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come on one more time if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is [Music] come on come on come on come on [Music] i i am do what god says i was fully dressed i would never never but i would never never be the same with the holy ghost [Music] is [Music] is i believe is [Music] i me never it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva god you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your flavors i will never never never be the same [Music] [Laughter] thank you father in the name of jesus heavenly father we come before your holy word humbly and respectfully tonight and we thank you for the privilege of having the holy written world and thank you that we have the holy ghost living on our inside to guide us into all the truth so as we study our word tonight i pray that the eyes of each one's understanding they flooded with light clarity comes by the teaching of your world veils fall off and whatever is not planted by god is rooted out in the name of jesus your people built up equipped edified and jesus glorified thank you for answered prayer tonight in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen glory to god lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say this word i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says it powerfully man we want to welcome everyone connected to this service tonight by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of you on the social media community we love you are so glad to see all of you again tonight and i want to welcome all of the aqua bomb state community connected by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb you know you fm inspiration fm and heritage fm we want to welcome all of you in a quiet bomb stay to this great service you don't want to be selfish today help us invite your friend a family member a loved one asks them to tune to this particular radio station life is flowing through the airwaves what a joy to study the word of god together all right those of you on social media like you've always done family and friends on social media always an honor and a delight to fellowship with all of you do me the same pleasure you've always done help me share the video on your page tag some friends share with some people on your page create watch parties and of course make sure you share with all the groups on your page join as many groups as possible then drop the video on monogram telegram whatsapp groups let's lighten the dark places of the earth with the truth of the gospel of christ all our house churches and campuses want to welcome everybody and it's a joy and an honor to serve you the grace of god tonight you grab your pen your bible your notebook and you can be seated as we get into the world tonight adventuring together in our series of interpretation of tongues interpretation of tongues and i'm excited because there's so much happening light is coming understanding is coming amen all right first corinthians chapter 12 verse number one first corinthians chapter 12 verse number one now concerning spirituals or spiritual gifts that you have in king james version or spiritual's brethren i will not have you ignorant concerning spiritual gifts or spiritual things so brother paul is teaching a church that did not come behind in any gift look at it first corinthians chapter one verse seven first corinthians chapter one verse seven now talking to the corinthian church he said to them so that you come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our lord jesus christ in other words having the experience of the gifts of the spirit is not sufficient it's not enough you must have the information to be effective so apparently the essence of teaching them brother paul explains why first corinthians chapter 14 verse 33 first corinthians 14 33 the essence of teaching them for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the sins so the essence for teaching them on the spirituals or on the gifts of the spirit is so that they can be ordered in the administration of the gift then look at verse 40 of first corinthians 14 verse 40 first corinthians 14 40. let all things be done decently and in order let all things be done decently all things and in order then look at the third reason why brother paul had to teach this church concerning spirituals first corinthians chapter 14 verse 26 first corinthians chapter 14 verse 26 how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you had a son hath a doctrine had a tongue heart a revelation heart and interpretation let all things be done on to edifying so the purpose for the gifts is edification so in other words what knowledge was doing for them in first corinthians chapter 14 was to make them much more effective and much more orderly to make them much more effective and make them much more orderly in other words it means that the things of the spirit should be explained should be explained and should be explained over and over again it must be explained and taught over and over again for effectiveness and orderliness because in first corinthians 1 7 he calls it charisma charisma and charisma simply means freely giving and endowed freely giving and end out so let's lay some ground rules some ground rules some things you should know normally about the gifts of the spirit or better steal the gifts in the spirit first corinthians chapter 12 verse 4 first corinthians chapter 12 verse 4. now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit he uses the word diversities that what diversity is there is the word derisis there is d-i-a-r-e-s-i-s diuresis d-i-a-r-e-s-i-s it means to cut the same thing into parts to cut the same thing into parts dialysis that means part of one thing he said but the same spirit part of one thing so gifts same spirit so all the gifts are in the same spirit directives of one spirit that's not the same word he used for tongues not the same even though we have you know the translation badly communicated that you know it gave you diversities of tongues which you actually mean the word for tribe or family or a tribal tongue not many tongues actually it refers to a singular tongue a singular kind of tongue that belongs to a tribe a family you know or a kindred same same language so it's not talking about diuresis where you have different types no you know i guess lack of looking at the original that's why some people think we can have prayer tongues then we have prophecy tongues then we have warfare tongues and maybe warfare tongues will be something like rika all right i don't know where they get all of that from you know then you have the angelic tongues i don't know angelic tongue sounds maybe it sounds silly no all right so and when they teach that it just makes me laugh you know because people say that and there are tons of angels and you know and that's from first corinthians chapter 13 verse one let's look at it together first corinthians chapter 13 in verse number one brother paul says though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels though i speak in tongues of men and of angels and have no charity i am become a sounding brass or a tinkling symbol now if you look very carefully it's just one verse you will not hear of tongues of angel anywhere else in the bible that's just the only place it made an appearance and you need to read through to understand that that's just a hyperbole it's a figure of speech it's a hyperbole brother paul was using because how do angels speak i can't tell of anywhere angels appeared to anybody and spoke a language that a person needed interpretation there was never such a time every time angels appeared to people they spoke to them in the language that the people understood so there's nothing like tongues of angels angels don't have any tongues we only have the tongues of men and those tongues of men are a mystery communicating with god they are tongues with which you converse with god so it's just a misplacing a priority in bible study now the word diaries or diversities of gifts don't forget that word gift is charisma which is an endowment that is when it is given to you when the gift is given to you it belongs to you charisma when it is given to you it now belongs to you it is now yours now those are the ground rules for gifts in the spirit those are the basic things they are they you know they are the gifts in the same spirit gifts in the same spirit please that's very important they are gifts in the same spirit that is if you can find yourself speak in tongues that is one of the gifts in the spirit speaking in tongues is one of the gifts in the spirit it's not like you speak in tongues as a child of god that is born again then you need another gift of tongues as a gift no that tongue you spoke the day you were baptized the holy ghost is one of the gifts one of the nine gifts of the spirit or one of the nine gifts in the spirit one of the nine gifts in the spirit all right so that is when you put all the gifts together they make the spirit it is all the nine gifts put together that makes the spirit so if you can find yourself speak in tongues that means in the same spirit you have the interpretation of tongues in the same spirit with which you speak in tongues you have the interpretation of tongues you can't have just one there are diversities in the same diversities in the same so in the same gifting where you spoke in tongues you have interpretation and inside it you have word of knowledge word of wisdom you have prophecy in the same you have healing miracles you have all of them are it is a composition of all that makes the spirit it is a combination of all of them that makes the spirit so you can't just have one because they are diversities in the same so if you can find yourself interpreting that means you can prophesy because they are all in the same spirit they are all in the same spirit you know he is showing you that is the same spirit not a different spirit for gifts you know like anointing we like that word a lot in the pentecostal circles anointing fell in that meeting brother the anointing was very heavy in that meeting you know then you ask what is anointing and they say anointing is the power of the holy ghost then you ask them give me a scripture and a verse they cannot find one same spirit that's the language of the new testament same spirit that's the language of the new testament so all the gifts are in the same spirit those are the ground rules to understand remember like i said beside listening to something to be able to practice and understand it it's also the ability to be able to teach it that's why i spend all this time so that i can equip you to be able to teach the same to others he said the things you have heard of me among many witnesses the same the same there's nothing like copyright it's the same spirit so the same things you've heard from me the same you teach somebody who will teach another person that's the way it is in the kingdom who would in fact look the way the body of christ is built is that all of us equip each other that's where the body of christ is built all of us equip each other you are capable of equipping others you are not just a student you are a student at the same time at the end of the church i mean at the end of the day the head of the church plans that even though you are a student to somebody you are a teacher to another person you are a student to somebody but a teacher to another person so we have what we call body ministry everybody in the body is supplying every joint supply everybody is supplying to the functionality and the well-being of the body of christ that's why you must pay attention when god's word is taught because you know by anybody because when you are paying attention number one you are refreshing your insight number two you are getting fresh inside number three you are getting fresh application of the insight that you have fresh application of the insight that you have sometimes i just enjoy watching you know people teach the world especially the last few weeks you know dr gabriel pastor prince and all the people that came on kingdom life network i just enjoy sinning and hearing them teach the same things i teach i get refreshed and as you're teaching i'm able to think again about what we are all teaching and i'm able to get more insight i'm going to able to get more fresh applications of the same insight that's the way it is everybody is supposed to be supply nobody is supposed to be lying dormant and idol in the body that's the way the head of the church designed for the church to be built sometimes by listening to someone teach the same thing you taught you are able to teach it better next time so now let's go to verse 11 of that corinthians where we are first corinthians chapter 12 verse 11 but all work these that one and the self-same spirit that one and the self-same spirit dividing to every man severally as he wields all these words all these things he mentioned nine of them all these the all these will be the nine gifts of the spirit all these to every man give me that verse 11 again all these talking about the nine gifts work at that one all of the nine and the self same spirit dividing all of it to every man severally as he will now that as he will i'm gonna do a little work on that tomorrow so you know it's not as the spirit wills but as you will as you will not as the spirit will you are the one to will i will pray in the spirit and i will pray with my understanding so the spirit distributes as you will so every time you will it there is supply every time you will it there is supply it's not the spirit that determines when to operate it is you that determines it as he wills i will do a bit of exigencies on that tomorrow now observe also all this rocket the word worker is a greek word and a geo same word used in verse 6 look at verse 6 ngo verse 6 first corinthians 12 6 but there are diversities of oppression but it is the same god which worketh and the jew which worked all in all when it says operation work it same operation work it same that is energy oh and a gun same work something effective energy or something that is active energy please stay with me so he says all these are active all these nine gifts are active by the one and self same spirit they are active by the one and self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will he takes time to explain this you know one of the challenges we have like i say is not it's not safe to build your understanding of bible truth on your experiences and the experiences of others i have always said that it is not safe at all it is safer to build your experiences on proper scriptural understanding on proper scriptural understanding some people pray you know and you ask them what what scripture are you standing on since you are believing god for either a miracle or you are believing god for a wife or a husband what scripture are you standing on you have somebody say i'm standing on job 22 28 put it up let's see job 22 verse 28 a lot of pentecostals like that scripture job 22 verse 28 thou shalt also decree 18 and it shall be established unto thee and the light shall shine upon their wheels yeah that's the scripture i'm standing on i'm standing on thou shalt decreating that was elements condemning you i mean elephants condemning you and eliphaz himself was condemned by god for saying what he said you see that so that's not a scripture to stand on and believe god for something because that is elephants condemning job and god also condemned elephants or what elephants said just like most charismatic pentecostal churches you know they claim scriptures not mind in the context there's just anything that sounds nice i i like that one thou shall not surely die i like that one but who said thou shalt not surely die he satan in genesis chapter 3 he said to if did god say you should not she said yes god say the day we eat we shall die god says he shall die then satan say thou shalt not surely die it sounds like a positive confession but that is the liar talking and a believer will not take that it is written i shall not surely die no that's satan you're quoting satan you're not quoting scripture that's the danger of cutting scriptures out of context that is why it's important to read the whole chapter read the whole book many build their entire understanding of prayer on a false premise what are you decreeing are you are you in the army wrong understanding of truth and you know you cannot get truth out of a lie once scriptures are not well interpreted it doesn't matter who is teaching them like that he is teaching lies the truth of scripture is only when it is rightly divided outside of rightly divided scripture it doesn't matter whoever is teaching it he's teaching you lies and you can't find truth out of lies the scriptures must be rightly divided that is what makes them the truth are we communicating at all please it's very important what i'm sharing with you tonight people build things on their experiences something they don't know why and how it worked and you know every time you do something in the kingdom you must be able to explain how it worked that is what knowledge benefits you you're able to explain this is how it happen so next time you can make it happen again next time you can make it happen again it wasn't an accident it was it didn't happen by mistake it was a function of knowledge if you see most of the problems we have with the things of the spirit especially our trans gifts were from the book of acts people just stated from the book of acts you know and the book of acts is not a doctrinal material it was like writing a narration to theophilus it was a personal letter the book of luke and the book of acts where two personal letters written to somebody as a narration as a journalistic account we can prove it luke chapter one verse three to four luke chapter one verse three to 4 luke chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 please enes get somebody who is with me in this service on the computer luke chapter 1 verse 3 to 4. it seemed good to me also had he had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write on today in order most excellent to your philos so the book of luke was written to theophilus all right that the mayors know the certainty of these things or those things wherein there has been instructed all right so this same look now wrote the book of acts as a follow-up letter to descent your philosophy we can prove it acts chapter one verse one acts chapter one verse number one the former arthritis have i made all to your philos of all that jesus began both to do and to teach so he is reporting events to tear philos that's why the language you use for chaos loss are not doctrinal terms they are not doctrinal terms in the entire book of acts there's not a mention of sonship you are the sons of god it's not mentioned you will not find the word new creation in the book of acts believers we are not called sons at all in fact not even once was where christians referred to as children of god in the entire book of acts you will find the word disciple but remember the word disciple in acts was not repeated by any apostle in the epistle which is the conducting that word disciple was not used by any any apostle in the epistle you won't find the word gift in plural in the book of acts it's only gift in singular he didn't talk about the oppression the dynamics of the spirit he just talked about the gift of the holy ghost you know you will find it in acts 2 39 observe acts chapter 2 verse number 39 for the promise is unto you and to all to your children and to all that are far off even as many as the lord our god shall call the promise the promise look at acts 11 17 acts 11 17 for as much then as god gave them the like gift the like gift as he did unto us who believed on the lord jesus christ what was i that i could withstand god gift singular gift singular look at acts 10 46 acts chapter 10 verse 46 for they heard them speak with tongues and magnified god then answered peter 47 can any man forbid water that this should not be baptized which have received the holy ghost as we he was he referring to that same gift look at acts 8 21 acts chapter 8 verse 21 thou has neither part nor lord in this matter in this utterance in this he was he referring to the gift of the holy ghost which was tongues for thy heart is not right in the sight of god gift of the holy ghost that word gift of the holy ghost is not charisma is the word doron which which that's why i use doran because doron is is ron is descriptive of how it came how it came and god gave them freely the character of the gift was not described all right the character was not because it's just eyewitness it's just a narration so the book of acts cannot be a doctrinal material it cannot be a doctrinal material it's a reference book where we can use to make example of the things we teach where we can use to make example of the things we teach in the epistles i repeat the book of acts is a reference book where we can use to make examples of the things we teach in the epistles are you still in the building now so the book of acts is never a basis for doctrine never a basis for doctrine you will find the term interpretation of tongues in the book of acts you won't find that term even though it's there in fact you will find the word prophecy used basically once prophecy and that is in acts chapter 19 verse 6 and then of course when peter was making reference your sons and daughters shall prophesy okay then acts 19 6 brother paul laid hands on them they spoke in tongues and prophesied that's all you will find in the book of acts so it's not explicit you won't find gifts of healings working of miracles gifts of faith word of knowledge word of wisdom you won't find all that in the book of acts because he's relating experience to a third party that's why when you read acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 you know how lovely will it be to conclude that verse 4 summarizes all that happened it doesn't make sense and they were all filled with the holy ghost i began to speak in tongues as the spirit gave them about trans but remember i'm begun not unfinished i'm begun to speak not and finish to speak so since it's begun it means verse 4 is not the conclusion of the action verse 4 is the beginning of the action but many pentecostals stop adverse form they stop at and it and they began and so that's why most of our churches the best you find is everybody speaks in tongues or some people speaks in tongues or some special vips of god speak in tongues or nobody speaks in tongues only the man of god you know that's the best you never find an entire congregation it's not common where an entire church everybody is tonguing prophesying functioning in word of knowledge word of wisdom healing miracles that explosion is the manifestation of god among his people to help people out there and the church will have to be taught to function because if you are not taught you can function you can be effective and you cannot operate in the fullness of the power that god designed for the church to function in that's why teaching is so critical and i believe in these languages god is giving us teaching pastors all over the place who will do the work of teaching and training and you know what i see in the spirit we're going to have a lot of house churches small small house churches all over the world in millions and tens of millions everywhere god raising leaders everywhere that will minister in little little groups all over the place there's going to be a mass spreading of such manifestations of god's glory in this last days and there'll be an equipping a major equipping and i believe already it's happening around the world it's already happening around the world hallelujah i said hallelujah i said hallelujah i said hallelujah even little children will be found doing ministry effectively little children they'll all be they're all operating the supernatural these are the days these are the days glory to god these are the days all right now so the book of acts chapter 2 verse 4 was just the beginning he said they began to speak then look up just what happened in verse four in our minds we always think that what happened on the day of pentecost was speaking tongues and forget don't speak in tongues and forget that that's that's when peter stood up and spoke to the people by the time peter stood up they had prayed in tongues for three hours when the day of pentecost was fully come six a.m is when it has fully come when when he says this is the the ninth i mean the third hour uh third hour that was nine o'clock six to nine three hours the day they receive holy ghost they spoke for three hours first before they break before there was a break it's not this one you want to get people filled with the holy ghost speak in tongues for five minutes you dismiss them no they are supposed to be there for hours so it will settle inside them and become a part of them and then from there they can build not rush not sharp sharp shape you don't do sharp sharp with the things of the spirit you don't do sharp sharp you take your time you know they began to speak with other tongues so verse 4 should not be used erroneously to summarize what happened on the day of pentecost you can summarize it in verse 4 of acts chapter 2 you can't use verse 4 to summarize they began they began and if you observe peter never interpreted tongues what he said was prophecy he says this is that which are spoken by prophet joel i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy peter used prophesy when he was you know responding to the audience in verse 17 and 18 of acts chapter 2 verse 17 and 18 of acts chapter 2 referring to what happened in solomon's port then in verse 38 he now says the gift of the holy ghost and then he calls that gift the promise the gift of the holy ghost look at verse 38 of acts chapter 2. then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost what is the gift of the holy ghost for the promise so the gift of the holy ghost is the fulfillment of the promise made in john chapter 2 joel 2 28. so when you want to find out what happened in the day of pentecost don't stop in acts chapter 2 verse 4 go to acts chapter chapter 2 verse 17 and 18 where peter said to them this is that which was spoken by prophet joel i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams after you finish reading that go to 33 and 34 acts 2 33 and 34 watch put it up for me therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had shed for this which you now see and hear which you now see and hear for david is not ascended into the heavens but he saith himself the lord said unto my lord sit down on my right hand now so verse 33 describes what happened on the day of pentecost which you now see and hear so on the day of pentecost there were things to see and there were things to hear so it wasn't just tongues there were also things to see and things to hear glory to god what we did which is unfortunate is to build our doctrine on what the unbeliever said and a lot of the body of christ that is where they have the lacuna when they challenge them with what the unbeliever said and then they cannot come from the position of peter and luke who doctrinally explain what happened so they use experience to flood them and because they are not taught they cannot use doctrine to flush out experience because what the people saw was experienced what peter explained from joel chapter 2 in verse 17 18 33 34 is doctrine are we together here is doctrine i mean just observe just observe just observe we assume that from what the unbeliever said those people must have spoken 20 to 25 languages at the same time so that's like five languages by people because because the unbelievers said they were speaking in languages and many people conclude that when you speak in tongues you must speak human language and the reason why they conclude that is because they have not read the doctrinal scriptures and because they have not read the doctrinal scriptures with that they have a problem with that something is happening to my sound praise god i say praise god i say praise god i say praise god glory to god glory to god glory make sure that sound is fixed quickly so i can move on again glory to god glory to god i said glory to god i said glory to god so we must follow through because that's the blessing of contextual reading so what we have on the day of pentecost is number one we have what unbelievers said what unbelievers said some said we heard them speak in the tongue wherein we were born we heard them speak in our native tongue that's what some people said then some others say we have heard them speak the wonderful works of god we have heard them speak the wonderful works of god then some others said these are drunk with wine these are drunk with wine then some say what means this what mean are these so we have what meaning these these are drunk with wine we heard them speak the wonderful works of god and they also said we heard them speak in our native language so we have four different accounts four different accounts then we now have what peter said in verse 17 and 18. peter said this is prophecy this is prophecy this is not people speaking in their native language this is prophecy all right then verse 33 peter now said what you see and hear then verse 39 peter called it the gift of the holy ghost all right so we have what they said and we have what peter said peter said this is prophecy what you see and hear the gift of the holy ghost so you can build doctrine or what the unbeliever said about the church you cannot build doctrine on what the unbeliever said about the church because the unbelievers don't understand the church and they don't understand what we're doing so they cannot describe or they cannot give us they cannot give us advice or they cannot give us their opinion on what we only we only are supposed to know praise god all right it looks like my audio is is coming back now praise god all right whatever you guys did to make it come just leave it like that until i finish this teaching so we assume let me quickly repeat that for the purpose of those that may not have heard the things i said we assume that from what the unbeliever said that the people must have spoken 20 to 25 languages at the same time you know that would be like five languages per you know per a group of people all right so we must follow through that's the blessing of contextual reading so what we have on the day of pentecost is number one what the unbeliever said what did they say some say we heard them speak in the tongue where we were born that's the first group another group said we heard them speak the wonderful works of god the third group said these are drunk with wine the fourth group said what meaning this so we have four different accounts then we have what peter said in verse 17 and 18 peter said this is prophecy then peter said in verse 33 of acts chapter 2 what we see and hear then in verse 39 peter called it the gift of the holy ghost so you can build doctrine on what the unbeliever said about the church on the day of pentecost we have peter's account and we have looks account and we have the unbelievers account is that clear we have peter's account we have luke's account and we have the unbelievers account [Music] glory to god i said glory to god so we must stick to the believer's account we stick to luke's account and then peter's rendering of what happened so when explaining to people the things of the spirit from acts chapter 2 you must know how to do it adequately so you don't get caught in arguments unnecessary arguments you must let people know that there are three accounts eyewitness from the unbelievers peter doctrine look doctrine so in teaching we stay with luke and peter because that's doctrine unbelievers is what we saw and and it's not even one thing they saw it's about four things they saw you see that you can't stay with that opinion because that opinion does not have doctrinal backing you can't confirm it from anywhere in scripture but what peter said is confirmed from the scriptures he started by quoting joel making reference to the prophecy in the old testament praise the lord so we avoid arguments by bringing clarity here paul gave us a better explanation so we take brother paul's explanation and come to the day of pentecost first corinthians 14 verse 2 first corinthians chapter 14 verse number two for here that speaketh in an unknown tongue and you know yesterday we established there's nothing like unknown it's in italics all right so here that speaketh in tongues speaking not unto men but unto god for no man understand it no man understand it happy eat in the spirit he speaketh mysteries no man understand it the him is in italics it doesn't fit him no man understand it so pete i mean brother paul says if you speak in tongues no man understands so it cannot be human language and they cannot be hearing it in their native tongue because no man understands look at first corinthians chapter 14 verse 16. first corinthians chapter 14 verse 16 else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen are thy giving of tongues seeing he understanded not what thou say yes what's paul doing he is explaining their experiences to them using doctrine experiences don't explain the word the word explains experiences that verse 16 he says he doesn't understand what you are saying that is the only way we can say a man when we understand what you are saying brother paul has established emphatically that human beings cannot understand tongues human beings cannot understand tongues because tongues are not human language in the spirit he speaketh mysteries in the spirit he speak at mysteries glory to god look at verse 22 of first corinthians 14. first corinthians 14 22 hallelujah wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying not for them that believe not but for them which belief tongues are a sign for the unbeliever but prophesying is for the believer he says tongues are a sign look at verse 23 23 if therefore the whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that you are mad will they not say and that is what they say on the day of pentecost these are drunk because they don't understand what he was saying look at verse 24 verse 24 but if all prophesy and there come in one that believeth not or one or learn it he is convinced of all he is judged of all in other words we go back to the day of pentecost to explain that they must have had the church in their language meaning it was interpretation of tongues so that means on the day of pentecost there was tongues and interpretation of tongues so we explain acts chapter 2 from 1st corinthians chapter 14. are you still following we explains acts chapter 2 from first corinthians chapter 14. [Music] all right all right i hope my sound is good for all of the audience both on tv and radio and online i want to be sure so that i don't keep speaking and people are not hearing what i'm saying glory to god quickly quickly i need somebody to get honest to confirm for me that the social media people are hearing me well radio audience hearing me well television here in the world so we don't make them barbarians glory to god hallelujah i just want to be shocked before we proceed hallelujah hallelujah praise god forevermore thank you lord jesus hallelujah praise god let us pray in tongues for a few seconds while we just wait for [Laughter] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord can they hear me is it clear is it clear it's not clear so we just pray in tongues a little more all right car wrote a second we're praying tongue so i teach i can teach you're sure they're hearing me all right because social media people are saying the sound is not good at all and if it's not good at all then it means you can't even only broadcast and if you currently broadcast it means you wasted my time and our time so whatever you guys are doing let's do it quickly i have one minute you said so you have good audio you're sure you're sure you have good audio huh yeah but they say what they're hearing is muffled i'm seeing their comments glory to god all right so let's move let's move let's move let's move praise god you know we have to be sure everybody is following because we're carrying everybody along praise god all right so now we explain acts chapter 2 from first corinth corinthians chapter 14. so the issue with tongues or language is generally remember i thought few days ago is the mode of communication the mode of communication remember i said languages are acquired with use acquired with use that is practice for you to get used to languages you must give yourself to practice now so let us estimate the length of time they spoke in tongues three hours three hours and so when people get baptized with the holy ghost we must be patient to wait for them you know and give them quality time to speak in tongues until it becomes a part of them the people in acts prophesied as they spoke in tongues that is how it works you speak in tongues speaking tongues speak in tongues interpret interpret interpret speak interpret speak interpret that's the way it works it's not just tungsten especially in a service or especially when there are other people that has to be edified we speak we interpret can somebody shout hallelujah i am teaching this so that you get people to speak in tongues and interpret at the same time the key thing is practice you know and we will get there first corinthians 14 16. first corinthians 14 16 else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned say amen at thy giving of tongues seeing he understanded not what thou say is it's obvious from acts chapter 19 and acts chapter 8 that after the day of pentecost people got filled with the holy ghost by laying on our hands but of course it's not difficult to know you know that acts chapter 2 was congregational because nobody lay downs on anybody everybody because nobody had received before to be able to lands on another person so it was a one time everybody received on the day of pentecost all right but if you follow the sequence in acts chapter eight when those false got saved peter and john came to lay hands that they might receive the holy ghost it's obvious that house were laid and in acts chapter 10 it was also unique because that was the first time the holy ghost came on the gentiles so while peter yet spec wow the holy ghost fell on everybody that was in that audience but then in acts chapter 19 verse 6 brother paul laid hands on them they received the holy ghost and prophesied now first corinthians 14 16 he said the man understands not what you say he understands not what you say remember we spoke about language few days ago he understands not what you say the reason why he doesn't understand what you speak is because of his mode of communication what you are speaking is not what he has learned it's not what he knows the difference is the language you use he doesn't understand it so it's not because it's tongues it is just because you spoke in a language he doesn't understand for example if i speak hausa to somebody else understand how sir it's like i speak tongues so somebody doesn't understand what i'm saying the problem is not because it is tongues the problem is because i'm speaking a language that he is not trained in are we together here so that's why when we speak in tongues people don't understand because we're communicating with them in a language they have not been taught that could also have happened if you were speaking to someone who has never had english before and you start speaking english you just be looking at you like a magician you know because he doesn't understand so the issue is not something mysterious is the case of communication the issue is not something mysterious with tongues is the case of communication it's very important to understand what paul is saying in first corinthians 14 13 first corinthians chapter 14 verse 13 wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue of course you know there's nothing unknown so wherefore let him that speaketh in tongue pray that he may interpret pray that he may interpret that word prayer that he may interpret is the word hina h-i-n-n-e in the greek it means in order in order it is not saying pray for god to make you interpret no it means pray the interpretation pray the interpretation so brother paul explains exhaustively first corinthians 14 tongues plus interpretation tongues plus interpretation and he says tongues plus interpretation equals to prophecy how do we know first corinthians 14 1 first corinthians chapter 14 verse 1 follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy rather that you may prophesy verse 3 verse 3. but he that prophesied speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort he that speaks in tongues speaks unto god that verse verse 2 he that speaks in tongues speaks unto god verse 3 he that prophesies speaks unto men are we together all right he that speaks in tongues speaks unto god he that prophesies speaks unto men verse 4 first corinthians 14 verse 4 pay attention he that speaketh in tongues eddie fired himself but he that prophesied he defied the church so now man replace with the word church speaks to god you edify yourself okay you prophesy you edify the church or you edify man verse five verse five i would that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive a defying observe what he said the word rather there is instead of okay but if that's that's what you think but what it is in the original the radar there is much more not instead of is old english much more that you interpret much more that you interpret if you're going to say today why because he says verse 5 greta is he that prophesized now what is he saying is he saying that if i speak in tongues and you prophesy you are greater than me no that's not what he's saying he sent in a church service the man that prophesied is more beneficial than the man that spoke in tongues it's not saying prophecy is superior to tongues he's dealing with the benefit edification exhortation and comfort are we clear all right so that's what brother paul was explaining here in this particular context except he interpret why that the church may receive edification so tongues plus interpretation he calls what prophecy that's basic so it's for the church now notice what he means by for the church he uses the word man then the church man then the church those are the words brother paul uses they can be interchangeably used why look at verse 16 first corinthians 14 16 else when thou shalt bless with the spirit how shall he that occupied the room of the old lamb say amen and thy giving of tongues see he understandeth not what thou sayest so now when you bless with the spirit how do you bless with the spirit tongues notice the spirit when you speak in tongues my spirit their spirit my spirit the spirit so look at verse 15 verse 15 first corinthians 14 15 pay attention what is it then i will pray with the spirit and i will pray with the understanding also i will sing with the spirit and i will sing with the understanding also so you pray with the spirit verse 16 verse 16 verse 16 else when thou shalt bless with the spirit you pray with the spirit you bless with the spirit verse 17 for that very less i mean that verily give us thanks well but the order is not edified so your prayer with the spirit you're blessed with the spirit verse 17 edified so the edification that comes from prophecy is it for you or for a third party a third party okay so interpretation of tongues is not for me interpretation of tongues is for others is for those that are listening to me are we in the building notice who is involved here brother paul says in first corinthians 14 23 put it up for me first corinthians 14 23 if therefore the whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or [Music] will they not say that you are mad now basically he's saying when the unbeliever or unlearned comes in who is the unbeliever those who do not believe the gospel the word on learners dear is the word idiots like idiot okay but it's not idiot idiots i mean idiots like idiot es okay is used several times in new testament greek for example acts chapter 4 verse 13 where they observed that these were unlearned and ignorant idiots okay this was idiotic and ignorant men they concluded that this must have been with jesus idiots when the pharisees took note of them that they didn't go to school but they are speaking like learning people idiots are speaking like learning people okay now first corinthians 14 16 look at the way brother paul puts it he says they occupy the room of the unlearned how shall he that occupied the room of the unlearned idiots say amen are thy giving of tongues seeing he understanded not what thou say yes are you still here now look at verse 23 and 24 same thing he is saying the same thing 23 and 24 if therefore the whole church become together into one place and all speak with tongues and they are coming those that are unlearned in deities or unbelievers will they not say that they are ahmad so it is used for the amateur or layman amateur laymen or ungifted layman or ungifted a layman in spiritual things that means you can be skillful in other things but concerning the things of the spirit you are idiots maybe you were not taught in your church so because your church didn't teach you you were not told so you function like an unlearned person and that's exactly why someone comes to church and can't understand why we are speaking in tongues because he is idiots some people stopped speaking in tongues because nobody explained to them and they were not sure whether it was god because it sounded nonsensical so they stopped i was getting somebody baptized with the holy ghost and he's you know he was very zealous and then within a few seconds i said go ahead and speak a little amen what the hell am i speaking i said to him it is not the hell what the heaven are you speaking i said because what you are speaking now is what we call tongue he said really i said yes so that's the real thing i said yes but why am i not understanding i said because you are not designed to understand it in human understanding in in human language in your mind you have to bypass your mind is a spirited you are speaking in the spirit he said oh really i said yes i said so let's do it again the guy went all over the place he blew in tongues and blew in tongues and was passing down from one wall to the other end of the building just flowing and flowing and flowing and flowing after a while i closed his door and left him let him have a party that guy told me he flowed until the next morning i left him in the evening he said i didn't stop pastor i got to a point where i could not stop i just went and went and went and went till the next morning first time you can see hunger such a person will start prophesying instantan why because he's zealous he's excited he's hungry he's hungry for the things of the spirit and if a man is hungry he shall be filled if a man is thirsty he will drink the thing with many people is that because they are not taught they are not expectant they are not excited so they come with fear they come with anxiety and they come with uh not not not being sure so you see a man trying to receive the holy ghost for 10 years nothing is happening because there's no knowledge there's no equipment so he would rather not speak than speak what he's not sure of so that's why teaching is important and that's what people that have long sought for to speak in tongues when we take time and explain well to them and clear all their their you know all their roadblocks bam they just flow and they flow on ending and you see that they become you they become very hot they are zealous they are glow you see them moving around the place doing exploits for the kingdom somebody's not shouting amen so we have to take time to explain that all right now look at verse 26 first corinthians 14 26 so the idiots is the man who hasn't practiced spiritual things he has him practice spiritual things he is an amateur in spiritual things idiots i'm mature in spiritual things look at first corinthians 14 26 how is it then brethren when you come together every one of you had islam everyone somebody say everyone every one of you had a son have a doctrine heart a tongue have a revelation heart and interpretation let all things be done on to edifying how many times did he mention a define among people he mentioned he take note of the scriptures first corinthians 14 3 14 4. 14 5 14 16 14 17. can you see that first corinthians 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 16 14 17 edifying so when used it when you edify orders and what did he mean by edifying others prophecy or interpretation of tongues so in first corinthians 14 26 is about prophecy about prophecy he is saying all these things can be used to prophesy all these things can be used to prophesy so we can explain it this way he is opening up tongues that is tongues will lead to interpretation of tongues which will have revelation and in the interpretation of tongues you will have teaching are we following you will have a psalm that's what he simply explained that is he is opening up what tongues will lead to benefits that his tongues will lead to interpretation of tongues which will have revelation and in the interpretation of tongues you will have teaching and you will have a psalm now by the time you get to verse 27 first corinthians 14 27 if any man speaks in tongues if any man speaks in tongues okay what tongues observe as he speaks in tongues in verse 26 look at verse 27 so 26 if any man speaks in tongues 27 and that by course let one interpret let one interpret so 26 speak in tongues 27 interpretation of tongues then in verse 30 verse 30 give me verse 30 14 30 first corinthians if anything be revealed did you see that so 26 tons 27 interpretation of tongues 30 revelation tongues interpretation of tongues will lead to revelation it will lead to revelation so it's tongues that leads to interpretation of tongues and then they say revelation in what is interpreted there's a revelation in what is interpreted so verse 26 is explained by verse 27 28 and 29 and 30 tons interpretation of tongues then revelation the word teach is the word didachi the word psalms is the word for samus which is the same word in colossians 3 16 and ephesians 5 18. colossians 3 16 and ephesians 5 18 then the duchy teaching or to instruct give me that scripture colossians 3 16 it says teaching and admonishing let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through the medium of psalms and hymns which which are all contained in spiritual songs singing with grace in your heart to the lord singing with grace in your heart to the lord you will also see that word you know that word revelation is the word apocalypse which is the opposite of mysteries apocalypses the opposite of mysteries so the revelation is in the interpretation it is the revelation of what you said in tongues that's why he says let all things be done on to edifying you have interpretation which is simple harmonia which means to give meaning to it to interpret means to give meaning and when we give meaning out of the meaning we gave there is a revelation that's the sequence so it is tongues interpretation then revelation so by the time you look at colossians 3 16 and ephesians 5 18 you have tongues plus interpretation psalms which are the spiritual songs so basically what brother paul is teaching here is interpretation of tongues carries the revelation of the tongues and when it comes out in the language that is understood when the interpretation of tongues comes out in the language that is understood it teaches then it instructs then it glorifies god as a son let me repeat it brother paul is saying that interpretation of tongues carries the revelation of the tongues and when it comes out in the language that is understood the interpretation will bring teaching it will bring instruction then it will glorify god as a psalm that's exactly what he taught earlier from verse 14 15 16 17 and 18. so from verse 26 he summarizes what he has been saying then he goes further into explaining the sequence in verse 27 28 29 and 30. so what he's still what he is still teaching his tongues and interpretation so if you are the holy ghost meeting what's the best way to start a holy ghost meeting tongues and interpretation that's holy ghost meeting we just go everybody live and while we're speaking somebody comes out says the spirit of god he interprets another person comes out says the spirit of god he interprets and before you know it all over the place everybody is on fire that's a holy ghost meeting it's a believers meeting we have tongues and interpretation and in the process we even have holy ghost giving songs we start singing in the spirit we sing in the spirit we tongue we interpret that's the holy ghost meeting are we in the building here tongues plus interpretation the tongues can be either in the form of prayer or worship in the form of prayer or worship praise god in the form of prayer or worship is it clear amen anybody listening to this should not have any difficulty with operating in the gifts of utterance no difficulty tongues interpretation word of knowledge word of wisdom you just as you begin to pray in tongues you open the doorway all the supernatural gifts begin to manifest tongan is the doorway to the supernatural your tongue you interpret revelation comes instruction teaching correction direction all follows once tongues begin and that's why we must speak in tongues all the time brother paul say i thank my god that i talk in tongues more than all of you put together incorrect more than all of the church in corinth combined i speak in tongues more than all of you and no wonder we can see the result of you speaking in tongues see all the books look at the epistles romans first second corinthians officials colossians you know thessalonians all those books came out of tongan as he prayed in the spirit and studied from the old testament revelation exploded glory to god these are the days we're going to have greater manifestations of tongues interpretation revelation instruction teaching doctrine psalms we're going to have all of that in the church and i'm telling you people the church will be so edified and built up the people of god be so empowered we'll be moving to places and it's action all over because believers will mature and grow and be grounded i thought somebody would shout hallelujah stand on your feet that's all i've got for you tonight glory and then of course tomorrow night i will round up on tongues and interpretation then sunday morning we'll begin with training evangelism and discipleship it's going to be explosive we live in the best of times are you excited about this let's pray in tongues for one minute [Laughter] [Laughter] oh hallelujah father we is there anybody here with a burning world you want to drop quickly before we close anybody a burning world in your heart for a cappuccino anybody you have a bonding world you want to drop before we close le creuna sucranon grow to sequila katana mama and gabon and mama you get rid of that fear you get rid of that fear and rise up in confidence and rise up in boldness and do the supernatural you steer up yourself and just go in you don't need you don't need to think twice you don't need to be afraid there are some of you say of god that are wondering but can i really be able to do it supposing i make mistakes get rid of the fear you won't make mistakes the spirit in you is the spirit of perfection you are perfected by the holy ghost and as you step out you step out in faith and don't be afraid of mistakes don't be afraid of mistakes and as you step out in faith you gain more confidence as you flow you gain more confidence as you flow you gain more confidence as you flow and the more confident you are the more you have the manifestation the more confident you are the more there is an outflow the more confident you are the most teared up you are so don't be afraid get rid of fear get rid of fear be bold the supernatural does not operate in an atmosphere of fear so get rid of fear you're born of faith you walk by faith and you function in the things of the spirit and the things in the spirit by faith so you go ahead don't think about it just begin to flow and every other thing will flow just begin to flow and the more you yield yourself to pray in the spirit the more you yield yourself to pray in the spirit and the more time you spend praying in the spirit the more fluent you get the more time you spend praying in the spirit the more fluent you get so yield does the water hear yield yield yield and as you yield you yield and let go you let go and let god yield you yield you let go you let go you let god you yield and as you yield the supernatural begins to find expression as you yield suddenly you have ultras here ultron's there clarity here clarity there you just go step up and go you walk go walk on the water do the impossible rise in faith these are the days and you see my word confirmed right before your eyes and you see my word manifested right before your eyes saith god thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah praise god are we blessed tonight father we pray for everybody hearing the sound of my voice in this building on television all over the world we decree that the supernatural is taking over men and women are rising up to their consciousness the consciousness of their true identity born of the spirit walk in the spirit leave in the spirit men and women are rising up to their true identity born of god functioning in the supernatural effortlessly and i decree that grace abounds and we rebuke everything that stands as a contradiction out in the name of jesus fear go in the name of jesus confidence be restored in the name of jesus receive boldness receive boldness receive boldness receive boldness no limits no limits no limits thank you father and we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen oh i tell you i'm excited tonight oh i tell you whoa glory now you don't want to miss we have an all night today we're praying all through the night and we're going to be live on facebook and youtube so that all our campuses and every online community member is not deprived the time to pray through the night it's going to be explosive tonight you don't want to miss it for anything we'll be live at about 9 9 30 p.m gmt plus one that's about one two one two about two and a half hours from now you don't want to miss it don't make up your mind to pray with us through the night it's gonna be real prayer meeting it's gonna be a real prayer meeting so just get ready to pray amen get ready to pray and especially those of you that have just started speaking in tongues it will be a good time for you and those of you in a quiet bomb listening to me by radio we're not far from you just get in the car at nine nine o'clock and just find your way to ninety eight one iba road ninety-eight juaniba route it's going to be a night of praying we will pray until we pray until we pray until we pray until we pray amen we're looking forward to having an exciting time so tell other people come with your family let's let's just fellowship together here tonight as we pray down manifest you know pray down the manifestation of all kinds of things that god will have happened in this hour now you grab your offerings quickly we want to give you faith and i want to thank those of you online people that always give to support this ministry television audience radio audience and every member of this ministry i want you to know we appreciate all that you do to help us get this gospel to the ends of the earth and i want wanted to know that you you know god is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love and i decree and i declare that sufficiency is yours you lack nothing you have everything supplied in jesus name lift up your offerings father we give him faith we give with joy and we thank you for the privilege to honor your word tonight and as we give our offerings a sweet smell before you in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen praise god now listen i want to let i want to quickly sign up from here so i can join mr michael bush in the other studio for ask the counselor but just before i do that remember again 9 30 p.m gmt plus one that's in about two and a half hours from now we'll be live on all platforms social media television will be live on facebook and youtube you don't want to miss what god is doing you know so prepare yourself quickly it's going to be a great night of prayer we'll pray until we pray until we pray until we pray and you know we love you guys and don't forget tomorrow we'll be back here at six o'clock to finish the teaching on interpretation of tongues and then sunday morning we're beginning third our open bible school for those in acquirement and for all our online and campus campuses it's going to be our ted training evangelism and discipleship from sunday to sunday next week is one full week of training equipping and empowering it's exciting i tell you exciting days are upon us these are not normal days so you can't afford to be normal you have to switch and adjust and fit into the schedule because of what god is doing in preparing you for the days ahead praise god we love you guys we look forward to connecting with all of you and then i look forward to seeing the other studio and until we see you in the other studio enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service tonight glory amen oh i'm excited tonight by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call lost 234 806 800-9939 or email [Music] [Music] [Music] as global bus said just a moment ago for part two of this global showpiece on radio and tv and on the social media and online of course okay so the bank details especially for our radio audience uh the account name is power city international there are three banks there is uh fcmb there is zenith and there is ubr start on this edition of the program with zenith 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12 then fcmb is 29 82 68 2028 fcmp is 29 82 68 2028 and of course the third certainly not the least bank is ubm 139 465 139 26 465 announcement number one down okay final announcement because global buys already seated and in 30 seconds you should be seeing him for sponsorship just call us up on plus two three four eight two three two seven five six one or four or you email dr abeldamina at doctor there of course is the arrow my name is michael bush my production team and of course i was so thankful to them we're thankful to all of you especially our audience put their hands together for yourselves please [Applause] so nice to see you so nice to see you by the man that receives all the applause are they uploads and justifiably sell is here blah blah blah is uh an international televangelist it's also on radio 11 hours all of 11 hours daily in nigeria i'm so super excited to see that i feel very privileged to sit by him every edition of this program it's written right now i thought they were 30 but now 32 books and counting you know the next two would be up soon and he continues to do great things intercontinental mr bush it's fantastic to be here it's fantastic to be okay global but two things we must do before we set sell number one is the prayer that we always pray the ritualistic prayer we always pray for acquire them for our government for our people for nigeria for our world let's pray father we thank you that grace abounds all over the nations of the earth because the truth of the gospel is being proclaimed more than ever before men are being raised in all the nations of the earth to preach the truth of the gospel with boldness so we pray from boldness more boldness upon your servants all over the world men and women brethren that are rising to preach christ they have ultrons they have boldness to declare the truth thank you for our government in our quiet bomb state we use the acqui bom said government as a point of contact to all the governments around the world that lord all of our leaders the governor his cabinet will have such unusual compassion to be able to continue to serve the people of aquarium and the people of nigeria and the rest of the world and create enabling environments for potential to try and in the name of jesus we deny the devil access to our cities and our nations satan will bind and restrict and stop your activities and we declare that the gospel continues to gain fraudulent all over the world in jesus name amen amen love about fantastic um you know so just before we start looking at the questions by the way we spent last night in south africa yeah so beginning there from in a moment let's just start off from where you ended um earlier um during part one where you talked about the the resurrection no not resurrection oh yes that's resurrection when jesus rules i'm wondering the bible records that he he arose with many other people yes and we guess that would have been many generations where i've been told so many people yes where are they where were they where did they move to where do they stay they are called a cloud of witnesses so when he rules with them the bible tells us that they appeared in the city all over the city and they were appearing to their great-grandchildren and they were saying hey it is great grandpa on my way to heaven hey all of that was part of the proof of christ's resurrection now after that the bible says he was received up into heaven with a cloud that cloud is all of those people so all of those people are in heaven with jesus right now all right and that that is why the word cloud there is not a cloud for rain it's actually the people are called cloud in the bible cloud of witnesses so he went with a cloud and on the day of our own resurrection we're all going to go with jesus as a cloud so that's that's where they are okay um actually i was listening to it on radio as soon as i stepped out because until i finished my radio program at sex so as i stepped out into the car i i joined you in life and then you said something about the resurrection of christ guaranteeing salvation yes what about those who don't believe they are not saved once a man doesn't believe that jesus rose from the dead he's not saved salvation is predicated on the resurrection that is why churches must leave every other thing and preach the resurrection because that is a fulcrum that is the basis for christianity if christ is not reason then our faith is vain we are still in our sins if you don't practice christianity you're not a christian it could be any other it could be worshipping in in any of the other regions or any of the other really religions but do you believe that christ resurrected are you saved once you believe that christ resurrected it means the holy ghost comes in you the holy ghost is the spirit of truth so he will guide you into the bible because the bible is the only sacred book on earth that contains the comprehensive revelation of christ okay finally blah blah blah before we join um begin a global trip and um on this edition we're going to almost all the continents because we have too many christians coming there from i'm just wondering you studied clearly it shows you studies so so so much in fact too much i'm wondering therefore have you ever come across in in studying have you ever come across something that shocked you yeah the first time yes years ago the first time i discovered that water baptism was not relevant i threw my bible on the floor i just threw it away because when i realized that what came on me was an understanding that i will have to preach this so i will not be like the only voice against the entire church world that has preached baptism as a condition for salvation and i was not already when i disco i just threw my bible i said god no no no no then god spoke to me he said are you serious about preaching the truth of the gospel or not i said i am serious then he said to me then you have to preach everything that is the truth of the gospel so that was shocking for me very shocking but you still went back i won't forget i finally picked the bible the same bible and told the lord yes i'm going to preach it and i'm preaching it it comes to this persecution but it's part of it you ever getting some of it so okay so we can appreciate we can forgive others who threw their bibles down they would also pick it up they will pick it up okay okay they threw the bible they didn't throw the word of god absolutely oh the bible they threw the bible down but they didn't know the word of god because the bible is not the word of god jesus is jesus is the word of god so the bible contains information concerning jesus meeting the bible doesn't save you it's meeting jesus but you need the bible to point you to jesus uh-huh okay okay no barbar you know it's a confession that i've made with um to you in private i've made it on uh you know the only problem i have with following you is that sometimes i just look like a fool you know it doesn't look like somebody you know i just look like somebody who's never read his bible who doesn't understand anything feeling like that means you are wise ah foolishness only a wise person will feel like that oh foolishness and wisdom yes a foolish person will think he knows everything low baba let's begin a global trip on this edition we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it uh okay so south africa next time you honest but hello my able teacher and soul feeder baba dr abel damina and the indisputable intercontinental mr michael bush thank you so much global baba for the amazing work you're doing you liberate one soul at a time from bondage with real true spiritual meaning i thank you immensely robert baba we are calling to this end time generation i've been benefiting from you teaching for the past five years and my spiritual life and views of so many things that used to discomfort me suddenly left me to be no to a more to a better i should be a better understanding of the true word of god that includes all temperamental fears i used to get so much light has been revealed in me due to my constant watching of kl and may god richly bless you global and protect you from all the never learning unreasonable men amen there is this church i was attending before i finally stopped because of the lack of proper teaching of the true gospel of jesus christ and many extra other questionable things happening in the church when i am happy okay well i'm happy when i go to church but when returning i'm very sad and empty as i'm not spiritually fit well with the true gospel of christ then until one of my friends introduced me to your channel kln since then my real true understanding of jesus came alive in me my former church used to do fit washing and during one renovation time in the church the pastor buried four bibles in four corners of the church and many other backyard issues my question global by is washing your feet and k chief olive oil i am during service or olive oil service are they scriptural i want to beg you global but please pray for me because i'm used to swearing at anyone who leaves this church okay the pastor is used to swearing at anyone who leaves his church also i sense diabolical means in in all of that please pray for god's blessing for my new line of business as royalto please pray for me and my siblings since we lost our mum last month due to sickness that took our life now praying to raise money for burial it breaks my heart please pray for me as i work towards settling down with my wife for god's favor i can't wait to visit aqua boom that's you because of your best regards your spiritual son kenneth i think from jailbroken south africa wow kenneth well we speak the comfort of the holy ghost the peace of god and we decree that you're far from oppression no we performed against you prosperous we rebuke fear and the voice of the enemy you are protected you are secured you are preserved and established in righteousness and we decree that you are favors to be able to have the monies you need to go through the process of the burial and settling whatever you need to settle receive a miracle for that in jesus name amen amen now back to your question on feet washing mantles and all of that they are not apostolic traditions they are not apostolic teachings and because the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets we stay up with apostolic traditions and apostolic instructions so that's why the teaching of god's word is much more needed more than ever before so don't be afraid don't allow doubts arise in your heart be confident in the love that god has for you and be confident that you're secured christ said he will never leave nor bless you okay global papa we're out of south africa presently but for the road as we head to rwanda next let's take this anonymous entry dear doctor adult i mean i have a question after divorce can we get married again with someone else and god will bless that marriage because the scripture says that uh that is committing adultery well i don't know which scripture you're reading but i think you're not interpreting the scriptures right because once there's a divorce it means the marriage is dissolved it means traditionally or culturally because marriage is cultural it is dissolved also legally is dissolved so that marriage is no more existing it's no more in existence and once it's no more in existence you're afraid to go and get married again you're afraid to go and get married again to rwanda next and everest writes death from says hello global i'm being blessed by your teachings i just wanted to report to you that right now i'm listening to your teaching on marriage i just wanted to know that i love you baba thank you he loves you from rwanda to zambia chandra is my name i'm 28 years of age i'm from zambia and i've been blessed and inspired by your teachings and preaching of the word of god through your books and social media we pray for your visitation here in zambia as soon as you can great man of god i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year in august and since then i've lost concentration and focus because i've lost weight as well i'm a youth leader in church and i believe that when you pray for my healing i'll be free from diabetes because prayer has no distance amen amen when we rebuild diabetes in the name of jesus we flush it out of your body receive a miracle of healing and restoration now in jesus name amen and we have two entries i'll start with the shorter one hello dr damina thank you for your great insight into god's word please explain matthew 11 12 peter in nairobi kenya right from the days of john the baptist the kingdom of god suffered violence and the violent take it by force is actually you know the writings in matthew well a lot of them were parables what jesus was simply saying is that from the days of john the baptist the kingdom of god is open and people are pushing into it people are coming into the truth that's all it means it doesn't mean praying and clapping under hitting the floor as violence it just simply means the kingdom is open and men are pressing into the kingdom of god to get sick from short kenyan to long kenya praise god blah blah blah my name is pastor michael i write from kenya i recently followed the teaching on being filled with this spirit and i'm greatly catapulted by the summon but the prevalent question blah blah blah came after you said a person must get his way through and come to nigeria for the laying of hands for perfecting partition i want you global about to help him because even to have a ticket to come will take many years in saving and i want to be able to establish and reach many people with the gospel i'm now in my second year in ministry that god has directed me and i'm not happy with attendance and how people are dragging themselves in catching this message of grace since i planted our ministry we're about 10 in number i want you to know that due to listening consistently to you i found i couldn't flow in the ministry i was before because of the unscriptural semens of moses and law that difference created a mayhem between my pastor and me i did what you instructed other people to do i went somewhere else and started stray fellowship and instead of my pastor blessing me through insults and curses at me not to mention what he said okay he also asked me not to mention his name for the rest of my life but god is faithful after continuing to listen to your message global baba got healed and started the ministry to preach the way you touched me and you continue to teach me now help me the way god will help you in everything about military impartation he continuously goes on and on well uh like i said you know we were just teaching on how how much you must desire impartation and i said there are times you even have to travel you know travel go to where the person you're learning from is so he can impart into you all right so but that doesn't stop you from doing ministry that doesn't stop you from listening to the things i teach and growing in knowledge and effectively doing ministry and then pray for me to come to your country if you're not able to come you know pray that all of this corona thing gives way and we'll be able to visit different countries around the world and bring the love of god and we're able to meet you physically and do physical invitations if you're not able to come here so one way or the other because you desire it it will happen one of these days amen from kenya quickly quickly flying to togo hello global barber so glad to be enlightened by your teachings let the truth triumph and cover the earth please go baba i want to know if there is any training we need to undergo as far as ethics is concerned when doing ministry for instance if i want to become a coordinator of power city campus in my country is there any special course i need to take from you in order to know how to organize behave and manage the campus brother david is in togo yes brother david there's a training for all people who coordinate power city campuses around the world so if you desire to do that you need to reach out to us there's quite a lot we're going to teach you and help you understand to make you effective in starting a campus and maintaining the campus from looming you know one francophone part of africa we're going to another cameroon dwala greetings global baba the troubler of israel wow the trouble of israel that's a new one and the no nonsense missed the booth okay global by your own words the new one my own is a good one okay i said greetings from my diligent disciples in the city of dweller in cameroon i'm kid c blaze rumor baba there is a seeming contradiction in my mind about whether john the baptizer he should have been john the baptist knew jesus as the messiah before baptizing him or whether he didn't know him before baptizing him this in accordance with the gospel according to the accounts according to matthew 3 13-17 where john wonders allowed why jesus comes to him for baptism whereas he john is supposed to be baptized by jesus this shows that the first of all he faces of all objects because he knows jesus before the baptism progress process but john 1 32-33 shows that if not of water baptism john would not have known him meaning john knew him only after water baptism please trusted barbara do exegesis here well first of all the book of john does not give us the chronological accounts the book of job john is like a summary actually the first thing john just did was in the beginning was what the words would god after all of that he now went back to see how he can give us a few information all right that's why some theologians argue that the book of john should not be a synoptic gospel now but matthew went you know sequentially giving us the history and if you observe what might he was saying is that jesus shall have baptized john not because john knew that jesus was the savior but they already knew that jesus there was something special about jesus remember the mother of john had the prophecy concerning jesus so the mother of john must have told john a lot about jesus and then moreover remember the age of 12 jesus was talking with doctors and lawyers so there was something special about jesus he had a lot of education and you know his of modus operandi made him stand out among his contemporaries so when john was saying you should be the one baptizing me not me baptizing you he was referring to the fact that there's something special about you even though we are cousins i know you but there's something about you you're more learner than i am you're more educated than i am because the bible says he grew in wisdom in stature in favor with god and man so all of those who are the reason why john said you should be the one baptizing me not that john knew he was christ but it was in the baptism when the heavens opened that john's eyes were open to now know that this is actually the christ the son of the living god the one who takes away the sins of the earth so it's not a contradiction it's just the way the two books were written one was written from the end and then a little bit was added which was actually a lot of revelation in john no stories at all and then the other one went sequentially with all the stories and all the background it's not a contradiction it's just understanding that the two books were written differently from cameroon we stay on in cameroon and mrs john kept from cameroon i'm so grateful to god for your eye-opening messages i have a question sir after the burial ceremony of a loved one can a believer organize or attend memorial ceremony or thanksgiving life celebration some years or months after that person was buried yeah why not there's nothing wrong with it nothing wrong with it go on honor the person honor the family you know identify with them if that's how they choose to honor and respect the memory of that person there's nothing wrong with it let's go to paris france and that is in europe says hello global mr bush i'm pastor steve i write from paris i appreciate your work and labor for the body of christ small grace and revelation knowledge unto the spirit my question global baba where were the disciples of jesus born again that is baptized with the spirit was it at pentecost or before pentecost and if not at pentecost when was it keep following keep following the class okay so from paris we go to germany excuse me from france we go to germany from paris we go to berlin barbara any um i agree with you all in the name of our lord jesus christ please kindly help me understand romans 10 9-10 in these verses i if i preach to someone and he or she believed in the message of christ jesus do i have to leave the person to receive christ i said in as we are told in romans 10 9 to 10 thank you global baba thank you brother bush may god continue to strengthen you too yours in christ jesus jeffrey que azuma tangito in berlin germany oh sure if you get somebody you preach to somebody who receives christ let him in the confession let him declare his faith and let him be confident in what he has received okay some anonymous entering even as we make okay i hear that we have another caller i just go back to that caller hello hello we have many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from yes my name wonder is yeah shoot on okay please my question is uh i just want to know after salvation is there any necessity for restriction that's my question okay i understand no there's no necessity for restitution what are you how are you going to study restitution you know what are you going to restitute there are so many things and if you're going to do it you have to do all of it if there's anybody that should have done restitution was supposed to paul when he was sold he went everywhere killing wasting lives destroying churches he should have been the first person to do a restitution but instead he explained to you if any man in christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are new so once you're born again there's no need for restitution no need whatsoever you know okay global we're heading out of uh germany as matter of fact out of europe we'll be going um towards asia vietnam is an export of call in disguise we take this anonymous entry hello dr damina and mr michael bush thanks for the teaching this is my question hebrews 6 46 i still cannot understand how it is talking about salvation what i understood is that it doesn't make sense that after a certain time in christ having tested everything you start shaking again and we have to teach you again the basics like we have to be mature i don't understand that well that scripture is remember the the people that the writer of hebrews was addressing you are not is you are not their audience they were addressing jewish people believing jews and non-believing jews that's the audience he was talking to and he was making them see the fertility of the law the vanity of works and making them see that only what christ has done counts so that's why he says seeing that they have crucified themselves the son of god afresh and put him to an open shape and because you know that nobody can crucify jesus the second time that means what he was actually saying to them is that when you've tested all of that you can never follow it if you read further he now say well persuaded better things of you that accompany salvation so that's actually the scripture for eternal salvation another caller hello hello many thanks for joining us where you calling from i'm calling from you i am your name my name is blessing sir go ahead mom i want to answer i love to pray but i lose interest in reaching the word of god so i need help and insight well you can walk you can't pray without the word of god prayer without the word of god if you're not careful can't even take you into spiritism so the word of god is critical because what are you even going to pray prayer is fellowshipping with the word so my advice um i will advise you to get on youtube look for our materials on youtube just begin to listen to them one every day one every day and i'll guarantee you in a short while your habited for the word of god is going to explode you betray the word of god and then it will make your prayer very effective and powerful it's very important that's my advice just go on youtube type ebell demeanor and look at all the messages that are there for free just begin to to consume them as much as you can it will help you a lot there are even teachings there on prayer that will help you there very important bless you okay global about we're going to some dangerous parts of the world vietnam and later kuwait wow my prayer is that um what time time does not allow us to sleep there i don't want to stay there i want to spend the night okay we're covered okay i'm going to get out we should not be afraid okay yeah we should the presence of okay okay okay so vietnam hello riot my name is navoma sunita i'm a cameroonian i currently live in vietnam please i need your help i would like to advise you to advise and teach me about the repercussions of breaking covenants with god actually i learned from my place of worship way back in my country and entered into a covenant with god in 2015. out of there i broke one not once not twice i'm confused on what to do blah blah blah sometimes i feel i wasn't supposed to get into a covenant in the first place i feel like i didn't do that i think yet i don't know what to do next and how it could affect me for playing babies with god above all it makes me feel like i sound too complicated in front of a man who was interested in marrying me i came across the teachings of dr ed beldamina three days ago and i feel convinced that it could help me with sound ad piece of advice please teacher of the believer's message grant my humble request thank you sir what's the name sunita listen carefully relax when you are making that covenant god didn't take you serious because he knew you are not going to do it so relax you are covered be at peace god is not holding it against you it does not even exist just relax enjoy christ enjoy what christ has done for you and i'd like you to email our office and order for my teaching on the promise of god the promise of god is a teaching series the promise of god and the integrity of god's word the promise of god and the integrity of god's word sit down with those teachings they will change your world for you bless you can we just take a last call on this edition of the program hello hello good evening mr bush and good evening thank you for teaching us god's word thank you yes sir um sir i want to ask a question what's the name his dad and his dad is a prince his dad died in america and while he was still alive he told them that when he dies that he shouldn't take him to lunch they shouldn't bring me to nigeria to bury so they are planning his burial now or his family members are trying i like giving my husband issues they want to tell him when to bury his dad because they said that because he's a prince that he cannot believe in anything that they will tell him when to bury him and they would also ask him to bring morning to do some things back here in nigeria so i want to hear what you have to say concerning this and then secondly so please i want you to pray for me i'm believing god for speed so i think i won't go through and speeding everything that i'm doing concerning my american self so that i can go and join my husband in america okay let me just actually don't go away don't go away don't go away was your was your husband's was your husband's father a believer a christian was he born he was a believer yes was he in any church yes he was yes he was in a church he was attending a church in america but when he was in nigeria he was a pastor okay so what you'll do is tell your husband to last with the church he attended in america and let the church tell those village people that they have taken over the burial because he was a member of their church and he instructed them to bury him in america and that's what they will do that settles the matter permanently okay we need to go i'm on you know what what i feared most has come over me um in vietnam in uh vietnam look about we need to go we need to go we need to go yeah there was a prayer for her father in the name of jesus we declare that she has speedy favor on speedy performance amen with our visa in the name of jesus receive it we pray for others that are sick those expecting miracles those desiring jobs marital favors receiving in the name of jesus amen thank you father for answered prayer amen in jesus name amen amen that's this edition of the program my name is michael bush enough on this edition yes dr ebel damina the intercontinental mr bush what a day what a blessing we want to thank all of you thank you thank you thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve all of you the grace of god i'm excited tonight now listen you have to follow us on radio i'm on radio tonight 9 to 10 on inspiration fm 10 to 12 on heritage fm tomorrow morning on excel fm 5 45. 5 45 good morning every day good morning acquire bomb every day is 5 45 on xl fm 545 a.m and then radio aqua bomb eleven to one xlfm one two three you know your fm and we're back here tomorrow evening on 6 pm on comfort fm it's going to be an exciting time we love all of you and thank you for giving us the opportunity to keep serving you and they will see all of you tomorrow enjoy the grace of christ be blessed and good night goodbye from uyo nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,549
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Id: FEsKC4oVjaw
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Length: 126min 35sec (7595 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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