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a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a cause it's not because you are not born again no things may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gives you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 rio radio aqua bomb 90.5 wheel you know fm 100.7 uyo and heritage fm 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight huangavu road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel dominar [Music] come on one more time give if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet one more time put those together is [Music] is i believe are you excited i am what god says i am oh [Music] but i would never never be the same with the holy ghost [Music] jesus is my righteousness is this is i will i take i will never never never i will never ever it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor abel come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the lord i would never ever i will never know [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus i say in the name of jesus somebody shout glory [Music] hallelujah in the house this morning [Music] amen so today we begin the new creation camp meeting and i want to welcome everybody this morning we're going to have a wonderful time as we adventure through the word of god hallelujah are you excited amen lift your right hand to heaven father we rejoice and we thank you for the privilege of looking into your holy written world thank you for the privilege to feed on your word thank you for the mighty holy spirit that lives on our inside to guide us into all the truth so i ask that revelation knowledge is gifted everyone connected to this service in this building on television on radio those that are connected by way of our campuses and bible study centers all over the world revelation knowledge grows big on your inside we decree that veils and burdens are terminated your people are built up equipped edified and jesus is glorified we rejoice that by the end of these two weeks of learning and continuous teaching the light of your world will illuminate every dark area of your people's lives and we rejoice that it will be a great time of victory a great time of celebration and a great time time of triumph in by knowledge thank you for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven unless we leave our feet together this morning as you say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this series i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer is a powerful amen we want to welcome everyone connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we are so glad to have every one of you connected to this year's new creation camp meeting we are examining the realities we have in christ it's going to be an exciting time and we want you to do us the favor of making sure everybody is a part of this conference within your influence you know invite them tag them you know share the video to all the groups on your page join as many groups as possible throw the light of god's word into all of those groups tag some people create watch parties drop them on monogram telegram what's up groups let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus grace and it's a joy to have all of you connected to the service all of our bible study centers all of our campuses around the world it's a joy to have all of you and to welcome you to this great time of celebrating the word of his grace and everybody in the building are you excited to be here this morning can we give the lord the greatest shout in the building glory amen well grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace hallelujah hallelujah it's going to be two weeks of great adventure in the world and people have been asking me for the bible study pattern and i asked everybody to be patient so within these two weeks every one of you in this church all of us are going to read matthew mark luke and john the four gospels within two weeks does the bible study plan phase one everybody is going to read matthew mark luke and john within the next 14 days okay so from today if you can finish it in one day that's good if you can finish it in two days that good if you can finish it in three days that's good but we're going to do a lot of study around those four books and i'd like you to be studying as we're teaching that's why that's the way the bible study plan is not gonna go you know many people online want me to just send them an email read this number of books you will read it and still not understand it you have to be taught so we're going to be teaching in church here within the books we'll be studying through the course of the year does that make sense yeah so everybody online we're reading the four gospels all right in our campuses everybody we're beginning from matthew chapter one today read as many verses a chapters as you can read in a day if you can finish a book a day or two books in a week that would be fantastic two books in a week will enable you to finish four books in two weeks is that is that clear and the books are not too big for you to finish them after all you finish novels and you know all of that all right so that's how we're beginning the bible study for 2021 just follow my plan before the year is over we'll finish the bible and we'll finish it not just finishing we will finish it with understanding does that make sense are you excited about that so can i have a powerful emotion to that all right what is the reason for bible study why were these things written in the bible those are questions you should think about dr miles monroe my friend said when the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable and i agree with him completely in second timothy chapter 3 verse number 16 second timothy chapter 3 verse number 16 brother paul writes to timothy and he said to timothy all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness for instruction in righteousness so he tells you what it is for is profitable for teaching is profitable for teaching all right now the word teaching involves reproof the word teaching involves reproof correction instruction in righteousness those are the things involved in teaching it involves reproof it involves correction it involves instruction in righteousness because the scriptures are profitable for teaching the word profitable is a greek word of filimus it means advantageous or useful for teaching the word teaching is the word explanation to teach means to explain teaching is not just information teaching gives you education teaching gives you education not just information explanation of what the bible cannot be used to explain business the bible cannot be used to explain agriculture the bible cannot be used to explain medicine the bible has what it explains it is for teaching or explanation teaching of what verse 15 will explain a bit further second timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 and that from a child that was known the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus so in other words the teaching or explanation is centered around two words in christ through faith which is in christ so the teaching of scripture is centered around two words in christ so it is not supposed to be used for beauty pageant all right one night with the king esther no that's illiterate what's the essence of bible study what are we looking for in bible study john chapter 5 verse 39 john chapter 5 verse 13 and jesus speaking to the jews said to them you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me they are they which testify of me some people say that the devil is in the details the devil is in the details sometimes people don't pay attention to details the word search means investigate investigate the scriptures for in them meaning inside them inside them the scriptures there's a play of words in the greek there it says they are they jesus used the play of words they are they it didn't say search the scriptures for they testify of me it says for they are they there's a play of what it means they are they individually and they are they collectively testifying of me so the scriptures individually and collectively together testify of him that is the testify of jesus together the word testify simply means to give evidence of to give evidence of so he says the scriptures testifies of him there's no character in the bible that has ever said such no character whatsoever he says the scriptures testify of him that is everything testifies of me that's why he said investigate because you will only arrive at that conclusion if you if investigate the scriptures because if you investigate the scriptures you will arrive at a summation that the scriptures testifies of him hallelujah in luke chapter 24 verse 25 luke 24 verse number 25 jesus speaking to those guys on the way to emails and he said unto them oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets all that the prophets have spoken or not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself that was jesus's bible study which is superior to the parables the bible study that jesus did in luke chapter 24 is superior to the parables that he told in the four gospels please pay attention superior to the parables look at luke chapter 24 verse 44 to 46 luke 24 44 and he said unto them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses end in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me next verse then open here their understanding that they might understand the scriptures verse 46 verse 46 and he said unto them those it is written and thus it behoove christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day what did he do he helped them study the bible he says this book is about me jesus wasn't in the earth when the books he was referring to were written so if i say these books are about me but i was not born when the books were written it will mean that those books contain prophecy that those books contain prophecy that those books contain promises and that those books contain symbolic representations of me so prophecies promises and symbolic representations of jesus and remember he was teaching from genesis to malachi the books the books genesis to malachi where his testimony which will mean that in genesis to malachi you will find prophecies you will find promises you will find symbolic expressions concerning the pressing of the christ are you still in the building concerning the pressing of the christ in other words when i study the old testament i should see it as a book of prophecies concerning christ or promises concerning christ or symbolic representations about the christ he is not referring to the epistles neither is he referring to the four gospels because they were not written when he said you searched the scriptures there was none of those books written from matthew to revelation he was making reference to genesis to malachi are you still in the building now why do we study the bible let's look at the book of acts and see the progression the book of acts let's examine what they were studying in the scriptures in the book of acts please pay attention because the book of acts opens up the evolution and the progression of the early church or the new testament church or the apostolic foundations for how the church emerged remember jesus already said that genesis to malachi testifies of me so please listen carefully that will mean that the people in the book of acts started primarily and totally genesis to malachi genesis to malachi now when he said in john chapter 5 the scriptures testify of me the disciples were listening when he said it in luke 24 the disciples were there he said these books is about me he was referring to genesis to malacca please that's very important if they had known he wouldn't have said it it's because they didn't know that he made reference to it because he now said to them in verse 40 of john chapter 5 you will not come to me that you may have life you will not come to me that you may have life so the background is this book is about me that's the background what did it do to them they were about to start a teaching ministry upon his resurrection so that study was instructive beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself that bible study for 40 days was a turning point in the ministry and the teaching ministry of the disciples and those apostles right now so he gives them a background so if this book is about jesus the teaching must be about jesus the preaching must be about jesus you must use this book to talk about jesus and not anything else so let's examine the content of the early church sermons the content of the sermons that these disciples that were in that bible study for 40 days when they began to teach what was the content of their sermon so you see the level to which they understood what jesus taught for 40 days all right so let's begin with the salmon of brother peter on the day of pentecost acts chapter 2 verse number 17 to 21 acts chapter 2 verse 17 to 21 and it shall come to pass in the last day saith god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens i will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy and i will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before that great and notable day of the lord come and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved so peter gets up and he talks about joel's prophecy he said this is what joel prophesied remember they are teaching from genesis to malachi so peter stands up the first message of peter he quotes from the prophecy of joel how does peter explain joel's prophecy after quoting it acts chapter 2 verse number 25 let's begin from 22 because because of pretext acts chapter 2 verse 22 acts 2 22 ye men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth a man approved of god among you by miracles and wonders and signs which god did by him in the midst of you as he yourselves also know so peter is beginning to explain and teach from the book of joel chapter two now so peter continues in acts chapter 2 verse 25 acts 2 25 acts 2 25 for daddy it speaketh so now he goes to the book of psalms for david speaketh concerning him i foresaw the lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that i should not be moved look at verse 26 26 therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope verse 27 because thou will not leave my soul in hell neither will thou suffer the holy one to seek corruption give me verse 29 for time 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us unto this day peter is speaking this because jesus had told them this book is concerning me so everything peter will not be saying from the scriptures will be to reference christ are you still in the building so he gives them a logical teaching a very sound logical teaching look at that acts chapter 2 let's continue with the message of peter acts chapter 2 verse number 30 acts 2 30 therefore being a prophet talking about david steele being a prophet and knowing that god has sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh please if your bible is mine i will underline the fruit of his loins that will come in handy the fruit of his loins that is the fruit of david's loins according to the flesh he will raise up christ to sit on his throne 31 he is seeing this before speak of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did seek corruption 33 give me 33 because of time verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had shed for this which you now see and hear that is to say prophecy is has been fulfilled which you now see after he's been exalted to the right hand of the father he had set forth joel's prophecy which you now see i'm here are we following now peter is teaching you can imagine yourself in that audience listening to peter now look at verse 34 to 35 of that acts chapter 2 we're still studying peter for david is not ascended into heavens but he saith himself the lord said unto my lord sit down on my right hand until i make thy foes thy footstool that shows you that nobody went to heaven in the old testament because peter said david has not yet ascended to heaven but david was dead so that already establishes that nobody went to heaven in the old testament now that was the first semen he sticks with the old testament where in christ peter sticks with the old testament he quoted from joel he quoted from psalms and he stayed in christ all right acts chapter 3 verse 12 second semen acts chapter 3 verse number 12 and when peter saw it he answered unto the people you men of israel why marvel ye are these or while looking so earnestly on us as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk now remember this is when peter and john were going to the temple at the hour of prayer and they met the landman at the gate who was begging arms for poor honest and he said to them silver and gold have went on and the layman stood up and walked and the people were looking at them as you know in wonderment and then peter stood up and began to preach to that audience that gathered to watch a miracle and he said to them why are you looking at us as though by our own power has made this man to work look at acts chapter 3 verse 18 remember this is the second message in the book of acts but those things which god before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets that christ should suffer he had so fulfilled what he said is that god put in the mouth of the prophet is about christ look at verse 22 of that same acts chapter 3 acts 3 22 for moses truly said unto the fathers now he has gone back to genesis to malachi i mean genesis to deuteronomy moses truly said unto the fathers a prophet shall the lord your god raise up unto you of unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall you hear in all things whoso whatsoever he shall say unto you 23 23 and it shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people 24 ye and all the prophets from somewhere and those that follow after as many as i've spoken have likewise foretold of those days next verse or these days ye are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which god made with our father saying unto abraham and in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed 26 hallelujah unto you first god having raised up his son jesus sent him to bless you how does he bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities get him blessed so i told you that the blessing of abraham is not money but the forgiveness of sins or righteousness through faith and peter now you know affirms that in the preaching that he gave in the second semen in the book of acts he is saying that when god said to abraham in you shall all families of the earth be blessed he is talking about jesus in you shall all families of the earth be blessed because god has raised jesus whom he has sent to bless you how has he blessed you by turning away every one of you from his iniquities so the blessing is the forgiveness of sins devoid of walks i thought somebody would shout hallelujah because jesus takes away sin on our behalf so they are preaching from the scriptures and talking about jesus the thought sermon in the book of acts is the stamina of stephen stephen because stephen gave them a lot of historical details steven was very detailed historically he gave so much history and concluded his history in acts chapter 7 verse 52 acts 7 52 and 53 put it up for me which of the prophets have not your father's persecuted and they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the just one of whom you have been now the betrayers and murderers next verse who have received the law by the disposition of angels and have not kept it these are the things stephen was saying they didn't allow him to finish his sermon they didn't allow him when they started throwing stones because he was punching them heavy stuff heavy heavy stuff now so stephen says all your fathers spoke about jesus so you see all the sermons from the resurrection of jesus were clear that they pointed to jesus semen number four acts chapter eight verse five phillip in samaria brother philip now goes to samaria then philip went down to the city of samaria and preached what christ unto them and preached christ unto them how did he do it how did he preach christ he preached christ from the scriptures when you want to know in bible study what happened in the general looked at the individual case because in this particular account of stephen's i mean of phillips message we don't have details in the general crusade but we will have details in an individual encounter that he had with an individual so in order for us to know what christ and how he preached christ at the crusade ground we have to follow his individual encounter you know um something happened much later in acts chapter 8 verse 27 acts chapter 8 verse 27 will brother phillip put it up for me and he arose and went and behold a man of utopia an enoch of great authority on the candace queen of the utopians who had the charge of all her treasure and had come to jerusalem fall to worship this is like the federal minister of finance like the federal minister of finance or the commissioner of finance he went to worship in jerusalem and he was on his chariot in bible days for you to own a chariot you must be among the bourgeois the rich guys okay so he was on his chariot coming back from jerusalem the place of worship and he was reading and the holy ghost said to philip join this chariot from the crusade ground he now joined the chariot are you still in the building so now please stay with me verse 28 and 29 of that acts chapter 8 observe carefully 28 and 29 acts 8 28 was returning and sitting in his chariot red isaiah the prophet next verse then the spirit said unto philip go near and join thyself to this chariot and philip ran theater to him and heard him read the prophet isaiah and said understand this thou what thou redest asking a very rich man a federal minister of finance if he understands what he's reading you know what we're talking about you saw the commissioner of finance reading and you walk to him are you understanding what you're reading understand this dao what do you think and the guy was humble enough look at verse 30 and we will go to verse 33 30-33 acts chapter 8 and philip ranted out to him and heard him read the prophet desires and said on the standards that what thou redest and he said how can i except some man should guide me listen look up to me everybody the reason why many big people cannot understand the bible and native doctors use them to sweep the floor you see a big man sweeping the floor under a native doctor in the night with candle burning and the candle melting and falling on his body and he cannot complain is because so many big people don't know how to behave like little children when jesus was teaching on discipleship he said except you become like little children the kingdom of god will be far from you you must have the attitude of a child in learning you must be humble to say i don't know it you must be humble to admit oh i've never seen it you must be humble to to to learn and you must be humble enough to admit that you don't know so we can teach you all this cockiness you will end up rolling on the floor for a native doctor you know joseph offered matteo was a multi-billionaire he was a rich guy bible even recorded joseph of aramatia who was rich then it added a disciple of jesus that is with all his world he took on the attitude of a little boy to be discipled by jesus it's key it's key i just felt like interjecting that there the man said how can i understand exception should guide me oh i love that oh that blesses me i tell you now go back to the scripture where we are in acts chapter 8 verse 31 except some man should guide me and he desired philip that he will come up and sit with him come up and sit with him next verse next verse the place of the scripture he read was this he was led as a ship to the slaughter and like a lamb dumb before his sharer so open he not his mouth next verse in his humiliation his judgment was taken away and we shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and the eunuch answered philip and said i pray thee of whom speaketh the prophet this of himself or of some other man then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him what jesus because he remembered that jesus already told them the scriptures testified of me he was he saw the bible study beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded onto them in all the scriptures the things concerning him so in their teaching ministry that was the same pattern they brought to the people which is apostolic none of them was teaching how to sow clothes none of them was teaching agriculture none of them was teaching business dynamics in the 21st century none of them that's not bible teaching that's not christianity that's humanistic and secularism it has no bearing on scripture we feed on christ we learn of christ we live in christ teaching good just follow now give me the next verse and now verse 33 33 i mean 35 then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture which scripture was he reading isaiah 53 7-8 that's where the man was reading isaiah 53 verse 7 and eight okay now put it up isaiah 53 7 on it he was oppressed he was afflicted yet he opened up his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and i said she before her shearers is dumb so he opened it not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and we shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was his streaking now go back to that same acts where we are acts chapter 8 verse 35 then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him jesus so how did philip preach jesus to the man from the scriptures not from experience from the scriptures why jesus told them how to investigate the scriptures by looking for him you investigate the scriptures by looking for christ if you read the bible and you can't find jesus you read a newspaper if you read the bible and you can't find jesus you read ezra goes to school because if you really read the bible what you be looking for is for him are we teaching good this morning the fifth semen in the book of acts is acts chapter 10 peter in the house of cornelius acts chapter 10 verse number 42 acts 10 42 and he commanded us to preach unto the people and to testify that it is he which god which was ordained of god the judge of quick and dead peter is speaking to the gentiles to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins again he is preaching and he is preaching about jesus so bible study is bible study concerning christ bible study is bible study concerning christ so let's go back to the book of acts again what was the question they asked peter what is this you are doing the axe peter on the day of pentecost these men are drunk these men are drunk what is this that these guys are doing because they saw them back on golota what are this man doing and peter stood up and answered them these are not wrong as you suppose but this is that which was spoken by prophet joel he goes back to the scriptures are we in the building now so let's go back there he goes through the scriptures and begins to explain joel chapter 2 verse 28 that scripture that peter quoted on the day of pentecost was joel chapter 2 verse 28 and for for the nigerian audience joel chapter 2 verse 28 joel john chapter 2 verse 28 i will pour out of my spirit so the question is who is the i will who is the i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh so peter now explains who the i will is in acts chapter 2 verse 33 acts chapter 2 verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had shed forth this which you now see and hear so who shed for this jesus because it is jesus that was at the right hand of the father exalted are you still in the building all right now jesus is the one who poured out his spirit so joel continues to explain peter continues to explain what joel spoke look at that acts chapter 2 verse 38 and 39 acts chapter 2 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost 39 for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the lord our god shall call now what's the promise in verse 39 for the promise is unto you what's that promise i will pour out my spirit so that promise is for you and for your children and to as many as our god shall call how does the how does he explain prophecy in scripture how does peter explain prophecy he explains the prophecy in scripture through jesus he explains the prophecy in scripture through jesus so their teaching and preaching was centered around jesus that's apostolic they are preaching and teaching was centered around jesus that is what defines the church the church is a sacred place where the focus of their preaching and teaching is around jesus it doesn't matter what name is on the billboard or the the the notice board of the church whether it is jesus international or jesus the father the son and the holy ghost center of fire whatever is on their billboard if the teaching the content of their message is not christ if it is soap making how to sow clothes it is not church apostolic foundation is what we're studying their teaching and preaching was centered around the passing of jesus we have seen five sermons look at simon number six number five acts chapter five verse starts acts chapter 5 verse 30 the god of our fathers raised up jesus whom you slew and hanged on a tree keep going keep going keep going him as god exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior for to give repentance to israel and forgiveness of sins and we are his witnesses of these things and so is also the holy ghost whom god had given to them that obey him when they heard that they were caught to the heart and took counsel to slay them next verse keep going then stood there up one in the council a pharisee named gamaliel a doctor of the law and had rep in reputation among all the people and commanded to put the apostles forward for a little space and said unto them you men of israel take it to yourselves what you intend to do as touching this man for being before these days rosa theodos busting himself to be somebody to whom a number of men about 400 joined themselves who was slain and all as many as obedient were scattered and brought to naught next verse after this morals of judas of galilee in the days of the taxi and drew away much people after him he also perished and all even as many as obedient were dispersed 38. and now i say unto you refrain from these men and let them alone leave them alone for if this council or this work be of men it will come to not like others but if it be of god you cannot overthrow it lest happily you'll be found even to fight against god next verse and to him they agreed and when they had called the apostles and beating them even though they agreed they still beat them because persecution goes hand in hand with the gospel they commanded that they should not speak in the name of jesus and let them go and they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name when a man is fed the gospel of christ that is how he responds to persecution he sees persecution and shame as a worthy attainment christians are not taught christ to even preach is an embarrassment when you see believers that carry flies come to our church you will get breakthrough they don't know christ they were celebrating the beating they were rejoicing in the beating that ah so at last we have been counted worthy to be flocked for jesus there's a way you feed on christ persecution becomes an achievement if we're going to build believers that will stand the test of time it has to be on christ these guys were celebrating so six sermons all focusing on the same thing jesus why jesus is teaching was the same way in luke 24 27 so as believers we ought to believe the same thing no catholic no pentecost no charismatic no anglican when we come to faith in christ and all of us are feeding on christ it is called one faith it is the diet that makes it one faith is not the label on the building the unity of the faith is the knowledge of the son of god so unity of the faith is not churches coming together to the stadium to fast and pray that's not unity of the faith there can be scattering of the faith in that gathering what we call the unity of the faith is the knowledge of the son of god not that you gather christians in the stadium some are praying fall and die some are confessing their sins and some are standing in the place of authority to declare what they know about christ when you combine that there is no unity are we teaching the unity of the faith is the knowledge of the son of god then that brings all of us to a perfect man again that henceforth we are no more toes to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine we have arrived at a place where we have stabilized in christ shaggy labor the scriptures don't have dual messages it's one message the passing of jesus if two preachers are preaching two different things one of them is lying or all of them are lying because two preachers can be preaching two different things and both are lies it is only the truth when it is christ if it is not christ it's not the truth i am the truth so for a message to be the truth the message must be christ if it is you it's a lie if the message is about you making it is a lie it is only the truth when it is christ am i teaching good here 7 acts 11 acts 11 16 glory to god they remembered i the word of the lord how that he said john indeed baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost this is peter quoting from acts 1 5. notice he did not say it is written he is quoting see what see what he also said in acts 20 35 see the word peter let me see the way they were quoting i have showed you all things how that's so laboring you ought to support the weak and to remember the words of the lord jesus how that he said it is more blessed to give than to receive honey you know that that coat there is not anywhere in the bible that quote the words of our lord jesus how that he said you will never find it anywhere they just quoted from a body of truth jesus thought they took and gave a summation now we will deal with that in the days to come but i just want to see how peter said you shall receive the holy ghost he was quoting from acts 1 5. now so we will see these words what they mean and you will observe that they are not doctrinal in nature and you will know why they are not doctrinal in the next few days why did paul say differently in acts 11 because that was the last semen on peter i mean why did peter say differently because that was the last segment of peter you will listen to in the book of acts acts 11 was the end of peter's messages after acts 11. brother paul showed up and when brother paul started talking they were quiet because the only way you can learn is to be quiet you can't be talking and your teacher is talking you will learn nothing are you still in the building the other time you hear about peter he is defending paul in acts 15. he is defending paul now so let's let's move to brother paul next sermon acts 13 acts 13 is where paul enters now notice up until this point what they were preaching was jesus because jesus is the promise of the scripture jesus is the prophetic fulfillment of the prophecies of the scriptures jesus is the center point of the scriptures because jesus did a bible study for them and that's exactly what he told him now paul comes forward and he is speaking in acts chapter 13. he quoted some scripture or peter quoted earlier on but notice where he started from notice where paul would start his own from even though he said what peter said among what he said but observe where paul will start his own teaching from acts 13 32 we're going to go to verse 36 32 and we declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the fathers god had fulfilled the same unto us their children in that he has raised up jesus again as it is also written in the second psalm thou art my son this day have i begot indeed and as concerning that he raised him up from the dead now no more to return to corruption he said on this wise i will give you the short mercies of david wherefore he says also in another psalm thou shalt not suffer than holy one to seek corruption for david after he had served his own generation by the will of god fell on sleep and was led unto his fathers and saw corruption he said the same thing peter said now look at verse 37 but he whom god raised again saw no corruption so the corruption is not dead because if jesus saw no corruption and jesus died then the corruption is not dead keep that somewhere it will come in handy within the week the corruption is not dead did jesus die did he seek corruption no thou shalt not allow the holy one and paul confirmed it look at it acts 13 37 please please pay attention it's important but he whom god raised again saw no corruption question did jesus die did he seek corruption good verse 38 and 39 of that same act where we're reading be known unto you therefore man and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins next verse and by him all that belief are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses he again points to jesus but he takes it a step further brother paul takes it a step further there's an addition in verse 39 give me verse 39 of acts 13 and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses he lets us see the futility of the law which wasn't in peter simons it wasn't in phillips sermons or in stephen sermons because the book of acts is a book of discoveries it's a book of discoveries remember they were growing it was a baby church these baby christians were growing so the book of acts is an account of the growing stages of the early church are you following that's why it's not a doctrinal material because it's a journalistic account of how the early church all the baby steps they took and the mistakes they made you know where they stumbled where they fell where they did it right where they did it wrong all was recorded in the book of acts that's why it's not a doctrinal material it's an eyewitness account all right that is they were growing up spiritually so you will see how peter's teaching of forgiveness changed over time his sermons in the book of acts chapter 2 was different from acts chapter 5 if you observe when i was reading acts chapter 5 is different from acts chapter 10 the teachings of peter because peter was growing up in betweens and his growth was reflected in his teachings and observed that there were many years between one chapter and the other it's not like monday chapter one tuesday chapter two no there were many years in between chapters so growth had occurred now luke gives us a background of a certain person but before we get to that background look at acts chapter 19 because brother paul's speech in acts 19 is critical he came to a fish ephesus and found certain disciples the word disciple is not a spiritual word because we have the disciples of gamaliel anger male was not a pastor so the word disciples is not a spiritual word disciples simply mean student so acts chapter 19 verse one are you getting blessed acts chapter 19 verse one and it came to pass that while apollos was at current paul having passed through the upper cause came to ephesus and finding certain disciples he didn't say disciples of christ he said finding certain disciples these guys were adherents of something but not christ they were adherents of something so look at verse two now acts 19 verse two he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him we have not so much has heard whether there be any holy ghost we are not aware of his existence verse 3 and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto john's baptism now let's do a background on this because there's a background that leads to this acts 19. i believe that luke put it there intelligently the way look you know luke was writing to theophilus okay he was writing these treatise to theophilus and he was writing it to convince theophilus of the faith they have found in christ and theophilus was a very educated person so the person that could communicate at of at the philos level was luke so luke now is intelligently putting his sunnies together to bring two philos to a place of conviction so there's an intelligence both in the writing the documentation and the arrangement of the material so i believe that look intelligently in certain days where it was there are two scenarios there these points you know for you the picture of the church in the book of acts now luke gives us a background of a certain person in acts chapter 18 that's the background that led to 19. notice the chapters were not put by luke the entire book is one letter from acts 1 to the end it was a letter written to somebody which the person is supposed to sit down at one sitting and lead that's why the fortune the four books matthew mark luke and john there are four letters when you are reading don't have chapter and verses in mind have a letter in mind read it like you are reading a letter that just arrived from an important person so as you begin to read ignore the chapters and verses just follow the thought and keep going till you finish the book that way you can finish one book per day but if you're looking at chapters and verses you won't even understand what they are talking about these are letters look wrote that later to theophilus he wrote two letters the letter called luke and the letter called asks those are two letters that were written to tio philos by brother luke now that's important in bible story are you are you getting blessed now the background is two words notice that john the baptist was discussed in a stretch of 8 verses 8 verses john the baptist was a prophet of the old testament john the baptist didn't write a book so he is being discussed here within eight verses there's a background in acts 18 before 19 acts 18 24 and a certain jew named apollos born at alexandra an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures came to ephesus 25. this man was instructed in the way of the lord and being fathered in the spirit he spoke and thought diligently the things of the lord knowing only the baptism of john knowing only the baptism of john if your bible is mind that is a good place to underline that sentence knowing only that only you can circulate underlying the statement but circle only knowing only the baptism of john look at his cv he is mighty in scriptures means he can quote and quote and quote he can just be dropping bible quotation and all the scriptures they are dropping have no connection with one another they don't be dropping them and you're busy clapping because they did a memorization that was the first cv of apollos then the bible say his father in spirit number three he spoke and taught diligently the things of the lord notice the lord is mentioned twice so which means apollos was a believer a believer with limited knowledge because the lord in the book of acts is jesus so he was preaching constantly jesus but what was he saying about jesus he was limited to the baptism of john again remember john is an old testament prophet john did not write a book john the baptist didn't write a book okay now you and i will wonder where is apollos quoting from he was quoting from the scriptures genesis to malachi talking about jesus but his knowledge was limited to the baptism of john he was not cutting from the four gospels so we must find out what he really did so acts 18 26 and 27. and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue whom when aquila and priscilla had heard they took him unto them and expounded unto him the way of god more perfectly and when he was disposed to pass into action the brethren wrote exhorting the disciples to receive him who when he was come help them much which had believed through grace helped them much which had believed through grace that means his teaching ministry after aquila and priscilla took him his teaching ministry grew okay notice after he was taught by aquila and priscilla he now helped the brethren who had believed through grace now if your bible was mine i will underline belief through grace there's a reason why luke included that statement which had believed through grace his teaching ministry was now advanced so when he got to the church he was able to help the church the more so he was an asset to the church then secondly acts chapter 18 28 acts 18 28 for he mightily convinced the jews publicly showing by the scriptures showing how by the scriptures that jesus was christ he was no more quoting he was no more quoting scriptures anyhow he now could articulate and expound and take the scriptures and open them up bringing christ out but remember he now went to the jews so he was a blessing to those who had believed through grace and then he was convincing the jews for you to preach to jewish people this are custodians of the torah in the week i will i will bring you to an understanding of the composition of a pharisee and if i seriously so you understand he mightily convinced that is he convincing beyond the shadow of doubt his ministry has advanced knowing only we can only know what he did not know but what aquila and priscilla did to him so what did that do to him when they heard him the guy is mighty in scripture he can cut verses as if he wrote them they took him and died harmonia expounded they expounded unto him mob on the line more perfectly i love that word the word more perfectly is one word in the greek akiribos a kiribos a k-r-i-b-o-s akiri boss you will see the use of that word in six places as i close this service akiri boss i will stop at akira boss and start the second service at akiribus and it's important for you to understand akira boss kalavana are you enjoying him it's used in six places and we will examine them in the next service knowing only the baptism of john all of them the entire apostolic teachings revealed christ they started with christ death burial resurrection and the gift of the holy ghost given by christ it was the entire gospel that they communicated and the entire gospel is factored around the sacrificial work of christ you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they which testifies of him stand on your feet thank [Music] [Laughter] this thank you father thank you father hallelujah lift your sons and just weave them to him and give him thanks thank him for his holy word thank him that his word is life to your spirit thank him that his word is held to your flesh just begin to wave those hands and thank him for the healing that his word provides for your body thank him for life that is what provides for your spirit your world is a light onto our path and a lamp onto our feet just wave those hands and give him thanks for the healing that comes from his word for life that comes from his word and for the comfort that comes from his spirit le cro to si and begin to declare that the next two weeks you will grow in knowledge you will grow in grace you will grow in revelation you will be rooted you will be built up you will be established in the knowledge of god's word just open your mouth and begin to thank him that the next two weeks will be next two weeks of unusual growth unusual grace unusual outpouring of his power outpouring of his power outpouring of his power lego suit praise you my father in the name of jesus father we rejoice that this morning we are learning from your holy written word and we are feeding from your world i decree that grace and peace is multiplied through the knowledge of jesus in your life and whatever is not planted by god is rooted out burdens and yolks are destroyed destroyed they are destroyed burdens and yokes are destroyed they are destroyed worry anxiety pressure and fear they are destroyed they are destroyed they are destroyed panic stops panic stops in the name of jesus but allah be careful for nothing says the spirit of god be careful for nothing be careful for nothing oh yes jesus said to mata you matter and are careful about many things but one thing is needful and your sister has chosen the better part that shall not be taken away from her to sit at the feet of jesus to be fed be careful for nothing be careful about nothing cast your care on the lord and enjoy the liberty that you have in christ cast your worry and cast your worries on him and enjoy the rest and the peace that perceives all understanding and enjoy the safety that only christ provides thank you father and as you keep learning of him through the next two weeks i decree and declare as your amen will come like thunder you are finding rest for your soul serenity for your soul in the name of jesus thank you father thank you father thank you father we give you praise in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality are you blessed this morning yeah that's how we start the new creation camp meeting praise hallelujah listen carefully there's a lot we're going to be learning around the person of jesus the next two weeks is going to be very exciting you don't want to stay out for anything and nothing is what you missing the services nothing in the world is worth it so make up your mind we're going to be in church every day every day amen every day and i'm going to give you more details before the service is over but i'd like you to grab your offerings we want to honor the world we want to honor the world we want to honor the world we give in honor we give in faith we give with hearts of joy we give you know to to acknowledge the word of god and to acknowledge what christ has made available to acknowledge the feeding of god's word that we have received and as responsible citizens of the kingdom when we are fed with the word of god we don't just stand up and clean our bomb bombs and say thank you and walk away we acknowledge that there is responsibility to honor that world that we've been fed with so we give in faith and we give in honor of that world next sunday is going to be partnership sunday and for those online you know we want to thank all of you that made commitments to partner with us the next 12 months and the number of you that ask for the budget our outreach budget for the next one year we prepared the budget and we've sent it out to some people who are volunteering to help us take care of one project or the other project or the order if you're watching and you want to be part of partaking you and your family want to take care of one specific project for the year 2021 in reaching out to souls you need to just shoot an email to me we'll write back to you with the list of projects and you can decide which one you want to take a carry carry out as a family this year you do projects for yourself so it shouldn't be a big deal to do one for the kingdom of god which guarantees you you know first of all the reward that jesus will give you and beyond that which shows you a responsible son who sees to the well-being of his father's business on the earth so you want to do that you shoot the mail you get a response from us immediately but we want to thank those of you that have already made up your minds which projects to do and those of you that have already decided how to do it and the campuses also that have decided to embark on one particular project this year to make it easy for us to flood the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus grace we want you to know we really appreciate you being a part of this ministry and a part of this team in blanketing the earth with the truth of the gospel amen lift up your offerings father we rejoice we give in faith we give a joy and we thank you for the privilege of honoring you with our resources our office are a sweet smell before you today and we give you praise for everybody giving online those giving on tv those giving on radio those giving on social media we thank you for everyone whose heart you have steered up because your people are willing in the day of your power and this is the day of your power where the gospel of christ is the power of god unto salvation is available to us so we're willing and we're willing and we're joyful and we give sacrificially we give with joy hearts of gratitude and we thank you for the privilege to make a difference in the gospel through our resources thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a living amen that amen is not a living amen [Applause] now social media guys we want you back at 11am so we're letting you go right now get your notes ready we're gonna continue our bible study at 11 a.m gmt plus one and from tomorrow every evening 6 pm gmt plus one we are live it's going to be an adventure you will be glad you're a part of it don't leave people out bringing a lot of friends you know people you love and you want them to grow get them to be part of this we look forward to connecting with all of you in the next service and until then enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service glory amen glory i tell you i'm excited this morning this message for these all the messages and books by dr abell dominant please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a course it's not because you are not born again no things may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gets you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm uyo 105.90 fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aqua bomb 90.5 ryo yunio fm 100.7 rio and heritage fm 104 dot and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight wangipo road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abel domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel dominar [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kingdom life network you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 6,516
Rating: 4.8726115 out of 5
Id: Ro6QSt5k7LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 20sec (5660 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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