmau welcome actually we're not taken out we're just mildly inconvenienced well then we'll take you out this time [Music] I don't want to be in here with them well looks like you're not going anywhere thanks ninja bro yeah Dad how come you never saved the server what what I work out stuff hey and I think I'm mad at the theater is that you have a really nice Dad and he tries his best and that's all that matters yeah I guess so supportive yeah Dad hi Dad put it out of here all right right behind you princess Hey so uh why don't any of us have moms
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,234,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: nmC-jprZ0gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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