Exploring an Abandoned Skyscraper from 1904 (21 Stories of Decay)

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[Music] [Music] standing 21 stories tall a derelict skyscraper paints the skyline of an old midwest city in the united states the exterior is hidden by taller modern skyscrapers of today's world but once you get closer you could really admire its beauty [Music] and the inside is just as beautiful [Music] built in 1904 originally only 14 stories it was the tallest building in the city in 1924 an additional seven stories was capped on top along with a church chapel this was dayton's first skyscraper and this building had some notable tenants orville and wilbur wright more known as the wright brothers inventors of flight and airplanes had a business on the 13th floor this enormous building had many tenants and served numerous purposes throughout the years music studios beauty shops government offices apartments and oh yeah a penthouse on the top floor we will find many remnants of the past inside this derelict skyscraper much from many different decades this footage was filmed a number of years ago and i'm releasing the footage now because the building is planned for redevelopment and will be saved to me this building was a top explorer of mine throughout the years and i truthfully love this place if you guys enjoy just as much as i do please leave a thumbs up on the video and without further ado let's go explore to begin our explore we are in the basement as we ascend things will get older because the building shut down the top levels first and the bottom levels last so stay till the end to see the oldest artifacts left in this building this is the workers locker room probably their items here got really old ones are really rusted calendar is stuck up on the wall i can't oh 1981 wow i love the orange wow this is a sauna which is like a personal sauna oh your head sticks out of here yeah you're just sitting there and you oh yeah i could see like the temperature would rise underneath you yeah this is cool this is probably from like the early 50s or yeah they had really weird tech like appliances back then coming up it could have been safe [Applause] okay we're inside of an office first floor we could be seeing it from a lot of areas so we're gonna keep it low and take a look at this typewriter that's awesome also got a bunch of these keys here there's something unique that you definitely don't see this is a cigarette vending machine i've actually never seen one of these next to it we have a food selection steak and buttered onions for a dollar twenty five would you trust it coming out of here i don't know i don't think i would i'm literally crouching through this area just to get a view without being seen it looks like some homeless activity was here or just squatters it's probably the head office head boss's office for this area nothing in here now though just smash window like i said before this building had numerous tenants in this office we'll be exploring the city's former parole office left inside criminal records along with drug tests used and unused so this used to be a parole office for the city they had a little spot in here apparently there's inmates files left behind whoa these are all police documents yeah i could tell the mug shot right there uh so this is all police documentation just sitting in a box for the public to see names addresses social security guard social security number and pictures look at these posters we found air force 2000 this thing looks so sick [Music] yeah i'll fail it uh opioids amphetamines uh cocaine pcphc there you go i'll pass them [Applause] pretty interesting never seen one of those before i have yeah no it looks used for sure okay so here's the drop test and then this one is actually used over here and it looks like the person did pcp this used to be a music studio here [Applause] so i think either this would be the music room or that would be not sure got a cool carpet though this fan is from starbucks i didn't see that on their menu this was another recording room i believe where this was too you can see the window we have a room completely filled with vinyls wow but look at all these records left here all just filled level six we're here inside of like a cafeteria the lunchroom check it out 50 cents well i love the colored seats that are like completely discolored and just dusty got some nice curtains in a carpet old school another typewriter ibm it's got a lot of jam keys oh sweet it's like a mailbox that goes right down to the basement oh yeah mail shoot here we are in one beauty salon that's actually on the same floor no chairs in this one but we have the uh mirror you get your hair done in front of and we have some sinks over here you'd let your hair drain pretty cool old style cool little handles too for the drawers there's a salon on the floor above us we're gonna check out a little bit right here we have storage of the little head pieces that you'd get onto your head i don't remember what they're called right now but that's what they are this office room just has a bunch of protesting signs that we use this office for it's like plan and stuff you can see all the files left behind and the spoon put that in here crazy though [Applause] you can really see all the signs over here those are the bottom handles of all of them i'll get a better view from the other room there you go now you can see all the signs just dug in there [Applause] example of one even the fire escape has nice design but we're gonna be going up to the next floor another mail shoot i think those are so cool that's crazy we still have so much to see too yeah these windows are so cool another cool view of this pool i'm gonna call it now unique windows though for an office building this used to be the salon here also known as the beauty shop and you still have some chairs left behind pretty cool it's pretty rare to find these in places but luckily enough they're in here this must have closed down way before the rest of the building did we got ash trays in the seats that's how old you know these are this is awesome though i never seen a pair or a couple of these uh chairs in this condition all these rooms are pretty copy and paste these are like offices that were made in the 70s got the carpet and the wood paneling a slightly yellow and white tiled floor which i like a lot how old are these from 1955 wow pretty insane i can't tell if it's a real newspaper or like a like a fake catalog it's like mostly ads and then this is talking about overweight women complaining about dress sizes so it kind of just seems like it's all like a a sales catalog or something yeah and sears this room has a bunch of old posters for the us military i like how they're faded away a little bit looks pretty cool nostalgic a salute to those who dream and those who dare discover america's pride nice view this side looks like a construction site oh my god that doll scared me a little bit i'm not gonna lie i throw somebody's head this probably wasn't a salon that makes sense look at all dusty this is a pretty cool room i like the uh the windows in it it's definitely the brightest one here just some wall art that was probably one of the offices just sitting here in the uh little maintenance room pretty nice piece i don't really mind it definitely aged but still retro time to ascend nice red carpet oh that door is so decayed i love how that looks wow looks like we're almost in a house now as you will now notice the rest of the building from here on out is going to seem a lot older these floors shut down way earlier than the rest of the building leaving behind a lot of history to not only see but feel this is definitely older oh that shy carpet right there this is a nice view but so is this i love the windows and the reflection on the ground this is so beautiful now we are on the top top floor yet but this is one of them a lot of flies up here [Music] not gonna go too far out but get the gist of it [Music] okay we're going up on the 10th floor still loving these moldings hallways are definitely larger taller ceilings [Applause] one thing that's persistent up here but some really cool windows i mean you can imagine just coming up here into this office building for any reason and uh just going up into one of these offices and meeting with someone back in the day got some nice big windows looking over at the courtyard or whatever you want to call this little pool drop down this room also has a safe so that's pretty cool it's completely rusted pink [Applause] pretty cool wow look at there they busted in the pipe they busted through the wall so before this was actually opened someone probably busted in there to see if there anything was left of steel look at the moldings right here before this is this is upside down but before it was center city it was called the ub building and ub is in here upside down it's a little rusted shut but some cool little fact to know see if the other side is better whoa here's another safe this is a big one oh this is a really heavy door wow [Music] almost pinch my finger in there pretty cool these old safes are awesome i mean once they get it up here it's impossible to remove again just that heavy inside the law office that had the safe still oh those are that's a really old bag of peanut m ms i love peanut m ms and that is a really old one expiration date [Applause] i don't know i see an old mountain dew can in here look at this we get oh this is another safe look at that [Applause] vintage bathroom cold sinks that's about it though 11th floor already see more safes [Applause] that's really cool united states civil service commission it must have been awesome to have a office up in here though back in the day this is the tallest building around too so see all the people down though so cool these always are arch windows another safe this building had a lot of them wow this is a really nice room the doors on both sides too really cool vintage building oh my god that's a that's a hawk yeah i'm trying to open it for you buddy [Applause] is it locked hopefully has enough energy to fly i let it oh no [Applause] [Applause] oh come on come on we gotta get this thing out oh be careful [Applause] let me see hold this hold both [Applause] i'm not stuck they nailed it you can see the nails up top here oh i can't even pull it up how'd this guy get in here oh my god i hate this so chris just opened up a window on the other side we just got to get this bird over there don't grab it it's a hawk it's going to bite the crap out of you kidding me look at that thing it's beautiful though hold on no no let it chill out let it chill out it's been going for a while chris hey dude you're gonna get messed up because i wouldn't do that yeah look at its mouth open yeah it's going to mess you up so we opened a window on the other side of the building oh okay let's leave it alone let's leave it alone let's leave it alone please all right we opened a window is basically i'm trying to say we opened a window and now we're going to walk away from it we can't get it out of that room but he's out oh he's getting closer to the window we're just going to hope and say that he does find his way because we don't want to see him die he's definitely an awesome bird no i'd let him go we're going to give him a heart attack he'll find his way i'll feel the breeze probably true let's hope one of these upper levels was a bank so we have another vault we have a cash register a very old one have a slip in here superior life superior life insurance company let's go into the private office [Applause] yeah this place definitely has a lot of these this one's in the most grime most decay [Applause] another big one somebody busted in this one wow look at that so maybe somebody did actually steal stuff in here that's an old school bank heist and if anybody's wondering why there are so many vaults inside this building because it was built before the great depression and soon after that people just started carrying their money in vaults rather than put it in the bank making it safer in your own hands that way the bank can't hold it for you a lot of offices a lot of law firms even banks were even in here so it makes sense for all the votes to be here just found this room almost resembles like a living room we have this cool paint job on the wall a bookshelf then you come over here and we have a bed frame on the ground some tables you got remnants of an old poster you can see a dagger right there that's pretty crazy i have a little tiny kitchen and a big safe pretty serious [Applause] lawyer [Applause] philip blum see what he had going uh on basic office another bank vault typical typical [Applause] got all different types of doors all different uh [Applause] okay we're on the final floor at least in this staircase there could be another one i haven't been looking at the windows i don't even know where we are how's it looking up here empty okay so we did find another staircase this one goes up another couple stories now here we can take a look at the elevator shaft [Music] finally made it to the top old chandelier here it's very creepy looking look how much dust is on the ground so we're going to the penthouse now [Music] [Music] penthouse has beautiful design up top here love it here definitely the best views up top bathroom oh wow look at this tub and there's a dead bird in it that's great but holy crap that's awesome look at this imagine taking a shower a bath and having that view definitely would be taking longer to get ready in the morning i'll tell you that here's the shower so you'd have two people able to sit in this one pretty cool i'm going up into the attic [Applause] this is the light it needs to be hanging up there it needs to be a giant ladder that's awesome that'd be shining back in the day i'm sure yeah i wanted to in a fantasy world like get up there with ropes and then like just blast like a battery-powered light out of it that'd be so amazing and just like that you could put it right back in its original spot if you wanted to [Applause] all right guys that's gonna do it for today's video place was really awesome it's one of a couple of skyscrapers i've been into that are abandoned i haven't uploaded any on my channel besides this one because those need to be on the dl on the down low it can't really be exposed and if i show the outside of the building at all or out the windows it could potentially be compromised so you know how it is anyway i hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a thumbs up make sure to subscribe and hit the bell to know when i upload other videos other exploring videos historical videos we do it all so anyway until next time peace out i'll see you next time [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Dark Exploration Films
Views: 282,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploration, ue, exploring, exploringwithjosh, properpeople, danbell
Id: reT1NHxQEhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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