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if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your [Applause] [Music] of feet authority in my life [Music] revelations [Music] [Applause] i am what god [Music] i have says god says [Music] jesus is my salvation jesus is my righteousness is is you're still alive you're still here you're still standing god has been good to you this year are you do you agree with me that god has been good to you in spite of and irrespective of all that has happened god is still a good god somebody who believes he'd shout a powerful amen can we lift our hands and give thanks to the lord for all of his goodness this year just open your mouth lust just open your mouth and begin to thank him for all of his goodness all of his faithfulness towards you and your family and every good thing and every favor that comes from god on your [Laughter] open your mouth and just give him thanks either speak it in tongues give it thanks very well measure [Laughter] thank you father in the name of jesus heavenly father we come humbly and respectfully before your award this morning and we thank you lord we thank you for every blessing and every favor that we receive from you and we receive by knowing you thank you that in this service we acknowledge we acknowledge every good thing that you've deposited in us we acknowledge the life of god and the union that we have with you that can never be separated and we thank you father that as we look into your word in this service the entrance of your word give it light and understanding to the simple and so we decree that whatever is not planted by god is rooted out but inside yokes are destroyed lord we decree that whatever causes discomfort is terminated your people built up equipped edified and jesus glorified thank you for answer prayer today in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen like thunder lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together with these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service but we have kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we're so glad to have all of you connected the social media community and everybody in acquire bomb that is connected this morning by way of comfort fm fm radio aqua bomb you new yo fm inspiration fm heritage fm we're so glad to have all of you connected live to this service right now call a friend call a family tell somebody to tune to this radio station life is flowing through the airwaves social media community like we've always done before let's do it again today let's let's lighten the entire dark areas of the earth with the fragrance of jesus's grace help me share the video on your page share with all the groups on your page drop them on monogram telegram put them on whatsapp group let's flood the earth with the truth of the gospel of christ all our bible study centers and all our campuses all over the world so glad to have everybody connected to this service hey guys you get ready it's going to be an adventure in the world of his grace and everybody in the building are we excited to be here this morning go ahead let's celebrate what god is about to teach us in this world glory glory glory amen grab your pen your notebook your bible and you can be seated with your sweet smart self this morning let's get into the world amen tomorrow the 28th and the 29th we are having a ministers conference and all ministers of the gospel church workers and leaders of churches are invited all over the world all over the world to be part of this minister's conference tomorrow at the end of every year i meet with all my sons and daughters in ministry to share with them the things god is laying in my heart for the year coming coming the new year and so this year we're opening up to ministers of the gospel all over the world because we realize a lot of them follow my teachings and a lot of them are already a part of this church family even though they have their own ministries now a lot of people sent us mails that they wanted to get the the details to be part of the conference and so uh for those that are not able to physically be in the building here tomorrow all over the world you can join the conference on zoom you know we use the zoom app for to be part of the conference but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow now because we might not be able to respond to all the mails we have received within this short time a lot of people are still emailing and to make sure nobody is left out i have decided to read out the zoom details so that those of you online on different platforms you know or can get the zoom details and you can share with other pastors and encourage them to tune in if they are not able to be here physically tomorrow on the day after tomorrow conference begins by 5 but we go live at 6 00 pm now the zoom meeting id the zoom meeting id and somebody online help us type all of these things on the platforms let's make sure they have them it's a 433-433-112-6360-433-1126360 the passcode the passcode for the conference is admi capital letters one two three four admi one two three four those are the details for you to hook up into the conference by zoom anywhere in the world anywhere anywhere including iceland you can hook up into this conference from anywhere so we look forward to having all of you attend and i will try and repeat at the end of the broadcast this morning or at the end of the series amen all right are you ready for the word of god in the first service i started a series of teaching this morning on praying in the spirit and you know like i always do with my teachings i i i take my time to make sure we doctrinally look at things fundamentally and we build just build and build because i teach you the word of god with the intent that you too will be able to teach other people that's why i take time to painstakingly go through all the details when i teach the word of god so i will encourage you to get the teaching of the first service because in the first service we took time to explain certain things in scripture which i will i will mention in passing in this service all right now we're dealing with praying in the spirit the book of ephesians chapter 6 verse number 18 and 19 ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 and 19 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit praying always with all prayer so all prayer must be prayed in the spirit all prayers praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit so all prayers and all supplications ought to be prayed in the spirit put it up and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all sins next verse and for me that ultrons may be given unto me that i may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel so all prayers are to be prayed in the spirit and in the course of this teaching we will help you understand what it means to pray in the spirit now you must be able to realize that when i began to teach you on how to interpret scriptures i gave you certain certain rules of bible interpretation and i still do that in the course of all teachings because the intent is to eventually equip you to be able to interpret the bible and interpret the scriptures so that people around you and yourself can be edified one of the rules of bible teaching is that first of all you must read through the bible you read through the bible that's one of the rules you read through the bible and then number two you must observe observation is a vital key in bible story you must observe take note of you know words like if words like and words like but take note of tenses tenses like delivered blessed all right justified sanctified they're all in the past take note of such adjectives in bible study they are not put there for decoration they are put there to help you come to a place of understanding then we also said it is after you have read through and observed that you can be able to interpret interpret the scriptures the word die harmonia to expound or to interpret the scripture taking your you know taking your pattern from jesus the bible tells us when jesus rose from the dead on the way to imaus he met certain disciples of his who were discussing the event of the past three days and he said to them gentlemen what are you guys talking about and they said oh jesus are you a stranger in jerusalem have you not heard about the events of the past three days they were preaching jesus to jesus because they didn't know jesus you can be in church all your life but you have never known christ and you have never met christ all right and jesus turned to the man and he said to them all fools and slew of heart to believe all that the prophets the prophets old testament prophets have spoken ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory verse 27 says and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded the word expounded is what die harmonia it means interpreted so jesus had to interpret moses and interpret all the prophets meaning moses and all the prophets did not speak in literal terms meaning they used a mode of communication that was not literal hence the need for die harmonia interpret so we interpret scriptures and interpreting scriptures we interpret scriptures observing the rule of contextual interpretation what do i mean by contextual interpretation we're talking about the rule of interpreting context which will be pretext post text to be able to understand context pretext will do with the verses before the verse post text will do with the verses after the verse so scriptures must be interpreted within its surrounding verses within its surrounding verses you don't cherry-pick scriptures because scriptures are not for memorization they are for explanation explanation not for memorization they are not for coating they are for explanation so we explain scriptures contextually it is called exegesis exegesis when a preacher just use scriptures to back up an ideology he is being immoral that's immorality because he is lying against the scriptures you don't use the scriptures to back your ideology because the scriptures have its own mind so in bible teaching we do not innovate we excavate like miners you go in to bring out what is there miners don't produce the mineral they bring out the mineral in bible study we go into the scriptures into the mind of the author to arrive at the thought that the author seeks to communicate it is at that instance that we can say that you have an understanding of the context that's very important that's very very important now ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 somebody said to me dr damina what book did you write on how to interpret the bible i said to him every book i have written and every message i have preached is bible study and bible interpretation because that's all we do here ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 listening to brother paul how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as i wrote a four in few words whereby next verse whereby when you read verse 4 whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ as i wrote before in few words why did he write it this is a key issue in understanding the mind of god understanding the mind of god whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ he first says i wrote it then it says it is written so that it can be read it is written so that it can be read so first of all read the bible you are studying a text of any letter if you want to read philippians chapter 4 verse 19. read from philippians chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 then chapter 4 because the entire book is one letter it does not have chapter and verses when the author wrote it chapters and verses were introduced by people who published that is why sometimes you will see a verse a verse communicating a thought the thought does not finish it continues in another verse and sometimes the thought finishes in a chapter but doesn't finish in a chapter continues in another chapter because it's one later chapter one two three four five six of ephesians the whole six chapters is one later so don't read it and break read all so you have an understanding of what the author was writing if you just shall repeat you will never arrive at an understanding and if you never understand the scriptures you can be established you become a victim you know and you'll be toast to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine so you must read the entire letter all right brother paul says so that when you read you may understand my knowledge the word read is used 32 times 32 times there's a frequency in which he says something when you read is the greek word ana guinosco ana guinosco a n a g i n o s k o ana guinosco when you read the word anna means again guinosco means to recognize when you read again and again and again in the process of reading again and again you will begin to recognize all right ana guinosco please pay attention so imagine if you have the word again it just means you keep reading and reading so when paul says whereby when you read you may understand it's like in today's language if i'm going to say what paul said it will be if you keep reading you may understand whereby when you read if you keep reading anaginosku so you have a duty in bible study the first rule is observation you must read it well repeat it again and what you have not read well you cannot interpret in order for you to interpret what you read you must read well sometimes you have some scriptures in your mind you assume you know an assumption can be a barrier to bible interpretation don't assume to know any scripture till you read discard that assumption and just put it aside read even if you think you know it think that you don't know it and read read with the mind of a man who don't know it that's when the scriptures come alive sometimes you have to also remember that that approach will be humility to the word of god and it will help you to understand the word anaginoscope is used to relieve an experience when you relieve an experience it's like i give you a piece of literature to read and when you are done reading i asked you to tell me what you read if you are able to narrate everything you read it means you read observing anaginosuku it means you read with an intent to understand to be able to relieve what you read you're not just reading you're reading with the intent of understanding you're reading with an intent to be able to communicate the same please pay attention you know it's like you watch a movie again and again after a while you start recognizing certain things in the movie after a while you'll start understanding why certain moves happen in the movie because of continuous watching and same thing with the bible you have to read again and again and never assume that you know until you know so we have a duty not to have read the scriptures not to have read the scriptures but to be reading the scriptures we have a duty not to have read the scriptures but to be reading the scriptures understanding revelation is related to how dutiful and how diligent we are in reading reading is key whereby when you read you may understand look at the kind of questions jesus asked people in his day you know ana guinosko questions like matthew 12 verse 3 matthew chapter 12 verse 3 see the way jesus will speak to people but he said unto them have you not read what death he did when he was unhunger and there that were with him have you not read jesus used it many times let's examine a few of them because that what have you not read is ana guinosco have you not read again and again to the point of recognizing certain things why are you asking me like one who has not read because if you have read you shouldn't be asking me this that's when they asked him his response would be have you not read because you're acting like one who has not read have you not read and jesus asked a number of that with his disciples have you not read means didn't you read properly didn't you read properly in matthew 12 5 he asked again matthew chapter 12 verse number five or have you not read in the law how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple proof in the sabbath and are blameless have you not read he acts again you can use have you not read properly in the law so he points them to he points that to them in matthew 19 verse 4 matthew chapter 19 verse number four please pay attention and he answered and said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female he is saying address your mind he is saying you are asking this question because you have not addressed your mind properly to the facts address your mind properly to the facts in the context otherwise you will be acting like one who has not read it means to relieve the moment or to see it again all right if it is in today's english i will say go and read it again go and read it again so there's a properliness in reading you address your mind to the issues they say properliness in reading in bible study if many of us read our school books and our career the way we read the bible we will have not only failed failure will be better than what would have been the way we read the bible if that's how you read your school books you will not only fail that is failure will be better than what you will be because the way we read our bible we really like just something that something that makes me we have to be dutiful more dutiful in reading the bible than we read our university materials more beautiful you know you read medicine the kind of reading you read is no joke you read law the kind of reading you read is no joke i mean you read architecture you read history then it comes to the bible some of you have been carrying your bible since you were born you have never read half of it you on your own has never read a complete book of the bible are you a believer this your christianity is a serious one the only book you have for your christian experience and relationship with god the only book you have that helps you to relate to the invisible world is the bible yet you don't read it i want to live a victorious life victory from where from off or from where ignorance is a major disease when you don't know what you have you function like one who doesn't have it have you gone home or you're here praise god as he praised god matthew 21 verse 16 look at what jesus will say matthew 21 verse number 16 and he said unto them here is that what they say and jesus said unto them yay have you never read out of the mouth of babes and circling that was perfected praise have you never read i love jesus matthew 24 42 anna guinosco matthew 24 42 watch therefore for you know not one hour your lord come next verse but notice that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief will come he will have watched and will not have suffered his house to be broken up so ana guinosco means to read properly he is saying pay attention to details anytime he said have you not read those verses in question are among other verses have you not read where this was said it was not only that that was said but it was said in the midst of other things that were said and that's why you must pay attention it's like didn't you take note of this in your reading so the kind of reading required in bible study is to take note or to take notice look at matthew 22 31 matthew 22 verse number 31 but as touching the resurrection of the dead have you not read that which was spoken unto you by god saying have you not read next verse i am the god of abraham and the god of isaac and the god of jacob god is not the god of the dead but of the living so it's important to read reading cannot be substituted for any other thing you must read the only way to read is to read you must read through you know brother brother philip encountered a certain man in acts chapter 8 and asked that man asked philip a good golden question acts chapter 8 verse 28 put it up for me i'm going to read a few of those verses acts 8 22 was returning and sitting in his chariot red isaiah's the prophet next verse then the spirit said unto philip go near and join thyself to this chariot next verse and philip ran see that to him and heard him read the prophet isaiah's and said understand this down what dowry does next verse and he said how can i except some man shall guide me and he desired philip that you will come up and sit with him the place of the scripture which he read was this he was led as a ship to the slaughter and like a lamb dumb before his sharer so open he not his mouth next verse in his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and the eunuch answered philip and said i pray thee of whom speaker the prophet this of himself or of some that is intelligent reading when you read intelligently in the process of reading questions begin to pop up that is when you know your reading not that you are reading and everything goes no you are not reading you are glancing when you're really reading you become interrogative that's what jesus would say you search the scriptures the word search in the greek is you interrogate the scriptures interrogate investigate the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they which testify of me the man said of whom speaketh the prophet isaiah's of himself or of some other man now that gave philip an idea that this guy is really really paying attention next verse then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him jesus the same scripture and preach unto him jesus now this is the story of the utopian eunuch who was returning on his chariot the style of reading was that they read very loud because philip had him reading they didn't read quiet that's how they read the bible in bible days they read very loud and they read out that means you read in a way where you yourself are hearing yourself that's how to read the bible properly and then he asked him do you understand what you're reading but the first thing is that the man was reading so he has meant to rule one he didn't say understandable greek and hebrew greek and hebrew is not your first line of learning bible leave greek and hebrew for me for now you read first don't let greek and hebrew defeat you i'm not using greek and hebrew to intimidate you or to make you think i'm intelligent greek is somebody's language hebrew is somebody's language the only reason why i have to use greek and hebrew is because english language is young and english language is progressing when the bible was interpreted from greek and hebrew to english english was too young so certain expressions in english deny you the privilege of understanding what the author intended to say so with today's understanding of english when i look at english bible and i see certain things that do not add up then i go to the greek and the hebrew to check what was said and i interpreted you to this understanding to bring you to a place where you can see clearly what the author intended and that's the duty of a bible teacher so it's not for intimidation it's to make myself more efficient in explaining the bible to you i don't know if you understand what i'm saying it's for efficiency it's not for you know okay if you have you not read you know have you not read just okay simply to read but when you look at the greek anna ginosco have you not read attentively didn't you pay attention when you were reading because if you were reading by paying attention you wouldn't ask the questions you're asking so that means it's not just casual reading okay it's aggressive dedicated reading and that kind of bible study when you finish you don't say i am refreshed when you finish say i'm tired i'm very tired yesterday i studied for nine hours and when i finished i stood up and i told everybody around me i am tired every day i study i get tired i study every day every day of my life even this morning i've studied two hours already i study every day of my life i live my life studying what else am i here for i study the word of god because people require the word of god from my mouth and i must be able to see it the way it is supposed to be said i can decide to just preach nonsense and you'll be shouting amen but when i appear before jesus i will face the music so i've got to be honest in the way i teach you the word of god so that even if you don't like me today because i have used my teaching to scatter what you knew after five 5-10 years when you grow up you will come back to what i'm teaching because no matter how you run away from the truth one day you will come back to it that's why i'm not afraid of what i'm teaching what i'm teaching you i put it on global platform where theologians bible scholars professors of the bible have access to hear what i'm teaching so that if what i'm teaching is not true they can challenge me on it i'm not hiding to teach it because what i'm teaching is the truth nothing but the truth it may go against religion it may go against the things you were taught traditionally in churches but when the chips are down what i'm teaching will stand the test of time see am i communicating at all yeah so i'm not ashamed of what i'm teaching not ashamed of it i'm not bothered i've been teaching and telling you communion is not it's not new testament communion is not a practice some people don't like me for it their liking will not put food on my table yesterday somebody called me a bishop called me from lagos he said listening to you this evening on communion now i get it you are very correct now i have seen it see before he didn't like me because he felt i was attacking communion now his eyes have opened to see that there is no communion in the new testament in fact in the whole bible there's no communion it's not anywhere if you finally show me it's not anywhere what we call communion today is a rebranded version of the passover the only thing you see is passed over and passover was not bread and rabina or bread and coke passover was a feast of the jews that was used to point to the coming of jesus when jesus showed up the passover arrived so we don't need that brother rabina because the real passover is here he's not only here he lives on your inside i told somebody we shall glory will i be eating bread and drink when the real person i'm trying to eat is living inside me first corinthians 5 7 says christ our passover first put it up first corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 he says punch out there for the old living that you may be a new lump as you are on living for even christ our passover is sacrificed for us so in the old testament they ate bread and rabina to point to christ since they didn't have christ they ate something that symbolized christ to show that they have faith in christ even though he was not there so every time they were eating that they were doing it with christ in mind somebody said to me why is it that when jesus came he too he ate with them because he was born under the law so since he was still under the law to fulfill the law he had to do what they did under the law but the moment he died and rose the lord was taken out of the way so today we don't observe the law because the reality lives on our inside christ in you i thought somebody with your glory [Applause] somebody said to me somewhere but i eat communion so that i can be healed no it's not communion that heals you he sent his word and his word healeth them the healer is god's word it's not ribena when you eat rabina and bread when you go to toilet it's out yeah it perishes by use him the only thing that will not go out is the word of god because the word of god lives and abides forever leave that said leave that side leave that aside let's come back to ana guinosco teaching good this morning so philip took his time and read the written word and engaged the law of corroboration he must have given the man different scriptures to explain christ remember the key is that the eunuch read obviously the man did not read it casually those who read scriptures casually is very difficult to teach them because even their lives are casual is the responsibility of the pastor to ensure that every member of the church is reading you must read the bible and i'm here to teach you nothing but the written world look at first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 27 please pay attention first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 27 i charge you by the lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren you know in bible days they didn't have a bible so he said i charge you take this epistle read it let everybody hear look at colossians 4 16 colossians chapter 4 verse 16 and when this epistle is read among you cause that it be read also in the church of the lyricians and that you likewise read the epistle from lydosha so they were sharing epistles letters were transferred from one church to another for the purpose of reading for the purpose of reading why was it so because there was no printing press available no printing press that's why till tomorrow listen carefully on every available verse of the bible you have at least 5 000 manuscripts for every verse every verse of the bible has over five thousand manuscripts because the only way they could get it was to write it then when they write it they read it when they read it they transfer it so everybody was writing so the ancient manuscripts of the bible each verse had at least 5 000 manuscripts of the same if you go to the archives or the library of how the bible was written see that's no joke at all because they didn't have printing press so they have to write with their hands you know now how can you grow when you are ready when you are very lazy to write scriptures you come to church with writing materials because a lot will be taught and your head can carry all so you need to write why are you writing so you can read while you read reading because you wrote somebody said but i'll get the cd that's the lazy approach to bible study there is something writing notes does to your understanding there's something writing notes dusty you understand it even if you write the note three times it grows your understanding sometimes when i write notes i rewrite them and i recopy it and in the process of recording the notes that i will teach you from it registers so i can come here and teach without looking at my notes because i have copied and copied and copied carefully and it has registered in my mind it's it's learning learning is tedious learning is a discipline it's a discipline that's where lazy people can go to school only diligent people can go to school lazy people drop out lazy people can start school and not graduate but it takes diligence there's a quality of discipline required to read through and pass the same thing with the word of god there are many things that will discourage you but because you are persuaded and you are determined you overlook them to graduate same thing with bible study same thing with bible study it requires discipline and just like you study i also study so the same discipline you're having i'm having even more because i study more i excavate if you see my study it's like a construction site it's excavation all over books are scattered everywhere opened in certain ways and my house members are warned not to touch any book even if they open it and drop it on the floor like this leave it there if you sweep around it and go don't touch because you don't know why it is spread like that excavation is still in progress it's a construction site my bed mama says your bed is a junkyard my bed you see books on top of my bed books viral some books are folded some you see a long line some notes scattered oh i sleep with them i wake up with them that's the only way i can feed you like this it's a lot of discipline it's a lot of disease there's a lot of discipline and i'm glad to do it because it's blessing you the joy of my study is to see you blessed to see you grow and to see you teaching the world the way i'm teaching it yeah when i see my spiritual sons and daughters excavating scripture and teaching people the same quoting greek hebrew all over the place and explaining exigencies making scripture interpret scripture i shake my head and say that's right it was worth the study and i have them all over the place from this house everywhere sons and daughters who i'm building doctrinally to teach the sin the things you have heard of me among many witnesses the same committed to faithful men that's what life is all about somebody getting blessed should i hear you i say shout i hear you so anna guinosco is to pay attention to details first thessalonians 5 27 where we read you see that all believers must be commended to read read i'd like you to talk to your neighbor say read the scriptures i didn't hear you can i hear you louder [Music] can i hear powerful amen now in the first service we began to deal with praying in the spirit and i took time to show you what it is not so i can show you what it is we read romans chapter 8 verse 26 put it up again quickly romans chapter 8 verse 26 many people have used that scripture for prayer but like we said in the first service that scripture is not for prayer likewise the spirit also helped our infirmities for we know that what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit itself make it intercession for us with groanings which cannot be altered when we read the pretext and the post text and we did some word study we discovered that the word pray is the word wish we should wish for as we ought we discovered that it is not the spirit that groans rather it is we that are groaning to put on our resurrected bodies it is we groaning in our mortality so we can we are immortality and i did some corroboration so it's not a prayer but a reinforcing of the deposit of the spirit as a guarantee for the resurrection of the body it's a response to the groaning of the body and a proof to the intercessory work of christ all right now remember you cannot get the result of god by misinterpreting the bible you can never get the result of god by misinterpreting the bible that's very clear you can know jesus and if you know jesus clearly he was very particular about what the scriptures thought that's why i kept saying have you not read he never allowed people to misinterpret scriptures if you look at the teachings of jesus every time he taught beginning at moses and he always went through the scriptures that was jesus's pattern of teaching he always went through always that's why you have people like peter will say we were eyewitnesses of his majesty when we saw him on the holy mountain he appeared to us we heard his voice then peter would say but we have also a martial world beyond our visions and dreams the word of god is superior we have emotional word of prophecy wherefore you do well that you take heed onto that world so it's important for you to take note of that a truth cannot be found in a lie a truth cannot be found in a lie what has been working is not that verb somebody said but i've been using that verse romans 8 26 to pray and it has been working a truth cannot be found in a lie that verse is not a verse for prayer the fact that you use it to pray and it work is not that verse that is working it's something else that is working because a truth cannot be found in a lie when a scripture is misinterpreted that is a lie communicated because the scriptures can never mean today what it didn't mean when it was first written there is consistency in the truth of the scriptures because it is a divine message and a divine message is consistent now can there be groanings in prayer we will find out in the process that's the beauty of contextual study ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 a few things to open up to you in this service praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching the araunty with all perseverance and supplication for all sins so now we have double emphasis in praying and we have double emphasis in supplication praying always with all prayer double emphasis supplication supplication so two words have double emphasis prayer and supplication so your mind should be on praying prayer and supplication when you see emphasis that is something to pay attention to and we have double emphasis on prayer and supplication so let's examine supplication supplication is the word disease in the greek this is d-e-e-s-i-s disease it means heart petition that concerns you it means bringing a request that involves you it could be about others but it involves you bringing a request or a heartfelt petition a petition that affects your heart something you feel strong in your heart this is you can read the scriptures when you get home luke 1 13 luke 2 37 luke 5 33 give me romans chapter 10 verse one we're dealing with with with supplication disease brethren my heart's desire heartfelt desire my heart's desire and prayer to god for israel is that they might be saved my heart's desire and prayer so supplication is strong heartfelt a strong heartfelt desire that's what supplication is a strong heartfelt desire you can read the following scriptures at home and you will have more more of that scripture on supplication second corinthians chapter 1 verse 11. ii corinthians chapter 9 verse 14. philippians chapter 1 verse 4 philippians chapter 1 verse 19. read for me put put up for me philippians 1 4 quickly philippians chapter 1 verse 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making requests with joy always in every prayer always give me philippians chapter 4 verse 6 philippians chapter 4 verse number 6 be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god supplication give me festivity chapter two verse one first timothy chapter two verse number one i exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of tanks be made for all men you can read this following at home first timothy 5 5 second timothy 1 3 hebrews 5 7 hebrews 5 7 talking about jesus look at first peter chapter 3 verse 12 first peter chapter 3 verse 12 for the eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open unto their prayers but the face of the lord is against them that do evil over the righteous means supplication to supplicate so when you find the word disease it is used to back on on authority to beckon on authority that means you're supplicating something that is you are asking something of god or you are asking of the situation of the ki from the king you are asking concerning a situation it was used in bible days either to request of the king to do something to request of the king to do something to give a strong request or proposal to the king so that he can act that's why you have the word disease from in ephesians 6 18 he says put it up ephesians 6 18 praying always with all prayer that word always means every time for all saints all believers are to be prayed for this way praying always put it up again there's a word i wanted to pick out there and supplication in the spirit and watching i'd like you to underline the word watching praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching and watching let's see that word watching mark 13 33 mark 13 33 take ye heed watch and pray for you know not when the time is watch and pray so in this prayer there is a watching in this prayer there is a watching and by the way this series i'm teaching is a continuation of my teaching on the myth called unanswered prayer i did a 30-hour teaching on that some time back this is a continuation of that teaching okay so there is watching in this kind of prayer there's a watching in this supplication you watch you observe you look intently when praying this prayer okay luke 21 36 luke 21 36 a lot of scriptures very good for your health what she therefore and pray always that she may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man so there's a watching in hebrews 13 17 he said you should obey them that have the rule over you for their watch over your soul those the same word for watch so that means in this prayer there's a watching that is we pray and observe we don't just pray we pray and observe with all perseverance we pray we watch with all perseverance please stay with me to persevere and supplicate for all sins that word to persevere is the word prosecutors in the greek prosca terraces for those of you writing is pro pro pro scattersis is s-k-a-r-s-k-a-r t e r e s i s i repeat s k a r t e r e s i s pros car terraces why does he use that word here the word watching prosecco terraces he is talking about committed prayer committed watching which will drive home the commitment watching you are praying and watching the watching is what drives home the commitment and so you get this word prosecco terrace is from proscaterio prosca [Music] which can be used for a few things for example romans 12 12 put it up for me romans chapter 12 verse 12 rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer so it is used for prayer the word perseverance perseverance means to continue in this kind of prayer you pray you watch with a continuity attitude with an attitude of continuation when it is used it is used with the intent to prevail this kind of prayer is a prayer you are praying to prevail you are not praying to give up you are committed to the prayer that the prayer will not stop until the result is on ground disease is a prayer with a commitment and the intent is to prevail that's the nature of supplication in supplication you continue supplication is a prayer you don't stop until the result arrives you are praying for a family to have the fruit of the womb you stay on that prayer you keep speaking the fruit of the womb into that marriage until the miracle happens this is you are praying for a young woman to get married you stay on that prayer it's not a prayer of receive your husband amen receive your husband aim and finish no no because what that prayer will have to do is to galvanize circumstances arrange situations and locate a young man that is ready to marry and is in search of a woman and then carry that young man the prayer will carry the young man and move him through circumstances and situations and as you stay in that prayer it will keep moving the young man will not know why things are working like this for him until he will arrive where you are it's not a take it receive no there is receivable for a different thing in in supplication you pray on t because the intent of the prayer is to prevail are we teaching here yes it's prayer that changes things prayer that you stay on until the desired result comes so you can see that lazy people can pray this kind of prayer because it is a committed request this is is the prayer of supplication continuing instant in prayer so we are watching to prevail we are under allah to prevail you are praying and you are watching and you stay there because while you are praying and watching let me not jump ahead of myself while you are praying and watching the holy ghost through your prayer will start giving you direction there are times you may need to travel to a certain location there are times you may have to take certain decisions there are times you may need to change some approach it is in the midst of the prayer as you are watching you will see the signals of the spirit that will help you to navigate to where the answer is either waiting or will position you where the answer will find you am i teaching good it's a prayer supplication it's a prayer of commitment you stay in it you don't quit you don't surrender continuing instant in prayer in colossians chapter 4 verse 2 continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving this kind of prayer always has watching attached continue in the same with thanksgiving we must attempt to eat and continue so it's making us know that getting results in prayer is based on our commitment to it based on our commitment to it getting results in prayer is based on our commitment to it all right it is also used for waiting upon something watch means to wait upon something mark 3 9 mark chapter 3 verse 9 and he speak to his disciples that a small sheep should wait on him shall wait on him because of the multitude unless they should throw him to wait on him to be available for him acts chapter 1 verse 14. see what happened you know when they were waiting for the holy ghost acts 1 14 this all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the women and mary the mother of jesus and with his brethren do you know why they particularly mentioned mary to show you that mary the mother of jesus received jesus as a savior and to show you that mary obeyed jesus went to jerusalem and stayed with them in prayer meaning on the day of pentecost mary was inside the room when they spoke in tongues mary also spoke in tongues she didn't say am i not the mother of god i am the one to be praying for you no no mary humbled herself joined the people to pray and entered the place on the day of pentecost and waited for the holy ghost and mary spoke in tongues and prophesied mary spoke in tongues and prophesied now so you don't ask mary to pray for you you are married the same before god the same way she received christ you received christ the same way she received the holy ghost you received the holy ghost so i said well she's not the one that gave birth to jesus yes she is the one that gave birth to jesus if she had said no jesus would have looked for another person jesus stayed inside her for nine months he stays in you forever he lives in you forever we thank god for her but that's the end of it i won't begin to ask mary to pray for me for what now for what don't i have mouth i have mad meter i can pray the bible say we all pray how many of us pray everybody ought to be praying don't be a prayer collector you'll learn how to pray it's so important because if you can't pray for yourself if you depend on people's prayer this life will show you because people too they can pray for you for some time but they to have their own challenges to our face so after they pray small for you they concentrate on their own so if you're not praying for yourself you're in trouble that's when jesus took his disciples he said gentlemen my soul is sorrowful come let's go and pray when they got to the place of prayer he said you guys stay here he took three he said you guys i trust you more than the others pray well then he went further and prayed for himself he didn't rely on their prayer he prayed for himself because friends if your life is dependent on people's prayer you will live in life of suru you must learn to pray by yourself you have to learn to pray jesus prayed after some time he stood up to come and check these people that are supposed to be praying for him they were snoring they were snoring he woke them up can't you watch for one hour watch and pray that you fall out into temptation pray he went back you have to learn to pray i remember when i started ministry newly some guys because they had money they will be bringing us to their house to pray for them while they sleep i did that kind of ministry because mr wanted the money so that i can do ministry that time so we will come to this big big men's house then they will give us their prayer requests on paper around 11 o'clock then they will enter bedroom and sleep then we will pray till morning then they will come out in the morning and say the prayers were very powerful i was hearing it while i was sleeping you guys are really powerful okay take hundred thousand you take fifty thousand god bless you come back next week oh after i prayed our prayer for a few weeks i said god forbid god forbid that i be praying for money instead let me not pray instead let me be hungry why would i be praying for a man to pay me what for how much can he pay for prayer you know what prayer is he's in one of those prayers that were praying with somebody he started praying before i knew it he started coughing blood i said stop he said no he's a spirit i say no this is not the spirit you need medical attention you are coughing blood there is no scripture that says you should bring cuff blood once blood starts coming out you are a medical case i told him stop the prayer is over this was around two o'clock he said the man will say we didn't pray well i said you want to die prayer has finished god has answered if the man come now we will tell him god has answered stop coughing settle down i got him some water to drink we sat down and calmed down the man woke up in the morning said the prayers finished i said because god answered very fast give us our money we'll be praying for you you pray for yourself can't you pray that guy is a victim of bad pastoring when a pastor even a man is well pastored he learns to pray you learn to pray we pray we pray for one another but we also pray for ourselves somebody say i hear you i said somebody say i hear you so in prayer we watch we continue we watch we continue we are instant acts 10 7 look at acts chapter 10 verse 7 acts 10 7. and when the angel which speak onto canelos was departed he called two of his household servants and a devout soldier of them that waited on him how continually so it brings in a commitment in prayer so praying in the spirit as much as it involves tongues has to do with steadfastness steadfastness they say steadfastness to it and they say continuity to eat that's why he says always for all saints then he said in the spirit so even though it's in the spirit it requires an attitude of steadfastness you pray and pray and pray and pray and pray and watch and watch and pray until you see it happen hallelujah i said hallelujah we watch to prevail we wait to prevail we watch to prevail we wait to prevail i'm gonna get into some details of what i've started teaching you here in this series and let me tell if you really want to live a victorious life on earth you cannot do without prayer prayer is a necessity in your adventure with god on earth prayer prayer is so vital for the believer because prayer is what keeps your communication with the invisible prayer is your medium of fellowship with the immortal prayer is your medium of exercising your authority on the earth so when you start praying yamana you start exercising authority prayer is the medium where your authority because you rule with worlds so when you start praying you start releasing your influence over nature over things circumstances begin to bow situations begin to comply impossibilities begin to become possible where they say it cannot work it starts working because prayer will enter there and shift things and rearrange things and create space for you to enter shuttle am i talking to somebody here kabodega the effectual prayer of a righteous man make a tremendous power available that is dynamic in his workings saba lagada saba nagada as you stand on your feet and get ready to shout the loudest amen in this building your best days are ahead your best days are ahead your best days are ahead your brightest days are ahead the part of the righteous is as a shining light that shines brighter and brighter onto the perfect day i speak unto you today as your amen is coming like thunder every day of your future will be better than the past [Applause] wherever you are found circumstances will obey you situations will bow to you hey a gay man no cutter where you need a miracle in this service as your aiming is coming like thunder i command tumors in your body to melt out right now growth disappear right now disease be healed heart disease be corrected asthma out high blood pressure cease body be healed be healed be healed from your head to the source of your foot agama lobato maraca where you need a new part in your body where you need a creative miracle as your aiming is coming like thunder receive creative miracles receive creative miracles receive creative miracles receive creative miracles i command hearing conditions corrected i command your eye conditions corrected satan get your hands off in the name of jesus receive miracles receive favors receive miracles in the name of jesus father thank you that your word never comes back void i thank you that you watch over your word to perform it i thank you lord that you confirm your word with signs wonders and miracles and i thank you lord that your word is magnified among us so i decree and i declare that in the name of jesus right where you are standing manifestation of miracles thank you father for answering prayer great grace is upon you the eyes of your understanding is being enlightened you are built up you are established you are grounded in the truth of jesus in the name of jesus great grace is upon you in jesus precious name and if you believe that prayer is answered let your amen come on another final letter [Applause] i want to see you rejoice for another 10 15 seconds give the lord the greatest praise glory glory glory [Applause] amen [Applause] now listen to me i want to take up your offerings right now because in another two minutes or so we'll be doing the second segment of this service which is ask the counselor we'll be responding to your mails your phone calls your questions and all of that for another few minutes in this segment and then at the end of that we will be able to tidy up the service and get ready to go up joining mr michael bush in another few minutes but i'd like you to grab your offerings everybody those watching online those watching on television those watching on social media the radio audience in another few minutes you'll be told what account you're sending your offerings into but want you to know we love you so much and while people are packaging their offerings for the ministers conference tomorrow and tuesday those of you that want to join online around the world by zoom these are the details by zoom and this is because we may not be able to reply your mail so help us take down the details and help us communicate with people that are asking for the zoom details the id is four three three one one two six three six zero somebody's typing it on the screen for you online and on television if you check the screen the passcode is a d m i a d m i one two three four one two three four admi one two three four that is for the conference that holds beginning from tomorrow for ministers of the gospel globally right here at power city and this because we know many people can travel down so you can join us by way of zoom tomorrow 6 p.m and tuesday 6 p.m gmt plus one lift up your offerings don't be tired stand on your feet and honor christ and his word and let's give and even if you don't have an offering your attitude is very critical you stand up with a heart of joy you may not have but lord i thank you for the privilege of knowing your word and i worship you it's not all about money there's more that there's more to giving than money your heart is critical because your heart determines what's in your hand can i have a good amen all right lift up your offerings to heaven everybody and all over the world the reason why you lift up your offerings to heaven is because we worship god by lifting up holy hands so when you have an orphan in it and you lift up it's worship unto god father we thank you for the privilege of giving this afternoon and the opportunity to honor the world honor christ and honor the finished work of christ our offerings are a sweet smell before you today and everyone under the sound of my voice as your people receive the engrafted word that this offerings will be a sweet smell and thank you for the blessing of your word that is upon our offerings today and we decree that as your people give every need is met supernaturally thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees that amen like thunder now online you know you're going to be part of the council so we're not signing you off and then at the end of the service we will take our kingdom investment and worship offerings at the end of the service so wherever you are around the world we're just going to rejoice and give and if you're giving the banking details are all over just do what you need to do and i'd like you guys to hit the song let's do it as we give and everybody else you'll march out to the altar and drop your offerings anywhere around the pulpit anywhere around this pulpit all over the place [Music] morning [Applause] come morning hallelujah [Applause] your knees oh glory glory amen are you excited this afternoon all right so by beginning the counselor right now put your hands together let me receive mr michael bush to the microphone so we can get going with this second segment of the service praise god forevermore amen global baba intercontinental good afternoon sir to see you here fantastic praise god good afternoon church so nice to see you just before you sit down let me just connect with the radio audience and give them the information i know they are waiting for bank details the account name is power city international they are free i said just before you sit down please don't sit down thank you i'm now the new global barber i'm in charge now until global comes on okay so power city international is the account name there are three banks fcmb is number one zenith is number two uba is number three i start with zenith on this edition of the program 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12. that's the account name excuse me account number four zenith the account name is power city international the same for uba 139 26 465 139 26 465 that's for uba account name steel power city international also for fcmb 2982 68 20 28 29 82 68 20 28 that's the announcement number one for sponsorship of um riot life and access to the council and indeed other things that we've been doing all through year 2021 you can just call up plus two three four if you're calling from outside the country otherwise it's wait all three two seven five six one oh four or send an email or two to dr abelldamina that doctor there is dro finally in the course of the program i was just talking with the producer backstage and we're looking at saying we can squeeze in some calls here and there the number to dial if you are calling from outside the country it's plus two three four otherwise it's 806 800 993 and you can also email ask the counselor now at plus you can send us an sms or two plus two three four seven oh three six nine one eight six four two blue baba very nice very nice to be here with you it's better even for me but we need to excuse me set the stage we need to have a special player global barbara for mankind especially at such a time as now let's pray together father we rejoice and we thank you for victory that we have in you and we thank you because of the hope that we have in you and we rejoice because you've given us authority in this world therefore as your church we stand today to declare concerning our city our nation and the world at large we ask that in the name of jesus the glorious light of the gospel of christ which is the hope and the answer to man's problem will rise big and penetrate every man's world that men will come to the knowledge of the truth we decree that ministers of the gospel are raised in every planet of this earth to preach the truth of the gospel and we decree that in the name of jesus disciples are raised and believers are equipped we pray for our governments that lord even in these times that our leaders know what to do and do what is right that they provide enabling environments for us in our societies for the gospel to thrive and we thank you lord for the victory we pray oh god also concerning everyone that is going through one thing or the other in our society here we ask for an intervention of god and we declare a miracle of divine intervention and we thank you for answered prayer because you hear us always in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerfully amen amen okay global baba please be seated thank you for staying with us please put your hands together even as you do so remember about the last time we were live on the show we were in cameroon we spent the night in cameroon next door cameroon and it's it's important to also note that the night before that we spent the night in another francophone republic you know that's france sparry so now we're coming back so we start from cameroon on this edition of the program an interesting one hello global i seriously called the number you asked me to call or the number you called out on radio to speak with you but the pastor kept telling me to call us certain specific hours so he could connect me to you this continued for some time global barbarity i became exasperated then i decided to confide my situation in him as the pastor with the phone he said he would act on your behalf and counsel me he went through the scriptures and told me some things that really blessed me my eyes were opened then he prayed for me now lovable the situation around me has changed greatly thank you very much baba for dubli duplicating yourself in young men and a young generation thank you for what god is using you to accomplish in a generation and the impact you are making thank you that anonymous entry from the republic of cameroon sets the stage on this edition of the program wow that's a good one that's what i was saying but that's all you say that's all you say that's a good one yes we're equipping people no global but you know it's such it's such an impact it's such um it's so great it's among us there's no word to describe it that somebody you think is just a phone bearer he's only just to answer telephone number no no no no no no no no i said you would have thought so okay yes that's true he's just he's just there but then all these men if they preach now you won't believe it all these boys global but even funny man all of them what about one baby instrument if he preaches here you won't think he's a girl on the computer oh one day everybody in our office is warded because you can't sit down under this the editors edit and they listen and listen and listen to one message they keep editing until it's perfect so it enters and they're doing it over a period there's no way they will know the word my god everybody in our office is fantastic can you just please put their hands together again for the great work he's doing okay another anonymous entry global abbas will run out of the republic of cameroon says compliments of the season global baba please i want to know if it is god that created female he female bisexuals are they entitled to sexual activity or is it antichrist well the bible tells us that men did not retain god in their hearts in romans chapter 1 verse 24 25 26 27 28 and because they did not retain god in their minds they did things that are not natural so bisexualism and homosexuality is not natural because that's not the way god intended for people to be people that are into homosexuality and by bisexuality and all of that are actually suffering from identity crisis they don't know who they are so they choose anything that sounds right to their understanding so what do we do with such people we expose them to the gospel when they begin to see christ and begin to see the life of christ and they begin to see who jesus is in who jesus is they will discover who they are and once that happens they will get you know we even had some testimony of some guy that was into you know homosexuality and as he kept listening to our messages here he began to realize that he's actually a man and now he wants to get married and he was asking if he is permitted to get married so there are people like that who after listening they come face to face with their true identity and the crisis disappears and they accept who they are whom god created them so it's just identity crisis okay one last anonymous entry and then we leave cameroon says please i need clarity global baba on luke 4 18 where jesus says to preach deliverance to the captives does it mean that if somebody manifests like a demon during a church service we cannot cast out the demons through deliverance global baba no we don't deliver people it's not deliverance deliverance is preaching but we can cast out demons those are two different things there's a difference between casting out demons and deliverance deliverance is salvation casting out demons is to expel unclean spirits so if somebody has an unclean spirit and begins to make noise in a service we just tell them to you unclean spirit out the demon goes we continue what we're doing the demon does not take our attention because we are not gathered for the demon we are gathered for the word of god and that demon is just a destruction which we simply fix and proceed with what we are doing you know where the gospel is concerned okay global but let's head out of cameroon we're heading straight to zambia hello global baban the intercontinental mr bush you've built doctrine and made to a point where now everything i do crystal centric whenever a person is speaking what i look for is christ i have now understood that there is non-essentials as far as christianity is concerned now global baba is there anything wrong to pass a dead body in a church building for service before burial i ask this because there is a church that teaches against this saying the church is not for the dead but for the living this is leonard from ketui zambia well again that's a non-essential i know many churches in america where if somebody dies they they what they call waiting is he waiting waiting in state or something like the lining station relying in state is done in the church they bring the press the body to the church the pastor will preach the message get people born again and then they will pay their last respect then they will take the body from the pulpit to go and bury the body you know so it depends on what the church wants to do there's no hard rule on such things a church is just a building nothing makes this place better than your house nothing this building is as good as your apollo because what happens that can happen in your apollo there's nothing making this building special it's just a venue where we gather to teach the word of god and if we're not here today this can become a disco hall it can become anything so what makes this place a place is that we came here which you could have gone anywhere else so if a church decides to bring the dead body to lying state in the building as part of their honoring the body or honoring the brother or whoever passed there's nothing wrong about it okay i was just going to go to another entry from zambia let me just see what i can bring that out in a moment okay here it is says uh hello baba my husband and i have been blessed by your messages we've been listening to you since 2014 from here in zambia the problem though global baba is that we've grown so much in grace such that when i go to church all i hear is law and it makes me feel bad the pastor we have seems as if he called himself to ministry whenever he's preaching he talks against other people he despises what they are putting on it tells them that they are cursed if they don't give whenever i hear this my spirit grieves i have stopped going to church for now am i wrong please advice chili's prudence mufulira you're not wrong you can't keep sitting under somebody who speaks does not speak life wasting your time speaking things that are not building you up the reason why you go to church is to learn christ to study christ so if they are not teaching christ there is not a church maybe it's a social gathering or it's a motivational gathering or is a cultural service and you you don't want to go and waste your time in that place so for now stay at home follow us online keep learning and in zambia we have campuses so if you want to be a part of any of our campuses in zambia if you send another meal we'll connect you with brother k who coordinates all our campuses in the country of zambia okay global bubba is coming very close to half past the hour here in new york nigeria by the way this program is running from the global headquarters of power city international is located as number 98 huang iba road in the heart of wyo akwa bomb state nigeria i say that because people are still saying i'm writing from nigeria i'm calling from nigeria not believing that the program originates here from a first caller header okay we lost that i apologize perhaps i kept it longer than necessary on the line let's move from zambia to lesser to global baba hello global baba please can you pray for me since last week i have felt tired i've been sweating so much i went to see a doctor today i started having problems of breathing i went to see his doctor so there are tests that including covet 19 the results will come out tomorrow after lunch i'm now speaking what you taught me blah blah blah making confessions i'm speaking against what i feel clara in the settle clara we speak to your body right now you are healed from your head to the souls of your foot we flush out every symptoms we decree that you receive quickening in every organ of your body and the life of god permits your whole system you are healed and made whole in jesus name amen amen okay global but let's go to kenya next i have uh one two entries they're from i take this one hello dr beldamina i've listened to you are preaching on no condition i love your teachings i have a question on this teaching if god heals without condition is there a need for a christian to pray from past alex in kenya blah blah blah but i couldn't just die secular endorsements to hold on as i take this first call on the show hello hello many thanks yes ma'am many thanks for joining us you know we're calling bless you bless you thank you so much for the great one you are doing in the body of christ thank you so much thank you mr bush for your support so fantastic that's who now that that's not thank you for your donation hello and this this is miranda i'm calling from the um oh miranda thank you for calling us many many thanks miranda bless you miranda do you have a question or something yeah um but i've been watching you for about two years now and i believe i've really learned a lot but i have a question go ahead shoot go ahead hello yes we are here you're listening yeah um my question is can trump can you have a dream and humanity physically okay can you dream and it manifests physically that's one question second one yeah go ahead second question yeah because like five years ago um i was 17. so i had this dream where i i i found something into my my leg that's my left leg and after that i started feeling this strange movement in my body till now i've been praying and i've been fasting but nothing is changing so i don't know what is going on all right miranda what you need to do is first of all you need to renew your mind with the word of god and believe that your body has been bought with a price satan cannot stay in your body no object can survive your body because your body is the temple of the holy spirit the holy spirit and an object of the enemy doesn't stay in the same body then when you do that make up your mind to exercise authority over those feelings and begin to speak the word of god over your body and those feelings will disappear we walk by faith not by sight bless you we take three calls this first window will make progress the second one hello hello blessings bless you thank you a merry christmas to you many many thanks god pleasure yes my question is from matthew 52 okay yeah um in that matthew 22 when the the act jesus was preaching about the resurrection and he told them that the in resurrection there are no marriages now apostle paul said we are crucified with pride and buried and resurrected destruction now right now these are still ongoing if we are resurrected with christ why are marriages still ongoing or are we still dead what's your name what's your name hello my name is mr mike i'm calling from valencia okay thank you michael from bios okay no you see when we when brother paul says i have been crucified you know the english language didn't you didn't do justice to you in that galatians what he really said is i have been crucified with christ nevertheless i live nevertheless i live yet not i but christ lives in me the life that i now live in the flesh so i'm still living in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me so because i'm still living in the flesh i have not yet resurrected but i have resurrected by identification but my real resurrection is the redemption of the body which will be immortality solving mortality so when that happened there will be no result there'll be no marriage but right now because i am still in the flesh we still get married but when this life is over and this mortal body puts on immortality there'll be no marriage that's what he means okay a last um caller for this window hello yeah can we try again hello good morning sir many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from go ahead i'm calling from nigeria okay for what go ahead are you there my first one is that how can i how can i grow in studying of the world and prayers what's your name okay all right how do you grow in studying of the word and prayer by learning it so as we are teaching you get a notebook you get a bible and register with this church as a student of the bible and as we are teaching you make notes as we're teaching you make notes when we finish you study it when you study it you pray when we are teaching you make notes if you devote yourself to that practice for another six months to one year you yourself will be a teacher of the same world so that's how you grow you grow by eating and eating comes by feeding and what i do here is to feed you so you can eat to grow so that you too can feed other people that's the way to grow okay i thought you should put those hands together thank you but let's get back to kenya um pastor alex was asking if god heals without condition is a need for a christian to pray jesus healed with that condition but he prayed the prayer of authority and somebody says oh jesus son of david have mercy on me what do you want that i may see receive your sight that's a prayer but it's what we call the prayer of faith what will i do for you that i may walk rise up take your mat and go he still spoke words so even though there's no condition for healing the preacher or the minister of the gospel must speak the word because it is the word that conveys the healing power of god to the body of the people right let's uh still remain in kenya this time somebody writing on the topic thanksgiving says my name is pastor benson green i ride from machaco's county in kenya global baba i've been following your teachings for the past two years my spiritual life has been transformed greatly i feel more free more sound and more strong in christ than before i wish to thank you for your continued strength in reintroducing christ to the global family and helping this generation and those to come and growing in this knowledge now we are better ministers of the gospel and we celebrate you thank you doctor however in our country there is so much teaching on altar and spiritual dimensions please clarify for me what's an altar in the context of the church sanctuary and are there other dimensions in spiritual matters thank you blah blah blah well like i thought recently i did exegesis an altar is a place of animal sacrifice we are no more sacrificing animals so we don't have an altar this place is not an altar this place is a podium and the reason why it is exalted like these is because we have galleries so that when i stand to teach the people up and down and under can see me that's why there is elevation but sometimes you know that i move away from this place and i come down and i walk around you to make you know that there's nothing special about this place nothing special about where i stand what matters is what i am saying so in the new testament we don't have altar all tasks ended when jesus died jesus is the last lamb of god that died for us and after his death all tasks ended what we have today is we have a relationship with god that does not require a mediator in humanity the mediator we have with god is jesus himself who is our sacrifice our altar and the one who died ultimately to set us free from sin so we don't have any altar so if anybody has asked you to tie the offering to the altar tell him jesus is the last altar there's no other altar don't let people use altar to play on your intelligence then what about spiritual dimensions what is dimension there's no verse in the bible no verse at all that talks about spiritual dimensions no dimension can be more dimensional than you in christ if any man be in christ how much more dimension can you be dimensional than being inside christ you're not near christ you're not under christ you're not over christ you're not by christ you are in christ that's the highest dimension anybody can be and that is where you arrive the first day jesus entered your heart the only thing now is to grow in the knowledge of what has already happened listen it's not the knowledge that makes it happen it has already happened the knowledge is to understand what happened so you can enjoy what has happened the intercontinental you finished doing all of that and then you looked at me to do what now to shoot them oh no oh no this man okay global baba from kenya we head to tanzania hello global baba my name is dicken walter my family and i are watching from kilimanjaro region in tanzania we love and admire the way you are spreading the gospel to the whole world the knowledge of the word global baby is punishing the devil very severely we pray that one of these days your voice we clearly heard from the top of mount kilimanjaro i mean the top of africa this is the knowledge of the truth thank you this is a prophecy yes yes from the top of africa gilman and we're doing that soon very soon very very soon we were broadcast from kilimanjaro to the rest of africa oh no so that's a beautiful one yeah that's a good good one okay so we moved from tanzania to south africa hello global pastor calendar from limpopo south africa i'm watching the service i'm your spiritual son i've been following you for five years now please i'm believing god to speak to you concerning my ministry so group about this recommendation but i'm wondering can somebody be say your son when you don't know him yeah he can be my son when i don't know him because it's not a knowledge i don't have to know him but as long as he's feeding from me learning from me and is growing my spiritual connection is already my son the only thing remaining is for the day me and him will meet basically which we may never meet but he's still my son and i will get a reward in heaven for him absolutely so globally says please sir i'm believing god to speak to you concerning my ministry oh yes i would love to speak with you so what we do is produce and make sure enes in the office gets in contact with this person so we can speak to him all right so from south africa we're heading straight to nigeria abuja here we come hello dr damina i am sunday callisto's i was arrested in abuja global baba abuja international airport on the 1st of january 2014 my way back from brazil and sentenced to life imprisonment for drug offense since then i've been in kuja prison abuja now the case is an appeal and since then there is no result yet please global baba pray for me personally and declare prophetically upon my life for god to have mercy on me and intervene in my case i don't want to die in prison sir please send me some of your messages you will not die in prison amen you will not god god is already has already had mercy on you amen that you have reached out to us and we stand in faith with you we believe god with you that supernaturally a miracle will happen on your behalf that will free you from that from that sentence and beyond the miracle of freeing you from the sentence that the revelation of the word of god will grow big on your inside that you'll be equipped built up established in the knowledge of jesus so you can preach the same and in the name of jesus receive a miracle now in jesus name amen please producer make sure we send some messages to this brother who just sent us a mail okay and producer the second window second and last window for telephone calls on this edition of the program opens now and we run for the next three four five minutes marks meanwhile let's head from abuja to keduna state hello global baba man to nicolas right from keduna i celebrate god's grace upon your life i want you to know that i couldn't stay in the church i attended because my mortal body was sick but after i joined the live prayer with you i'm completely relieved and healed thank you global baba praise god praise god praise god okay let's head up to taraba state next says hello global i'm daniel premier please sir do you have a branch of your church in jalingo no i'm not sure we have a branch in jalingu yet but there are people in jalingo who are reaching out to us so if you want us to start a campus a branch where you are just reach out to us from the jalingo area and our our our global coordinators will look into it and see how to start a campus for you guys in jalingo thank you okay um producer there's another call at this moment so global baba let's just go join that caller hello yes good afternoon sir many thanks uh for joining us where are you calling from yes my name is kelly and savio i'm coming right here with you go ahead kieran okay sir please i want papa to pray for me so all around turn around all around good from god and um every i just want to there's a lady that called and asked a question away from us about if someone dreams and then what he dreams comes the same way he dreams i just want perfection yes yes throw more light on that because most times when i dream um what i dream i will see it coming yes with dreams i also wanted to answer for that sister with dreams you know sometimes in dreams we have what i call word of knowledge and word of wisdom and then there are also dreams that are motivated by activities that we have engaged in and there are dreams from the devil so with dreams you have to be very careful when you have a dream check that dream with the word of god if it doesn't agree with the word of god you rebuke it and trash it if it agrees with the word of god you receive it and declare it that's the way to treat dreams because sometimes when god tries to communicate his word to you and you're not catching it he could communicate with you a word of knowledge a word of wisdom in a dream and you will know that this one is god talking because it will agree and align with the scriptures that's how to handle dreams okay two more calls and we are home and dry on this edition of the program with calls right now another one hello hello sir many thanks for joining us mom you know where you're calling from i'm so i'm calling you okay greetings to you foreign greetings bless you thank you sir so for some time now i've been listening to your teaching and it has really impacted my life too much and please i would like to report to me a great interaction and fellowship with other people okay you're a cameroon do i like cameroon we have campuses opening all over cameron in 2021 in fact i did a zoom conference with the brethren in cameroon last week and it was a wonderful conference with them from all the all over cameron different parts of cameroon i see you smiling because there's something about absolutely it was so wonderful so if you want to be a part of the cameroon family shoot email to dr ebeldamin and say you want us to connect you to the cameron family so you can join them online before they start launching campuses in 2021 okay okay i'm going to take our last call on this edition of the program just quick information for you that um dwala is to come around what lagos is to nigeria dwala is the economic capital of cano hello this last caller okay so i come back to you i'm the live audience i'll just take a couple of questions in the live audience if you are set but i still have one more call to go i realized that but global but let's go to adamawa next hello global baba and godwin jacob from adamawa state please global about my wife left me without reason i've tried bringing her back to norvell pastors have tried to intervene but she has refused to come back my question is what condition does god warrant divorce in marriage and at what point should one remarry please advise and counsel me thank you well first of all divorce comes under under certain circumstances for example if there's straight to life it is called persecution is no more marriage or domestic abuse it is called persecution no more marriage in that instance you have to leave but the bible says if your wife departs and you try to bring her back and she's not coming back after a while if you discover she's gone and won't come back you're afraid to talk with your church authority and they will grant you permission to remarry there's nothing wrong with that our last caller on this edition of the program hello hello many thanks for joining us yes go ahead okay i i'm from here today i have been yesterday let's go ahead okay i called it you before my name is sannes again okay you remember me yes i do i do okay okay thank you and i want to ask to our papa to shed some light on genesis 3 from 22 to 24 and first timothy chapter 2 number 15 verse number 15 okay first timothy and pray for our ministry we have been established here the words of his grace okay genesis 3 22 talking about eden and the way back to the tree of life genes put it up genesis 3 22 so i'm accurate and the lord said behold this man has come as one of us to know both good and evil and now he has put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever next verse next verse therefore the lord god send him forth from the garden of eden to till the ground from whence he was taken what god was simply saying there is that now man has gained independence man has decided to operate independent of god by making a choice that alienates him from god that's simply what he meant that man has rejected the lordship of god and man has chosen to go without god you know without god's guidance that's what happened to adam when adam disobeyed the gospel and refused the gospel that's exactly what happened in genesis and then i'd like to pray for your ministry father we pray that in erythria that the ministry of your servant continues to thrive and more people come to the knowledge of the truth and that our brother is strengthened with might and granted all trans and all that he requires to fulfill the ministry in jesus name amen okay global i'm just wondering whether that was the same brother let me see godwin jacob uh godwin jacob okay so he's the same person was asking his question another way i don't know can we take some live audience questions do we have anybody with a question in the live audience just one okay the the normal suspect is there he you know that he's always going to come along if he doesn't have a microphone i don't mind i could give him mine he could use mine don't worry he could use mine yes go ahead well thank you very much sir um thank you mr bush my name is john walter uh sir i wanna hold a minute i want the camera guys to capture you cameraman you're too slow all right let's do it john walter okay so my name is john walter and i want to ask um as at what point can we really say um someone is safe because i have observed that you preach um christ and then you know we grow up where after preaching christ is this altar call come out and then they said close your eyes close your eyes everybody i will now close the eyes and see if he's have a list and then they now come outside and after the outer core they now smuggle them out you know but at what point because you you don't do auto call then you just preach the word and no confession you did some prophetic confession confession on the outside you you made us to do confession is that the utter course opposed or at what point can i believe i really be sure that okay um i've received christ into my heart and secondly it we is it allowed for a preacher to apply them like water for healing like sileo but jesus christ did that is it applicable i know it's not really a doctrinal um teaching in the bible but i just did one time or the other is it is it allowed then totally there's this funny question that um i am many persons have asked and even my oh me and myself also ask um jesus christ said okay uh it was um god that said it himself he said uh jacob i ate i love he saw i hate and what premise is that can you throw more light on that okay let me just ask you a quick question yourself is there any verse in the bible that says you must ask where you saw anybody made altar call anywhere in the bible no so you need to ask me why do churches do altar call okay sir okay the history of altar call is from evangelists who do crusades so when they go for crusade and they preach and people receive christ to help them do follow up they ask people to come out the coming out is not salvation it's so that they can take their name and addresses so they can follow them up that's what altar call is for salvation is not on the altar salvation is when you hear the message and believe it the moment you believe it in your heart you are saved you don't have to come to the altar so the important thing in a service is to teach the world for people to understand to receive once they receive they are saved if we call them out it's not for salvation is to record their names so we can disciple them and in this church we have our way of doing discipleship that is not bringing them to the altar so what about the question second question what was the second question again i'm not really clear on this what about the confession they always ask to make or when i ask you to confess is the declaration of your faith or the one they do on the altar called today yes yes well whether they do it or not the man is saved the thief on the cross didn't make any confession you just said jesus when you get to paradise remember jesus said today with me in paradise so again it is faith in the heart salvation is here inside the heart it's not mouth is not clear so when people believe and and believe christ and receive christ in their heart they are saved is that clear yeah the second question you asked was what using water sand and all that well again is did you see any opposed to using water and sand no so again it's not doctrine but doesn't mean that if you are led to do it you won't do it but you won't be led two times or three times to do it so yes okay we we have just um a little under three minutes and we need to go but it's this pasta just give me your name your question in 30 seconds please a fan my name is apostle fan and i don't know if i could be allowed to make contribution i have two questions but could i be allowed to make a contribution when okay you know you know um i'm afraid sir i'll just ask that you you write it down we have three minutes to go off the radio if you look at the time so just write it down i'll take it when next we're live thank you very much for joining us i'm glad baba we need to go unfortunately we just need more round off we have um a little on the three minutes and we need to go but let me get you to do this just place your hand and then pray for all the prayer requests we have let's pray for all the prayer requests that came in by way of email and text messages father we stand in faith for everybody that sent in a request that sent in a desire we ask that right now in the name of jesus those who are sick among them be healed in the name of jesus amen we rebuke disease we rebuke infirmity we command the healing power of god to flow through their bodies we also pray for people that are having financial issues that they receive miracles this week we ask for people with marital challenges a supernatural intervention for them in the name of jesus amen and we declare that miracles are released to everyone that has sent in a request there's no distance in the realm of the spirit and we rejoice with the victory that we have and the testimonies of divine intervention in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality amen okay so any moment now um we'll be on excel fm that runs until three o'clock yep then from three to five we're on unifm yep that leaves us now to go all the way until nine nine until ten we're on uh inspiration and then of course then to midnight we are on heritage fm we return tomorrow in the morning in style on radioacquire 90.5 fm at 11 running until one global we need to go the resident passed up mr president code and wife william many thanks my producer pastor ige acquiring the production team many things my younger brother globally is getting married young yes they said young so much please put your hands together for him i was just watching out for his boss i was just watching out for his boss the distinguished teletoy tainan and he's there with his dear wife please put your hands together for distinguished senator italian so so nice to see him oh he's alone here okay welcome i just saw the colors of the dress i know i'm not deceived thank you so global baba this is michael bush and inviting our global baba a bible teacher extraordinaire to take us home well mr bush it's been a wonderful day again what a blessing and everybody thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god don't forget to join us again tomorrow and through the week every evening live at six pm gmt plus one on comfort fm and all the other radio stations will carry all the things that we teach bringing clarity and establishing in the message of christ on the 31st of december 31st of december we have a service here at 9 00 pm and it will run into the midnight then first of january which is friday morning we have another service here at 9 30 a.m that is where i'm going to be laying hands and praying for everybody and speaking prophetically into your lives for 20 21 we love you guys looking forward to share fellowship with all of you again tomorrow tomorrow evening 6 pm and until then enjoy the grace of christ jesus and be blessed goodbye from you nigeria amen praise god wow what a blessing listen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kingdom life network you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,070
Rating: 4.8039217 out of 5
Id: MnqaAkZCAv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 50sec (7670 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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