My First Web Developer Job is $90,000 and is not JR Role

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hey guys it's your boy joe back out of the game in this video we're going to talk about what happens when you get hired at a company and they give you a big check and say hey man we're going to pay your top dollar but you're also going to be doing some mid-level work now this is what happened to one of our subscribers and we're going to go in and actually share the email um shout out to him for sending me this email i blocked off his information his name everything i inspect element remove the images everything okay and it says hi joe santos garcia i'm a software engineer who took your yearly plus course last year you advised me to go for any position whether it is mid to senior level about a month ago and i recently applied to mid to senior level at one of the biggest companies here in washington dc i failed almost every interview right 50 interviews in the last few months after getting through the interview process they offered me a job for almost 90 000 for a mid-level position mind you it's his first job okay i don't know if i'm qualified for it but anyway i signed the offer letter today i just want to say thank you and i would love your advice for this position since i have never worked on this company before i really need advice at this point since the job is completely remote okay so this is another key point they really want me to start asap thanks i look forward to hearing from you okay so i basically just told him hey man congratulations what's the position what will you be doing why are you so nervous you got a great job 90k for your first job it's amazing you're doing way better than me also the fact that you're working from home is great it allows you to search without feeling the pressure of having someone behind you okay so that's something that he has to keep um you know into account that shoot man you're working from home you got a great opportunity bro you basically working from home all right so you're getting paid top dollar and you're gonna be working on the things that you are interested in right um another thing that he sent me was uh sorry for the late reply i was doing some tests okay they want me to work on a full stack applications using react.js javascript html css on the front end which is something that i'm really comfortable with they also want me to know docker nosql kafka aws gcp elasticsearch and a whole bunch of other stuff right um but yeah they tripled my salary so let's say he was earning about thirty thousand dollars thirty five thousand around there guys he's making ninety thousand dollars right now okay he came through the platform again you could do the same uh everybody has different results but this is great right this is a great opportunity for him he's actually doing better than me my first job that i got paid for doing any type of web development i got paid 13 an hour he's here getting 90 000 my guy think about the positives okay think about the positive if you got this position and you got this offer is because they looked at your portfolio they looked at the work that you have done and they feel like you're gonna be an asset to the team people don't go in and just start handing out jobs especially remote unless they feel that the person is qualified for the work now if for whatever reason they have given you this opportunity and they're giving you more work than you can actually do that's something that you have to just be honest and and say hey man uh i'm gonna need some time to learn these things like maybe aws maybe some nosql like you know mongodb mongodb maybe some elastic search right those are things that you're gonna have to learn and they know that because i'm pretty sure you did not have that on your portfolio you did not have that on your resume so they're already taking that into account so most likely what they're going to do is they're going to have you working on the front end right and they're going to show you hey this is how our backing works this is how our application works as you continue to build more things on the website you're going to learn the whole folder structure you're going to learn the whole tech stack and you're going to learn as you go they know what level you're at okay don't think like oh maybe that i swindled myself ended that i somehow made it through the cracks and and somehow i made it in here and they don't know that i don't know docker and i don't know aws they know that trust me they will be stupid if they go in and be like hey could you go in into aws and start setting this up like they're not gonna do that to you they're gonna have to work on the things that you're already good at where you can actually be an asset then from there as you continue to grow within the company they're gonna give you other tasks to play around with whatever it is that they have and you're gonna learn from there now of course my advice to you is start looking into these things okay look into elasticsearch look into docker right so by the time you go into work you have a knowledge of what exactly is it that it does what exactly is there uh for right so you're not going in there completely blind you want to really impress your team take this time to do research take this time to try to learn some of these things you don't have to learn everything you don't have to master it all you need to know is understand how these things work and just the concepts of it okay so focus on that now again focus on the good side of this you're getting ninety thousand dollars okay and you're getting paid freaking amazing to do something that you're enjoying that you love you enjoy being a developer you enjoy coding right this is something that you've been wanting to do now you have it think about that right if they hire you they gave you an offer letter it's because they know you can do the work they're not going to have you put you know building i don't know machine learning and and data science this has nothing to do with what you do and if they try to do something like that with you then that's where they messed up not you at the end of the day even if you was to stay at this company six months a year two years this already is a plus to you you already got your badge this is what you've been wanting for like you've been waiting for this thing you've been wanting this this whole opportunity to have that badge that now you worked at a major company as a developer okay take advantage of it go in there go in there like a sponge you know soak it up now again this is another thing that where you might be a little bit scared and it's the fact that you're working remotely what does that mean can i ask questions oh i'm gonna get stuck and i'm not gonna have nobody to help me out you don't need somebody to be right next to you to figure things out right somebody can really help you out just through chat through slack through discord whatever it is that they use zoom calls right well you could even do pair programming with vs code like this is simple you could go in there and learn about these things and ask questions to your co-workers right your colleagues that's what they're there for there's gonna be somebody that's assigned to you that you can ask as many questions as possible to them because they want you to be productive and to you know to pick up everything as soon as possible right so don't worry about it you're it's not like you're at home and you're like i'm by myself i don't have no contact they they're gonna throw me in the deep end no you're always gonna have somebody right next to you even though it's just not physically now another thing that's great about working from home is that there is no pressure if he was working at a company and let's say for example you wanted to go to stack overflow or maybe you wanted to youtube something or maybe you wanted to go back to one of our courses on coding phase and you're like oh how did joe do this or how did uh this person do it right let me go and try to see if i could implement that into my code you wouldn't be able to do that or if you did it you would be like nervous you would be scared you like oh my god they're going to see that i'm on youtube oh my god they're going to see that i'm on on stack overflow oh my god they're going to see that i'm asking questions online like you're at home you're good this is the best position that you could be in getting paid top dollar using the skills that you already know and then on top of that getting paid basically to get trained okay um so enjoy it bro enjoy relax chill this is your time go in do your work um and ask questions right there's no stupid questions the stupid questions are the ones that never got asked and that's what you gotta always remember now ask your questions you know to whoever is assigned to you you're gonna be fine and again i want to say congratulations to you and don't worry you got me too here ask me questions i'll help you out as much as i can here uh through the community and also too again if you go to you can ask questions you can uh ask other people who are also developers to see what they think this is safe space bro you good okay so enjoy it congratulations again bro like you're doing way better than me i mean i got 13 an hour you're making 80 something almost 90 000 like that's crazy all right so congratulations bro um again for everybody that's here that's watching this guys you got to go to right you got to try this out man um i'm here for you guys i'm here to help you guys out i'm here to uh you know i put my heart and soul into the service right i love seeing these situations like this like even though he's a little scared of his first job but i love the fact that he's working we prepared him pretty good that they're offering him you know 90 000 a year like i'm happy for that i'm happy that he's getting his results you know betty baggins is happy she got her bag right he's got his bag and the things that we focus on are the things that people need developers to do at a job right so at the end of the day come try out this is no cap this happens every day and i'm about to start doing these things where i'm gonna uh share some of the information of the subscribers and you know with protecting their privacy uh but also too just to bring motivation for more people because i feel is very important to people to understand like just like you are just a regular dude a regular girl who's trying to get into this industry there's a lot of people just like you that's also making it right uh shout out to this individual you know he's been here since last year he signed up last year he's been trying to get into the game and he was trying to go for a lot of like front-end like ui or junior developer positions and i told him hey man i know the things that we taught you i know the skills that you have you don't need to just wait until a junior level position hires you i know what level you're at i know you could go into a mid to senior level position because just because it says mid or senior level position it doesn't mean that every single thing that you're gonna be doing has to be at a senior level uh you know skill like there's times there's companies that put in role senior lead or senior uh developer senior ui engineer etc but then you come to find out you're doing the same thing that a junior developer does not every single company needs you to be 10 years in the game not every single company needs you to have you know a thousand skills they might just need what you already know which is html css javascript and react and then from there they could give you a couple of pages a couple of components you could go and work on a couple of bugs that you could kill right and that frees up the time for the guys that's been in the game for 10 plus years to work on the more complex you know skills or projects and you know tasks that they might have so at the end of the day the way how you got to look at this is that there's going to be a support group right there's going to be a support uh team right and you most likely just got hired to be the support for somebody who might be overwhelmed with enough projects or enough tasks that they got to do on their own and then now you because you know html css javascript react you could help them out with those things that you know will free up more time for him so again for those of you guys that's watching come try you see the prices 20 hours get you started gives you the yearly plus which gives you access to every single career path that you have right here okay at the same time we give you access to the community on if you guys want to check it out we give you access to the yearly plus we give you access to the accountability meetings which is every sunday where we sit down as a group and we go in and we talk about you know what's happening in your career what's happening while you're learning what do you need to do how you got to fix your portfolio how you got to fix your resume we're getting some guests into this accountability meetings it's a legit program that we have here at we have a great curriculum everything that you learn you can start right here everything that you learn from here you can literally pick up super easily and then from there continue growing on your career you could become a html email developer front-end developer back-end developer full stack developer react developer learn about shopify e-commerce shopify theme developer shopify app developer right you decide i want to build my own company we'll help you out with that show you how to set up your business right set up your llc set up micro services start up sold for as a service set up your business as a freelancer we go into that on the entrepreneur developer okay build niche websites like it's a lot of stuff that we provide at for 20 a month to learn all the programming courses 397. a year right a year you could split that up in half right and with a 20 off you're really paying like two to something 200 something right like take advantage right we give you so much value at and as you can see it gets results right uh shout outs to everybody that's on the community your time is coming if you're still applying to jobs continue to apply to jobs but don't limit yourself to just junior level positions okay as you can see people are hiring developers for mid and senior level right even though that's what it says on the title it doesn't matter i know we prepare you good i know we gave you the skills come try it out okay um so i'll see you guys later your boy joe back at it again [Music] take care guys
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 1,416
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase,
Id: 24fzsHB8HqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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