Web Developer Live - Community Invite + HTML CSS JOBS

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yeah you already know see your boy joe back at it again codingface.com your boys backing out and did it again one more time we are live kiddos what popping y'all okay um good news kiddos new it's like a mixtape new new new dj [Laughter] new stuff happening at codingface.com okay got some good news and some bad news right rip asap developers group okay you know moment of silence all right we back y'all you know we had to do a little moment of silence for the asap developers group well we're retiring the asap developers group um we are now using a new platform um and basically is community.codingface.com okay now let me give you guys a little quick introduction right by the way it's in the description the link is right there in the description anybody can join it's a hundred percent for free um this is for you guys right it could be you guys are just subscribers to the youtube channel you guys who are members of codingface.com and what's cool about it is that if you are a member of codingface.com you don't have to even register you could literally log in with your teachable account pretty much the codingphase account you could just log in directly with that and you're good to go okay so definitely check that out okay links is in the description like i just said and here we go guys community.codingface.com right uh basically this is what we have uh it is basically like a a community uh page right we could think of this like a forum also to um we could say this is a place where you could share ideas you can meet new developers you could uh find exclusive content that's gonna be in here okay if you are a yearly plus member you're going to get access to uh you know a separate space right that it's exclusive content we're going to be having live events right uh we're going to try to do this thing every week probably hopefully we can start next week um and the way how i want to do it is like the live events is most likely we're going to be using zoom and we're going to have like live events where we're going to look at your portfolio we're going to look at what you're working on we're gonna answer your questions right it could be a one hour to two hours right maximum two hours of a live stream and from there basically we're just gonna go in have conversations and keep you accountable right make sure that you guys do not fall off the track okay so i'm doing this for you guys right i want to make sure that codingphase.com is like a gym right where i'm your trainer right and i'm trying to continue to motivate you every single week okay so how can i do this how can i make sure that you guys succeed i can do this by making sure that you guys don't quit okay because believe it or not the only reason that somebody does not have like results that they want is because one they give up two they get stuck on something and they think it's the end of the world and three you know they lose motivation right so what i will say is you know we're going to have this events every week we're going to figure it out we're going to ask the community all the yearly plus members um you know when they want to do it right because most of the yearly plus members are in the u.s uh some of them are in like europe but most of them are in the u.s so depending on what people say we will figure out a time a date of the week that the majority of people will say you know what i can make it at this time right it could be on a weekend it could be on a weekday right it could be in the night time it could be in the morning whatever it is however you guys decide right uh this is what we're gonna be having here on the yearly plus uh category which is right here we got live events we got the plus lounge this is just a spot for you know all your plus members to just hang out uh we have the monthly project so every month i'm gonna be dropping like some project that you guys can build um and you could find you know other developers in the community where you could say hey i want you to join my team and let's work on this project okay so this is going to be something that's going to be also exclusive to the yearly plus members and also too we have a collaboration section so you can find your team members and you can post in here hey this is what i can do or hey this is the project that i i'm planning on starting does anybody want to build this with me okay um okay then from there we have the bag talk back talk you already know what we're going to be doing in there we're going to be talking about job hunting we're going to talk about digital products we're going to be talking about freelancing we're going to be talking about niche sites we're going to talk about apps and so forth as a service okay this section here is just back talk nothing but back talk okay we're trying to get to the back and the best way to get to the bag is by you know sharing resources right if you find some resources online or you found a job or or you found like uh you know a new uh platform where we could all make money i want you to post it in here okay i want you to come in and share it with us okay this is the back talk guys we want to get that back and we want to make sure that the community uh gets it too and then from there we have the career paths right depending on you know you might have a question you might be stuck somewhere you're taking the you know the front end path right back end path you're taking a shopify theme developer shopify app developer html email developer content creator if you have uh some type of issue some type of problem you're stuck somewhere post it in here okay and then other people will go in and answer the the question and even myself i will answer your question too okay so again come in come join the link is in the description it's a hundred percent for free uh all the yearly plus members guys if you're watching this right now check your email this is how you're gonna be invited to uh this exclusive content that we're gonna be putting for the yearly plus members okay um but yeah check your email okay i know some of you guys have the option to to say hey i don't want to be notified i don't want to get no emails from codingphase et cetera all right you unsubscribe right if for whatever reason you didn't subscribe and you did not get this email that gives you an invitation to the yearly plus um section make sure you email me codingface gmail.com i want you to get access to this because you pay for it right you're a yearly plus member this is what you get you get access to this extra and you know extra uh content extra and exclusive uh sections okay so again i just want to go in here open up the chat box see what you guys think uh see what you guys is up to okay uh let me see randy ortiz says is this is there an app for this as well so yes so there's a how you call this this app for this it's called circle so the service that we're using is called circle dot so right so let me see if i could show you this circle that iso okay you could download it on ios i believe they also have it on android and pretty much uh you could get in there right log in right and automatically knows uh that you're part of our community on coding phase okay so yeah man definitely uh is there an effort okay i answered that uh joseph dominguez says love the community yeah man it's pretty good man so far you know we just started we started sending out emails last night uh informing everybody today i'm gonna inform everybody else that's in the community we have over 70 000 people that have been registered at codingface.com so um at the end of the day you know we're going to have a nice set of community in here okay now everybody's going to get the exclusive content again it's part of the yearly subscription this is why you guys should definitely upgrade uh when you can no rush you whatever you can right um but yeah man definitely is gonna be pretty interesting all i really care about is that you guys succeed right like i'm taking out of my time right you see me i come here every day i do a live stream with you guys i talk about jobs i talk about opportunities that's out there right um but i'm gonna take it up a notch right every week i'm gonna be doing a live stream answering you know answering the questions that people have right looking at the portfolios that people have and telling them hey fix this fix that looking at the you know the locations that they might be living in i could say hey maybe try applying for these jobs right so and we're going to do this live right it's going to be like an assumed meeting and i believe we could get up to like a thousand or 2 000 people in there live or more i don't even know the exact number but regardless i'll pay for it you're going to say like i'm paying even for this for circle i'm paying an extra you know on top of of what i already have you know the overhead of coding phase i'm paying extra to make sure that i give you guys a really good community um platform right and circle is top-notch it's gonna allow us to do live streams it's gonna allow us to um you know have a way for people to communicate you can send messages to each other you could join different spaces people could search the the best thing about it is the search feature so i'll give you an example if somebody gets stuck on setting up node.js right and somebody searches man i'm also stuck on node.js or installing this you could go in and go through the search field and they will find it for you right and it has a like a really legit search um you know search algorithm that it could help you find those those are answers that that you might need right think of this a mixture between stack overflow but for us right it's really for us on the community to to take care of each other okay um also to you know we do have to discord the discord is more like a chat right it's a chat thing but this is better because you could actually go in and you know like keep track of what's happening in the community you know and you have a home page where you can see the different posts are popping up you can see when people are are asking questions right and if you know the answer why not answer it right like you probably went through that that same problem help people out right it's the same thing that i'm gonna be doing i'm gonna be super active on this on this community because i'm really enjoying it right i've actually used it before um with a different um company right a mastermind that i was part of uh before like a few months ago and i'll tell you right now like this is a game changer when it comes to you know building a community and helping people out like you ask questions and everybody knows about it and at the same time and you know people could come in and like i said you could search this is the most important thing being able to search and finding the right answers to things is one of the best things about it because this is something that a lot of people need you know with discord you could go in and post something and you got to scroll and scroll and scroll until you find something or you know it might not be categorized properly or whatever it might be but in here you know this is built for this you know what i'm saying um same thing for you know the asap developers group the asap developers group it was great and you know but a lot of people don't have facebook a lot of people don't want to join facebook so at the same time it's like you know i didn't want to have to go in and create a new uh community where people had to go in and register with a new password or a new new email new account i wanted them to be able to log in with their codingphase account and they're good to go okay so that's what we're doing man definitely go check it out okay it's on the description the link to it is on the description okay if you are a yearly plus member like i said check your email you got a private invite um for those of you guys are you know monthly users or just regular youtube subscribers come in come register come join us okay there's a lot of sections here every single section except the ones that says yearly plus you have access to it okay the back talk the career paths okay um the start here section okay introduce yourself let the people know who you is okay come in show us love right we got a couple of people in here khalil we got uh asaya uh naomi we got wally um who else what you expect for this hello family uh ryan mendoza shout out to ryan uh opening up his own shopify stores okay like this is what i want for the community we want to be able to to get this information and get this resources man shout out to charles right he's doing the html email developer path right so again this is going to be late again let's open up the chat box man what's going on uh let me see surprise says don't blame them facebook is way too negative in these days yeah man some people they don't like facebook that's just how it is uh yeah people already posting yeah there's a lot of people already posting we already it's crazy like i sent this out just a couple of the peoples i didn't even send it to everybody right um just a couple of the people and you know it's it's already active you know what i'm saying um even from today you know 30 days right just this is just from today 196 96 active members okay uh 30 days 527 inactive members this is people that are still coming in right that are yearly plus members they're still coming in it's going to take them a little while right because everybody checks their emails at different times etc right but it's looking pretty good man we just started right as you can see you start seeing like the different um ways how people are getting in okay so you know let's give it some more time you know by the end of of this week we should have a solid community with at least ten thousand members so that's going to be pretty legit okay and you know and this is how we flex this is how we come in and we're like coding faces coding face kid you know what i mean we're a small youtube channel right but we make waves okay put some respect in my name k oh man let me see bam says i joined asap when i get home joining listening to this while i'm listening to this while i'm working hey do your job man don't get in trouble don't blame it on me don't be like yo well i was like i was checking out coding phase and and now dude gets in trouble at work it's like yo damn joe why you always doing a live stream at this time yeah man so at the end that's what we're doing okay another thing is we do have the content editor uh career path up there okay on codingface.com so that's also uh big news right for you guys okay so if you look down here you can see we already added it content editor for those of you guys that are looking to get started it's a short path okay it's a short path you don't need much to be a content editor okay text editor know what a text editor is right vs code how to use it html css terminal for developers practical javascript right if you guys haven't taken a practical javascript is uh javascript course that's just straightforward is to literally not waste time uh we're not going in and you know telling you the history of javascript why they created javascript you don't need that what you need to know is uh the skill and you need to know how how to actually get started that's pretty much it okay uh noting npm basics you need to know at least the basics of how to use npm and you know to be able to get packages and libraries and things like that and then from there content management systems google analytics design software for developers that's it it's a very short path this path right here i believe that you guys can get it done in one month okay or even less right depending on how hard you go uh some of you guys already know all of these things so all you really need is the rest of this courses so you can start applying as a content editor right now the content management systems uh course is on under construction right so we're building it right now okay and this is what you can expect in here okay this is not a course where we're teaching you how to code this is teaching you how to use all of these platforms okay so we're going to teach you how to use wordpress right and we're not talking about we're building plugins we're building themes no i'm teaching you everything that you need to know as a content editor okay um we're teaching you wordpress we're teaching you shopify we're teaching you hubspot cms hub uh we're teaching you content full we're also teaching you squarespace and we're also teaching you wix okay these right here are the top um you know the top cms's that's out there i'm going to see if i can squeeze drupal inside of it right see if i could squeeze it in there um you know to add that extra um you know cms because drupal believe it or not drupal still like pretty big it's one of those cms's that they use in like government um you know government branches and like that you know what i mean so um that's something that i want to go in and add but i don't know if i'm gonna be able to add it right now because for me to set up drupal i will have to go in and actually install drupal and and go through that whole process which i don't want to do right now at this moment okay um but wordpress teach you how to use wordpress shopify hubspot content full squarespace and wakes okay and this is going to be a very short course each section in here the maximum that's going to have is maybe two videos or three videos so imagine uh each video is 10 minutes long so let's say 20 20 okay so 20 40 60 okay that's one hour and then right here in two hours you're gonna be able to finish this whole course okay the goal is to teach you what the platforms are right in here i'm gonna have an introduction where i break down exactly what is it that is expected of you as a content editor right i'm gonna show you guys what are the keywords that you need to be searching for uh when it comes to uh finding a job as a content editor because there's plenty of companies that they put different titles okay they just put different titles that's just how it is every company calls it a different thing it could be content editor it could be web producer it could be webmaster um what was the other one uh content producer we saw so there's a lot of different titles that people use depending on the company but this is where i'm gonna teach you how to look at the description because some things might be for copywriting you're not a copywriter right yeah i'm not preparing you to become a copywriter i'm preparing you to be a content editor so from there we're going to look at the descriptions and learn which ones are the ones that are expecting you to be a copywriter and which ones are expecting you to manage their website because that's what a content editor is right being able to use different content management systems right cms and then from there you're able to manage their website you know hey change this picture on this section hey could you add this to the menu hey could you go in and um add a landing page on for this section here hey how can you change a couple of things here on the blogs hey uh this person wrote us a new blog post a guest post can you put it to the blog like this is the things that you're gonna be doing as a content editor so uh that's what we're gonna be focusing on okay so definitely is a straightforward um you know career path and the goal is to get you guys in there as soon as possible right again you could be a yearly member you could buy the whole bundle and any courses that we add to it in the future you also own it it's up to you uh you could get started with the 20 monthly subscription and when you're ready you could upgrade to get the rest of the other courses um so it's up to you how you want to do it again also too you could come in here if you click on this section here it's going to bring you to uh indeed.com automatically and it's going to give you guys uh the title and the keyword of the jobs that you need to be searching for right or just give you like a preview of what's happening in the industry right now okay content editor 55 to 70k right they're pretty good jobs man okay there's a lot of good companies uh i just seen today uh the miami heat is hiring here florida for a content editor okay you have you know national football league nfl okay digital content editor right there's a lot of uh companies that's hiring for this position you know this is not a a hundred thousand dollar you know a year a position but it's you know so 45 to 70 000 to get you started right it gives you experience with managing websites that gives you experience with web development until you still continue learning all of those other courses like let's say react or even shopify development right so at least if you don't have a job right now we could get you working and get you in the game and you start building experience so that's the whole goal of this whole career path okay let me see open up the the chat see what you guys thinks um let me see let me see let me just go back to the chat because i can't see the previous messages that you guys play and i care about your messages [Laughter] my voice is horrible bro like yo okay so let me see uh reading through here through the the different uh chats okay with the router we got who else we got in here we got karen we got jilani what's good ryan maheshwara says rp asap developer group now i can finally quit using facebook uh your ram stupid yo uh jesus junkie hey welcome to the community jesus junkie yeah yeah you're crazy uh let me see alex cassano's uh hit the like button yeah man hit the like button guys if you hit the like button there's 91 of you guys in here if you hit the like button youtube goes in and notifies more people to come into the live stream you know i really appreciate it if you do that okay uh oh my god this is going to be fire alexander says uh code for caffeine says all about accountability and consistency yes that's why we have this this new community set up is because i really want to take it up a notch and i want to make sure that on a weekly basis that we're keeping people accountable to show up get get your work done get your done okay because i want you to succeed trust me okay when you get it back i get a bag that's the truth okay i don't get a bag by you watching me or you just taking your time i get a bag when you come in you tell me yo joe i just got my first job and then next thing you know you might say well joe you know what maybe i'll sign up to the lifetime or maybe he's a a 20 super chat you're gonna say like if you have money in your pocket you you'll bless me with something you'll be like hey joe here's for some coffee here joey by eating some you know some candy or something you're gonna say like and it adds up little by little you're gonna say i'm not saying that i'm doing it just for the bread but if you don't got no bread how how can i make bread you're gonna say i want you to succeed okay right i'm investing all this time and doing all this stuff is because i want you to win i want you to succeed i want you to get jobs i want you to start getting paid okay that's the best way for you to get paid and for me to get paid and the next people that you motivate and you inspired to come here to go to face because believe it or not man this is an amazing service what we do here at codingface.com we're changing lives we're helping a lot of people okay and at the end of the day like that's what really makes me happy but what also makes me happy is like yo you know i mean you get in the bag i get it back you know what i'm saying so i want to make sure that no one quits i want to make sure that nobody comes in and gives up i want to answer all the questions that you might have i want to come in and have like you know build a community where we all help each other it's not just like well i already know html css and i forget about the other people that maybe might be struggling or hey i'm on doing php i'm doing my sequel and you know what uh them they gotta go through it now you can't be like that you're in a community help other people out this is why i'm setting all of this stuff up and you know we got 70 000 members when all of those 70 000 members at codingface.com come through this community i gotta pay top dollar like this is not cheap like this service that i'm setting up is not cheap at all okay i'm gonna have to get enterprise level type which it might be thousands a month right but i don't care i want to make sure that you guys win you guys have a really good community where you're getting the motivation people are holding you accountable and you're actually you know doing your work in and not getting stuck right not getting stuck because even you know we have the comment sections under the videos right we have the comment section under the videos but the truth is that if you leave a comment there right the only people that can help you out might be the people that are taking that course or taking that video with you at that time right like if somebody comes in and says well i'm stuck on on on a for loop i can't figure out how to create how to create a for loop right and you post that under the video of javascript for loop right for example no one that has already passed that course or maybe advance can help you out because they're not going inside of that video no more they already passed it but if we have a place where we can post questions we can you know ask for help then now everybody else that might be a little bit more advanced than you can also chime in and help you out and help you pass that that little bump right so you don't have to spend two three days stuck and you're like damn this is hard i'm about to give up nah somebody can come in and give you a tip you know maybe not give you all the answers because we're not we don't want people to just get answers just to get answers we want people to learn right um but at the end of the day we don't want you to also just get stuck there forever right so at the end of the day that's why we're doing it man uh let me see joseph dominguez uh a circle better than slack in this score i think so slacking discord is good for for how can i say this for [Music] you know chat right uh but this is a little bit better you know for a community base okay yeah man code for caffeine says joe keeps adding value going beyond the code yeah i mean that's what i'm trying to do man i'm trying to uh come in and you know and and just get you guys in the game and i'm also in talks with somebody else another expert um that what they do is um cr it's like crm administrator right now you might be saying joe but crm administrator i don't want to become a crm administrator i'm here for the code but there's people that are interested in that there's people that that can do really good in that so um i'm in talks with this other um this other person who's an expert in that and has a lot of results like a lot of results like i'm telling you guys you know and for people i want to help them out i want to give options you see how we're adding content editor we got html editor like this channel in this community it's about getting a bag it doesn't matter what it is it's about getting paid and you know getting paid really well right because our time is valuable right we're focusing on you know a lot of like coding which is is fine but i also want to come in and give you guys extra you know extra pass that you guys can go on because not everybody let's just be honest not everybody's built for being a developer you know some people might like to talk some people might like to be walking around the office or some people might like to do in-person uh type jobs or you're gonna say like so i wanna make sure that whatever we add to this is something that's related to what we do right um especially you know like for salesforce and things like that uh that's going to be really helpful so i'm in talks right now it's not solid yet it's not on the contract but we in the talks okay so that's something that you know you guys can get in the future again let me see why the codes mr petunte i sometimes feel i'm rushing when i jump some topics i already know on time on the timeline is a good thing or bad if you already know it and you know that you are very comfortable with it you go go ahead skip it like you might go scheme through it and be like okay maybe there might be something that you might not know um but it's like html css if you already know html css i don't recommend you going to the html css course for what you're wasting time time is valuable okay nice i love it uh justin mingle says also the live stream that i saw uh sub joe that you build it yourself no no point on building anything yourself in 2021 okay and that's just the truth uh there are going to be they're going to be on the with the platform um i'm a little bit confused okay uh merrimack hakimi says hello please discount me hey email me bro email me codingface gmail i'll help you out bro bam uh hey joe hey chat jonathan guzman darby j bam says what up uh anthony cook says what up joe uh appreciate you joe for real josephine says looks better than discord okay we read that don't blame facebook don't play facebook it's a negative place anyways okay uh hey darby j i'm loving the start already can't wait for the deployment okay uh people are already posting is gonna be lit okay let's see i'm listening to this while working we saw that hey what did i miss honey patel honey patel what do we what did you miss you missed two things okay let me show you okay there's two things that maybe you miss and for anybody that's that's watching this okay let me see if i can open up the stream yard okay screenshot okay so here we go so what do you miss we have a new community you could go to community.codingphase.com okay we are no longer posting on the asap developers group come into the community.codingface.com and pretty much uh be part of you know the community in here okay help each other out i'm gonna help you guys out um there's gonna be exclusive content for the yearly plus members like live events uh you know what what i call the accountability live streams right where every week we're going to be looking at people's portfolio looking at where they're stuck at seeing you know how we can help them right not every single person is going to be able to jump on the live stream or or submit their work uh because we're going to have only like an hour two hours but i'm pretty sure that by watching this live streams and being part of this this community once or twice a week right um basically it's gonna hold you accountable to make sure that you continue your courses you finish it and get done okay uh we have a lot of different sections in in here we got the the back talk where we talk about job hunting digital products freelancing niche sites apps and so forth to service we got the career paths so whenever you have a question about career path or you're stuck somewhere you can put it in there okay and pretty much that's it man you know it's if you guys want any other spaces added to it let me know i will add it um i already added one moderator which is karen okay so uh shout out to karen let me see and you see this is pretty legit man because as you can see you could get all of the different search results okay so it's pretty cool let me see so shout out to karen uh there we go carrying h another thing that's cool is uh we have this different ways of knowing what type of members each one of them are right so if you look over here we have this this little things uh emojis right here if you see the the gem right this gem right here what does this gem mean you're a yearly member right you're a plus member uh if you have the hammer you're a moderator right and we'll come up with a couple of other different badges that we can add for people okay so uh another thing that i was thinking about putting in uh maybe like the a bag emoji or like a you know maybe a couple of couple of dollar stacks for those of you guys that have already uh started making money as developers because i want to also like highlight that right i always tell you guys this whole community is about making a bag so i want to make sure that if you're already making money as a developer either working freelancing or working on your own applications or selling your own digital products or niche websites whatever it is i want to go in and add a badge for you that shows you know what this is one of the people that's already making money out of this okay so i want to make sure that we highlight that okay um and then from there you know we have the whole community you gonna say you can find members you can find you know see who's out here how many members we have invited uh administrators right moderators right um and you have all of this in here okay you could also invite other people right um to the community so it's up to you what you guys want to do so definitely go join community.codingface.com okay definitely all right so let me continue with this right here let me see open up the chat box so i could continue reading through this uh let's see uh mukesh bhati says which is the best cms okay even though you spam don't do that bro don't spam just post one time we'll get to you okay and if you see that i skipped you then you go and post it again okay but i haven't even seen your your post yet okay you're just posting and and spamming all over the place okay so this is the thing right uh which one is the best cms right most companies are going to be using either excuse me wordpress right if it's an e-commerce company most likely they're going to be using shopify now if it's like a corporate company they're going to be using hubspot so those are the top three okay wordpress shopify and hubspot so there we go okay uh let me see reading through here let me just okay somebody say alexis said you're a godsend bro i don't see sub joe uh did you build it yourself nope didn't build it myself let's give the the love you deserve give a like and spread the good word amen for real give a like guys we got 103 people in here if you see how it went up we had like 80 something then the moment that we started getting more likes more people were notified about the the live stream guys go ahead and keep giving likes to to the live stream this is how the community grows okay by the way if you are a new subscriber or you are just a new viewer guys subscribe to the channel this channel is legit this is the best channel on youtube we actually get results and we actually you know hold each other accountable to to get done okay uh we don't care about views what i care about is getting results okay so if you're here and you want to do this you want to become a developer right even if you take my courses or you don't take my courses i don't care what i want for you is to go in and win and get your money that's it that's all i want for you i want to put good energy to you let's say you could learn from me you could learn from whoever you want all right i don't care uh but do join the community uh by subscribing to the channel and go check out community.codingface.com okay check it out uh let me see in my opinion joe you should make it uh viable for members only for coding phase it's totally understandable if he privatizes his youtube public streams yeah you know there's gonna be like certain live streams that we're gonna go in and just put it on on the yearly plus you know that i feel like it's not for everybody right like this times like we crack some jokes we do some stuff you know that's not for everybody we do that one day and that's it but it's not supposed to be for everybody okay dominique joe your free free pass bundle says it includes one but the the yearly one says 81. um i don't know what you're talking about free pass bundle let me see you're talking about the monthly i don't think the year the the free pass you're bugging bro you're like the free pass says uh it's like 61 courses you're bugging bro the free pass got one two three four five six seven seven free courses that's what the free pass has again okay you you corrected yourself monthly okay yeah so the monthly it's like this bro um very simple the monthly subscription gives you access to all the programming courses as far as like um like learning how to code learning how to become a front-end developer learning how to become a back-end developer right those courses are part of the monthly subscription okay now when we want you to get that extra content stuff that might take longer like you know a course like the shopify courses those are courses that you're gonna make money as soon as you learn it right so at the end of the day i can't put that on a monthly subscription because it took me six months to build okay so at the end of the day i'm like okay there's courses that's gonna be premium which is not available anywhere else nobody else is teaching these things especially the way how i teach it right people come in and do like a little course on udemy or they'll do a little course on skillshare but they're not nowhere near the level of the courses that i'm dropping on on like you know shopify and even now with this content editor nobody's talking about this right so there's courses that you you're gonna find that are exclusive to codingface.com now those courses you could buy it individually and say hey i'll buy the course or you could just say hey i'll buy the whole bundle so any courses that get added to that you own it but think about it like this if you are a member to codingface.com right and you enjoy the courses why would you go in and buy bundle for content editor bundle for html email developer bundle for shopify and when you're ready bundle for react developer and when you're ready i'm going to buy a bundle of full stack development like i wouldn't recommend for you to do that right like i'm not here to try to like squeeze and milk you out nah i rather you come in and you sign up for the yearly subscription is what 397 full price 20 off is like 320 or something 300 something like that and then you get access to every single bundle and every single course that's on coding phase and exclusive content as you can see i'm not just like i'm taking i'm putting right back in right like to have this this platform this community this cost money for me to host the zoom meetings like i could just do on youtube and whatever but i'm going in and i'm trying to provide as much value as possible and i'm investing the same money that you're investing into me for one year because that's what you really do when you invest into the yearly subscription you're getting all the programming courses you're getting all the bundles you're getting all the premium courses the monies uh the make money online courses you're getting the uh you know the community uh live streams and you know accountability live streams you're getting the project the monthly projects you're getting the collaboration uh projects you're getting you know i'm gonna be having like um high quality guest host for the different live streams and i'm trying to get other people like from other major companies you know from amazon from netflix so they could come in and look at your portfolio as a yearly plus member and say hey man this is what you're missing here hey this wouldn't fly on netflix hey this wouldn't fly at amazon this wouldn't fly at google you don't say like i'm trying to go in i'm taking the the money that you are investing into codingface.com for service i'm using that same money and bringing it right back to you guys okay so it's not just like i'm taking taking taking now i come in i'm reinvesting into this community right like me coming in and taking uh extra two hours out of my my my week to go in and make sure that you guys do not quit that you guys are doing your projects that you guys are excited and you know willing to to finish all the courses and and help you guys out whenever you're you're feeling a little bit depressed and you're getting stuck i'm doing that to make sure that people win right so that's what we provide in the yearly plus right because programming courses i'll be honest right programming courses is programming courses right like that is like if i teach you how to write your name and your and you're a one-year-old i could teach you that he could teach you that he could teach you that anybody can teach you that right so regardless that's why i put it in a monthly subscription but everything else that we do over here in the community that's what makes the the yearly subscription so valuable and then not only that that you allow me to continue to do this for one more year okay um same thing that happened in 2017 when i started codingface.com right i wasn't really making any money but at the end of the day um i looked at it as you know people were buying a yearly subscription for 80 at the time and that allowed me to do it for six more months right same thing in 20 in 2018 2019 when we had the yearly subscription and it was around like 120 150 cool we didn't have that many courses we didn't have that many different career paths and features but that allowed me to do it for another two years you get what i'm saying so same thing as now now you know i might get let's say you might look at this and say well yearly 397 uh how much is that right what does joe keep out of that the truth is taxes right and then from there all the that i invest into coding phase like i invest into ads i invest into uh you know getting extra people to work for me to help out with everything that we do here right i invest my time like there's a lot of that we put it right back into the coding phase uh yearly subscription and um that's what i think it makes the the whole yearly plus it's so special you know what i'm saying because we actually invest like we're not like oh you know most people will not come in you go in and ask somebody why nobody else has signed up to you know let's say something like this like a community based circle so right um and it's because it costs money and the more people that come in i mean we got 70 000 plus members bro the moment that we start going above you know above a certain amount like this starts getting inexpensive right and so i'm investing into this i'm bringing it right back to you guys okay so it's not just like one thing um just going in you're getting it right back too okay uh but yeah so that's the difference between the monthly and the yearly subscription in the yearly subscription you get access to everything every single thing okay um but yeah you know but at the same time i still want people to be able to learn how to code and for 20 bucks if you was to go to any other platform you will have to buy each course at 20 to 15 dollars to 25 individually i say you know what if somebody only has 40 dollars in their pocket who is i to go in and limit them how many courses they could take i said you know what i don't want you to just pay for two courses and be able to just get only two because you only got 40 in your pocket i'll give you every single course so if you could go in if you could knock out every course and as far as like programming on coding phase in two months and then you want to cancel more power to you you got a great education for 40 bucks you gonna say so at the end of the day it's like i'm i'm always trying to look out for you trust me like you could go in and do the math so that's the difference between both of them um let me see i've been applying to seo special specialist titles as well nice uh for shopify dev jobs do we need to know the 2.0 store stuff or a steam kit fine for now um i would say learn 2.0 because companies will be trying to uh if they're going to create a new one a new theme then yeah they're going to need 2.0 or if the company says we want to update it then yeah you're going to need 2.0 it's only going to help you um even though a lot of companies they're not going to upgrade for a long time you know if a business is making money they don't want to go in and start updating to something that maybe could be you know bring some bugs to them trust me uh let me see reading through here hey may i've got an interview coming on monday what do you suggest to don't want to take your time just mention the topics cheers i mean you know show up on time what you want me to tell you i don't you're not giving me no information you're showing up to an interview but i don't know what type of interview okay uh a random savage your thing with cash app [Laughter] uh hideout name says joe invested in us [Laughter] service code says may made it just in time uh let me see want that teacher the next paypal mafia coding gonna face mafia word uh let me see while he causes i gotta back for you as soon as i buy my first property hey man do what you gotta do bro don't worry it's no rush no russian [Laughter] yo i'm learning everything in the vanilla way but they they all say it's better i learned everything with frameworks all at once look you need to learn things the vanilla way javascript right or even like building things with just like php with no framework understand how it works and then build it with a framework so you can appreciate it and you can realize how much time you actually save and that's it and then you know try to build things whenever you need to do something in vanilla like it depends on the situation if you want to improve the site speed build everything with with vanilla if you to speed up your process and you don't care that much about losing maybe you know two milliseconds or something like that then yeah just learn with a framework or build it with a framework okay hello just one month ago i started to learn to become a junior developer today i finished my first project can you give me feedback for your pro for the project email me codingface gmail or come to come to the community post it let us come in and and and critique it and give you some pointers okay you know what i'm gonna do that right now that's a good thing right um i'm gonna add a section here so people can come in and you know share their their projects right share their projects or their portfolio okay let me see critique share project portfolio again let me see i'm gonna add it right now give me one second oh god damn it i made it as a category uh hold on edit this delete okay let me add this right here share project okay and there we go so i'm adding it right now so you could go and add it there add your project if you have the link to it like a you know netlify or a heroku link whatever it is give us a little information about the project and then we're all critiquing and give you some pointers what's good what's not good right that's what the community is for okay so let me see boom matter of fact last year i'm gonna put in review my project or review my portfolio right okay give me one second review my project portfolio there we go okay and that's how it is that's how quick it is okay so there we go all right let's see if i share this in the screen so you can see where to go post it up there okay let the community give you some pointers okay and there we go okay so come in here post it right here you know create a new post post your your your project tell us what the project is don't just post a link hey review my project tell us what the project is right so people already know what to expect okay what is it that you're trying to accomplish in that project and that's it okay um so let me see what else reading through here i'm just trying to catch up with the the chat box uh guys please leave a like there's 130 people in here we need 130 likes okay what do you think about the merch stack the merge stack is great it's amazing very fun the only problem is as a beginner if you're trying to find a job as a merge stack developer is damn near impossible don't take the exception as the norm that's not normal right when you see some guy that comes in like whoa i got a job with the merch stack there's two things that you gotta ask them too how long did it take you right and also to what's your location those two things are very important because if somebody tells you i just found a job my first job as a as a merchant developer those two things are super important the location right and how long did it take them and another thing is you know um like what have you know what have we done before because there's people that come in and be like well i was uh you know i was a i don't know database administrator at some company and they'll be like yeah you know i did that for five years you know it was more like i.t work but then that actually helps them to get the job you know what i'm saying now you as a beginner and you're looking at the merced you're like oh man i want to i love the merge stack i want to get my first job as a merge stack developer right which is mongodb express react and node right that whole stack you're trying to get a job in that that stack and you're like man but i'm not getting the same results as this guy and it's like well you didn't know that the guy he took it took him a whole year and a half to do this you didn't know that the guy lives in in a tech hub you didn't know that the guy had a freaking background with you know database administration and you don't have that you're just a random guy on the internet learning from youtube trying to get this for free or learning on udemy for 10 bucks you get what i'm saying so you can't compare yourself to him right the results that he got are not going to be the same thing that you're going to be able to get okay and if you do get it it's it's like literally it's like lotteries it's a it's a lottery system you're going to saying like so for me i personally like to take control of my life and i don't like to leave to destiny right i know a lot of people that try to get jobs as murder stack developers and it's like bro um i can guarantee you that is not easy right i've done you know node.js express mongodb react i've done next year yes i could tell you that that stack is not for a beginner that's not for like a a dude that just started yesterday and companies are not hiring guys that are just a beginner that you came in and you well i i did a a netflix clone you're not getting hired just because you had that like it takes so much more than just that and it's a lot of skills and experience in web development you have more chances in starting with php and learning web development and having a year of experience as a php developer and then jump into node.js then somebody coming in and saying i took a course online and now i'm trying to become a node.js developer like it's not happening my dude let me see what else to the dumb reading through here joe keep the fire the yearly is on the recording phase courses titles guys don't be let me see right into him i'm about to read the nightbot got him while he calls says html css minimum depends on what title javascript will be good hello just one month ago read that uh renamed wendes sends a pln what's a pln what the hell is that pln currency what the hell is a plan polling zioni equal oh that's like poland shout out to my people in poland polling i'm like what the hell is a pia lang i've never seen that adrian torok what up what up hey what's good bro shout out to adrian uh torok sorry sorry if i killed your name bro i don't know how to say your name adrian tarak or tuarek how's australia man i keep hearing australia is getting crazy bro like i hear that you guys cannot even go outside right now like it's crazy if you're not a vaccine you can't go to the store like those is outside like yo hold on i'm trying to buy a a coffee through the drive-through and they're like nah you're not even supposed to be driving like get your ass back inside so thank you for coming through adrian if that's the real adrian because sometimes you'll be seeing people that it's like yo they take the they take the name and they take the icon and then you like yo is that the real one you know [Laughter] should be crazy man uh but welcome to the community man okay if it's really you joseph morales says dan joe with the big how moves am finally here on my lunch break hey what up uh d thompson if that's the d thompson that's the real d thompson shout out to d thompson man uh back at it again uh yes sir joseph dominguez joe keep making these dope courses i will gladly give you my money in exchange for your knowledge hey man i don't want people to be here forever right like this is not a thing where like yo i'm gonna hold you forever and this is the thing right this is why i want you guys to have success because my goal is you know even with the yearly subscription and the lifetime subscription and the monthly subscription my goal is not to have you here you for the rest of your life and be like whoa i'm i'm paying for a subscription for the rest of my life nah man codyface.com is literally to you know to hold your hand your first to three years as a developer right but at any moment you could get out of here as soon as you got your job you could quit you could be like hey joe thank you you know uh god bless you and here's a pat on the back and you move on right now why i do this this subscription is because i want to help people out and the main reason why i want to come in and have you guys have success is because right now you might be new to the the community right and you might be new to to the channel and what everything that we do here but imagine this if you come in in 2020 right and you have no success in 2020 right and you don't find your job you don't get into a position guess who loses me right because regardless either you get a job or you don't get a job at some point you're gonna say hey joe thank you for your services i'm out of here right i don't need your services no more but what guarantees for me to have another year of providing the service to you know to the community and everything that we do it's the fact that people get results so by you leaving out of here with results you come in and you share around twitter you come in and you share it on instagram you come in and you share it on on youtube you share it on a blog post somebody asks you at work hey man how you learned this thing well i found this crazy guy on the internet named coding face and then now that person comes in right you took over the other day and the uber is talking about man i wish i could learn how to code now you come in you say well you know what man check out this guy coding face i learned how to code over there you know i learned a couple of things i'm working now go check him out now by you having success it brings people to me right so at the end of the day i know for sure i don't want you guys to be here like forever it's like i'm stuck to joe joe put the golden handcuffs on me like i'm stuck with joe like you're not stuck with me bro right what i want you guys to do is find success so when you share where you find your success it allows us to continue to grow next year right all the work that i'm putting in for this year it's not for this year i'm getting all my residuals and royalties and and income that i'm getting is from the work that i put in last year you get what i'm saying most of you guys are finding this community now you're not finding it from what i did this year yeah finding it from what i did last year it's the same that i you know i found this model this business model that works which is find people success right and those people are going to bring more people to you right so as i put in all this work this year i'm going to make sure that next year is going to be good you're going to say like i already know exactly what we're going to do next year because of how many people are in and how many people were getting into jobs and getting into opportunities okay but don't think that we want to have you here with the golden handcuffs nah bro i want you to do your own thing and move on because in reality to be honest with you once you learn enough about certain skills right and about development you shouldn't have a reason to have to take any course you get what i'm saying because it's like me i don't buy no courses i buy courses to literally see how i can improve on what they have done or what the competition sucks at so i could do it better than them that's the only time i buy courses now everything that i know i look at the documentation and that's the level that i want you guys to get to where you don't need me or anybody else to buy any courses you're going to say um but yeah that's that that's the goal so don't worry about it i'm not trying to put you to golden hand because he's like damn god damn it joe some dude did some dude been here for 27 years he's like god damn it joe golden handcuffs some dude he's like yo i've been a yearly member for 27 years joe let me go like [Laughter] so dude he's like yo i should have put that lifetime 10 years ago like let me go [Laughter] some dudes open up the the community tab and you know how people you know we have all the different sections people go open up their own spaces some do some user renames themselves noah and he's like yo joe let my people go like let my people go we've been here for 27 years joe i came in here i was a young 25 year old i'm damn near 47 years old don't let my people go now man you're supposed to be here you know maximum you know a year two years bro like do what you got to do man yeah i'm stupid man oh man uh let me see launching youtube channel after watching uh your feature on free cocaine how to create a coding youtube channel thanks man hey definitely for sure um hey bro how are you i know it says uh let me see who else is in here [Laughter] it's true elijah's like yo this is funny man it's true though so i'm doing because some people they'd be like yo it's a subscription it's like like netflix right like i've been on netflix straight up i've been on netflix from like when they had dvds bro you know in these days i've been like i'm about to cancel this but then i'm like yo i'm grandfather in like they give me a 20 discount i ain't leaving this you know so i'm imagining some dude 27 years later he's like joe let my people go we've been here for 27 years like enough is enough how many career bundles can we get like that man guys i make this for everybody everybody has a thing that you know i'm just imagining some dude like that yo that should be funny man something do it in the comment section like yo i'm the noah like we outside please joe let my people go [Laughter] nah man you can't do whatever you want man um the town said joe is inching uh closer it's closer to 100k milestone they can hey but they can't stop the girl hey man we grow a little by little you know what i mean nothing crazy uh you know it's one step at a time i feel like we could have grown but again like i said i'm so focused on getting results for my community i'm always focusing on what's happening on codingface.com like even what i do now when i come here and do this live streams like you don't see me doing too much for youtube right like i'm doing stuff that is community based right like i could have a hundred thousand two hundred thousand a million subscribers but if that million subscribers is not part of the community like i wouldn't be happy right like right now most of the people that's in here like you see billy rodriguez you got wally coast ethan jay even you uh the times like there's people in here that i know i damn near know everybody like i feel like i know everybody that's in here right so every single day i'm like as i grow i'm like this is cool but i also kind of want to keep it as a small thing where it's like oh this is like a the you know like one of those good restaurants where they got the the banging pasta you know what i mean i'm the i'm on the gordon ramsay of of of youtube you know what i'm saying like nobody knows about this restaurant but i'm just there i'm the so bait you know what i mean when i come in i'll be like throw some extra sauce on that you know i mean people come here it's a small channel but we make ways you know what i mean so definitely my people go yo i'm stupid bro oh my god i wish i could just hang out with all of you guys man yo we'll have fun man yo last night i was talking to my brother yo we laughed for like an hour bro we laughed for like an hour just laughing about dumb like he was telling me something about about his uh he did a trip to go to a mountain and he was like yo he's like yo it's so cool because he moved here now from the dominican republic now he's living here in the in new jersey and he's like yo it's so cool man with twenty dollars we went to the top of the mountain we all chipped in and i'm thinking about how i'm like bro like yeah that's how it is bro like everybody chips in over here like yo with twenty dollars you good you got enough for the gas somebody bought some mcdonald's with that you're gonna saying everybody good y'all make it to the top of the mountain you know [Laughter] and you might you might get some medicine up there somebody brought a little extra pass that around you know i mean it's america right and it was just like mad jokes like we're just cracking jokes the whole night man uh courses says yes the docs are your best uh not to go off code and talk but did anyone catch the new matrix for looks pretty dope yeah i saw it it looks pretty nice you might see me in there i i did a cameo you know me i'm the glitch in the matrix my dude i did a cameo you know i mean um obviously go off top or put community tab for everyone who doing time in the corner facebook for the community for everyone who doing time in the coding face pen oh man what languages do you recommend for beginners um basically html css start with that right it's being able to build a web page then from there jump into javascript and then if you want to go in and learn more about like programming you know python is always good to start you know uh python ruby i like both of those languages like as far as like programming if you want to learn like how to loop over something if you want to learn how to start thinking like a programmer i think those languages are very easy to to get started with um but if you are looking to get a job that's a different story you know what you want to do is you want to go and focus on javascript and probably php okay is it still good to go with jquery um you could use jquery there's a lot of companies people be like oh jquery is dead nah jquery is always gonna be around okay there's gonna be legacy code all over the world man that's just how it is jameson says shout out to maximum like i don't know yo yo yo you you fresh my dude you fresh i don't know how to say his name can somebody put in how to say his name can somebody like sort of type it out and and type it out how i will go in and and say his name i don't know how to say his name it's not me trying to not me trying to be funny i don't know how to say his name maximilian i don't know how to say it oh man uh hey joe would you consider adding a ui ux career path it's not code but it's adjacent and it's good money well let me see hey joe will you consider uiux um i mean we could but not right now maybe in the future maybe in the future you know maybe somebody else could teach that um but not right now uh let me see fred while he goes how was the interview process for html what's up coding friends uh fam brandon mckenzie let me see david he says do you think shopify jobs are fairly open to noobs yes e-commerce are always uh open to to the new developers like and new employees and the reason why that is is because what they care about in e-commerce is can you do the job it's not about how many years you bring in the game it's not about what degree you got it's not about um you know how much of a good talker you are nah what they care about is the results because in e-commerce is very fast-paced like they don't have time to be like well we're gonna train this guy no one has time for that companies don't have time for that when they hire you is because they have a big project coming up or they hiring you because the developers that are there are overwhelmed or somebody quit that's how it is so they're not looking to be like well we want to go in and find a guy that can pass the algorithms right but he don't know how to do and we're just going to have him here for the next two three months where we teach them about you know how our company works they're not going to do that they do that at like corporate companies they do that share like fang google companies like that and e-commerce like let's say for example you go in and you start working at plunder or you start working at gap you're not going through like the same type of interview that you would go through on on those companies than what you're going to like a fan company like it's two different things okay let me see can y'all help me with this i'm stuck between getting a job in tech with data analytics or just web development which is harder i don't know data science i mean that's what you're talking about um i mean what i will say is most people i know that's doing like data science you know machine learning and like that they all have degrees like straight up this isn't like well i took a udemy coursing right i landed a a two hundred thousand dollar job it's like nah bro you gotta have math you gotta have a whole bunch of it's a certain background that you need to have it's not as easy as web development right web development is like oh can you build a web page cool you could get a job just with that can you do a little html css you could get a job with that you could even start making money on your own with just a little bit there's people right now making money and all they can do is just convert a a design into html css they don't know how to do anything else but they're you know they're able to make their extra 50 100 200 per project and that's enough to make a living in some places right so you you're not gonna find that with data science you're not gonna be like well i found this guy under bridge and he told me he could he could you know give me uh come up with with a good uh algorithm or like a good uh report analysis of what should be our next uh our next product like you're not gonna find that you know i mean like some dude under a bridge that we found him under a bridge he was a good guy you know i mean we like his beard you know and and he said he said he could he could give us an analysis on our next job next product that we're gonna drop like nah i don't think so you know uh jesus junkie says uh javascript is hard javascript is not hard take the practical javascript course that i have on codingface.com and i break it down pretty simple you know javascript is actually is not easy as some other languages but it's not like hard like i could show you hard i think golang is hard i think erlang is is hard i think um java c sharp or hard because you might have to go in and put in the different types and stuff like that to me that's hard that's annoying um haskell is hard but javascript is not hard and javascript you can say it's from easy to intermediate uh yeah justin clark says thanks joe russ is hard word yeah exactly like this there's languages that are hard that you're like yo hold on what am i looking at like like i mean especially um erlang man when i when when i've done erlang i'm like yo this is annoying this is the worst this is probably like one of the ugliest languages i've ever seen but some people like it right and also too it's functional programming i don't like functional programming i like functional programming so some type of um you know using it for using it for some type of ways where it's optional i don't like building everything in a functional way like nah i'm good uh let me see um joe do you recommend to begin with a job or freelancing i mean excuse me i'm in morocco um if you could find a job go ahead for it uh but if you're in another country and you're trying to find like something that's going to pay you good freelance freelance over here in the us anyone else learning javascript jesus junkie this is where you want to go in and you want to join the community this is why you want to go in show up to community.codingface.com and hey link up with people okay link up with people and going in the career path what career path are you doing right now you know so like that people can help you out you know build that network build that network of developers that can help you out give you pointers i think the best thing about like a boot camp is the fact that there's other students learning with you right um mcdew says haven't heard you talk about crystal lang in a while do you think it's a future language it is but it's a beautiful language the thing is how can i say it's like there's too much going on right now in the world for it to get uh limelight and you will need somebody with a lot of clout like somebody who let's say traversing media traversing media has you know he has a lot of clout let's say you get traversing media you get a a death ad you get um who else got clout um let me see one of the those guys that's up there right you get one of those guys talking about crystal lang and showing the projects that they are building with crystal lang more people are gonna start using it but remember you know no shot to anybody but most people are not in the game of of like creating new things or making things popular during the game of creating what people are searching for meaning nobody's searching for crystal lengths or there's no point of them creating a crystalline crash course or crystalline uh course i think the only person that really did it was um derek banis right so besides him i don't think nobody else has done it right um but that's where it comes down to certain things you know like it's about clout bro you know you need a big company to come in and say hey we're using crystal lang because we're still laying right now is on version 1.0 so it's a stable language now but again you know also too another thing that's messing it up is that it doesn't have support for windows and a lot of companies not a lot of companies but people hold that against it and be like oh there's not that much support for windows man windows that's that's straight up windows is a shitty system and if you already have linux installed you're good to go so you could install crystalling you know but i don't know i love crystalline because crystalline is basically ruby but way faster and actually more fun you know so let's see let's see what happens you know they need they need to have people uh with clout you know i also too i try to reach out to the guys who are the creators of of like uh crystal lang and at the end of the day how can i say this like you know i try to reach out to them to like have them on an interview and stuff like that but those guys they don't want to do anything right they don't want to do an interview they don't want to you know one of the reasons why like vue.js is vue.js it's not because vue.js is so much better than all the other frameworks that's out there you know like isabelle is i think it's way better than than vue.js but why is it that vue.js is vue.js you know that guy even you he's he's not dumb he knows he got to promote he got to go out there he's a hustler you know i'm saying he's a hustler he's grinding right some of these guys that are geniuses they create these languages they create this frameworks and they do it and they put it online and say well my work is so good let people find it let people find it nah you got to promote it you got to put yourself out there you got to hop on those conferences you got to go to you know those podcasts you got to jump on on on a youtube channel somebody like myself i'm not big but i got you know i got a wave when i come in here i put my stamp on something i make waves i gave an extension to crystal lang for like two three years people talked to about crystalline because of me straight up if it wasn't because of me nobody would even remember this right so it's like yo if you are a creator be smart man this is this reminds me of like when you know back in the days like rappers right because i come from the world of music like i'm really deep into music right so be a producer etc so i know the whole world of the music industry there was a point where people were like the best rappers right but they wouldn't go to radio interviews they wouldn't go to like a show or they wouldn't go and meet up with with fans right because they wanted to keep that mystique of like oh i'm such a special person that no one can touch me no one can reach to me that don't work not in this era and it doesn't matter what you do it could be programming could be marketing it could be uh creating toys creating whatever the hell you create you create something if i create this product you know what i'm gonna be doing i'm going outside with it i'm going to the park i say hey man i created this water right i did a collaboration with publix and we created the spring water you know what i'm doing i'm showing up to all the freaking sports events with a van full of water and be like yo who thirsty who wants to drink kids is playing playing ball like yo you want some water here you go okay some water promote this it's your brand it's your you did your work why people always ask me look in 2017 people used to be like why you always saying codingface.com codingface.com code codingface.com is codingface.com for a reason i work hard for this i didn't put four years of my life into this thing to not tell people about codingface.com these guys have like almost damn near 10 years creating a programming language which is probably the best programming language out there that has been created in the last 10 20 years and they're not promoting it they don't go to podcasts they don't go to conferences they don't go to anything it's like here's for my little community on github bro get out there you have a great product promote the out of it you know and why i'm so passionate about this topic because this is that i want you guys to learn like stop thinking things is going to come to you it's like right now you are a developer right you're learning how to become a developer if you're expecting for a recruiter i've seen people that be like well i'm gonna go on linkedin and i'm gonna put in i know this i know that i know that recruiters is gonna hit me up no recruiters is not gonna hit you up some of them the the bums recruiters the guys that's scraping the crumbs they're gonna hit you up but the guys that could almost damn near guarantee your job they're not hitting you up because you have to go out there and build a brand join the forums as you know ask some questions or or answers on quora go join tic tac or join twitter join even youtube create a brand around yourself when people search your name your should say developer and has worked here has done this has done that has done this has done that if you're showing up like well i'm talented they'll find me nah it's just like rappers back in the days and artists how many times you've seen people that you go on the train and they're singing and they got amazing voices and you'll be like how is this person here on the train they never hustled they never showed up to the events that they needed to go to they never networked they never created a website but yet you'll see them on the train with an amazing voice they have a talent but they didn't hustle their talent it's the same that happens with development you know why is we even talking about vue.js because you know the people that's behind vjs they know what they're doing they're not stupid they know that it's like hey man if we stick around we just hold this and put this show on github no one's gonna use it now everybody's using it because they did every podcast they joined every forum they joined every single thing i'm pretty sure they even created quora accounts youtube accounts like i remember when vue.js came around and i was talking about vue.js uh even you was in my youtube channel you could look at that up right he's out here he knows what i do out here right but he's grinding he that's why i respect him do i like the framework i don't like it like that but i respect it i unders understand that they're grinding right and that's what you're supposed to do promote promote your your your you know your business promote what you create and those guys are crystalline they don't do that man um but yeah guys i'm about to head out of here man we had a lot of fun um again click the description guys go in join the community community.codingphase.com okay let's get started let's go in let's answer some questions let's go in and uh get ready for this live events for the yearly members that we're going to be doing on a weekly basis okay and um let me see you know you got the job hunting digital products you got all of that man come through right i'm paying money for this i'm paying for making sure that you guys have a great tool a great platform for you guys to go and communicate with each other and and build this community how it's supposed to be right and i'm doing it with a smile in my face because i'm freaking happy i'm like yo we're about to make this lit man we're about to make this late we're going to have so many people in here right today we're gonna start emailing um everybody every member of coding face everybody that has ever registered uh one day in coding phase is gonna get an email to come join the community so this community i wouldn't be surprised it's like 10 000 deep by the end of the month okay or even more right so definitely go check it out guys um i'll see you guys later all right shout out to everybody in here like i said uh let me see just reading through here uh gary weller says when is the first one happening i'll email you all the yearly plus members you're gonna get uh email when we just go we're gonna start doing this there's uh these meetings every week and i'm gonna put up a poll first where you guys are gonna decide what day and what time is the best time for everybody to show up right if you guys want me to do at nine o'clock ten o'clock at night i'll do it ten o'clock at night if you guys want to do it at seven o'clock at night we do at seven o'clock at night if it's on a monday we do it on a monday if you want to do it on a thursday we do it on a thursday whatever you guys want to do okay um okay i'll see you guys uh let me see what does your recommend cocaine cut events look man co cocademy is a different thing okay go academy has like little tutorials they're not building uncle academy you could go try it out it's it's a platform just like free code cam if you're gonna go and pay for coke academy just go to free cocaine you're going to get the same again that's just me being honest with you okay uh i'll see you guys later say boy joe back at it again cody
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 2,471
Rating: 4.9381442 out of 5
Id: xEk_DYjHu08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 57sec (5457 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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