Having a VAMPIRE FAMILY in Minecraft!

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[Music] ooh a human that's what you [Music] think looks like we're going to have to find out who the best vampire family [Music] is O that was really cool half now did you practice it maybe just a little bit oh it came out really good buddy thank you I went to the scare oh whoa what is that vampire babies babies vampire babies man they're going to be so cute let see what do they look like wait how could a baby be a vampire anyways huh oh nice nice look how terrifying this looks yeah I know I'm scared come on Casey it's not that scary hang on are vampires even supposed to be able to feel fear oh come on Z don't be a pain in the neck right wait what's that wait what it's a coffin guys the babies they're being delivered oh I got it I got it I got it tiny oh it's a little boy oh and his teeth came in look at the baby oh look at his little teties see what did you guys get what kind of babies we got a little girl a Aaron we need to build a shelter I'm going to go check out the babies and make sure they're oh I can turn to a bat oh wait wait you can oh bat oh it's AO okay hi yeah it's just me don't worry I was surprised you now I got a little baby mushroom look at that baby mushroom I think it landed in a weird spot oh there's a baby there okay got it yeah yeah oh here there you go a look how cute adorable yeah all right so we have our own baby vampires you are all well behaved let me see you guys have a baby girl yay look how cute she is is it's so cute look at the pink hair in the middle it's so cute the tee is adorable M I know don't worry I'll build a shelter as soon as I can all right Aon wait what we need to make sure our shelter is just as good for this baby especially before the sun comes out yeah of course but w Wait what is that over another block already oh let me see what it is yeah let's see what it is wait a minute could this make a house for us you think yeah then we wouldn't have to build one yeah yeah let's do it all right let's see all right come on vampire house oh maybe it'll be a castle no no no it's a laboratory block think of all the experiments we could do it's a house plug oh wait fire oh the sun M shelter I did not think that was going to happen okay we should have thought about this before we broke it we got to get back we're safe under the tree the baby the baby wait the baby the baby protect the baby from the sunlight we don't have any sunscreen or anything oh no bu a shelter got it right here all right I'm going to start building get him under the tree it's okay baby we got you don't worry all right crafting table we need to make a shelter we got to make this quick too yeah yeah yeah yeah here take this axe oh thank you all right I'm going to start getting Stone we need block all right let's make what we can all right let's see let's make slabs just in case I'm just going to build this up there we go got to replace a little bit later all right babe I got some Stone H is everything okay with you guys yeah no it's okay I just try to build my way over my ah the Sun what was that oh my goodness Aaron I need you to make sure the baby's fine and build a shelter I'm going to go try to help everyone as best as I can yeah I'm going to start adding walls you go shade into something I'm going through oh oh jeez oh man I wasn't affected for fine put it out there we go okay I'm trying baby come on oh oh the baby's getting hurt no baby's safe all right just build an actual shelter okay okay yeah I'm working on it jeez I got to go I got to go I got to go I got to go I'm on fire a the sunny Birds Z start building my castle oh my God I'm trying teamwork okay we're a family unit yeah but I don't have a castle okay but family don't need castles here take oh it's fine it's not safe under the trees see grab him quick Casey baby here everything's fine still all right perfect um all right Aon I'm coming back all right perfect I'm just finishing up the roof hey this is looking pretty good uh it's okay you know for now mhm come on the sun's got to go it's almost time for daylight to be done being a Vampire Sucks during the day are we almost done please all right all right lost now the day's up finally thank goodness for this can the sun go away now I hope so oh oh nice I mean nice oh much better okay I think it looks perfect very for boing ooh spooky I love it perfect place to raise a baby vampire yeah that's right let's see oh how's he doing is he all right sleeping so peacefully he's going to be a real monster when he grows up right he better not bite though all right I'm going to go see how everyone else is doing you going to be okay I hope so but I got a little secret project I want to work on so all right Perfect all right baby just you and me we are Zane Casey huh coming in for a visit oh hi afro come on in oo thank you C wow this is nice and cozy thanks Zan's such a great Builder well I mean yeah I'm the best on the server you know oh really yeah don't push your luck on it oh but look at your baby she's adorable she looks happy listen to you a well good luck winning the family competition I'm going to go check on Pierce and make sure he's doing good all righty let's see ah a bat hey Pierce oh it's it's you hi it's just me we're all them Empire's here yeah yeah that's right forgot all right your little Shack's coming along nice and your little boy looks adorable thanks yeah it's all done what do you mean it's all done it's done don't you think you should have a door so you can let people in ah it's fine I got more important things to worry about what what's more important than providing children to your baby just sitting out here broing it's a vampire thing you get it all right you know I'm going to let you be um oh huh guys there's a new block new block oh wait who wait what is that yeah look at this it's a little Pac-Man vampire Pac-Man whatever it is mine it I think we should be fine let's open it let's see we can all fly we should be fine oh uh what happened oh wait well that's new oh a village oh Chuck full of villagers villager scare scare the souls out of villagers to grow babies you don't have to ask me twice yeah come on woo let's go we've got this I've been practicing being scary let's see o I have new power scared so do I what does this do H oh let me try it out um uh what I scared him to death did you just DED him uh let's see okay let me give it a shot they dropped their souls ready for a scare oh uh-huh and I got a soul too Aon we got to collect as many as we can yeah I've already got three go go go go go go just scare oh ooh there's one right in here covers this house oh I'm so scary hello oh hello boo oh oh and some Souls over here okay all right oh this is hilarious going in Villa is leaving soon how dides it even happen we must have cleared this place out guys we got to get out of here let's go go go okay what do you mean the V just aing this way this way this way this way and oh come on guys I'm coming I'm coming all right babe I got Souls what do we want to do with them H it's said to grow the baby so maybe we have to do something with that wait where's the baby uh he should be upstairs that's where I moved him oh okay yeah he's right here let's see all right baby don't eat all the souls all right right click it with the oh he kind of looks like me hello baby turn around I can't see you oh the baby has red eyes and it's all scaryy he does look like you all right let's see watch if I want to see the other babies growing up yeah all right mini me let's go H Casey our little girl is a quite adventurous a she's so cute let's see a she looks just like you Casey a thanks a all right Pierce let's see uh's Pierce there must be a little Pierce right yes there is oh so tiny yeah starting to think I might have to build more of a house now that he's a little bit more mobile huh yeah I told you this was probably going to happen you know well it was fine before when he just sat there well if you need any blocks don't be afraid to ask okay okay all right I'm going to go see my baby all right there you go now we have a nice little play area let's go out oh another block guys a new block wait really yeah let's go check it out o that looks pretty cool um is this a gravestone yeah it looks like it but what that mean should we break this open I mean the sun can't hurt us anymore so yeah and it also has a moon on it so it's definitely not going to bring the sun back yeah we'll be fine I think that makes sense to me come on let's break it open everyone should fear us not the other way around we've got this okay all right graveyard here we come uh oh wa what is that oh it's different grub find books to grow up the toddlers oo the stuff must be in there come on guys let's go my books okay find out [Music] all right who puts books in a grave wait wa we have to do all of this for some books oh hey learning is very serious Aaron guys come on we're vampires this is easy all we got to do is just got to turn into bats and fly on over yeah it's never that easy dude all right hold tight and oh see this puzzle relies on family teamwork all right casy you're next and get over there oh don't miss it literally relies on family teamwork all of us have to work together go throw you your head on the and now there we go and there you go Pierce and uh I think you're going to have to catch me I I'll do my best uh here we go gotcha oh thank you w oh wow you are strong baby this puzzle is perfect we're getting this AR right there and yeah yeah yeah I got it I got it excuse us I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming oh it' be as shame if I dropped Pierce don't even think about it come on we need everyone at look likee all right throw everybody again there we go there we go and there we go here oh oh I only need one here we go all right easy enough there we go o this looks a little bit more dangerous all right test it out ow don't sh me into it yep Oh that's definitely a trip he's learning and that's really important right Aaron he did us a favor right oh wait you got to learn careful okay yeah there's traps here guys wait there's only four here now oh yeah I did that uh here I'll stay here all right be careful all right okay all right I'll get the next one guys we all right there we go I'll keep run it over me too all right oh okay and then jump and then ooh there's a there's books here there's Diamond Helmet iron ingots and emeralds I mean well just one Emerald but still oh wait wa wait wait what teleported okay here's a book for everyone there you go come on come on and all right wait what am I supposed to do with a book make sure you give it to your babies oh good I thought you guys were going to make me read all right let's go give it to our babies o to's see if he goes a big all right do we do we queue it at him or do we hit him with it what do we do I guess we just right click him again let's see all right baby here we go oh oh wait wait is that me wait am I me he's a spitting image of you who am I oh he does have a cool little gem though where's your cool little gem wait what do you mean I I don't have that on me K why are you cooler than me all right Casey oh wait which one's the real one what oh wow I think all the kids have these little gems on them oh they just look so alike I don't know what to do you can tell the difference by the gem The Amulet on their neck wait Amulet the little amulet see oh well of course the real Casey would have an amulet isn't that right no no no Z that's your daughter uh oh oh okay all right come on pier yeah uh guys I have a bit of a problem uh I don't know which one's me uh pierce it what do you mean you don't oh the same problem there's a me but there's also a me and I'm just a little bit lost okay so it's the Amulet the ulet around the neck that's how you tell the difference he has a little like little like look see oh okay gotcha woo sorry I was really worried that that was me and I wasn't me and if I'm not me who am I you're fine you're fine no vampire crisis today I D I have the same problem all right let's go back home let's go see what we can do back there oh man he's not doing so well come on oh wait get another block wait what wait is this Aaron Aaron I think there's a Pet Block here I'm I'm not sure we're ready for a pet you I think we're perfectly ready for a pet we're super equipped for a pet with a pet I mean mini me just turned into big me and I don't know if we're ready for look he needs a best friend okay whatever just just break it all right exactly come on let's go let's go all right please be normal please be normal I oh well wait where where are they um wait Aon we have a little puppy normal skeleton dog oh I love him already oh is that a horse wait you guys got oh my God yes it's a horse what is a skeleton a skeleton horse oh looks like it's going to be more into that horse what are you oh look what you have Pi I don't know it's like a weird bony sheep looking thing I don't know is it a sheep it's a little warthog a warthog I thought it was just a weird headed sheep a I mean look it's got a little curled skeleton tail do something would you I wouldn't do that oh Aaron look up wait is there something else wait oh no it's it's another baby another baby I got it I got it oh you got the baby let's see yeah let's let's bring it inside come on in the house in the house I want to see we have another baby oh my God here we go oh it's a wiow girl a oh we got a baby boy I'm coming to see baby guys wait before we get more babies there's like another little block another baby no like another block but there a bat on it kind of look like a baby yeah but we can already morph into bats let's see what I can do maybe I'll do something more interesting let's become more bats oh maybe we'll be bigger bats let's see then it does look pretty happy right huh okay so what did that do what is whoa big Rings what are those grow up babies teach babies to fly to grow them up teach them to fly oh there's a lot of them what is this like a different method or is it what is this for the new babies it's got to be uh about that look at our new babies wait what they're already bats a they're little bats oh it's different for each baby that's so cool all right come on we're going to learn Her Fly oh baby just fall follows us never mind we don't need the lead Aaron come on get out do this ring come on one onion ring all right come on baby you can do it come on come on come on all right up here right this way we got to go slow I don't think it follows babe you're doing so well there we go I know there she is little guy okay up here this one oh they're following us around so cute and all right we're almost done we got this Zane it looks like our family's about to do it first but no one said a race what are you talking about this definitely looks like a race it even has a Finish Line we did it though nice oh wo uh oh look we got a medallion oh well maybe we uh it's kind of similar to our other baby's Medallion I guess this is what makes them grow up yeah yeah yeah yeah oh she's so cute oh look it's all oh it's got a little thing it's got a little it's got a little scrunchy in hair oh we definitely have the best family yes we do what was that huh nothing Z don't worry no I have the best son now another BL wait is that some random person's face it's a face this is just some random dude what is this yeah it's just a it's just a guy um I don't trust dudes well what if we need to bite the dude oh you're right let's get some food bite the dude let's see what happens give ready to use your bite who's hungry food food food Glorious Food okay we're I know about this one now watch what's this about carefully all right where's this dude huh what's he doing a dude okay there's the dude and oh where'd he go and he's gone okay wait what yeah why do we have to watch if he just disappeared oh thank goodness the dude's gone yeah I don't really get this one did you guys see what happened I tried to I'm hungry wait wait there's the chest on our Island too better not be some kind of creepy lasagna or something wait body parts I just filled a dude Aaron I think it's a memory game oh wait we got a build bu the dude now I got two heads and an arm we have four heads how many dudes are we building here you know what I'm going to put some of these heads back maybe I can Barrow them from here hey what are you doing nothing nothing hey P you got a head yeah I got a couple why couple here I'll trade an arm for a head oh okay that seems like a good deal there you go okay thanks be wait no no no I didn't get the arm back sorry it was a limited deal take it back so what do we put this together so I don't get this game 100% but I guess if we've assembled everything let's see how this works all right here The Head and the arm and do you like put it down how do we build a dude though maybe we have to craft it let me give it a shot yeah yeah yeah try that uh head legs body arm and other arm all right yeah yeah is is it working this like a dude oh nice nice wa wait what happened wait what you got we got a sword wait wait we used this to gr up the kid baby right come on let's see uh where she where's your sister where she oh there she is oh she looks like me oh she's so pretty well their kids look great you know they do look at them oh finally got it uh hang on Casey mhm wait did you guys grow up your kid oh there we go oh how handsome looks like his old man huh I mean nice job Zane but you know we did grow up our child first whatever he grew up better and more handsome oh yeah okay all right enough figh okay you know what get out of here get get get going I'm allowed to be here all right all right let's go see Pier see what he's up to wait if Pier got a baby that like him the first time yeah we didn't see are you sure I mean I think he may have a bigger problem now right you'll never figure out which one is what us wait wait wait why doesn't your have the amulet oh hey hey what did you do that for huh oh I actually got you nice this is way too many pierces that I can deal with this is like actually confusing me go my Pierce armies take over this world pierce it in your own form all right come on there's still kids Spears let's go what
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,002,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: ph343Ud9Z5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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