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come on one more time give the lord a shine of christ if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your [Applause] of feet is are you excited [Music] i have what god says [Music] i would never [Music] is [Music] is i will never the same i would never never never be the same i would never never know i [Music] [Music] me i would never never it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava demina you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor i would never i with the holy ghost [Music] in the name of jesus heavenly father we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost thank you that tonight as we study from your holy written word we feed from your world the mighty holy spirit lives on our inside to guide us into all the truth and so we declare that tonight as we compare spirituals with spirituals we speak the things that the holy ghost teach it so i ask that the eyes of each one's understanding be enlightened wherever your people are connected to this service with declare revelation knowledge flood the nations veils full of clarity comes your people equipped edified built up and jesus glorified we declare that by the end of this service nobody lives here the same way they came in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully man lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we also want to welcome all of our aqua bomb state community that are connected to the service tonight wherever you're hearing the sound of my voice i'm so excited to welcome all of you from aqua bomb whether you're listening to me by way of comfort fm xl fm radio aqua bomb you know ufm heritage fm or inspiration fm we're so glad to welcome all of you to the service tonight do me a favor call a friend a family member a colleague at your place of work ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves what a joy to welcome all of you to church today all of our social media community we're so glad family and friends on social media is an honor and a joy to have all of you as part of this vision of reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you and that is where together as co-liberals with all of you on social media that are part of this house we've always been you know pursuing the course of christ to ensure that the truth of the gospel that has been revealed to us reaches the ends of the earth so do me the favor you've always done tonight tag some people call some people invite some people and of course drop the video on different groups all the groups on your page put the video on those groups put the videos also on monogram telegram whatsapp groups let's float the nations with the fragrance of jesus grace what an honor to truly serve the lord together with every one of you all our campuses around the world and all our bible study centers and church houses oh caballota i know a lot of you are gathered right now in the houses it's going to be an exciting adventure as we study the word of god together all right grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated in the heavenlies as we get into the word of god tonight hallelujah all right yesterday we laid a foundation you know on the baptism of the holy spirit or the baptism with the holy spirit and i'm going to encourage everybody that was part of yesterday's service and those that were not part of yesterday's service i have asked the studio to rebroadcast today's service tonight at 10 p.m gmt plus night the plus one because you see this video was taken down boot on social media and on youtube so tonight it will be uploaded and we are rebroadcasting it at 10 pm gmt plus one so all power series is make sure you log on it will be on my facebook page and on our youtube channel and all of you on social media make sure you hook up that will form a background for you to be able to properly understand the kind of things i'm going to be teaching tonight as we begin to explore the interpretation of tongues the interpretation of tongues the book of first corinthians chapter 12 verse number one first corinthians chapter 12 verse number one now concerning spiritual gifts brethren i will not have you ignorant you know sometimes the reason why you hear god's word and the reason why you learn god's word is not only to know and walk in it sometimes he's so that you can teach others brother paul will say to timothy the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses the same commit to faithful men who shall be able to commit to others faithful men are those who learn with the intent of teaching others you didn't hear that faithful men are those who learn with an intent to teach others if we will listen well to the teaching of god's word we will not only know what is thought but also how it is thought that's very important we will not only know what is thought but also how it is taught because it's not good enough to hear me and not be able to explain what you heard from me to other people let's examine our subject the book of first corinthians chapter 12 verse number 1 12 1 now concerning spiritual gifts if you observe the word gift is italicized so it will read concerning the spiritual things concerning the spiritual things brethren i will not have you ignorant concerning spirituals whether we better put it like this concerning the spiritual things because it is specific here it deals with the things of the spirit in another light referring to the gifts and ministry gifts to the gifts and ministry gifts so he said i will not have you ignorant the word ignorantiya is the word agnew agnew it's a-g-n-o-e-o agnew it means you deliberately don't want to know or willful ignorance when you you know when you show knowledge you don't want to embrace knowledge you deliberately and intentionally reject knowledge it shows you that information is critical to the things of the spirit this is a church that already is not behind in any gift look at first corinthians chapter 1 verse 7 the way brother paul describes this church so that you come behind in no gift you come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our lord jesus christ you come behind in no gift that means that church had all the gifts of the spirit in oppression and it was commonplace among them all the gifts they come behind in no gift now you know there are churches where when you say word of knowledge they don't even know what you're talking about when you say word of not wisdom they don't know what you're talking about but this church is a church that understood in the sense that they had all the gifts of the spirit in operation they had all in manifestation he is saying to that church you come behind in no gift but concerning the word concerning is the greek word power p-a-r concerning about that is to build around concerning to build around oftentimes it refers to specifics and it's applied to knowledge so he is not talking about the gifts here but he's talking about the knowledge of the gifts the knowledge of the gift actually accurate knowledge of the gifts so he said concerning the accurate knowledge of the gifts brethren i will not have you to be ignorant or have you ignorant now why did i start on this premise you know most of what we learned about the gifts of the spirit particularly tongues came out of what is referred to as the azusa street revival in 1906 the azusa street revival in 1906 when a woman and some people spoke in tongues and several denominations were brought out of that revival in azusa street because of the kind of experience you know and because most of us come from churches or we learned from churches where we had background in churches where that was what led to tongues what led to tongues was the experience of the azusa street so we all spoke in tongues from the point of experience most of us most of us you know we just watch people speak in tongues and then we're we're encouraged to speak and we start speaking it's often said that the revival is what is responsible that revival azusa street revival is what is responsible today for what we call the pentecostal church all the pentecostal churches came out of that revival and they are also pentecostal churches are referred to as churches that speak in tongues churches that speak in tongues because most of what people learnt or most of what they do was based on experience you find out that in the last 100 years or so we do not have much information about tongues or about the things of the spirit sometimes you can be in the church for 20 30 years nobody has thought on the things of the spirit nobody has thought about the operation of the gifts and sometimes you don't blame the pastors they too don't know they don't know what to teach because most of them came from experience pentecostal experience but it's wanting to speak in tongues it's another thing to have an understanding of the doctrine of tongues and that's what we've been dealing with here we've been dealing with both the practice and the knowledge but the practice and the knowledge i mean yesterday look at how easy it flowed everybody here was speaking in tongues and interpreting why because there was teaching foundational teaching and everybody came to a place of understanding so it was easy to just prophesy it was easy to speak in tongues and interpret because when knowledge comes it makes you effective in the operation of the things of the spirit it's my friend you know pastor chris onnayinka who was telling me that actually there are just only two people and i agree with him because in my study that's exactly what i also discovered that there are only two people in the body of christ universal who were able to explain the things of the spirit only to people all over the world universal who have been able to explain the things of the spirit on a global scale i can only think of two i may be wrong but you know pastor christina inca said it to me and i agree with him because looking through all that i have read on the gifts of the spirit i agree absolutely and those two people is one of them is by the name howard cutter howard carter was of the assemblies of god church howard cutter he's one and he was able to go to a large degree to explain secondly is another man by the name kenneth e hagin just two of them kenneth hagin you know he's been able to explain those things at that level you wonder why with so much information in scripture and with so much that has been done in the book of acts yet we still have such little information in the body of christ that's why today we have more people speaking in tongues than interpreted because there's no teaching more people speaking in tongues you can have the whole church speaking in tongues nobody is interpreting their tongues for one moon two months three months four months they are just contented to speak in tongues and the reason is because there is no teaching that equips people to function confidently in the things of the spirit are you still in the building so a lot of people speak in tongues from their experience you know the book of acts unfortunately is where a good number of pentecostal churches got their teachings from the book of acts they based their doctrine of the gifts of the spirit in the book of acts so everybody seems to want to pattern what they believe from the book of acts sometimes you hear churches say let's go into the book of acts let's operate like the christians of acts you know and they aspire to want to function like believers in the book of acts like we saw the use of the book of acts you know last week during the in christ realities when we are dealing with identification you know in christ realities we found out that in the book of acts you will never hear a mention of the word new birth you will never hear it in the entire 28 chapters you will never hear a word like born again in the entire book of acts nothing on born again you will not hear anything like new creation you will not even hear that we are sons of god in the book of acts not even one mention sons of god you know it's not there but you will only have the word discipleship disciples disciples and the word disciples was not repeated by any apostle you won't see that word in the epistles no disciple repeated that i mean not apostle repeated that word disciples but it is used a lot in the book of acts so just like the word anointing you know we like using anointing it was used by brother paul only one time the word anointing was used by brother paul only one time relatively he used it to jesus then another person that used the word anointing his brother john brother john used it two times in his epistle and no other opposed to use that word anointing the word anointing was exclusively used for jesus a good number of people had got their theology george's pastors got their theology from the book of acts they got their theology from there so we will solve that challenge in a moment in the course of this teaching today because that's where the challenge came from the book of acts now we kept seeing tongues and we didn't see the explanation in the book of acts we saw tongues tongue stones but no explanation but you will not see tongues in the epistles but in the book of acts you see tongues and there is no explanation of the subject okay then because there was not much explanation most people didn't know that the interpretation of tongues was side by side with tongues in the book of acts because if you look carefully everywhere they spoke in tongues they prophesied everywhere they spoke in tongues they prophesied it was working hand in hand it was not just tongues alone it was tongues and prophecy and in some places they spoke in tongues and interpreted and you know that tongues plus interpretation equals to prophecy are we still in the building so in the book of acts is where many people you know stayed and just you know stationed they just speak in tongues no interpretation they didn't see it because acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 where many of them end up their teaching on tongues acts chapter 2 put out verse 4 so i can read acts chapter 2 verse number 4 they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance so many pastors or churches when they get there they stop that's all so try and speak in tongues make sure you speak in dogs it ends there no emphasis on the interpretation of tongues meanwhile trunks and interpretation are supposed to operate hand in hand you speak in tongues you interpret you speak in tongues you interpret you know like you know luke just says and they began to speak in tongues because luke wrote the book of acts and they began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance so again because the book is descriptive many people did not know that brother luke went beyond that he went beyond that you read other places like acts 10 44. look at it acts chapter 10 verse 44 to 46 while peter yet expect these words the holy ghost fell on all them which had the word 45 and there of the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with peter because that on the gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy ghost 46 for they heard them speak with tongues and magnified god then peter answered then peter answered so in the house of cornelius they spoke with tongues and magnified god and this was years later because between acts chapter 2 and acts chapter 10 was 10 years difference so now in acts chapter 19 acts chapter 19 you will see that there's a difference because in acts chapter 19 verse 6 see the way brother luke recorded that because many years have gone in between and when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied that was more clear that was more clear they spoke in tongues and prophesied so the book of acts has description not explanation the book of acts has description not explanation look at first corinthians chapter 12 verse 10 first corinthians chapter 12 verse number 10 to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another kinds of tongues that diverse is in italics to another kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues if you observe the word diverse is italicized he mentions interpretation of tongues it's not found in the book of acts you will see that word interpretation of tongues in the book of acts even though the practice is there but there's no explanation that brought out the explanation of the interpretation of tongues just like the word gifts in plural is not found in the book of acts you will not see gifts you will see gift of the holy ghost you won't see gifts you won't find the word of knowledge in the book of acts you won't find the word of wisdom in the book of acts in the book of acts you only find tongues and prophecy tongues and prophecy you'll find visions and you will find the way they were explained in first corinthians because when they just talked about visions they just it just said visions a man saw a vision no explanation pay attention to one detail now in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 28 put it up for me brother paul is listing gifts and god has said some in the church please i'd like you to observe that the gifts are set in the church not in the political arena for predicting governors and presidents god has said some in the church in the church please that's very instructive in the church put it up for me first apostles apostles where in the church secondly prophets prophets were in the church not soccer prediction not football prediction in the church totally teach us after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues then it begins to ask brother paul now begins to ask rhetorical questions put that 29 for me acts i mean first corinthians 12 29 these are rhetorical questions are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles these are rhetorical questions they are not statements they are not conclusions he was just saying uh oh that is the entire body and if you observe the word all uh the word ah is not in the original put it up again for me the word ah is in italics so all apostles all prophets all teachers all workers of miracles the word all there is referring to the body that is the whole body cannot be the apostle the whole body cannot be the prophet the whole body cannot be the gifts of healings all right the whole body look at it again first corinthians please not pay attention because i'm going to ask you a question in another few minutes first corinthians chapter 12 verse 28 first corinthians where we're reading 12 28 now pay attention and god has said some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets toddly teachers after that miracles then gift of healings helps governments diversities of tongues now observe that first corinthians chapter 12 verse 30 pay attention to verse 30. have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret what is in verse 28 that is not in verse 29 and 30. and i want you to find out what is in verse 29 and 30 that is not in verse 28 okay so let me read the three verses again put it up 12 28 29 and 30 of first corinthians and god has said some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets toddly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues all apostles all prophets all teachers all workers of miracles have all the gifts of healing they all speak with tongs do all interpret so what is not in verse 28 that is in verse 29 and 30. interpret interpret okay now then what is in verse 28 that is not in 29 and 30 government and helps government and helps please take note of that then he mentions interpretation of tongues interpretation of tongues look at first corinthians chapter 4 i mean chapter 14 verse 5. first corinthians chapter 14 verse 5 i ruled that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophet science than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive a defining he mentions the term again interpret look at verse 13 first corinthians 14 13. wherefore let him that speaketh in a tongue pray that he may interpret observe the word interpret again the word prayed that you may interpret he didn't say pray for interpretation he didn't say let him pray for interpretation he says pray that that what that is the greek word haimer h-i-m-a i mean h-i-n-a heiner it means in order in order different from because of in order different from because of pray because of that is i want to get interpretation but if i say pray in order to interpret it means when you want to pray in tongues pray the interpretation when you want to pray in tongues pray the interpretation that's what he is saying not ask for the interpretation but rather pray in order pray the interpretation not pray for but pray to not not pray to have but pray in order to interpret pray in order to interpret now look at verse 5 verse 5 of that first corinthians 14 please pay attention i beg you first corinthians 14 i would that you all speak with tongues but rather that ye prophesied for greater is he that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive a defined observed that that the church may receive edification the word or coedomule or coidomio in the greek the church pay attention to church that the church very important if your bible was mine i was circled because in verse 4 in verse 4 of that chapter 14 verse 4 first corinthians 14 4. he that speaketh in an unknown tongue eddie fired himself but he that prophesied he defied the church so if you prophesy you edify the church verse 4 if you speak in tongues you edify yourself the word edify means to strengthen it also means to establish all right we will come there in a bit look at verse 27 of that first corinthians chapter 14 first corinthians chapter 14 if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and let that by course and let one interpret how many times do we have interpret in this in this chapter 12 and chapter 14 well in chapter 12 we have interpreted two times 12 verse 10 put it up first corinthians 12 verse 10. to another the working of miracles the last sentence to another the interpretation of tongues then look at first corinthians chapter 12 verse 28 chapter 12 verse 28 and god has said some in the church first apostles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues diversities of tongues then look at first corinthians 14 verse 5 first corinthians chapter 14 verse 5 i will that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret look at verse 13 verse 13 wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret look at verse 26 verse 26 of the same chapter he how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you had his son had a doctrine had a tongue had a revelation had an interpretation see it again look at verse 27 27 of the same chapter if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course let one interpret so we have the word interpret about six times so that means in just two chapters that means there was an emphasis in paul's teaching concerning interpreting tongues there was an emphasis paul never taught tongues without interpreting tongues paul never taught tongues without interpreting tongues what is the interpretation for the interpretation is for the tongues look at first corinthians 12 10 first corinthians chapter 12 verse 10 to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues so he says diverse kinds of tongues the word divers there is italicized then it says interpretation of tongues so when he used it in verstat he says do all interpret and he says eat after tongues after he says tongues then he now says do all interpret also in first corinthians 12 10 he mentions interpretation of tongues after mentioning tongues tongues interpretation because you always taught tongues and interpretation hand by hand again now look at first corinthians 12 30. he mentions tongues then interpretation tongues then interpretation so that means it is interpretation of tongues again in first corinthians 14 5 first corinthians chapter 14 verse 5 i ruled that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is see that prophet saith than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret why that the church may receive a defying if you observe he said accept he interpret interpret what tongues look at first corinthians 14 13 14 13 wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret pray that he may interpret what the tongues so notice there's nothing called interpretation of dreams there is no gift of the spirit called interpretation of dreams some people even publish books 50 ways to interpret dreams there's no such in the bible there's no such gift in the gifts of the spirit called interpretation of dreams the word interpret is the word thy manure in the greek oftentimes in the greek when you find the word die d-i-a just you like just like you have division daya means in the midst of two in the midst of two diameter amongst manual where you have harmonics harmonics where you can say to explain or to expound diameter will mean between two to explain between two interpretation of tongues is what we are dealing with so interpretation of speaking a language interpretation of speaking language interpretation of tongues let's do a short study on tongues and languages so that we can get this very well go to genesis chapter 11 let me steer you up in genesis chapter 11 here is god he made man and god begins to talk to man question how did god communicate with man how he begins to communicate with man he is talking to man you know god to other then we have adam to god was god speaking to adam like good morning and adam said whoever you are good morning then the first thing he starts telling adam is about trees yeah okay could it be that god is talking to his spirit because what language could they have been speaking adam and god what language remember that was just the beginning that was just the beginning of god and man interacting what language could he have been speaking because it's important was it english hebrew greek because god is talking to adam and adam is talking back to god i mean think about it god initiates communication because he's got to come initiated the communication so definitely adam will respond to god with the same kind of communication did adam talk to eve and how did god talk to man you think it's in the spirit or they were talking audibly am where are thou i'm naked which language [Laughter] let's think god spoke to his spirit okay then adam spoke out to god in response to what he had in his spirit just like abraham the rich man and lazarus they were in hell and they were discussing so what language could they have been using [Laughter] because abraham lived long before they reached mana lazarus so what language were they using i don't think they were shouting hey rich man father abraham tell us to take note i don't think they were shouting somehow they got the communication because there was no distance okay that means that in the spirit communications is in impressions in the spirit communications is in impressions so in genesis chapter 11 adam now has kids the first two one killed the other okay and the world progressed so genesis 11 1 genesis 11 verse 1 and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech the whole earth one language one speech the word language is the word safar safar s-a-p-h-a-h use 107 times the word sapphire s-a-p-h-a-h used 175 times what does it mean safar was used for shores of water and bounds shores of water and bounds is actually used in culture for boundaries is used in culture for boundaries and very early hebrew scholars call it something that is binding on us suffer something that is binding upon us now what does it really mean it is used in culture for boundaries boundaries that is something that brings us together safar that means the first meaning of the word language is what is binding what is binding so language from the outset in scripture has a cultural connotation in fact is the very basis of culture language is a fundamental distinction of culture mode of communication the second word is the word speech language and speech the word speech is the word the bar the bar d-a b-a-r the bar okay the bar is used 1441 times in the hebrew text 1000 41 times the bar means expression it is different from thoughts expression it means to verbalize something to verbalize something that means language precedes speech language precedes speech we don't arrive at language through speech we don't arrive at language through speech that means something precedes our speaking something precedes our speaking before i say good morning that means good is a language morning is a language just like great fool great and full grateful that means we have something called good and money now when we put good and money together we have good morning are we still in the building now here are some languages where the use is different the word daba is informed from the word safar the word that is there is something that makes me say what i am saying we have a mode of communication we don't arrive at it by speaking we don't arrive at the mode of communication by speaking we speak because we already have the mood we speak because we already have that mode of communication we do not speak to arrive at the mode of communication but because we have the mode of communication we now speak so he says there was one language and one speech one language and one speech so one and one one single and one singular number put together the expression here is more than sign language don't forget a sign language is also a mode of communication but language and speech goes beyond a sign language here he is relating to vocabulary vocabulary that is they've developed a vocabulary and vocabulary will be our use of tenses and grammar our use of tenses and grammar that is it expands the grammar and the vocabulary are you still following it expands the grammar and the vocabulary so they have developed it look at verse 7 of that genesis 11 genesis chapter 11 verse 7 go to let us go down and dear confound their language on the line the word confound or circulate that they may not understand one another's speech so everybody had one vocabulary you can't you can't fathom this until we come to the epistles when we come to the pieces you will understand what i'm dealing with here that is everybody had one meaning for everything everybody had one language one word for everything everyone on earth the whole earth spoke one language okay one language the mode of communication was the same then in verse seven to confound their language the word confound is quite interesting is the hebrew word balal b-a-l-a-l balal it's used to mix food to mix food where you mingle things together where you mingle things together today it actually means to rearrange to rearrange so what we are there is arranging their lips or their use of words well i can submit to you that it's not like everybody woke up and was speaking nonsense it's not like we just woke up and i talked you can't hear me that's not what happened so this came by human imagination because the word use here the word use here confirmed is by human effort what they did was rearrange they rearranged the consonants and the vowels they rearranged okay now so the sounds will be different that's the first thing they did they rearrange the words the sounds will be different so what was confounded was their mode of communication their mode of communication that is what was rearranged are you still here okay now that's not as important as the next word the next word says that they may not understand one another's speech that they may not understand one another's speech i like the word understand there it is the word shima in the hebrew s-h-i-m-a understand shima it means here to heed here to heed is used 1160 times 1000 160 times that means language is not what you hear with your ears language is what you know with your heart language is not what you hear with your ears is what you know with your heart so it was like you will hear what i am saying but what your understanding is different so that means language is primarily not of speech but of understanding language is primarily not of speech but of understanding that means before i speak i have a language i do not speak to have a language but i speak because i already have a language you're not hearing me before i speak i already have a language i'm speaking because i have the language i am not speaking to have the language so that means is firstly in my reasoning in my reasoning if i say something to two people they heard something but their mind had different schooling different schooling that means the birth of interpretation is meaning and understanding the birth of interpretation is meaning and understanding what is the meaning that is the birth of interpretation so that means where do i hear a language in my ears or in my heart in my heart my my heart is what determines whether i know a language or not when i say i can't hear what you are saying it's not like i am deaf you see it's not like i am deaf see that it means i can't hear in my heart what you are saying in my ear i heard you say for example inaudible you had inaudible in your ears but your heart doesn't know does he understand inaudib it means good morning simply you will understand what i'm saying in your heart through your ears you're not understanding me in your ears but you understood me in your heart through your ears are you still in the building through your ears now that means in my heart i already have a vocabulary in my heart i already have a vocabulary with which i listen when people talk i have a vocabulary in my heart with which i listen when people talk are you still in the building all right do you know that it means that all languages are learned received all languages are mastered with use all languages you master a language with use now people think what happened in genesis 11 was a 30 minutes of fear people just stood up and started talking and nobody was hearing another person no it was not a 30 minutes at a fear people got scattered no these were people going for innovation you remember in genesis 11 they were going for innovation so they just left the tower and they went into language so everybody has a mode of communication by the time you use it often you master it every language every mode of communication it's like some people just started changing some words in english and created a language out of it you know instead of saying language they say language you know instead of saying abuse they say abusee by the time you create enough of that you've already formed a language out of english that nobody understands but those of you within yourself i don't know if you understand but you will hear the words but the meaning is not because it's a vocabulary that is constructed in the heart are we teaching please are we teaching here now so it's important to realize that because i'm going somewhere with this now how many of your kids who are born with your language the day you gave back to your child your child came out of the stomach and while i don't say he didn't won't everybody take off no kid was born with your language okay so after a while he listens to sounds come go go come come go i don't expect you to tell a baby when the baby is crying keep quiet and the baby no when a baby is crying you say keep quiet the baby cries more because the baby has not mastered what you are saying the baby is hearing sound but cannot explain what the meaning of that sound is it takes a while i'm teaching i'm teaching i'm teaching i'm teaching if you're understanding shall i hear you it takes a while now so that means there will be a constant use of sounds a constant use of sounds paying attention more in your mind then eventually you will know it means all languages are mastered you are not born with any all languages are mastered like english most of us learnt it and some of us are still learning it i'm still learning english the number of things in english i do not still know you know i don't even know they exist but i see i keep learning and researching and exploring i keep discovering vocabulary i don't know if you understand what i'm saying here so if the two people in genesis 11 are saying two different things if they relate somebody speaking both languages we'll have to relate with them how many of you understand two people in genesis 11. this one is same adima the other one is same kbc two of them can't talk because they don't understand each other the only person that will bring them to understand each other will have to be a third party who understands ebook and yoruba so he's able to take yoruba and interpret to the evil person and take the evil language and interpret to the europa person are we together here all right please stay with that stay with us keep that concept somewhere we're coming back in a few minutes are you enjoying this at all now so somebody who can speak both will have to interface genesis 42 23 let's examine brother joseph genesis 42 23 and they knew not that joseph understood them for he speak unto them by an interpreter he speak unto them by an interpreter joseph and his brothers and of course you know the story of joseph right joseph had been in egypt long in prison for being in egypt he cannot speak their language one of the places where people quickly understand language is imprisoned when you go to prison and meet people of that locality in prison and you stay among them you learn language very fast that's one of the places and joseph was in egyptian prison for a long time so by interaction he must have learned the language are we together here it's like one way to learn a language is to go to the market go to the market and buy things and interface with the locals you learn a language people like cause i don't have the privilege of going to the market it's very difficult for us to learn the languages you know it's very difficult you know very difficult but people that are with the everyday people in the market you know everywhere on the streets is very easy to pick up your language is it not true very easy because of continuous use now so joseph has been in prison and he has picked up the language look at genesis 42 23 23 genesis 42 23 and they knew not that joseph understood for he spoke unto them by an interpreter take note of the word interpreter the word interpreter there is the word thoughts in the hebrew t-u-t-s is used for an intermediary it's used for an intermediary when you translate that word in the greek in the septuagint greek the word taught in hebrew you will find the word diamond that di so that interpreter will be able to speak two languages in job 33 23 job 33 verse 23 glory if there be a messenger with him an interpreter one among a thousand to show unto man he's in his transgressions an interpreter the word interpreter there is intermediary between two people or more that is he must be able to hear both parties so he creates a level playing field for both parties so the first thing you need to realize about the word interpretation this first interpretation is in language is in language i'm gonna move a bit fast now the first thing is that interpretation is not translation this is key you must understand that interpretation is not translation they are not the same interpretation is not translation key interpretation is to give meaning and direction interpretation is to give meaning and direction that is what it does if mr a says something and i want to know i will use mr b's language to tell mr b what mr a said so i between two of them a and b i'm the intermediary meaning i understand the language of mr a and i understand the language of mr b all right now i will simply take what he has said and explain and interpret to the other person the basic thing is to give meaning to arrive at a meaning the fellow who is speaking doesn't need the interpretation me that i'm speaking i don't need interpretation that's my language is the person listening that is not from my language that needs interpretation is it clear do i need interpretation to speak the language i know i don't need interpretation that's my language the only person that needs interpretation is a person that does not understand my language he is the one we have to interpret what i said in my language for please that is fundamental keep that somewhere all this will come together in a moment is the person who does not understand my language because my language is my language i don't need interpretation now let's look at dreams quickly genesis chapter 40. but just before we go there remember joseph was found interpreting dreams in prison in genesis chapter 37 observed that joseph did not blame his pastor he was not going around playing blame games okay he wasn't depressed he just knew that there was a reason why he's in prison and he gladly was there waiting for god's assignment okay now genesis 37 verse 6 genesis 37 verse 6 and he said unto them here i pray you this dream which i have dreamed verse 7 for behold we were binding shifts in the field and lo my shift arose and also stood upright and behold your sheep stood round about and made obeisance to my chief he had a dream now let's see the meaning they gave to his dream the one they gave verse 8 to 11 genesis 37 8-11 and his brethren said to him shall thou indeed reign over us or shall thou indeed have dominion over us and they hated him yet the more for his dreams and for his words verse nine and he dreamed yet another dream and told his brethren and said behold i have dreamed a dream more and behold the sun and the moon and the 11 stars made obeisance to me next verse and he told it to his father and to his brethren and his father rebuked him and said unto him what is this dream that thou has dreamed shall i and thy murder and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to deed to the earth 11 and his brothers envied him but his father observed the saying notice he is telling them what he dreamed he didn't give them understanding they just concluded that the dream is nonsense they didn't understand what he was saying his father just observed the saints in genesis chapter 14 verse 8 he is now in prison put it up for me genesis 14 verse 8 i mean 40 genesis 40 verse 8 40 and they said unto him we have dreamed a dream and there is no interpreter of it and joseph said unto them do not interpretations belong to god tell me them i pray you observe the word interpret here in genesis is the word part h a r it means to solve to solve it's used in ancient times for journeys when you want to go somewhere and you're at a crossroads and you need somebody to direct you it's like when you are traveling from owerri in imo state you are traveling from owerri coming back to aqua bomb through uma here when you get to a place on that road you will meet a crossroad one road goes this way to the left another road to the right now at that crossroad you need an interpreter a pattern to direct you on which turn to take all right to help you solve a problem so it's used to give direction at crossroads to solve problems they said the dream came as a problem problem because they don't know what it meant okay so genesis 40 verse 16 observe genesis chapter 40 verse 16 when the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good he said unto joseph i also was in my dream and behold i had three white baskets on my head so the saw baker saw that the interpretation the look at verse 22 same genesis 40 verse 22 but he hung the chief baker as joseph had interpreted to them the word pata so joseph solved the problem joseph solved the problem the same thing when pharaoh had a dream in chapter 41 of genesis joseph solved the problem they had a dream don't forget the dream didn't come from them the dream came to them the dream didn't come from them the dream came to them they had a dream and it became a problem a problem because they did not understand what the dream was saying but the dream had a meaning but the meaning was not in their mind so they did not understand what it was saying but someone comes up and solved the problem for them the problem was where the problem was in their understanding so he simply brought the meaning to them where in their understanding are we in the building so pharaoh had the same issue he called out the magicians they couldn't explain look at the genesis 41 verse 8 glory 41 verse and it came to pass in the morning that the spirit was troubled and he sent and called for all the magicians of egypt and all the wise men thereof and pharaoh told them his dream but there was none that could interpret them unto pharaoh they could not solve there was no pattern look at verse 12 verse 12 41-12 and there was there with us a young man and hebrew servant to the captain of the god and we told him and he interpreted to us our dreams to each man according to his dream he did interpret the same he did solve what what he was saying was to solve the dream or the the puzzle or the issue look at verse 13 and verse 15 verse 13 to 15 of genesis 41 and it came to pass as he was as he interpreted to also it was me he restored onto my office and him he hung fourteen then pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon and he shaved himself and changed his remnant and came in onto pharaoh next verse and pharaoh said unto joseph i have dreamed a dream and there is none that can interpret it and i have a heart say of thee that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it thou can understand the dream that word understand that is just by telling you what i saw you know what it means by telling you what it i saw you know what it means so again joseph solved it notice firstly that whoever gave the dream knew the meaning whoever gave the dream knew the meaning that's another important one whoever gave the dream knew the meaning secondly it means that it's known to the speaker or it is known to the giver the speaker or the giver of the dream knows it it is usually unknown to the receiver so if i am the one speaking the dream or if i'm the one giving the dream i know the meaning but you that is receiving the dream don't know the meaning are we in the building okay stay with me stay with me stay with me because he didn't give the dream so he doesn't know the language he doesn't know the language let's examine daniel quickly before we close the service daniel chapter 5 verse 5 daniel also had same encounter concerning dreams there was a writing on the wall you know a finger just appeared on the wall and began to write daniel 5 5 in the same hour came for fingers of a man's hand and wrote over against the candlestick upon the playstore of the wall of the king's palace and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote man what a nightmare they saw a manson appear and began to write look at verse daniel 5 7 the king cried allowed to bring in the astrologers and chaldeans and the soothsayers and the king speak and said to the wise men of babylon whosoever shall read this writing and show me the interpretation thereof shall be cloated with scarlet and has a chain of gold about his neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom he called all the astrologers soothsayers witches and wizards and they didn't know what it was saying [Laughter] daniel 5 25 glory to god daniela comes in and this is the writing that was written many many taken opposing many many taken opposing those words were not strange words they were not strange because in verse 12 they recognized something daniel 5 12 daniel 5 12 for as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge and understanding interpreting of dreams and showing of hard substance sentences and dissolving of doubt we have found in the same daniel whom the king named belshazzar now let daniel be called and he will show the interpretation the word interpretation is used about six times in the book of daniel and it is the word pressure pressure i have told you that there's no ominibus application for any word of scripture okay it if you find that interpretation is having different words okay pressure p-e-s-h-a-r pressure it means to construct something to construct something it's used for when things are scattered and then you put them together then you make sense out of what was scattered to construct things to put things together so that you can make sense of it okay to make sense out of things that are scattered so here is daniel they bring the words to him the corresponding term there is the word passion passion p-a-s-h-a-n is used for symbols when you put symbols together then it makes sense when the word pressure pressure is used those things are brought together then a meaning is given to it so there are three words many many same words taken opposing those were words everybody knew but the construction didn't make sense many is from the word manna used in the childish of those days it was used for money or wealth something that has value or money something that has value the second word is take care take care among the child this means balance balance in their everyday use okay balance where you have shackle is used for balance that is they are symbols many is used for money how money is valued take l is balance the last one is opposing which means to split up to split up so imagine somebody looks at you and says value balance split up value balance split up all the astrologers are confused i'm sure the native doctors when they looked at the king the king said quickly i'm not paying you salary for nothing bring them in it's okay value you shall be valued what about ticket balance you are the most balanced king what about obasi shut up again they are looking for the meaning of those words are you in the building are you in the building so daniel comes and he constructs it together he puts those scattered words together do you know those words we are stupid not because i can't hear what you're saying but they're just scattered stupid words many many value values take care balance offers him split up if somebody has just stood up as a many many the king which they arrest him is drunk but when he saw a shorthand writing this was a serious level okay now so what did he do daniel put it together and gave it a meaning two prominent things about joseph and daniel take note of that two prominent things about both of them was that both of them both pharaoh and nebuchadnezzar agreed that both daniel and joseph had the spirit of god the two kings agreed that these young men have the spirit of god the word spirit of god is the word ruach ruac where you have unseen that is they both know that the intelligence in joseph and daniel was from the unseen is beyond their sense of imagination beyond their sense of judgment unseen so there was an unseen intelligence from what they said are we making progress so he constructed the words together and gave it meaning the first one just hearing what the king said notice in the two instances whether joseph or daniel both of them first of all daniel saw what was written joseph heard the dream so they didn't come up with a word of knowledge you know o king you had a dream yesterday no they didn't come up with a word of knowledge they interpreted it that is they gave it a meaning again it's very obvious that from genesis 11 men began to use interpretation among themselves and the reason why they use interpretation is because we don't have the meaning so because i don't have the meaning i will bring an interpreter somebody who stands between two vocabulary and can interpret both to the parties so he's able to tell me what was said to me now in the two instances we have seen daniel and joseph the two did not translate the two of them only gave meaning they gave meaning because if you are going to translate many many they will tell him we already know what many is we know it it's just that we're not able to understand the meaning we already know what take care is and if you were in joseph's case and they said i saw five cows and then you tell the king cow is an animal cow can be used for suya the king will say get out of this place you think we don't know what cow is we know what cow is that's not what you're supposed to do what you're supposed to do is to give meaning to give what meaning so see what daniel said to nebuchadnezzar the final word there is opposing your kingdom is going to be torn apart shut up if he didn't hear the first two he will hear the third one all he did was give direction so when it tears apart you know where to run to that means interpretation conveys the meaning or the conclusion to the hera in his own language interpretation conveys the meaning or the conclusion to the hearer in his own language it simply means that the communication came from a different realm on the face of it pharaoh's dream must have been stupid foolish because it was not in his own realm of reasoning so it sounded foolish same thing with nebuchadnezzar but here someone who knows the way someone who knows and understand things and knows what came from that other realm of communication was able to tell you in your own language you are finished your throne will be turned to pieces it's apparent that the meaning is with the interpreter the meaning is with who the interpreter because he is the sole owner of how he interprets his to you the interpreter the interpreter is the sole owner of how he interprets to you he now will communicate it to you in a way he will ensure that you understand what he knows he must not be ambiguous or else he did not interpret it must be clear to you just like the two kings saw it so the audience never gets the interpretation unless it is interpreted you know the audience do not have the interpretation the interpretation will come from one who is in both realms of communication and in this case where will the interpreter stand two languages that don't understand each other where will the interpreter stand in between because he hears this and hears this so if this man is talking he goes to his realm to hear him okay then he moves from mister let's take this man as mr b for the radio audience mr b mr a okay so mr b is speaking he comes to the realm of mr b takes what mr b says and comes to the realm of mr a to x to interpret what mr b said in his realm in the realm of mr a are we together here so he stands in between and interfaces between the two people two languages two languages all right now the guy in the middle has a job of going to this rem bring it out and go to this realm interpret it is it clear now they don't run concurrently interpretation and the speaker don't speak at the same time the speaker will speak first then interpretation will be given to the receiver so that interpretation given to the receiver is the meaning of what was said or the conclusion of what was said they don't run concurrently the hand the wristwatch and the wall then the interpretation he saw the hand he saw the wall then after seeing he interpreted are we in the building here all right so i am here as the middle man i'm in the middle i go to the first guy mr b i hear him then i go to mr a to interpret what mr b has just said so the interpreter has to be in between the interpreter has to be in between i will show you a scripture and close then we start from there tomorrow are you blessed all right john chapter 12 verse 28 john 12 28 father glorified thy name then came there a voice from heaven saying i have bought glorified it and will glorify it again next verse the people therefore that stood by and heard it said that it thundered others said an angel speak to him one message but the receivers are confused so diverse interpretation are you following it's like again saga the hera doesn't know what i'm saying except i that is speaking interpreting i the speaker don't need interpretation because what i'm speaking is my language is the person that is hearing me that needs me to interpret my language to him so the speaker is the interpreter because it is his make cabaye stand up let's close because it is his language you can speak it if it is not your language the reason why you are speaking it is because it is your language are you following if i say look at me ronnie if i say blessed be the name of the lord do i need interpretation why because it's my language i spoke it which by implication means i know what i spoke but if i said it to pastor prince and pastor prince does he understand english come past the prince come close to me and i said blessed be the name of the lord i see the glory of god all over you and you're looking at me because you don't know what i'm saying now who should interpret what i said i who said it should interpret because what i said is my language i couldn't have spoken if it was not my language i spoke it because it's my language hence it is my responsibility to interpret that's when brother paul taught tongues he taught interpretation because he's supposed to be handing out now we will get a little more into details of that are you understanding it's like the man in america who was sitting down kenneth copeland told his story okay use that to close his head this man was sitting in the surface kenneth copeland was preaching he was sitting in front looking like a very serious person so kenneth copeland was preaching when can a copeland comes close to him he will hear them and say 150 that's right so copeland thought the guy was flowing then copeland would teach and teach you come here the guy that goes 150 that's right and he will smile like he knows what he's talking about so after the service you know preachers get impressed by people who respond to them when they preach so after the service brother copeland sent for the guy and he called the person of church and said this guy was flowing with me in the service this guy was really flowing with me in the service today you know he he understood everything i was teaching so the pastor that asked kenneth copeland what was the guy saying he said the guy just kept saying something like i heard him saying something like that's right 150 dollars right so the person said oh that's the only english you understand the only english understands is a hundred and fifty that's right so while the preacher was thinking the girl was flowing he didn't know that again i was just reciting the duties you understand i'm not saying it is you glory to god glory somebody bless tonight so we keep teaching then after a few days of this teaching will not do exercise but tonight we're going to have a lot of exercise you know on social media ten o'clock the broadcast will be put on everybody get ready for the 10 pm gmt plus one and when we come on to watch the service of yesterday the moment we begin to minister if you have tongues and interpretation of tongues write them for us out write the interpretation not the tongues we don't need the tongues written we want the interpretation so just just write let's edify one another let everybody pump up prophecy let everybody prophesy type it out let all of us be edified by one another will that be exciting tonight at 10 p.m gmt plus one it will be on facebook and youtube so either of the two sites you just find yourself there abel damina public figure 10 pm gmt plus one tonight father i pray for everybody everybody in the house centers campuses online television all over the world radio audience that the revelation of god's word grows big on your inside you're built up equipped edified you are a workman that needs not be ashamed you are rightly dividing the word of truth a decree that this knowledge grows on your inside veils fall off i decree that you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man i stir up your spirit i steer up the gifts of god on your inside leg osaka babara katina kelina manoga hey garrett i steer up the gifts i steer up i steer up that deposit and i release you to begin to flow begin to flow unrestrictedly begin to flow or restrictedly begin to flow without restriction or transaction in the name of jesus and we speak to every hold of the enemy be broken sickness and disease be healed in the name of jesus seek bodies recover god's healing power flows from your head to the souls of your food and father we praise you for the blessing upon your people tonight in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality glory amen get a good offering let's give and honor the word of god tonight wherever you're watching around the world i'd like you to grab an offering um i'll be joining mr michael bush in the next one or two minutes and we'll be bringing to you as a council we'll answer your questions respond to your meals you don't want to go away but most importantly you don't want to miss the 10 p.m gmt plus one rebroadcast of yesterday's service tonight it's going to be a great time as we all flow in the supernatural and edify one another bringing strong prophetic words and bringing strong interpretation of what the spirit is saying to his people at this time and i want to thank partners and friends who keep giving to this ministry continually to help us do the things that we do for the kingdom of god and just before i pray over your offerings remember that um beginning from sunday it's training evangelism and discipleship and you know it's our open bible school so we want to encourage all of you and acquire if you want to attend the open bible school every day from monday to saturday 6 00 p.m every evening for impartation and training to make you effective to make you an able minister a competent worker in the kingdom of god you need to just stop by 98 or neighbor road right here at power city grab a form so you can register there's no fees you're not paying anything but we need you to register if you'll be admitted into this building to partake in the conference if you will be admitted you need to register for the conference by getting a form it's free but you need to fill a form i'm excited about it i'm very excited beginning from sunday we begin with the introduction the monday we're going to intensive training to make you a fit worker for the kingdom of god somebody excited about that praise god i'd like you to lift up your office father we're giving faith and we thank you for the privilege to honor your word everyone giving tonight is blessed your needs are met supernaturally and thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully man who are we excited tonight hey guys you don't want to miss 10 p.m tonight gmt plus one and you don't also want to miss the question and answers we're doing with mr michael bush in the other studio and until i see you at the other studio enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service tonight glory amen by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call us 234 806 800-9939 or email power cityoffice [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for staying tuned to this point of the program is ask the counselor now and my name is michael bush okay bank details especially for a radio audience you have free bank accounts power city is the name of all three i start um on this edition with fcmb 29 82 68 2028 29 82 68 2028 that's fcmb power city international zenith is number two 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12. that's for zenith and power city international remains the account name just as it is for uba 139 26 465 139 26 4 6 5 for sponsorship you just need to quickly call us up on plus 234 803 6104 or you email dr ebell damina at doctor there of course it's dr okay so in another 10 seconds we should actually get the program underway just as i announced with pride and privilege and humility and honor the arrival of blue barber in this part of the program globalby is a prolific also it's written 32 books and counting it's uh international televangelist he's everywhere and read who's on tv he's on the social media and i'm so privileged and honored to have this teacher of the world dr ebel damina danger continental mr bush so glorious have you around today so so nice to have you what are you doing man nobody just would do our opening prayers so that we can get underwear straight ahead father we rejoice that the gospel is thriving around the nations of the earth laborers are being raised all over the blue marble planet men and women equipped with sound doctrine to make known the fragrance of jesus grace we thank you that our societies are opening up to the truth of the gospel men and women and army of people are moving into the light we pray for our governor we pray for our executive cabinet in the state here thank you that you're walking through them to create an enablement an environment of peace for the gospel to keep advancing we pray for our world that the name of jesus is finding expression in every community every nation every state and every continent and we rejoice that the gospel shines and the darkness has nowhere to hide so we give you praise for massive salvation of souls in jesus name amen kelvin starts from there kevin writing from cameron says thank you so much global baba for the wisdom in god's word unleashed to us every day in ii peter 2 20 who was he referring to if this were sinners is it possible for a sinner to have a diagnosis considering that was the word he used there for knowledge in 2nd thessalonians 2 3 is a following we referred to here as a poster saying what are the consequences of apostasy i remember having listened to a terrier episode in which you mentioned one of the churches john talked about in the book of revelation as those who had resorted to apostasy what becomes of them also in festivity 4 1 now the spirit speaker expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heat to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils is departing from the faith losing your selfish salvation and finally mark 13 13 and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that shall enjoy to the end the same shall be saved please kindly throw more light on these verses thank you well again uh the first scripture he didn't quote our life was to start from the repeater so they can put it on this second peter 2 20. second peter 220 dog going back to his vomit for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ they are again entangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them next verse but it is happened unto them according to the true proverb the dog is turned to his own vomit again and the soul that was washed to her wallowing in the time so now it's easy because he tells you the dog has gone back to his vomit so that means before the knowledge came the person was a dog after the knowledge came the person was still a dog and after the person has gotten knowledge as a dog the person went back to his vomit means the person was never born again so that scripture is not for believers that scripture is for people who come among us and act like us but they are not born again they are called false brethren of false converts now the apostasy in the book of revelation if you observe he was talking to individuals and he was talking to the churches he wrote letters to the churches to the church in this to the church in that then for believers he said to him that overcome it so he was talking to two classes of people the apostasy was the churches the churches and the leadership of those churches allowed for wrong doctrine to be preached in those churches and those wrong doctrines being preached in those churches you know uh misled people from the truth of the gospel and he said the judgment for them he was going to take away the candle their candlestick that is he was going to shut down and most of those churches were extinguished they never lasted they never had a legacy that's what happens to any ministry that compromises the preaching of the gospel the only gospel that will stand the test of time is the gospel of christ so if a man of god is not preaching the right gospel his ministry will not last the legacy of his ministry will expire in a short while because such messages don't have longevity they don't last the only gospel that lasts is the gospel of christ it is settled forever so such ministries don't last now when the bible talks about falling away he was actually talking about people who have had the gospel believe the gospel and then got into mixture the kind of people that brother paul will speak to in galatia and call them foolish galatians who has bewitched you having received the gospel by faith why are you now going back to be perfected in the flesh that's what he's talking about such people don't lose their salvation but such people also don't walk in the reality of what they have in christ for the rest of their lives and of course they never get the reward for their ministry they never get reward for service they never get reward for preaching those useless gospel that they preach that is not centered on the person of christ okay how are you able to pick and align these questions that i ask you for instance it's just a battery of questions about four questions in one and without writing anything without taking any notes are you able to answer them one by one because when i was listening to them i knew that they were all doing with falling away apostasy and all of that so it's easy for me having interpreted the first one which was a bit different the rest you along together has one question okay so global war is not as sick i've asked this question before but i still need to ask i don't know what things have changed yes it's not as if you are asking you you've been asked a question and you're answering and you have um because some prophets used to tell us that there will be a screen or something would appear and you are seeing it written for you there now those prophets are and so you don't see a scream those prophets are wonderful okay i don't see screaming okay what do you mean my screen is in my mind okay so steve from cameroon oh oh that's a caller okay i call a producer i would like us to take a first call at this point of the program hello of course go ahead what do you want him to explain okay sure so we can still go there hebrews 9 10 which stood only in meats and drinks and diverse washings and carnal ordinances imposed on them until the time of reformation it's talking about practices in the old testament are for childhood christ it was put on them until so it was for a period of time the reformation was actually the coming of christ so those practices of washing of feet water baptism eating bread and ribena all of them were until the coming of christ who is the substance that those things foreshadowed that's just what the writer of hebrews was explaining to the believing jews non-believing jews and will be believing jews to abandon those things so they can embrace the reality that is in christ okay so global baba um you woke up during or about the time of sutter at seven yes to have um asked the counselor to have what was it before it was a christian answer segment yes you know so do you think you missed something would you rather you started right from satire one or you were not ready then for this well i wasn't ready and i i didn't receive instructions for it as a death so timing is everything so you received instructions the timing was right you received instructions yes from from the lord oh the lord spoke to me global bible another question he prepared you too absolutely and brought us and it's happening and the returnable calls oh no global but it's another caller hello hello good evening many thanks for joining us when you're calling from my name is brown call it from brown take it up please before i ask my question i want to take this time to appreciate your partner thank you you have been an amazing teacher and ever since i've been listening to you my christian life has been catapulted to the next level praise god i want to say thank you thank you all right sir please i want you to throw more life on god the father god the son and god of holy spirit because the reason why also sometimes our preachers preach in a in a sense that the old testament was the regime of god the father then the fourth gospel is a it was a redeemer of god a son and now is a regime of god the holy spirit and they quoted all moments of things that in the regime of god the holy spirit that is also a time of brain challenges and that took place i just want to know you are these three personalities all they are please thank you very much thank you brown i am my father are one john 10 30. there are not three personalities you know it's one god now the concept of god the father god the son god the holy ghost is a concept of redemption redemption god himself cannot be killed cannot die man has seen man must die so in order for man to be free the sinless must help the sinner man is not sinless man must die the only sinless person is god it is appointed unto men who wants to die so man has an appointment to die eternally so what happens god loves man so god became a man in the person of jesus to die so that he can pay for man and free man and then when he rose from the dead a man cannot live in a man so he became the holy ghost to live in you and make the reality of what he has obtained in his resurrection take effect on your inside that's what the concept is okay so global baba yes as we sit here now listening to you can also become like you in the future already you'll be coming how i let it go but when you give some of these uh explanations i even get lost more it's just a period after a while okay do okay okay let's make progress even as we still stay on in cameroon greetings dr ebel damina my global baba it is with great pleasure that i write to you having come to know you and your crystal centric teaching has been a blessing to me i write from the republic of cameroon to appeal to come to power city international headquarters in nigeria to be fathered and mentored by you just like paul fathered and mentored timothy in the doctrine of christ upon salvation i've had a compelling desire to preach the gospel worldwide have come to know the responsibility i have been preaching the gospel as far as the earth is concerned our vision mission and monday statements my vision statements blah blah blah is to spread the everlasting gospel revelation 14 6-7 my mission statement is to reveal christ that is in colossians 1 27 and my monday statement is to raise disciples matthew 28 18 to 20. i need a sound mentor like you blow barbara so i'm writing to ask if i should come over to nigeria from cameroon and if you would take me as a timothy to raise me for the work of the ministry i'm hoping to hear from you thanks rubble but the only minus to this piece to this entry is the fact that how do you write such a such a profound entry without your name yeah he left out his name yeah what we'll do is our office will email him and get all his details and work out details we would love to we would love to teach you train you equip you that's part of what we're here for you know but our office will reach out to you and see if they're able to work out something with you you know and then you can come stay here for one year two years there was a woman that came from cameroon and stayed there for three years wow three full years on her own i was just coming to church to learn another woman came from from i think france she came with her white friend who came and stayed there for one month and then she stayed here for like three four years and she's in nigeria now she has relocated because of this gospel and there are people like that so you can come come learn um the vaccine take it if you find it and if you're fine bring for me i will take two blood there's nothing wrong with it it's not ministry yeah health ministry says so yes one's the health ministry say so go go for it i mean if your federal minister of health says it's okay go for it it's all this talk of it being antichrist no no no no no no all that is just is just it's not bible those are conspiracy theories they have no place in the bible okay nobody from cameroon let's get to malawi my name is blessings from malawi my question is is it possible to always do the right thing how possible is this i need your prayers always possible to do the right thing if you stay in the word of god the word of god will build you up and bring you to that place you'll grow into it but you need teaching you need sound teaching you need to to be equipped you need to be taught the world so as you keep following you will keep growing and growing and growing where you will now walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing wear your fruitful onto every good work it's a prayer for the believer in the epistles from malawi now to lesterto hello global barbarously into continental michael busch i'm ledoco motebe in lesterto i recently asked global baba for clarity on two phrases kingdom of heaven and kingdom of god you answered me very well that they are the same only that they can be used interchangeably thank you blah blah blah sir today i want to know what exactly is the kingdom of the kingdom that jesus used to speak about in the bible i read about him liking to various things in his parables the bible also in matthew 4 33 tells us that jesus was preaching the gospel of the kingdom i also read that john the baptist was the greatest of all born of a woman but the least in the kingdom is greater than john this emphasizes that john wasn't in the kingdom because he listened the kingdom is greater than him therefore global i want to know what exactly is the kingdom of god and who are in it or who and who qualified to be in it may you please also explain this verse to me matthew 16 28 and shortly i say to you there are some standing here who shall not test that till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom let her go from the cetera wow that's some intelligent bible study i'm really excited and i'm glad to answer your questions all right so the kingdom of god that jesus referred to was himself he was the reality of the kingdom so when he says the kingdom of god is likened unto it was his way of telling them that the kingdom of god you're looking for is already here among you all that he kept saying was referring to him jesus is the reality of god's kingdom and when he says some will not taste death until they see the kingdom he was saying some of you will not die until you it dawns on you that the kingdom is already among you remember jesus said if i by the finger of god cast out demons then the kingdom is among you then jesus said the kingdom does not come by observation but the kingdom is within you now after jesus died on rules the book of romans says the kingdom of god is righteousness peace joy in the holy ghost and jesus is made unto us righteousness sanctification so jesus is the reality of that kingdom why wasn't john the baptist a part of it why is the least greater than john the old testament prophet said thus say of the lord john the baptist became the greatest among them because john said behold the lamb of god but the least in the kingdom christ lives in you so because he lives in you that's why you're greater than the prophet of the old testament so today christ in the heart of iman is the reality of god's kingdom in that man okay of people are still staying on in canada i have another interesting entry says hello dr davina and mr michael busch i live in canada i've been listening to you every sunday for about three to four months now i really enjoy the teachings i have a question for my mother about marriage my father global baba died 19 years ago and my mother got married again 12 years after in 2014 to a pastor but since then her life has been hell our lives have also been worse the only good thing global baba is that we came to canada even so it has been a fight every single day for my sister and me and my stepfather and his children life has just been complicated they are always disputing about everything they insult themselves it has become a real emotional abuse blah blah blah every day i decided to leave the house with my sister in 2018 in 2019 my mom decided to move in with us my stepfather called me and asked me to talk to her because a christian cannot get divorced i talked with her and after that she changed her mind he decided to talk and i thought it would get better but no my mom is getting sick because of that she can't sleep anymore he will call her all sorts of names she would disgrace her in front of his children he would say to people that she's into adultery he would even disgrace her everywhere saying she's not a christian she's she sprayed or she prayed that god would change him but it's not working she started praying that god gives her the strength to live on with him but i'm afraid for her and her baby because they have a child together i told her that i think they can split for a while and see how it goes she says that jesus doesn't accept divorce and that marriage is for life that she doesn't want to miss heaven because of divorce then i told her after listening to you that she cannot miss heaven she said she would pray and ask god if she can divorce because before getting married she asked god and he answered that the man was the one after a prayer she called me a few days ago and said that she got these scriptures first corinthians 7 10 to 11 hebrews 10 35 38 she concluded that jesus wants her to stay in marriage but me i am not convinced and i fear for her what does this scripture say please you better get a mother out of that place before you get ready for burial better go get your mother out tell her to leave that place first when jesus finished working on the man you should go back if you want her alive especially since she's not able to sleep anymore she can't sleep she's not happy that's already you know dangerous for her health and well-being so that's my advice get out of that place jesus is not the one that gave her a husband she's the one that married the man so if she had a revelation where jesus gave her a husband it was it was a dream it wasn't from jesus it's very important you better rescue your mother quickly so that she doesn't die before the time where she's supposed to die okay we must leave it here so we're spending the night in canada out there in the americas we're back tomorrow in style many thanks for staying tuned and enjoying our program we continue on radio in new york tonight yes tonight we're live on uh inspiration nine to ten heritage 10 to 12 tomorrow morning 5 45 xl fm tomorrow morning 11 to 1 p.m radioacquire bomb one two three xlfm three to five unifm and we're back here tomorrow evening on comfort fm six to eight pm gmt plus one and on all platforms okay so global bubba we must say bye bye this is michael bush your uncle inviting global baba to take us home danger continental mr bush glory to god i tell you man it's been wonderful today thank you again everybody thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god don't forget to invite more people to be part of us tomorrow is going to be explosive tomorrow as we continue to explore the riches of god's grace in christ jesus it's been a wonderful time we love you guys enjoy the rest of your day until we see you tomorrow be blessed goodbye from your nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,390
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 35sec (7475 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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