Web Developer Live - Winning Strategy for $182,500 per year

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you already know it's your boy joe back at it again codingphase.com your boys back and adam did it again one more time today we got something special for you guys okay we're gonna talk about how to get to right a high number that for some of you guys you might think oh this is impossible you can't do this i'm gonna give you guys the winning strategy okay winning strategy all right if you are a developer if you are starting to become a developer if you are somebody who's already working as a developer let's talk about it what's the winning strategy to getting to and eighty two thousand five hundred dollars per year okay per year all right that's about let's divide that by twelve that's about fifteen thousand two hundred and eight dollars per month okay now if you want to get to that number there's only one way to do it guys is by actually learning the right skills okay you have to think about it like this right there's certain skills that are great to find a job right there's certain skills that are great to start your career as a developer but there's certain skills that are great for you to be independent okay now if you want to learn these things this is what we teach at codingphase.com right if you guys never been to the website just go to codingface.com or click on the description below it will link you directly in there okay now how much is a hundred and eighty two thousand five hundred dollars per year on a daily average okay so that's about let's bring out the calculator right i like to bring out the calculator right 182 000 uh 500 divided by 365. what you need to be making is literally 500 a day okay you need to make 500 per day to get to that number now for some of you guys you might think well joe that's impossible i mean how can i make 500 per day right you know most jobs only you work from monday to friday right so how do you do this it's very simple you need to learn shopify development guys that's it tada end the video goodbye walk away and i said the video's over that's it shopify development kids okay so if you're wondering um what is it that you need to to learn shopify development it's hot okay i'm gonna give you guys a couple of uh of details in here right and show you guys the details and show you guys the strategy on how to do this all right there's the same strategy that i'm using myself okay uh this is where i'm putting all my eggs into that basking i put the egg on the basket you get what i'm saying like yeah man and the reason why is because you know this thing the potential of it is crazy you know i'm giving you guys a hundred and eighty two thousand dollars right worth of information right right now that's what you're getting right now yeah uh information worth 182 000 right so this is what you're getting right now now but look look let's go in let me see if i can share the screen for you guys real quick and we're going to talk about it all right um now the cool thing about shopify development is that anybody can start you don't have to be an expert and i'm gonna show you how so many people that are not experts guys and girls who are not developers right because some of you guys got the skills but you don't know how to put that [ __ ] to work for you the only thing that you know is to go to work and then they give you a test and they give you uh basically a job and they tell you well finish this job or finish this work and then on fridays you get paid guys the same [ __ ] that you're doing for a company or the same thing that you're trying to do for a company by getting higher is the exact same thing that you could do for yourself okay and it's more profitable like i'll give you an example like if i'm a junior developer today right and i'm finding myself like damn man nobody's giving me a job right now because it says i need experience to get a job but nobody gives me a job because i have no experience it's like an infinite loop right what do i do right i'm not gonna stay there in that infinite loop i'm still gonna make some money with the skills because you study you work hard for this okay so if you work hard for this and you know how to build things put that [ __ ] to work for you okay so i'm gonna show you guys right now a couple of of different stores that are selling right now imagine this look this is 10 people already have this thing on their cart okay this is just one random uh shopify theme okay this is one that they're selling on etsy okay if i was to show you guys if you go to my course the shopify theme developer okay if you go in there if you go to codingface.com right just to show you this right we go in shopify team developer you learn everything about the programming side everything that you need to be able to build these themes most of you guys already know all of these things okay i don't need to teach it to you right but you do need this information first shopify store shopify team development google analytics facebook and google ads design software for developers okay all of these things is what's gonna make you very attractive to people who need your services okay now look at this right this is a shopify theme and this isn't like a very customized theme or like something new that they added or they spent hours and hours of development to do this thing this is like a beginner that say hey there's money in shopify okay there's a lot of people that starting shopify stores every single day let me go and get in there okay this is what i love i love doing research and finding hustlers okay i love doing research and finding hustlers because those are the people i relate to right like i'm not going to come in here guys and be like well i'm relating to the guy that's talking about what's fast or for loop or while loop nah i know which one's faster but i'm interested in the hustle i'm interested in getting that bread back right putting these skills to work for myself okay so i love when i find hustlers like this right this is a very simple website okay hero okay four column right h1 h2 again two columns this is pretty much exactly what the interns built on their own okay so what i'm telling you guys by taking the course and going through shopify team developer course like you get to learn things like this this [ __ ] is easy like every single one of you guys can build this right now okay but mind you let's be honest right this thing's selling for 241 okay there's already 10 people who have this on their cart okay that already tells you they're winning okay you can see in here february 9th okay may 21st now not everybody that buys a product leaves a review okay so if this person has 39 reviews for let's say for this year okay we could probably say they probably sold about 500 copies now if their themes are at 241 dollars and this is a very simple theme we're not talking about hey this is like difficult this isn't that no this is 241 dollars okay so let's go in and and do the math right so bring out the calculator good old calculator okay good old calculator we come in 241 right on average right let's say there's probably some sales here and there so let's say on average average average right let's say it's around 185 because sometimes you put in a coupon code sometimes you put in a little sale you send out an email etc let's say the average that is selling from high to low is 185 dollars per theme okay now let's say they're selling about 500 of these okay that's 92 000 bro and this is just one different one one single website right like we're not talking about going in and be like well like i'm only gonna sell here no there's a whole bunch of different places that you can go and sell the same theme right there's steam forest this template monster there's um it's a whole bunch of other ones let me see shopify theme uh marketplace let me see if they have a really good um because we know team forest is probably one of the the top ones creative market okay this is another one definitely you go in you know shop the the theme uh let's see what else shopify ecommerce steams mojo marketplace right so there's a lot of places where you can sell this right now the goal is not to sell a million copies right the goal is not to make a million copies and this is where people mess it up right this is where they go crazy they be like joe well how am i gonna be able to sell you know a million copies of this right it's not that difficult right you need to have a goal and a very simple goal is just 500 per day that's it 500 per day okay how can you go in and say i want to make 500 per day right and you want to do this 365 days out of the year okay 500 that's it now you don't need that much right you don't need that much straight up to go in and make 500 trust me i've been here before guys i've done this before with um ebay when i was selling products right when i was going into you know [ __ ] freaking how you call this um thrift stores buying freaking dirty ass jeans dirty ass true religion and visual jeans that that rich white people will go in and donate for free or like thrift stores and uh goodwill i'll go in there but yo let me get those jeans 25 wash them up put them on ebay sell that [ __ ] for 180 right that's how i was able to maintain myself the whole year that i was learning how to code right now i've done this before okay i've done this plenty of times um how to make a you know a certain amount of money per day okay now currently right now just on an average i myself i'm probably let me see i think the last month was around 34 000 right so let's say 34 000 divided by how many days was last month let's just say it's 30 days right 34 000 divided by 30 okay that's and about 113 thirty three dollars per day that's my average right that's that was my average for last month that i was making right now of course this is a combination of a whole bunch of things this is a combination of income that's coming in from youtube income that's coming in from codingface.com income that's coming in from 87 lux income that's coming in from like random for free you know free things that people come up and be like hey man uh do you still make websites and it's like okay cool i do a little freelance on the side whenever people ask me for something right um but at the end of the day it's like it's not that hard to get to 500 it's not that hard to get to 500 dollars guys at all it's not that difficult but you have to know how to get there how to go in and have the right skills that's on demand okay if you have to write skills that's on the man it's like this think about it like this i take pride on the fact that what i do is i find a problem that people are having and i go in and find a solution for them okay it's like codingface.com somebody might come in here and be like what joe's just selling courses yeah i do sell courses right and i do sell a service right but this service wouldn't be here if there wasn't a problem okay i'm solving the problem most people want to learn how to code okay most people want to get into you know the tech industry how can i come in and solve that problem when i started you know boot camps were charging 14 15 20 000 how can i go in and solve the problem to thousands and thousands of people for 20 bucks that's it that's what i did createdcodingface.com okay people wanted me to teach them one-on-one i'm like oh [ __ ] cool you want me to teach you one-on-one 50 bucks an hour [ __ ] you know what let's go in and do it for thousands and thousands of people it's the same thing that's happening right now with shopify if you look into youtube okay if you look into youtube and you search shopify okay you could go in and you could see that right now this [ __ ] is hot right you could even go in and say okay cool let's go in and start looking at the views of like let's say the last week okay like random people that nobody knows are getting 2 000 views per day like every single day a new youtuber is popping up talking about shopify because people want to see it people want to get into it people are looking for this information okay now we go in we start looking even more okay let's go in and see if we can filter view count okay you could come in and you could say okay six days ago facebook ads for shopify drop shipping so that tells you this is just people that's interested in shopify right and it's interesting on selling products because they're looking for you know facebook ads so that means they already got some money in their pocket and they're looking to invest in themselves okay so the same way how they're investing themselves by going in and creating a store and selling the the products right and putting them on facebook ads they're looking to buy a theme that's going to sell right every store is different there's gonna be stores that are gonna need a shopify theme that looks like you know for puppies there's gonna be one that's gonna be looking for uh high-end products right electronics uh you know girls makeup girls uh weaves and and hair and freaking extensions and and freaking lip gloss and this this and that like there's a million different people shopping and jumping into shopify okay this is not nothing new okay this is like free promotion when you see this right every time i go in and i get an advertisement about shopify i get excited right they're literally bringing in more customers to me okay they're bringing more people telling them hey how to sell products online right when those people go in and go into shopify most people don't even know anything about creating anything on shopify then from there that's when i come in right they'll be like hey i need somebody to help me out with this right cool let's do it right if they want me to build an online store and you want to have that whole communication and minimum 2 500 minimum 2500 right that's just for me to move a finger that's just for me to go in and be like okay cool let's hop on a call 2500 that's it right now you want to go in and you want to get a shopify theme and you want to just buy it from the store [ __ ] 250 350 depending on the theme like a [ __ ] theme like the one that we just saw right now like this has no features this is literally the debut theme right which just got edited got put in some different colors in a different uh top section right but this is the exact same theme that comes with shopify they just edited it a little bit and now they're selling it that's it right something like this i put that [ __ ] a hundred dollars all right somebody goes to my website they look at it required to buy it from from etsy right etsy might charge them you know we might put it in there for 150 180 they come to my website i'll sell it for a hundred crackhead prices and you know what if they didn't buy but they came to the website that tells me that they're interested then i run an ad for two dollars a day right run an ad for two dollars a day go in say okay i know you're interested i'll give you 25 off 75 dollars right you might think what damn you're going to the bottom i don't care it's a digital product i already built it the work has been done the goal is to make money the goal is not to have things you know catching dust you're gonna say once you do the work it's all profit after that again it's all profit after that okay so from there somebody comes in they didn't buy they sold that ad next week 50 off the work is done now i'm not going below 50 off i'm giving it to you half price you know what i'm saying regardless now if that person doesn't yank at that moment they didn't want it anyways right that was just a looky-loo this is what we call in the industry a looky-loo you know it's like people come to my website codingface.com and they just look around it's like somebody when they go to a store and they'll be like well they're looking around you know it's like when you imagine uh codingface.com is like the gucci in the louis store there's a lot of look looky-loos there's a lot of guys and girls who go into the gucci and louie store and they just look around and say hmm this is nice lookie loose they're just gonna be looking they ain't buying [ __ ] right cool if at fifty percent off you can get it you're a lookie-loo you're a window shopper your window shop uh like they said you could look you ain't taking no action right so i don't care about that individual but the people once they reach to you know at the lowest 50 off [ __ ] that's 50 dollars that's 50 dollars bro for [ __ ] theme like this a boat this is a [ __ ] theme bro there's a this is why right now we're about to flood the streets that's why i switched up my whole business model like i was focusing so much on on shopify themes and you know focusing so much and helping people out online getting them the courses and doing all the stuff bro my whole business switched up in 2020 right from 2020 to now it's been just shopify and it's for a reason there's way more money in that game okay you know [Laughter] a couple of lookie-loos bro [Laughter] but again guys right so you know once you do the work it's like right now somebody asked me the other day like yo what you been up to well i've been working since january right since my brother left from here right he came in vacation you know freaking delayed me on a lot of work that i needed to do but since january until now i've been working on my major shopify theme okay i got like two three that are like little [ __ ] ones like this but i've been working on a major one which is basically going to have all of the features that people need right i did research i went in looked at the top selling themes look at the things that people are looking for on you know forums and you know people are complaining about in the comment section i did my research spent three months and a half working on this team and we're about to launch it major major theme 350 right each team and i can guarantee you that i'm gonna sell a thousand copies of that this year what is a thousand copies times three hundred fifty dollars you do the math you get what i'm saying so you do the math for now okay so what's the easiest number you could come up with a thousand times 350 right we don't need the calculator for that one okay we don't need the calculator for one okay so that's three months of work now as soon as i finish that one i'm jumping to the next one all right and then i'm jumping to the next one and then from that i'm also hiring other people to help me out and convert that same shopify theme to big commerce to woocommerce right to go in and see how we could go and put it on wix you get up saying like now that one thing that we created took me three months and a half is a product that's done i created the iphone basically like i created the iphone as thing the iphone's done build it sell it that's it okay so that's what we're doing and i'm telling you guys about this because i get excited this is what i get excited about right i don't get excited about what's the new framework what's the new library guys i get excited about the things that can continue to make me make money independently i like you know people come in it's like yo everybody's excited like i just got hired by death rail i just got hired for uh i don't know freaking google amazon facebook uh twitter freaking your mama's business it doesn't matter it doesn't get me excited you know why because while people going to work people looking at that meetup right doing those meetups freaking uh friday morning uh nine o'clock meetings like hey guys this is what we're working on next week i already know what i'm working next week you're gonna say and at the end of the day like the bread is rolling in bread is rolling in okay we're about to start launching some crazy [ __ ] on the billy rate channel so the billy ray channel if you still haven't followed my billy ray channel i recommend you guys go follow me right okay search billy ray death right billy ray def search billy ray dev right there this whole channel is going to be strictly about content now i'm gonna take a good two months of just dropping nothing but shopify content okay nothing but shopify content okay you know we're gonna do portfolio reviews we're gonna do you know uh in-depth look at the industry you know videos that i do here on coding face but now we're gonna go in and make them it's a 10 minute video even this video that we're talking about right now i'm about to redo it on coding face on on billy ray's channel more concise with you know the right details right the right charts the right slides this is what people like right because here on the live stream this is me just freestyling this is me flowing my mind is going off okay but in here if you're into just having a 10 minute video okay go check it out that's the billy ray death channel all right go check it out billy ray def channel there's a reason why i call it the billy ray death channel okay uh but yeah the billy ray dev channel we just gonna go in and drop a lot of content in there today we're dropping a shopify video okay we're gonna be talking about why shopify now again also too this channel don't be surprised if you go in there and you'll be like damn why is joe talking about selling products on shopify why is joe talking about um you know shopify versus shopify plus like why is he talking about this guys youtube is the biggest search engine in the world okay right now it passed google already okay it passed google most people are searching for things on line on youtube so let's say for example even now on google google is giving people the results on on video basically so because people want to click on video so let's say for example shopify theme and let's say go in here like this let me see oh my god i lost the mouse all right shopify theme i don't want to search developer um i want to search something that somebody will go in shopify web design let me see it's a lot of competition not competition competition but it's a lot of like people already coming in and creating the content okay but let me see shopify themes i just want a video to pop up i just want to show you uh how it looks sometimes you can't find them see it was a good uh good example uh let me see let's just search the javascript promises right see if it pops up okay cool so here you go all right so this is the new way how youtube is actually showing it now it only shows this when you have to write keywords in the right description in the right uh time timestamps right so for example look at this guy what does simplify some of you guys know him some of you guys don't know him okay but on google right now the videos are popping up in here with the the right you know freaking time stamps and also too it's showing you exactly um what it is that the person is looking for now this is the future guys right this is why on the billy ray dev channel you're gonna see a lot of stuff like this you're going to see me search for shopify making videos about shopify versus shopify plus shopify versus uh woocommerce shopify versus um big commerce shopify versus wix i'm creating all of that content but that's a strategy right that's a strategy to solve somebody's problem right it's also going to be good for you guys our developers but at the same time it's also going to be good for my business 87 lux when people go into that video and they're searching what's better shopify or shopify plus i go in there in-depth break it down on the shopify on the billy rage channel and go and explain all of the details put in all the time stamps write a nice description to it right give all the information that the person needs right solving their problem and at the same time telling them hey by the way if you're looking for a theme right where do you have to go 87 lux dot agency okay there you go let's say you go in there all of the themes are going to pop up right there you could come in here click on uh view themes you could come in here click on catalogs okay you could go in buy one of the themes right this right here is is just a trial just to see how people interact with it right but even by you know if i go into my google analytics let me see if i go into my google analytics just to show you guys a little something google analytics open this up let's open up the 87 lux analytics right just by creating the the video that i've already created for 87 lux um and even talking about shopify it already brings in traffic okay like we haven't even released anything on the the top template markets okay so again this is just right here let me see if i share this with you guys right i haven't even promoted this thing i'm about to crank it up right now okay this is where we're gonna really hit them over the head right but we already got 59 users dropping in from all over the world okay now it's a combination of of people that have been seeing the shopify videos the 87 lux videos right but there's a lot of people are coming in by doing that search and that theme right there which is just a tryout right is actually showing up on google search results okay like uh how you call this thing like service theme etc right and that's popping up as a keyword so when people come in and they start getting all of these themes like this is where we're going to hit them over the head like yo 350 350 350 get the best team that you want okay now as you guys can see this is not something like how can i say this right like this is not something that you know how some people come in and be like hey guys do go try this out but i don't even do it go hey guys go learn this thing but i'm not even really in that in that industry but i have a course for you guys right now bro this is the [ __ ] that i'm doing right now this is where i'm putting all my eggs into this is what i'm putting in i'm putting it in you gonna say it's not the tip i'm putting the whole [ __ ] in you gonna understand like that [ __ ] to the trunk you're gonna say like we putting the whole thing in ma you know what i'm saying like this is how it's going down bro like shopify is the wave you could either be part of it or you could just watch you could be a lookie-loo you could be like a little lookie-loo and be like well this is nice right how much is that [ __ ] hmm it's too much i don't know if i want that right now bro act up now i'm telling you time flies by right let's say it takes you a month to build one shopify theme right you go in you learn all of the things that you need to learn on shopify on codingface.com you could probably if you're already a a developer or you already a programmer you already know what to do you go in you take the course that you need okay you don't waste no time because you don't have to go through the basics the people that don't know anything they have to go through the basics so that could take them a month right but the people that don't know that already know these things all they have to do is literally go in and take the shopify courses okay and then from there go in and take the facebook ads and google ads course and and basically just start putting it up invest the time it takes a week to two weeks to create a theme a simple theme a theme like this one that i'm showing you guys right now right like this don't even take no more than three to four days like i told you guys this is the exact same theme that shopify already provides to people let me see if i put this on the screen this is the exact same thing that shopify provides to people the only difference is somebody edited a little bit right different text different fonts right uh you know you have like this one a different top section right then the the original one right so that's all it really takes and then now you could go in and sell it to people okay shopify don't care about if you are creating a child theme out of their basic theme they don't care about that right what they care about is for more people to go into shopify and sign up for the service okay they don't really care about oh you're selling a child theme that is you know basically a copy of their original theme they don't care about that what they care about is hey man bring us more customers right because once somebody starts a business and this is the good thing about um this world of e-commerce so let's say for example like right now somebody could go in and get excited about this video and be like hey i'm a lookie lujo but i'm ready to take action right i'm ready to take action right some random looky little right now watching this is like hey joe i'm ready to take action joe i've watched enough videos i'm excited joe let me put me in coach let me see what i can do right sign up to codingface.com it's 20 right signs up goes in and realizes oh [ __ ] i actually got to do work i actually got to go in and learn this thing and i have to put in an hour two hours a day at a minimum right if i want to reach my goal of getting all of this done within a month or less right the moment they realize that somebody might go in and be like hey joe cancel that take me off this joe cancel that subscription i don't need this i got to actually work i don't want to work you're going to say i don't want to do no work i'm a looky-loo right i just happen to convert this time but get me out of here joe cancel this thing i don't want to do no work this should it's too difficult for me i got to actually do work right so somebody might come in and do that but when you're dealing with businesses somebody like shopify a company like shopify they don't care about nothing because they know that when somebody comes in and signs up to shopify right people don't just go in and switch or cancel the next day people go in and stay there for a long time there's people that have been on shopify uh you know shopify's website for years that's a monthly subscription right that's way more than than um what people pay on codingface.com right let's go in and pop up on shopify let's look at the pricing right so this is where everybody stays at right initially 29 basic shopify 29 per month right come in once you're going in and you're growing your business 80 per month right most people that have a real business and you know take it serious it's 299 dollars per month okay this is how much shopify is making okay now imagine this they got millions of people paying 299 dollars and then from there they got hundreds of thousands of people paying for shopify plus which can easily be two thousand dollars and more per month so shopify don't care that you're actually here promoting shopify shopify don't care that you're actually using their their basic theme to create a child theme right they don't care about that what they care about is like hey man keep doing what you're doing and keep bringing us more customers okay like that's what they're doing right now all right so at the end of the day they don't care that somebody comes up on etsy and goes in and doesn't even build anything original it's just the same theme that they created just change the images and change the fonts they don't care about that they're like hey man hey buddy get your money get your 251 or 41 we don't care just bring us those those customers okay so at the end of the day guys this is the wave okay i'm telling you right now act up right act right now go in click the description go learn shopify theme development on codingphase.com right i'm going full shopify mode you guys have seen how i went hard last year this year guys i'm going extra i'm going the extra mile i'm trying to get this bread bro i'm really trying to get this bread to a higher number right we want to get to that one million dollars this year and we can do it all i need is an extra four hundred thousand dollars and i get to that one million dollars right on a yearly basis and we can definitely do that i know i can definitely do that all i have to do is just go even harder than what i've been going right i'm doing the height like i'm not gonna lie to you guys i'm not like well joe starving you know joe is joe can't pay his bills no i'm doing the height but i want to take it to a higher level that's why i'm focusing so much in shopify because this is the wave guys i just don't want you guys to get left behind right i don't want you guys to go in and be like well joe was talking about this and by the time you try to get in two years from now the [ __ ] is flooding right you got to put in the work now you got to put in the work on you know on this this game by actually going in put in the work so it could pay you off in a few months that's how life is anything that's going to be worth anything is going to take work guys okay learning how to code learning how to freaking go in and creating opportunities for yourself right and looking at things that's happening like shopify is not nothing new we've seen it for years right there's days that i'll be like damn i think i made a mistake you know like these days i talk to myself to be honest right so like the amount of work that i put in right at codingface.com right imagine this bro there's guys that have been here for years and they only got like maybe eight courses right maybe eight courses maybe right i have about like 80 courses on my website going guys like 80 courses that means i went extra hard the last three four years to create a service for you guys to have everything that you need as a developer and on top of that i'm still continuing to do courses not as much as i was doing before and i'm gonna tell you why because i look at situations like like where i'm at right now right like codingface.com all the work that i put in it's like a 300 000 business right it's really after paying you know taxes paying for you know affiliates and all of this stuff codyface.com is like a 300 000 business and the amount of work that has taken me for me to get it to that level has been like crazy i can't even count the hours it's it's way over 10 000 hours i'm talking about like crazy amount of hours i built 80 something courses for you guys and i'm giving it away for 20 bucks and then for a yearly subscription you get access to all the premium ones right but when i look back and i look at other people that were my peers that didn't create courses right that didn't focus on creating youtube videos and [ __ ] like that they focus on their grind the same thing the same world that i was in the grind of shopify themes shopify uh you know apps uh creating digital products creating niche websites all of those guys made millions millions right in this days i'll be honest i'm not gonna [ __ ] you guys there's days i wake up and i'll be like damn did i make a mistake creating codingface.com did i really go in because and this is just on a point of view of business guys it's all about the bread so sometimes you got to sit down and be like hey you might love something but was it a good business decision right and i sit down and i talk to myself i'm like damn everybody that was at the same level was me right same you know same path as me made millions right i came in work extra hard creating a plan for creating all this stuff right and i've made hundreds of thousands like i i ain't become rich from going people be like yo why did you always promote go to faith because it's a service that i put my heart and soul into it okay but i make millions of coding phase like we haven't made millions of coding face but yet all the other people that were focusing on their grind right shopify themes niche websites shopify apps you know etc digital products in general right they made millions bro like we could go in and we could look a couple of them right this is people like that i consider my peers right you could go in you go go insert earlier um you know this is one of the guys right now consider a peer meaning people that think like me started at the exactly same time as me but didn't take the route of creating either courses or creating a youtube channel they were just focusing on their bag they ain't care about no i'm trying to help people like ain't nobody the dudes that's making bread ain't helping nobody like like that's the truth guys you know what i'm saying me i had to do it because i'm like yo if i feel like if nobody else that looks like me is in the game i have a responsibility to go in and put that as an example be an example to people and show them what's possible and show them the way on how to get into the game into the tech industry but guys like my boy earlier like this guys ain't making no courses for nobody these guys ain't making anything like this guys we're focusing on on the back he's made millions already okay shout out to my other boy odi productions right this is odi productions i know this dude from back in the days back on when we was doing niche websites odi productions big making millions you know what i'm saying you you see the vibes you got like a two three million dollar home you know uh three porsches in the front a freaking uh a mclaren on the side he made bread right he made bread so do you know what i mean like guys like this they made bread they focus on the grind you know i'm saying odi production earlier right these guys they focus on their business and they focus on getting their bag now they're doing youtube but they already made their millions you're gonna say um so there's days that even by myself i look around like damn bro i should have been doing this years ago like i should have you know like like i focus so much on on like coming and helping people and creating value for people online and all this stuff but this [ __ ] don't really pay off like if i if i was to be like yo to tell you guys right now and somebody asked me joe what should i do should i be doing youtube should i be i'mma tell you bro don't there's no money in this [ __ ] don't do no youtube with the skills that you have you can make so much more the amount of time that takes you to create a youtube video create any type of content or any course or anything like that bro you could make millions there's a reason why i'm switching my whole model now of course i'm not going to throw away coding phase in years of work right i'm going to come in and i'm going to also tell the people that hey man this is the wave this is what you need to be doing okay this is what you need to be doing this is why i'm switching up i'm literally i'm doing the crossover i'm i said that's it you know i did the crossover when people wanted me to to go and work for companies well it was my chance to be like hey let me go work for fang all this [ __ ] i say did the crossover i ain't going that way i'm taking the the freelance and uh you know [ __ ] uh the free tier uh you know free uh free free slave route where it's like okay i'm going to the north i'm creating my own platform i'm creating my own money i'm independent you know i'm free i don't know but i ain't picking no more cotton for nobody you know what i'm saying i took that route i said boop i wha what you would you open the word google fang this isn't it do the crossover allen iverson with it okay i'm going to the north i'm free i'm picking cotton for nobody okay so that's what i did right but now again we're also going in and you know i'm doing another crossover it's like what are we going to be doing like focusing on creating content all this stuff now i could do this on my off time my full-time job is creating the digital products creating shopify themes shopify apps focusing on e-commerce bro i got like six years of experience just on e-commerce alone it's like it's like i have a skill that i didn't even freaking use on my own my own full potential right this is why i'm telling you guys this is the wave okay i wouldn't be talking about this [ __ ] as passionate as i am talking about it if this wasn't a real thing okay let me i took the express route to the underground railroad like yo everybody say okay cool what's the next step joe you have over five years of experience right recruiters hitting you up everybody hitting you up joe we got a bag for you do you want to come and work at this company this isn't that i said i ain't picking no more cotton for nobody right i'm free you know what i'm saying i ain't picking no more cotton for nobody i i'm making the same money that's uh anybody making on their own freaking i'm working for a company i'm doing that [ __ ] dolo yeah i mean hot sauce doing that doing the hassles bouncing it off dude's head i bounced it off the the hr guy i bounced it off the the recruiter said whoop poop left hit him with the left it was ginobili with the left generally with the left real quick euro stepped i you're that's it what you're up step i think the euro step same thing that i did on 2020 right some people ask like yo why why your your channel is not a hundred thousand this i did the euro step i looked around the guys that it's like in the top top i'll make as much money as them or more so i'm like yo hold on and this money i'm not rich i'll be honest i'm not rich i'm just a regular dude so i'm looking at dudes that got you know a million 2 million half a million subscribers i'm like yo i make the same money as this dudes so i'm like yo hold on there's something wrong with this [ __ ] right so what i'm gonna work mad hard on youtube create content create coaches grill and i'm making the same money as guys who are 10 20 times bigger than me nah there's something wrong about this game right so i got to take a a a look business-wise it doesn't matter how much i love it i love coming to youtube and hanging out and doing stuff but i gotta look and i got personal goals bro you're don't say i got personal goals man i ain't trying to work no more by the age of 40. like that's my personal goals and for me to get there i need to make millions right so i'm like okay i gotta look around but the guys that's in the top they don't even make as much as i thought they did [ __ ] i got a pivot i got a euro step whoop get get me out of here get me off this [ __ ] right not worth it come back in let's go back into the the fundamentals joe what what was the thing that made you the most money creating niche websites cool what other opportunities is out there joe in 2020 do you look you look at yourself creating these websites there's a certain ceiling that you could hit on on each websites it's great for somebody that's that's looking to make a hundred two hundred three hundred thousand dollars independently but i already made that i'm looking for a new goal i'm looking for m's i'm not looking for hundreds i'm tired i've been a hundred thousand here you know for a long time right you could call me mr half amelie for a long time i'm i'm off this time to go back into the fundamentals what's the fundamentals use your skills what is it that you know e-commerce let's look into e-commerce go in shopify is booming it's been booming for years right why are you not making bread there joe poop little light bulb comes out i gotta turn on the light bulb turned it on got an idea kit let's do the research start doing the research start looking around seeing the type of search results seeing how many people are interested how many people are jumping into this this uh this marketplace what's the problem what can we solve in in that industry got it that's it the bag is coming i told you guys i'm getting the lambo and this is coming pretty soon right this is coming the i told you guys a few years i said yo i'm getting a big ass crib big ass [ __ ] is here what's the next step the lambo i said it it's either lambo or rolls-royce let's see which one which one comes first which one the dealership gives me a special one [Laughter] which one goes up which one comes out first right but i'm doing all these things just because this is like personal this is my awards you know what i'm saying this is what i tell people sometimes you got to give yourself an award it's like right now some people watching me like [ __ ] this dude like straight up there's something to do right now watching this dislike man [ __ ] this dude who he think he is you're gonna who he think he is right right now he's like yo man f this guy like i don't need to come [ __ ] with him right cool and that's fine more power to you you know shout out to you okay but the truth is i'm a hustler i need to grind i need to find opportunities to take me to the next level right and once i step i'll start feeling i'm like yo hold on it's like yo there was a point where i was like man i need to make a hundred thousand i used to be stressing i was looking i need to make a hundred thousand i got to 100. i'm like i think i'm stressing i need to get to 250. i'm stressing found the way oh i'm making half a million now i'm stressing found a way now the stress is how can we get to the m's bro i just want to see a couple of m's on my account right that's all i want that's all i want that's all the only thing that's gonna make me happy right now okay the only thing that's gonna make me happy right now is to see a couple of m's you know like yo about me you know i mean we're here and then from there i'll probably go and then i'll probably feel like [ __ ] after i get to the to the ends of me like damn now i need 5 m's and now i need 10 amps i'm that type of person i'm a hustler i like to continue going up it's like levels if i find myself in the same level for a while i'm like i gotta start doing something new you know what i'm saying i gotta reinvent myself i gotta focus on something that's gonna take me to a higher level so if i'm telling you guys shopify is the wave and i'm doing this myself it's for a reason this isn't i'm making this [ __ ] up i already show you guys guys that come in and [ __ ] make like you know 70 grand 80 grand 50 grand 30 grand a month on shopify apps i already told you about that right i already showed you the amount of sales that people get on shopify teams i'm doing all of this so i'm telling you guys yo hop on the bandwagon bro don't make the mistake that i did years ago and not focusing on this thing like straight up was creating codingface.com a mistake it's a great opportunity it's a great place a lot of people i've met so many cool people and help so many people out business-wise horrible because there's a ceiling there's a ceiling to it there's only so many people that you can help right it's a it's an audience that's it's finicky people come in like yeah oh know i got to do work i got to do work cancel right so you know what i'm saying like and people should be doing the [ __ ] courses but people come in and i can so i don't know about creating uh you know having to do work after work to get more money like some people are lazy but when you focus on businesses right when you focus on business you're not dealing with that like you go in and you create a shopify theme and you go in and you provide you could even provide i've seen people do this where they provide like uh a maintenance fee they charge a maintenance fee meaning that if they that person has a uh a problem with their theme or they want to ask something they could send you an email and you will respond and people are paying 20 a month just for that just just to have access to you and you could provide and say hey man for 20 a month you know and that's something that we're planning on doing on 87 lux where we go in and say hey this is the thing it's like i'll give you guys an example like let's look at this uh this theme right here hey let me see pop this up 87 lux all right let's say this theme right here okay this is a very simple theme this is html just html this is not even built with wordpress is not even built or anything just regular html 25 okay now we go in and say okay you want this for shopify that's 150 now if you want support right meaning you want support on you know for six months you gotta pay your sixty dollars so sixty dollars so that's about ten dollars per month that the person is paying just to go in and have support being able to ask questions because if somebody comes in and buys a product from us we ain't answering no questions unless you pay for the support like you pay for the service that's it you got it installed or you want to change the title or you want to change the colors the documentation go look at the documentation you want us to answer your emails and go in and help you out you got to pay your extra so that one theme is 160 now and then every time that you do that same thing for uh shopify team that took us three months that one was gonna be sold for 360 350 around there plus a 60 uh you know six month support right that's it that's what that's like 410 dollars you want to say um let me see i just got a super chat so let me answer this uh fastest way fastest way to get into the industry just join the stream shout out to enzo the fastest way to get into the industry is by learning the things that's on demand okay start with the basics if you're talking about web development in general there's a lot of jobs that you could go into with just html css a lot of people don't talk about this because they think like oh this is beneath them you're not doing real programming you're not building super complex this and that like if you're in that that that mentality of like i want to be building the most complex thing that's dumb i'm not in the world of trying to create the most complex thing i'm in the world of how can i make the most money with my time right so if you have a certain skill that took you two weeks to learn and somebody's offering you 20 22 25 to go work as a content editor product editor at a company [ __ ] go for it okay so all you need is literally html emails html css right and go in and jump into you know uh things like you know content editor product editor look it up online go indeed and search that okay so there's a lot of different ways to get getting in enzo says i have about four years experience in general development some experience with web and game development nothing is beneath me to get started screw that mentality yeah you know congrats on putting in that work but now it's the time to get paid kiddo so definitely bro do what you have to do like straight up like don't waste no time like you know i always tell this to people here you have two routes right you have to route of i'm trying to impress other developers or i'm trying to flex what do you want you want to go in and impress other developers then you could go into that world of i'm working on super complex projects and this isn't like that [ __ ] is cool but a lot of those guys don't make no money that's like how can i say that's like uh um i give you an example like like hip-hop right there's guys that are the best lyricist right so let's say those are the guys that are like developers that's working on the most complex things and learning all of the skills those guys are the best lyricist right but then there's a guy called little oozy right in the rap game he's not making all complex raps he just got a nice flow he knows what the people like he knows how to turn it up right he goes in and he makes millions the guy that's the hardest lyricist he could barely pack up 20 people in a room lil uzi that's a hustler that knows what people want and it's solving the the problem that people have which is just like yo turn up joe turn up lil uzi right he goes and creates that type of music that guy makes millions he's good while the guy who technically is the most lyrical in the most business and that he's starving and if he's not starving he's just making he just barely make him buy right so i always tell people that like you have two routes you're either gonna be the guys just making a lot of bread or you're gonna be the guy that's working for the guys that's making a lot of bread what you want to be you want to be a nail or you want to be a hammer now for you to become a hammer you need to start as a nail you can be a guy on the sideline and be like well i know how to code it i'm super good and this doesn't that you're super good at home but you need to get in the game so you got to start as a nail start working yourself up doesn't matter how you get in doesn't matter if you started at ten dollars an hour if you started freaking twenty dollars an hour it doesn't matter the goal is for you to start your journey because if you have the right mindset and you have the right skills and abilities you're gonna become a a freaking hammer right you're gonna be the con become the guy that's on top but you got to start somewhere sometimes some guys be like i want to start as a hammer now i want to start at the top i want to be the boss the thing is that you can't be the boss unless you have money in your pocket if you don't have money in your pocket how the [ __ ] you gonna start a company how you gonna you the boss of you making no income nah you gotta go in and you gotta start building yourself up you start from the bottom everybody has done it you know you look at guys like mark cuban you look at guys that even mark zuckerberg start from the bottom like build yourself up right you look at all these guys that you know now ultra rich ultra millionaires ultra successful every single one of them started from somewhere if they wanted to start at the top they wouldn't be at the top right now they have to start somewhere they have to start at the bottom it's like myself you know how many people laughed at me bro like when i look back and i remember there was a forum that i used to go to right in like 2011 around there i used to be like hey man i gotta offer like i remember in 2011 i got an offer for a job that was like 55 000 right and i didn't take it because i said hey guys i just got offered a job to work on wordpress and everybody in the comment section was like ah wordpress is dead php is dead nah bro don't start there you you're never gonna be able to go up this is what they told me in 2011. now i'm stupid enough that i didn't take the job and then i'm like oh i'm gonna go to to like the the tech companies and i go to twitter i go to tumblr now since i'm self-taught right i'm self-taught i'm teaching myself everything i'm learning from home just the same way how you guys are learning and i go in i wasn't ready for the interviews there wasn't no like videos how it is now like people talk about oh what is the the amazon interview like what is the uh the twitter interview like what is the uh google interview like nobody had that information online in 2011 nobody was talking about that right there was no youtubers there was no like bloggers talking about how to get those jobs it's more like hey you show up and you fail and you learn from the failure right so i went into this company's failed and then from there i said yo bro i'm not ready for those type of interviews right now but what do i do do i state another six months preparing myself to get to those interviews and pass them or do i go in and start working now i'm in a position that i need to work i need to make money you know what i'm saying it's hard when you're hustling you're selling freaking thrift store jeans and you're you're selling [ __ ] [ __ ] online and one one week you make 800 hours another week you make 40 dollars like [ __ ] is hard so i'm like yo i need to get a consistent pay i don't care what it is right so then when i get home i'm not stressing out about how i'm going to pay my bills and all the stuff i just have a job and i could continue growing from there okay i come back boom get a job as a product editor at a small company in a warehouse with a jacket or like when people be like yo joe how was it getting into this industry it wasn't easy i had to do what i had to do i mean no i'm in a warehouse with a jacket on winter time on a computer changing changing prices and changing like changing [ __ ] for for this company and when i share it again on that that that freaking you know that forum was like hey guys i got i got a new job you know i'm higher you know i'm starting my you know my journey it's 13 an hour and everybody's like like yo thirteen thousand now we're damn bro they slaving you what is that a sweatshop what is that a sweatshop right now this [ __ ] they [ __ ] me up because i could have gotten that fifty thousand dollar job for wordpress but then i left i missed out the opportunity i said no to it in in listening to this clowns online right and then now i gotta go even lower at 13 an hour because at the end of the day i gotta pay bills i gotta maintain myself right so i took a l by listening to other people and then i took another l by even telling them that i got into the industry now fast forward to now i would love to to to see where are those dudes now you know what i'm saying where are they now they ain't making as much money as me right they're not doing the [ __ ] that i'm doing right but it's again why am i talking about this it's because it doesn't matter where you started right somebody will come in and we'll laugh at you and be like well look at enzo so you were supposed to be a game developer you were supposed to be working at ea you were supposed to be working at king you were supposed to be working at activation look at you now what you gonna take that 20 000 hour job right that's what those clowns is going to say right but enzo you got to come in and you got to do what you got to do you got to start your journey because some of those clowns they don't even share where they work at they don't work nowhere it's a bunch of dweebs online it's a bunch of dudes that don't even [ __ ] work and it's telling the dudes that's really trying to work what to do the guys that actually work and have [ __ ] going on most of the time they're not on forums they're not on comment sections they're not on any of this [ __ ] this is the things that i learned after years and years and years of being in the industry and i act like senior developers and axe guys who are like ctos i'm like hey man what forums you go to i don't go there i don't got time for that [ __ ] that's the answer of everybody i don't go there i don't have time for that [ __ ] the guys that are doing things they don't have time to be in the comment section talking [ __ ] about who worked at wordpress who work it's the guys that don't even have a job you're gonna say the guys that don't even have opportunities it's like when i did that video about the merge stack there's guys in there like oh you guys is talking about low low paid jobs low-end jobs and i'm thinking in my hand like i guarantee you that dude don't even work as a developer guarantee because everybody knows that this industry is about experience it doesn't matter where you start the only people that think like that is the [ __ ] losers that never work that have never done [ __ ] in their lives or have less than six months of experience because some dude like you see that [ __ ] on youtube i mean there was a guy who shall stay nameless right the dude never even worked as a developer and i remember him telling people he's like doing all the free code camp like this guy has the time to [ __ ] do all the freaking videos all the [ __ ] free code came um like little steps whatever the the programming shout out to free code cam it's a good good service you know it's free you can't ask for more but this dude is he has the time to go through that [ __ ] right and that's because he don't work as a developer but yet he's the one telling people man if if you touch wordpress and [Music] the most you're ever going to make is 60 000. if you start with php it's very hard for you to switch careers and jump into something else nobody really really respects that like that and i'm thinking about him like bro you don't even [ __ ] got a job and when he finally got a job this is the [ __ ] that he never even talked about he mentioned it one time i'm not even going to say his name yes you probably know who i'm talking about when he finally got a job the first company that gave him a job was for angular position on a php back in company a company that's using php ain't that some [ __ ] ain't that some [ __ ] now this youtuber shall stay nameless the oh the people who who have been here for long enough y'all know who i'm talking about you know what i'm saying and then i i think now he works i don't know if he works at amazon some [ __ ] like that somebody told me oh he works at amazon or something like that and i'm like look at that from a php job all the way to amazon wow and mind you he when he had he don't even have six months of experience and he was telling people like yo php is wack php is dead that's what got you into the industry how can you go and give people a bad advice and tell them not to do this not knowing that that's what's gonna get you into the industry and then at the end you don't even backtrack on what you said be like damn i was wrong for this nah you double down once you got your job he's like oh this i don't like php i don't like this and that fast forward now you're like a amazon or some [ __ ] like that why why you got there just because no you had to get the first job to be able to get there nobody's coming in and be like well i took a udemy course and they hired me at amazon no stupid it takes time you're gonna have to put in the work those companies are only hiring people with no experience if they're coming in with a top degree and passing all the interviews and most of the time they have to go through the internship if you're a regular dude coming in off the street you're gonna have to put into work at a job and then once you have that job then they go in look at your stamps and then they give you the algorithms and then you go into the interviews and then you pass the interview and then now you got a job but they would have never even give give you the chance to come in without a stamp you're not showing up to amazon with with like zero experience no degree i'm a udemy master i got a masters on udemy they don't care how many courses you did on udemy well you spent two three years on udemy learning courses now you never complete it but you finished the first project and now you got a master's on it like nah bro they don't work like that you got to get a job first you can't get an interview a fan with no experience and no degree you bugging jd wesson mainly it's not degrees look man degrees is always going to help if you're a junior developer and you have no experience right a degree is going to open the door if a degree says stanford university mit [ __ ] georgia tech right any of this freaking universities that holds weight you don't need experience now what you need to do is pass the algorithms and and pass the interview and have you know fit the culture of the company that's a but for us the average dude that's like yo i'm coming in from another thing i'm 30 something years old there is no interview there is no stamp from a big university so now what you got to do is you got to work shout out to tech riley he's a perfect example of that tech rally got like a electro it was an electrical engineering degree this is not has worked out uh freaking samsung and all this extra [ __ ] right but i guarantee you he wouldn't get an amazon job if he just came in and be like well i never worked anywhere hire me nah it doesn't work like that um yeah man shout out to everybody in here man so shout out to you enzo keep doing your thing uh what up lavar good to see you in the livestream bro you made it all right guys so again guys if you want to learn shopify theme development go to shopify i'm telling you guys right now go to the shopify theme developer course on codingphase.com guys take advantage you know right now you click on the description right i believe it's going to be like 16 per month get you started okay 16 bucks bro that's not bread that's not money that's not you know 16 you go in you go and search coding phase right show you what you're going to see right now when you click on the description right you come in this is the video that we're watching right now this is where you watch me at okay you got two options get the practical javascript course if you been trying to learn freaking javascript like take that shit's 25 bucks crackhead prices okay this is the billy ray dev channel go subscribe to that okay stop slacking um right here learn to code visit you know codingface.com 20 youtube subscription 16 right there okay for the whole year and you get access to every single career bundle meaning every single thing shopify theme developer shopify app developer entrepreneur developer right like all of these things right here is what's going to make you your bread independently like you don't even have to wait for somebody to give you a job to start making money okay this is the things that's going to get you there now if you just care about i just want to get a job i want to get started you got html email developer front-end developer back-end developer full stack developer all of these things you get access to on a monthly subscription and then for you to get access to whatever has a fire emoji you got to sign up for the yearly subscription guys or you got to buy the course independently right so it's up to you right um but again like you have all of these courses here even if you be like let me see what this is about just with the monthly subscription you get access to all of the courses that's here everything that is about programming you get to learn if you want to go in and learn more about shopify theme development and and basically uh how to build those themes and and and get it out there and make money with it then that's when you got to subscribe you got to you got to go in and and say joe i'm going to dedicate myself this year to learn all of these things okay that's a yearly subscription does it take a whole year no it don't take a whole year to learn all of those things but at the same time by doing that you know that commitment of signing up for a year then now you get access to all of this extra courses okay that you wouldn't be able to get access to on on the shopify or sorry in the monthly subscription so take advantage do what you got to do okay uh let me see lebron has so many competitors i think he should just stick with shop it's hot right now uh let me see kg609 joe will you ever make a woocommerce or magento course i'm thinking about jumping into uh big commerce the next e-commerce course is gonna be big commerce um i'm looking for opportunities where people could go in and how can i say this and and get results right away so if we go in and we talk about woocommerce woocommerce is is at a point right now where it's in a big decline a lot of companies are are switching over to shopify right and at the same time there's not that many uh opportunities in it compared to shopify so especially for beginners because that's what i'm looking for i'm looking for things because if i go in let's say for example i come in and i'll teach you guys something that is for senior developers if i come in i create a course hey guys how to architect you know the cloud service for a company like twitter where you want to be able to scale to a million or 300 million concurrent users at one time like like if i'm going in creating a course like that guys you guys are not gonna get a job like that your first job is not gonna be something like that okay you're not gonna get you know opportunities in that type of course that's a course for a guy who has five years ten years in the game i don't wanna go and create courses for those guys right i want to create courses for the people that's getting into the game and finding opportunities for them right that's why i focus on things like shopify and that's why i'm focusing on big commerce so big commerce is another company for those of you guys that don't know bigcommerce is another company similar to to shopify okay similar to shopify um but this is more enterprise right this is why shopify created um shopify plus to compete with big commerce and and what they're doing okay as you can see like they don't even go in but yo i want to i want to sign up to big commerce it's like nah bro it's like you can't sign up you got to request a demo this shit's going to cost you bread okay the companies are using big commerce this is not just like a random company this is like big time companies you know shopify is more accessible to everybody shopify similar to wordpress where anybody and their mother can go in and jump into a shopify website or a wordpress website um bigcommerce on the other hand this is like bigger companies this is not for like the the average user that only got 25 that's struggling the guys that be like well i'm struggling i could barely pay 30 per month they don't want to deal with that type of customer they're dealing with a guy that's willing to pay 500 a month a thousand two thousand three thousand so they could provide them a top tier service right um but it's willing you know to pay pay what it costs you go in and shopify you know that's why shopify now has shopify plus but you know big commerce is not for for like you know for for the regular person that's why you you should be scared the moment you see any company don't even put a price right because for a business owner we're used to this right we're used to going in and be like oh schedule a demo and it's good to schedule a demo because then now you're talking to somebody in person now they're explaining to you the service what exactly that they do what exactly that they provide right but they taking their time with you because you are you are a lead right you are a lead you are somebody who is interested in the service and they know that when they give you that one hour call they most likely gonna convert you to signing up but you're not signing up to twenty dollars a month thirty dollars a month you're signing up to like a thousand dollars a month or more you know what i'm saying so this is not shopify right but there's a lot of opportunities with with big commerce because you know a lot of companies are jumping into big commerce too right it's just this is not for the average person okay this is like for this for the big boys okay this is not for just a guy who'll be like whoa joe i want to sell my javascript t-shirt online how can i do that right can i open up a shopify yeah it's only 30 dollars go ahead and the guy opens it up cool right this is for the companies that are like yo i got 2 million dollars in inventory i want to start selling these products i was selling it on on ebay how can i automate this whole process and go through selling these things online and have my own store this is where big commerce comes in they have a dedicated person dedicated salesperson for you you have a dedicated customer service this is what now in shopify they provide this but in the shopify plus service okay so let's see where is it plus okay shopify plus all right this is what they provide here now but as you can see there's no price to it this is where it's like it separates the kids from the grown adults right they're not gonna put a price on this thing because if they put a price on it people's gonna be scared right the average person's gonna be like yo holy shoot i gotta pay what now this is where they hit you with the let's talk like we don't wanna give you a price let's find out how much business you need let's see how much you're making how much your business makes right go in look this is why they ask you full name business email business phone company website url selective country annual revenue like they're not even asking like i make twenty thousand dollars a year thirty thousand dollars nah it's like yo up to a million dollars this is where they're this is the first tier of like hey let's let's talk okay this is the first year on shopify plus up to a million dollars okay 1 million to 30 million dollars 30 million to 100 million dollars over a 100 million dollars this is how they're going to determine who they're going to send to you do they send the new guy the new guy could take care of the unknowns and the up to one million dollars right for the guys that's making a million two million and then they go in to send the the regular dude right the guys is gonna click over 100 million dollars they sending a person up to you when you're like yo can we send somebody up there to your business check out your your inventory check out how everything works they send somebody they fly him in dude comes in check out the inventory talks to the people see what type of um software they use to keep track of all the in the inventory how they can implement into shopify plus how can they automate the whole service right this is what we're getting the certification for right this is why i'm getting my certification my shopify certification shopify plus certification okay i'm in the process of getting that right now but again this isn't for the average person this isn't like yo let me sign up to shopify plus like there's no pricing pricing is depending how much you make and how much we gonna charge you after that okay uh jonah says how can you get that certification there's a uh there's a school that they have on shopify and you could go in through the whole course and then take the the certification right integration yeah i can't just use the create react app not for this one kid [Laughter] answers like yo the whale word let me see reading through here so big commerce more like salesforce yeah similar in that that sense of like they serving enterprise this is not like the average person off the street you're gonna say like like let's say for example like hubspot hubspot will go in and take anybody you could be a guy that just opened up a store today or opened up a business to it today and they need like a crm and you sign up to hubspot you pay 50 a month oh he's going to cancel next month who cares right but when it comes to like things like shopify plus salesforce they'll go in and send you a you know dedicated salesperson for you you're gonna say they're gonna walk you through the whole process they're gonna integrate your company with their service for you they're gonna be the ones talking to the tech team hey how long is this gonna take and then they go back and talk to the owner of the the business you're gonna say it's different levels to this [ __ ] right i'm trying to bring you guys in you know right now you're probably a beginner you junior developer maybe somebody who's been here for a few years and you're thinking like this [ __ ] is above my my head but the truth is that you got to start somewhere like this might be above your head right now but six months from now all of these things that i'm talking about to you is gonna make sense and because you started today now you don't have to go and start six months from now and then if it's gonna take you two months three months to to get started like you don't have to wait nine months to get results like you could go start doing this [ __ ] now like don't waste time guys time flies by like you guys have seen me here for four years already four years 2017 until now four years does it seem like four years no we've been here for four [ __ ] years like this [ __ ] is crazy what have you done in the last four years you've seen my growth you've seen what i've been doing and i keep on going up you gotta ask yourself if you've been here for long enough long enough to understand this and you still haven't taken action if you're that dude i've been like yo i just love to watch joe don't watch me watch tv you're not saying don't watch me watch tv if you want to watch something here you want to take action you want to go in and say okay this is what i want to become i'm going to become a developer i want to become somebody who's independent i want to make money as a developer independently i want to get my job you got to start you just don't want to be a looky-loo just looking around like window shopping take action take action and [ __ ] go in sign up to codingface.com get started don't sign up to the big deal don't sign up for the yearly subscription don't go in there make a a a big you know commitment unless this is really what you want start with the freaking 16 a month that's the sale that you're getting right now it's twenty dollars you're getting four dollars off sixteen dollars take advantage if you're somebody who wasn't coding phasing then you fell off and you're like oh man i kind of fell off this this and that like you know life was hard in 2020 i i had to go back to work i had to go do this and that uh my mother died but my leg fell off like these dudes that come up with every type of excuse damn just dropped matt juice on top of my lens um there's dudes that come up with every type of excuse to say man this thing wasn't for me at the time i had to let it go if you in that situation this is your time come back to coding phase come do what you got to do stop being lazy the people that is lazy don't go nowhere bro the people that's lazy and just be like well i'm taking my time with it there's people that's been around that's learning how to code building all type of projects and all type of [ __ ] at home for two three four years and now they're just starting to get in into you know getting higher or start making money as developers my fault ends up throwing you out there i'm joking bro um but it's true sometimes you know there's people that's been here for years got years of experience at home and they're nice but they haven't been able to to transfer that and go in into the marketplace and either you know get a job or start making money from the skills because everybody could be talented but the thing is that you got to start somewhere you know enzo's like yo juggling college full-time job was hard joe don't throw me out then joe joe throw the bus on top of it just say put him under the bus and body slam the bus on top of him i'll do that just to motivate you bro this get you excited be like yo shane i gotta get my [ __ ] together now right but it's good it's good now you're doing your thing you're in the right place you're here at the right time okay it's a lot of good [ __ ] happening you know yeah but this is like i said there's a lot of people that they they watch me and they watch us here and they're like oh this [ __ ] is like a good show was like man joe's such a good guy he he's a pretty cool guy don't think of me as a pretty cool guy think of me as a hustler dude that's [ __ ] making [ __ ] happen and it's like yo use me as motivation and see how every few years i'm reinventing myself and taking myself to a higher level you need to be doing the exact same thing right now you have to start somewhere and i always tell people you got to start by getting a job right get a job so you can go in and make your money and pay off your bills you know make yourself stable once you are stable then from there you go in and take risk by building your own businesses and doing everything that you have to do now what's cool about like i said bringing it back to shopify is that shopify is not something that you got to learn from scratch like from the beginning it's literally front end development or back in development shopify themes is front end development backup uh in development is is uh shopify apps that's a so you're not like starting from scratch it's not like i'm telling you guys go become a mobile game developer now you gotta learn objective c uh now you gotta learn uh swift now you got to go in into you know whatever java like you got to learn something completely different now this is just web development let me see um lamar says they don't have as much hustle as you the thing is like i feel like it's not that people don't have as much hustle as just sometimes they they get overwhelmed and they think that it's so much getting thrown at their face so i'll give you an example like somebody comes into codingface.com right and says okay i like what joe's saying and this opportunity is in shopify theme development cool i gotta start here okay i don't know anything joe where do i start where do i start this is the mentality of the person somebody comes in shout out to brian somebody comes in and says okay cool i want to get this type of job so i want to get this opportunities okay i don't know anything learn text editors okay learn html css okay once they go through the html css they realize oh shoot i had to put in a good you know five eight hours just to learn this thing then from there learn terminal for developers advanced css flexbox now to start like yo i have a week in this thing i have a week almost two weeks working on this thing and i still got a lot more to learn right and they get overwhelmed but what they don't understand is that you gotta start somewhere imagine this you don't know nothing you're like a baby right now you don't even know how to crawl right right now you got to learn how to go on your your freaking elbows you got to learn how to put yourself in a posture to crawl like once you go through you know the html css and get to like the sas like a pro now you just learn how to gain position right then from there you go into the future proof javascript learn javascript right you also get access to the practical javascript course um node npm basics right now you're starting to crawl now you know how to move things now you know how to get around okay now you need to learn a little bit more deeper into things build your own personal brand build your web developer personal brand so you could get jobs and opportunities debugging like a pro understand how to debug so like that you could also you know find the problems and find them quick object oriented programming with j uh with javascript jquery now for some of you guys i always mention this but for some of you guys that's out here thinking why would somebody learn jquery in 2021 well the thing is that most of javascript of shopify themes right most of the shopify themes the javascript is done in jquery most of the themes are gonna be in jquery let me give you an example let me see if i could open this up let me see do i have it here let me see if i have it here show you guys this wookie theme this is the number one theme on shopify on team forest okay now let's go to this demo inspect okay let me see scripts look at this what is this little dollar sign let me see if we could make this bigger for you guys because i i don't like to talk [ __ ] i like to show with proof what is this this little dollar sign that's jquery kids let's go into the network okay if you guys don't know how to do this and you're trying to do research on a website this is how you do it okay come in let me see where is it gonna zoom down too much okay here you go okay jquery okay come in jquery okay vendor min right a lot of the stuff that you're gonna find in there is gonna be jquery jquery theme theme.js this is the actual theme javascript everything that's functional on the website it makes everything functional what do you see here dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign dollar jquery okay if it's not broke don't fix it if it's not broken don't fix it okay jquery is amazing especially for things like this when you want to just manipulate the dom you're not creating a single page app you're not creating components out of this you're not going to reuse this right like if i'm creating this right here there's no need for me to make a component i could go in and create this with jquery right there's different there's different how you call this um every every tool has its purpose okay so most of the themes they're gonna be building it with uh jquery on the javascript end so that's why when you come in and you see this you're like oh jquery in 2021 yes jquery in 2021 because this hasn't gone away okay still there millions of websites okay um and then somebody gets to here and you know they get overwhelmed they might say [ __ ] i got i got two weeks three weeks in the game when i'm and where am i gonna get into like shopify when am i gonna learn all this stuff and that's where your you know your second month comes in and you gotta learn all of this stuff okay you learn my first shopify store shopify theme development google analytics facebook google ads and marketing design software for developers this is where you learn in your second month now if you know all of this [ __ ] you know all of this basic stuff right you could just skip it and go straight to this you already know those other things okay so all of this takes like a month to learn okay but most people it's not that they don't have the motivation it's just like they get overwhelmed they'll be like damn i gotta learn so much it's a process it's a process you gotta learn how to code first to then from there start building things you know uh jd says jcorey and going aware jquery adds a lot of functionality in a simple way definitely here to stay for sure the greater monster says bingo [Laughter] somebody jonah says i remember people used to get tight when joe would call us kids i'm just you know that's what i'm going to say just hate group it's like i'm like yo kids like i know some of you guys are older than me i know some of you guys it's freaking old yeah yeah i got families like yo who's this guy calling a kid this is just a way to talk man um but yeah man definitely definitely right now it's killing miami's killing it right now yeah if we go into it and we look into like indeed let's say shopify developer search miami florida okay florida they got a lot of jobs and this always pops up you got absolute web they're always hiring this company is always hiring every single month they keep on adding it i guess like you know they really you know they get they need more people you know shopify plus developer 100 remote full company paid you know jarvis co inc 80 110 000 okay shopify full stack developer you know 100 135 000 you know uh web developer uh shopify of course shopify this front end looking for a shopify guy um and as you can see it just continues e-commerce digital marketing manager this is a little bit different uh front-end e-commerce developer magento shopify 100 remote okay so this is company let me see jarvis cole i haven't heard of this let me see what they got jarvis called leaders in e-commerce recruitment um okay so that's cool so look at this so look oh i'm not even showing i thought i was showing it to you guys in the screen my fault yeah i got i got the camera on me um so i was looking at this right look so this is in miami right this is all jobs in miami just in miami alone that there's a lot of opportunities right shopify full stack developer 100 135 000 full benefits remote okay uh senior web application developer e-commerce digital marketing manager that's different but from an e-commerce developer and then i said you know what let me check this out jarvis cult incorporated uh darrell davis welcome to to the squad right thank you for subscribing um who else is in here uh shane williams thank you for subscribing okay thank you for subscribing guys if you're watching this for the first time subscribe get your notification it's a bad thank you for subscribing okay um but yeah look look at this [ __ ] right so this is magento shopify developer right um and this is the company i just found it right now so jarvis cole i never heard of this company but this is similar to creative circles so you guys know this this is the type of companies that i used to work for like um basically they hire talent for different type of companies okay so they focus strictly on e-commerce and what's cool about this is that they hiring shopify developers you see magento shopify big commerce right um ibm watson commerce right salesforce commerce cloud right so this is the thing that they're looking for and they're basically it's like a recruiting company okay so focusing on developers right click on developers okay see all the different things so if you have a company and you're looking to hire a e-commerce specialist meaning a developer that knows about e-commerce because there's a big difference between a guy who just knows how to code than a guy who understands e-commerce like i'm an e-commerce expert right i might not be the react native expert or the i don't know freaking the algorithm expert the react expert the this this and that i'm an ecommerce expert doesn't matter what type of ecommerce platform you put me in i could go and navigate myself through it because i've worked with almost all of them okay so somebody like me could shine in a company like this you see you can see the the different job searches you know they got 29 different jobs right uh that they're actually hiring and it's all over the u.s they got magento bay area um you know let me see right here front end magento developer montreal quebec city so they got from all over the world right um they got more stuff sales force commerce cloud senior full stack developer okay um i'm going here check out shopify look senior full stack developer big commerce okay shopify look at this one too um 20 the one that they have the most job is 21 jobs right now on salesforce so this is something else that we we got to jump on that man you know get me to the end of the month we're going to jump on salesforce we're going to start working on that salesforce course i know a lot of people they've been waiting on it they're like joe when when that salesforce course coming out i'm going to make it for you guys it's just i want to get all the stuff i got to finish my shopify theme i got a launcher i got a creator content i got to do a lot of stuff um before i go and jump in because this salesforce course is not going to be easy number one i got to go in go through all of the latest things that they've added to it because i haven't used it in like a year and a half right so now i got to go in look at all the new updates all the new things that they've added to the platform from there come in create a curriculum from there come in see how i could break down this curriculum and make it easy and accessible to just the average joe like you guys right and then from there actually record the videos and then edit them edit them and then put them up online so it's a process this thing could be just like the shopify course the shopify courses took about almost six months to get it done okay we started in february and we finished by june so it takes time so if i jump on this by next uh next month i could probably finish this by july and this is why people be like joe but why don't you provide the shopify courses to the monthly subscribers or why don't you provide the salesforce course to the monthly subscribers and the thing is that sometimes people come in and they try to game the system meaning oh let me sign up for one month and take the course down i want to take right of course that took me six months to to build somebody want to take it for ten dollars sixteen dollars twenty dollars nah bro you gotta go in and and i gotta make at least a hundred dollars from that course that's the truth it took six months i gotta make at least a hundred dollars so if you sign up for the yearly at least accounting i'm like okay i counted even though you're taking all the other courses but i count that at least one of those major courses got bought it's like as if you bought one of the major courses so at the end of the day it just takes time and you know that's why you know we can't put down the monthly subscription um let me see lavar barry says the dynamics in salesforce hey you and crm expert hey let's do it levar let's do it let's do it let's do it i'm open man i'm open i'm open to work with people man if you've been doing you know a lot of crm and um working on different platforms send me an email labar you know you you always come through you seem like a knowledgeable dude you're gonna say send me an email let's talk right i'm in a position where i don't want to do everything right i just want to provide good service to my peoples right but if you have to experience you've been doing this is what you've been focusing on on crms [ __ ] i'll give you a i'll give you a fee for helping me out build the whole curriculum give you a bag i'll put some money in your pocket nobody's like yo i sent you three emails already bro what you talking about i gotta search i gotta search for you labar let's see let me search i wanna have you email email me let me see lavar lavar labar let's see let's see let me go to my coding phase let's see let's see [Music] levar oh yeah there is some emails from you otherwise okay cool i gotta check this out cool cool cool love your stuff love it bro yeah yeah i'm getting back to you bro for real for real sometimes you know it's hard like i said i have a lot of stuff on my plate sometimes some emails this is a thing sometimes i get emails from people you know that it's just like yo thank you joe i just got a job this isn't that i can't read every single one um but at the same time you know i have other you know i got my assistant that comes in and and says hey this is important this is the ones that you got to answer to right like it could be like something like a business or like a business proposition or uh somebody who's who needs like a refund or or somebody who don't doesn't know well you know what they can do in coding phase so i get those right away okay um but sometimes some of these gets lost right if it's like if if it looks like yo thank you thank you thank you that's just like somebody saying thank you and i appreciate it but i don't have the time to go through every single one of those but now you s you sending me you know telling me hey man this is what i can do it's business now you got to put the title joe's business okay yeah man uh let me see three weeks ago then my mom damn i didn't know my fault bro uh you know shout out to to the family man you know it should be crazy sorry for your moms man yeah but you know that that's how it is right somebody said that that is exposed joe's not reading the emails nah i go in and read through the emails i just can't read through every single one like every day i got like 50 of them like straight up like 50 of them i got companies that hit me up hey we want you to come and sell your courses on our platform hey we want to sponsor you hey everyone business and that then there's like another 20 jobs like you know regular people that be like hey i just got a job joe i got this and that like i go in and i take like once a month i go through those emails all those thank you emails i go in and i take my time for one day out of the month i don't read through those every single day because i just don't have the time guys i got [ __ ] businesses like yeah you know what i mean so that's how it is jones 28 subject joe is business going to the body give me a discount word and my condolences to um you know to lavar sorry about that bro uh but yeah man spencer lee is like dang shout out to st spencer lee especially he's like yo especially uh hit me up on discord at three o'clock in the morning with an essay talking about like yo thank you yo this isn't that and i appreciate it bro i'm ready i read it but then you you know it's like you wanted to continue the conversation it's three o'clock in the morning if i'm up at three o'clock in the morning i'm doing work you know you can't take it personal i can't go in on discord this i don't have the luxury to just chat with people and just talk and this is not if you see me at three o'clock on the morning on discord that means i'm grinding i'm like right now i'm i got a deadline i got some projects that i gotta work on that's what i'm doing enzo's like yo you guys have a discord yes we got a discord yeah yeah bloodling says substance 2017 hey oh gee uh let me see salesforce is totally different now they changed their entire interface a few years ago yeah yep do you have design skills for shopify jonas like make your own pictures look man you don't need design skills you look online you look at what's popular you look at what people need and what people want and that's it you go in and you build it let's work let's work labar we're definitely gonna get we're gonna get in contact bro let's see what you got and see how we could align it how it could save me some time because you know like i said sometimes this type of course is taking me like six months to build because i'm doing everything on my own but if i have somebody that comes in and is giving me you know like certain tips or certain [ __ ] that could save me some time i'm all up for it bro because i mean to be honest with you like there's bread in salesforce i haven't gone into salesforce because it's just it's it's a lot of information right stuff like that i'll take my time with him like i'm dragging my feet to build it um but i know for sure there's a lot of money in it um because look at the shopify course like consistently consistently consistently i make five thousand dollars a month just off the shopify course consistently not only just from the youtube channel when people sign up but the majority of the people is other people that's on like uh forums facebook groups who are shopify um you know store owners who want to learn how to build things how to edit things on their own and they buy my course they find it on google every month i make five thousand dollars now mind you when i did the pre-order back in june i made 100k in the first month now this is the beauty about digital products guys like you work hard you build a product and then from there consistently you you you get those sales right it's like shopify like right now shopify is hot and i'm gonna continue talking about shopify because this is where i'm gonna get most of my income okay so as i'm making more money with shopify i'm gonna tell people hey this is how i'm making money right but then at the same time i already have a solution or i have a plan for somebody who wants to make money the same way that i'm making it and they're gonna ask me joe how do you do that how you do this this isn't that and this is why the shopify bundles are there i didn't want to come in and start making money with shopify and focus so much on it without having a product that i could go in and give to the people that want to learn to do it too so now as i'm making money with shopify people ask me how you do this how you do those do this and that how you set up your shopify team how you build your shopify store how you do all this stuff right that's what we're doing on the billy ray channel we're creating all this content right that's going to attract people to to those videos and people want to get the solution for it solve their problem go to codingface.com the solution is there right one thing that i hate the most is when i see a video and somebody says this is how i'm making money with this opportunity this isn't that my eyes right i'm the type of person i buy courses all the time because i want to i love getting knowledge because i implement that to my own businesses so i hate when i watch a youtube video or i watch a blog or i read a blog or i listen to a podcast and somebody comes in and says hey this is how i made two million dollars or doing this this and that this year you know what i'm looking for i'm looking through the description i'm going through the social media and i'm like yo but why are you telling people you're making this type of money and you don't have the solution because i want to get to that game too show me teach me right and most of those guys they don't have a solution they don't have a course they don't have a thing they're not you know by the time they make a course it's when the shit's already died out you get what i'm saying like i don't like doing things like that i don't like you know jumping on [ __ ] when the [ __ ] is dying now and be like whoa i'm gonna make a course when the [ __ ] is dying out it's like right now woocommerce woocommerce is going it's in a huge decline people are switching over to shopify why would i make a woocommerce course right now this [ __ ] is on the decline right and i don't do woocommerce i don't use woocommerce so making a course on shopify makes sense because i'm using it at the moment i'm actually making my money with it and at the same time it's hot right now you know what i'm saying so you know i hate when people do that [ __ ] be like yo it's like when i used to watch uh ami in a hellcat right i just watch army and hellcat i don't watch him no more um but i respect him right he has to watch i mean a hellcat and i would be like damn man how the hell i mean a hellcat because you know for those of you guys that don't know let me show you uh who i'm talking about so this is i mean a hellcat man shout out to him man he's a dominican and puerto rican right i love seeing you know spanish dudes getting money right i love that right that motivates me that tells me if if they made it i could make it too right and it shows me hey they've been killing it and they're doing the thing okay cool now look at this um um you know in the beginning i was following him for a long time and i was like man how does this guy make money like because i'm looking at him he's buying like lamborghinis two three lamborghinis per you know per year uh back-to-back mclarens back-to-back uh uh hellcats and and uh toyota supras and this this and that like everything every new car that came out he was buying it and i'm like how is this guy making this much money so i'm following him not to watch him splurge i could care less about that [ __ ] i'm watching him so one day when he comes in he breaks down how he made that money i could learn from him and then apply those things into my business i know like some of you guys that come here you don't watch this channel for my beautiful face yeah coming here for the the gems the [ __ ] that you could pick up and apply to yourself right so that's why i used to do watch uh i mean hellcat for that uh but the truth is that the then later on it came out that the way how he made his money was like illegally creating ip was it iptvs uh service online like you know creating you know like those little hot boxes the amazon fire tv type [ __ ] where you sell those things they got unlimited channels and unlimited business and that and i'm like that's a huge letdown right it's a huge letdown because i can't learn [ __ ] from this dude right at all you're gonna say he's a good dude he got good energy but the truth is i can't learn anything i'm not gonna go in and do anything that's illegal anything that's gonna get me in trouble i'm not gonna do it i love my freedom too much some people might say damn that's the way to do it you gotta get into that you gotta nah for me i care about my freedom more than making a few dollars because i could make you know a few dollars it might take me longer but i could do it legally so i was looking for for that type of information and when i was watching i was like yo this [ __ ] is wack because then now i'm like yo i realize you know i can't [ __ ] get no information out of this dude like he's not teaching anything he's like what can we learn yeah he got money illegally that's it you're gonna say that's it that's all we could learn from him right so but you know sometimes i follow people where i'm like yo i want to learn don't show me things without showing me how to get it too you know what i'm saying so that's why i'll be watching certain people so when i i started focusing on shopify i said you know what i don't want to start talking about shopify unless i have uh a solution to people's problem so that's why the courses is there so when you see me talk about shopify [ __ ] and you see me oh go check out the shopify course don't think i'm like oh i created a course to sell the course it's like nah this is what i [ __ ] do and then now because i this is what i do i know people's gonna ask me for it so it's like yo i know you're gonna ask me for it go to codingface.com that's it that's how my mind works it's like i prepare for everything like you know it's like i'm playing chess i'm not stupid you know what i'm saying like i might talk a certain way i might be a little ranchy might see the blinky somehow you know but that's just a character that's me just being me with my friends right this is how we chill this how we talk but the truth is i'm not stupid you're gonna say like i make every move calculated you know what i'm saying it's like right now when people start seeing the [ __ ] that i'm about to do this year start seeing damn joe got a lambo joe got you know a new crib just more crit for his mom mother-in-law like people's gonna be asking yo how is joe making bread like that that's when you come in and you be like yo i told you guys shopify you know what i'm saying once i start going in and start showing my uh you know my shopify sales and you know my total sales numbers and and start making like hey guys how much did i make in a month and this when i start sharing that information what's the point of me sharing that type of information if people just gonna be salivating be like damn how can i make that type of money i gotta have the product already there for them like yo [ __ ] is there here you go you wanna do the same [ __ ] that i'm doing this is why i busted my ass six months ago here you go you gotta be smart i don't do [ __ ] dumb out here um yeah man so take advantage bro uh let's see master's degree you work very uh work with very sensitive stuff i don't know what i'm talking about jonas 28 army don't give no insights yeah there's no insights with him there's nothing that he could teach you like most of it you know what's crazy that his audience ninety percent of the people that watches or that watch this channel are people from the hood that's trying to get somewhere right people from the hood that's trying to get somewhere people who are trying to to grow people who are trying to um you know to just grow as a individuals you know you look at the comments you know you go through every single comment that he has and i'm like yo even even like uh how you call this thing like you look at the comments you know uh blah blah blah i'm talking about this man's a living inspiration and proof that you don't need much uh to make a lot of uh [ __ ] on my new videos [Music] new pockets etc um like a lot of people follow this dude to learn he's entertaining but at the same time you didn't come here most of these people didn't come here because he's entertaining nobody knew this guy from a hole in the wall they came in because of all the things that he has and they're like interesting like how is this guy a spanish dominican puerto rican dude able to you know have this type of money that's what people draw people in right because people want to learn people want to get to that level they don't they're not watching people to who wants to be watching people that have everything so you can feel like [ __ ] nah people don't go and watch that people watch people like that as an inspiration and then they're looking for a solution but if you don't provide the solution you ain't doing [ __ ] for people you know and shout out to him i love his his content i think he's great he's a great individual but at the same time i'm like damn man he can't provide anything to anybody other than a motivational quote and this is the same [ __ ] that everybody goes in and i hate when people do that [ __ ] there's nothing that i hate the most right it's like right now somebody might say you might look at me and say what does joe have i don't have a big-ass chain i don't have a [ __ ] lamborghini i don't have a a big mansion i live comfortable i [ __ ] live on my own i take care of everybody my family i'm [ __ ] doing good i'm living an amazing lifestyle right somebody that watches me might say damn joe i would like to be like that i would like to get to that point but then if i come here i just show you guys vlogs of me chilling all day with my kids traveling [ __ ] going to miami going to daytona him freaking sarasota hitting the beach doing this and that you might say damn i would love you know i would love to be able to get to that game but joe's not providing no value no not showing me how to do this so this is what i do my channel because i look at all these people that have content that have great content but have no solution for the viewer just a dream i hate i hate and i hate hate anybody that comes in and just gives you a motivational [ __ ] quote give me a solution don't give me no work hard work every day don't show me [ __ ] then because if you're just showing it to me to flex in front of my eyes and be like look at all the [ __ ] that i got and you can never get here you're you're not showing me [ __ ] you're an [ __ ] that's how i look at it for me i look at my lifestyle i'm good i'm gucci i put it out here and i talk about the things that i do and i also solve this the problem to you know the problem that you might have how can you get here too this is why i created all those courses all these things that we do at codingphase.com guys take advantage right you're not going to get this from anywhere else most of these guys the people that make bread they're not on the internet there's some guys telling you about some [ __ ] that they don't even do you know saying i've seen people write books write [ __ ] uh you know make videos on youtube talk about how to make money online they don't live it you know what i'm saying i could come in and be like well five years from now 10 years from now and create a shopify course after the shopify shopify industry has already been ran through you know what i mean like yo after shopify been cocking everybody already [ __ ] ran through that [ __ ] some guy comes in like well i made my millions now let me tell you all the secrets it's useless now it's useless like they're not telling you [ __ ] now they're telling you some [ __ ] that's not relevant no more there's like a guys i'll be seeing you on like they do drop shipping and they talk about how drive shipping how to make millions with drop shipping now everybody is jumping into drop shipping they're not making millions they're lucky to make 50 000 a year right they might make 300 400 000 in sales right revenue but what they keep it in profit like 50 60 000 it's like you could [ __ ] do that [ __ ] in a regular job that industry got ran through already okay for you to make millions you need millions to make millions that's just how it is but those guys that have made millions when the industry was just bubbling up now they're making the courses like yeah let me show you my secrets those secrets are [ __ ] irrelevant right yeah man let me see i'm here for the tips and jokes uh let me see hello edson thanks and trying to yes dark night and new to the channel welcome to the new channel guys right also guys if you're new to the channel subscribe to this channel and also subscribe to my other channel my billy ray channel go to youtube right show you guys this right here on this video okay you can search billy ray death okay this is my other channel guys billy ray dev this is where we drop videos okay as you can see i'm dropping a lot of live streams in here for a reason this is where i interact with my community this is where we talk about a lot of different things okay um but if you want to go in and just have a 10 minute video to watch quick like giving you nothing but gems check out the billy ray channel i'm about to head out of here man throws getting dry been here talking for two hours hype energy never went down two hours bro um yeah so let me see sir what what you say about sgs i don't care about and that's js bro to be honest man you're in the wrong channel like i don't i could care less about an sgs to be honest with you um christian marx says they're just glorifying themselves um you know what's better than money knowledge yup express is good i work with java so i will say spring boots somebody said uh let me tell you about wordpress uh with drop shipping if you do any good numbers your supplies will just cut you out orlando rose how many million seven fidget spinners word when this is talking about like yo how to sell fidget spinners if you wasn't there at that moment that [ __ ] is gone nobody is selling that [ __ ] no more you're not gonna make millions of it let me see um billy ray channel is stacked yeah go subscribe guys definitely go subscribe to the to the new channel uh let me see let me look at my analytics on my billy ray we got a little boost we got a little something a little saying you know every day is coming up i'm getting some more okay we sent out a message last night for the people that y'all go subscribe make sure you subscribe to the channel go show some love guys okay uh we want to get to 4 000 hours i think what is it 4 000 hours or something like that to be monetized i don't even know what's the monetization let me see 1500 subscribers okay we already hit that mark uh we got 421 public hours okay we need to hit 4 000 hours to get monetized on this channel so go subscribe show some love guys okay i'm putting a lot of work in there for real for real okay creation gamer says bro re-upload some of your old stuff on there you got some nuggets back in the days yeah man i got i got a lot of stuff i'm i'm planning on like going through most of my my videos right so my coding phase video so let's say right so we got the coding phase channel right and there's a lot of videos that are like the most popular like you know five projects that will guarantee you to get higher um you know i'm redoing down the um billy ray channel adding some new projects i'm redoing the five javascript projects um i'm gonna do one like this html css tutorial uh build the dashboard um we're dropping already you know portfolio reviews in that channel so everybody knows about that okay um then from there we also we might do some some um some of this type of videos like you know things that people are searching for free my sequel hosting service on heroku uh you know things like that getting started with adam like a lot of the videos that i've done here over the years that have done really well i'm gonna redo them on the billy ray devs channel and a better quality you know now we got better audio now we got better content so definitely go check it out there's gonna be a lot of good stuff that we're gonna be doing in there okay um and the reason why we're doing this is because to be honest with you one of the main reasons why my channel hasn't grown how it's supposed to is because at the end of the day i do a lot of live streams and i enjoy the live streams but they also hurt the channel so what i want to do is i want to create the content for people and making sure that when they go in there their engagement is a hundred percent meaning that's gems gems gems gems gems like you know the videos are very well edited you know the audio is very well edited the everything looks good right like we're going to one of the billy ray death channel videos like like trying to get into the tech industry i'm about to give you a couple of different job positions that will give you that first opportunity you need to get into the tech industry you want me to lock it down but i told [Music] him [Music] [Music] and the billy ray death channel listen guys let's get into it all of those jobs that i'm about to give you guys right now they're not the most popular ones they're not the ones that everybody goes and shows off and be like hey i just got hired as data scientist for amazon or for google whatever right like it's not one of those job positions okay these are go watch the videos man go watch the videos we got a lot of good content and way until today today we're dropping a shopify video the the next five days is all shopify right if you've been interested in shopify we're gonna be dropping nothing but uh but shopify we're gonna go and do a tutorial on how to set up your first uh development store for some of you guys that don't know you could create shopify stores for free as a developer okay so i'm gonna teach you guys all of those things and it's going to be in videos under 10 minutes some videos might be five minutes right like this is straight to the point i'm not wasting nobody's time and we're going straight to the point okay so take advantage this is the this is the channel bro this is a channel shout out to the billy ray devs channel you know so definitely go support and go hit the notification bell watch every video it's going to be worth it it's going to be like you know we're not dropping [ __ ] just to drop it it's like everything is consistency with the channel's brand and everything that we're doing which is becoming a developer and how to make money as a developer if that's what you care about what that's what the little billy ray death channel is okay and there's a reason why we call it billy ray again this is a young space space boy the space cowboy hey billy ray yo inception right i'm watching joe watching joe word um let me see same here i'm a backing guy i'm learning front end again nice okay um but yeah man i'm about to get out of here guys oh by the way you know we're working on a new react course um so we have to practical javascript course where we're building practical projects every week so go check that out it's in the description okay uh and we're also dropping a new uh react course because i want to go in and basically go hand in hand with what we're doing in the practical javascript course and then go in and build it with react so go check it out uh we're going to be dropping that today also so we start we're starting a lot of stuff man like there's so much content so much [ __ ] go to codingface.com man stop playing if you've been wasting time all these years this is your time bro like come to codingface.com take advantage okay start from here start with the monthly subscription it's 16 again when you go to codingface.com 16 that's it you start with 16 it's on the description you click on the link you get it for 16. it's 20 per month on regular get a coupon code go get the coupon code it's right there right below this video okay anyways i'm out of here guys we hang that long enough we gotta get back to work okay um i'm gonna head out of here okay so take care man and no we're not using we might i don't know you guys want me to use the create react app like i might just do it for the people that just love that [ __ ] they're like hey man i don't want to go in and build it from scratch like let's just start with the create react app maybe i'll do it like that just to save you some time all right but take care guys
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,701
Rating: 4.8742137 out of 5
Id: sh_gRoN2Osc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 10sec (8350 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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