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you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the sea farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 uyo comfort fm 95.1 yo xlfm 106.9 wheel radio aqua bomb 90.5 wheel fm 100.7 uyo and heritage heaven 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight huangavu road uyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abell domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel daminer if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on [Music] i am i can do what god says come on [Music] but i will never never [Music] jesus is my righteousness is never been the no [Music] me never it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor abel you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor get the lord i would never never never the same [Music] the future is not impossible the future is not dark yeah the future is not a mystery saith god the future is in your hands the future is in your hands so you take hold of the future take hold of the future the future does not decide itself you right now decide the future and navigate your path in the future and the future does not determine its outcome you determine the outcome of the future for safeguard i have put my word i have put my power and i have put my grace within you you rise and save them the way you want to see them and you will see the future organize itself to accommodate what you say and it will give you what you say did i not say in my word what things so ever you desire when you pray believe you have and you shall have what you say the power of the future is not in the future it's in your mouth right now so fear not fear not be courageous be strong quitting like men look into the future and say it the way you want to see it and see it come to pass seize the spirit of grace thank you father glory to god glory to god glory to god hey hey don't be afraid don't be afraid your finances are not going to collapse there is a word for your finances there is a word for your ministry there is a world for your career and there is a word concerning your marriage saith god everything that concerns every area of your life is important to me because i love you therefore i do not keep you in the dark concerning the things that affect you your marriage your ministry your finances your career all the answers are right in my hands and they are right before you did i not say in my word ask me and i will show you great and mighty things that you know not i gave you my word that i will show you so i show it to those of you that will care to ask those of you that will seek to know and those of you that will seek to understand saith god it's right before you my spirit my spirit will show you the deep things of my heart and my spirit would lay bear before you my plan my purpose my intent concerning you so therefore fear not rejoice and be glad rejoice and be glad you are the light in the midst of darkness and no matter how dark the dark may be a ray of life makes a difference in the darkness and you're not just a ray of light you are the embodiment of my life saith god because you have my word on your inside therefore don't be afraid don't be afraid cheer up stand up look at the future and rejoice because the future will work in your favor glory glory glory glory glory i tell you days of glory days of grace days of beauty days of jubilation days of celebration hey there will be an outpouring of my glory like never before days of celebration says the spirit of god thank you father praise you father things about yourself things of the spirit things in the spirit concerning you i unveil to you by my spirit you take hold of it you take hold of it you take hold of it and buy it war a good warfare safeguard it is a good warfare because the outcome of the warfare is in your favor it is a good warfare safeguard because the outcome of the warfare is [Music] we give you praise glory and honor for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully amen lift your right hands to heaven unless we lose our feet together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerfully man i want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network we're so glad to have all of you connected facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service today the entire aqua bomb state community connected by way of comfort fm xlfm you knew you fm radio acquired bomb inspiration fm and heritage fm we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service guys is gonna be an exciting adventure in the world of his grace call a friend a family member a neighbor or a colleague of yours ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves and all of you on social media what a joy to have every one of you connected to the service tonight do me the favor you've always done let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace help me share the video on your page share with all the groups join as many groups as possible throw the light of god right into those groups around the world create watch parties drop them on monogram telegram what's up groups let's get the word to the ends of the earth and thank you for making it happen today because somebody shouted powerfully man all our campuses and bible study centers we're glad to have every one of you and everybody in this building are you excited to be here tonight can we celebrate the word with a shout in this building glory amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get into the word of his grace tonight wow what a what it did what it did tell you i'm excited all right we're still in the new creation cup meeting still examining in christ realities john chapter 5 verse number 39 john chapter 5 verse number 39. search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me look at luke chapter 24 verse 25 look chapter 24 verse number 25 when he said unto them all fools law of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself jesus speaking said that the scriptures testify of me so we tried to look at the word me the me there was a personal description of his present state and status a personal description of his present state and status so we began to examine the word the word which we called the locus in the greek the logos of god and we said the logos of god is the message or a statement of fact or a conclusion the message a statement of fact or a conclusion and we said something yesterday that the lugos of god is the man like god the man like god or god who became a man so we said we have a man like god that is he is in a man or he is expressed in a man that's what we call the world he is the message of the scriptures he is the message of the scriptures or god expressed in a man that's the message does the reason or the logic the thought behind or the idea behind the action the idea behind the writings now yesterday we began to examine this god who became a man or the man like god look at the book of luke chapter 24 verse 39 luke chapter 24 verse 39 and we're going to read to verse 43 behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit heart not flesh and bones as you see me have and when he had those spoken he showed them his hands and his feet all right now please pay attention look at that verse 40 again go back to verse 40. and when he had done spoken he shot them his hands and his feet actually in the greek that word was almost like he removed his clothes he removed his clothes all right now verse 41 41 41 and while they yet believe not for joy and wondered he said unto them have ye here any meat next verse and they gave him a piece of a broiled fish they didn't give him uh they didn't give him you know puff puff or no biscuits they gave him cooked food okay boiled fish put it back boiled fish end of a honeycomb 43 and he took it and did it before them he ate before them now remember we saw in acts chapter 1 verse 3 put it up acts chapter 1 verse 3 that he showed himself alive after his passion by many proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god he showed himself alive the same word used for human beings that is he showed himself that he was alive and he was human the question is did he use the toilet because he ate boiled fish yes of course he ate and if he hurt he has to go to toilet was adam designed to use the toilet yes why because adam is a man who was christ a man so if adam used the toilet as a man christ rose as a man he therefore must have used the toilet now it just shows that on earth the body of a man is supposed to be sustained by food on earth when he gets to heaven he doesn't need food okay so see the way the body of the glorified body is able to adapt on earth it functions with food out of it it functions without food so the body actually has to do with the earth not the makeup it was after seeing that it was downgraded to death otherwise it was supposed to be you know neither mortal nor immortal depending on what choice man was going to make we will see that a bit later now the next question is did jesus sleep yes he rose as a man and men sleep when he rose from the dead they saw that it was the same jesus he did the same things he did with them before death he ate but something had changed which will look at shortly something changed but his humanity didn't change he was just as man as man that shows you something that the body was never meant to die in god's purpose and plan so jesus was a full man someone asked could he still have been tempted after resurrection of course he's a man he's a man temptation is common to men so being a man even now he can still be tempted that's heavy but that's the truth that's the truth now the writer of hebrews said we have a man same word entrepreneurs entrepreneurs where he is now he can still be tempted he is a man the book of hebrews says we have a high priest chosen among men so for him to be a high priest means he is still a man man is spirit soul and body what we call man is spirit soul and body please stay with me do we all agree that the focus of the prophet was a man please speak to me please speak like you're very serious please speak like you're sure what you're saying a man like god so the word of god is a man huh the word of god is a man so the revelation of god is a man huh talk to me the revelation of god is a man okay the truth about god is a man okay now i know that some of your voices are not coming out because of your your whatever okay no problem no problem to know god you have to look at a man so who said i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh huh who said i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh the prophet the prophet the prophet okay the prophet so who pours out his spirit upon all flesh huh a man a man pours out his spirit upon all flesh look at it acts chapter 2 verse 17 please get ready to be answering me because we're studying together acts chapter 2 verse 17. and it shall come to pass in the last days say of god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams 18 and on my servants and on my handmaidens i will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy all right look at acts chapter 2 verse 22 acts chapter 2 verse 22 you men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth amen jesus of nazareth a man approved of god among you by miracles and wonders and signs which god did by him in the midst of you as you yourselves also know so jesus is a man approved of god so that will mean that the holy ghost is the spirit of a man the holy ghost is a spirit of a man look at that same acts chapter 2 verse 32 acts chapter 2 verse number 32 this jesus has god raised up whereof we are all witnesses 33 now please pay attention therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had shed fought this which you now see and hear who had shed fought the spirit jesus who is exalted at the right hand of the father had shed fought the spirit so who shed for the spirit amen right very good please stay with me he is the one that gave the spirit so who gave the spirit the man christ jesus acts 2 29 stay with me acts chapter 2 verse 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us on to this day 30 30. therefore being a prophet and knowing that god has sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he will raise up christ to sit on his throne so jesus is the fruit of david's loins that is the humanity that is the humanity of christ he is the fruit of the loins of david all right because jesus came from the tribe of david so he's the fruit of the loins shows his humanity so question who sits on the throne a man because god doesn't need a throne it's men that sit on thrones god does not occupy a throne that is why there is only one throne in heaven and that throne is kept for a man nobody sat on that throne till jesus rose from the dead upon his ascension he sat on that throne because that throne is for a man god doesn't need a troll deity does not require a throne drones are for men so today jesus the man sits on the throne so the resurrection of jesus ended mortality's reign on man forever the resurrection of jesus ended mortalities reign forever because we now see god's man dominion over death in a man dominion over death in a man because it was a man who entered dead and came out victorious it was a man who entered dead and came out of dead victorious so we see the end of mortalities reign in man by man we see the dominion over death in a man on behalf of man now please stay with me so when the bible says jesus was raised from the dead by the glory of the father that means he is a man basically who is the word the word the word is a man so the term the word refers to a man like god god who became a man please pay attention to this terminology they are critical they are intentionally you know included in scriptures to be taught god who became a man is that the message of the prophet all right good so when he says the word of god what are we referring to the incarnation the word of god therefore is referring to the incarnation is the incarnation the word huh yes so jesus being called the word refers to the prophecy of the prophets and the union of god with man is a man the union of god with man is a man again he was tempted at all points that is every step of temptation he partook of it every step his desires he was tempted at every point once again the word of god is a man how do you know god you know god in a man remember we are looking at brother paul's revelation of identification now let's read a few scriptures but please pay attention because i'm going to ask you questions luke 3 11 luke chapter 3 verse number 11 he answered and said did i say look matthew matthew 3 11 matthew chapter 3 verse 11 i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire who said this prophecy okay was this a prophecy why was it a prophecy talk to me why was it a prophecy because it was a promise of a future and who was john a prophet so john the prophet spoke about a future event which is what we call prophecy are we in the building here all right so this is a prophecy john is using to communicate what is about to happen i indeed baptized with water but the mighty had an eye is coming he will not use water he will use the holy ghost prophecy are we clear let me give you another scripture quickly so we read the same thing luke 3 16 and 17 luke chapter 3 verse 16 and 17 john answered saying unto them all i indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than i commit the language of whose shoes i'm not worried to lose he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire who used the word baptized first huh so when john said baptize who was he referring to he shall baptize you with what so john talking about the holy ghost attach what to the holy ghost baptism so in the prophecy of john you shall be baptized with war holy ghost keep that somewhere come with me to the thought scripture mark chapter 1 verse 8 mark chapter 1 verse 8 i indeed have baptized you with water but it shall baptize you with the holy ghost now let me explain that term very well but before i explain john 1 33 so we have four evidence it's john chapter 1 verse 33 and i knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water the same said unto me upon whom thou shall see the spirit descending and remaining on him the same is he which baptized it with the holy ghost the same is he which baptize it with the holy ghost if you observe no fire with the holy ghost now let me explain the term look at acts 1 4 and 5 acts chapter 1 verse four and five and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from jerusalem but wait for the promise of the father which saith he you have heard of me verse five for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hands who is speaking here jesus you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence now baptized with the holy spirit what does it mean utterance now from what we read is it clear that jesus is quoting is it john's account or marx account whose account is jesus quoting huh john's account because it's john who did not include fire please pay attention is john who did not include fire now jesus is referring to the same thing john was talking about look at acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts chapter 1 verse 8 but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me but in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and onto the other most part of the earth power you shall receive power now do we all agree that acts chapter 1 verse 8 explains acts chapter 1 verse 5. all right let me read so you see so we can agree acts 1 5 for john truly baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost not many days hence acts 1 8. but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and onto the uttermost part of the earth question now do we all agree that jesus is acts 1 8 explains acts 1 5 all right holy ghost upon holy ghost upon acts 2 1-4 and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and he filled all the house where they were sitting and they appeared unto them clothing tongues like us of fire and he sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance notice that when peter was going to explain it he said this is joel's prophecy being fulfilled i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh other instances where peter i mean where people spoke in tongues will be acts chapter eight let's look at it acts chapter 8 verse 14 and 15 acts 8 14 and 15. now when the apostles which are jerusalem heard that samaria had received the word of god they sent unto them peter and john who when they were calmed down prayed for them that they might receive the holy ghost give me verse 17 8 17 acts then lay there their hands on them and they received the holy ghost they received the holy ghost look at verse 16 verse 16 for as yet he was falling upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus was falling upon upon all right they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus meaning they were born again but the spirit has not come upon then the next verse give me verse 17 now pay attention then lay there their hands on them and they receive the holy ghost this holy ghost that they receive is it the same thing that peter was talking about i mean jesus was talking about when he said upon in acts 1 8 is it the same thing all right good which means upon his what huh upon his word speak out upon his word utterance don't be afraid now so we have seen upon acts 10 44 please pay attention acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet speak these words the holy ghost fell on the holy ghost fell on the holy ghost fell on all them which had the word next verse and day of the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with peter because that on the gentiles also was poured out the gift peter introduces a new word the gift was poured out the gift of the holy ghost next verse for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify god then answered peter upon the spirit was on the gentiles then peter introduced that what the gentiles received was the gift of the holy ghost now that word gift is the word doria which means sacrificial gift that is a gift that came out of the sacrificial sacrifice of jesus or the sacrifice of jesus so he called it doria the gift of the holy ghost acts 19 6. acts chapter 19 verse 6 and when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on the holy ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied the holy ghost came on does it appear like the explanation of being baptized with the holy ghost in acts 1 8 what we have been reading so far does it appear like acts 1 8. now is acts 1 8 being baptized with the holy ghost huh acts 1 8 the holy ghost upon is he being baptized with the holy ghost okay acts 1 8 what happened in acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 is it the fulfillment of acts 1 8 uh so in acts chapter 2 1 to 4 when they spoke in tongues was that the holy ghost upon was that the holy ghost upon all right good in acts chapter 8 where we read verse 14 15 16 17 is that the holy ghost upon huh okay in acts chapter 10 verse 44 45 and 46 was that the holy ghost upon in acts chapter 19 verse 6 was that the holy ghost upon so all of it is what upon which is what utterance few days ago we were asking this question when did the disciples receive the holy ghost i have not left it i'm still on it acts 2 38 and 39 enjoying this acts 2 38 and 39 then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are affair of even as many as the lord god our god shall call he doesn't use the word baptized for the holy ghost here he uses the word gift the gift is unto you the promise that's how peter uses the word baptized he uses that word baptized as gift look at that acts 8 15 acts 8 15 whom when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the holy ghost the holy ghost now in acts 10 44 where we read in the house of cornelius after they were filled with the holy ghost look at verse 47 acts 10 47 now they were filled verse 47 can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the holy ghost as well as we which have received the holy ghost he didn't use baptize which have received give me that 47 again pay attention can any man forbid water that this should be baptized which have received the holy ghost as well as we so he didn't use baptism of the holy ghost he used water baptism he said can anybody stop these people from water baptism who have received the holy ghost the gift all right so question is peter talking about two baptisms here huh which one water and what and spirit so on two occasions peter separates the holy ghost coming upon them from baptism because he called it gift in acts chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 where we read pentecost acts 8 14 to 15 where we read and something changes in acts 11. pay attention acts 11 15-17 acts 11 15-17 as and as i began to speak the holy ghost fell on them as on us at the beginning what did he mean by beginning pentacles pentacles they remembered i the word of the lord how that he said john indeed baptized with water but you shall be baptized with the holy ghost 17 for as much then as god gave them the like gift peter uses the word gift for the spirit upon [Music] doria the like gift as he did unto us who believed on the lord jesus christ what was i that i could withstand god this was the first time they summoned him in jerusalem so again he mentions that statement that jesus said you shall be baptized with the holy ghost now let's examine brother paul's question in acts 19 2. acts chapter 19 verse 2 he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believe and they said unto him we have not so much has heard whether there be any holy ghost next verse and he said unto them unto what then we are ye baptized and they said unto john's baptism now hold on why did paul use the term baptized unto what then where you baptized and they said one unto john's baptism question what is john's baptism teaching the message of john and water okay the message of john and water unto what then where you baptized since you say you have not had the holy ghost so obviously what the people what the people were involved in was water baptism they didn't know christ but they had swam are you following now so when brother paul gathered that these people are not born again from what they are saying because you can't you couldn't have been born again and not be born of the spirit look at what they answered him in verse 3 and 4 of acts chapter and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto john's baptism verse 4 then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which shall come after him that is on christ jesus verse 5. when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus next verse and when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesy they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus baptism of salvation then he laid hands on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied what was that utterance so brother paul did not use baptize for ultrons he used baptized for salvation and then ultron's holy ghost but peter uses baptism for ultrons is it clear are we clear are we clear well if you are not clear you may have to go and listen again because peter why did paul use the term baptized peter in acts 11 15 now throws us off balance because he now refers to jesus holy ghost on on them as it was on us at the first acts 1 5 so quickly let us solve it remember we said few days ago that paul did not use baptism and the holy ghost in the same sport he never used baptism and the holy ghost the closest was first corinthians to f13 that was the closest brother paul never used baptism and the holy ghost look at titus 3 4. titus one of the pastoral epistles brother paul wrote titus 3 4 but after that the kindness and love of god our savior toward man appeared verse 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration a renewing of the holy ghost renewing of the holy ghost so the word baptism is a simple word it means to be dipped into or submerged into every other time brother paul used baptism he was referring to salvation for example romans chapter 6 all the baptism there is salvation galatians chapter 3 verse 27 baptized into christ is salvation ephesians chapter 4 verse 4 and 5 one baptism is talking about salvation colossians chapter 2 verse 12 to 13 he was referring to salvation except first corinthians where he's he you know he referred to baptism in water where he said i baptized i didn't baptize except one two three which is water baptism so it appears the language in the book of acts is different from the language in the epistles the baptism with the holy ghost in the book of acts does he refer to the gift of salvation or utterance utterance can we say the gift of ultrons was called baptism with the holy ghost or salvation in the book of acts i just want to be sure you understand that so i'm twisting the question can we say that the gift of utterance was called the baptism with the holy ghost or salvation where was he used again acts 1 5 acts 1 8 holy ghost upon so holy ghost upon throughout the book of acts what is he replying referring to utterance baptism of the holy ghost in the book of acts what does it mean so anywhere you see baptism with the holy ghost in the book of acts what are they talking about utterance now where are these two baptisms in the book of acts water and holy ghost where there in the book of acts they have two baptisms in the book of acts are we supposed to do two of them are we supposed to do the two how many are we supposed to do one which one holy ghost okay so when did the 120 get saved i came back again when did they receive salvation let me ask you a simple question is the holy ghost coming upon salvation so when did they receive salvation keep that somewhere what did i say keep it somewhere now we have established that the word which is the logos the message the reason or the conclusion was the prophecies of the prophets that god expressed himself in a man does the message does the reason that's the logic why did we say that notice that the prophecies that preceded the birth of christ were very instructive what we call the birth of christ actually is the incarnation incarnation simply means another being taking the form of another incarnation another being taking the form of another or better still another being in another status or state a being in another status or state coming to bear the image of another that's incarnation another being in another status or state coming to bear the image of another is what we mean by incarnation the incarnation was prophesied by isaiah look at isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 please stay with me isaiah chapter 7 verse number 14 therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name emmanuel in genesis 3 15 we have the prophecy of the incarnation the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent then in isaiah 7 14 a virgin shall conceive it means the sea did not come from a man because women don't have seed women fertilize eggs that carry the seed but in isaiah is a virgin that shall conceive that means a man is not involved that's a prophecy isaiah 9 7 isaiah 9 7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of david and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever the zeal of the lord of hosts will perform this of course you know that the other verse says his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty god prince of peace the word prince there means ruler prince wonderful means miracles now micah chapter 5 verse 2 another prophecy of the incarnation micah 5-2 micah i know you like malachi i said micah my car not malacca m-i-c but now bethlehem ephrata though thou be little among the thousands of judah yet out of thee shall he comfort unto me that is to be a ruler in israel whose goings fought have been from of old from everlasting the prophecy of jesus and the kind of person he is to be the ruler prince from of old from everlasting so he's saying the person of jesus pre-existed from of old but he is coming into a person this being that existed from of old is coming into a person from of old from everlasting that is his being pre-exists he's coming into a man his being pre-exists he's coming into a man are you still in the building look at isaiah 7 14 again and i'm showing your mind you're wondering why is papa taking us through all of these the day somebody will ask you god in heaven is not jesus because jesus is the son of god does god have a wife why does he have a son that is the day you value this work i'm doing here when you stand face to face with a man who is attacking the deity of christ that's when you will need all these scriptures that i'm giving you now and very soon somebody will confront you it's a prophecy you'll see it come to pass so you better not be looking at me like that you better get busy because this is where the rubber meets the road concerning your faith his goings are of old meaning he pre-existed before coming into a person are we still in the building isaiah 7 14 isaiah 7 14 therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name emmanuel there there's no interpretation for the word emmanuel in that context emmanuel was used twice in hebrews once for a people look at isaiah 8 8 emmanuel isaiah 8 8 and he shall pass through judah he shall overflow and go over he shall reach even to the neck and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breath of thy land oh emmanuel in the hebrew when that word was used it was used to depict presence emmanuel el manuel l the word l is used for l eleon earlier alien l emmanuel which describes god manuel has to do with be with be with manuel speaks of a presence now you wonder what the uniqueness was the uniqueness of emmanuel god was with his people because he is jehovah exodus chapter 6 verse 3. so what's the point that word with which describes a union that is a coming together not just a presence of appearance but a presence of joining emmanuel god with us is a presence of joining that is we are going to see them together some bible scholars will call it hypostetic union hypostetic union so god with us means god with that is a union of a joining of what you can call a major measure is different from acquisition if we say a bank acquired another bank that is the the the the entity they acquired loses identity it loses identity it is swallowed and it is deprived and ripped off of his identity it now puts on the identity of the band that acquired it so that's not a measure that's an acquisition acquisition is where a buyer totally swallows a person is by when you have a measure a measure is where two people come together as one there was exxon and there was mobile two different companies exxon mobil two different companies they now decided to come together as one as a major they are now called exxonmobil that's a measure that's a union of two entities that still maintain their identity so emmanuel is god with that is deity merging with humanity in a way that deity and humanity exist together that's why it's hypostatic union that is jesus is hundred percent a man as though not god and hundred percent god as though not man is a major emmanuel teaching good emmanuel stay with me so the word emmanuel is a union so when you say emmanuel we are referring to a union of god and man imagine of god and man and that union is giving a name christ god who became a man is called christ so when we say christ christ what do we mean i have told you before as students of the bible you can have a greek interpretation of a world but you will need to look at it in context what is this meaning look at the issue of tongues we've been talking about tongues is a word used all over the bible but you can't say anywhere it is used is talking about speaking in tongues you must look at tongues in context what is this man saying you must examine that so when we say christ on the face of it if you say jesus christ or christ jesus when we say that what does the term christ mean don't forget there's a prophecy that said god with us emmanuel and i told you it's not just presence but it's a presence of joining are we in the building then he says jesus christ why was his name not called emmanuel the prophecy says his name shall be emmanuel but when he was born he was called jesus christ nobody ever called him emmanuel his only music ministers that call him emmanuel emmanuel the angel spoke in matthew 1 21. put it up for me matthew chapter 1 verse 21 and she shall bring forth his son and thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins the angel spoke his name shall be called yeshua how many of you have come across people who are very very touchy about yeshua yeshua don't call jesus jesus we call him yeshua if you don't call him yeshua god will not answer the problem take your literacy away from me somebody who has not studied is trying to exercise authority you're only an authority after you have studied you can't just be an authority just because you copy something somewhere are we are we teaching good here leave all those jewish christians yeshua means joshua joshua yeshua jesus jesus in hebrew is joshua so when you say joshua you're actually saying jesus are we together here and anybody bearing joshua is bearing jesus that's the meaning of jesus joshua yeshua yeshua that's a hebrew so when we say christ what do you mean look at matthew 16 16 as i begin to round up matthew 6 and simon peter answered and said that were the christ the son of the living god next verse and jesus answered and said unto him blessed are those simon vagina for flesh and blood had not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven so this is a revelation that came to him from the father the revelation is he is called christ you are the christ the son of the living god he didn't say you are emmanuel he said you are the christ look at acts chapter 2 verse 36 acts chapter 2 verse 36 are you enjoying this therefore let all the house of israel know assuredly that god hath made that same jesus whom you have crucified both lord and christ both lord and christ so when he rules from the dead peter calls him christ in his earthly walk when he rose from the dead in verse 33 look at 33 acts 2 33 see what peter said about jesus therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had shed for this which you now see and hear next verse for david is not ascended into the heavens but he saith himself the lord said unto my lord sit down on my right hand next verse until i make thy false thy footstool 36 therefore let all the house of israel know assuredly that god had made that same jesus whom you have crucified both lord and christ he calls him cries even after he rose from the dead he called him christ before he died that was the christ when he rose from the dead he said god that met jesus whom god has raised from the dead but lord and christ luke 24 26 luke 24 26 up not christ ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory what do you mean suffer look at verse 46 luke 24 46 luke 24 46 and said unto them thus it is written and does it behoove christ to suffer who is to suffer christ who is to suffer christ and to rise from the dead the tortilla so that suffering was referring to death the death of christ so it was prophesied that christ will die be buried rise again the third day look at first corinthians 15 verse three to four first corinthians 15 3-4 for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures next verse and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so whoever is christ will die whoever is christ will be buried and whoever is christ will rise again in other words that means the term christ therefore will refer to a human being because god does not die so christ is the name of the man the man that came out of deity into humanity his name is christ christ will suffer christ will die christ died christ was buried christ rose from the dead because it is christ that rose from the dead now let me close with this one tomorrow we take off from here look matthew 22 verse 42 jesus is speaking to the pharisees and sadducees saying what thinking of christ whose son is he they say unto him the son of david 43 he saith unto them how then dot dated in spirit called him lord saying so that's a prophecy that means david prophesied in spirit okay 44 the lord said unto my lord sit down on my right hand till i make that enemies thy foot too if they did then call him lord how is he his son what a question what a question the devil speak by the spirit and call christ his son when david called christ his son was he speaking by the spirit huh yes he was speaking by the spirit of course now look at acts 2 29 because it won't be good i thank you let me just give you the scripture acts 2 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david that he's both dead and buried and a sepulcher is with us unto the david has died is buried his tomb is here 30. therefore being a prophet who is a prophet and knowing that god has sworn with an oath to him him who david that of the fruit of his loins the lies of a human being or the lions of god a human being according to the flesh he will raise up who who is christ a man who came out of the loins of a man to sit on his throne so even in prophecy the word christ is the name of a man who came out of deity so when jesus now said to them how come david in the spirit calls him lord you know why they kept quiet they have no answer if he came out of david's loins why is david calling him my lord no father calls his biological son my lord you know what jesus is trying to prove to those people that the christ is not david's son even though he's david's son that is the christ is a union stand-up place close is a union of deity in humanity so that humanity that came out of deity is called what christ is it getting clear you don't want us to close stand up praise god think about that we take off from there tomorrow the number of terms terminologies and concepts of the new testament and the scriptures will be unpacking between now and sunday and it is critical for you to pay very close attention because that will help informing the foundation of your understanding of the scriptures can i have a good amen father we pray for everybody under the sound of my voice that the revelation of jesus grows big on your inside until nothing else matters in the name of jesus the eyes of your understanding flooded with light whatever is not planted by god rooted out we declare you blessed and kept by the power of god in the name of jesus and we rejoice that all over the world the knowledge of the glory of the lord flows the earth as the water covers the sea father we give you praise that your people are built up and equipped every day so we stand forth in the midst of darkness and shine the glorious light we give you praise in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality in another two minutes i'll be joining mr michael bush we'll answer your questions and respond to your calls just because before we do that grab your offerings let's give it joy if you're watching online the banking details are scrolling on television the banking leaders are scrolling radio audience get ready mr bush is going to give you banking details we're giving faith we're giving honor of our king and our lord jesus christ we're giving honor as responsible children of god so that the work of our father continues to advance upon the face of the earth don't forget that sunday is partnership sunday and we're going to have a wonderful time as we pray for all partners of this ministry and we thank all of you that are partners who continually give to us this ministry to enable us continue to spread the gospel all over the earth father we're giving faith tonight we give a joy our offerings are a sweet smell before you and we thank you for everyone giving we decree that everyone giving tonight your needs are met according to his riches in glory by christ jesus thank you father for the blessing upon your people in jesus christ's name and every believer says a powerful amen well audience around the world tv social media radio audience in another minute or so be joining mr michael bush you don't want to go away you want to stay and be part of the answers in question session as we connect with the rest of the world in another minute also glory to god let's celebrate our viewers around the world for being a part of this service tonight glory amen we have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email you are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your spirit and in your body which are god so your spirit and your body is sealed until the day when mortality puts on immortality sin cannot break the seal individual mistakes cannot break the seal persecution cannot break the sea nakedness cannot break the sea hunger cannot break the sea farming cannot break the sea i am fully persuaded that nothing in this life nor in the life to come shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ where are you in christ what keeps you there the love of god join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering doctor abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.9 comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aquabo 90.5 ryo yunio fm 100.7 rio and heritage heaven 104.9 and also live on sundays 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight wang able road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria you can also watch these programs live on kingdom live network tv on your strong decoder or my tv decoder you can also follow abell domino's facebook page public figure as well as youtube twitter and instagram handles to watch real time host doctors abel and rachel dominar [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you for staying tuned we just moved straight to the announcement that the radio audience will be waiting for bank details the three banks as always there's fcmb there's nf and there's uba of course the account name remains the same one account name in three places the account name is power city international it's fcmb 29 82 68 20 28 29 82 68 2028 that's for fcmb account name power city international the second account and the second bank is zenith it's 10 12 36 65 912 am i right there 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12. that's for the next the account name is power city international bet of course and then finally uba 139 26 465 100 39 26 4 6 5 quickly quickly i'm in another 10 minutes you should be opening the windows for your telephone calls to come into the building and that number for you to dial is plus two three four if you're doing from outside the country otherwise it's o806 800.9939.1806 800.9939 we are doing from outside the country of course plus 234 before all of that also email ask the counselor now at if you want to send that by email and sms plus two three four seven or three six nine one eight six four two finally for sponsorship just call up plus two three four eight two three two seven five six one or four you email dr abelldamina at doctor day is gr of course i'm done with those opening announcements just in time to go join the man of the moment the man without whom we cannot run this part of the show i mean the entire show is just centered around one man i was going to say so the show is uh dominar centric right okay okay so nobody is the onset um i'll show him to you in a moment let me just first acknowledge that the resident pastor of power city international right here number 98 when he bar wrote in the heart of ryo akwa boom state nigeria is here with his dear wife pastor presucon and waifu you may put your hands together for them my producer is also here pastor ij aquarium is production team my name is michael bush i'm super excited to be here but global bubble is also here international the prolific author and someone who just teaches the word the way you've never heard before help me welcome globo baba dr abel damina intercontinental mr bush good evening everybody so nice to see you what a blessing so so nice to see you praise god that has been your name yeah fantastic fantastic i'm on radio i had to go sign on the program come here okay okay they usually be magic thank you so nice to see you blah blah blah will just pray we just said the stage this is the ritualistic prayer let's pray together father we rejoice that your word is flooding the nations hearts of men are open to the truth of the gospel minds of men are being rewired by the holy ghost through the teaching of your world and we thank you that even where there was resistance the resistance is collapsing because you can do nothing against the truth but for the truth the word of god covers the earth as the water covers the sea so we ask that laborers are released to the nations of the earth to teach and preach and disciple men all over the world we declare that there's an exodus of men from darkness to light and we decree that even in our state our nation and other nations of the earth our governments continue to to be used as instruments of creating an enabling environment for the gospel to thrive and we thank you lord that your word finds free course even and it is glorified around the world as it is glorified with us we give you praise and glory and we pray specifically for ministers of the gospel that are in countries where there is heavy persecution where there is strong opposition from the government down against the gospel we pray that they have boldness that they continue to preach with boldness we pray for strength for such ministers and for such believers and we decree that even in the midst of persecution the gospel thrives most we give you praise and glory in jesus name amen amen okay global was set to go as i said in another seven minutes we should be taking telephone calls also i'll be taking a couple of uh live audience questions as soon as the time is now enough and the tide is high enough okay we spent the night in uh uyu akwa bomb state so we're going to be starting here from on this edition of the program so i got this anonymous entry says god bless you sir please i'd like to know how i can see the manifestation of jesus's finished work in my life like you know in the areas of healing spiritual growth provision etc i thought that when i claimed the promise of god for my life i would not be attacked by sickness and diseases yet these challenges still come so how do i live how do i enjoy the manifestations of jesus's finished work thank you sir for your quick response god bless you amen well first of all you must set your focus right if your focus is seeing jesus as it means to an end you're already wrong because jesus is not a means to an end jesus is the end once you find christ you find through satisfaction you'll find true fulfillment nothing can be beyond christ nothing can be better than christ christ is the ultimate and that's very important you must be able to receive the gospel in a way that christ becomes your ultimate satisfaction jesus said if all our hope is in this world we are of all men most miserable so there is something better than money cars and houses and it is christ himself he said to that woman if you drink of the well you will trust again but the water that i give you never tells jesus is the gift of god that satisfies however after receiving christ i'm contented with having christ as we begin to grow in the knowledge of christ and feed on christ and grow in the knowledge of christ all of the realities of god on your inside begins to find expression things like your authority things like the fruit of the spirit things like all that christ has provided now however remember your body is still mortality so the fact that your body gets sick doesn't mean you don't have the promises of god it just shows you that this body is mortal and that is why this body shall be swallowed up by immortality so while we are still in this body we have up and downs that's what brother paul said in this body we grown not desiring to be naked but that mortality should be swallowed by immortality so there's a groaning in this body because of the limitations that this body poses however as you grow in the knowledge of christ you're able to exercise authority and keep your body in the best possible way but don't forget it's not just reliant on your authority there are also common sense things you do to keep this body remember this body came from the dust therefore it must survive by the things that come from the earth like good food rest well sleep well all of that are part of the things that helps you to live a healthy life okay another anonymous no he's not anonymous he's just anonymous in the fact that he didn't tell us where he's writing from but i mean it could be jolly well beyo so his name is mega or his name is mega says hello global baba thank you so much for your labor of love and for teaching us the true gospel please pray and counsel me over my brother solomon he drinks excessively global baba and is drunk almost every day he even went to rehab for the same problem but he only stopped drinking for a while and it started again i also preached to him the gospel and had given him teachings to listen to several times but he refuses the teachings and would only be interested for a while and he's back at it again it also went to a point of him accepting christ but his condition remains the same he drinks to a point global he doesn't know where he is not only does he drink excessively but he also smokes and is in debts because of his drinking condition this started when he was 17 years old and now global baba is 31 things don't seem to improve please what can we do thank you mega well as it is with all addictions not just alcohol all addiction smoking porn and you know you know all addictions it's all because of you know lack of identity lack of an understanding of who you are and it boils down to identity crisis the moment you don't know who you are you become a victim you become a slave you are bound suddenly you cannot enjoy the freedom that is yours in christ so what do you do with your brother who is giving to alcohol well the first thing is you've got to expose him to the message of christ let him begin to feed on christ christ is the true satisfaction what the guy is looking for is satisfaction he thinks alcohol can give him some other people think you know womanizing can give them some other people think you know smoking will give them that satisfaction so the more they drink the more they want to drink the more they drink they have a false sense of satisfaction and then suddenly it wears off and they go back again so it becomes an addiction and it becomes a circle of bondage however when somebody begins to feed on christ begins to grow in the knowledge of christ gets baptized with the holy ghost begins to speak in tongues and begin to enjoy what christ has provided suddenly his need for natural things to give him that satisfaction begins to disappear that is how to break addictions and we have a number of people have reached out to us who say just by listening to the things that i teach they are free from different kinds of addictions so your brother can be totally liberated if you expose him to these teachings and just begin to pray for him for his eyes to be open not just your brother or all others who are having addiction problems that is how to free yourself from such addictions okay global baba we make um progress i'm still staying in new york of course hello global baba dr ebel damina your sermons are so lifting glory to jesus christ of nazareth our savior please do you have a bible school is it open to only respective of christian nomination attend cherubim and seraphim church god bless you son be a short stay fast in movable always in abounding in the work of the lord for your labor in the lord is not in vain first corinthians 15 58 furthermore i just want to say that um the entire continental mr michael bush is doing a great job on uh thank you your son jesus christ well seeker what a blessing to have you reach out to us well we have a bible school that bible school comes up every july there's a whole month of bible school and it's open to everybody cherubim seraphim you know um celestial church of christ open to pentecostals orthodox i mean open to muslims open to buddhists open to any homosexuals lesbians the bible school is open to everybody you know it's for everybody to be trained to know christ so look forward to july i will be looking forward to welcoming you to our bible school baba the intercontinental my prayer is that when i grow older i should not look for trouble the way global does oh global barber okay greetings mr michael bush please sir in matthew 26 13 9 all the way to 42 how did matthew get at our account when he was not among the three disciples with christ and the three were sleeping when christ went further to pray could it be by revelation thank you sir well again remember all of these accounts the people that were around the apostles and disciples heard these stories from them and based on what they heard they communicated to those who documented okay i'm just trying to see whether i can now leave aqua album okay let's let's go to worry what is in delta state writes dear global baba thank god for the insight into the word of god if the disciples were not born again before christ rules what then happened in matthew 10 1 where jesus sent them to preach the gospel were they not saved to them well remember he gave them power to go and clean and cast out unclean spirits he gave them power delegated authority he delegated to them his authority and they went in his authority that's why they said the demons were subject to us through your name so they were operating by delegated authority okay group of baba from delta state let's just go to next door he does building city now please have some personal issues which i've tried my best to resolve but they have persisted over the years and i need your counsel on how to overcome them one i'm a born-again christian i love and save god but have been experiencing stagnation failure and delayed many areas of my life i've fasted and prayed but yet i'm still i'm suffering two i do have bad dreams most times blubo baba i see myself in the village i left for over 20 years now and in most cases i see myself living in the same old house the same dreams my elder sister is having and as such we are battling poverty and despite all efforts we make three i've gained admission to study in the university for four years and after six years i haven't graduated it's been from one carryover to another despite reading hard for the exams and finally four and many more challenges i've been experiencing so counselor how do i overcome all these please i need your accounts as soon as possible godwin from benin city he does state blah blah blah we just go to a fest caller fest though hello yeah hello many thanks for joining us you know where you're calling from yeah good evening i'm calling from director state your name my name is jesse i want to ask a question on forgiveness of sin before and after the law okay and one of your christians said quick mail okay you said we have obtained internal forgiveness yes that was what that was the night that was only said at the end of the administration so sad my question is even if a man or a believer sings with or without confession he's granted is he granted forgiveness yes of course now you must remember that the forgiveness of sin is not predicated on you confessing anything the reason why jesus died is because of your sins he died for the sins so automatically by his death your sins are taken care of so in christ jesus if a believer be overtaken if a brother be overtaken or a believer gets into sin the bible's recommendation is that those that are spiritual should restore him so there is a restoration but of course that restoration is not confessing sins that restoration is that elders in christ who you look up to are able to take you keep you down show you who you are in christ show you what the scripture says about you so that you your your identity is made very real to you the moment you come face to face with your identity that appetite for that misbehavior suddenly disappears because now you know who you really are and that's how believers are taking care of where sinful acts are concerned remember jesus already died for you and the bible says as you stay in the light of his word the blood of jesus is always cleaning you from every sin it is an automatic walk that you receive from the advocacy of jesus guaranteeing you totally cleansed the reason why you're thinking of confessing sin is because you're thinking of stealing fornication adultery but there are other things that you commit in the course of the day that you are not even aware of and if you must confess seem to be forgiving then that means that there are a lot of sins in your life that are not forgiving then that means you will never make it to heaven so the point is this jesus is dead took care of all our sins but known and unknown so whenever you find yourself do wrong all you need to do is receive what christ has done rise up in strength and tell yourself you're bigger than what you just did and when you say that the consciousness of who you are destroys the appetite for further continuity in that act so what we have in christ is eternal forgiveness okay from a dog to rivers hello baba my name is prince kalu i'm in portarkot did we answer that he do you read yesterday oh i read it was saying yeah okay just talking about stagnation in its life oh yes oh yes oh yes all right now first of all you must realize that even if you are not a christian you will have still been having that stagnation so you're not having that stagnation because you're a christian or because you're not a christian it is because of your exposure you must have a mindset where they have already taught you they've given you a consciousness that tells you as long as you keep having those dreams you will keep experiencing backwardness and as a man think it's so easy so what do you need to be free you need to expose yourself to sound teaching sound teaching you see the teaching of god's word is a cure to 99.9999 problems of christians expose yourself to sound teaching the word of god is for reproof and it is for correction it will reprove you it will correct you and it will instruct you in righteousness that's what the teaching of god will do it will change your mindset and when your thinking changes your life experiences will be affected so you need to change your mind by exposing yourself to the sound teaching of god's word just as we now expose the next caller good evening bless you bless you sir thank you he gave us a certain gospel and yesterday before the referendum devil took him [Music] okay i know that you're going to have all those questions in fact today we were reading i think some portion in the book of mark or something with the family and those issues also came up and we discussed on them remember the parables of jesus we are not literal so every time jesus gave a parable the mission of the parable was to reveal him to israel so let me start with the parables before i go to the temptation every parable jesus gave whether it was the people that were invited and refused to come and they went to the highways he was talking about the jewish people whom he came for and they rejected him and he opened the door to the gentiles all right all the all the parables were concerning the fact that jesus was among them and they were looking for jesus to come he was using parables to reveal to them that he was the one among them even the one that the person came without a a wedding cloth he came to attend the marriage supper he was just telling the people that you know there's a wedding going on and some of you are attending the wedding that you have been preparing for without wearing the wedding meaning you are rejecting me who is supposed to clothe you and qualify you for the messiah that you are waiting for all of those were parables to reveal christ now the temptation of jesus in matthew chapter 4 was actually theologians tell us it was a summary of all the temptations that jesus had in life the loss of the flesh the loss of the eyes the pride of life it was just the way matthew reported it the reportage of matthew was why it made it sound like that jesus and satan didn't travel to a mountain all of those were temptations in the mind of jesus thought that satan kept throwing into jesus mind that jesus resisted and refused to succumb to remember he was tempted in all points yet without seeing so that's a summary of the temptations that jesus was exposed to as a man he was tempted in the pride of life the loss of the eyes the loss of the flesh summarized by matthew in matthew chapter 4 as the devil taking jesus to a high mountain is a style of writing i hope that helps you i especially yes i especially like evangel that idea of and again and again and again i i thought i didn't know how we're going to end with that one but this next caller hello okay yes many thanks for joining us when you're calling from hello my name is uh i'm calling from on the stage good evening sir evening bless you uh please actually i have a question is based on baptism in the book of acts of apostle chapter 8 talking about the the encounter philippians with the token enoch after the conversation philippe baptized him with water and after which he received the holy ghost so but i followed that is a teaching and i discovered that he said whole water participant is not necessary so why should he now perfect him with water and at the same time he received the holy ghost and sometimes so that's the question there are nothing is i read from people talking about some pastors maybe preaching about generational office like um maybe whereby the second song is taking over or over taking the first song in some families that way you can see sometimes it appears to be true so what i don't know i want you to throw more light on this thank you sir all right if you've been following the teaching that's why i keep teaching and i say pay attention pay attention because if you've been paying attention you will have heard few days ago i said the book of acts is not a doctrinal material and that's what we've been proving as we keep teaching it was a journalistic account of what how the new testament church evolved how it grew so in chapter eight they were still growing but if you follow closely after chapter eight you won't see any other water baptism because shortly after chapter eight paul the apostle came into the church and brought sound teaching and when brother paul came into the church nobody was baptizing anymore so all of those were part of their growth period and in their growth they had what we call cross-testamental application they carried over practices from the old testament but as they grew in christ they dropped those practices remember the prophecy is john said i baptize with water but the mightier than i will not use water he will use holy ghost the day of john is gone this is the day of jesus jesus does not use water he uses holy ghost so when you receive jesus you are baptized into christ you are baptized with the holy ghost and once you receive the holy ghost by salvation you don't need water anymore because you're already saved it's one baptism and that baptism is receiving christ okay fantastic i a producer in another two three minutes we should take live audience questions we just hold on to phone calls for now let me just move around the world more hello global my name is prince carlo i'm in potaka please pray for me everything about me just turned bad my wife left me with kids and ran away please daddy i need words of prayers for god's mercy in my life i think the same answer we gave to to i don't know what was that a phone call about listening more yeah listen to the word yeah yeah you could find yourself yes just pay more attention to the teaching of god so it will really help you a lot you know but but it doesn't stop us from praying for you receive peace receive clarity and in the name of jesus we declare an intervention in your situation in jesus name amen to abuja with right that's flying from river state to fly straight into abuja god bless you and mr michael bush kindly explained first corinthians 3 17 if any man defiles the temple of god him shall god destroy for the temple of god is holy which temple ye are pmo in abuja what it simply means is you get yourself into defilement god is absent from that defilement and because god is absent if you expose yourself to defilement you have a lot of things you have consequences to confront that's what he was talking about brother paul when he was talking about preserving your body and i was talking about you know knowing that you you carry christ so you don't carelessly live a life where you create a room for the devil to torment you physically from the namdaes giveaway international airport in abuja nigeria flying straight to spain hello global baba please i really need your help please i don't know what to do about this i do have sex in my dream whenever i sleep before i knew it i would get wet all over with all of my body with spam my name is kelechi augustin duru i'm based in spain i'm still single please pastor have me out of this one can let you there are two reasons why you have wet dreams the first one is biological all right every every boy every guy that grew from boy who to to to youth to manhood or to being a man had wet dreams one time or the other it's it's biological if you ask doctors they will affirm that that is part of the proof that your entire reproductive system is functional in fact it's just like erection boys have erections without any reason it's part of establishing that your reproductive system is alive so and that is why mothers or fathers who observe that their boys don't have erection they start complaining because it's not healthy and it's not normal it's part of growth and development however when it becomes too much and you start having sexual dreams it could also refer to the fact that maybe you are spending more time in things that are illicit movies porn you're spending time discussing with people that talk about filthy things dirty things you know erotic things you know sexual things and if you're exposed to such things there's no there's no magic you're going to have those kind of dreams so what do you do begin to renew your mind with the word of god spend more time hearing the word spend more time in the word of god and keep reminding yourself that you are the temple of the holy spirit and as you begin to feed on the word of god he said well without shall a young man cleanse his ways by taking the heat there onto according to god's word he says the word of god is water that washes you so as you spend more time in the world it begins to clean you of things that could be responsible in your mind for those who are dreams but once your mind is clean and you have once in a while where dreams is part of your biology if you ask doctors they will confirm that okay from paris in france we'll be going straight to another european stop that is spain first though we just have someone finished business back in the live studio hello your name good evening papa evening blessings by name okay papa um this is a time to i want to cease to thank you for the word that you've been helping to build us up and one of the best thing that has ever happened in my life is the interpretation of the scripture that you've made us to understand so let's go straight to the point just yesterday i was passing through the street and i saw one of these billboards and we're quoting this base of description um this dual 225 that says and i resource you the years at the low cost the conquer one we know the scripture so the very first thing um the first thing that came into my mind was like what is this scripture saying because i've been talking about the scriptures for years so i had to go and read the entire scripture as you've taught us to read and verses of the scripture in context they predict the postex so i actually went and did that when i read at the end of it i came into terms that what this place was actually referring to was god restoring his people which was through christ that's the concept of salvation so papa i would like to know why is it that is it that people have the preachers of the gospel that they have intentionally been knowing this and they don't want to make this nonsense people or they don't know at all now there are two other two questions that i want to ask so a friend of mine was talking about um you know working in the supernatural with that knowledge that knowledge has nothing to do with the supernatural so is that possible an equally said something today too he said that when if jesus was i'm talking about him saying give rich things when he said that when he mentioned the aspect of um harvesters being little so now i want to ask you sir this aspect of calling regarding to this crystal centric meal how do you attach to this fact how do you explain for them to get better that as new testament believers that we are all called that we don't need to hear a voice from god before we go into the ministry thank you sir all right very good the first question you asked has to do with pastors our pastor is not aware of this well let me be honest with you a lot of pastors don't even know the bible at all that they preach because many of them didn't get any form of training they were just full of zeal full of excitement and people told them you have a call in my day i don't know about today once somebody is very zeus he's always going for evangelism always coming for prayer meeting if they see that is very committed you will have people start telling you have a call you have a call and then after the person thinks he has a call he takes the bible and as he takes the bible he just starts saying things that sound good or he copies what other people are doing and that's his own ministry so many pastors really don't know they don't know what you know many didn't have any training and then others who are training they they some of them are not paying attention to the rules of bible teaching and bible preaching they just preach what people want to hear so they can gather crowd they preach out to make people feel good so that they can gather crowd that's where the dilemma is so that is why as we keep preaching the truth it will become glaring the difference between the truth and falsehood and people will be forced to preach the truth of the gospel and those who are ignorant in ministry when they start hearing the truth you will find out that they become humble and they begin to learn so that they too can be efficient in ministry then on the area of calling every child of god is called romans chapter 8 says for those who for knew he predestinated those he predestinated he called those he called he justified so every born-again believer is called however god brings us into the church and gives us pastors who feed us with knowledge and when you are fed with knowledge you grow when you grow spiritually the fruit of spiritual growth is ministry you now want to preach you now want to be a blessing to people so the message that saves you makes a messenger out of you and then jesus never spoke in tongues because when jesus was on earth the spirit was not yet given so he never spoke in tongues speaking in tongues is a gift that came from jesus after his resurrection that's why the first speaking in tongues was on the day of pentecost and from that day till today the apostles all of them spoke in tongues and every believer ought to speak in tongues jesus said this sign shall follow all those that believe they speak in tongues and speaking in tongues is is is not a language of men now your friend that told you that the supernatural is not taught he himself doesn't know what he's talking about brother paul in first corinthians 12 is now concerning spirituals i will not have you ignorant that means there is a teaching that is required in order for you to operate in the supernatural blah blah thank you i know that the second life audience question is ready first draw i just need to go complete this trip to paris in france i'm steve from paris i really am blessed by your teachings global i'm so thankful to god for making me come in contact with your teachings since i began to follow you my christian life and ministry have changed totally i really honor you and appreciate the great work that you do for the body of christ global baba also after a counsel from you i began my ministry in paris starting with the weekly bible meeting on zoom now it is growing we have taken a venue and we have our service every sunday i would like to have a prayer and a blessing from global baba because i was being trained for ministry in a church for some five years where the real gospel was not preached but since i came in contact with the teachings everything just changed for me now i know that here in paris would take over this country and all europe with the true gospel of jesus christ so global baba can i have a way of prayer and counsel or instruction for in for this new mission we are beginning finally one of my goals for this year 2021 is that one year from now we'll have grown well and will invite you for a massive conference here in paris thank you pastor steve grifford is in paris france wow pastor steve congratulations i will also encourage you to join our mentoring academy that will give you an opportunity to interact with me one-on-one every week and it will help you as you grow where you have issues you can always reach out to me if you join the mentoring academy however father i pray for pastor steve that he has all trance he has boldness he is kept by your power and his ministry continues to find expression and the word of the lord grows mightily in the whole of paris in jesus name amen amen live audience question number two and the last on this edition hello hello good evening church good evening mr bush good evening pastor bless you welcome baba i want to say thank you for what god is using you to do truly i'm blessed with your teaching i just want to move straight to the question what's your name sorry my name is ben branson okay go ahead i just want to move straight to the question it's about this tradition something it's about their family inheritance i think when the parents died now in sharing of the property as in the wheel it happens that uh like in my place i said before you take part i think you inherit what your father left for you have to like you know they you have to meet a certain demand like they will call come and give goats come and give this come and give that after you like you cooked you know prepare something for them and after they say should each of the male children should come and be giving money you know give good give this and give that so i wanna i want to ask if truly is is right for a believer for inside my spirit i know that it's not right for a believer to get into such things because i see it as economic waste so i just wanted about to say something about it thank you sir when they asked jesus that kind of question they asked jesus is it okay to pay tax and jesus told them get me a coin and he asked them whose inscription is on that coin they say caesar's and he said to them give to caesar what is caesar's and give to god what is god if that is a culture in your place and a tradition in your place since it does not affect your your faith in christ it does not affect your christianity you know give it to them but if it is too much for you negotiate with them talk with them and see how you can reduce the economic waste as much as possible but you know they will always insist you have to give them something so give them and and save yourself from a lot of trouble and just enjoy the peace of god from the francophone headquarters that's the headquarters of francophone in the world and that's located in paris in france that's in europe i'm coming to what should be the headquarters of francophone in africa cameroon hello global baba this is skylab from cameroon doctors warm greetings in the much less name of jesus christ my questions are taken from first period 6 17 second period 2 20 and second thessalonians 2 3 who are the spirits that were being preached too and is it the gospel message that was preached to them what did peter mean by judgments must begin in the house of god and that the righteous shall be scarcely saved and also in peter's second episode 2020 who was he referring to if this were sinners is it possible for a sinner to have a hypnosis considering that was the word he used today for knowledge well i'll answer just two questions the other ones you didn't give me the references the first question i will answer for you there is who are the spirits that were preached to well it's a type of it's um peter was making reference to the days of noah and the spirits that were preached were the people in the days of noah they rejected the gospel and that's where they are increasing that's what peter was making reference to and then i think the second question was um that one judgment will begin from the house where is persecution he means that persecution will begin with christians if persecution begins with us what shall be the faith of those who do not even have christ so he was talking about persecution for the gospel that's what peter was communicating in that scripture okay blah blah blah is a fine place to live it cameroon is a beautiful place to spare yeah it is i know you were like so stay over in cameroon tomorrow is another day we come and we continue in style until then okay global we need to say a quick prayer to you know all right father we pray for all those that are in need that are connected to this broadcast right now people that are sick those in need of a life partner those that are in need of fruit of the womb we pray for people that are depressed those that are going through challenges in their minds and in their circumstances you need a miracle wherever you are right now we command the devil to take his hands off your circumstances of your body and your body be healed amen in the name of jesus amen we declare that you receive marital favors amen and we pray for those that are married a miracle of the fruit of the womb receive it in the name of jesus amen we pray for students who are believing god for admission those believing god for scholarship receive favor and supernatural favor in the name of jesus amen father we believe you for massive harvest of answers receive it now amen in jesus name amen amen okay so amen baba at any moment now we are on um inspirational film yes that runs from nine until ten nine to ten yeah inspiration heritage ten to twelve tomorrow morning 5 45 am xl fm 11 to 12 i'm 11 to 1 radioacquire bomb one to three xlfm three to five unifm and we're back here tomorrow evening on comfort fm six to eight pm but i want to also acknowledge we have in the house tonight dr gabriel from kaduna still with us and then we have pastor rex nadi all the way from lagos he's been with us for a few days coordinates ikma in lagos where pastor chubbu is there with us from asaba glad to have all of you here tonight praise god blah blah blah blah blah producer uh pastor ij aquarium is production to many things so to the resident pastor pastor presu khan and his dear wife winimer this is michael bush on their behalf thanking you for your time and looking forward to another edition tomorrow global baba dr ebel damina intercontinental mr bush what a day it's been a wonderful one today well we thank all of you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god but the social media community and everybody on radio and on tv we look forward to having all of you again tomorrow make sure you bring more people to connect you to this grace and until then enjoy the grace of our lord jesus christ and be blessed goodbye from our nigeria amen and amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,601
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: u-vvdsucIb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 50sec (7790 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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